AWS Database Blog |
Achieve cost-effective multi-Region resiliency with Amazon Aurora Global Database headless clusters |
Achieve cost effective multi Region resiliency with Amazon Aurora Global Database headless clustersMany organizations with critical workloads and global footprints need a strategy to tolerate Region wide outages This requires making a trade off between availability Recovery Time Objective RTO and cost You should consider using a tiered approach to meet your compliance and budgetary needs When developing a cross Region disaster recovery DR strategy an important consideration is the … |
2022-05-03 17:41:55 |
AWS Media Blog |
On Air saves time on media workflows using Nomad Solution on AWS |
On Air saves time on media workflows using Nomad Solution on AWSFacing growing demand for a live concert experience On Air a pay per view on demand streaming service launched its first streaming solution for live concerts and performances in During the COVID pandemic however the demand for live streaming content increased more quickly than On Air could have anticipated The company realized that it needed a more … |
2022-05-03 17:00:31 |
Quantum on AWS: Cost Estimation | Amazon Web Services |
Quantum on AWS Cost Estimation Amazon Web ServicesA short video detailing how to calculate the cost of the different features of Amazon Braket Included are worked examples for running circuits on managed simulators QPUs and hybrid jobs as well as storage and notebook costs when using the service Presented by Alistair McLean AWS Principal Solutions Architect Aerospace Sat Learn more Subscribe More AWS videos More AWS events videos ABOUT AWSAmazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform offering over fully featured services from data centers globally Millions of customers ーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agencies ーare using AWS to lower costs become more agile and innovate faster QuantumComputing AmazonBraket AmazonBraketTutorial HybridJobs AWScloudcomputing AWS AmazonWebServices CloudComputing |
2022-05-03 17:47:54 |
How AWS helps Customers Meet their Security, Risk, and Compliance Objectives |
How AWS helps Customers Meet their Security Risk and Compliance ObjectivesHear from Hart Rossman Director of Global Security Practice at AWS around how his team within the Professional Services organization addresses urgent customer needs around security risk and compliance and how he builds his team to continually raise the bar for customer experience Learn more at Subscribe More AWS videos More AWS events videos ABOUT AWSAmazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform offering over fully featured services from data centers globally Millions of customers ーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agencies ーare using AWS to lower costs become more agile and innovate faster AWS AmazonWebServices CloudComputing |
2022-05-03 17:26:37 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Python]Seleniumでスマホ表示をエミュレートする |
chromedevtoolsprotocolcdp |
2022-05-04 02:07:38 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Poooli L3 感熱紙プリンタへの Python からの出力 備忘録 |
windowslinu |
2022-05-04 02:03:46 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Pixel 6 finally getting a Dirty Pipe patch, one month after the Galaxy S22 |
google |
2022-05-03 17:16:18 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
Where Does Windows 10 Stores Its Default Wallpapers and Lock Screens? |
windows |
2022-05-03 17:15:14 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Create & Use Code Snippets using Codiga Code Snippets💡 |
Create amp Use Code Snippets using Codiga Code SnippetsEvery one of us loves using VS Code It s by far the best IDE for writing code in my opinion But does that mean we should stick to the default features of VS Code I don t think so I figure why not use a feature if someone out there has already built it When I ve needed to use code snippets I ve typically used Visual Studio While this has worked for me I wanted to explore something new During my search I came across Codiga With Codiga you can create and embed Smart Code Snippets directly in Microsoft Visual Studio Code using their Coding Assistant tool Sounds interesting right I decided to make some snippets that I use regularly This blog post will help you understand how you can use Codiga s Coding Assistant tool VS Code Extension to find create amp use Smart Code Snippets Before diving into creating Smart Code Snippets using the Coding Assistant tool let s look at what code snippets are and how they are different from Smart Code Snippets by Codiga Introduction to Code SnippetsCode snippets are small pieces of reusable source code that can be inserted into your project They re designed to make your workflow easier by allowing you to reuse the code you create regularly without having to type it out each time Why do work that has already been done by another That is why code snippets are such a valuable and usable resource for coders because it saves them time having to create every building block of code for every single project Code snippets are typically used to promote consistency improve readability and reduce the amount of repetitive code They are useful for code reuse and are often created to resolve the most common programming tasks such as searching for a value in an array or generating a hash code from an input string etc However you can run into a number of issues when trying to source code yourself online Firstly it can be a very time consuming task searching online trying to find exactly what you re looking for Secondly when you find a code snippet pattern you want to use it may be unsafe contain bugs or defects or even may be outdated and therefore not the best foundation for your project So what are Smart Code Snippets and how are they different Let s dig in What are Smart Code Snippets Smart Code Snippets is one the amazing features Codiga provides within its Coding Assistant Tool that can be used to instantly add and populate code snippets inside the VS Code Editor Normally you would have to visit a website look for a normal code snippet copy it paste it into your code then modify it to suit your needs Smart Code Snippets on Coding Assistant take away all that hassle With Smart Code Snippets you just need to call a simple command to get a well written well tested and well structured code snippet that is used by other developers and can save you countless hours in the long run Not only this you can create your own code snippets and use them to save time Let s look at how you can achieve that Step Install Codiga VS Code ExtensionTo find make amp use code snippets you ll first need to install the Codiga extension from the VS Code marketplace Once you install the extension you ll be prompted to configure your API key So let s first generate an API key Step Generate API KeyWhen you have successfully installed the extension in order to use Codiga Code Snippets you have to configure API keys in VS Code To generate an API key move to the Codiga dashboard and click on the Generate Token button After you generate the token you ll be prompted to open VS Code Go ahead and click on Yes and you are good to go Codiga Code Snippets extension is fully configured now Let s start creating the code snippets Step Creating Smart Code Snippets Code RecipesCreating Smart Code Snippets on Codiga is a piece of cake Select the code right click amp select Create Code Snippet from the options You ll be redirected to the Codiga dashboard add any imports if you want to add for that code block choose if the Smart Code Snippet should be public or private amp click Save Now that we have created the Smart Code snippets it s ready to use Step Using Smart Code Snippets on Codiga Coding AssistantTo use a Smart Code Snippets on Codiga use CTRL ALT S CMD SHIFT S ⌘⇧S on Mac to get all the code snippets amp use them inline A better way would be to add a shortcut to the code recipe amp use that shortcut to embed that snippet in your code Edit the code recipe from the Codiga dashboard amp add a shortcut After you save the recipe you ll be able to use your snippet in VS Code ConclusionI have always been a massive fan of using snippets to help speed up my coding This is a huge timesaver that allows you not to have to rewrite the same blocks of code repeatedly Codiga is a great tool and I love that it is available for VS Code I am already seeing a massive improvement in my coding speed which is incredible You can download the extension from the VS Code Marketplace This is worth checking out if you are a VS Code user |
2022-05-03 17:51:16 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Por que você não acredita na sua capacidade? |
Por que vocênão acredita na sua capacidade Fala galera pokemaobr aqui novamente para trazer mais conteúdo para vocêque édev e estácomeçando ou não necessariamente começando nessa área Sempre trago coisas que vivencio no dia a dia ou que a galera solicita na live O artigo de hoje foi solicitado por n e iremos falar de uma maneira diferenciada de síndrome do impostor Mas pokemão todo mundo fala sobre isso toda hora játo de paciência esgotada desse tema Acredite em mim falarei de modo diferenciado Além disso o tema tem que ser discutido porque todo dia o que mais vejo entre as pessoas que sigo no twitter são pessoas que tem uma capacidade tremenda jádesenvolveram grandes projetos participam de grandes iniciativas e ainda sim duvidam hora ou outra da sua capacidade Eu me incluo nisso de vez em quando Antes de entrarmos gostaria de lembrar que esse conteúdo éfinanciado através do nosso apoia se pokemaobr então se vocêcurtir o conteúdo e quiser nos ajudar financeiramente pode enviar qualquer valor através da plataforma Gostaria de agradecer a todas as pessoas que estão contribuindo A primeira coisa que posso afirmar para vocês Quem éruim de verdade não sente síndrome do impostorBR pokemão A pessoa éa impostora mesmo e ela tem que criar situações onde émelhor que as outras tem que ter uma lábia absurda para vender algo que não é aproveitar do trabalho de outras pessoas para crescer desmerecer o trabalho de outras enganar enrolar fingir e muito mais Infelizmente temos muitas pessoas assim no nosso meio A parte boa éque nunca veremos uma palestra sobre síndrome de impostor desse tipo de pessoa Quando nos vendem que a área de tecnologia éuma coisa maravilhosa onde o dinheiro vem fácil e em pouco tempo onde cursos de uma semana são suficientes para vocêentrar na área onde viramos sênior em dois anos e coisas aleatórias desse tipo Esquecem de falar o quanto trabalhar na área mexe com nosso psicológico O mundo éimediatista e quando não conseguimos “performar imediatisticamente nos cobramos e achamos que somos menos do que o “mercado precisa Não podemos passar mal não estar em um dia bom ter problemas pessoais cuidar de nossos entes queridos em uma fase difícil que isso potencializa quem sofre com a síndrome do impostor a sensação de incapacidade e de não estar “suprindo as expectativas Uma coisa que eu acabo fazendo sempre que tenho essa sensação éanalisar o que jáfiz mesmo que em uma área nada a ver que se assemelha com o que estou passando no momento Lembro que quando entrei no iMasters dois dias após o meu segundo evento eu tive apendicite operei e fiquei duas semanas sem trabalhar em alguns momentos me senti mal de não estar na ativa E estar “sendo bancado sem fazer nada Porém se eu morresse não haveria outra pessoa com exatamente as mesmas habilidades que eu tinha naquele momento para realizar os trabalhos que viriam a seguir Pensando nesse caso eu preferi me cuidar e esperar passar o tempo de “resguardo e dar o meu melhor no momento em que estivesse bem física e psicologicamente O que me rendeu muitos eventos muitas boas lembranças e conhecer muitas pessoas da comunidade de desenvolvimento Nós costumamos nos comparar demais sabe com pessoas que muitas vezes estão na caminhada a muito mais tempo que a gente que passaram por muito perrengue para estar onde está que sofreram bastante com tudo que jápassaram e que atése assemelha com o que estamos passando Essas pessoas jápassaram pelo o que a gente passa e talvez por isso jáestejam calejadas com algumas coisas e por isso parecem “performar mais Mas porque não nos comparamos com aquela pessoa sênior de dois anos Que não tem experiência nenhuma mas acha que sabe de tudo Que não sabe a diferença entre open source e freeware e mesmo assim acredita que estáno lugar onde deveria estar Que não entrega nada mas se vende como se estivesse fazendo de tudo pela empresa Ainda posta no linkedIN que marcou entrevista num domingo de feriado e nenhuma pessoa candidata compareceu…Temos que nos inspirar em quem estána nossa frente não nos cobrarmos para sermos exatamente iguais a essas pessoas Entender que éparte do nosso caminho crescer mas que temos nossos limites Entender que somos seres humanos e com isso também sofremos as limitações da nossa carne Seja em questão de saúde seja em questão do que sabemos atéo momento seja porque estamos passando por uma fase complicada na nossa vida pessoal Vocênão acredita na sua capacidade por que se cobra demais por que consome muitas redes sociais e acaba achando que o que estáno feed reflete a realidade Porque as pessoas não vão se vangloriar com os tombos que tomam Mas vocêdeveria Os tombos são parte do que nos coloca para a frente são parte do que vocêprecisa para crescer Todo mundo tem horas boas e horas ruins fases boas e fases ruins tem dias que parece que era melhor nem ter acordado Mas isso não te faz menos do que vocêé A galera valoriza inclusive a gente aqueles coaches que falam um monte de groselha sem fundamentos Por que não podemos acreditar com a pessoa com quem a gente dorme e acorda todos os dias Que sabemos as qualidades e defeitos muitas vezes não aceitamos Se não estábem estátudo bem Não se force para fazer algo que não estárealmente no melhor momento para fazer Obviamente que temos nossas obrigações e em muitos casos temos que fazer o que não queremos Mas se algo não te faz bem recorrentemente talvez seja a hora de fazer algo que te deixa mais a vontade de fazer Vocêécapaz de muito Relembre o quanto vocêevoluía com o passar da sua infância Quando fez algumas coisas que hoje vocêacredita serem básicas pela primeira vez Muitas vezes apenas olhando como era feito anteriormente Relembre o quanto vocêestudou o quanto vocêse dedicou o quanto vocêbatalhou para estar onde está E se for para se comparar Se compare contigo de anos atrás De anos atrás Com certeza hoje em dia vocêestáem um lugar muito melhor ou pelo menos com muito mais experiência que vocêtinha naquela época Sópodemos nos comparar com alguém que tem a mesma caminhada que a gente ou seja nós mesmos E pare de chorar nas redes sociais Fale sobre isso com pessoas que vocêrealmente confia Quando emanamos energias negativas recebemos mais do que emanamos Tem pessoas as impostoras que sóquerem nos ver sofrendo e agradecem demais quando olham nosso feed e vêque não estamos bem não dêesse gosto para elas Ah e faça terapia Nada como falar sobre o que estamos sentindo com profissionais de verdade e não com vídeos de youtube de auto ajuda que prometem que vocêteráa cura dos seus problemas psicológicos Fale com alguém que estudou de fato sobre isso Quer uma indicação de psicologa A Lola ésensacional Inclusive se quiser ignorar tudo que eu falei aqui éuma boa Desejo que tenha curtido esse artigo Caso tenha alguma dúvida pode entrar em contato comigo no contato pokemaobr dev ou na minha live ou no twitter Vocêtambém pode contribuir monetariamente para que eu possa criar mais conteúdos gratuitos para devs no nosso apoia seDeixa aqui o seu comentário sobre o que foi escrito Obrigado de coração e atéa próxima |
2022-05-03 17:12:16 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple's first retail store union will get an employee vote on June 2 |
Apple x s first retail store union will get an employee vote on June Workers at an Apple Store in Atlanta Georgia will vote on whether or not to unionize on June just days before Apple s WWDC Apple Cumberland MallAfter making public the plan to unionize in late April The Verge has learned that the election for the site will happen on Friday June The proposed union would include workers at the Cumberland Mall retail store in northwest Atlanta About of workers have signed cards of support and plan to file a petition with the National Labor Relations Board Read more |
2022-05-03 17:58:03 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple's M1 Max MacBook Pro is back in stock: save up to $300, plus deals on AppleCare |
Apple x s M Max MacBook Pro is back in stock save up to plus deals on AppleCareApple s M Max MacBook Pro has been plagued by supply chain shortages resulting in backorder delays of up to two months But Adorama has several configurations in stock right now with discounts of up to off in addition to AppleCare promo code savings Apple M Max MacBook Pro models are stock and up to offAt press time three M Max MacBook Pro models are in stock at Apple Authorized Reseller Adorama Read more |
2022-05-03 17:32:18 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
OWC Gemini review: External storage and a few more ports for your Mac |
OWC Gemini review External storage and a few more ports for your MacThe OWC Gemini is a dock that offers not only grants a few more port options for your Thunderbolt equipped Mac but also local storage There are a few problems that we hear about as it pertains to Apple s modern Mac lineup More connectivity options than Apple offers has historically been one which is solvable with a dock or a hub The other frequent complaint issue is storage The main solution to this is external enclosures either networked or available locally For folks that need both the OWC Gemini may be a decent package to help with both problems at the same time Read more |
2022-05-03 17:23:47 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple issues fourth iOS 15.5, iPadOS 15.5, tvOS 15.5, watchOS 8.6 developer betas |
Apple issues fourth iOS iPadOS tvOS watchOS developer betasApple has moved to the fourth beta round for this generation handing over new builds of iOS iPadOS tvOS and watchOS to developers for testing iOS second developer beta now availableThe latest can be downloaded via the Apple Developer Center for those enrolled in the test program or acquired via an over the air update on hardware running beta software Public betas generally turn up shortly after the developer counterparts accessible through the Apple Beta Software Program website Read more |
2022-05-03 17:26:18 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple seeds fourth macOS Monterey 12.4 developer beta |
Apple seeds fourth macOS Monterey developer betaApple has provided developers with a new fourth beta build of macOS Monterey to test out on their systems Second developer beta for macOS now availableThe newest builds can be downloaded from the Apple Developer Center for developers enrolled in the test program or as an over the air update for devices already running the beta software Public betas typically arrive within a few days of the developer versions via the Apple Beta Software Program website Read more |
2022-05-03 17:13:02 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
How to use Dropbox to replace iCloud |
How to use Dropbox to replace iCloudApple makes iCloud compelling but there are reasons to opt for Dropbox instead once you know how to use it fully Here s how to shift over You re an Apple user so you ve got an iCloud account even if it s just Apple s minimum GB version Apple leans on iCloud for syncing everything from app data and Apple Watch backups to SMS messages and Ringtones and it s generally very good for this kind of automatic sync However when it s documents you want synchronized and perhaps available not only to you but also to other people there are strong reasons to prefer Dropbox instead Read more |
2022-05-03 17:06:56 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Paramount+ has nearly 40 million subscribers |
Paramount has nearly million subscribersA lot of people are paying for Paramount to watch Halo and Star Trek Picard even if neither series has been particularly outstanding On Tuesday Paramount Global formerly ViacomCBS announced that it added million new Paramount subscribers in the first quarter of With those additions the platform has almost million customers Among other content the company credited its original programming including the aforementioned Halo and Star Trek Picard for the continued growth of Paramount In turn that subscriber growth contributed to an increase in the company s bottom line with revenue from the service growing by percent year on year to million in Q “The first quarter once again demonstrated the power and potential of Paramount s unique assets and the company s continued momentum said Paramount Global CEO and President Bob Bakish Paramount s success is particularly notable given Netflix s recent struggles Last month the streaming giant announced that it lost about customers in the first quarter of marking its first subscriber drop in a decade The company has since embarked on a series of cost cutting measures canceling series like Space Force nbsp and gutting the editorial staff of its Tudum fansite |
2022-05-03 17:54:52 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Collaboration changing the Hybrid Workplace |
Collaboration changing the Hybrid WorkplaceIn the hybrid world retaining and improving employee productivity is the biggest challenge for CIOs in while collaboration is the biggest challenge in remote hybrid teams Cisco has an industry leading solution across domain integration that enables the best employee experiences |
2022-05-03 17:33:34 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Started Out as a Fish. How Did It End Up Like This? |
fossil |
2022-05-03 17:52:34 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Donald Wyse Is Growing a New Future for Farming |
farms |
2022-05-03 17:32:30 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Backlash Erupts as N.Y.U. Weighs Hiring Scientist Accused of Harassment |
Backlash Erupts as N Y U Weighs Hiring Scientist Accused of HarassmentA walkout at New York University s medical school was held to protest the possible hiring of Dr David Sabatini who has been accused of sexual misconduct |
2022-05-03 17:56:55 |
海外TECH |
Is Leaking a SCOTUS Opinion a Crime? The Law Is Far From Clear |
Is Leaking a SCOTUS Opinion a Crime The Law Is Far From ClearThe leak of a draft opinion overturning Roe v Wade quickly sparked a court investigation Which laws may have been violated if any remains uncertain |
2022-05-03 17:10:30 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Boris Johnson promises compassion in tackling cost of living |
johnson |
2022-05-03 17:46:13 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
UK ambassador: 'Hard to be critical' of Brits in Ukraine |
existential |
2022-05-03 17:20:41 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【デザインが垢抜ける】人物写真をレイアウトする際に、何より意識したほうがいい「人の習性」とは? - まねるだけで伝わるデザイン |
人物写真 |
2022-05-04 02:55:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
顔は浮かぶのに、名前が出なくなった時の対処法 - 1分間瞬読ドリル |
2022-05-04 02:50:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【幸運な人は知っている】ご神仏に「願いを叶えてほしい」と祈る時に忘れてはいけない、たった1つのこと - 迷いをすっきり消す方法 |
願い |
2022-05-04 02:45:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【精神科医が教える】 心のモヤモヤが吹き飛ぶ たった1つの考え方 - 精神科医Tomyが教える 心の荷物の手放し方 |
voicy |
2022-05-04 02:40:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【子ども4人全員を東大理三に入れた母親が教える】 子どもの前で絶対に言ってはいけないこと - 東大理三に3男1女を合格させた母親が教える 東大に入るお金と時間の使い方 |
【子ども人全員を東大理三に入れた母親が教える】子どもの前で絶対に言ってはいけないこと東大理三に男女を合格させた母親が教える東大に入るお金と時間の使い方男女全員を国内最難関の東京大学理科三類医学部に合格させた『東大に入るお金と時間の使い方』の著者・佐藤亮子ママは、生まれたばかりの歳の頃から、歳の大学入学までを全力でサポートするため、「お金」も「時間」も惜しまなかった。 |
2022-05-04 02:35:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
頭がいい人と悪い人「大手かベンチャーか」で迷ったときの視点の差 - 転職が僕らを助けてくれる |
頭がいい人と悪い人「大手かベンチャーか」で迷ったときの視点の差転職が僕らを助けてくれる「今の会社で働き続けていいのかな」「でも、転職するのは怖いな……」。 |
2022-05-04 02:30:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【出口学長・日本人が最も苦手とする哲学と宗教GW特別講義】 孟子の性善説vs荀子の性悪説、 実際のところ、どんな論争だったのか? - 哲学と宗教全史 |
【出口学長・日本人が最も苦手とする哲学と宗教GW特別講義】孟子の性善説vs荀子の性悪説、実際のところ、どんな論争だったのか哲学と宗教全史宮部みゆき氏絶賛万部突破哲学者、宗教家が熱く生きた年の本物の教養を、出没年付きカラー人物相関図・系図で一挙紹介世界都市を訪れ、万冊超を読破した“現代の知の巨人が、世界史を背骨に日本人が最も苦手とする「哲学と宗教」の全史を初めて体系的に解説「ビジネス書大賞」特別賞ビジネス教養部門受賞宮部みゆき氏小説家が「本書を読まなくても単位を落とすことはありませんが、よりよく生きるために必要な大切なものを落とす可能性はあります」池谷裕二氏脳研究者・東京大学教授が「初心者でも知の大都市で路頭に迷わないよう、周到にデザインされ、読者を思索の快楽へと誘う。 |
2022-05-04 02:25:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
カリスマ保育士てぃ先生が実感! 1日1回で集中力がアップする 簡単で楽しい遊びとは? - カリスマ保育士てぃ先生の子育て〇×図鑑 |
子育ての悩みは、決して親の能力や愛情の深さの問題ではなく、子ども特有の気持ちやものごとのとらえ方、体の状態を知るだけでうまくいくことが多いと、てぃ先生は教えてくれます。 |
2022-05-04 02:20:00 |