Engadget Japanese |
第3世代iPhone SEの仕様、有名アナリストが最終確認。A15搭載で5G対応、ストレージ構成に256GB追加か |
iphonese |
2022-03-05 02:15:26 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] タレントの肖像権ビジネスに商機 中卒の元自衛隊員が、起業するまでの軌跡 |
ITmediaビジネスオンラインタレントの肖像権ビジネスに商機中卒の元自衛隊員が、起業するまでの軌跡「中小企業からニッポンを元気にプロジェクト」は、参加企業に対してアンバサダーに就任したタレントの肖像をプロモーションに使用できる肖像権使用形態のビジネスを立ち上げた。 |
2022-03-05 11:55:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 「サウナー」に聞いた 「ととのう」経験をした人は何割くらい? |
意識調査 |
2022-03-05 11:46:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
本と出会い、人と出会う「Chapters書店」、T会員データに基づいたAIマッチを試験導入 |
chapters |
2022-03-05 02:00:25 |
lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
jest.mock + prototypeでDynamoDBをMock化した |
jestmockprototypeでDynamoDBをMock化したそもそもやりたかったことSQSから受け取ったメッセージをlambdaで加工し、その情報を使ってDynamoDBからItemをGet、指定のURLへItemの内容をaxiosを使ってPostする仕組みを作っていました。 |
2022-03-05 11:49:32 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
すごろくゲーム作ってみた |
2022-03-05 11:31:49 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Pythonで構造に関するデザインパターンを作成してみた |
Pythonで構造に関するデザインパターンを作成してみた目次AdapterパターンBridgeパターンCompositeパターンDecoratorパターンFacadeパターンFlyweightパターンProxyパターンAdapterパターンAdapterpyAdapterパターン互換性のないインタフェースを持つクラス同士を接続できるようにしますfromabcimportABCMetaabstractmethod抽象的な製品classPaymentmetaclassABCMetaabstractmethoddefpayselfmoneypass具象クラス製品classVisaPayPaymentdefpayselfmoneyprintVisa支払い円formatmoney具象クラス製品classMasterPayPaymentdefpayselfmoneyprintMaster支払い円formatmoneyBankPayクラスはを編集しない理由があるとします。 |
2022-03-05 11:25:35 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
あまり知らなかったPythonの使い方 |
あまり知らなかったPythonの使い方ちょいと学習してた際に普段あんまり使わなくて知らなった使い方やら書き方やらがあったのでメモがてら残しておく。 |
2022-03-05 11:22:01 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ブラウザだけで利用できるCOBOL環境(Ubuntu)を構築する |
他に検索するとワイド文字対応のncurseswというライブラリを使う方法が出てきますが、こちらは他試したところ私の手順では上手く行きませんでした。 |
2022-03-05 11:42:06 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
クラウドコンピューティング?何それおいしいの? |
田中さんは、さくっと台のパソコンを一気に作成し、ipadで設定をして提供しました。 |
2022-03-05 11:06:07 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
リリース前の Ubuntu 22.04 イメージを Azure に持ち込み VM 作成までやってみた |
リリース前のUbuntuイメージをAzureに持ち込みVM作成までやってみた背景と目的Azureのイメージギャラリーで提供されていないOSイメージや、提供されていても有料だったり、オンプレで動かしているアプリ込みのOSを丸ごとカスタムイメージにしたい場合など、何かしらAzureにOSイメージを持ち込みたいケースがあると思います。 |
2022-03-05 11:12:59 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
クラウドコンピューティング?何それおいしいの? |
田中さんは、さくっと台のパソコンを一気に作成し、ipadで設定をして提供しました。 |
2022-03-05 11:06:07 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
NODE_OPTIONS=–enable-source-mapsを有効化したらLambdaのコールドスタートが1.5秒から5.3秒まで悪化した話 |
deoptionsenablesourcemaps |
2022-03-05 02:05:20 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
A Simple Introduction To Java |
A Simple Introduction To JavaIn this session we will discuss Hello World Program In Java Comments Variables and Types and Primitive Operators Strings Datatype Get User Input Conclusion and Programming Projects Hello World Program In JavaIn any introductory programming class if it is language based we write the Hello world program This program just outputs Hello world to the console screen when the program is executed run In java this snippet below is the Hello world program public class HelloWorld public static void main String args System out println Hello world To create a Hello world program create a file in your project directory called HelloWorld java then copy and paste the above snippet and save the file Can A Different File Name Be Used Yes a different file can be used You can choose Main java Hello java etc Make sure that the file name matches that of the class name For our Hello world program with the file name HelloWorld java the class name is on the line public class HelloWorld For a file with the name Main java the class name line will be public class Main Just make sure the class name matches the file name CompileWe need the java compiler javac to compile the java file to a class file Run javac HelloWorld java in the terminal where the HelloWorld java is On a successful compilation HelloWorld class will be created Run java HelloWorld to execute the HelloWorld class If there was no error then you should see Hello world on the terminal The class file is called a byte code Try and read what a byte code is in Java Hello World Break DownNow there are a few things that one has to understand when it comes to java Java is a compiled language which produces a byte code that can run on any machine Java is machine Independent Java is Object Oriented We use class for everything It is a conversion that a java file should have the same name as its class name A java program the class must have a main method function The main method is always public static void public accessible outside the class or file static to use the main method we don t have to create an instance of the class void the function returns nothing or doesn t return a value main String args the main method takes an array of strings as an argument called args So you can change args to values and it will still work System out println Hello world displays Hello world to the screen Java is block based The block of a class or function begins with and ends with Whatever goes with the is the block body of that contract CommentsA comment is the part of the code that the compiler ignores We add a comment to our code to explain what the code is doing to explain why we choose one approach over another to document our codeJava has two ways of commenting The single line and multiline commenting The multiline is also known as a block comment We use two forward slashes without any space or character between them at the beginning of a line of code to comment that line out The compiler will skip that line during compilation We use and to block bulk multiline comment Whatever ever is found within and will be commented and skipped during compilation create a java class Comment The file name will be Comment java and will have a class name Comment Enter the Snippet below compile and execute it and see which lines are printed and those that aren t Comment out the last line of code and later the whole code in the main method s block public class Comment public static void main String args System out println Line System out println Line System out println Line System out println Line System out println Line single line comment multiline comments Java doc This is a java documentation Variables and Types and Primitive OperatorsVariables act as a storage medium for data values that we use in our code A variable is a name placeholder tag that points to the value data saved in memory Without a variable we would have to personally and mentally keep track of values we use in our code when we used them against what other values and operators and how they have changed A variable stores data of the same type What then is a type TypesThe kind of data we use in our program is called the data type This type can be a String char int float double boolean etc These types here a fundamental void is a type but it is nothing float and double are the same but double has more memory space as such can store more huge values compared to float We d stick to double here Remember that the type of a variable corresponds to the type of data assigned stored Here are some examples of data types we can use double This is like a real or decimal number the measurable values like weight speed etc Example int This is an integer the countable values like the number of humans the number of books Example char This is a single character enclosed in single quotes Example A a n A typical example is a student grade String This a sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes Example animal peter Java C boolean This has two possible value true or false Variable Declaration and InitializationNow we know what variables are and what types are To create a variable we need the type of the variable which will be the same as that of the value a placeholder name assignment operator and the value followed by a semi colon Just like this type name value Let s create a class called Variable We will initialize a variable called age of type int and assign it a value of fullName of type String and assign it a value of John Doe grade of type char and assign it a value of A isProgrammer of boolean and assign it a value of true weight of type double and assign it a value of public class Variable public static void main String args int age String fullName John Doe char grade A boolean isProgrammer true double weight System out println My name is fullName System out println I am age years old System out println It is isProgrammer that I am a programmer System out println I want grade grade this semester System out println Now I weight weight kg because of programming All that we have done so far is variable initialization How do we then declare a variable Simple We do int age to initialize age by assigning it a value of to declare age we would do int age then later in our code we d assign it a value Every line that is not part of a contract must end in a semicolon Look into the snippets so far to see where semicolon was used and where it wasn t to be sure OperatorsWe can do math in java using plus gt minus subtraction gt division gt multiplication gt remainder modulo gt It is obvious what these operators are so let s see how to use them public class Operators public static void main String args initialized two integer variables int johnsAge int hannahsAge plus int sumOfTheirAges johnsAge hannahsAge minus int differenceInTheirAges johnsAge hannahsAge multiplication int johnsAgeTime johnsAge Complete the above snippet for other operators and add a nice output for each operation String DatatypeWe know that Strings are double quoted We saw System out println My name is fullName in one of the snippets above Using the operator to combine String type values with other type values is feasible in java String another type will be a String This is called String concatenation Get User InputSo far we have injected data directly into our code Let s look at how we can take one from the user In java the most common way of taking data from the user is through the Scanner object We would have to import Scanner by typing at the very top of our code import java util Scanner Note the semicolon at the endCreate a class called InputWe shall create an instance of the Scanner class import java util Scanner public class Input public static void main String args Scanner scanner new Scanner System in System out println scanner next Scanner scanner new Scanner System in We created a Scanner object called scanner The new indicates that scanner is a new instance of the Scanner class scanner can be replaced with any variable name Compare Scanner scanner new Scanner System in to int age are there some similarities types int gt Scanner variables age gt scanner value gt new Scanner System in new Scanner here takes input when we pass System in we are then instructing new Scanner to accept input from the standard input which is the keyboard scanner next takes the first of whatever you type into the terminal before a white space and System out println scanner next displays it to the screen Run the snippet above several times with several different inputs to see how scanner next behaves We learnt that double int float and char are all types but by default all inputs are Strings You have to convert it to the desired type as you wish To do that we have next reads in a word a String a sentence is a space separated words the first word is taken as input after one hits enter nextLine reads a whole line sentence a String So use this when you want a sentence from the user nextInt Reads in the data as an int nextDouble Reads in the data as an doubleCreate InputWithVariable classWe will rewrite one of the snippets above but this time we d use variables to hold the data taken from the keyboard import java util Scanner public class InputWithVariable public static void main String args Scanner input new Scanner System in read in a line fullName is separated by space System out print Enter full name String fullName input nextLine read in an integer value and assign it to age System out print Enter age int age input nextInt read in a character using the next because grade is of type char it will take just the first character from word with charAt System out print Enter grade char grade input next charAt get boolean input true false System out print Are you a programmer enter true false boolean isProgrammer input nextBoolean get a double just like int System out print Enter weight double weight input nextDouble close the scanner object input close System out println prints out a newline character after its arguments System out println System out println System out println My name is fullName System out println I am age years old System out println It is isProgrammer that I am a programmer System out println I want grade grade this semester System out println Now I weight weight kg because of programming System out print Enter weight is just like System out println Enter weight but doesn t add a new line character at the end We have to close the Scanner object when we open initialize it else there will be memory leaks you could get a warning ConclusionWe discussed Hello World Java Comments Variables and Data types and some operators for arithmetic We look at how to take input from the user and parse it to the desired type This is enough to get our paws dirty a bit ProjectsWrite the program that takes as input three numbers and print the sum of the first two numbers multiplied by the third number to the screen Assume that the three numbers are of type double Write a program that prompts the user to enter the weight of a person in kilograms and outputs the equivalent weight in pounds Output both the weights saying X weights is Y Pounds Note that kilogram pounds Write a program that reads a student s name followed by five test scores The program should output the student name the five test scores and the average test score Display the name on the first line scores on the same line on the second line then on the third line the average Source Sololearn DS MalikTop |
2022-03-05 02:23:20 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
「人間は退化してる」 漫画家・楳図かずおインタビュー |
楳図かずお |
2022-03-05 02:35:36 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
ウメ高値、裏に中国美容ブーム 凶作の国内産補えず |
高値 |
2022-03-05 02:28:40 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
災害時に役立つ「丈夫な文具」 光るペンや強力テープ |
災害時 |
2022-03-05 02:13:43 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
分速30mが標準…エスカレーターの速度はこう決めている |
標準 |
2022-03-05 02:08:36 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
アートが映す科学 天文学や数学の発展にも貢献 |
科学 |
2022-03-05 02:01:43 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Russian law on ‘fake news’ prompts media to halt reporting as websites blocked |
Russian law on fake news prompts media to halt reporting as websites blockedThe move came as intense fighting continued in Ukraine as Russian troops besieged and bombarded cities in the second week of an invasion that has |
2022-03-05 11:45:41 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
North Korea conducts its ninth missile test of 2022 |
North Korea conducts its ninth missile test of Pyongyang s latest launch appeared similar to the test last week of a military reconnaissance satellite as leader Kim Jong Un continues to develop new weapons |
2022-03-05 11:27:47 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
China targets slower GDP growth of around 5.5% amid economic headwinds |
government |
2022-03-05 11:16:54 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Knight & Wild win GB's first Paralympic medal |
beijing |
2022-03-05 02:35:31 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
ウクライナ首都を守れ、特殊部隊が決死の覚悟 - WSJ発 |
特殊部隊 |
2022-03-05 11:24:00 |
サブカルネタ |
ラーブロ |
セブンイレブン 如水 塩ラーメンのレンジ麺!ご当地有名店麺大集合 |
塩ラーメン |
2022-03-05 02:38:39 |
サブカルネタ |
ラーブロ |
南砂町「月見軒」ピリ辛ネギ味噌ラーメン |
sunamo |
2022-03-05 02:30:21 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
琵琶湖に春、船30隻がパレード 朝ドラの川栄さん一日船長 |
春の訪れ |
2022-03-05 11:09:34 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
おやつ以上食事未満!ほっともっとグリルに「ロコモコ風サラダ+パン」など「0.7食」メニュー |
食事 |
2022-03-05 11:30:00 |