AWS Architecture Blog |
Dream11: Blocking application attacks using AWS WAF at scale |
Dream Blocking application attacks using AWS WAF at scaleAs the world s largest fantasy sports platforms with more than million registered users Dream runs multiple contests simultaneously while processing millions of user requests per minute Their user centric and data driven teams make it a priority to ensure that the Dream application app remains protected against all kinds of threats and vulnerabilities Introduction to AWS … |
2022-03-25 14:58:56 |
python |
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2022-03-25 23:14:28 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
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2022-03-25 23:11:13 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
google-cloud-translate gemの翻訳結果でアポストロフィが実体参照(')で返ってきてしまう問題 |
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2022-03-25 23:49:37 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS IoT Message BrokerのMQTTでpub/sub |
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AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
WP Mail SMTP Pro のインストール方法とIAM最小権限の設定 |
ただし、EC上でWordpressを構築している場合、Pro版は、手動でインストールする必要があります。 |
2022-03-25 23:28:54 |
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2022-03-25 23:36:31 |
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2022-03-25 14:24:41 |
海外TECH |
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Polestar brings a cheaper, single-motor Polestar 2 to the US |
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2022-03-25 14:30:14 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Take Great Photos Under Water: 7 Essential Underwater Photography Tips |
How to Take Great Photos Under Water Essential Underwater Photography TipsIf you re visiting a large body of water in the near future don t forget to pack your camera We reveal how you can get great underwater shots |
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海外TECH |
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How to Turn Your Notes into a Database with Obsidian and Dataview |
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2022-03-25 14:15:13 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to Write Vue 3 Composables for a Third-Party API Integration |
How to Write Vue Composables for a Third Party API IntegrationThis post is a continuation of the series How to Build a Live Streaming Web Application with Amazon IVS and Deepgram If you want to start at the beginning check out the first post in the series ComposablesIn Vue js the term composables refers to composition functions a key feature of Vue s Composition API While the API itself includes many composition functions that are core to its design such as the setup function or the reactivity functions ref and reactive composables are those composition functions that I write myself to be used throughout my own project as needed Composables are functions that encapsulate stateful logic which means they are like little packages that are focused around performing one logical concern and they keep track of state that changes due to the function running For example I could write a composable function that toggles a menu open or closed That logic could be used throughout an application and it would need to keep track of the state of the menu being opened or closed I would just need to import the composable into whatever file I need it and run the function Composable Example useMenu jsimport readonly ref from vue const isOpen ref false const toggleMenu gt isOpen value isOpen value export default function useMenu return isOpen readonly isOpen toggleMenu Today I am going to introduce how to write a composable in Vue to bring in the Amazon IVS video player SDK and to connect to my Amazon IVS streaming channel If you have wanted to learn more about how to write Vue composables to use third party technologies this will be useful to you In this post I ll cover Writing a Vue composable to bring in an external scriptWriting a Vue composable that is dependent on another composable utilizing the Javascript function setIntervalAmazon IVS integration using Vue composables Background to the SeriesIn the first post in the series I explained how to build a live streaming web application using just Vanilla JS and HTML That post covers setting up an Amazon IVS account which is necessary to get the third party technology example Amazon IVS in today s post working Setting up an Amazon IVS channel is necessary to build the second composable in this tutorial but the first one can be built without doing that In the second post I started building a full stack application using Vue I set up Vue Router Vuex and a backend server which all helped me build a feature to restrict access to the streaming page of my site Visitors to the site are required to enter a code and that code is verified on the backend resulting in the user being able to navigate to the streaming page There is no need to read that post to be able to go through this tutorial on composables Today I ll build the video streaming page in Vue focusing on building this feature with Vue composables If you want a refresher on Vue composables check out my post Reusability with Composables The code for today s tutorial can be found in this Github repo the branch named amazonIVS composables Now I ll get into it Files OrganizationThis project has two main views the landing page and the streaming page Today I ll be working entirely in the streaming page In my project I have named this file StreamChannel vue and it is in the Views folder The StreamChannel vue will eventually be made up of two components one for the video player that relies on the Amazon IVS technology and one for the closed captions that relies on the Deepgram speech to text technology Today I ll only build the video player component I ll set up two folders to start a components folder and a composables folder both in the src folder In the components folder I ll create a VideoPlayer vue component The composables folder is where I will put the composition functions that contain the logic that makes the video player work A common practice in Vue is to name composables so that they begin with use The name will identify what the composable does The two composables I will be writing today are useIVSPlayer and useIVSChannel Here is what they will do useIVSPlayer js this composable will bring in the Amazon IVS video player script so that the HTML video element is enhanced with the Amazon IVS Player Web SDK useIVSChannel js this composable will check at an interval if the player in the useIVSPlayer script has loaded and if it has it will create a connection to my Amazon IVS channel updating state to show that the channel is connected My Github repo for this project shows how I have set up these folders VideoPlayer ComponentThe VideoPlayer vue component will be a video player that shows the live stream The Amazon IVS video player script looks for an HTML lt video gt element with a specific ID and then takes control of that element to bring in its own specially made video player with Amazon IVS optimizations So the first composable I write will be a function that brings in the Amazon IVS player with a script In the VideoPlayer vue file I will start by writing the HTML I need in the Vue template so that I have a basic video player I ve given it a height and a width that I prefer and the id video player so that I can use that id later to bring in the Amazon IVS player The attributes that the html lt video gt element supports are listed here lt template gt lt div gt lt p class status gt AWS Channel IVSStatus lt p gt lt video width height id video player controls playsinline gt lt video gt lt div gt lt template gt The IVSStatus will be set to a ref property For now I ll make that property a string Is Not Connected but later it will be hooked up to the status of the channel and it will update to say Is Connected when the channel is available Here is my setup function in the script block with that ref lt script gt import ref from vue export default name VideoPlayer setup let IVSStatus ref Is Not Connected return IVSStatus lt script gt The last thing I need to do to be able to see this video player is add the component to the StreamChannel vue page in src views StreamChannel vue lt template gt lt div gt lt h gt Stream Channel lt h gt lt video player gt lt div gt lt template gt lt script gt import VideoPlayer from components VideoPlayer export default name StreamChannel components VideoPlayer lt script gt Here is how the page will look Now I am ready to write the first composable the useIVSPlayer js composition function which will do the logic to bring in the Amazon IVS player Composable to Bring in An External ScriptThe useIVSPlayer js composable will bring a script into my StreamChannel vue component The docs at Amazon IVS say that I need this script so that the player is brought in lt script src gt One way to bring in an external script is to add the script to the lt head gt in my index html page lt head gt lt meta charset utf gt lt script type text javascript src gt lt script gt lt head gt Then I can type IVSPlayer in the console and I should see the module there If I choose this way to bring in the script the module will be available on every page of my application However sometimes it is preferable to make a third party technology only available on the page where it is needed In that case I need to remove that script from the lt head gt and bring it in a different way If I only want to bring in the script on the StreamChannel vue page I need to write logic to build out the script tag with the src of the player URL I will use a Vue composable which is just a Javascript function to build out this logic Writing it as a composable makes it reusable so I can easily copy it into other projects or bring it into other components in my application as needed This useIVSPlayer js composable will be a Promise since I need to account for the small amount of time it will take to load the scriptuse createElement to create the script tag and setAttribute to add the srcappend the script to the head with appendChilduse the global event listener onload to trigger the promise being resolvedHere is the composable export default new Promise res gt const script document createElement script script setAttribute src document head appendChild script script onload gt res script onerror gt throw IVS PLAYER ERROR I start with export default because I need to be able to import this logic into my VideoPlayer vue component Now in VideoPlayer vue I can import the composable I am going to use a then method because useIVSPlayer is a promise The then method will wait for the promise to resolve before doing whatever I write inside the then For now I will check that the player is available and console log that it is ready Later I ll add logic inside the then to bring in my streaming channel Here is the setup function now in the VideoPlayer vue component setup let IVSStatus ref Is Not Connected useIVSPlayer then gt if window IVSPlayer console log player loaded return IVSStatus For now I will keep IVSStatus as Is Not Connected because even though I have brought in the Amazon IVS player I still need to hook up the video player to my channel stream I ll do that in the next section Composable to Play Channel StreamNow I want to build a composable that will load my channel stream into the IVS player that I just brought in This composable will do the following Check that the IVS Player script is loaded and then create a new player that I can use for my stream Load my channel stream into the player by adding the playback URL Turn the player on with the play method Check that the stream is connected and loaded This will be done with setInterval since I don t know how long the delay might be First I ll write my composable with an export default so I can import it into other files as needed I ll also bring in ref from vue so I can track the state of the channel being loaded I ll create a ref variable called playerIsLoaded and set it to false to start import ref from vue export default function useCreateIVSPlayer let playerIsLoaded ref false return playerIsLoaded Everything I need to do in this composable is dependent on the IVS player the one I brought in with the useIVSPlayer composable being loaded So I ll wrap all my logic in an if statement to check that it is loaded and supported if IVSPlayer amp amp IVSPlayer isPlayerSupported all logic here I ll use the player SDK s method create to create a player for my channel Then I ll attach the player to the HTML video element in my VideoPlayer vue component with the SDK s attachHTMLVideoElement method and I ll use load to load my channel s playback URL I ll use play to play the channel stream const player IVSPlayer create player attachHTMLVideoElement document getElementById video player player load PLAYBACK URL player play The playback URL is unique to my channel so it has to be taken from the Amazon IVS console See my walkthrough in this post for more information Now I need to check that the channel stream is loaded This won t happen instantaneously but it should load relatively quickly I don t want to use a setTimeoutbecause I don t know how long it will take and I m concerned about the idea of adding a super long timeout if I don t have to I ll use setInterval to check for the stream being loaded setInterval is a DOM API method that repeatedly calls a function until some other trigger happens to turn it off In this case the other trigger will be the channel being loaded The way to turn it off is to use clearInterval I m going to assign setInterval to a variable called checkInterval The callback of setInterval will run every milliseconds Inside that callback it will check that the channel has loaded and once it has it will set playerIsLoaded to true and clear everything by passing checkInterval to clearInterval Here s the logic I just described let checkInterval setInterval gt if player core isLoaded playerIsLoaded value true clearInterval checkInterval I ll return the ref playerIsLoaded from the composable so I have access to it in the VideoPlayer vue component I want to watch that value so that when it changes the IVSStatus value in the VideoPlayer vue template updates to show that the channel is connected Here is the composable in its entirety import ref from vue export default function useIVSChannel let playerIsLoaded ref false if window IVSPlayer amp amp window IVSPlayer isPlayerSupported const player window IVSPlayer create player attachHTMLVideoElement document getElementById video player player load PLAYBACK URL player play let checkInterval setInterval gt if player core isLoaded playerIsLoaded value true clearInterval checkInterval return playerIsLoaded The last thing I need to do to get this working is go back to the VideoPlayer vue component and run the composable function inside setup and update IVSStatus based on the channel being connected which I ll do in the next section Run the ComposableIn VideoPlayer vue I will run the useIVSChannel composable inside setup Actually I ll run it inside the then that I already wrote earlier which will cause useIVSChannel to run after useIVSPlayer has resolved I have to remember to import useIVSChannel from the composables folder if I want to use it useIVSPlayer then gt const playerIsLoaded useIVSChannel I deconstruct playerIsLoaded off of useIVSChannel so that I can watch that reactive reference I ll use Vue s watch method to make a side effect occur when the playerIsLoaded value changes to true i e when the channel is connected The side effect will be that the IVSStatus will update to Is Connected watch playerIsLoaded gt if playerIsLoaded value IVSStatus value Is Connected Here is the entire script for the VideoPlayer vue component lt script gt import ref watch from vue import useIVSPlayer from composables useIVSPlayer import useIVSChannel from composables useIVSChannel export default name VideoPlayer setup let IVSStatus ref Is Not Connected useIVSPlayer then gt const playerIsLoaded useIVSChannel watch playerIsLoaded gt if playerIsLoaded value IVSStatus value Is Connected return IVSStatus lt script gt However nothing will happen in my video player in the browser if I have not turned on my stream In the first post in this series I showed how to set up OBS to use their software on my computer to create a stream which I connected to an Amazon IVS channel If I turn on my stream in OBS I should see myself in the video player in my application now ConclusionVue composables are useful for writing standalone logic that can be reused but if one composable depends on another it can be tricky In this post I showed how a composable can be written as a promise and how setInterval can be used to check if something the composable depends on has happened yet These are two ways to write composables that may have asynchronous events occurring In the next post I ll show how to write composables for using Deepgram s API to create text captions for my stream I ll write a composable to use the browser MediaStreams API a great example of a composable that can be reused in different contexts I ll also show how to use fetch in a composable to get a token from the backend I hope you ll join me for the next post Follow me on Twitter so you don t miss it |
2022-03-25 14:47:20 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Building an eCommerce Store 1/3: Managing Products & Prices (with examples in Ruby) |
Building an eCommerce Store Managing Products amp Prices with examples in Ruby IntroductionCreating an online store requires the management of a lot of moving parts such as product and price management checkout flows for your customers and order fulfillment to name a few In this article you ll learn about modeling your product catalog on Stripe and also about the many options that are available to you You can also watch this video with Sia Karamalegos theGreenGreek and me mattling dev to learn how to manage a product catalog using ty the Stripe dashboard and the Stripe node client library Products and PricesTwo of the core objects that underpin your business model on Stripe are Products and Prices You can think of the Product as the “what you re selling That might be a book coffee cup or access to a subscription service on a monthly cadence The Price is the “how you re selling your product meaning a Price describes the amount the currency its tax behavior or whether it s a one time or recurring charge among other things A Product can have many Prices to model that you can sell your Products in different ways An example is that you may sell your T Shirts in the US for a certain dollar amount but decide to sell that same T Shirt in the EU for another amount of euros Products and Prices are the core resources that are the foundation of several Stripe integrations such as Checkout Payment Links Subscriptions and Invoicing and Orders So it s essential to understand how to create your pricing model as you start building You can manage your Products and Prices both through the Stripe dashboard or the API In this article I ll provide Ruby code snippets to illustrate how to create certain pricing models via the API but you can use one of our official client libraries in one of our seven supported programming languages One time Prices vs recurring PricesOne time Prices are for single sales of your Product Recurring Prices are ones that reoccur at a predefined cadence A monthly charge to access your video streaming platform would be a perfect example of a recurring Price product Stripe Product create name Coffee product id gt prod Create a one time price for dollarsStripe Price create unit amount currency usd product prod Create a recurring price for dollars per monthStripe Price create unit amount currency usd recurring interval month product prod Pricing modelsThere are multiple pricing models that you can leverage to model your business on Stripe Standard pricingThis is a very common pricing model where a business sells one unit of a Product at a flat rate Create a one time price for dollarsStripe Price create unit amount currency usd product prod Package pricingThis pricing model is for when you charge by the package or group of units For example say you charge euros for every units Purchases are rounded up by default so a customer buying units would pay euros The number of packages that are sold is determined by the quantity specified at the time of purchase Graduated pricingGraduated pricing can be used if you would like to have pricing tiers that may result in a different price for differing amounts of units in an order For example you might charge euros per unit for the first units and then euros per unit for the next Stripe Price create nickname Per minute pricing product prod currency usd recurring interval month usage type metered billing scheme tiered tiers mode graduated tiers unit amount up to unit amount up to unit amount up to inf Volume pricingVolume pricing allows you to charge the same price for each unit based on the total number of units sold For example you might charge euros per unit for units and euros per unit for units Stripe Price create nickname Project Volume Pricing product prod currency usd recurring interval month usage type metered billing scheme tiered tiers mode volume tiers unit amount up to unit amount up to unit amount up to inf MeteringIf your pricing model is recurring and is based on the customer s usage of your service it s also possible to report usage of your service during the billing period and then bill the user at the end of the billing period This is known as metered billing A good example of a metered pricing model would be if you charge your customers on a per megabyte usage for a digital service So for every megabyte used of your service you would report that usage and it will be billed at the end of the period Stripe Price create nickname Per megabyte pricing product prod currency usd recurring interval month usage type metered billing scheme tiered tiers mode graduated tiers unit amount up to unit amount up to unit amount up to inf Using Products and PricesWhen you have your pricing model setup you can use Products and Prices with CheckoutPayment LinksQuotesBillingInvoicesCompatibility with these Stripe products depends on your business model In the next blog post on building an eCommerce store you ll learn how to use Checkout and Payment Links to use your product catalog to build a checkout flow for your customers SummaryStripe allows you to create sophisticated product and pricing models that accurately model your business Designing and choosing that model is an important early step in building your integration with Stripe If you d like support please don t hesitate to reach out to our developers at StripeDev on twitter or join in the conversion on our Discord server Stay connectedIn addition you can stay up to date with Stripe in a few ways Follow us on TwitterJoin the official Discord serverSubscribe to our Youtube channelSign up for the Dev Digest |
2022-03-25 14:38:33 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How we wrote our CLI integration tests |
How we wrote our CLI integration testsCover image from Unsplash by Glenn Carstens PetersOne of the most important parts of software is ensuring that it works not only on your machine but also on the target machines The more variables are there the more complex it is to create reliable software What seems easy first quickly becomes a mess of checking edge cases and identifying scenarios For the command line tooling of our micro frontend framework Piral we needed to be sure that it properly runs This includestesting against different operating systems Windows Linux Mac testing against different versions of Node js starting with testing against different bundlers most importantly Webpack but also Parcel esbuild vite All in all not an easy task While we have quite a high percentage of unit test coverage experience has taught us that nothing can replace integration tests This is the only way to identify issues with underlying operating systems or runtimes Let s see what we did to run our tests The basic setupOur tests will run in the command line using a tool set consisting ofJest test runner Playwright to check if debugging build artifacts work properly together with expect playwright for simplified assertionsTypeScript to make sure the test code base itself does not contain some easy mistake Azure Pipelines running the tests in different environments The code for our CLI integration tests is on GitHub The setup of Jest done via the jest config js file can be broken down to the following const resolve require path const outDirName process env OUTDIR dist const outputDirectory resolve process cwd outDirName process env OUTPUT DIR outputDirectory module exports collectCoverage false globals NODE ENV test ts jest diagnostics false testEnvironmentOptions jest playwright browsers chromium exitOnPageError false collectCoverage false launchOptions headless true setupFilesAfterEnv expect playwright testTimeout preset jest playwright preset reporters default jest junit outputDirectory transformIgnorePatterns lt rootDir gt node modules node modules babel node modules jest signal exit is typedarray testPathIgnorePatterns lt rootDir gt node modules modulePathIgnorePatterns lt rootDir gt node modules roots lt rootDir gt src testRegex tests test ts testURL http localhost transform ts ts jest js babel jest moduleFileExtensions ts js json moduleNameMapper verbose true While some parts e g the integration of ts jest for TypeScript support are rather straight forward other parts are not Especially the transformIgnorePatterns and testEnvironmentOptions require some explanation The transformIgnorePatterns along the testPathIgnorePatterns and modulePathIgnorePatterns are necessary to actually support the use case of providing the tests via an npm package i e as a library This use case is necessary to make the tests also available to other bundler plugins which are not already covered by running the tests within the repository We ll go into details later The testEnvironmentOptions enable the use of Playwright Playwright is a browser automation tool that helps us controlling a browser e g to check if certain elements are also rendered This is necessary for some tests to actually verify that everything was done right Matrix testingTo run the tests in different environments we use a CI CD feature called matrix strategy This will run the same pipeline in different variations strategy matrix linux node imageName ubuntu nodeVersion x linux node imageName ubuntu nodeVersion x linux node imageName ubuntu nodeVersion x linux node imageName ubuntu nodeVersion x windows node imageName windows nodeVersion x macos node imageName macOS nodeVersion xWhenever we have a new environment to be tested we just add it here All the rest e g what base image is selected to run the pipeline is then determined using the variables from the matrix The remaining steps in the CI CD pipeline are then rather straight forward steps task NodeTool inputs versionSpec nodeVersion displayName Install Node js script npm install legacy peer deps displayName Setup Tests script npm test continueOnError true displayName Run Tests env CLI VERSION parameters piralCliVersion task PublishTestResults inputs testResultsFormat JUnit testResultsFiles dist junit xml mergeTestResults trueWe first change to the selected version of Node js and then prepare running the tests by installing all dependencies Then and this is the most important step we actually run the tests We pass in version of the CLI we actually want to test By default this is set to the next tag on npm of the piral cli package We could also run the tests for a different version All we would need to do is pass a different value for this parameter when starting the pipeline Finally we publish the test results We use the package jest junit to store the results in the JUnit format which is compatible with the PublishTestResults task of Azure Pipelines Code structure and utilitiesThe code contains three directories bin has a small wrapper that can be used to run the tests as an npm packagesrc contains all the testssrc utils contains the utilities to efficiently write the testsThe utilities make it possible to conveniently provide integration tests for our CLI tool These utilities can be categorized context jest enhancingconvenience for input output handlingdealing with processes starting stopping monitoring running a server to emulate CLI to service interactionWhile standard Jest unit tests look a bit likeimport someFunction from module describe Testing module gt it works gt arrange const input foo act const output someFunction input assert expect output toBe bar the tests in this repository look a bit different import runTests from utils runTests cli command test setup gt common arrange setup async ctx gt await ctx run npm init y test some id works feature async ctx gt act await ctx run npm test assert await ctx assertFiles coverage coverage final json true First of all there are no modules or functions to import for testing here We only import utilities The most important utility is the runTests wrapper This will give us access to further specialized wrappers such as setup and test The former is a generic arrange Everything that is run in there will produce content that can be used i e will be present for each test Since some commands may install packages or perform longer operations in the area of to seconds it is crucial to not run the actual common arrange steps again Instead it is assumed that there are some outputs to the context directory which can then be just copied from a temporary arrange location to the temporary test location The ability to conveniently have a temporary directory underneath where everything else is relative to is the reason for having these wrappers such as runTests setup or test The basic flow here is For a test suite create a container directory in a predefined output directory usually dist Run the setup steps once for all tests in a test suite in a dedicated template directory inside the container directoryRun the tests each test creates its own temporary directory inside the container directoryFor each test first copy the contents of the template directory to itThat way the outcome can be easily inspected and removed Otherwise finding the outcome or cleaning it up becomes a mess To find individual tests easier the directory of each test is prefixed with the id in the example above some id that we give it It also contains a random string to make sure there are no collisions Running the testsLet s look at one of the more complicated tests import axios from axios import cliVersion runTests selectedBundler getFreePort from utils runTests pilet debug test setup gt setup async ctx gt await ctx run npx package piral cli cliVersion pilet new sample piral cliVersion bundler none await ctx run npm i selectedBundler save dev test debug standard template with schema v can produce a debug build with schema v debug pilet async ctx gt const port await getFreePort const cp ctx runAsync npx pilet debug port port schema v await cp waitUntil Ready The bundling process failed await page goto http localhost port const res await axios get http localhost port pilet api const pilets res data expect pilets toEqual name expect anything version expect anything link expect anything spec v hash expect anything noCache expect anything await expect page toHaveSelectorCount pi tile await expect page toMatchText pi tile Welcome to Piral Here we set up a micro frontend called a pilet using npx with the piral cli command Then we install the selected bundler to be able to verify the debug command To prevent potential conflicts on the used port we use an utility for finding the next free port default Then we start an ever running command npx pilet debug Unlike the simple run the runAsync will run concurrently by default Still we want to wait until the command would print Ready in the console If we find something like The bundling process failed or even a terminated application then we will have a failed test After the debug process is ready we can finally use Playwright to go to the page and run some assertions We check against the debug server if it contains the expected API response Furthermore we can assertions on the website We should find a tile on the dashboard coming from the micro frontend that we are currently debugging So how can we run it We can run it from the command line using npm start If we want to run a specific test e g for the pilet debug command we can also run jest directly npx jest src pilet debug test tsTheoretically we could also run a specific test npx jest src pilet debug test ts t can produce a debug build with schema v This works in almost all test suites except the ones using Playwright In those test suites the page object remains undefined as some magic that is performed by the Jest Playwright integration is not present in such a scenario Besides running all the tests from the test repository the tests could also be installed and run locally npm i smapiot piral cli integration testsnpx piral cli testsNote that this will not run all tests but only the tests that require a bundler Using this way one could test a self developed bundler plugin In the future this would also provide the whole CLI test infrastructure to quickly allow testing other piral cli plugins too ResultsRight now the tests run on demand even though they could for whatever reason also be scheduled Already when writing the tests we ve detected some edge cases and little improvements that helped us make the piral cli even better So overall besides having the assurance with new releases that we did not unintentionally break something we already gained quite a bit of value from having integration tests in that area Right now failing tests are essentially reported as partially failing as we continue in the pipeline to actually publish them |
2022-03-25 14:29:59 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Replacing django's default Statreloader with Facebook's Watchman |
Replacing django x s default Statreloader with Facebook x s WatchmanEver thought what went on behind the scene when you run python manage py runserver in your project s base directory during development Normally you get a familiar output python manage py runserverWatching for file changes with StatReloaderPerforming system checks System check identified no issues silenced March Django version using settings wallet settings Starting development server at As indicated at the top of the terminal output you see Watching for file changes with StatReloader Statreloader which is the default file watcher file reloader for auto reloading the web server whenever there s a change in py files during development is no more than a simple class which works by running a loop that checks for file changes every second this can be quite in efficient when working on larger projects Now except you re experimenting other alternatives to the default Statreloader or working on a quite large codebase where efficiency and resource optimization like battery usage memory is a big deal i d advice you to stick with statreloader as it doesn t require any pre setup to work with Introducing WatchmanWatchman is a file watching service introduced by Facebook for watching file changes it relies on the operating system to send signals whenever a change is made to a file Django get notified when there s been a recent change to a file and quickly reload s the server to include the recently made changes This makes watchman a better alternative as it doesn t keep any process running when there isn t a file change which leads to better CPU resource optimization Installing WatchmanWatchman relies on the operating system it s running on to get file change notification signals so it s most likely user experience would defer based on your choice of OS Personally i use a linux debian distro and i found this amazing article on setting up Watchman on your linux pc Setting up watchman on linuxIf you re running a windows Mac Os you can setup Watchman via the instructions specified on their official docs page Setup Watchman on windows or Macosit s pretty straightforward setting it up with chocolatey on windows Setting up Django to use WatchmanReloaderGetting django to work with watchman is very simple first you have to cd into your base directory and install watchman client wrapper for python i e pywatchman activate your virtual environment source walletenv bin activateinstall pywatchman pip install pywatchmanrerun your development server python manage py runserveryou should see that django is now using WatchmanReloaderWatching for file changes with WatchmanReloaderPerforming system checks System check identified no issues silenced March Django version using settings wallet settings Starting development server at Quit the server with CONTROL C If you re building an application that has setups that aren t particularly related to what you re currently working on you can configure watchman to ignore notifications from these particular dirs files by simply including a watchmanconfig file in the same directory where your manage py file is touch watchmanconfignano watchmanconfig ignore dirs DIRECTORY YOU d WANT TO IGNORE CHANGES FROM ConclusionPerformance is a vital yardstick when building application that would scale optimizing development process is also a very significant factor to this In this short article we ve seen how to optimize our development process by using a more faster and memory friendly file watching service I hope you enjoyed the article and in the meantime let me know what you think about the article and possibly any amendments that could be made to improve it s user experience thanks for reading and have a great time |
2022-03-25 14:23:19 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
using actioncable for websockets with a streaming api endpoint |
using actioncable for websockets with a streaming api endpoint What are websockets Firstly we know that HTTP is a unidirectional communication protocol that uses a request and response cycle Each time a new request or response is sent a new connection must be established We see this often in fetch calls to RESTful APIs Just like HTTP protocol uses http and https websockets use ws and wss This diagram shows the major difference between HTTP and websocket connections After the request is sent in a websocket connection instead of the connection closing and a response being initiated the client and server have a handshake that allows the connection to be upgraded to websocket This communication link is bidirectional or full duplex and remains open so that messages can freely be exchanged between server and client without interruption until the connection is closed by either side What can we do with them Websockets are used in all sorts of real time applications I recently developed a full stack application that lets users create event boards to follow hashtags and use those boards to stream live tweets from Twitter by connecting to Twitter s Streaming API endpoint I wanted to share how I got started using Ruby on Rails ActionCable for websockets on the back end and rails actioncable npm package for the React front end Ruby on Rails comes with a built in package called ActionCable which provides seamless websocket integration on the back end Once a channel has been established we are able to easily call on ActionCable to broadcast anything we d like To create this project I signed up for Twitter Developer Credentials and stored my API Keys in an config application yml file which I hid with a gitignore file I had decided on using Twitter s Filtered Stream endpoint so I went to the Twitter API v sample code repo to get started The repo contains examples of all of the different streaming endpoints and sample code in multiple languages The filtered stream endpoint group enables developers to filter the real time stream of public Tweets This endpoint group s functionality includes multiple endpoints that enable you to create and manage rules and apply those rules to filter a stream of real time Tweets that will return matching public Tweets This endpoint group allows users to listen for specific topics and events in real time monitor the conversation around competitions understand how trends develop in real time and much more developer twitter comThe sample Ruby code for connecting to the streaming endpoint looks like this Connects to the stream and returns data Tweet payloads in chunksdef stream connect params options timeout method get headers User Agent vFilteredStreamRuby Authorization Bearer bearer token params params request Typhoeus Request new stream url options request on body do chunk puts chunk end request runendAt this point I was able to connect to the stream in my Rails console by running TwitterStream stream connect which was very exciting Further configuration is required to make use of the raw data our connection is receiving First we need to create the TweetChannel which can be done manually or by running rails g channel tweet to have Rails generate one for you Then we need to add in a little more information to let the channel know where to stream from I go over this more below in the section on the front end setup class TweetChannel lt ApplicationCable Channel def subscribed stream from tweet params rule endendIn my EventsController I have an action that is triggered by a front end fetch request that calls TwitterStream stream connect event and passes in an event object with some properties that I use to modify the way this application connects to the Twitter streaming endpoint The starter docs provided by Twitter are a great place to start but of course every application will have unique needs and there is so much more we can add in ourselves def self stream connect event puts Connecting to Twitter Stream params expansions attachments media keys author id entities mentions username geo place id in reply to user id referenced tweets id referenced tweets id author id tweet fields author id created at entities attachments geo id in reply to user id lang public metrics user fields name username verified profile image url media fields preview image url alt text url options timeout event timeout method get headers User Agent vFilteredStreamRuby Authorization Bearer BEARER TOKEN params params request Typhoeus Request new STREAM URL options request on body do chunk ActionCable server broadcast tweet event rule id body chunk end request run endSo we can see that above in the original sample code Twitter had puts chunk which printed to the console any incoming data which I replaced with ActionCable server broadcast tweet event rule id body chunk which is sending the params event rule id to the TweetChannel we created above and also sending the chunk of raw data out to make its way to our front end That single line of code is the game changer here allowing us to simply broadcast anything coming through the websocket from Twitter directly to the TweetChannel and then on to our React front end Lastly let s make sure to put mount ActionCable server gt cable into our config routes rb to make sure we have somewhere to send a request for a websocket connection The Ruby on Rails docs has a lot of great information on how to use ActionCable in different parts of your application But lets move over to the front end to see how all of this fits together Front endThe first step is to install the rails actioncable npm package so that we can connect the front end with our rails back end Run npm install rails actioncable and we are ready to go import createConsumer from rails actioncable import useRef from react export default function Event const cable useRef useEffect gt if cable current cable current createConsumer ws localhost cable lets the back end know the channel to broadcast on const channelObj channel TweetChannel rule event rule id const handlers received data here you can add code to do something with the data received from the websocket connected console log connected disconnected console log disconnected cable current null const subscription cable current subscriptions create channelObj handlers return function cleanup subscription unsubscribe cable current null Above is some very basic boilerplate code for getting started Consumers require an instance of the connection on the client side Using createConsumer will get a connection to cable ready on the server by default But it won t actually do anything until you have specified a subscription With our handlers and our channel object we are getting our parameters ready to be passed in to cable current subscription create At the top of the file we create a variable cable and assign it to useRef This combined with the code checking for cable current ensure that we do not create a new subscription every time the component is re rendered This is going to help avoid glitchy behavior and especially if in use with a chat style app this will help avoid duplicate or out of order messages The useEffect will make sure that this subscription is created or found on component renders The channelObject has key value pairs channel TweetChannel and rule event rule id which correspond to the TweetChannel that we created earlier When the subscription is created on the front end it sends the information to the TweetChannel which it uses to stream from the correct websocket connection class TweetChannel lt ApplicationCable Channel def subscribed stream from tweet params rule endendIn the received method of the handlers variable I take the incoming data create a new Tweet object where it is then added to a Tweets array and animated onto the screen This project was the absolute most fun to create and if you would like to see more details about it check out this demo video Github repositories Front end Back end |
2022-03-25 14:18:59 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Great Opportunity to be a part of a Global Fintech Solutions Provider. |
Great Opportunity to be a part of a Global Fintech Solutions Provider Currently urgently looking for a pure tech team for our India office in Gurugram If you are good at node js nest js have a flair for blockchain crypto cybersecurity and all things fintech drop your resume at garima prabhakar rosebaycorporate com |
2022-03-25 14:15:47 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
10 Keyboard Shortcuts You Might Not Know! |
Keyboard Shortcuts You Might Not Know In this post I will talk about the keyboard shortcuts every coder needs to master Clipboard HistoryWithout wasting much of time I will start with the first shortcut key which is the clipboard history You can access your clipboard history by pressing Windows V key on your keyboard This opens your clipboard history which can be accessed and navigated using the arrow keys on your keyboard Windows v Windows arrow keys and dragging a window to rightYou can open two windows side by selecting a window and dragging it to the extreme right side of you monitor This will give you an option to open two windows side by side You can also use your Windows Left Windows Up or Windows Down arrow keys to move this windowWindows LeftWindows RightWindows Up Windows Down Windows Did you know that you can use Windows Windows etc keys to open your first second and third windows respectively Well if not you need to start integrating this shortcut in your workflow Windows Windows Windows D to minimize all the opened software If you want to minimize all the opened applications in your Windows computer you can do so by pressing windows D key on your keyboard A quick one but yet very effective keyboard shortcut you should be using Control Backspace and Control Delete If you wish to delete a word towards the left you can use Control BackspaceSimilarly If you wish to delete a word towards the left you can use Control Delete key on your keyboard Alt Tab and Windows Tab You can use Alt Tab to navigate through all the opened tabs of application which are opened on your windows Shift End and Shift HomePressing Shift and Home at the same time highlights all text from the current position to the start of the line Windows P Windows P is used to open the projector preferences on your windows You can control the monitor layout of your pc You can choose to either turn on one two or duplicate both of your monitors Windows L This is a very handy shortcut used to lock your pc so that no one can access it without your windows pin password You should try to make it a habit to lock your Windows computer when you are not around Bonus Mouse WheelYou can use the Mouse Wheel click to close a tab in Google Chrome and Open a link in a new tab This saves a lot of time if you are hunting a bug and trying to find solution of your problem everywhere on the internet |
2022-03-25 14:15:18 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How do you write your css? |
How do you write your css So i m a beginner and have a problem with how to write my css css itself has a lot lines of code and i think nowadays a lot of programmers using bootstrap and all website are look exactly the same and i think both tailwind and bootstrap make the code dirty and hard to read and i rather write thousand lines of code than write dirty code so my questions are how do you write your css and is it bad that i m using simple css codes |
2022-03-25 14:13:05 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Multiple Shipping Options are Required for Retailers – Why and How? |
Multiple Shipping Options are Required for Retailers Why and How E commerce retailers know that the success of their business depends on their ability to get orders delivered to customers In simple terms shipping is the make it or break it factor for e stores More consumers are now taking to the internet to find products that they would otherwise obtain at physical stores So it s important to do it right when it comes to how you ship But you will agree that there have been lots of changes in customer behavior over the years regarding how they want their packages delivered So now is the right time for retailers to focus more on diversifying their shipping options and for good reason Of course shopping online was already a thing before the onset of COVID But the rate at which consumers began to do their shopping online skyrocketed after the lockdown To show how extensive the trend had become Whistl s research pointed out that over of shoppers did their shopping online the previous month Most of the consumers were based in Germany the United States and the UK And by the months that followed the number of online shoppers from these regions had increased from to It goes to show that e commerce merchants are now doing more shipping within and across borders implying a need for more shipping options It s also interesting to note that consumers have evolved in terms of how they want their goods delivered What Really Do Online Buyers Want At first glance one would feel FREE DELIVERY is what consumers need But when you take a much deeper look into how the online retail industry has grown you ll come to realize that what shoppers actually demand is FLEXIBLE DELIVERY They want to be able to decide for themselves key things Where their deliveries should be madeHow their packages should be deliveredWhen their order should arriveWhat to pay for deliveriesThis is not a new trend because Retail Week discovered in a research that up to of shoppers desired shipping options to be flexible They wanted delivery options that allowed them to decide when and where their packages should go Another aspect of customer expectations of eCommerce delivery has to do with package tracking Online shoppers need to track their packages and receive notifications about the movement and expected time of arrival of their orders The point therefore is that your customers want you to offer a more agile shipping experience not just the cheapest shipping options How can you meet their expectations Responding to the Demand for Multiple Shipping OptionsTruth be told e commerce brands that are able to match up with customer expectations regarding diversified shipping options are better positioned to win more customers than other brands So not only do retailers have to offer the cheapest shipping options but they also have to complete along the lines of delivery It s no surprise that many merchants are now offering free delivery and free return services But in order to do that most of these brands have to restrategize and redesign their shipping processes It also means that they have to focus on adding more shipping options while offering shoppers a way to track their packages Some retailers and merchants are also taking on the services of third party fulfillment centers totally outsourcing every aspect of their inventory management and delivery process So is it time for you to consider diversifying your shipping options too Yes To come up with a more comprehensive shipping process that meets the expectations of consumers you must diversify That means you will have to consider collaborating with third parties where necessary to make available more shipping options And you must find a way to get it done in the most economical way possible How you rethink and evolve your shipping options and processes is the catalyst to improving your overall customer experience and boosting your conversion rate It could also be the key you need to penetrate a new market So many benefits come from giving customers multiple choices regarding shipping Consider ways that eCommerce retailers can unlock the advantages of diversified shipping Adopting a multi carrier approachSince customers tend to have varying delivery demands it makes sense for retailers to take a multi carrier approach More retailers are now using this strategy to minimize their risk and also get the best prices as evidenced by data from Accenture The reason why working with multiple carriers in your retail business is non negotiable is that it gives you the chance to offer multiple delivery shipping options That means you can reduce your risk of service quality reduction because you have other carriers to count on if any of them should fail you You will also enjoy the liberty of tailoring your deliveries to the best fitting carriers Being able to offer multiple shipping options encourages your customers to choose what delivery option is best for them That way you reduce shopping cart abandonment and boost conversions at checkout Using international shippersSooner or later your e commerce brand will have to come up with an international shipping model to cater to shoppers who visit your website from overseas Being able to serve visitors from other climes is a good way to gain an edge over your competitors If you offer multiple shipping options not only for local customers but international shoppers as well you re better positioned to succeed A Multi channel Order Management System can HelpTo achieve everything discussed so far on diversifying your shipping options you ll need an order and delivery management system These systems do the heavy lifting by handling everything about your shipping logistics FenixCommerce is a highly recommended order management system driven by AI to proactively display personalized multiple shipping options to your online customers based on their location It geolocates them and pools valuable data from multiple carriers to personalize their shopping experience and increase the chances of a successful checkout process for each customer By integrating an intelligent order management system into a multi carrier process you can create a powerful diversified experience for your customers to help you stay ahead of the competition |
2022-03-25 14:11:14 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Open Source Adventures: Episode 23: Imba 2 JSON Beautifier |
Open Source Adventures Episode Imba JSON BeautifierLet s port another Imba app to Imba JSON Beautifier which you can see in action here The app is very simple has just one component and outsources all logic to json stringify pretty compact package The most interesting part about it is that it uses Cypress for integration testing so in the next post I ll also try to setup Cypress integration tests for the Imba version too Imba app imbalet stringify require json stringify pretty compact tag App def setup maxlen indent text JSON stringify hello world error null def prettify try let indent parseInt indent let json JSON parse text let spaces Array from length indent join text stringify json maxLength maxlen indent spaces catch e error e def clear error error null def upload event let file event native target files return unless file let reader FileReader new reader onload do event text event target result error nil Imba commit reader read as text file def render lt self gt lt header gt JSON Beautifier lt textarea text rows input clear error gt if error lt div error gt error lt div controls gt lt input file type file change upload gt lt label for indent gt Indent lt input indent indent type number min gt lt label for maxlen gt Max row length lt input maxlen maxlen type number min gt lt button click prettify gt Prettify Imba mount lt App gt Imba app scss import normalize scss include normalize App display flex flex direction column align items center header font size px text align center textarea min width vw margin bottom px controls display grid grid row gap px margin auto label grid column input grid column button grid column error background color fcc min width vw padding px border px solid Imba app imbaimport stringify from json stringify pretty compact tag app prop maxlen prop indent prop text JSON stringify hello world prop error def prettify try let json JSON parse text let spaces Array from length parseInt indent join text stringify json maxLength parseInt maxlen indent spaces catch e error e imba commit def clear error error null def upload event let file event target files return unless file let reader new FileReader reader onload do event text event target result error nil imba commit reader readAsText file lt self gt lt header gt JSON Beautifier lt textarea bind text rows input clear error gt if error lt div error gt error lt div controls gt lt input file type file change upload gt lt label for indent gt Indent lt input indent bind indent type number min gt lt label for maxlen gt Max row length lt input maxlen bind maxlen type number min gt lt button click prettify gt Prettify css display flex flex direction column align items center ff sans header font size px text align center textarea min width vw margin bottom px controls display grid grid row gap px margin auto label grid column input button grid column error background color fcc min width vw padding px border px solid imba mount lt app gt This is a very straightforward translation We need to convert Error to String as Imba doesn t like putting Error objects directly in the output but that s probably a good idea anyway Other than that it s just minor syntactic changes By the way I wonder if any framework will ever offer good solution for the label for problem Right now they inherently use globally scoped ids Source codeSource code is in imba json beautifier repository You can also see the live version here Coming nextIn the next episode we ll try to add Cypress tests to this app |
2022-03-25 14:02:08 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Deal alert: save $20 on Parallels Desktop Pro Edition to run Windows on your Mac |
Deal alert save on Parallels Desktop Pro Edition to run Windows on your MacShoppers on the lookout for the best Parallels deal can snap up a year subscription to Parallels Desktop Pro right now for just Parallels Desktop Pro Edition is on sale nowThe promotion is for new users only and it includes access for one Mac desktop computer for one year If you re interested in trying it out you ll have to redeem your code before And of course be quick about nabbing the discount as this sale is only going on for a limited time Read more |
2022-03-25 14:08:45 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Discover Samsung Deals Event: save up to $1,700 on TVs, soundbars, Galaxy devices, Z Flip & Fold phones, more |
Discover Samsung Deals Event save up to on TVs soundbars Galaxy devices Z Flip amp Fold phones moreSamsung s weeklong spring sale is here and it s chock full of deep discounts on a variety of smartphones TVs tablets kitchen appliances and everything you could need in a connected home Samsung gaming monitor robotic vacuum and speakers are all discountedThe Discover Samsung event will feature a variety of new promotions with Offers of the Day and special Bundle Deals up for grabs all week long Each day through March new deals will go live at a m ET and will remain until a m the next day These deals aren t likely to last long so act fast if you don t want to miss out Read more |
2022-03-25 14:46:50 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Roland’s iconic RE-201 Space Echo returns in two new Boss pedals |
Roland s iconic RE Space Echo returns in two new Boss pedalsIt s a good week for guitarists who love a classic echo effect Just a few days ago Line released the DL MkII a long awaited update to its DL delay and looper pedal one of the more widely used effects pedals of the last years And now Boss one of the most prolific and well known manufacturers of guitar effects pedal out there has just announced the RE and RE Space Echo pedals both of which are inspired by Roland s iconic tape based RE Space Echo unit that was originally released way back in nbsp For the uninitiated the RE Space Echo used three analog tape heads to record and repeat an instrument s signal The analog nature of the device meant that it had a number of sonic characteristics that made it unique and highly coveted That s still the case ーoriginal RE units regularly sell for several thousand dollars The new RE on the other hand retails for and offers the exact same set of controls as the original Given that it s we re dealing with digital modeling recreating all the quirks of the original rather than analog tape But Boss built in options to quot age quot the virtual tape which means you can recreate the sounds of the RE as it was out of the box or give it the worn nature and quirks that come with an older unit The RE has essentially the same front controls as the original as well with the position mode selector dial prominently featured The new RE and RE pedals pictured with the original Roland RE unit BossNaturally there are a lot of modern conveniences here too The delay length you can dial in is twice as long as the original and there s a footswitch so you can tap out the delay tempo something that s pretty common these days on pedals like this There s also a fourth virtual tape head compared to the three found in the original this unlocks five additional sound options nbsp The RE is a less expensive and and slightly less capable version of the RE It s a smaller single footswitch pedal that Boss says captures the same tones as the RE in a more compact design It s not quite as full featured and customizable as the RE but it should provide the same sonic characteristics as the bigger and more expensive pedal It s also a good choice if you don t want to take up quite so much space on your pedalboard nbsp The RE costs less than the RE Both of these pedals are definitely priced in boutique territory But a faithful recreation of the RE might be worth it for a lot of players as the original Space Echo has been used on thousands of recordings by some of the most popular artists in history from Pink Floyd and Radiohead to Lee Scratch Perry Underworld and Lauryn Hill If you want to get the same sound without breaking the bank for a wonky tape based original unit these new pedals are probably worth a look nbsp |
2022-03-25 14:19:17 |
海外TECH |
CodeProject Latest Articles |
Streaming at Scale with Azure Event Hubs, Azure Functions, and Cosmos DB Part 3: Analyzing and Visualizing the Data |
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2022-03-25 14:49:00 |
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Complex Math Parser and Evaluator in VB.NET |
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2022-03-25 14:20:00 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
F.D.A. Expedited Drug to Prevent Preterm Births. Did It Pick Speed Over Science? |
F D A Expedited Drug to Prevent Preterm Births Did It Pick Speed Over Science The agency s accelerated approval program for certain drugs has come under intense scrutiny because some are on the market now despite limited evidence that they work |
2022-03-25 14:40:59 |
海外TECH |
Our Favorite Budget Gaming Headset Is Down to $25 |
removable |
2022-03-25 14:15:00 |
金融 |
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審判期日の予定を更新しました。 |
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2022-03-25 16:00:00 |
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欧州委員会との金融規制協力に関する枠組み文書の策定について公表しました。 |
欧州委員会 |
2022-03-25 16:00:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
PM backs calls for P&O Ferries boss Peter Hebblethwaite to resign |
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2022-03-25 14:47:23 |
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EU signs US gas deal to curb reliance on Russia |
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2022-03-25 14:13:55 |
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ロシア軍、死者1351人に 国防省発表、侵攻1カ月 |
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新庄監督、敵地でサプライズ連発 笑顔で初采配 |
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BIGBOSS「いいゲームだった」 黒星スタートも見せ場十分 |
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