IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Googleの折りたたみ式スマホ「Pixel Notepad」は2022年第3四半期に生産開始か |
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2022-03-17 05:49:21 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
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2022-03-17 05:31:19 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
「iPhone 14 Pro」に続き、「iPhone 14」のCAD画像も流出か − デザインは「iPhone 13」から大きな変化なし |
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2022-03-17 05:23:25 |
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2022-03-17 05:30:32 |
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入学や進級、就職に備えよう! Amazonが新生活向け「PC&ディスプレー特集」ページを開設中 |
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2022-03-17 05:25:27 |
ロボスタ |
Telexistenceの新型ロボット「TX-SCARA」がコンビニの飲料陳列業務で稼働中 NVIDIA Jetson搭載、眼と頭脳の役割を担う |
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2022-03-17 05:31:49 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] JBL、用途に応じて指向性の切り替えができるゲーミングUSBマイク |
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2022-03-17 14:29:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 大阪「うめきた地下駅」23年春開業、デジタル技術を集めた”実験場” |
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2022-03-17 14:20:00 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
DenoのURL importは結局安全なのか? |
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2022-03-17 14:43:42 |
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2022-03-17 14:34:46 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
warning: constant Gem::ConfigMap is deprecated |
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2022-03-17 14:42:52 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[iPhone] 歴代iPhone早見表(2022前期現在版)を更新しました |
apple |
2022-03-17 05:27:35 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Harbor Registry Kurulumu on Ubuntu20LTS |
Harbor Registry Kurulumu on UbuntuLTSHarbor Open source cloud native registry projesidir Biz direk ubuntu üzerinde docker container ler olarak kurulumu başlatacağız Docker kurulumuna başlamadan bridge yu özelleştirebilirsiniz sudo mkdir etc dockersudo vim etc docker daemon json bip Docker kuralım sudo apt install ca certificates curl gnupg lsb release ycurl fsSL https download docker com linux ubuntu gpg sudo gpg dearmor o usr share keyrings docker archive keyring gpgecho deb arch dpkg print architecture signed by usr share keyrings docker archive keyring gpg lsb release cs stable sudo tee etc apt sources list d docker list gt dev nullsudo apt updatesudo apt install docker ce docker ce cli containerd io yDocker Compose kuralım sudo curl L uname s uname m o usr local bin docker composesudo chmod x usr local bin docker composesudo ln s usr local bin docker compose usr bin docker composesudo usermod aG docker USERKurulum yapacağımız harbor versiyonunu indirelim wget https github com goharbor harbor releases download v harbor offline installer v tgztar xzf harbor offline installer v tgzcd harbor cp harbor yml tmpl harbor ymlHarbor kurulum öncesi kopyaladığmız “harbor yml dosyasıüzerinde bir takım değişiklikler yapmanız gerekli bu değişiklikleri ortamınıza uygun şekilde yapmanız gerekir vim harbor ymlhostname harbor fatlan comhttp port https port certificate home fatlan ssl fatlancom crt private key home fatlan ssl fatlancom keyharbor admin password Harbordatabase password rootdata volume dataSon olarak harbor kurulum script imizi başlatalım install shAkabinde başarılıolan kurulumumuz sonrasıui aracılığıyla da login olduğumuz registry imizi cli ile test edelim Docker image testi docker tag weaveworks scope harbor fatlan com library weaveworks scopedocker login https harbor fatlan comdocker push harbor fatlan com library weaveworks scopedocker pull harbor fatlan com library weaveworks scopeHelm Chart testi helm create fatihcharts after changed touch index yamlhelm repo index url https harbor fatlan com mychartshelm package fatihcharts yada cd fatihcharts helm package helm registry login https harbor fatlan com export HELM EXPERIMENTAL OCI gerekebilir helm push fatihcharts tgz oci harbor fatlan com mycharts helm pull oci harbor fatlan com mycharts fatihcharts |
2022-03-17 05:49:37 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Astro getting related articles based on tags |
Astro getting related articles based on tagsI ve introduced related articles at the bottom of each post These are based on the closest matching tags and in this article I ll explain how you can recreate this in Astro Retrieving the related articlesThe first thing we ll do is make a simple use case We want to showcase the two latest articles Create a component called RelatedArticles astro in your component directory In the frontmatter section we ll start by loading all our posts It s important to note fetchContent won t work here as it will cause an infinite loop const fetchedPosts await import meta glob pages posts md const allPosts await Promise all Object keys fetchedPosts map key gt const post fetchedPosts key const url key replace pages replace md return post then p gt return p frontmatter url Then we want to make sure we are never showing the current article and sort them on the date Retrieve the props from the componentconst tags currentPathname Astro props const mappedTags allPosts filter url gt url currentPathname filter a gt new Date a date lt new Date sort a b gt new Date b date new Date a date And then we can return two of them in our HTML section lt div class container md mx auto gt lt div class mx md mx grid grid cols md grid cols gt lt article article mappedTags gt lt article article mappedTags gt lt div gt lt div gt Note I m using an existing Article component I ve made yours could look different or you can copy my one We can now add the related articles to our post template lt RelatedArticles tags content tags currentPathname canonicalURL pathname gt We are passing the tags of the current post and the current pathname of the page the user is on Ranking the related articlesWe have our script ready so it shows the last two articles but they might not be mainly related to each other I ve come up with some rules and this should be the order all tags matchsome tags matchone tag matchesno tags matchAll of these will already be based on the date so that we will match the latest article My tags are frontmatter sections in my markdown that can look like this layout layouts Post astro tags developer javascript css Of course if an article has all these tags it s a perfect match and we should show that first At this point I realized this was quite a thing to set up and I ve had a working example but it was looking a bit nasty So I decided to ask my friend Alex for some advice He came up with a crazy solution which turned out to work perfectly The first thing we want to do is match all the tags of each article Since we already have the filter and sort setup we can add a reduction to it const mappedTags allPosts filter url gt url currentPathname filter a gt new Date a date lt new Date sort a b gt new Date b date new Date a date reduce filtered article gt TODO all some one none You might have spotted what s going on the reduce as you know has an accumulator and current value As the default we set the value to an object with the types we want to count The first thing we want to do is count how many tags of the reduced article match the tags on the page Remember we have access to the posts tags through this function we implemented const tags currentPathname Astro props const mappedTags allPosts filter url gt url currentPathname filter a gt new Date a date lt new Date sort a b gt new Date b date new Date a date reduce filtered article gt nice use of type coercion true gt false gt so we can add a boolean to number here const foundTagsCount tags reduce count tag gt count article tags includes tag all some one none I ll be honest I found this just a little piece of magic from Alex we use another reduce but here we sum the number of tags that match By the end foundTagsCount is the number of tags that match the original article Then we need to define which category the amount fits so this can be one of the following all some one or none const amount tags length foundTagsCount all foundTagsCount gt some foundTagsCount one none So if we match all the tags we push it to all If the count is not matching all but more than one we push it to some and so on Then we need to push it to the accumulator value of our primary reduce function filtered amount push article return filtered We got a neat array that matched all articles in each category And we can spread them out into one big array and take the first x amount you want to show const all some one none mappedTags const output all some one none The output variable will be in the order of spreading to use the first two in my case lt div class container md mx auto gt lt div class mx md mx grid grid cols md grid cols gt lt article article output gt lt article article output gt lt div gt lt div gt And there you go quite the challenge but we made some cool recommendations based on tags I might add some more filtering options to this in the future but it seems close to what I want for now Thank you for reading and let s connect Thank you for reading my blog Feel free to subscribe to my email newsletter and connect on Facebook or Twitter |
2022-03-17 05:26:43 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
What is asyncio and why we need them ? - Python - write concurrent/asynchronous code using the async/await syntax |
What is asyncio and why we need them Python write concurrent asynchronous code using the async await syntaxTL DR asyncio let s your write code which switches between different tasks while maintaining the state of each task to continue furtherTarget Audience Beginner to mid levelAssumption This post assumes that you have some low level knowledge programming in any language Disclaimer The post is written with my limited personal knowledge and experience there could be areas of improvement Feel free to comment on them Let s begin All the code you might have seen or written so far if you re new to async would be called synchronize why Because it runs the lines of code one after the other or in other words if you have two functions it could only run in a sequence What we ll do in this blog post is try to break this difference languages use different methods of doing things But for this we ll use Python and asyncioLet s look at a real life example of this Assume you re studying for your semester exam but you also have a gaming tournament coming up so you want to practice of it So what you do Learn for hours and practice of hours a day You keep doing this till you complete your exam and the tournament This is the same we re trying to achieve with asynchronous programming through asyncio in Python Let s start off with the simple one def start learning print I m learning now def start gaming print I m playing Rainbow Siege You can easily run these function like below while True start learning start gaming Ouput I m learning nowI m playing Rainbow SiegeI m learning nowI m playing Rainbow SiegeI m learning nowI m playing Rainbow Siegeand so on Let s see how things look with asyncioWe want to run both at the same time and let the tasks decide when to switch Let s say a chapter is easier to complete than others then we can switch to gaming instead of waiting for the remaining hours to end async def start learning print I m learning now replace the below line with whatever the task that you want to perform await asyncio sleep async def start gaming print I m playing Rainbow Siege replace the below line with whatever the task that you want to perform await asyncio sleep async def main await asyncio gather start learning start gaming asyncio run main This is a pretty basic example some would need to understand asynchronous coding Feel free to drop in comments if you have questions on the code or if something can be improved Happy to learn Let s connect LinkedIn Instagram Twitter |
2022-03-17 05:26:09 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How we designed themes for the terminal - a peek into our process |
How we designed themes for the terminal a peek into our processIt s no secret that people love to customize their UIs With the rampant adoption of light mode and dark mode and the long history of themes in terminals and IDEs the power to make your UI fit your functionality or aesthetic needs is huge Here at Warp we knew how important it is to create a great theming system for our users Some key goals were to ensure compatibility with existing themes easy customization and sharing Let s start with how themes work in existing terminals and what we wanted to improve Themes only control the text display yet the rest of the UI remains the same We want to deliver a more cohesive and immersive experience Themes are hard to control you have to turn a ton of individual “knobs in order to get something that looks good It s not easy to get what you want and add your personal preference We want to make customization simple flexible and quick Themes are hard to share Importing and exporting themes are different and can require several steps We want to make it a one click simple experience to import and share The foundationTo ensure warp could be compatible with all other existing themes we started with the standard foundation of ANSI colors Using these standards as our foundation allows practically every terminal theme to be used in warp We wanted to take it one step further and have the theme extend to the whole UI Since we custom built Warp s UI this allows us to have full control of the look and feel The first step of that was to consider the UI accent areas like the tab indicator and block selection We want these areas to pop and gain your attention while also adding some visual flair We needed to add another color attribute which we naturally called the accent color Being able to change the accent color gave themes a wider range of customization just from one color change without changing the look and functionality of the core theme UI themingThere is a bit more UI to cover within Warp like contextual menus auto suggestion overlays dialogs command palette The text coloring could easily be inherited from the theme and the accent color used for the same conditions though we wanted the UI surface to stand out from the background The last thing we wanted to do is to add yet another color attribute Starting with dark and light themes we had to handle the UI layering in different ways To achieve separation from the background for dark themes we added a white overlay which aligns with the core text color and for light themes the opposite black overlay which also aligns with the core text color We created a consistent style called “UI surface which would be the background of all the overlay UI elements It consists of the theme background color the opposite overlay color and an outline This basic system allows for a different UI surface leveraging the same color system Seen here in dark and light mode The really neat part is how this easily extends to existing themes like Dracula and Solarized For existing themes we convert we will choose an accent color from the core colors that we feel match the best If you want to change it no sweat you can customize the accent color to any of the theme colors or any custom color you like to add your personal preference to existing themes Image backgroundsSo with the standard theme color system and an added accent color attribute we can easily customize the whole Warp UI Yet we didn t want to stop there what about adding photos and advanced color treatment We experimented with adding photo backgrounds with color themes that matched and loved the results We also added the ability to support gradients which can drastically change the look of a theme and add additional depth and visual pizzaz Dracula regular Dracula with gradients CustomizationWe want our user to have the power to make amazing themes so we are working on a theme editor that makes customizing themes super simple For lightweight use you can start with our default dark or light theme and change the accent color Choose one of many popular themes we have built into warp or import your favorite If you want to go for even more customization add a photo make your accent color a gradient With just a few customization you can radically change the way your terminal looks and feels SharingCurrently there are ton of different sites and resources to get terminal themes each of them with totally different ways to download themes from a file download github repo etc For Warp themes we want to build a one stop shop for themes One spot where you can browse install and share themes all with one click We also want individual themes to be easily shareable from user to user within the app Check out themes nowIt s been really exciting working on themes in Warp Building a system that can accommodate existing themes expanding on them within Warp and giving users more control to customize and share We can t wait to see what themes get created You can check out the base theme experience in Warp now where you can choose from a set of themes and customize via an external file Shortly gradients and image support will be rolling out Customization and sharing are down the road We are all super excited to get all these theming features out we have a bit of work ahead of us Please let us know if there are any ideas that brew up we would love your input Request early access to our beta We look forward to your input |
2022-03-17 05:16:23 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
What’s so special about PS1? Fun with customizing Bash command prompts |
What s so special about PS Fun with customizing Bash command promptsLong ago when I was still a console newbie I copied my friend s bash configuration file It had all the necessary stuff already included aliases colors and most importantly a nice prompt setup I used it on all machines I had access to due to all the extra context it provided For example it would turn red when I was on a production machine show me a current git branch from the repository I was working on and indicate whether I had any changes to commit by showing a star Today there are a seemingly endless set of tools for configuring the command prompt to your liking but back then things like Starship were completely non existent Most developers I know have customized their prompts in one way or another This fact combined with the feedback we ve received from the Warp community was good motivation to dig deeper into prompt customization in Warp In this post I m going to tell you how we implemented support for PS in Warp and why adding it was technically challenging Along the way we ll also tackle the DCS device control string and some fun shell tricks Hey Cieplik what actually is PS Glad you asked PS is one of the few variables used by the shell to generate the prompt As explained in the bash manual PS represents the primary prompt string hence the “PS which is what you see most of the time before typing a new command in your terminal On top of that there are actually few more from PS to PS each of them executed and printed in different contexts of command execution For example you ll see PS whenever the command has multiple lines as a secondary prompt string And then zsh also provides RPS which displays the Prompt String on the right hand side…there s a lot to work with Each of the Prompt String variables can easily be customized with the backslash escaped special characters but they can also contain shell function calls or even emojis since most modern terminals support unicode With Warp in the works we made a decision to provide useful defaults for users to help them hit the ground running when using a new app This included the prompt We explicitly decided to not support PS in Warp as it could clash with the bootstrapping script and PRECMD PREEXEC hooks we use to create blocks of inputs and outputs By implementing our own default prompt we had much more control over the user experience and that was critical at the early stages Eventually however it became obvious that our users really need their custom setups and lack of certain information on the prompt may actually slow them down It came time for us to honor the user s PS settings Keep in mind that this is not our last word on this topic What s under the Prompt String s hood In Warp because we buffer the user s input we can t allow the shell to directly render the prompt Instead we use the metadata from the shell to do our own rendering Our app receives it from the shell via the PRECMD hook to do things like retrieve the current git branch which is used in Warp s default prompt We use a special escape sequence and a JSON string packed with data to pass all the necessary information This is why we decided that the best way to support PS in Warp is to pass it as part of our PRECMD hook The first challenge however comes from printing the variable into this JSON string Your PS is usually a set of variables like information about the colors you want to see but sometimes it can be a function call too We have to translate it into a rendered Prompt String a set of escape sequences and characters that tells the terminal the exact string to print and how to print it Here s the example of an oh my zsh PS setting gt echo PS F magenta n f at F yellow m f in B F green f b git prompt info ruby prompt info virtualenv info prompt char In zsh rendering a prompt is actually quite simple You just print it and the shell expands all parameters for you via prompt parameter expansion We insert the output into our JSON and display it on our terminal Note that the middle prompt is the output of the print command prepended with rendered prompt for clarity Bash does have a similar way of expanding prompt parameters as zsh does so we could easily run echo PS P in our script to get the rendered prompt and call it a day Except…That functionality has only been introduced in bash But Macs do not ship with that by default this is related to a licensing change since version bash switched to a GPL license which is not supported by Apple The question then is how do we render the PS in older versions of bash without using any special tools or libraries The way we ended up solving this issue is by invoking a subshell executing a very simple command in it capturing the entire subshell output including the prompt and then manipulating it to only capture the prompt itself This is the final code we re currently using in Warp to get the value of the rendered bash prompt echo e n PS WARP PS bash norc i gt amp head tail Let me break that down pipe by pipe echo e n prints an empty line in our subshell PS WARP PS bash norc i gt amp we pass a previously captured WARP PS value as the PS in the subshell and specify that no configuration files should be loaded norc argument to improve the performance of this operation the i flag denotes an interactive shell while gt amp redirects the stderr to stdout which allows us to capture the rendered prompt Head amp tail operations simply help us manipulate the output to extract the prompt only That s it We ve got our rendered prompt we can start showing it in Warp Escaping the PromptSome things and places are really hard to escape like the Russian city of Omsk where even stray dogs cannot leave Escaping in the terminal realm is really close to that experience and Prompt String seems to make it even harder When juggling shell data and passing it to Warp via our PRECMD hook we escape escape sequences that may break our JSON string with our magic sed invocation sed E s g s t t g s r r g n This is actually a series of replacements All double quotes and backslashes are replaced with their escaped versions and b backspace t tab f form feed r carriage return are all replaced with their escaped versions We add an escaped n new line on every line explicitly since sed analyzes the input line by line and thus is not aware of the actual new lines This worked great yet with the Prompt String you actually get many more things to escape it s not uncommon for the rendered prompt to include some extra bells and whistles I mean the actual bell character a and lots of other non printable characters and escape sequences most significant being xb aka e or which is literally ESC Note that those sequences also had to be double escaped to not only create a valid JSON string but also not break our Rust implementation when unescaped At least we were able to use the same tool for both supported shells this time In the first iteration the final sed call looked a lot like sed E s e e g s a a g s g s b b g s t t g s f f g s r r g s n Back to the whiteboardAt this point we started testing internally It was then that we found a mysterious behavior A common tool used to customize the prompt in zsh oh my zsh is used by many team members The prompt rendering worked for every theme except the default oh my zsh theme When the theme was used the entire bootstrapping script would fail leaving Warp in an unusable state Robby Russell s oh my zsh prompt themeIt turned out the little arrow ➜ to the left was the root cause With shells and terminal emulators it always makes sense to analyze the actual bytes that are being processed Let s check what s under the hood of this little arrow This particular emoji consists of bytes e e c and a A careful reader may notice that both e and c bytes come from the extended ASCII table but do they carry any special meaning When in doubt it s always good to go back to the source in this case check the shell parser documentation For completeness let s quickly unpack what VT and other VTs is and what this mysterious DCS is that are both mentioned in the linked docs VT was a Video Terminal introduced in the s It was one of the first machines that allowed for cursor control with ANSI escape codes and added a bunch of other control options Later on its spec became a de facto standard and modern terminal emulator programs try to follow it including Warp Control characters and control sequences in the terminal world are special ANSI escape characters that control the terminal s behavior It can be anything from the cursor position mouse control even colors DCS device control string is a special control sequence that is followed by a data string You can find out more here unhookWhen a device control string is terminated by ST CAN SUB or ESC this action calls the previously selected handler function with an “end of data parameter This allows the handler to finish neatly As it turned out the c byte carried a special meaning in a terminal world it s an ST string terminator escape sequence which also happens to denote the unhook operation As a result the emoji in our JSON string would prematurely end the PRECMD hook making it impossible for Warp to fully start From there the solution was simple rather than trying to escape emojis and unicode characters that may have similar issues in the future we simply encoded the entire Prompt String as a hexadecimal string This completely eliminated the need for using sed and simplified our shell script Below you ll find a snippet with our current precmd function example in bash warp escape ps tr n n lt lt lt xxd p tr d n Format a string value according to JSON syntax Adapted from warp escape json Explanation of the sed replacements each command is separated by a s g Replace all double quote and backslash characters with the escaped versions and s b b g Replace all backspace characters with b s t t g Replace all tab characters with t s f f g Replace all form feed characters with f s r r g Replace all carriage return characters with r s n On every line except the last insert the n escape at the end of the line Note sed acts line by line so it doesn t see the literal newline characters to replace tr d n Remove the literal newlines from the final output Additional note In a shell script between single quotes no escape sequences are interpreted To work around that and insert the literal values into the regular expressions we stop the single quote then add the literal using ANSI C syntax t then start a new single quote That is the meaning behind the various b blocks in the command All of these separate strings are then concatenated together to form the full argument to send to sed sed E s g s b b g s t t g s f f g s r r g s n lt lt lt tr d n warp precmd is relative to the process so we MUST check this first or else the exit code will correspond to the commands executed within this block instead of the actual last command that was run local exit code Clear the prompt again before the command is rendered as it could have been reset by the user s bashrc or by setting the variable on the command line if n PS then WARP PS PS fi unset PS unset PROMPT Escaped PS variable local escaped ps if WARP FEATURE FLAG HONOR PS then Tricking the shell into rendering the prompt Note that in more modern versions of bash we could use PS P to achieve the same but macOs comes by default with a much older version of bash and we want to be compatible deref ps echo e n PS WARP PS bash norc i gt amp head tail escaped ps warp escape ps echo deref ps fi Flush history history a Reset the custom kill whole line binding as the user s bashrc which is sourced after bashrc warp could have added another bind This won t have any user impact because these shortcuts are only run in the context of the bash editor which isn t displayed in Warp bind r C p bind C p kill whole line local escaped pwd escaped pwd warp escape json PWD local escaped virtual env if z VIRTUAL ENV then escaped virtual env warp escape json VIRTUAL ENV fi local escaped conda env if z CONDA DEFAULT ENV then escaped conda env warp escape json CONDA DEFAULT ENV fi local git branch git branch git rev parse abbrev ref HEAD gt dev null echo local escaped git branch escaped git branch warp escape json git branch At this point escaped prompt looks something like u B u B u u u B We need to maintain the double quoting of u in the message that is sent otherwise the receiving side will interpret the value as JS string literals of the form uHEX and will include ctrl characters like ESC in the json which will cause a JSON parse error Note WARP SESSION ID doesn t need to be escaped since it s a number local escaped json hook Precmd value pwd escaped pwd ps escaped ps git branch escaped git branch virtual env escaped virtual env conda env escaped conda env exit code exit code session id WARP SESSION ID warp send message escaped json Future of the promptWarp now has the option to honor the user s PS setting It works with most configurations though you ll find the full compatibility table in our docs It is not however the last time you ll hear from us about working on the prompt Our key product principles include fixing the UI and providing a great out of the box experience One of the ideas we re currently exploring is Context Chips our low calorie approach to snacking on bite size information We re working on plenty of interesting problems just like this one at Warp and we re hiring If you want to be a part of our team and work together on improving the day to day life of developers from around the world check out our careers page |
2022-03-17 05:13:44 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Fantastic terminal programs and how to quit them |
Fantastic terminal programs and how to quit themThere s a popular meme about exiting vim More earnestly there s even a LinkedIn learning course on how to use vim The first module is dedicated to how to exit Why is it so hard This seems like an odd problem to have When s the last time you ve thought about exiting your web browser MSWord or any other application on your computer It s not just Vim but the user experience on the terminal as a whole The terminal predates human computer interaction It existed before Xerox PARC lab amp Apple Computer worked on personal computing and GUIs Apple introduced some human interface guidelines in which have been copied pretty much everywhere else but the terminal has stayed the same It s true that some popular terminal programs were created after this all happened but there s a big difference in their philosophy of the user Today it s not revolutionary to say as Apple did in their human interface guidelines that “people are not trying to use computersーthey re trying to get their jobs done In the terminal it s just the opposite for example people are trying to use tmux to experience the tao of tmux The terminal is hard to use Interactive terminal programs are particularly difficult and they behave unlike anything else on your computer As intimidating it is to get started it can be extremely valuable to know how to use these programs They are cross platform available on even the most limited environments keyboard accessible and if you re on a remote host it s often the best option to accomplish some task Here s the basic ins and literally outs for a bunch of programs why they can be non intuitive and why other modern apps aren t difficult in the same way VimVim has a number of different modes By default it s in “normal mode Hitting i will get you into “insertion mode which edits the text content directly You ll need to get out of insertion mode esc to communicate a quit command to vim We re used to modeless text editors today They re the default editors everywhere on computers phones and tablets natively and on the web License plate of Larry Tesler “Primary inventor of modeless editing and cut copy paste When you are in any mode aside from normal mode it s communicated in the bottom left Many tools use a similar status bar UI This can be easy to miss if you don t already know to look here Status bar in VimWhen they do use modes other apps today clearly indicate the mode If you go from an editing mode to viewing mode in GDocs you can t miss it Any design app will also change the cursor to indicate what you re doing Changing modes in FigmaFrom normal mode in Vim we can type to get into Cmd line mode This makes the cursor jump from the content to the bottom left and vim commands can be typed Finally we can type q lt enter gt to quit If you have some unsaved content vim won t let you quit to ensure you don t lose anything One option is to go nuclear and force quit q Otherwise you can save the file If there s already a filename wq or x will let you save and quit If you did come from the empty state there s no file here yet so you will have to explicitly save to a file w filename before quitting EmacsThe keybinding to quit emacs is Ctrl X Ctrl C This key sequence is more complicated and I ve definitely messed it up before when doing this the first couple times Emacs does give some visual feedback in the bottom left corner after typing the first Ctrl X It ll also tell you if you messed up in the same place But you can also inadvertently type a bunch of stuff that edits the file and you won t necessarily get this feedback Relative to vim it s a little easier to deal with editing a file and saving it because emacs will ask you how to deal with an unsaved file Emacs doesn t have modality but its shortcuts are more complicated in general A lot of functionality in emacs uses the Meta key For example Meta f and Meta b move forward and back one word respectively While it used to be a thing modern keyboards don t include the Meta key Most terminal emulator apps will let users map some other key to imitate Meta instead It s not typically on by default and sometimes one has to dig quite a lot to do this Mapping Option to Meta in iTermWe generally won t see key sequences this complicated in other places on the computer outside of the terminal At the very least other apps are not going to use a key that no longer exists and put the burden on the user to figure out how to make it available NanoQuitting nano is not hard relative to other things There s a status bar that hints Ctrl X will exit Many people have found themselves in nano because git or arc put them there even when they have not chosen it as an editor This is some pretty unforgiving UX It s rare outside of the terminal to end up in an application where you may not know how to exit TmuxTmux is a terminal multiplexer It provides a lot of functionality and one basic way to think of it is a way to manage multiple running shells arranged in a number of “windows panes For tmux any attempt to communicate directly to tmux involves typing Ctrl b we call this the prefix key There are two main options for getting out Ctrl b d will detach the screen session Ctrl b kill session kills the current session When typing command sequences after the prefix key no feedback is given and you ll have to internalize these commands to use tmux Remembering the one prefix key is not as hard as remembering all the commands to work regularly in a terminal multiplexer In my experience pros mess up basic tmux commands again and again These programs epitomize remember and type over see and point As Apple s human interface guidelines puts it “Command line interfaces require the user to remember a command and type it onto the computer This kind of interface makes considerable demands on the user s memory especially when the commands are complex or cryptic Such an interface is especially galling to the new or infrequent user but it distracts all users from their task and focuses attention instead on the computer s needs Furthermore “users rely on recognition not recall they shouldn t have to remember anything the computer already knows Developers know this principle very well when it comes to their code Djikstra famously said “the competent programmer is fully aware of the limited size of his own skull He therefore approaches his task with full humility and avoids clever tricks like the plague The mantra DRY Don t Repeat Yourself is programmer dogma and is present in many programming books and classes This principle has not made it into the terminal s user interactions SummaryEvery program here consistently quits in a different way from all the other ones A final point here is even though we are used to discussing these commands as “keyboard shortcuts these are not alternatives but the only way to run the command Popular guides will also encourage usage of these programs by saying they are “keyboard accessible The idea that keystrokes can provide a productivity boost but shouldn t be the only interface is ingrained in the English language ProgramHow to exitvimGet out of insertion mode by hitting escType qemacsCtrl x Ctrl cnanoCtrl xvimCtrl b d detaches session Ctrl b kill session to kill sessionscreenCtrl a d detaches session Ctrl a k kill session Normal terminal sessionCtrl d End of Transmission EOT At Warp we believe the terminal also can be a delightful product in addition to a powerful utility We are building a terminal from the ground up with the user in mind Request early access to our beta We look forward to your input |
2022-03-17 05:12:31 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Who’s behind Warp? - Meet the team |
Who s behind Warp Meet the teamMy idea for a perfect opening line of this blog post was to use a quote about the importance of building a great team I scrolled through pages of quotes from personas such as Henry Ford or Michael Jordan eventually settling on…nothing We all know that teamwork is critical and a huge part of engineering work no need to back this up by famous people s quotes It becomes even more important in small companies and startups such as Warpーwhere everyone works together to deliver the best terminal experience to other developers In the last post we uncovered a little bit about how we think about building the product in today s I ll introduce you to people behind Warp and the story of how we built the new terminal Why did I join Warp Let me start by telling you my part of this story As a person who rides a lbs motorcycle that doesn t have a reverse try parking that thing and a digital clock is its most advanced piece of technology who writes her code in Vim and still mixes all the ingredients for the cake manuallyーI clearly like to do things in a more traditional way No wonder the terminal has been my main tool ever since I started working as an engineer I was initially very skeptical about Warpーafter all bash scripts grep sedandawk can already get you a pretty long way when working with the terminal right I was still curious about what the company has to offer and that s why I joined one of the first user research sessions I even borrowed a MacOS laptop specifically for this This was the first time I met the entire Warp team and got to try the application Learning about the roadmap especially the team features that will improve efficiency and safety of devops work and seeing how user focused the team is was what got me excited about the product and the company months ago I quit my job as an Infrastructure Software Engineer in Dropbox and joined Warpーthe company that builds a next gen Rust based terminal Why did Zach decide to build a terminal Zach whom you might ve seen on Twitter or a recent webinar talking about Warp obviously is the CEO of Warp He previously worked as a Principal Engineer at Google CTO at Time and co founded the venture backed startup SelfMade yet his interests circle around improving the developer s experience Zach Lloyd Warp s CEOThere re plenty of tools around that improve the development process in one way or anotherーfocusing on a broad group of engineers or on a very specific niche However only are truly used by almost every programmer there isーthey are IDEs and code editors or a terminal The former already went a long wayーwe ve had Eclipse and JetBrains or IntelliJ there was notepad and Atom and Sublime and nowadays VSCode seems to be the majority s favorite IDE and code editing tool On the other hand the terminal stayed the same for almost years and still counting It s slowly evolving with extra functionality coming from new shells like fish or prompt tools like starship rs Yet the main experience has stayed the same and modern terminals still emulate the physical ones implementing the subset of functionality from VT hence the correct term is actually “terminal emulator Lack of innovation in this area is what made Zach take a closer look at building a terminal And that s how Warp was born People behind WarpSoon Shikhiu Michelle and Aloke joined Zach in the effort of working on Warp The initial prototype was an Electron app though the poor performance pushed the team to pivot and rewrite the application in Rust Besides making Warp an OS native and blazingly fast application which utilizes GPU rendering Rust is a language with a strong community support and tools that make it easy to ramp up new developers Rustlings we re looking at you As a result the team with support from Nathan Soboーthe Atom editor creator created a Rust UI framework which we plan to open source in the near future Michelle used to work as an engineering intern in Facebook Slack and Robinhood She also pursued an entrepreneurial path co founding the first health tech incubator in Yale and creating her own health tech app during her college years Viral growth and user feedback loops are clearly her thing however not the only thing Michelle has a black belt in taekwondo loves watching movies and analyzing them for hours afterwards and recently she started to learn how to drive on the streets of New York City The only person who did not pick up Rust just yet is Shikhiu His excuse is being the Founding Designer As a master of Figma Shikhiu creates mockups of new Warp features in minutes helping the team visualize the work and iterate faster He recently told me he s into plants which would explain why the “leafy terminal theme soon to ship in Warp is so beautiful He used to work at Adobe and later on at Google where he led a team of designers on design for the Docs suite yet luckily for us he chose to join us to reimagine the terminal product experience Work in progress of themes in Warp with leafy being one of the concepts Working as a TL for Google Docs Aloke had already collaborated with Shikhiu during his time in Google He also came across multiple TODOs left in the Google Docs codebase by the mysterious zachlloyd but hadn t had a chance to work with Zach prior to joining Warp Before his interview with Warp Aloke dropped a very sharp knife on his foot but decided to tough it up and pass the interview with a bleeding foot This definitely showed how dedicated he is though we are all glad that he saw a doctor and his foot is now fully healed…Besides cooking as a hobby Aloke lifts not just our spirits and is very much into public transportation He gets triggered by lack of periods at the end of the comment since that makes it an incomplete sentenceーI like to think it was the reason he started working on completions in Warp Currently Warp consists of engineers with Zheng Chuck Kevin and me joining over the course of the last months Zheng Chuck Kevin amp me all wearing our Warp s T ShirtsChuck plays a critical role in the team since he s the only person with prior Rust experience Besides being a mentor who leaves helpful and constructive feedback in our PRs Chuck collects Pez candy dispensers and can solve a Rubik s cube in under minute One of the things that drew him to Warp is being able to improve developers experience first handーhe used to work in the devtools team in LinkedIn and maintains Volta tool manager Working on the terminal was a logical next step After a few years of working at Dropbox Zheng decided to dive into the startup world First she worked for Gem and later on met Zach and the team She deeply cares about the work culture so her joining Warp says a lot about the company She likes to travel pet cute animals and drink good wine and also she likes to dig really deep into why and how our users use the terminal and other tools day to day That s why her current main focus is driving the tmux like experience in Warp Kevin is our most recent hire He joined as a full time engineer only a month ago but has been working part time at Warp for the past year He spent his college years traveling to different countries while continuing the education remotely and recently graduated As part of his international adventures he interned in a Japanese company in Tokyo for summers and thanks to that polished not only his engineering skills but also learned to speak the language During his internships he tried himself in different fields including data science and ML and figured that he s really interested in developing tools for other engineers wanted to work on something that will have a direct impact on users and was pretty much a blank canvas Warp matched his interests perfectly Over the summer we also worked with Saumya amp Mattーsummer interns who delivered functionality such as notification on long running commands and custom theming Big thanks to both of you Working at WarpThe team works remotely and is spread across different time zones though we recently opened an optional office space in NYC The company was founded during the peak of COVID pandemic so it couldn t have been different anyways We meet daily to discuss progress and show demos of new features and organize more Zoom meetings whenever necessary As a group of very opinionated people who in the tech industry isn t we sometimes tend to stay online longer discussing new ideas making sure that everybody has a space to express their point of view Somehow we still manage to make the majority of the decisions unanimously unless it s about the fate of the ctrl r keybinding…In those moments of doubt Blue s Zach s dog appearance in the background cheers everyone up especially when he tries to eat our CEO s dinner Altersnatively Backup my dog sometimes comes to the standup and adds his voice to the pool of our opinions When it comes to figuring out the road map for Warp we try not to rely on our personal views only Hence the closed beta program and user focus groups both helping us learn what s the right set of features to build next Zach wrote about our product principles in a separate post and you can read more about the team s culture and approach on his blog thezbook com And most importantlyーif you feel like our culture suits you and you re passionate about bringing the developers experience to the next levelーwe are hiring and would love to work with you |
2022-03-17 05:10:57 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How Can Custom Software Development Help in Scaling Your Business? |
How Can Custom Software Development Help in Scaling Your Business When a business has specific needs that ready made software or existing software technologies cannot address what do they do Continue to use ready made solutions No In such a scenario they look for custom software development services Customized solutions help businesses in stitching solutions to cater to their specific needs Generally it happens because the readily available software is developed to meet the requirements of similar business goals But when it comes to company specific needs one has to design develop and implement an application that aligns with the organization s needs Additionally custom software solutions help in scaling your business to meet ever evolving market demands and customer needs Before we dig deeper into all the amazing perks of custom software development for your business let s cover some basics Custom Software Digging DeeperWhen organizations require unique functionalities they look out for software developers who have the expertise to design and create custom solutions When the designed solutions are user specific they are automatically more comprehensive than existing software solutions Although the idea of custom software may sound fancy and appealing it is not for everyone Since one has to develop software from scratch to meet organizational needs it can become time consuming and require heavy capital Most importantly conveying the scope of unique functionalities that one requires is a task in itself In such a case a software development company like Narola Infotech provides a techie with the expertise to do the job tactfully and within a budget Developing custom software is a job that needs time and dedication Check out the best practices our custom software developers use to ensure that everything goes smoothly Leverage Custom Software Development To up Your Business GameAdapting to bespoke or custom software can prove to be a game changer If you are eager to know how you are at the right place Here is a list of benefits that custom software brings to the table Business Process OptimizationWhether large or small every organization has a business model it religiously follows It is made possible by efficient in house processes When the organization has scaled up has several employees and business orders it has to work efficiently In such a scenario it may need to develop tools that suit particular departments In this situation the organization may not use the existing and readily available software Therefore software aligning with in house processes needs to be developed Businesses can leverage Custom software development company s tools and methodologies to achieve this Scope for New InventionThe customized software aligns with the specific needs of a company That gives companies the option to decide what technology and methodology they want to design a solution for their requirement Custom software development processes help in creating new software to cater to needs rather than replacing the needs themselves Adaptive to ScalabilityAs an organization grows in house processes become complex But if the organization has custom software in use scaling will never be a problem The advantage here is that custom software can scale as per the organization s scalability It eliminates the need for incurring additional costs value added services and licensing Swift ReportingReports are mandated for any organization company irrespective of the industry Reports contain data and summaries that speak about the work or process executed Generally companies have designated employees for report creation These employees spend hours on excel sheets and word document templates Software development company services formulate custom software that can create reports and summaries They also enable employees to retrieve data from those reports at any given time Such software accelerates the process of achieving business goals efficiently IntegrationLarge scale organizations have multiple departments and require numerous custom software solutions to keep functioning smoothly The advantage of custom software over off the shelf software is easy integration In the case of multiple custom software solutions you can create a central integrated system that can manage multiple processes simultaneously In this way the company delivers better results and as the owner you get better control of what s happening Enhanced SecurityCustom software development services keep security on their priority when developing software Hackers can hack existing or off the shelf data and software quite easily But it gets difficult for them to crack the code when it is customized software since it is company specific Role of Custom Software in Business Scaling and Performance Enhancement As a company founder or owner every measure that you take has two aims Company ScalingPerformance EnhancementSimilarly your aim remains the same when you opt for custom software When you grow it may become difficult to manage a larger workforce It also becomes straining to manage extensive data A mismanaged firm is always more prone to irreversible losses Hence the scaling as well as the performance are hampered When implemented to design custom software software development company solutions help in rapid scaling and performance enhancement When talking about the reasons mentioned above there are several other factors that contribute to their feasibility such as Visualizing a Simplified Business ModelIf you are aiming for an extra edge over your competitors It would help you make it a priority to achieve your business goals as frequently as possible Secondly you need to create ways to improve the efficiency and utility of in house processes And lastly you must reduce operational costs Custom software eliminates the need for manually getting things done Employees can save lots of time by using custom software for certain tasks These tasks include lump sum data such as reports based on target closures statistics and much more The workforce can focus on other tasks lined up with higher priority Here the efficiency of the workforce is enhanced Even the scalability is widened because the company can take up more projects with higher turnovers Custom Software Development Services and Their TypesThere are several types of custom software depending on the industry However here are some of the commonly customized software solutions that most companies ask How Do You Know If You Need Custom Software Determining your need for custom software development can be challenging but we have some questions that we think might help you Are your existing software solutions slow or old Are you watching your rivals step ahead while it feels you re standing still Do you want to save more time and earn more If your answer to any of these questions is Yes you definitely need custom software development Final TakeawaysCustom software solutions are in demand due to their flexibility Off the shelf software does not provide the flexibility to be molded as per the requirement Although pre built software solutions are easily accessible they cannot cater to company specific needs in the longer run Hence switching to customized software solutions can drive the company towards achieving faster progress and better results We at Narola Infotech are a leading custom software development company and have extensive experience in creating custom software tailored to the needs of your industry |
2022-03-17 05:10:50 |
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ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
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ただ、この局面で行う選択で、「批判されるような点はない」になるか、「凶」になるか、結果が分かれる、といっているようにも見える。 |
2022-03-17 14:52:04 |
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2022-03-17 14:05:37 |
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2022-03-17 05:15:00 |
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Major quake brings memories of 3/11 to the surface for residents of northeastern Japan |
Major quake brings memories of to the surface for residents of northeastern JapanFor many Tohoku residents the scramble to evacuate to higher ground following Wednesday s magnitude earthquake was all too familiar |
2022-03-17 14:44:15 |
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Nearly 70% of Japan’s companies see hit to earnings from Ukraine crisis |
Nearly of Japan s companies see hit to earnings from Ukraine crisisThe survey suggests more pain ahead for resource poor Japan where a weakening yen and subsequent rising commodity prices squeeze households further |
2022-03-17 14:14:43 |
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BBC News - Home |
Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe and Anoosheh Ashoori arrive in UK after being freed from Iran |
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2022-03-17 05:20:59 |
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'Dangerous' tanning products promoted by influencers |
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