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IT 気になる、記になる… PayPayのiOS/Android向け公式アプリ、9月以降にAndroid 6.0とiOS 12のサポートを終了へ https://taisy0.com/2022/03/22/155023.html android 2022-03-22 08:09:13
TECH Engadget Japanese LGもロシア向け製品出荷を停止。サムスンに続き https://japanese.engadget.com/lg-russia-082012621.html 韓国 2022-03-22 08:30:12
TECH Engadget Japanese 「PS5 Pro」が2024年までに発売?Zen4採用、レイトレ性能2.5倍の噂 https://japanese.engadget.com/playstation5pro-2024-significant-improvements-performance-080019514.html playstation 2022-03-22 08:00:19
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 午後8時以降、300万軒規模の停電のおそれ 東京電力管内、揚水発電停止のため https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2203/22/news174.html itmedia 2022-03-22 17:42:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 2月の「後継者難」倒産は29件 「死亡」に続いて多い要因は? https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2203/11/news166.html itmedia 2022-03-22 17:40:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ニトリの利用実態調査 認知率は84.3%、利用経験率は? https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2203/11/news161.html itmedia 2022-03-22 17:34:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 古民家を活用、サウナ併設の「りとりーとびれっじToma」が半年で利用者200%増 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2203/22/news152.html itmedia 2022-03-22 17:23:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ハイブリッド勤務者の74%が「寝ても疲れがとれない」 味の素の調査 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2203/22/news155.html itmedia 2022-03-22 17:22:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] スマホゲーム「ドラガリアロスト」サービス終了へ 任天堂とCygamesの共同開発作 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2203/22/news167.html android 2022-03-22 17:10:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] コインチェック、持株会社を設立しナスダック上場へ SPAC上場により https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2203/22/news168.html itmedia 2022-03-22 17:09:00
IT 情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders TED長崎、サーバーラックの電子錠コントローラを販売、 さくらインターネットと共同で開発 | IT Leaders https://it.impress.co.jp/articles/-/22872 TED長崎、サーバーラックの電子錠コントローラを販売、さくらインターネットと共同で開発ITLeaders東京エレクトロンデバイス長崎TED長﨑とさくらインターネットは年月日、サーバーラック電子錠システム「RMSEL」を共同で開発したと発表した。 2022-03-22 17:14:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 日記;回すだけIII ⑪ pythonでSDO、PDOの読み書き<その6 Profile Position Mode + アナログ入力(EPOS4)>ベータ版 https://qiita.com/jamjam/items/cb741e1cb9f9d9fa2e2d 対策をしていないので、エラーで止まります。 2022-03-22 17:57:26
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Python: コール可能なオブジェクト(関数とか)かチェックする https://qiita.com/yagrush/items/4be0308f52855837d6d7 2022-03-22 17:30:47
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【JavaScript】非同期のtry-catchをいい感じに書く https://qiita.com/okm-uv/items/1a8a47674dd31160110c throwをPromiserejectにするasyncfunctioncallApithrownewSyntaxErrorathrowをPromiserejectにするasyncfunctioncallApireturnPromiserejectnewSyntaxErroratryを変換するtryの処理を、throwするものとthrowしないものと戻り値を扱うものに分けます。 2022-03-22 17:51:05
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rails ルーティングの順序で失敗した件 https://qiita.com/zzytube/items/f7c89507ae2254970ab2 Railsルーティングの順序で失敗した件はじめにJSONを返すRailsAPIを作成中に、意図しないコントローラーのアクションを読み取りに行ってしまった事があった。 2022-03-22 17:10:40
技術ブログ Developers.IO 【4/12(火)】モダンアプリケーション開発を考える会 ~AWS Japanと学ぶ、モダナイゼーションとは何か?そして何を解決するのか?~ https://dev.classmethod.jp/news/220412-akiba-mad/ awsjapan 2022-03-22 08:54:01
技術ブログ Developers.IO การรัน Script โดยอัตโนมัติด้วย UserData เมื่อทำการ Start จากการ Stop EC2 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/run-script-with-userdata-when-started-ec2/ การรันScript โดยอัตโนมัติด้วยUserData เมื่อทำการStart จากการStop ECผมป๊อปนะครับครั้งนี้ผมจะมาแนะนำการรันScript โดยอัตโนมัติด้วยUserData เมื่อทำการStart จากการStop EC ความแ 2022-03-22 08:30:36
海外TECH MakeUseOf 5 Best Tools to Annotate and Highlight Web Pages for Research and Study https://www.makeuseof.com/tools-annotate-highlight-web-pages-research-study/ Best Tools to Annotate and Highlight Web Pages for Research and StudyThese free tools let you annotate or highlight any part of a web page to share it with others or use as reference for your research 2022-03-22 08:30:14
海外TECH DEV Community Perl Download and Installation 2022 https://dev.to/yukikimoto/perl-download-and-installation-2022-4e9c Perl Download and Installation Explains how to download and install Perl on Windows Mac and Linux UNIX This article is originally Perl Download and Installation Perl ABC Installation of Perl on WindowsLet s install Perl on Windows I explain the way to use Strawberry Perl ActivePerl and msys Installation of Strawberry PerlStrawberry Perl is one of the Perl distributions on Windows Strawberry Perl is easy to install and has the C language compiler MinGW and a CPAN module installer cpanm and often used C libraries Install Strawberry Perl on Windows Installation of ActivePerlActivePerl is also a Perl distributions on Windows Install ActivePerl on Windows Installation of msys and Perlmsys is a software to build a pseudo Linux environment on Windows Some of IPC don t work well on Windows Perl distributions but all IPC work well on msys For example the development server of Mojolicious works well on msys Installation of msys and Perl Installation Perl on MacPerl is installed by default on Mac you can start using Perl right away You can also install the latest Perl on your Mac Installation of Perl on Mac Installation of Perl on Linux UNIXPerl is widely installed on Linux UNIX by default If not You can install the latest Perl on your Linux UNIX Installation of Perl on Linux UNIX 2022-03-22 08:57:27
海外TECH DEV Community Use Cloud Formation Templates to spin up MySQL instances on RDS https://dev.to/aveekd22/use-cloud-formation-templates-to-spin-up-mysql-instances-on-rds-17d7 Use Cloud Formation Templates to spin up MySQL instances on RDSIn this article I am going to discuss how to set up a MySQL instance on AWS RDS using Cloud Formation templates In my previous article  How to configure an Amazon RDS environment for MySQL I have provided a detailed walkthrough of how to set up a MySQL instance on Amazon You can use the AWS console to provide all the information required for setting up the instance and then use it However in this article we will discuss an automated way of achieving the same functionalities using Cloud Formation templates What is a CloudFormation template In order to start writing the templates we first need to understand what cloud formation is all about AWS offers Cloud Formation as a cloud service that enables AWS customers to write the desired state of any infrastructure as a code and then use it to deploy resources to AWS It allows us to create a resource or a group of resources by following simple configuration templates For example if you want to deploy a web application on an EC instance that will also use an RDS database you can simply combine both the resources into one stack and write the code for setting up the instances Once you run it will create both the EC and the RDS instance and also deploy your web application Figure CloudFormation Template on AWS ConsoleThe components of a cloud formation template are as follows A JSON or YAML file in which the resources will be defined as a templateA stack can be a combination of multiple resources that needed to be set up as a part of the application For e g EC and RDSA changeset can be used to view a list of operations to be performed by the stackA stack set also can be considered as a managed group of stacks that be reproduced or replicatedOut of the above we will mainly focus on the JSON YAML template and the stack in this article The templates support a wide range of resources on AWS To get an exhaustive list please follow this link Writing the JSON or YAML template fileOne of the main challenges that we face while writing a template for the first time is what contents should be included in it To ease that AWS provides a lot of template samples that can be easily found on the official documentation Once you find the template required to create a necessary resource you can use it to create your own template The template can either be created using JSON or YAML and converted from one to another as well On a personal note I prefer writing the templates using YAML as it helps me keep away from the curly braces and commas and keeps the document cleaner However you are free to choose any option between JSON and YAML For this exercise let us try to spin up a MySQL instance on RDS and we will write the code in YAML In order to set up a MySQL database using cloud formation we would need the following items Resource Name The name of the resource you are going to set up Resource Type The type of the resource Resource Properties The database name username and password to connect to The database Engine MySQL SQL Server PostgreSQL etc Storage Type The storage type to be used Public Accessibility Weather the database should have public access or not Allocated Memory The memory that should be allocated to the database instance AWS Region The region in which the instance is to be created Now that we have some points with us let us go ahead and start by writing the template file Figure The template file for creating MySQL instance on RDSAs you can see in the figure above the structure of the file is divided into two parts In the first part we have defined a few parameters that will be used by the resource definitions in the second part while creating the resources on AWS You can use the same script on your machine to create an instance on your AWS account Setting up the stack on the consoleNow that we have created our template for MySQL it s time we set it up to see if everything runs well Head over to the AWS console and search for Cloud Formation on the search bar Click on Create Stack and upload the template file from your local Click Next once done Figure Creating the stack from the templateOn the next page you will be asked to provide the parameters that were defined in the cloud formation template Go ahead and provide the necessary details and click Next Figure Stack Parameters providedReview the stack changes and parameters and click on Create Stack on the last page The stack creation will start It might take some time to create all the resources before they are available to use In the meantime you can click on the Reload button to check if all the events have been created successfully Figure Stack Creation in progressAs you can see on the timestamps it took me around minutes after which the resources were available and were also visible on the console Navigate to the Resources tab and click on the Physical ID of the resource This will take you to the RDS console Figure Stack Created Successfully Connecting the MySQL databaseOnce you are in the RDS console you can get the hostname for the database instance and use it to connect to the database Grab the endpoint from the console and use it to connect Figure MySQL instance details on RDSLet us now head over to MySQL Workbench and try connecting to the hostname with the credentials that we have provided earlier Use the hostname username and password to connect to the instance Figure Connecting to the MySQL instance using MySQL WorkbenchAs you can see in the figure above we have successfully connected to the database instance on RDS Let us now run some queries and see if it works Figure Executing scripts in the MySQL WorkbenchAs you can see in the figure above we have been able to connect to the database instance and execute queries With this you are able to write your own cloud formation template and spin up any other resources like the SQL Server or PostgreSQL database Removing the resourcesIf you are performing this as an exercise I would recommend removing the resources that we have created as it will incur some charges You can navigate to the RDS console and then select the instance and click on Delete to remove the resources permanently Figure Deleting the resources createdOnce the resources have been deleted successfully you can check in the console once again if there are any instances running just to avoid adding unnecessary billing costs ConclusionIn this article we have discussed in detail how to set up a MySQL database instance in an AWS RDS environment and automate it using the Cloud Formation template This way if setting up resources on the cloud is also known as infrastructure as code service where you can set up the entire infrastructure as code and then use it in various environments These templates can be used not only to deploy database instances but also other infrastructures within the AWS such as EC Lambda RedShift etc To learn more about the cloud formation templates you can view the sample templates available on the official website 2022-03-22 08:27:05
海外TECH DEV Community Terminal Proxy Point https://dev.to/h4cd/terminal-proxy-point-40hh Terminal Proxy Point、If you want to use HTTP by proxy on terminal you should turn on the http proxy on SSR setting the port here is where your terminal would go through export http proxy export https proxy and if you don t set properly you would get this Curl goes with https http proxy ー、Don t ping google to verify your proxy setting ping goes with ICMP protocol ICMP is a network layer protocol and https is an application layer protocol that s why your proxy setting won t work 2022-03-22 08:26:44
海外TECH DEV Community My First Post In Dev.to https://dev.to/ameenakbar/my-first-post-in-devto-lmo dev 2022-03-22 08:20:27
海外TECH DEV Community Don't like long, verbose Docker-compose command? https://dev.to/kunashir/dont-like-long-verbose-docker-compose-command-239m Don x t like long verbose Docker compose command Nowadays many developers and companies use Docker and Docker compose in everyday live I don t want to repeat what Docker is and why you might want to use it But what I don t like when I work with Docker if be more precisely with Docker compose verbosity of commands It is hard to argue that Docker compose provide good alternative compare with pure Docker interface but commands are still long and verbose It is not a problem you could reply just add appropriate alias for the command and save time and effort Yes right it can help in terminal but you are as a developer probably use IDE or at least text editor and often you have mechanisms for interact with your application somehow run test initialise building process etc And not all IDEs and text editors know how work with Docker From my point of view the ideal setup is when you don t need to think about if you use Docker or not For example I need to run my tests with rspec I m a Rails developers and all examples below are from Rails world it would be great not to think about what should I do in order to run them my habit is rspec path to specs but when my app is in Docker I should do something like this docker compose run rm container name commandAnd in this case this utility can safe us DIP has two possible modes dip your command in this mode you just need to type dip before your command something like this dip rails cyour command DIP can be injected into the current shell and it analyses current directory if there is an dip yml file if the file is exist it runs a command in docker if not in a shell But before this sunny live you need to create dip yml a configuration file when you should make mapping specific commands to appropriate container Possible pitfalls I use vim for development and by default vim didn t use dip when I tried to run command from vim The problem was in an approach which vim uses when run external command it doesn t load your shell s profile by default In order to force it I ve added next to my vimrcset shell bash l 2022-03-22 08:08:56
海外TECH DEV Community Best PG in Bengaluru for students or Job Seeker #top10Bengalurupg https://dev.to/code_leads/best-pg-in-bengaluru-for-students-or-job-seeker-top10bengalurupg-1k5a Best PG in Bengaluru for students or Job Seeker topBengalurupgTop pgs in BangaloreGET READY BOYS amp GIRLS FOR BEST PGs IN Bengaluru PgWars Best Pg in Bangalore or BengaluruA paying guest house is typically rented by its owners to students or regular working executives in the area usually for a short amount of time but sometimes for a longer period of time PG WARS which have locations in more than ten cities around the country are well known for providing residents with the best services and amenities ーall under one roof PG WARS has designed enriching living environments that facilitate a well balanced student life based on the four pillars of commitment ーhealth safety community and comfort The PG is conveniently located in Best Colony Grocery stores banks ATMs and other basic services are all within walking distance Within walking distance public transportation options such as metro and local transportation are also available If you are searching for the best pg in Noida and if you are listing your pg business you can check out PgWars The PG provides fully equipped rooms with adjoining washrooms that are spacious and well ventilated Air conditioners and geysers for example are pre installed in the room The rooms can be rented for single occupancy or shared for double or triple occupancy The PG provides nutritional food which is prepared according to a multi cuisine meal plan devised by an in house chef The stay at the PG includes services such as housekeeping laundry and power backup Residents at the hostel have access to premium services such as WiFi power backup an in house gym on property parking vending machines an in house cafe pantry a reading room and a common lounge among others The PG is also equipped with the latest security equipment such as CCTV surveillance cameras and biometric entry access and if you Learn else if in C Programming Language so larn Free Coding Gowtham PG Gowtham PG is the best pg in Bengaluru Room sharing price starts from with Food for Boys and Girls The rooms can be rented for single occupancy or shared for double or triple occupancy Unnathii Accommodation Unnathii Accommodations PG is the best pg in Bengaluru Room sharing price starts from with Food for Boys and Girls The rooms can be rented for single occupancy or shared for double or triple occupancy Rishi Comforts PG Rishi Comforts PG is the best pg in Bengaluru Room sharing price starts from with Food for Boys and Girls The rooms can be rented for single occupancy or shared for double or triple occupancy Sai Padmanjali Comfort Sai Padmanjali Comforts PG is the best pg in Bengaluru Room sharing price starts from with Food for Boys and Girls The rooms can be rented for single occupancy or shared for double or triple occupancy Sri Sai PG for Gents Sri Sai PG for Gents PG is the best pg in Bengaluru Room sharing price starts from with Food for Boys The rooms can be rented for single occupancy or shared for double or triple occupancy Sree Vaishnavi Luxurious Gents PG Sree Vaishnavi Luxurious Gents PG is the best pg in Bengaluru Room sharing price starts from with Food for Boys The rooms can be rented for single occupancy or shared for double or triple occupancy Surya Paying Guest Bengaluru Surya PG is the best pg in Bengaluru Room sharing price starts from with Food for Boys and Girls The rooms can be rented for single occupancy or shared for double or triple occupancy Sivani Comforts PG Sivani Comforts PG is the best pg in Bengaluru Room sharing price starts from with Food for Boys and Girls The rooms can be rented for single occupancy or shared for double or triple occupancy Sivani Luxury PG Sivani Luxury PG is the best pg in Bengaluru Room sharing price starts from with Food for Boys and Girls The rooms can be rented for single occupancy or shared for double or triple occupancy Tulip Ladies amp Gents PG Tulip Ladies amp Gents Pg is the best pg in Bengaluru Room sharing price starts from with Food for Boys and Girls The rooms can be rented for single occupancy or shared for double or triple occupancy NSS Home Stay NSS Home Stay is the best pg in Bengaluru Room sharing price starts from with Food for Boys and Girls The rooms can be rented for single occupancy or shared for double or triple occupancy Rishav Pg Rishav Pg is the best pg in Bengaluru Room sharing price starts from with Food for Boys and Girls The rooms can be rented for single occupancy or shared for double or triple occupancy White Wings PG White Wings Pg is the best pg in Bengaluru Room sharing price starts from with Food for Boys and Girls The rooms can be rented for single occupancy or shared for double or triple occupancy 2022-03-22 08:05:23
海外TECH DEV Community How does cypress change the game in Test automation? https://dev.to/fleek_it/how-does-cypress-change-the-game-in-test-automation-47o3 How does cypress change the game in Test automation In today s software testing phase the demand for automation tools is increasing day by day so bearing this in mind many enterprises are using automation tools like Cypress Cypress is a modern javaScript based framework that provides a complete end to end testing experience In cypress anything that runs in a browser is a very fast and reliable testing automation tool It makes setting up running and debugging tests possible and easy in software testing To get your test suite setup there is no longer a need to install separate tools and libraries It works differently as it is executed in the same run loop as your application and runs as quickly as the browser can render content Operating outside of the browser most end to end testing tools are selenium based and they run remote commands across the network Many organizations have been looking for a long time for every automated tool and cypress has come up with awesome features which help in software testing Snapshot at the time of tests runThere is no other automation tool except cypress that has this feature at present While taking a snapshot of the application it allows the users to time travel back to the state when commands run Users can spot the changes by just hovering over the command Stop guessingUsers do not have to guess why the tests are failing with cypress debugging the script is always challenging It is a time saving automation tool for debugging To debug the script quickly readable error messages help to do so The pinned snapshot manifests the state of the element before and after Users also have the access to the all suite of browser s developer tools No asynchronization issuesThe retry ability that assists with testing dynamic web applications is the core feature of the cypress It permits the tests to run in each and every command as soon as the assertion passes with no hard coding delays If the application acquires extra seconds or milliseconds to render a Document Object Model DOM element then the tests do not have to change Before proceeding cypress automatically remains for asserts and commands Cy stub Cy clocks Cy Spies are the commands of cypress that help and manage the performance of the functions responses servers and timers Manage network trafficWith the help of Cypress the whole lifecycle of XHR tests within an application can be tested The tool Cypress gives access directly to the XHR objects and that enables the users to learn about its properties Users have the ability to opt whether the response stubbed or permit them to reach the server among cypress Users can also mix and match in the same tests by alternating the certain request they opt to a stub Take shortcutsIt means testers no need to use the user interface or visit the login page to build up the state or testers do not have to wait for the page to load Cypress provides the ability to log in and to take shortcuts without entering the login page 2022-03-22 08:05:15
海外TECH DEV Community Comparing PHP Collections https://dev.to/mrsuh/comparing-php-collections-5cca Comparing PHP CollectionsLet s imagine that we want to store a collection of Item objects lt phpnamespace App Entity class Item public string name public int value Working with this collection we want to PHP does a type checks to make sure collection only stores Item objectsIDE makes hints about the type of Item objects in a collectionstatic analyses tool can find type errorsI want to compare arrayPsalm annotation templatesMonomorphic genericsType erased generics UsageLet s first compare usage Array lt php var Item collection collection collection new Item param Item collection function test array collection array proseasy to implementIDE makes hints about the type of Item objects in collectionstatic analyses tool can find type errorsconsPHP doesn t check types Psalm annotations lt php template T class Collection implements Iterator protected ArrayIterator iterator public function construct this gt iterator new ArrayIterator param T item public function append item void this gt iterator gt append item return T null public function current mixed return this gt iterator gt current lt php var Collection lt Item gt collection collection new Collection collection gt append new Item param Collection lt Item gt data return Collection lt Item gt function test Collection data Collection prosIDE makes hints about the type of Item objects in collectionstatic analyses tool can find type errorsconsPHP doesn t check types Monomorphic generics lt phpclass Collection lt T gt implements Iterator protected ArrayIterator iterator public function construct this gt iterator new ArrayIterator public function append T item void this gt iterator gt append item public function current T return this gt iterator gt current lt php collection new Collection lt Item gt collection gt append new Item function test Collection lt Item gt data Collection lt Item gt prosPHP does a type checks to make sure collection only stores Item objectsconsstatic analyses tool can t find type errorsIDE doesn t make hints about the type of Item objects in a collection Type erased generics lt phpclass Collection lt T gt implements Iterator protected ArrayIterator iterator public function construct this gt iterator new ArrayIterator public function append T item void this gt iterator gt append item public function current T return this gt iterator gt current lt php collection new Collection lt Item gt collection gt append new Item function test Collection lt Item gt data Collection lt Item gt consPHP doesn t check typesstatic analyses tool can t find type errorsIDE doesn t make hints about the type of Item objects in a collection MemoryMemory test is very simple It creates collection and puts Item objects into it count times For measurement I use var sizeof and memory get usage Items in collection typevar class sizeof bytes var sizeof bytes memory get usage bytes array count psalm count monomorphic count type erased count Items in collection typevar class sizeof bytes var sizeof bytes memory get usage bytes array count psalm count monomorphic count type erased count Items in collection typevar class sizeof bytes var sizeof bytes memory get usage bytes array count psalm count monomorphic count type erased count Items in collection typevar class sizeof bytes var sizeof bytes memory get usage bytes array count psalm count monomorphic count type erased count It s not surprising an array requires the least amount of memory Other approaches have roughly the same internal structure and require the same amount of memory PerformanceI used phpbench to measure performance I think one of the big differences between all the solutions is the type checking So I decided to try measure it How much faster will code with without type checking PHPBench running benchmarks with configuration file app phpbench jsonwith PHP version xdebug opcache App Tests TypHintBench benchWithoutType R I Moμs ± benchWithArrayType R I Moμs ± benchWithMixedType R I Moμs ± benchWithClassType R I Moμs ± Subjects Assertions Failures Errors benchmark subject set revs its mem peak mode rstdev TypHintBench benchWithoutType kb μs ± TypHintBench benchWithArrayType kb μs ± TypHintBench benchWithMixedType kb μs ± TypHintBench benchWithClassType kb μs ± If the tests are correct the difference between a function argument with class type and a function argument without a type is ConclusionsI have drawn some charts so you can compare all measurements in percentage The results may vary slightly on different machines but the percentage result should be the sameIf you are only using simple collections you can use array it is very fast and requires little memory PHP doesn t support generic syntax and IDE can t make hints about the type of objects in a collection yet but if you want PHP to do type checks at runtime you can test the php generics library I think for now the best solution is a combination of array with annotations for simple collections and Psalm annotation templates for complex objects If you want to reproduce the tests result you can find the source code and instructions here 2022-03-22 08:04:38
海外TECH DEV Community Engineering your startup idea https://dev.to/varungujarathi9/engineering-your-startup-idea-3hi3 Engineering your startup ideaI have been a great fan of Software Engineering wherein things are built ground up but the sheer thought of building a product from a software perspective can be daunting for beginners I have been fooling around web development since early First it was plain JS then dynamic PHP and then gradually learning various frameworks libraries like React Node Flask Django Spring etc I have also worked on infra tools like cPanel AWS Kubernetes Docker and many others While I was in college the question of funding the websites was not an issue since the websites I built were developed for college activities and each of them had a budget As I started working on personal projects with advanced frameworks I realized that funding them matters especially when you are young and do not have the privilege of seed funding There are a few more things that I have understood from all these experiences until now Idea validationIf you currently have just one or two ideas to build around kick start one of them don t wait to validate these ideas Once you start building stuff and put your mind in value creation mode more ideas would pop up This seems like an intelligence privilege but believe me once you start working on an idea things start popping up Now if you do have multiple ideas to work on do a basic validation of the idea Talk to people around you ask them whether they think they have a use for your product in their lives Don t just directly ask them I am building XYZ Would you use it They would say Yes without giving it much thought The right question here would be to ask them whether they face the same problem the one that your product would solve Ask them what solution they think could solve this expect hyper realistic answers Now put your solution in front of them Of course everyone would be entitled to their opinion everyone is emotionally attached to their thoughts and everyone thinks that their way is better Now it is on you to decide what ideas you would incorporate in your solution Idea to POCOnce you have the design ready in your mind remember it may not be perfect you might not have figured out everything that s fine what is important is you kickoff start developing the solution in any language and framework that you are comfortable in You don t need to build it in Java just because Java is robust You don t need to build micro services a monolith app would do your job You don t need a Kubernetes cluster or highly secured network Understand that your job as a lone engineer is to build the solution first Once you build it then think of making it better Tools for quick bootAs I said early the aim is to quickly build a POC and it can be slow or have vulnerabilities no one is going to hack you at this point of time So to get the end to end solution up and running you can use Heroku to host the app ElephantSQL for PostgreSQL webhost for MySQL Mongo Atlas for MongoDB etc All these platforms provide free services respectively A view on no codeNo code tools can help you quickly develop the solution Though in the long run it would never sustain and you wouldn t be able to build every feature on it Doing what is right First principle thinking is very important in every aspect of life You should have strong reasoning as to why you are using a certain technology to build something For example if the team has decided to have a website where they can put the basic information about the product or the idea the best solution here would be to build it within no time using WordPress or Wix Just because you like Angular don t invest your time in building the portfolio website using Angular It is one thing to learn new technology and another to build and deliver something Understand the risk and rewardsUnderstand the concept of trade off The trade off between the development speed of the engineers and the performance amp scalability of the application The trade off between using NoSQL amp SQL databases etc Everything has its pros and cons try to adapt the best out of each technology and deliver what is needed Understand the needs and accordingly pick the tools There is no point in cutting the cake with a sword A knife has its utility and a sword has its own Not all new tech is adaptableYour product doesn t need to be built using the latest cutting edge technologies Most of the technologies are built on C C amp Java and frameworks that most people would think are old But again it all boils down to the fundamentals of each and everything Spring is still used after years because its robustness and other characteristics Disclaimer Node Go Python have their fair share and are not evil at all Read this blog by Kailash Nadh Remember to start small and grow bigThe utmost important thing is to Start Start from wherever you want write a simple code create a minimal web page and once you gain that momentum don t stop Having said these points one should expect at least a year for the product to be ready for a pilot If it involves hardware this time can go beyond years Read blogs published by engineering teams at some of the greatest startups Zerodha TechUber EngineeringTinder EngineeringAirbnb Engineering 2022-03-22 08:04:35
海外TECH Engadget New SEC rules require would companies to disclose climate goals and emissions https://www.engadget.com/new-sec-rules-require-would-companies-to-disclose-emissions-and-climate-goals-084634208.html?src=rss New SEC rules require would companies to disclose climate goals and emissionsPublic companies would be required to disclose greenhouse gas emissions they produce under new rules proposed by the US Securities and Exchange Commission The move is part of the Biden government s push to identify climate risks and cut emissions as much as percent by The SEC s three Democratic commissioners voted to approve the proposal while Republican commissioner Hester M Peirce voted against it quot I am pleased to support today s proposal because if adopted it would provide investors with consistent comparable and decision useful information for making their investment decisions and it would provide consistent and clear reporting obligations for issuers quot said SEC Chair Gary Gensler Under the new rule companies would need to explain how climate risks would affect their operations and strategies They d be required to share the emissions they generate and larger companies would need to have those numbers confirmed by independent consulting firms They d also need to disclose indirect emissions generated by supplies and customers if those are quot material quot to their climate goals nbsp The SEC proposed rule changes that would require registrants to include certain climate related disclosures in their registration statements and periodic reports ーU S Securities and Exchange Commission SECGov March In addition any companies that have made public promises to reduce their carbon footprint would need to explain how they plan to meet those goals That includes the use of carbon offsets like planting trees which have been criticized as being a poor substitute for actually slashing emissions as Greenpeace said in a recent report nbsp The SEC already allows for voluntary emissions guidance but the new rules would make it mandatory Many companies like Ford already share emissions date from factory production as well as vehicle fuel usage However quot there are lots of companies that won t do it unless it s mandatory quot task force chief Mary Schapiro told The Washington Post ahead of the report s release nbsp After the proposed rule is published on the SEC s website the public will have days to comment The final rule will likely head to a vote in several months and would be phased in over several years The ruling will likely be challenged in court by Republicans in states like West Virginia along with business groups on the grounds that climate change is not a material issue for investors in the near future nbsp However experts have warned that time is of the essence The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC recently issued a report stating that many of the impacts of global warming are quot irreversible quot and that there s only a brief window of time to avoid the worst UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres called it a quot damning indictment of failed climate leadership quot nbsp 2022-03-22 08:46:34
海外科学 NYT > Science Is Geometry a Language That Only Humans Know? https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/22/science/geometry-math-brain-primates.html geometry 2022-03-22 08:05:28
金融 RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 公社債投資家別条件付売買(現先)月末残高 (旧公社債投資家別現先売買月末残高) https://www.jsda.or.jp/shiryoshitsu/toukei/jyouken/index.html 条件 2022-03-22 09:00:00
金融 RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 公社債店頭売買高 https://www.jsda.or.jp/shiryoshitsu/toukei/tentoubaibai/index.html 店頭 2022-03-22 09:00:00
金融 ニッセイ基礎研究所 昔に比べて暑くなった、のか?-気温等の「平年値」10年に1度の改定を理科年表で確かめる。 https://www.nli-research.co.jp/topics_detail1/id=70579?site=nli 【表】にあるように、東京では、月毎の気温の平均値が、各月上昇しており年平均で℃、月別では月、月の℃など平均気温はあきらかに上昇している。 2022-03-22 17:08:28
金融 日本銀行:RSS 【記者会見要旨】黒田総裁(3月18日分) http://www.boj.or.jp/announcements/press/kaiken_2022/kk220322a.pdf 記者会見 2022-03-22 17:50:00
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Japan slams Russia’s decision to suspend peace treaty talks https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/03/22/national/russia-japan-peace-treaty-talks-halted/ Japan slams Russia s decision to suspend peace treaty talksIn a further sign of worsening ties Moscow also halted programs allowing visits by Japanese nationals to Russian held islands off the coast of Hokkaido 2022-03-22 17:27:28
ニュース BBC News - Home St Helens: Dog bought a week ago kills girl at home https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-60829837?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA victim 2022-03-22 08:30:45
ニュース BBC News - Home Rising inflation drives up UK government borrowing costs https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-60831706?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA statement 2022-03-22 08:50:46
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 日経平均株価は底入れを果たし、「2万7871円」が当面 の目標に! 3月中は大きく崩れる可能性が低いので、 「インフレに強いセクターや銘柄」を積極的に狙おう! - 成り上がり投資術 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/299820 日経平均株価は底入れを果たし、「万円」が当面の目標に月中は大きく崩れる可能性が低いので、「インフレに強いセクターや銘柄」を積極的に狙おう成り上がり投資術現在の日経平均株価や株式市場の状況と今後の見通しについて、アナリストの藤井英敏さんが鋭く分析日経平均株価は月日の万円でようやく目先の底入れを果たしました。 2022-03-22 17:30:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 保有株式の金利感応度、いまが見極めどき - WSJ発 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/299835 金利 2022-03-22 17:08:00
北海道 北海道新聞 東京都で3533人コロナ感染 1週間前より約4300人減 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/659758/ 新型コロナウイルス 2022-03-22 17:17:45
北海道 北海道新聞 日高町長に大鷹氏再選 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/659785/ 任期満了 2022-03-22 17:31:46
北海道 北海道新聞 東証、2万7000円台を回復 1カ月ぶり、米経済に期待 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/659719/ 日経平均株価 2022-03-22 17:06:49
北海道 北海道新聞 七飯町長選、新人4氏の争い確定 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/659784/ 任期満了 2022-03-22 17:21:00
北海道 北海道新聞 中国、南シナ海3礁を軍事化 米軍警戒、ミサイル配備も https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/659782/ 南シナ海 2022-03-22 17:20:00
北海道 北海道新聞 浜頓別のカラスから鳥インフル 今季道内25例目 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/659781/ 宗谷管内 2022-03-22 17:19:00
北海道 北海道新聞 107兆円の22年度予算が成立 10年連続最大、早さ3位 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/659780/ 国民民主党 2022-03-22 17:18:00
北海道 北海道新聞 由仁の火災 身元判明 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/659766/ 由仁町三川泉町 2022-03-22 17:11:00
仮想通貨 BITPRESS(ビットプレス) [CoinDesk Japan] コインチェック、ナスダックに上場へ-SPAC上場計画を発表 https://bitpress.jp/count2/3_9_13121 coindeskjapan 2022-03-22 17:18:57
仮想通貨 BITPRESS(ビットプレス) マネックスグループ、当社連結子会社Coincheck Group B.V.の Thunder Bridge Capital Partners IV, Inc.とのDe-SPACによるナスダック上場に関するお知らせ https://bitpress.jp/count2/3_11_13120 bridge 2022-03-22 17:11:31
IT 週刊アスキー DMM GAMES、「れじぇくろ!~レジェンド・クローバー~」にて新キャラ「服部半蔵」「バッカス」が登場! さらに新たなマスタークエスト「シューター」「アサシン」が追加! https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/086/4086870/ dmmgames 2022-03-22 17:50:00
IT 週刊アスキー マルエフ「白」と「黒」を5:5で割って飲むとおいしいは本当か? https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/086/4086836/ 生ビール 2022-03-22 17:45:00
IT 週刊アスキー 対戦格闘ゲーム『KOF XV』にて4月14日よりDLCキャラ「オメガ・ルガール」が無料配信決定! https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/086/4086872/ kofxv 2022-03-22 17:40:00
IT 週刊アスキー NEOPLE×アークシステムワークスによる新作格闘ゲーム『DNF Duel』が6月28日にグローバルで配信決定! https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/086/4086868/ dnfduel 2022-03-22 17:20:00



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