lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Lambdaで画像分類AIをサーバレスAPI化して得た5つの知見 |
AutoGluonのサイトにはLambdaへのデプロイ方法が紹介されていますが、おそらく画像を使わないテーブルデータに対する推論の場合のみ適用できるのだと思います。 |
2022-04-03 17:30:29 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【初心者向け】Matplotlibを使用したグラフ作成 その1:Matplotlibとは |
【初心者向け】Matplotlibを使用したグラフ作成そのMatplotlibとははじめにこの記事ではMatplotlibを用いたデータの可視化やグラフの作成方法についてまとめています。 |
2022-04-03 17:18:43 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
YouTube Liveのアーカイブからコメントを検索して切り抜く #2 |
動画はあらかじめアーカイブをダウンロードしてファイル名をinputmpとして保存しておく必要があります。 |
2022-04-03 17:01:01 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
REST API(更新系)に対するCSRFにどう対処すべきか |
なので、GETでの単純リクエストで更新できてしまうRESTAPIはNG現場ではそういうものに遭遇することがある。 |
2022-04-03 17:37:09 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Deno.test()の書き方は6つある |
onlyonlytrueを指定したテストが存在する場合、そのテストだけが実行された上でテスト自体は失敗します。 |
2022-04-03 17:36:16 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
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2022-04-03 17:32:11 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Lambdaで画像分類AIをサーバレスAPI化して得た5つの知見 |
AutoGluonのサイトにはLambdaへのデプロイ方法が紹介されていますが、おそらく画像を使わないテーブルデータに対する推論の場合のみ適用できるのだと思います。 |
2022-04-03 17:30:29 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
API Gatewayを試してみた(REST API) |
リソース名にqiitaを入力APIGatewayCORSを有効にするをチェックメソッドを作成プルダウンから「メソッドの作成」を選択します。 |
2022-04-03 17:10:08 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Amazon Connect Streams で独自アプリケーションと連携できる カスタム CCP を作成してみた |
Adddomainを押します追加されました動作確認CloudFrontで公開しているカスタムCCP実際はデフォルトのままにアクセスしてみます。 |
2022-04-03 17:08:20 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Oracle】Mac環境でmattn/go-oci8のライブラリをインストール時「oci.h: No such file or directory」が発生 |
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2022-04-03 17:54:43 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Microsoft Graph API は Azure CLI を使うと簡単便利だった |
MicrosoftGraphAPIはAzureCLIを使うと簡単便利だった背景と目的MicrosoftGraphは、Microsoft関連リソースを操作出来るRESTAPIです。 |
2022-04-03 17:42:23 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
GitHub 上で表示されるコミットを署名付きにする方法 |
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2022-04-03 17:58:27 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
🎠 AWS CDK 101 - 🚄 Cloudwatch Metrics Filter with Dimensions and Alarms connected to ChatOps |
AWS CDK Cloudwatch Metrics Filter with Dimensions and Alarms connected to ChatOpsBeginners new to AWS CDK please do look at my previous articles one by one in this series If in case missed my previous article do find it with the below links Original previous post at Dev PostReposted previous post at dev to aravindvcyberReposted previous post at medium com aravindvcyberIn this article let us introduce observability and monitoring into our stack This we could achieve by using Cloudwatch logs and building our custom dashboard and widgets into it by setting alarms to continuously log and monitor our stack in a single place Additionally we could use the cloud watch events to trigger an action or set Cloudwatch alarm to trigger a specific notification to the appropriate monitoring channels In this demo we will wire up our alarm to send a message to our private slack channel as follows New construct We will start by creating a new file under the constructs folder like constructs cw dashboard alarm notify ts So why do we create a construct that s because we could reuse this elsewhere in various other cases Also when I demonstrate with a construct it will be more generalized and easy to follow with the limited idea about the actual functional stack which we build in our previous article As like every other construct which we have created previously let us start by importing the necessary libraries as shown below import Construct from constructs That should be sufficient to create a construct Now let us define a new construct as follows with a dedicated prop as well below export interface MetricAlarmConstructProps export class MetricAlarmConstruct extends Construct constructor scope Construct id string props MetricAlarmConstructProps super scope id Here we have named our construct as MetricAlarmConstruct which is supposed to get the MetricAlarmConstructProps when it is getting initialized from some stack Here you have it we are all set to begin defining our construct now Planning our construct So the plan for this construct from now on would that we need to set up a simple dashboard for a generic log group provided from the stack which uses this construct by making use of the various other property provided in the props Having said that let us first add an appName and logGroup as shown below into props The appName is only to distinguish the resources provisioned by setting the provided prefix to differentiate other resources provisioned alongside in the same stack export interface IMetricObj filterPattern IFilterPattern The below field is not yet supported in cloud formation yet metricDimension Dimension export interface DimensionFilter label string DimensionMap DimensionsMap export interface MetricAlarmConstructProps appName string logGroup LogGroup metricNamespace string metricUnits Unit metricValue string metricStatistic Statistic metricName string metricDef IMetricObj metricDimensionFilter Record lt string DimensionFilter gt Note props will be destructured Inside our construct definition let us use object destructuring to retain the same naming convention as we use them in our code as follows Inside the construct definition const appName logGroup metricNamespace metricUnits metricValue metricStatistic metricName metricDef metricDimensionFilter props Before we use the above properties let me give you a high level idea of what metric we are going to generate and use in our cloud watch dashboard Api Gateway Accesslog Here we will be using an access log which we have enabled in our previous API gateway so we could extract relevant metrics by using this construct Also I wanted to highlight to you that extracting status codes this way is already part of the default AWS API gateway metric namespaces yet I did this from our code as a demonstration of the various other possibilities we have here and the flexibility we could flexibly we can use them Adding more imports which we require shortly inside the construct import RemovalPolicy Duration from aws cdk lib import LogGroup MetricFilter IFilterPattern RetentionDays from aws cdk lib aws logs import Alarm Unit Dashboard AlarmWidget PeriodOverride Statistic GraphWidget LegendPosition GraphWidgetView Metric Color MathExpression Dimension DimensionsMap from aws cdk lib aws cloudwatch Defining the MetricFilter A Metric filter is created on top of a specific log group so that the log streams will be digested and metrics will be extracted into respective namespaces as follows const metricFilter new MetricFilter this appName metricName logGroup metricNamespace metricName metricName filterPattern metricDef filterPattern metricValue metricFilter applyRemovalPolicy RemovalPolicy DESTROY To explain in detail we have created a metric filter which will be used to get the count of requests Dimension not supported at present ️However status codes like Successful or Forbidden are to be differentiated using Dimension Value Pattern We are not able to define this inside the metricFilter construct since Dimension is not yet supported at the CDK level and I have been waiting for it So I have decided to hack it from the console after deploying temporarily You can refer to this article on the API documentation under this Also I am following this PR once we have this added into Cfn and CDK we will update this article soon Now let us import this construct into our common event stack by adding the below lines in the file lib common event tsimport MetricAlarmConstruct from constructs cw dashboard alarm notify You could inject this new construct right after we have defined the eventGatewayALG just before we define the API gateway Check out our previous article on API Gateway to understand what we have done with the API gateway API Gateway Access log setup up ️In this article we are not going to discuss the functioning of the API gateway however we will get out the log group provisioned when we enable the access logs as follows We can use this log file inside our construct to generate metrics and build a dashboard and trigger an alarm const eventGatewayALG new logs LogGroup this Event Gateway Access Log Group retention logs RetentionDays ONE MONTH eventGatewayALG applyRemovalPolicy RemovalPolicy DESTROY const eventGateway new apigw LambdaRestApi this EventEndpoint handler eventCounter handler proxy false deployOptions accessLogDestination new apigw LogGroupLogDestination eventGatewayALG accessLogFormat apigw AccessLogFormat jsonWithStandardFields Initialize our construct ️Once the access log group eventGatewayALG is defined we can wire this into our construct as follows new MetricAlarmConstruct this MetricAlarmConstruct appName ApiGW Event AccessLog Insights logGroup eventGatewayALG metricNamespace envParams metricFilter metricNamespace metricUnits Unit COUNT metricValue metricStatistic Statistic SUM metricName envParams metricFilter metricName metricDef filterPattern FilterPattern any FilterPattern stringValue requestId Not supported in cloudformation yet metricDimension name RequestStatus value status metricDimensionFilter Success label Success DimensionMap RequestStatus Forbidden label Forbidden DimensionMap RequestStatus Our configuration values You could identify that we are using some envParams this is nothing but a JSON object export which we will be building using the process env to pass through our configuration data I have made the envParams readable to understand what it refers to Filter pattern definition Let us use this logGroup and extract metrics by using the filterPattern provided as follows const metricFilter new MetricFilter this appName metricName logGroup metricNamespace metricName metricName filterPattern metricDef filterPattern metricValue metricFilter applyRemovalPolicy RemovalPolicy DESTROY Check metric filter provisioned in console Metric Filter Pattern When a metric filter matches a term it increments the metric s count For example you can create a metric filter that counts the number of occurrences of a specific string or it could be complex using a JSON Pattern in our case below In any case feel free to navigate below to the AWS documentation which you can use to create your filter pattern You can also try this using the create metric filter option in the suitable cloud watch log group Generally we should test this first step by step in the AWS console and once our pattern can get the right data we can put it into CDK to provision this programmatically A filter pattern is like a regex or search term which we use to check inside the log files to identify and compute our metric value Here the unit is Count with value and we are aggregating using the SUM aggregation function Metric Filter hacked from console You can very well notice that our dimension filters are not provisioned from CDK we will hack it from the AWS console Inspect Log Group You could also find we have defined metric with the dimension filter pattern above However the metrics which has been extracted out will be listed in the metrics explorer below But before we move forward let us generate some logs I did some postman API request automated testing with and without an API key Now should have some log streams generated in the access log group for our API gateway as follows This will be picked up by our custom metric filters and posted to metrics explorer Find in Metrics Navigate to all metrics in metrics explorer You could notice that our metric namespace Custom Api GW AccessLog has dimensions generated as well RequestStatusDrill down into our dimension to find the metric variants as follows Alarm and action for forbidden request Adding new props into our construct to create an alarm and trigger a slack post using the AWS chatbot slack connection export interface MetricAlarmConstructProps alarmTopic string threshold number evaluationPeriods number datapointsToAlarm number slackConfigName string slackWorkspaceId string slackChannelId string new MetricAlarmConstruct this MetricAlarmConstruct alarmTopic envParams sns alarmTopic threshold datapointsToAlarm evaluationPeriods slackConfigName envParams slack slackChannelConfigurationName slackWorkspaceId envParams slack slackWorkspaceId slackChannelId envParams slack slackChannelId destructuring inside constructconst alarmTopic threshold datapointsToAlarm evaluationPeriods slackConfigName slackWorkspaceId slackChannelId props Alarm Metric Now let us define the alarm metric as follows const alarmMetric new MathExpression expression forbiddenCount label metricDimensionFilter Forbidden label color Color BLUE period Duration minutes usingMetrics forbiddenCount metricFilter metric statistic metricStatistic dimensionsMap metricDimensionFilter Forbidden DimensionMap unit metricUnits Alarm creation Wiring up the alarmMetric created above to the alarm object below const alarm new Alarm this appName Alarm metric alarmMetric alarmName appName Alarm datapointsToAlarm evaluationPeriods threshold alarm applyRemovalPolicy RemovalPolicy DESTROY Once we find our threshold which is at is breached by the sum of the Forbidden request counter cloud watch triggers this alarm as follows in the specified evaluationPeriods of Also we have defined datapointsToAlarm as which means we only need out of data points to be above the threshold Alarm post message to SNS topic Now we need the alarm to trigger an action here it will post to an SNS topic as follows const snsTopic new Topic this appName Topic displayName alarmTopic fifo false alarm addAlarmAction new SnsAction snsTopic snsTopic applyRemovalPolicy RemovalPolicy DESTROY Alarm goes red Alarm goes green After some time this alarm goes back to green or insufficient data when the forbidden requests are reduced SNS topic publishes to subscribers The action enabled in our alarm will post to the SNS topic which is defined as follows import SnsAction from aws cdk lib aws cloudwatch actions import Topic from aws cdk lib aws sns Once we have the above imports added we could define the addAlarmAction as follows const snsTopic new Topic this appName Topic displayName alarmTopic fifo false alarm addAlarmAction new SnsAction snsTopic snsTopic applyRemovalPolicy RemovalPolicy DESTROY Slack Integration Let us do the slack integration now by wiring this up at the end of the construct to create a new slack connection configuration in the AWS chatbot The required items for slack connection are as follows slack configuration nameslack workspace idslack channel id which has AWS chatbot added integrated into it import LoggingLevel SlackChannelConfiguration from aws cdk lib aws chatbot Once we have the above imports we could define the slackChannelConfiguration as follows const slackNotify new SlackChannelConfiguration this slackConfigName slackChannelConfigurationName slackConfigName slackChannelId slackChannelId slackWorkspaceId slackWorkspaceId notificationTopics snsTopic loggingLevel LoggingLevel INFO logRetention RetentionDays ONE MONTH slackNotify applyRemovalPolicy RemovalPolicy DESTROY By now you could see that a new subscription is added to our snsTopic Slack configuration You can find more about the slack configuration in the console Add aws bot into your channel Create a private channel in your slack workspace and add the AWS bot integration as shown below Once the alarm goes on it will send a message using the SNS topic which is subscribed by our AWS chatbot slack connection configuration You can now click the above notification to find the channel which has the post message In case rather than checking and deleting multiple emails this slack channel setup helped to have them streamlined and flexible to work with New dashboard to track Let us wrap up by creating our dashboard where will be adding a couple of widgets listed below GraphWidget which has both the dimensions in the chartAlarmWidget which has the alarm metric and the thresholdconst dashboard new Dashboard this appName Dashboard dashboardName appName Dashboard end end periodOverride PeriodOverride AUTO start start Add a new dashboard GraphWidget This will be having a left and right metric one for each status and with the suitable label color and dimensions Map dashboard addWidgets new GraphWidget title API GW Request Status Graph Live view GraphWidgetView TIME SERIES width liveData true leftYAxis showUnits true left new Metric metricName metricName namespace metricNamespace statistic metricStatistic label metricDimensionFilter Success label period Duration minutes unit metricUnits color Color GREEN dimensionsMap metricDimensionFilter Success DimensionMap right new Metric metricName metricName namespace metricNamespace statistic metricStatistic label metricDimensionFilter Forbidden label period Duration minutes unit metricUnits color Color ORANGE dimensionsMap metricDimensionFilter Forbidden DimensionMap legendPosition LegendPosition BOTTOM AlarmWidget You can as well add an alarm widget to this dashboard as follows dashboard addWidgets new AlarmWidget title Forbidden Requests High Alert alarm alarm width leftYAxis showUnits true onDestroy Usually in every resource I deploy using CDK I make sure I destroy it once the deployment is no longer needed after the demo Hence I add an applyRemovalPolicy logic and tag to those resources dashboard applyRemovalPolicy RemovalPolicy DESTROY Thus we have achieved our objectives in extracting metrics from a log group provided triggering an alarm and setting our custom dashboard using CDK with the graph and alarm widgets View Dashboard Alarm Widget changes We will be adding more connections to this API gateway and lambda stack and make it more usable in the upcoming articles by creating a new construct so do consider following and subscribing to my newsletter We have our next article in serverless do check outThanks for supporting Would be great if you like to Buy Me a Coffee to help boost my efforts Original post at Dev PostReposted at dev to aravindvcyber |
2022-04-03 08:32:03 |
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