Engadget Japanese |
「Amazon新生活セール」で安くなってる球体Echo dotの音質をチェック |
amazon |
2022-03-27 09:00:12 |
lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Lambda (golang)でOpenSearchのドメインを定期的に名前解決し、ALBのターゲットを更新(プライベートサブネットのみ) |
OpenSearchのエンドポイントは、以下の様なドメインエンドポイントとしてサービスを公開します。 |
2022-03-27 18:17:23 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
RubyとPHPの比較(クラス、インスタンス、継承、オーバーライド) |
classMonkeydefinitializenamekindkindenddefkind私はkindですendstaticメソッドdefselfeatfee僕はfeeが食べたいendendputsMonkeyeatバナナ僕はバナナが食べたい︎PHPclassMonkeyconstKIND手長サルconstで定数を宣言publicfunctionArmCountreturnselfKINDクラスの中から定数を参照selfKINDを書くechoMonkeyKIND手長サル定数をクラスの外から参照クラス名定数staticメソッドは属性を必要とせず状態を持たないメソッドみたいです。 |
2022-03-27 18:07:12 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【AWS環境構築メモ⑥】ACMでSSL証明書を発行する |
【AWS環境構築メモ⑥】ACMでSSL証明書を発行するはじめにACMでHTTP化に必要なSSL証明書を発行します。 |
2022-03-27 18:39:32 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Lambda (golang)でOpenSearchのドメインを定期的に名前解決し、ALBのターゲットを更新(プライベートサブネットのみ) |
OpenSearchのエンドポイントは、以下の様なドメインエンドポイントとしてサービスを公開します。 |
2022-03-27 18:17:23 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
さくっとDockerでEC2にGitLabを構築する |
dockercomposeymlと同じ階層でコマンドを実行exportGITLABHOMEpathtogitlabdockercomposeupdALBの設定上記で設定したECのポートをターゲットとするターゲットグループを作成し、ALBに紐付けます。 |
2022-03-27 18:16:14 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
WSL2でDockerが動いてGUIも使える環境を作る(その2) |
fjijSTELLAsudoaptupdateampampsudoaptinstallysystemdgenie取得focalInReleaseBヒットfocalInRelease取得focalsecurityInReleasekB取得focalmainSourcesB省略pythondevubuntuを設定していますsystemdgenieを設定していますpythondevubuntuを設定していますmandbのトリガを処理していますdbusubuntuのトリガを処理していますlibcbinubuntuのトリガを処理していますfjijSTELLAGenieの初期設定WSLではサポートされていないサービスがあるため、Genieを実行するとサービス起動のタイアウト待ちとなってしまいます。 |
2022-03-27 18:40:24 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
さくっとDockerでEC2にGitLabを構築する |
dockercomposeymlと同じ階層でコマンドを実行exportGITLABHOMEpathtogitlabdockercomposeupdALBの設定上記で設定したECのポートをターゲットとするターゲットグループを作成し、ALBに紐付けます。 |
2022-03-27 18:16:14 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【2022年】MacOS で Podman のバインドマウントを使おう |
【年】MacOSでPodmanのバインドマウントを使おうはじめにPodmanは、RedHat社が開発したオープンソースのコンテナ管理ツールで、Dockerの代替として、以下のような部分に魅力があります。 |
2022-03-27 18:07:38 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Lambda (golang)でOpenSearchのドメインを定期的に名前解決し、ALBのターゲットを更新(プライベートサブネットのみ) |
OpenSearchのエンドポイントは、以下の様なドメインエンドポイントとしてサービスを公開します。 |
2022-03-27 18:17:23 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
知識ゼロから始める gRPC のサーバーサイド開発 |
Goは書いたことあるgRPCはmmもわからん本記事ではgRPC未経験者が最低限のサーバーサイド開発をできるレベルに到達することを目標とします。 |
2022-03-27 18:14:37 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
【KMS】自動キーローテーション済みのカスタマーマスターキーが、過去の暗号化データキーをいつまで復号できるか教えてください |
過去 |
2022-03-27 09:32:25 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
AWS CloudShellのPowerShell環境にデフォルトインストールされた AWSPowerShell.NetCore を削除する方法 |
awstoolsforpowers |
2022-03-27 09:31:19 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Feds allege destructive Russian hackers targeted US oil refineries |
energy |
2022-03-27 09:14:07 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to send email in laravel 9 ? |
How to send email in laravel Send MAIL In Laravel Today I am going to explain how you can send MAIL using SMTP in Laravel Laravel UI Installation After Installing Laravel we will open the code in Editor Step Open env file and change the MAIL Provider SMTP DetailsMAIL MAILER smtpMAIL HOST mailhogMAIL PORT MAIL USERNAME nullMAIL PASSWORD nullMAIL ENCRYPTION nullYou can use MailTrap to generate basic SMTP Details and test your email faeture Step Now Generate the email class by running commandphp artisan make mail TestEmailthis command will generate the file in app Mail TestEmail phpOpen the file and update the code below lt phpnamespace App Mail use Illuminate Bus Queueable use Illuminate Contracts Queue ShouldQueue use Illuminate Mail Mailable use Illuminate Queue SerializesModels class TestEmail extends Mailable use Queueable SerializesModels public mailData Create a new message instance return void public function construct mailData this gt mailData mailData Build the message return this public function build return this gt subject Test Email gt view email test Step Now Let s create a blade view file for that let s create email folder first inside resources view Now create a test blade php file inside email folder and paste the code below lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html lang en gt lt head gt lt meta charset UTF gt lt meta name viewport content width device width initial scale gt lt meta http equiv X UA Compatible content ie edge gt lt title gt Test Email lt title gt lt head gt lt body gt lt h gt Test EMAIL lt h gt lt p gt Name mailData name lt p gt lt p gt DOB mailData dob lt p gt lt body gt lt html gt Step Now create a route to send email put the code below to routes web phpuse App Mail TestEmail use Illuminate Support Facades Mail Route get send email function mailData name gt Test NAME dob gt Mail to hello example com gt send new TestEmail mailData dd Mail Sent Successfully Now visit to send email in browser it should send the email to inbox The Email Will look like The complete Tutorial is below in the video If you face any issue while installing please comment your query Thank You for ReadingReach Out To me TwitterInstagramTechToolIndia YouTube Channel |
2022-03-27 09:35:28 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
[Deepgram x DEV Hackathon Submission Post Placeholder Title] |
Deepgram x DEV Hackathon Submission Post Placeholder Title ー Overview of My Submission Submission Category Link to Code on GitHub Additional Resources Infoー My Deepgram Use Case Dive into Details Conclusionー |
2022-03-27 09:31:36 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How did I build 🏗️my first 🗄️API with MongoDB and Next.js? |
How did I build ️my first ️API with MongoDB and Next js By the way I am a frontend developer I always love to use APIs and work with them but the project that I was wanted to build API is like Apple s Store and this gave me the will to build an API and release it A few weeks ago I completed working with my Clone Of Twitter Project where I had used Firebase as a database but now I wanted to push myself and use MongoDB as a database After thinking a while I start with the project s building Open source Apple Store API using Next js API Routes it has become very easy to manage the backend I make simple routing and pages so if the comes to this page will be provided with other these data BaseUrl allbaseUrl allit provides all the data from the database from all the categories without filteration category categorybaseurl category iphonehere you can add category for your output and result will be from that category only example category watch category iphone category macbook category airpods category ipad series seriesbaseurl series MacBook Airevery product has series name such as iPhone has series name such as iPhone under iPhone two products come iPhone amp iPhone mini They are case sentitive so iphone iPhone won t work correct way series iPhone without Idbaseurl dacefbbdffor getting results realted to single product the Id is used example dacefbbdf these are id sentitive fetch with their respective id s data id dacefbbdf product name MacBook Pro product price IN US GBP product description Id culpa aliquip ipsum excepteur sunt incididunt laboris magna incididunt nostrud This is how I worked on routing and requests use this project and let me how was it I ll your projects in the featured section Share you ideas thought s regarding this I try to implement that Connect with onTwitter AbhayPrajapati Github theabhayprajapati |
2022-03-27 09:25:15 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Recursive replace input value with process environment values in console |
Recursive replace input value with process environment values in consoleOften you need to change part of the value of an environment variable to another variableI made a utility for such a replacement Links npm package source code ee test Example of usageCreate env fileexample envVAR var VAR VAR var varvar VAR NO REPLACELoad file to current environmentexport cat example env We derive the variable VAR in the usual wayecho VARResultvar VAR And now we will display the variable through the utilityecho npx y rucken env replacer VAR ResultvarvarVAR NO REPLACE |
2022-03-27 09:18:02 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Learn Ruby Programming in 3 Hours | Full Course |
Learn Ruby Programming in Hours Full CourseHey guys I am back with a new course on my YouTube channel and it is on Ruby Programming In this video we will cover all the basics and advanced topics of the Ruby Programming language If that interests you feel free to check out the video down below to start learning this awesome language PS If you are looking to learn Web Development I have curated a FREE course for you on my YouTube Channel check the below article Web Developer Full Course HTML CSS JavaScript Node js and MongoDB The Nerdy Dev・Apr ・ min read html css node javascript Looking to learn React js with one Full Project check this out Learn React with one BIG Project NOTES included Demo and Video Link The Nerdy Dev・Jun ・ min read daysofcode javascript react webdev |
2022-03-27 09:16:16 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Redux is easier than you think! |
Redux is easier than you think We use props to access and transfer the data between components There could be a situation where we have more complicated nested components and that is the time you don t want to use props because it will be complete mess which is called prop drilling like the image blow In this image you see that we have to pass the data through so many components to give it to textContent component the best way to pass data is global state management like redux Redux is a library to manage global state we use redux in libraries and freamworks like react angular …in this article I will get you through redux concepts and how it works and how we can really use it i know some people who know redux concepts but don t know how to use it so I just keep going step by step to use it and explain the concept meanwhile install packages and libraries that you neednpm install redux react redux redux thunkwe use redux to create store and react redux is just the way for react to communicate with redux e g updating global state reading global state and we use redux thunk for our actions to be able to work asynchronously because redux doesn t like asynchronous process by itself so it needs redux thunk creating redux folder in your projectredux folder contains two folders named actions and reducers actions folder contains one file named index js which includes all of our different actions like this one As you can see it is a function for specific purpose like the example above get product details And at the end it dispatch an object with type the unique name and the payload data this object is called action that is dispatched to reducer and all actions is written like this of course you can change “payload and “type property to anything you want maybe you saw the function returns another function which is async in above example and that s the structure you want to use for async actions when using redux thunk and for the synchronous actions you don t have to return another async function this is a sync and simple action reducers folder contains files named xxxReducer js you can replace xxx with anything you want and one index js file We can use xxxreduce js files directly and there will be no need to index js but due to cleaner file structure and easier access to all of data we use index js this way By using combineReducer we get all data returned from reduces together in one RootReducer object with different properties for each specific data in the above image you can see the data returned from productsReducer is set to products property and the productsDetailsReducer to productDetails property so we can access these different data with their property names anywhere we wantlet s take a look at one of the reducers file content xxxReducer file includes a function that receives two parameters the first parameter is state which needs an initial value that is an empty object in the above image and the second parameter is an action which is the object dispatched from action function type … payload … this function uses the switch to check the action type and returns its data payload depending on its type and if there is no type it will return the initial state and if you remember the returned data from this reducer is going to be set to a RootReducer object property by combineReducer Creating store and provider in root file src index js we need to perform a process in the root file src index js due to access global data which come from actions and reducersjust like the above image we need to create the store with createStore function which receives two parameters the first is rootReducer which has been created by combineReducer and the second parameter is applyMiddleware which is a function with thunk parameter which makes redux accept the async actions and finally we wrap our App component parent of all nested components with a provider that comes from react redux and this is a way to connect react with redux to access global data by passing a prop to provider named store and the value is the store that we have created with createStore Using actions and reducersWell if I want to be brief we either want to dispatch an action to update the data or read the updated data from the global state dispatch an action to update a data As you can see in the above image if we want to use an action we import it from the actions index js file and then we dispatch this action by using useDispatch that comes from react redux read the updated data from global state Well if you remember in the above examples in rootReducer we put the data returned from one of the reducers on the productDetails property and in the image above we can see that we can use useSelector that comes from react redux to perform a callback that takes a parameter that is rootReducer In the picture above with the name state and from this state we get exactly the data we want and display it in the UI just as easily let s take a look at the whole process we got through If you re not tired stay with me with a brief tutorial for redux persist that just takes one file to edit but first of all what is redux persist I m sure in some cases most of you want to hold the data in state and just not let them disappear with refresh and that s what redux persist does it takes the data from rootReducer and stores it in localStorage and with any refresh data is still there to add and use this package in your redux process you need two steps npm install redux persist edit the root file src index js like this Import anything you need from this package just like the above image persistConfig object is the way you say to redux persist to how and what to save in localStorage e g we use blackList property which is an array of reducer property names in rootReducer to tell redux persist not to save its data in local storage persistedReducer variable is a function named persistReducer which receives persistConfig and root reducer to save rootReducer data as we told it in persistConfig and we give it to createStore inside store variable persistGate is just like a provider that we need to wrap it around App component and its persistor is equal to persistor just like store prop and store variable for Provider and loading is equal to null or any loading component we want to show while data getting ready like loadinf note be careful what data and how much data you want to store in local storage because local storage is limited and maybe there is a data that you d better not to store it in local storage well well well this article ends here and we can conclude that redux is not that badass ugly monster you thought hopefully you learned something from this article Goodbye and Good luck |
2022-03-27 09:13:24 |
北海道 |
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福島出身の若隆景が初優勝 新関脇Vは86年ぶり快挙 |
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2022-03-27 18:28:00 |
北海道 |
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バイデン氏、プーチン氏「権力の座とどまるな」 ポーランドで演説 |
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新燃岳、警戒レベル2に引き上げ 火山性地震が増加、気象庁 |
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軍トップ「民主派を壊滅」 ミャンマー大規模軍事パレード |
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2022-03-27 18:10:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
優等生で居続けたいと無理重ねるのがしんどい訳 水木しげるが作中に遺した「エリート病」への皮肉 | リーダーシップ・教養・資格・スキル | 東洋経済オンライン |
東洋経済オンライン |
2022-03-27 19:00:00 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
初めてオリジナルのベースライン書いてみたよ。NOTD "Keep You Mine" |初めてオリジナルのベースライン書いてみたよnotd_keep_you_mine/
wlevelawarelinkcomments |
2022-03-27 09:07:52 |