IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ワークマン、銀座に「女子店」初進出 家賃が超高いのに1年目から「大幅な黒字」が見込める理由 |
位置付け |
2022-04-29 07:30:00 |
Back to Basics: Deploying Code to ECS |
Back to Basics Deploying Code to ECSIn this episode join Seb as he explores some architectural patterns for deploying containers in AWS With the use of containers you can ensure that your code behaves the same way on your production servers as it does on your laptop And with use of the Continous Deployment pipeline your new code is deployed every time a code change is made Additional Resources Check out more resources for architecting in the AWS cloud AWS AmazonWebServices CloudComputing BackToBasics |
2022-04-28 22:39:19 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ポンコツ駆け出しエンジニアが大手IT企業に転がり込んで四苦八苦した話 |
四苦八苦 |
2022-04-29 07:14:02 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Docker】node_modulesの取り扱い |
docker |
2022-04-29 07:35:56 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
やらかしたときによく使うGitコマンド |
gitbranchd |
2022-04-29 07:23:52 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Swift Package追加時にUp to Next Major versionが機能していない理由 |
xcodeuptonextmajorversion |
2022-04-28 22:08:43 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Programming HORROR Stories |
Programming HORROR StoriesProgramming horror stories I ve got one You ve probably got at least one yourself And I know that because there is an entire sub reddit dedicated to the subject My horror story is a long one but we can just summarize it with the letters XSLT Apologies up front because you can t unsee that But mine kind of pales in comparison to a few of the ones out there that I ve heard Here are two horror stories from good developers like you and me who were just in the wrong place at the wrong time The monster hiding in your codeThis one is truly terrifying I couldn t even believe it when I read the original story on reddit Believe it or not there is such thing as a zero width unicode character and well you can imagine the chaos this can cause you if it ends up in your code SHEESH Can you imagine spending hours looking for a character that you literally can t see That is the kind of thing that would make you seriously reconsider your career choice But more importantly HOW DID THAT CHARACTER GET THERE Losing code into the abyssThis one is about the core fear that ever developer has losing your work We ve got source control for this but it still happens How does it it happen With the right series of events and some small mistakes along the way Now yes you should always commit your work but the point is that these things happen Nobody is perfect and it s way too easy to destroy hours of good work with a single click I know I ve done this myself I ve seen some I m old We don t need to get into specific numbers but sometimes I feel like that Batman meme Every last name in the ERP database changed to the same thing All credit card purchases made in the last hours double charged because asynchronous processing is hard A month refactor that yields a much slower and worse UI The nightmare goes on an on But what about you What are your programming horror stories |
2022-04-28 22:11:17 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
April 28th, 2022: What did you learn this week? |
April th What did you learn this week It s that time of the week again So wonderful devs what did you learn this week It could be programming tips career advice etc Feel free to comment with what you learnt and or reference your TIL post to give it some more exposure ltag tag id follow action button background color ffedc important color important border color ffedc important todayilearned Follow Summarize a concept that is new to you |
2022-04-28 22:06:54 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Discussion and Comment of the Week - v2 |
Discussion and Comment of the Week vThis weekly roundup highlights what we believe to be the most thoughtful and or interesting discussion of the week We re also be highlighting one particularly cool comment in each installment The DEV Community is particularly special because of the kind and thoughtful discussions happening between community members As such we want to encourage folks to participate in discussions and reward those who are initiating or taking part in conversations across the community After all a community is made possible by the people interacting inside it Discussion of the WeekFor this week s discussion I d like to put the spotlight on adrvnc s Open Discussion What Tips Do You Have For Writing Clean Code as it spurred some really thoughtful and friendly debate between folks Open Discussion What Tips Do You Have For Writing Clean Code Adrian Carter・Apr ・ min read beginners discuss It s cool to hear differing opinions on what constitutes clean code and the different routes or rules folks follow when trying to craft clean code themselves Hopefully there s a bit of helpful advice for everyone in this discussion And hey never too late to drop your thoughts if you have your own perspective on clean code to share Comment of the WeekComment of the week goes to kspeakman for this brilliant and concise bit of advice to the prompt What misconceptions do early career devs have about this work that ben kicked off Kasey Speakman • Apr •Edited on Apr That it s all about the technical details They are important but getting the details perfect won t matter if the business problem is misunderstood You ll build a solution to a problem they don t have and create new problems I did that more than once in my career I good indicator that there is a misunderstanding is when you get into a coding conundrum Meaning you had to solve a technical problem that doesn t make sense to you It kinda gives you a weird feeling like something is missing Learn to listen to that and ask questions until you figure out what s missing I can imagine that early days it d be easy to get hyper focused on the technical bits and lose sight of the actual problem you re solving I appreciated how Kasey crafted this explanation and spoke from personal experience openly sharing that this is something that has tripped them up in the past Always nice to hear advice that is empathetic and understanding yet pointed and practical What are your picks There s loads of great discussions and comments floating about in this community I urge you all to share your favorite comment and or discussion of the past week below in the comments And if you re up for it give the author an mention ーit ll probably make em feel good |
2022-04-28 22:06:12 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
ChatOps: How to Secure Your Webex Bot |
webex |
2022-04-28 22:02:26 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
F.D.A. Moves to Ban Sales of Menthol Cigarettes |
F D A Moves to Ban Sales of Menthol CigarettesPublic health experts say the proposal could save hundreds of thousands of lives especially among Black smokers ー percent of whom use menthol products |
2022-04-28 22:27:18 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
How to Get Covid Treatments in New York City |
How to Get Covid Treatments in New York CityBoth antiviral pills and monoclonal antibodies that treat Covid are available across the city but some public health experts worry that too few people know how to get them |
2022-04-28 22:01:33 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Exploring the Health Effects of Ageism |
ageismthrough |
2022-04-28 22:14:43 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
経済・物価情勢の展望(2022年4月、基本的見解)~日本経済の先行きを展望すると、回復していくとみられる... |
日本経済 |
2022-04-29 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
当面の金融政策運営について(2022年4月28日) |
日本銀行 |
2022-04-29 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
決済動向(2022年3月) |
日本銀行 |
2022-04-29 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
FX Daily(4月27日)~ドル円、一時128円台後半まで上昇 |
fxdaily |
2022-04-29 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
・鉱工業生産 半導体関連 「好決算=株高」とは限らない ・引き締め効果顕在化 米住宅市場:Market Flash |
marketflash |
2022-04-29 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
日銀政策決定会合と物価見通しの上方修正~企業の中長期物価見通しの上振れをどう評価するか...:木内登英のGlobal Economy & Policy Insight |
lobaleconomypolicyinsight |
2022-04-29 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
長期金利の上昇抑制強化でさらなる円安進行を招いた日銀金融政策決定会合:木内登英のGlobal Economy & Policy Insight |
lobaleconomypolicyinsight |
2022-04-29 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
はじめての不動産投資(3)~初心者には難しい不動産 (3)権利関係が複雑な不動産(後半)~「建物とその敷地」と権利の組み合わせ:研究員の眼 |
不動産投資 |
2022-04-29 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
第212回 信用保証利用企業動向調査(2022年1-3月期実績、4-6月期見通し)~信用保証利用企業の資金繰りは、横ばい状態である。景況は、持ち直しの動きに一服感が見られ、厳しい状況が続いている |
持ち直し |
2022-04-29 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
怒りの毎日指値オペ 出口戦略は海外金利が安定している時に:Market Flash |
marketflash |
2022-04-29 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
ヘッドウォータース(東証グロース)~AIやIT技術を用いたシステム開発や関連サービスを提供。人材採用強化に伴い、22年12月期は増収ながら営業減益を予想:アナリストレポート |
関連 |
2022-04-29 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
モイ(東証グロース)~スマートフォン等を用いたインターネットライブ配信サービス「ツイキャス」を運営。業界最大級の3,000万人を超える累積ユーザー数を誇る:アナリストレポート |
運営 |
2022-04-29 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
週刊!投資環境(2022年4月28日号)~FOMC~ |
投資信託 |
2022-04-29 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
Resona Investment Outlook 2022 Spring(りそなの投資環境見通し) |
ainvestmentoutlookspring |
2022-04-29 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
5月の政治・経済イベント~米国の利上げ動向には引き続き注目。インフレ抑制に向けて動き出すユーロ圏... |
野村アセットマネジメント |
2022-04-29 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
日銀、大規模金融緩和を維持~連続指値オペの毎営業日実施を決定:マーケットレポート |
三井住友トラスト |
2022-04-29 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
投資INSIDE-OUT vol.194「米ハイテク株は、お値打ち価格?~語られざる投資の真実 vol.52~」 |
insideoutvol |
2022-04-29 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
金融市場NOW:米住宅 在庫積み増しで価格是正となるか~住宅ローン金利上昇と価格高騰、販売件数は減少へ |
住宅ローン |
2022-04-29 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
こよみ Vol.159 ~進行する円安だけを見た投資判断ってホントに正しい? |
投資判断 |
2022-04-29 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
CHINA INSIGHT<第63号>上海ロックダウンと中国株 |
china |
2022-04-29 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
【注目検索キーワード】地域エネルギー事業 |地域エネルギー事業/?rss
検索キーワード |
2022-04-29 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
【お薦め書籍】5秒でチェック、すぐに使える! 2行でわかるサクサク仕事ノート |
結集 |
2022-04-29 00:00:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
James Corden leaving Late Late Show after eight years |
british |
2022-04-28 22:37:56 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Amazon posts loss as online sales falter |
ukraine |
2022-04-28 22:48:50 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
The Papers: 'Brit killed in Ukraine' and 'Disorder! Disorder!' |
westminster |
2022-04-28 22:41:59 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
[Postgame Thread] Light That Baby Up!! The Angels complete the 4 game sweep of the Guardians! 🧹 |
Postgame Thread Light That Baby Up The Angels complete the game sweep of the Guardians Angels pitching held the Guardians to run or fewer in of the games Guardians Angels Postgame Thread Guardians Angels Line Score Game Over R H E CLE LAA Box Score LAA AB R H RBI BB SO BA CLE AB R H RBI BB SO BA RF Ward CF Straw CF Marsh SS Rosario A DH Trout DH Ramírez Jo B Walsh B Miller O B Rendon B Naylor J LF Adell RF Reyes F C Suzuki LF Mercado B Wade LF Palacios SS Velazquez A C Hedges B Clement LAA IP H R ER BB SO P S ERA CLE IP H R ER BB SO P S ERA Detmers Quantrill Bradley A Shaw B Loup Sandlin Tepera Iglesias R Scoring Plays Inning Event Score B Taylor Ward singles on a fly ball to center fielder Myles Straw Kurt Suzuki scores Tyler Wade to rd Andrew Velazquez to nd B Brandon Marsh singles on a sharp line drive to left fielder Oscar Mercado Tyler Wade scores Andrew Velazquez to rd Taylor Ward to nd B Mike Trout grounds into a double play third baseman Ernie Clement to second baseman Owen Miller to first baseman Josh Naylor Andrew Velazquez scores Taylor Ward to rd Brandon Marsh out at nd Mike Trout out at st T Austin Hedges homers on a fly ball to left center field B Taylor Ward grounds out third baseman Ernie Clement to first baseman Josh Naylor Tyler Wade scores Decisions Winning Pitcher Losing Pitcher Save Detmers Quantrill Iglesias R Game ended at PM Remember to sort by new to keep up submitted by u xThe Legend Killerx to r angelsbaseball link comments |
2022-04-28 22:43:34 |