Engadget Japanese |
Apple Watch Series 7、watchOS 8.5更新後の急速充電に不具合か |
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2022-03-30 06:20:50 |
Engadget Japanese |
ロボットが調理するハンバーガー自販機RoboBurger、米国に登場 |
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2022-03-30 06:00:14 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 日野自動車、リコールで特別損失400億円 2年連続で最終赤字見通し |
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2022-03-30 15:50:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 「会社の先輩、怖かったらどうしよう」 心配いらない? 自称“優しい派”は94% |
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2022-03-30 15:37:00 |
IT |
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[ITmedia PC USER] 約11年ぶりの「FMV LOOX」 「超小型PC」から「薄型軽量タブレットPC」になったのはなぜ? |
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2022-03-30 15:30:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] 5Gの人口カバー率は2023年度末で95%に 総務省が「デジタル田園都市国家インフラ整備計画」を発表 |
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2022-03-30 15:28:00 |
IT |
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[ITmedia PC USER] インバースネット、GeForce RTX 3090 Ti搭載ゲーミングPCを販売開始 49万9800円から |
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2022-03-30 15:06:00 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
クラウドDB「Oracle MySQL HeatWave」がマシンラーニングを搭載、SQLを介して学習・推論 | IT Leaders |
クラウドDB「OracleMySQLHeatWave」がマシンラーニングを搭載、SQLを介して学習・推論ITLeaders米Oracleは年月日、クラウド型データベース「MySQLHeatWave」の機能拡張について発表した。 |
2022-03-30 15:26:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
picoCTF 2022 RSP writeup |
HeresaprogramthatplaysrockpaperscissorsagainstyouIhearsomethinggoodhappensifyouwintimesinarow問題ソースコードgameredactedcincludeltstdiohgtincludeltstdlibhgtincludeltstdboolhgtincludeltstringhgtincludelttimehgtincludeltunistdhgtincludeltsystimehgtincludeltsystypeshgtdefineWAITstaticconstcharflagREDACTEDcharhandsrockpaperscissorscharlosespaperscissorsrockintwinsinttgetinputcharinputunsignedintlfdsetinputsetstructtimevaltimeoutintreadyforreadingintreadbytesiflltprintflfortgetinputmustbegreaterthannreturnEmptytheFDSetFDZEROampinputsetListentotheinputdescriptorFDSETSTDINFILENOampinputsetWaitingforsomesecondstimeouttvsecWAITWAITsecondstimeouttvusecmillisecondsListeningforinputstreamforanyactivityreadyforreadingselectampinputsetNULLNULLamptimeoutHerefirstparameterisnumberofFDsinthesetsecondisourFDsetforreadingthirdistheFDsetinwhichanywriteactivityneedstoupdatedwhichisnotrequiredinthiscaseFourthistimeoutifreadyforreadingSomeerrorhasoccuredininputprintfUnabletoreadyourinputnreturnifreadyforreadingreadbytesreadinputlifinputreadbytesnreadbytesinputreadbytesifreadbytesprintfNodatagivennreturnelsereturnelseprintfTimedoutwaitingforuserinputPressCtrlCtodisconnectnreturnreturnboolplaycharplayerturnsrandtimeintrprintfPleasemakeyourselectionrockpaperscissorsnrtgetinputplayerturnTimeoutonuserinputifrprintfGoodbyenexitintcomputerturnrandprintfYouplayedsnplayerturnprintfThecomputerplayedsnhandscomputerturnifstrstrplayerturnlosescomputerturnputsYouwinPlayagainreturntrueelseputsSeemslikeyoudidntwinthistimePlayagainreturnfalseintmaincharinputintcommandintrputsWelcomechallengertothegameofRockPaperScissorsputsForanyonethatbeatsmetimesinarowIwillofferupaflagIfoundputsAreyoureadywhiletrueputsTypetoplayagameputsTypetoexittheprogramrtgetinputinputTimeoutonuserinputifrprintfGoodbyenexitifcommandstrtolinputNULLputsPleaseputinavalidnumberelseifcommandprintfnnifplaywinselsewinsifwinsgtputsCongratsherestheflagputsflagelseifcommandreturnelseputsPleasetypeeitherorreturnじゃんけんで回連続で勝てばflagがとれそうだ。 |
2022-03-30 15:57:29 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Django+PostgreSQLにおけるスーパーユーザー作成時のエラー |
と の こと でし た 。 |
2022-03-30 15:14:48 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Apple M1 Mac での Jupyter Lab (IJulia) の設定 |
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2022-03-30 15:06:41 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
アラフォー2児の母がAzure認定中級に挑む!AZ-104 ~Azure Active Directory編~ |
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2022-03-30 15:52:10 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Azure Kubernetes ServiceでClamAVを使ってみた(後編: リアルタイム検知) |
clamonaccはカーネルの機能を使用するので、ClamAVコンテナにSYSADMIN権限を設定しておきます。 |
2022-03-30 15:13:45 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Azure Kubernetes ServiceでClamAVを使ってみた(前編: ウィルススキャン) |
全体構成ワーカーノードにアンチウィルスソフトを入れればよいのではと思いましたが、Microsoft社のドキュメントによるとそれはNGとの記載がありました。 |
2022-03-30 15:12:52 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[アップデート] AWS Organizationsでメンバーアカウントを簡単に削除できるようになりました |
awsorganizations |
2022-03-30 06:21:08 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Storing references of pointers in containers in C++ |
Storing references of pointers in containers in C This article is about the problem of storing vectors in a container and a bug I faced recently Many would quickly find the conclusion that you should not store raw pointers but you should work with smart pointers I think they are right When you have issues with dangling pointers with lifetime and ownership that s an indication that you should have chosen a smarter way to manage your pointers Many would argue that you also have architecture issues if you face such problems Again they are right Meanwhile when you are working on a huge and old codebase you don t necessarily have the freedom of updating dozens of components to meet such expectations Let s assume that we have a container of pointers We add elements to it not at construction time just to emulate a realistic scenario where pointers are added later include lt vector gt include lt iostream gt int main std vector lt int gt numbers int a new int numbers push back a int b new int numbers push back b int c new int numbers push back c for auto n numbers std cout lt lt n lt lt n What can go wrong Many things We are going to see some simplistic examples How to delete Let s say we want to delete one of the pointers include lt vector gt include lt iostream gt int main std vector lt int gt numbers int a new int numbers push back a int b new int numbers push back b int c new int numbers push back c delete numbers for auto n numbers std cout lt lt n lt lt n We still have three outputs and is not exactly what we wanted You might add a guard statement in the for loop to skip an iteration in case you get a nullptr but it won t help for auto n numbers if n nullptr continue std cout lt lt n lt lt n After deletion we didn t set the pointer to nullptr include lt vector gt include lt iostream gt int main std vector lt int gt numbers int a new int numbers push back a int b new int numbers push back b int c new int numbers push back c delete numbers numbers nullptr for auto n numbers if n nullptr continue std cout lt lt n lt lt n std cout lt lt n std cout lt lt numbers size lt lt n Now it s better we indeed skipped the second number but from our last line we can still see that even though we deleted a pointer the size of the vector hasn t changed We deleted a number but not the element of the vector To complete the removal if that s what we wanted we have to erase the pointer from the vector delete numbers numbers nullptr numbers erase numbers begin Note that erase doesn t accept an index it takes an iterator If we run the full example we can see that now the size of our vector is down to And even though since C we have std erase at our disposal to erase an element right away based on its value it won t free the memory it won t delete the pointer so by using it we face a memory leak The takeaway If you want to delete an item of a vector don t forget to set it to nullptr after the destruction so that you can detect in other parts of the code that it got deleted If you also want to remove it from the container don t forget to erase it But who is the owner Now let s go to another sort of problem Let s have a look at a part of our example std vector lt int gt numbers int a new int numbers push back a So we store raw pointers Who owns those raw pointers Well nobody knows Maybe the same entity that owns the numbers vector maybe the same who created the pointers In the above example it s the same function it s not necessarily the case What if a pointer is deleted not through a vector but by the original owner To skip a couple of rounds let s assume that we don t forget about setting the pointer to nullptr and that we have the nullptr guard in our for a loop include lt vector gt include lt iostream gt int main std vector lt int gt numbers int a new int numbers push back a int b new int numbers push back b int c new int numbers push back c delete b b nullptr for auto n numbers if n nullptr continue std cout lt lt n lt lt n std cout lt lt n std cout lt lt numbers size lt lt n What do you think the results are It s something like this This means that if you delete the original pointer in the vector we don t know about it It makes perfect sense include lt iostream gt int main int n new int int n n std cout lt lt std boolalpha std cout lt lt n is nullptr lt lt n nullptr lt lt n std cout lt lt n is nullptr lt lt n nullptr lt lt n delete n n nullptr std cout lt lt n is nullptr lt lt n nullptr lt lt n std cout lt lt n is nullptr lt lt n nullptr lt lt n n is nullptr falsen is nullptr falsen is nullptr truen is nullptr false In this simplified example n is a copy of n When we deleted n we well destructed the entity that both n and n pointed to But it s only n that points to nowhere after it s only n that was set to point to a nullptr n still points to the original memory address and it doesn t know that the object there has been already destructed If we go back to the previous example as the vector contains only copies of the original pointers in the loop there is no way to know that the original pointer was deleted What about storing references What could be the way out of this madness Obviously the best would be to avoid using the new keyword and work with smart pointers Either with std unique ptr or std shared ptr we would not use delete anymore and we wouldn t have this problem Another option if for some reason we cannot go with smart pointers could be to store references to the original pointers As such when the original pointers are deleted and they are set to nullptr in the vector we d know exactly about it The only problem is that in C one cannot store references to pointers Try to compile this line std vector lt int amp gt v You ll get way too long error messages scattered with phrases such as error forming pointer to reference type int amp We wouldn t talk about C here if there wasn t a way to circumvent it Have you heard about std reference wrapper It was introduced with C and it is a class template that wraps a reference in a copyable and assignable object It is frequently used as a help to store references inside standard containers which cannot normally hold references You can find it in the lt functional gt header If you decide to store wrapped pointers you will not have a problem anymore of not knowing about the deletion of a pointed object It s true the other way around as well You can delete and erase an item from the vector and we ll know about it at the original call place too include lt functional gt include lt vector gt include lt iostream gt int main std vector lt std reference wrapper lt int gt gt numbers int a new int numbers push back a int b new int numbers push back b int c new int numbers push back c delete b b nullptr for auto n numbers if n nullptr std cout lt lt nullptr found n continue std cout lt lt n get lt lt n std cout lt lt n std cout lt lt numbers size lt lt n delete numbers get numbers get nullptr std cout lt lt c is lt lt c nullptr nullptr std to string c lt lt n It s worth noticing that if you have to access the pointer itself you have to call get on the wrapper object We also have to remark that setting the deleted pointer to nullptr is crucial If we forget about that there is no way that we can check afterwards if it was destructed or not You might have learnt that setting pointers to nullptr after delete just masks double delete bugs and leaves them unhandled In this case it s not masking a double delete bug but still it helps to mask some lifetime management problems You might argue that this solution has a different meaning than storing the pointers and it s also different from storing the smart pointers And you re right about that Yet given that you can insert items to a container of wrapper pointers the very same way compared to the container of the pointers it s something for consideration It s a new tool in your toolbox when you want to fix a legacy codebase where ownership and resource management is unclear and you have to limit the number of places where you modify the code What about boost ptr vector you might ask That s a story for another day ConclusionToday we saw some of the problems caused by bad pointer lifetime management When there is no clear owner you ll always run into troubles and it s even worse when you make copies of the pointers for example by adding them to a container The best would be not to use dynamic memory allocations and then the second best option is to use smart pointers It might happen that you cannot commit to making such changes Then it s a potential best effort solution to store references to the pointers As such even where we access the pointers from the container we ll be aware if the pointer was destructed given that it was set to nullptr after Don t get me wrong I m far from advocating for this solution But it might help in some desperate situations In the coming weeks we ll see how boost ptr vector might help us And also what other kinds of issues do you have to deal with when you have a vector of pointers as class members Connect deeperIf you liked this article please hit on the like button subscribe to my newsletter and let s connect on Twitter |
2022-03-30 06:40:37 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
FIS Phase 1 Project Walkthrough |
phase |
2022-03-30 06:34:58 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Chapter 3: IAM User Group |
Chapter IAM User GroupOn the previous chapter we have IAM User Now we move to the IAM User Group An IAM User Group consist two or more IAM users as members not group because group can t consist other groups It ll help us easier to manage same permission for multiple users in group level This is the best practice to manage authorization such as policies for IAM Users For IAM User Group we use community aws iam group module Create group along with existing users as members A variable to be added in inventory group new members name group members user user Task Note you can remove users parameter if you wanna create group only without adding users as members name create group and add existing users as members community aws iam group name item name state present users item members loop group new members tags iam group new membersRun the playbook ansible playbook i host yml iam yml t iam group new membersPLAY iam TASK create group and add existing users as members changed localhost gt item name developer members nurul rama Let s check if group created with the users in aws iam get group group name developer grep UserName UserName nurul UserName rama Create group and attach managed policy As I mentioned before group level is one of best practice to manage permissions or policies for IAM Users With ansible we can do that for sure A variable to be added in inventory group new policy name group policy arn aws iam aws policy IAMReadOnlyAccess Task name create group attach managed policy community aws iam group name item name managed policies item policy state present loop group new policy tags iam group new policyRun the playbook ansible playbook i host yml iam yml t iam group new policyPLAY iam TASK create group attach managed policy changed localhost gt item name programmer policy arn aws iam aws policy IAMReadOnlyAccess Create group along with existing users as members and attach managed policy The first task let us create group and add users the second task does different by replacing add users with attach managed policy All the tasks have ran separately but how if we need both We can do that Here s how Add variable below to inventory group new policy members name group policy arn aws iam aws policy IAMReadOnlyAccess members user user Task name create group with users as members attach managed policy community aws iam group name item name managed policies item policy users item members state present loop group new policy members tags iam group new policy membersRun the playbook ansible playbook i host yml iam yml t iam group new policy membersPLAY iam TASK create group with users as members attach managed policy changed localhost gt item name engineer policy arn aws iam aws policy IAMReadOnlyAccess members nurul rama aws iam get group group name engineer grep UserName UserName nurul UserName rama Please note that all tasks above are not just about create create and create You can use it to manage group as well For example you want to add existing users as members of existing group Then you can use first task above to do that That s it for Chapter We ll continue with IAM Role for Chapter |
2022-03-30 06:34:16 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
e-Learning Management System: List Of Top e-Learning Management Systems In 2022 |
e Learning Management System List Of Top e Learning Management Systems In You must have come forward with the term “e Learning management system most often in e Learning articles And thus it is important to get a good comprehension of what a learning management system is And the advantages of the e learning management system What features should you look for in top Learning Management System platforms There are many things to think about when it comes to selecting the right e Learning management system Do you need assistance in finding the right learning management platform In this article we will help you discover the importance of an e Learning management system and will list some of the top e Learning management platforms What Do You Understand By e Learning Management Before jumping into anything it is important to clarify the term “e Learning management system Let s break down the terms to understand their core components e Learning Learning does not mean any depository for training An e learning management system is like a one stop shop for all things related to L amp D in your organization Management It signifies that it is more than a platform that provides access to online learning courses and other study materials It is an efficient system that entitles you to control the entire learning and development process System Computing some of the work and eliminating human error to a certain extent an e Learning management system helps make the learning and development more systematic To put it simply an e learning management system sanctions you to effectively generate and roll out L amp D in your organization The e Learning management system is an application that is used to manage track and report learning programs At present a learning management system LMS has spread its roots in almost all the major industries like schools educational institutions the healthcare industry the corporate industry etc It is functional in recognizing the communication gap between the tutor and the learner by regularly checking each individual s progress on the basis of regular quizzes and assessments E learning makes the whole learning process more fun with the help of video tutorials stories and gamification Learning management platforms have successfully changed the learning perspective of each and every individual all over the globe It has offered a broad scope for the consumers to select and learn in whatever field they are interested in because all the data can now be exchanged across the globe Where Is the e Learning Management System Used You can easily find many connections between learning management systems in all industries Any users who wish to adopt online learning must use a Learning management platform However the e Learning management system is used by Almost all corporate enterprises Educational institutions Schools amp Universities Several government organizations All private tuition and institutions What Purpose Does Learning Management Systems Solve The e Learning management system is a platform available for all individuals and professionals who want to learn improvise and display their skills Students can select learning programs from various learning management platforms and experts can offer learning courses It offers freedom to its users to learn any topic they want easily from anywhere at a comparatively low price Thus to answer your question an e learning management system solves all the major learning problems of each individual such as Employees drilling is available in almost all industries whether it is IT amp Software educational corporate or government It is essential to train the employees as per your requirements and the learning management platforms can do it effectively It automatizes the majority of the tasks In addition to this it tracks the progress of each candidate As a result a lot of time and money can be saved by the organizations In the e learning management system one can smoothly design learning programs tutorials and courses and can post them so that anyone can enhance their skills with those study materials This will also be available even if the employee leaves the company or retires thus the knowledge stays safe In addition to this one can also educate the general public by designing awareness programs and lectures on anything that can be useful Benefits Of e Learning Management SoftwareArrange And Safely Saves Big DataThe e learning management platform allows you to collect all the big information in one location This feature also makes it easy to sustain and update all your learning materials Plus most e Learning management systems provide advanced coded messages so that you don t have to worry about data getting into the wrong hands Monitor Learner Growth And Performance Virtually all e learning platforms offer in built reporting and analytics Thus you will be able to track several features of your online learning program If the e Learning management system has a scarcity of reporting capabilities you can easily purchase plug ins to improve its functionality You can easily track anything from learner engagement to e learning test results This also implies that you can recognize patterns and trends in the form of graphs and charts Upgraded Resource AllotmentThere are several ways where a learning management platform can help out in allotting online training resources more productively In addition to this you can identify features of your online training program that are not meeting your expectations Low learning engagement is an indication that you should re examine an online training activity Plus a Learning management platform will help your e Learning team to update online training modules on a large scale Hence you will have the power to keep the corporate learners updated by using a single tool Customize The Online Training ExperienceOne can allot different learning paths or resources for all company learners with the assistance of an e learning management system By this everyone gets personalized online training they need based on their learning goals You can even unlock the navigation to choose their online training activities All these features help in providing a more effective online training experience and improve engagement Boost e Learning Accessibility Advanced learners look forward to on demand online training resources Not to mention we live in a digital age where information is always at the tips all thanks to our smartphones and wearable devices As long as you can log in to the system you will have the opportunity to expand your knowledge and skills Features To Look For in e Learning Management SystemSome of the top features that you can contemplate in an e Learning management system are Reports And Analytics You will be able to examine online training initiatives to determine if they are on target LMS also provides detailed analytics that allows for evaluating the performance on an individual and group level Responsive Design Some of the top e Learning management platforms have an accessible design User friendly online training gives everyone the chance to benefit from online courses Therefore your e Learning management system should be responsive in order to create a layout that features all the breakpoints Built in User Interface Any system will be of no use if your e Learning team is not able to use the user interface and fails to navigate the learning management platform The LMS platform you select should have an in built user interface that lines up with your e Learning team s abilities Support Services All learning management platforms offer distinct support services You should determine the assistance level that you need based on your e Learning team s experience and the intricacy of the tools E Learning evaluation tools One should assess the learners regularly to identify the gaps that are necessary to be filled Most of them provide in built e Learning assessment tools like learning templates Gamification Some users need extra incentives to engross in the online training courses Certification Support this is an important feature for organizations that offer company policy and online training and those that require advanced certification features Localization Plurilingual features are crucial for organizations that plan to deliver global online training resources Every individual in the team should have the opportunity to develop their professional skills Nonetheless these are some basic features of an e learning management system Also there is no one rule for all LMS Every company has its unique requirements and budget concerns Are you concerned more about e Learning management systems and tools Read the article Guide To e Learning Tools to explore more about the e Learning management system How To Develop An e Learning Management SystemHow to develop an e Learning management system for your business To create a customized e Learning management system for your organization or schools one first should select the accurate niche Most of these systems are available in the digital market thus they should be distinguishable A general roadmap for developing an e Learning management system is Brainstorming and planningNeeds analysisDesignsCoding and developmentIncorporation and TestingImplementationDeploymentThe cost of creating a custom e learning platform will be higher than the ready made ones Extern Labs is an easily manageable organization with a specialization in web and software development And we will be happy to share our expertise in developing an e Learning management system How To Select The Best e Learning Management System If you see there is no industry that does not require an e Learning management system Depending on your industry needs you should select the ideal LMS platform that will meet your business requirements However when choosing an LMS platform you should follow the below given steps Mention your objectivesDoes your training need analysis Ask all the stakeholders about the idea Does this LMS platform contain features that you need Will the LMS platform you chose will meet your future needs Do you have any particular LMS platform in your mind If not then our list of the top LMS platforms will help you Top LMS PlatformsAdobe Captivate PrimeWith the help of Adobe Captivate Prime you can train our employees and customers efficiently with a next gen e Learning management system It is recognized by some of the leading organizations It has been awarded for excellence across various categories And is used by millions of engaged learners TalentLMSTalentLMS is among the best all in one solutions to create and deliver training programs TalentLMS lets you build courses in a minute and you can go live by the EOD With TalentLMS you can create courses easily it is accessible at any time place or on any device Plus it is available for free LearningLearning is a collaborative learning explorer This platform is superior in combining powerful e learning management features with collaborative tools that drive engagement Learning is best for organizations that want their employees to learn and upskill continuously The platform can create courses in a few minutes and deliver personalized learning experiences MindflashMindflash is best for creating initial programs training and distinct content It is a cloud based e learning platform that offers simple instinctive training solutions for employees It comprises a content conversion feature that will let you create new content for courses SkyPrepSkyPrep platform is good for both small and large organizations and offers an easy solution to train employees and customers With SkyPrep you can create online learning programs fastly with very little effort In addition to this you can also enhance the learning by using game based learning programs to make the tutorials more enjoyable and engaging ProProfs Training MakerProProfs LMS is best for businesses of all sizes along with educational institutions and private tutors It offers pre and post training support and people of all experiences can use it with ease It is a good quiz making tool and is best for workplace training DoceboDocebo is a multiple environment e Learning management system and is devoid of any integration issues thus saving a lot of time It is a popular learning management platform all over the world It features APIs gamification language white labeling and personalization It offers powerful user interference and an audit trail MoodleMoodle is open source and it is assisted by a global community of developers thus localization becomes very easy It was one of the popular learning management platforms for creating a single strong safe and secure platform for tutors administrators and customers It is a single platform for learning course creation and quick backup with convenient information management LitmosLitmos is an amazing platform for managing resources generating feedback reports and tracking the progress and performance of users It is a famous Learning management platform and very easy to learn It is commonly used for training employees and customers for compliance learning It advances the skill upgrading performance CanvasCanvas is best for education and helps to make the learning process more simple and convenient thus increasing the productivity of its end users Canvas is a famous learning management system for learners and tutors to display their skills whenever they want Final ThoughtsAn e Learning management system is an important tool for building effective and efficient learning and development courses within an organization An e Learning management system should enable a change in behavior and progression in skills with a pinch of functionality instead of a mere imitation With that being said remember to select between an existing and a custom made one according to your needs values and structures We hope this new way of digital learning will be beneficial for the development of the entire human race Want to try out this great e Learning management system Ask for a quote today to get started Thank you for reading |
2022-03-30 06:29:04 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Tips on Learning Reacting JS – Part 1 – Using the React Doc |
Tips on Learning Reacting JS Part Using the React DocThis article was originally published in my blog www exceptionalprogramming comIntroductionReact JS is one of the most popular and in demand pieces of software in the world If you have a desire to learn React this article will benefit you This three part series will give you great tips on how to become excellent at React Once you have learned React you can use it to boost your attractiveness with employers as an in demand freelancer or for your own personal projects This article is part one of the tips on how to learn React series Don t feel like you have to master everything in part one before implementing what s in the other article parts ahead If anything it s best to do the various items recommended in the series in combination with one another Using the React DocYou re probably thinking that the React doc is a waste of time and won t be fruitful Especially if you want to become proficient in React as soon as possible Many software docs give the reader lots of dry technical terms that are not interactive nor user friendly However that is not the case with the React documentation Now that we ve got that covered let s start exploring the variety of resources that are available with the React doc Practical TutorialIf you prefer learning through application React s doc offers a practical tutorial With this tutorial you get to build a playable game using React Consequently you immediately get to start working with React and can begin gaining familiarity with how it operates Kind of like taking a car for a test drive to see how it rides on the road This tutorial is great also in that they have links at the end of sections that display how your React code should look so that the user is building the game correctly In addition the tutorial offers numerous high quality screenshots making it easy to follow along while building the game Conceptual Step by Step GuideReact s documentation also provides a conceptual step by step guide for those that learn better through theory when trying to understand something new The conceptual guide is broken up into eight different sections InstallationMain ConceptsAdvanced GuidesAPI References HooksTestingContributingFAQThe guide is full of clickable links in each section so you can go deeper into different concepts of your choosing For example in the chapter on Components and Props you can simply read the text to get a basic understanding or click on hyperlinked words like “ES class and “as a function or class to learn more about those individual concepts and how they correlate with the chapter you are reading Like the practical tutorial there are plenty of screenshots taken directly from React so its not just line after line of plain text Online Interactive React “Playgrounds Furthermore the React doc features what they call online playgrounds It allows users to play with React using CodePen Code Sandbox Stackblitz or a downloadable HTML file These online playgrounds are an excellent way to try React to decipher if you would like to go deeper with the software In ConclusionThis article showed you some of the various ways the React doc can assist in learning React Please like and share this article if you found helpful You can check out some of my other articles on my blog www exceptionalprogramming com |
2022-03-30 06:26:45 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Cardio Clear 7 Reviews And Ingredients #1 Heart Health Formula Update 2022 |
Cardio Clear Reviews And Ingredients Heart Health Formula Update I m attempting to make that clear My circumstance was very practical You may just be amazed at what gals find Perhaps we should take the safe route Cardio Clear That is yours signed sealed and delivered This is a good way to gain respect for making what you can from it We re on the right track That s the occasion to place our bet There s a way I can accomplish that with this This is mind opening Exactly that seems to have helped rather a lot Have you come to a decision regarding that yet How s that Cardio Clear working out for them It goes beyond my advertising allowance As expected heaps of latecomers suspect that doing it has to be cheap They re ready to do battle The cost of apprentices using it is market driven I had guesstimated that I would not like to ignore all the warning signs You may sense that I ve got more Cardio Clear than I know what to do with Unless you re a trained Cardio Clear guru you will not be able to effectively do that Years and years ago I was told a good Cardio Clear is hard to find Can you learn everything you could know touching on Cardio Clear from just reading Cardio Clear Reviews forum Heck I don t even see it in that discussion What happens when using that does not work anymore A regular Cardio Clear Reviews can be substituted for Cardio Clear Reviews The old and primitive model of established readers using this is no longer sufficient Do they get my This wasn t funny It would be a salient moment for this transaction if I were you From whence do amigos retrieve home Cardio Clear Reviews recipes This some whosis is well built That s a workable goal for us There s so much I don t know in regard to their theorem and how it fits into doing that I d like to use an occasion to thank some gangs but also this starting point will be a major player It s like trying to put a square peg in a round hole even though seriously you see it constantly Do not take this too seriously Just believe in the situation you could stumble into with doing it if you might make an error It s hard to know who to listen to with regard to this In the examples I ve covered each Cardio Clear Reviews is slightly different The following tips and recommendations will provide you with details on using this We should first determine that relating to it Click Here To Buy gt gt gt |
2022-03-30 06:25:52 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Weekly web development resources #115 |
Weekly web development resources GitHub Readme StatsA tool to automatically generate dynamic statistics for your GitHub readmes ftA website that helps you removing paywalls from articles React ArboristA full featured tree component for React MiroTalk PPA simple and secure WebRTC real time video conferences tool HackertabA website that shows the latest tech news tools jobs and events Emoji ButtonA simple vanilla JavaScript emoji picker that supports all Unicode emojis Dynamic Open Graph ImagesA nice article on how to dynamically create open graph images with Cloudinary and Next js Hyperbeam APIAn API to add intuitive multi control support to any website Tao of NodeA list with design architecture amp best practices for Node js LadleA library to develop and test your React stories faster To see all the weeklies check wweb dev weekly |
2022-03-30 06:22:54 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Examples of Ad-hoc testing |
Examples of Ad hoc testingA very random testing plan which can be executed to find random defects is known as ad hoc testing Know more about ad hoc testing in this article Ad Hoc testing explainedLets look at some of the Examples of Ad hoc testingTo test the web application responsiveness tester can randomly open the web application in various browsers like Firefox Internet explorer or any mobile devices Most common example is entering random input in the text boxes to test validation of the input field Testing the application on different platform to test cross platform compatibility of the system For mobile app testing the perfect example of ad hoc testing will be opening up the app and clicking random buttons or text to perform random functions Checking the web application functionality with respect to back button of the browser Random power off the mobile system while doing any activity on the application being tested There can be many more such examples of ad hoc testingWebomates has integrated solution Webomates CQ which helps companies to test the Mobile app properly and with effectiveness |
2022-03-30 06:22:05 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Python regex: How to search and replace strings |
Python regex How to search and replace stringsIn this tutorial you will learn about how to use regex or regular expression to do a search and replace operations on strings in Python Regex can be used to perform various tasks in Python It is used to do a search and replace operations replace patterns in text check if a string contains the specific pattern But today we will learn about performing search and replace operations using regex Table of contents Python regex replace Regex to search and replace Replacing multiple patterns using regex Replacing multiple patterns with multiple replacements using regex Closing thoughts Python regex replacePython has a built in module called re which helps in searching and replacing In order to use re we need to import the module at the beginning of our code import reNow we ll learn about the search and replace operation using regex Regex to search and replaceThe regex method searches a string and then replace it with some other value Python re sub function in the re module is used to do so Syntax re sub pattern replacement string count flags First of all let us understand what all these parameters mean pattern The regular expression you want to search and find inside the given string in Python string The variable that contains the given string on which you want to perform the operation count If the pattern occurs multiple times in the string the number of times you want to you want it to be replaced The default value is It is optional flags The regex flags are optional Input import re str xyz gmail com print re sub a z abc str Output abc gmail com Replacing multiple patterns using regexWe can use regex to replace multiple patterns at one time using regex This can be easily done using the following syntax Syntax re sub pattern pattern replacement string count flags Input import re str Joe Kim Ema Max Aby Liza print re sub s str Output Joe Kim Ema Max Aby Liza Replacing multiple patterns with multiple replacements using regexNow if ever you want to replace multiple patterns but with different replacements then also regex can be used It can be done with a minor modification which you can see in the following example Input import re def convert case match obj if match obj group is not None return match obj group lower if match obj group is not None return match obj group upper str jOE kIM mAx ABY lIzA print re sub r A Z a z convert case str In this example the string contains Uppercase and lowercase that we need to replace We need to replace the uppercase with the lowercase and vice versa In order to do that we will make two groups and then add a function for the replacement Output Joe Kim MaX aby LiZa Closing thoughtsTo replace a string in Python the regex sub method is used It is a built in Python method in re module that returns replaced string Don t forget to import the re module This method searches the pattern in the string and then replace it with a new given expression One can learn about more Python concepts here |
2022-03-30 06:20:00 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Add Live Chat in your website using Chatwoot in just 5 mins. |
Add Live Chat in your website using Chatwoot in just mins You will needA website for embedding ChatwootValid email ID for creating an account on Chatwoot Step By Step InstructionStep Create an account for freeGo to the official website and create an account In order to create an account click “Create a free account and then register yourself by filling out your basic details Full NameEmail ID Account NamePasswordConfirm passwordStep Go to setting and then InboxAfter clicking “inbox then clicking on “Add inbox you will see this kind of interface Now click on “Website and enter some details about a website where you want to add live chat Like Website NameWebsite DomainWidget ColorWelcome heading etc See this is a Snapshot of the landing page where we are going to add a live chat system Landing page credit Traversy Media Step Add agents to create inboxYou can select yourself as an agent and get it all in your inboxes After that you are just fewer steps to your destination Copy the code and paste it into your website code ResultNote This website is statically built with plain HTML CSS and a bit of JavaScript if you want to try similarly then you can just add your copied code into the body tag in the html file Here is the link if you want to see Thanks for reading if any suggestions feel free to comment below If you want to support |
2022-03-30 06:10:59 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Tips for making your interview assignment impressive |
Tips for making your interview assignment impressiveLet s have a quick look at how to make your next front end interview assignment look as good as possible Stick to what you know the bestIt can be tempting to kill two birds with one stone and try learning or practicing some new technology while applying for a job For sure it was tempting for me at some point But this isn t how you ll produce your best code It s better to stick to what you know best and learn new things on a different project You know which option will get a better offer Make it easy to reviewMake sure the thing you deliver is easy to review The perfect flow from the reviewer s perspective would be get a working linksee with their own eyes that the application works as expecteddive into the code to see how you achieved what you didReviewing code without seeing whether it works feels a bit pointless I m not going to care much about how your code looks before seeing that it s working as expected And if it s not easy to see it working I may never bother to give it an in depth review Give them everything on a silver platter Deliver something interactiveFor a front end application the easiest solution is to deploy it to one of the free servers you can use GitHub pages GitLab pages orNetlify Never send ZIP filesSending ZIP files has two disadvantages that could be a deal breaker just by themselves it s inconvenientopening a ZIP file is a security riskCan be fun to open Make sure it worksAnd that it works on a range of browsers and devices It doesn t have to be beautiful but it should be usableーno matter whether the reviewers are sitting in front of the computer or on a bus on their phone Add README mdAny project you have needs a README and an interview assignment needs one even more You should shortly introduce the exercise you implement and link a usable application After that you can add some high level documentationーwhat framework you used and how to build or test your code Show how you thinkShare with the reviewer your thinking process If you use some patterns or best practices then reference them explicitly in the documentation If you encountered some tradeoffs describe them and explain why you chose the way you implemented them Make it shineIf you want to stand out you can consider adding some of the following things Doing so will probably be a bit beyond the scope of what the assignment asked for but it can show that you know the tasks that you will perform every day at your job Make it engagingAdd a few routes to your project You can keep the reviewer s attention a bit longer by having additional pages Maybe a short about so they can easily match this demo app with your CV Unit testSetting up unit tests can be an excellent example of showing that you are a quality focused developer You don t have to aim for full code test coverage just a few tests showing you know what it is should be enough Set up lint amp prettierMany professional teams use linters and automated tools to enforce their chosen code style In the front end case those will be most likely ESLint amp Prettier It can be a nice touch to your show off project to do the sameーif there are any consistency focused developers on the team they will for sure notice it Make meaningful commitsGit or more generally version control is a crucial tool for working together on projects in IT The team collaborates on the Git repository so good commit messages are essential If you create a history that makes sense for an example project it s a good sign of how your contributions to the company s project will look How about you What is your best demo project Share links in the comments |
2022-03-30 06:07:38 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Cloud Migration For Law Firms — Here’s What Empowerment Looks Like |
Cloud Migration For Law Firms ーHere s What Empowerment Looks LikeLaw firms compared to other businesses tend to be more dependent on papers and local resources while working remotely to address client requests and court orders Given the limitations of on premise systems and understanding the need to maximize their flexibility towards addressing client needs several law firms have made the move to the cloud Some of the overall benefits of the cloud which law firms can benefit from are Cost effectivenessImproved compatibilityMinimal downtimeImproved data recovery and backupEasy scalabilitySeamless network accessRigid network securityHowever the most compelling reason for law firms to move to the cloud has to be how the cloud has eased the reporting process for advocates thereby making client experiences better Usually if a client requires a particular piece of information from the law firm regarding a case status or billing information the lawyer in touch with the client has to raise a request with the system administrator to extract the information Depending on the complexity of the request and how deeply the information is buried within the system it might take hours or even days before the information reaches the client This has in many cases hampered client lawyer relationships With cloud computing solutions however the process is reduced to a few clicks and few minutes before the lawyer can pass on the necessary information to the client Cloud computing benefits for law firmsCase management and financial management are changing the business fundamentals of law firms Earlier law firms used an hourly billing to charge clients for work whereas the focus is now shifting to an alternate and a more defined fee structure Since this alternative method purely focuses on other services and capabilities that law firms can offer in addition to good lawyers a move to the cloud is almost inevitable if top notch services are to be offered This helps law firms to come across as transparent and trustworthy service providers Cloud service providers can also enable law firms to automate repeated workflows like setting up alerts for rejected invoices or an alert for a particular search keyword When it comes to choosing cloud computing services for law firms the search is more for a trusted partner than simply a vendor For superior services and an exhaustive list of cloud services that could be of benefit to your firm get in touch with us at Cloud Now Technologies to know more Cloud now technologies offers cloud migration consulting and cloud migration services for their clients Recently Cloud now technologies ranked as top cloud migration service providers in usa |
2022-03-30 06:06:34 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
常勤保健師、前年度比386人増の2万7298人-2020年度の地域保健・健康増進事業報告概況 |
事業報告 |
2022-03-30 15:55:00 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[東証]新規上場日の基準値段等:(株)プロクレアホールディングス |
新規上場 |
2022-03-30 16:00:00 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[OSE]日経225オプションのコンプレッション取引の成立 |
日経 |
2022-03-30 16:00:00 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
まるわかり“実質実効為替レート”~“50年ぶりの円安”という根深い問題 |
nbsp「たまにしか注目されないけれど、侮れないldquo実質実効レートrdquo」ニッセイ基礎研レポート「現在の円相場はこの年で最も円安」年金ストラテジーVolJunenbsp「改めて問うldquo円高とはrdquo実質実効レートでみる円相場」ニッセイ基礎研レポート年月号目次ー実質実効為替レートの意味実質為替レートとは実効為替レートとはー実質実効レートの動向年ぶりの低水準にー実質実効レート下落の背景金融緩和の常態化国際収支構造の変化ー実質実効レート下落の影響プラス面マイナス面問題の本質ー実質実効レートの行方と求められること実質実効レートの行方実質実効レート下落に対して求められることまず、実質実効レートの意味合いから確認すると、一般的には「通貨の実力」や「内外の物価格差を考慮した円の実質的な価値」などと説明されることが多い。 |
2022-03-30 15:18:26 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
(論文)三層構造のもとでの金融調節運営―準備需要曲線モデルを使った解説― |
金融調節 |
2022-03-30 16:00:00 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
国債市場の流動性指標(2月) |
国債市場 |
2022-03-30 16:00:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
ペルー議会がカスティージョ大統領の罷免決議案を否決 |
議会 |
2022-03-30 06:30:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
「ドライブ・マイ・カー」がアカデミー賞の「国際長編映画賞」に、米興行への影響大 |
長編映画 |
2022-03-30 06:20:00 |
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ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
米シンガポール首脳会談、インド太平洋経済枠組みの立ち上げで協力確認 |
首脳会談 |
2022-03-30 06:10:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Relentless BOJ bond buying drives yields lower as yen rebounds |
Relentless BOJ bond buying drives yields lower as yen reboundsThe Bank of Japan surprised investors with a pledge to buy more securities than planned and include longer dated debt on a day when global bonds |
2022-03-30 15:30:33 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Chemical weapons a high risk, low gain Ukraine option for Putin |
Chemical weapons a high risk low gain Ukraine option for PutinDespite remote possibility NATO has activated chemical biological radiological and nuclear defense elements as part of its defense plans |
2022-03-30 15:23:52 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Muscle training — but not too much — reduces risk of disease, Japanese researchers say |
Muscle training ーbut not too much ーreduces risk of disease Japanese researchers sayPeople who perform muscle strengthening exercises have a to lower risk of dying or developing conditions such as cancer cardiovascular disease or Type |
2022-03-30 15:13:57 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Rift between CDP and DPP deepens ahead of Upper House election |
Rift between CDP and DPP deepens ahead of Upper House electionThe rift between the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and the Democratic Party for the People is deepening ahead of this summer s election for the |
2022-03-30 15:13:11 |
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BBC News - Home |
Covid: Global school closures affecting millions and satisfaction with NHS drops |
coronavirus |
2022-03-30 06:45:26 |
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BBC News - Home |
China: Panic buying in divided Shanghai under lockdown |
capital |
2022-03-30 06:22:13 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Women's World Cup: Australia dismantle West Indies in semi-final |
wellington |
2022-03-30 06:18:41 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
ロシアの輸出途絶 カナダに目を向ける各国 - WSJ発 |
途絶 |
2022-03-30 15:16:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
北海道内1979人感染、4人死亡 新型コロナ |
北海道内 |
2022-03-30 15:35:03 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
吹奏楽部の名物先生、幸せのタクト30年 旭川商高・佐藤さん定年 生徒とノート交換、主体性育む |
吹奏楽部 |
2022-03-30 15:33:07 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
賭博疑いで巡査24人を書類送検 寮でトランプ、千葉県警 |
千葉県警 |
2022-03-30 15:08:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
東名あおり、懲役18年求刑 検察「執拗で危険、悪質」 |
東名高速道路 |
2022-03-30 15:08:04 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
『リネージュ2M』新武器種「クロスボウ」を実装!それを記念したイベントや桜にちなんだイベントを開催中 |
ncsoft |
2022-03-30 15:55:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
ケンタッキー「チョコパイ」新定番スイーツに! 春も夏もオールシーズン楽しめる |
月日 |
2022-03-30 15:45:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
1500ジュエルをプレゼント!『ウマ娘 プリティーダービー』公式サイトで開発者レターが掲載 |
公式サイト |
2022-03-30 15:25:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
AR技術で住まいの専門家と顧客が物件の間取り図から完成した姿までを視覚的に共有、「Houzz Pro」に新ツール「3Dフロアプランナー」「ムードボード」が追加 |
AR技術で住まいの専門家と顧客が物件の間取り図から完成した姿までを視覚的に共有、「HouzzPro」に新ツール「Dフロアプランナー」「ムードボード」が追加HouzzJapanはマーケティングと業務効率化の統合型ソフトウェア「HouzzPro」内のツールとして「Dフロアプランナー」および「ムードボード」を公開した。 |
2022-03-30 15:10:00 |