IT |
気になる、記になる… |
povo 2.0の「DAZN使い放題パック」は価格改定なし |
daznfordocomo |
2022-02-21 14:52:42 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
「iPod touch」、現行モデルの登場から1,000日経過 − 次期モデル投入の気配はなし |
apple |
2022-02-21 14:39:26 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Foxconn、「iPhone 14 Pro」の試作開始か |
iphonepro |
2022-02-21 14:13:36 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Pipfileで対象ファイルのhashの変更を無視する |
また、変更部分の反映もされない。 |
2022-02-21 23:39:04 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
「マイクロサービスパターン」の復習 7章 |
「マイクロサービスパターン」の復習章概要Java読書会でせっかく勉強したのにつぎつぎと忘れていくので、印象に残ったところを記録していく章マイクロサービスアーキテクチャでのクエリーの実装テーマはマイクロサービスアーキテクチャでいかにしてクエリーを実現するかAPICompositionパターン各マイクロサービスの手前にComposerを立てて、ComposerがAPIをクライアントに公開しつつ、各マイクロサービスに必要なクエリーを発行するAPIGatewayにComposerを埋め込むなり、独立サービスにするなり、役割分担は色々選択肢がある例ComposerはクライアントにfindOrderを提供するために、Order、Kitchen、Deliveryなどのマイクローサービスを呼び出して、得られた情報を結合した結果を返す利点直感的で分かりやすい欠点ComposerでJoinの処理をするので、大量データを扱うのは難しいCQRSCommandQueryResponsibilitySegregationパターン概要クエリー専用のサービスと専用のデータベースを用意するクエリー専用サービスは、各マイクロサービスからのイベントを受けて自身のテーブルを更新するクエリー機能は、自身のテーブルに対するクエリーで実現する利点更新系Command系のサービスと、クエリー系のサービスで関心事を分離できる作り次第でクエリーが高速、かつ多様にできる事前にイベントを受けて情報を貯めておくので、クエリーに都合のいい形を事前に作っておけるので欠点複雑。 |
2022-02-21 23:53:55 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
JSONの中身はプレーンオブジェクトとは限らない |
JSONは、配列やオブジェクトだけでなく、JSON内部に入れることができるあらゆるデータ型のデータだけでも有効なものになります。 |
2022-02-21 23:51:40 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
<初心者>データベースに保存されません |
adminusercreate基本的にクラス名は「アッパーキャメルケース」メソッド名、変数名は「スネークケース」ターミナルで「railsgmodelなんちゃら」とかで作成したりするとclass名とかは自動的に入力されているものの、ActiveHashを使う時とか手動で作成する場合にはこちらを考慮した方がいいかもしれません。 |
2022-02-21 23:50:14 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWSLightsailを使ってWordPressを立ち上げるまで |
仕事でLightsailを使ったことないので、これを機に使ってみることにしましたLightsailでWordpressがインストールされたインスタンスを起動するマネジメントコンソールの左上サービスをクリックし、Lightsailで検索し、クリック。 |
2022-02-21 23:15:31 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【git】git reset とgit revertコマンドの違い |
【git】gitresetとgitrevertコマンドの違いgitresetgitreset【オプション】【HEADorHEADnor】指定した値まで【コミット履歴編集内容】が削除される。 |
2022-02-21 23:31:14 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
<初心者>データベースに保存されません |
adminusercreate基本的にクラス名は「アッパーキャメルケース」メソッド名、変数名は「スネークケース」ターミナルで「railsgmodelなんちゃら」とかで作成したりするとclass名とかは自動的に入力されているものの、ActiveHashを使う時とか手動で作成する場合にはこちらを考慮した方がいいかもしれません。 |
2022-02-21 23:50:14 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rspec】Rails system_specでのcheckboxのテストの仕方 |
ですので、リンクでない文字にクラスを付与しそれをクリックさせます。 |
2022-02-21 23:46:32 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
AWS CDKで構築したLambda@Edge関数を削除する際の注意点 |
awscdk |
2022-02-21 14:49:09 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
AWS CDK でStep FunctionsのAPIを作成してみた。 |
apigatewayrestapi |
2022-02-21 14:25:58 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
The best Presidents Day deals we’re seeing right now [Updated] |
cards |
2022-02-21 14:39:57 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Study: Reducing poverty and climate goals aren’t at odds |
emissions |
2022-02-21 14:09:56 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Optimize the Airflow on Your Gaming PC |
computer |
2022-02-21 14:45:12 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Fully Customize LibreOffice: 5 Ways |
libreoffice |
2022-02-21 14:30:12 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
tsParticles 2.0.2 is out. Breaking changes ahead, but keeping the 1.x support for now. |
tsParticles is out Breaking changes ahead but keeping the x support for now tsParticles Changelog Breaking ChangesStarting from version tsparticles won t be a single package anymore Its growth makes me think a lot about splitting the project in more packages The new structure will be a common engine and lot of packages with single features that can be installed and loaded so everyone can install only the features they need and for the lazy ones there are bundles and presets ready to be used For example if you want to stick with the tsparticles library you can still install it and use the bundle file with the CDN You can easily set it up when using import or require since you have to add few lines of code to the v configuration import tsParticles from tsparticles engine this is the new common packageimport loadFull from tsparticles this function loads all the features contained in v packageloadFull tsParticles this is needed to load all the features and can be done everywhere before using tsParticles loadtsParticles load tsparticles options this must be done after loadFull PROSmaller output you can import only the features you need without a lot of unused code Better performance since a lot of features are not imported they are not running reducing general performance More features more calculations needed CONSAll features needs to be installed which result in a long package json file that s why presets will be more important now Previous code won t work anymore without importing the right packages this is a needed breaking change New FeaturesAdded outside and inside values to particles move direction optionsAdded outside and inside values to particles move out modes options How to migrate from v to v Version x is still the latest tag on npm but the next version has a version which is something I need to release to the public to find issues and receive some feedbacks Migration Steps Vanilla JS HTML usageJust change the tsparticles file from tsparticles min js to tsparticles bundle min js if the slim version is used there s a bundle also there but it s a different package now called tsparticles slim ModulesInstall the package tsparticles engine using the next tag like this npm install tsparticles engine nextReplace all your tsparticles imports to tsparticles engine Add import loadFull from tsparticles in the imports or its RequireJS version This requires the new x version you can install it using npm install tsparticles nextCall loadFullIf using a React Vue Angular Svelte or other kind of component in particlesInit init property passing the same parameter coming from the init function to loadFullIf not just call loadFull tsParticles before any tsParticles usage AlternativeUsing the bundled version of the tsparticles package is not optimal it s easier to implement but it could load a lot of unnecessary stuff I want to take the following code as an example it s the core of tsparticles slim package import type Engine from tsparticles engine import loadAngleUpdater from tsparticles updater angle import loadBaseMover from tsparticles move base import loadCircleShape from tsparticles shape circle import loadColorUpdater from tsparticles updater color import loadExternalAttractInteraction from tsparticles interaction external attract import loadExternalBounceInteraction from tsparticles interaction external bounce import loadExternalBubbleInteraction from tsparticles interaction external bubble import loadExternalConnectInteraction from tsparticles interaction external connect import loadExternalGrabInteraction from tsparticles interaction external grab import loadExternalPauseInteraction from tsparticles interaction external pause import loadExternalPushInteraction from tsparticles interaction external push import loadExternalRemoveInteraction from tsparticles interaction external remove import loadExternalRepulseInteraction from tsparticles interaction external repulse import loadImageShape from tsparticles shape image import loadLifeUpdater from tsparticles updater life import loadLineShape from tsparticles shape line import loadOpacityUpdater from tsparticles updater opacity import loadOutModesUpdater from tsparticles updater out modes import loadParallaxMover from tsparticles move parallax import loadParticlesAttractInteraction from tsparticles interaction particles attract import loadParticlesCollisionsInteraction from tsparticles interaction particles collisions import loadParticlesLinksInteraction from tsparticles interaction particles links import loadPolygonShape from tsparticles shape polygon import loadSizeUpdater from tsparticles updater size import loadSquareShape from tsparticles shape square import loadStarShape from tsparticles shape star import loadStrokeColorUpdater from tsparticles updater stroke color import loadTextShape from tsparticles shape text export async function loadSlim engine Engine Promise lt void gt await loadBaseMover engine await loadParallaxMover engine await loadExternalAttractInteraction engine await loadExternalBounceInteraction engine await loadExternalBubbleInteraction engine await loadExternalConnectInteraction engine await loadExternalGrabInteraction engine await loadExternalPauseInteraction engine await loadExternalPushInteraction engine await loadExternalRemoveInteraction engine await loadExternalRepulseInteraction engine await loadParticlesAttractInteraction engine await loadParticlesCollisionsInteraction engine await loadParticlesLinksInteraction engine await loadCircleShape engine await loadImageShape engine await loadLineShape engine await loadPolygonShape engine await loadSquareShape engine await loadStarShape engine await loadTextShape engine await loadLifeUpdater engine await loadOpacityUpdater engine await loadSizeUpdater engine await loadAngleUpdater engine await loadColorUpdater engine await loadStrokeColorUpdater engine await loadOutModesUpdater engine Vanilla JS HTML UsageSplitting things can be a long activity using lt script gt tags but nothing impossible From the example above every package needs its own lt script gt tag and every load function needs to be called using tsParticles as a parameter then use the tsParticles object as always The tsparticles engine must be always present if there are no bundles tsparticles slim tsparticles or any bundled preset Every other package is required only if you want to use that feature Let s see an example As you can see in the JS options there are the needed scripts and before using tsParticles load their functions are called to load everything correctly Every load function is async so it s a Promise that can be awaited it s not always necessary like in this case but it s recommended ModulesIn this case importing modules is easier since every module can be installed easily using npm yarn or pnpm Once installed the required packages import them and the code used for Vanilla JS HTML Usage works also here The module sample can be found here Components React Vue Angular Svelte Every component has a init or particlesInit checkout the documentation until everything has the same attribute that is the place to load all the components that function has an engine attribute which is the tsParticles instance used by the component React SampleVue js x SampleVue js x SampleAngular Sample |
2022-02-21 14:44:12 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Flask Blog Tutorial #2: User Registration and Interacting with MySQL |
Flask Blog Tutorial User Registration and Interacting with MySQLHowdy Geeks I am back again In this article we will create a database to save user information for registration and create forms for registration We will use MySQL so you can use either APACHE or if you use Windows you could download MySQL and use it Tutorial to download APACHE Tutorial to download MySQL Interacting with MySQL databaseAfter installing MySQL open cmd and run this code to access MySQL and create databases and tables mysql u root p u is for username p is for the password androot is the main admin so we are accessing MySQL DB as a root user To create a database After successfully signing in enter this command to show the created databases under your user SHOW DATABASES Next create your database for your flask blog app CREATE DATABASE name of db This will create a DB you can verify it by doing SHOW DATABASES To create tables in your db USE name of db Next we create tables CREATE TABLE users id INT AUTO INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY name VARCHAR email VARCHAR username VARCHAR password VARCHAR registered on TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT TIMESTAMP This creates an ID table that has a primary key name table of characters email table of characters username table of characters password table which will be hashed of characters and table for a date the user registers that automatically use the current date as the value You should see aQUERY OK rows affected warning sec To confirm write this command to show created tablesSHOW TABLES then DESCRIBE users You should see this Flask MySQL DBNext we install flask mysql to interact with our created tables on MySQL To install pip install flask mysqldb In addition we need to validate our login and register form so let s install wtform To install pip install Flask WTF Since we are saving users passwords we need to hash them We can do so by using passlib To install pip install passlib Register formLet s work on the registration form but before that import Flash For flash messages on the form Redirect For redirecting users after completing the form url for For creating a URL that redirects users and prevents the overhead of having to change URLs in the application especially in templates session For supporting Server side application logging For functions and classes which implement a flexible event logging system for applications and libraries Do not forget to import our DB From flask mysqldb import MySQLNext up import wtform and the fields we will be using From wtform import Form StringField TextAreaField PasswordField ValidatorsNext let s import passlib to hash our saved passwordFrom passlib hash import sha crypt Creating a Registration formWe want to create our form with wtforms To do this we need to create class for each form class RegisterForm Form name StringField Name validators Length min max username StringField Username validators Length min max email StringField Email validators Length min max password PasswordField Password validators DataRequired validators EqualTo confirm message Password does not match confirm PasswordField Confirm Password Next let s create a route for registration app route register GET POST def register form RegisterForm request form By default all route has a GET method but we need to define a POST method Do not forget to import requests Let s create a register template and call it app route register methods GET POST def register form RegisterForm request form return render template register html form form Add random text on your HTML file and go to registerYou should see it display Let s create our form extends layout html block body lt h gt Register lt h gt from includes formhelpers html import render field lt form method post action gt lt div class form group gt render field form name class form control lt div gt lt div class form group gt render field form email class form control lt div gt lt div class form group gt render field form username class form control lt div gt lt div class form group gt render field form password class form control lt div gt lt div class form group gt render field form confirm class form control lt div gt lt p gt lt input type submit class btn btn primary value Submit gt lt p gt lt form gt endblock Now that is done we need to write form helpers to beautify and authenticate our created form Create a new file under includes folder Name the file formhelpers html macro render field field field label field kwargs safe if field errors for error in field errors lt span class help inline gt error lt span gt endfor endif endmacro Now that we are done we that we want to handle our submission Let s set up MySQL first First import flask mysql from data import Articlesfrom flask mysqldb import MySQLThen connect it to the app Config MySQL DBapp config MYSQL HOST localhost app config MYSQL USER root app config MYSQL PASSWORD app config MYSQL DB MyFlaskBlogDB app config MYSQL CURSORCLASS DictCursor MYSQL HOST defines the host of the database which is our localhostMYSQL USER is the user that authenticates the database MYSQL PASSWORD is the password for the databaseMYSQL DB is the database in use MYSQL CURSORCLASS In this case we will set it to return information in a dictionary by default Next we initialize our databasemysql MySQL app Next let s save information if it s a POST request app route register methods GET POST def register form RegisterForm request form if request method POST and form validate name form name data email form email data username form username data password sha crypt hash str form password data return render template register html form form sha crypt hash ensures that the password sent to the database is encrypted The above code stores the information in a variable and saves it Let s create a cursor that can create queries or commands password sha crypt encrypt str form password data Creates cursor cur mysql connection cursor cur execute INSERT INTO users name email username password VALUES s s s s name email username password The above code creates a connection to MySQL and saves the information to the tables in the database but it won t do anything unless we commit commit to db Mysql connection commit close connectioncur closeIn addition we want to send a flash message after the user registers With flash messaging we give a message and also categorize it flash You are now registered and may login Welcome to BlogIt success success is the category of this flash message Next we want to redirect after a successful logging in redirect url for index When we redirect we use the url for to define where we wish users to see next For the flash messaging we need where we can include it in our template so create a file under includes and call it messages html Add this code to newly created file with messages get flashed messages with categories true if messages for category message in messages lt div class alert alert category gt message lt div gt endfor endif endwith Then include it in layout html include includes navbar html lt div class container gt include includes messages html block body endblock lt div gt Let s add a register button on our navbar Go to navbar html add this code below the ul in the navbar lt ul class nav navbar nav navbar right gt lt li gt lt a href register gt Register lt a gt lt li gt lt ul gt Restart the server and you would see a register button on the right side of the navbar Before we test the form let s set a secret key Add it to the bottom of your app py file app secret key Secret Register a user and you would see it in your database To check in the DB SELECT FROM users RedirectingAfter registering we want users to be redirected to the login page We will discuss more in this on the next article series Thank you for reading Follow us on Twitter for more tech blogs Until next time Sophia Iroegbu |
2022-02-21 14:40:49 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to make your computer to speak using python |
How to make your computer to speak using pythonHello friends i created a python speaker so i decided share the code with you It is awesome you can use it in your future python projects It was easy to do that Main step is to install pyttsx python library to install it use this command pip install pyttsx and copy code from my github |
2022-02-21 14:26:34 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
The advantages of IDE integrated documentation |
The advantages of IDE integrated documentationImage sourceIntegrating documentation inside the IDE is a convenient method for documentation management I don t know about you but I avoid context switching at all costs I just know how fast I can break my focus The easiest way for me to document my code is right in my IDE Here are three advantage It reduces context switching When I m looking at code and I want to understand something about it the documentation is right there I don t need to leave my IDE and search for info I see which parts of the code have been already documented while I m reading and I make a note to come back later and fill in the blanks Reviewing annotations when implementing new code or trying to understand a part of the code it s more straightforward easier to review and just intuitive Have you tried IDE integrated documentation |
2022-02-21 14:07:58 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
New Hive thermostat, Meross smoke alarm, & more on HomeKit Insider |
New Hive thermostat Meross smoke alarm amp more on HomeKit InsiderOn this week s HomeKit Insider Podcast your hosts discuss the new Hive mini thermostat Meross debut of a new smoke detector and Netatmo s wired power adapter for its smart thermostat HomeKit InsiderThe past few weeks have seen a drought of HomeKit news but we re back with a few new product launches this week Read more |
2022-02-21 14:09:43 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Envisioning more Partner Value with ThousandEyes, Now All In with the Channel |
Envisioning more Partner Value with ThousandEyes Now All In with the ChannelWe re helping our partners further deliver on their commitment to customers by announcing that Cisco ThousandEyes is moving to a full channel sales model I m thrilled about this and the work our teams are doing to support partners needs in adding this capability to their Cisco portfolio |
2022-02-21 14:00:45 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
株券等の配分状況 |
配分 |
2022-02-21 15:30:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
全国上場会社のエクイティファイナンスの状況 |
上場会社 |
2022-02-21 15:30:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
投資部門別売買状況における個人の状況 |
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2022-02-21 15:30:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
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2022-02-21 15:27:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: Living with Covid plan will restore freedom, says Boris Johnson |
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2022-02-21 14:30:45 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Storm Franklin hits UK with flooding and high winds |
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2022-02-21 14:36:03 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukraine: How big is the Russian military build-up? |
border |
2022-02-21 14:54:38 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
上沢、伊藤らが1軍合流 日本ハムキャンプ |
日本ハム |
2022-02-21 23:12:38 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
道内市町村別の週間感染者数(2月6~19日) |
新型コロナウイルス |
2022-02-21 23:08:00 |