AWS Architecture Blog |
Architecting for sustainability: a re:Invent 2021 recap |
Architecting for sustainability a re Invent recapAt AWS re Invent we announced the AWS Well Architected Sustainability Pillar which marks sustainability as a key pillar of building workloads to best deliver on business need In session nbsp ARC Architecting for Sustainability Adrian Cockcroft Steffen Grunwald and Drew Engelson Director of Engineering at Starbucks gave a detailed explanation of what to expect from the … |
2022-04-29 20:41:37 |
Accelerate your Cloud Journey with App2Container | Amazon Web Services |
Accelerate your Cloud Journey with AppContainer Amazon Web ServicesLearn how to easily accelerate the digital transformation of your NET and Java applications into containers in AWS using AppContainer Learn more about modernize Windows workloads with AWS at Speaker Ashish Bhatia Subscribe More AWS videos More AWS events videos ABOUT AWSAmazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform offering over fully featured services from data centers globally Millions of customers ーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agencies ーare using AWS to lower costs become more agile and innovate faster AWS Containers Application Modernization AmazonWebServices CloudComputing |
2022-04-29 20:08:16 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Python3エンジニア認定基礎試験の勉強でつまずいたところ【ユーザー定義関数編】 |
模擬試験 |
2022-04-30 05:18:35 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
SoftEtherとAWSとstoneを使ってアパート内にあるRaspberry Pi 4Bのマイクラ鯖(Java版)を公開する |
raspberrypi |
2022-04-30 05:55:35 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
2022年4月現在、Dockerとの付き合い方が未だによくわからない件 |
docker |
2022-04-30 05:12:40 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
AutoScaling Group의 Launch templates변경 해봤다! |
AutoScaling Group의Launch templates변경해봤다 소개안녕하세요 클래스메소드금상원입니다 이번블로그에서는AutoScaling Group의Launch templates 변경해보도록하겠습니다 Step Launch templates |
2022-04-29 20:42:41 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
MSW로 mock 서버 사용해보기 (Next.js/TypeScript) |
MSW로mock 서버사용해보기 Next js TypeScript API가준비되기전에클라이언트에서mock 서버를만들면개발명세로도작업이가능MSW라는라이브러리로mock 서버를만들어서진행해봄MSW란 브라우저의경우네트워크단에서 서비스 |
2022-04-29 20:09:01 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Use Markup to Censor Photos and Screenshots on an iPhone |
information |
2022-04-29 20:00:52 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
"The forbidden method" |
quot The forbidden method quot This was done via an embedded gif in Markdown syntax Source code below rickroll |
2022-04-29 20:49:18 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Ruby Style Guide 💻💎 |
Ruby Style Guide What is Ruby Style Guide Ruby is the main language at Shopify We are primarily a Ruby shop and we are probably one of the largest out there Ruby is the go to language for new web projects and scripting This Style Guide is the result of over a decade of Ruby development at Shopify Much of its content is based on Bozhidar Batsov s Ruby Style Guide adapted to Shopify by many contributors ーInstalling Rubocop to Your Project gem install rubocopNow let s create a program that can be linted bettername Karthik puts Hello name Now we save it and run Rubocop on it as shown rubocop rubocop example rbrubocop spits out some errors as shownInspecting fileCOffenses rubocop example rb C Correctable Style FrozenStringLiteralComment Missing frozen string literal comment name Karthik rubocop example rb C Correctable Style StringLiterals Prefer single quoted strings when you don t need string interpolation or special symbols name Karthik file inspected offenses detected offenses auto correctable Create a yml file in the root and paste this AllCops NewCops enable Exclude db migrate rb config rb bin spec rails helper rb lib rb it should be fixed later spec lib rb it should be fixed later spec requests rb it should be fixed laterMetrics BlockLength Exclude Rakefile rake spec rb app admin rb db rb db migrate rb config rb Documentation Include app models rb Exclude app models ability rb app models application record rb app models concerns app models filter client rb app models filter warehouse rb Metrics MethodLength Max Metrics ClassLength Max That s all Rubocop is now ready to work on your project Thank you for reading Guarapo Labs creates digital products that assist people in developing their ideas Our staff has all of the necessary skills to work on your web and virtual reality game projects Our commitment to educating our clients on how to provide the finest customer experience with their solutions is reflected in the high quality of our software Contact us edwin nunez guarapo devGuarapo Labsedwin nunez Overview |
2022-04-29 20:15:53 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Airbnb will stop offering refunds when a host or guest contracts COVID-19 |
Airbnb will stop offering refunds when a host or guest contracts COVID Airbnb bookings made on or after May st will no longer be eligible for refunds for COVID related issues The upcoming change to the extenuating circumstances policy will apply to cases where a host or guest contracts COVID The company says the host s standard cancellation policy will apply instead It says nearly two thirds of active offer policies that allow guests to cancel up to five days under the moderate policy or up to hours before check in as per the flexible policy Reservations made before the end of next month may still be eligible for a COVID linked refund if they meet the terms of Airbnb s policy There are exceptions for domestic reservations in South Korea and mainland China Airbnb said refunds will still be available there for some COVID related circumstances for the foreseeable future quot Some in the travel industry stopped this type of policy months ago while others didn t provide one at all quot Airbnb wrote in a blog post quot After consultation with our medical advisors as well as our community we feel the time is now right to take the same step quot For what it s worth Airbnb will soon start offering travel insurance The product will be available in the coming months Until then the company says those concerned that COVID may disrupt their travel plans can buy insurance elsewhere The onset of the pandemic devastated the travel industry and Airbnb wasn t immune from the impact The company laid off percent of its workforce or around jobs in May It seems Airbnb is hoping to get back to business as usual It noted that quot many countries have now implemented living with COVID plans quot Still the pandemic is not over Around a third of the global population has yet to receive at least one vaccine dose Data shows that on average cases have been recorded worldwide in each of the last days |
2022-04-29 20:15:00 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Why Americans Became More Vulnerable to Oil Price Spikes |
Why Americans Became More Vulnerable to Oil Price SpikesWhen prices soared years ago Americans launched broad efforts to wean the nation off oil and gas to protect households from price swings But then supply rose and plans fizzled |
2022-04-29 20:47:01 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Christie’s to Sell a Dinosaur That Inspired the ‘Jurassic Park’ Raptor |
Christie s to Sell a Dinosaur That Inspired the Jurassic Park RaptorThe auction house says this is the first ever sale of a Deinonychus the species on which the velociraptor in the movie was based |
2022-04-29 20:36:44 |
海外科学 |
BBC News - Science & Environment |
Venus and Jupiter Conjunction: Planets to almost touch in night sky |
bright |
2022-04-29 20:42:59 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
ロシア・ウクライナ停戦協議が難航、双方が非難 |
難航 |
2022-04-29 20:34:39 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
NYダウ、一時1000ドル超安 景気懸念で売り加速 |
景気 |
2022-04-29 20:16:45 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Tory MP Neil Parish investigated over claims he watched porn in Commons |
commonsneil |
2022-04-29 20:24:42 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Alexanda Kotey: IS 'Beatle' sentenced to life in US for murders in Syria |
syria |
2022-04-29 20:09:07 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Venus and Jupiter Conjunction: Planets to almost touch in night sky |
bright |
2022-04-29 20:42:59 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
British Virgin Islands: UK should take back rule - report |
government |
2022-04-29 20:01:34 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Why has Russia invaded Ukraine and what does Putin want? |
ukraine |
2022-04-29 20:04:51 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
婚礼最大手テイクアンドギヴ・ニーズと「ゼクシィ」が対立に向かう意外な理由 - リモート沸騰 エンタメ・冠婚葬祭・ビジネス |
冠婚葬祭 |
2022-04-30 05:25:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
東邦大付属東邦の合格者が一番多い塾はどこ?主要10塾・過去16年の実績で比較 - DIAMONDランキング&データ |
2022-04-30 05:20:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
頭のいい富裕層の共通点、ウクライナ危機で資産を守る「たった1つのルール」 - 「今」絶対やってはいけないお金の話 |
世界経済 |
2022-04-30 05:15:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
ココイチ、丸亀製麺、ロイホ…“禁断の値上げ”成功例に見る「外食企業の生き残り2条件」 - 「円安」最強説の嘘 |
ココイチ、丸亀製麺、ロイホ…“禁断の値上げ成功例に見る「外食企業の生き残り条件」「円安」最強説の嘘外食業界では「値上げはタブー、円安は逆風」という旧来の常識が崩れつつある。 |
2022-04-30 05:12:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
政府&日銀“蜜月”の功罪、異次元緩和中毒で現実味を帯びる「経済敗戦」の日 - 「円安」最強説の嘘 |
自縄自縛 |
2022-04-30 05:10:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
源義経が兄・頼朝に出会うまでに歩んだ知られざる「壮絶な半生」【歴史・見逃し配信】 - 見逃し配信 |
頼朝 |
2022-04-30 05:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
大坂なおみが2回戦進出 テニスのマドリード・オープン |
大坂なおみ |
2022-04-30 05:20:56 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ザトウクジラの確認数、過去最多 鹿児島・奄美大島近海 |
奄美大島 |
2022-04-30 05:20:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
アフガン首都爆発50人死亡 モスクの礼拝者、テロか |
首都 |
2022-04-30 05:20:58 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
昨秋、東京湾で「気象津波」 トンガ沖噴火で注目 |
日本列島 |
2022-04-30 05:20:59 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
山口茜が準決勝進出 バドミントンのアジア選手権 |
準々決勝 |
2022-04-30 05:20:55 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
西武、秋山復帰へオファー 渡辺GMは争奪戦を予想 |
大リーグ |
2022-04-30 05:02:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
伊豆急、JR通勤車を「ハワイアン」に改造した狙い 元京浜東北線209系「第3の人生」はリゾートで | ローカル線・公共交通 | 東洋経済オンライン |
京浜東北 |
2022-04-30 05:20:00 |