IT |
InfoQ |
JRelaser 1.0:アーリーアダプタに聞く |
JRelaserアーリーアダプタに聞くJRelaserは、それ自体のリリースに使用することを通じて、ユーザエクスペリエンスの直接的な理解を深めてきた。 |
2022-05-11 01:16:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
パフォーマンスの向上したHibernate ORM 6.0 |
パフォーマンスの向上したHibernateORMRedHatは、同社のフラッグシッププロダクトとして人気の高い、オブジェクトリレーショナルマッピング永続化ユーティリティのHibernateORMのバージョンをリリースした。 |
2022-05-11 01:13:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
Java Newsラウンドアップ: Vector API、SpringのアップデートとCVE、Payara Platform、GroovyとTomEEのアップデート |
JavaNewsラウンドアップVectorAPI、SpringのアップデートとCVE、PayaraPlatform、GroovyとTomEEのアップデート今週年月日のJavaラウンドアップは、OpenJDK、JEP、年月版Oracle緊急パッチアップデートのリリース、JDK、LibericaJDKとNativeImageKitのアップデート、Springのポイントリリースとマイルストンリリース、年月版PayaraPlatformリリース、QuarkusFinal、ApacheGroovy、ApacheTomEE、JobRunr、JReleaserrのアップデートといった情報をお届けする。 |
2022-05-11 01:11:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
アーティクル: ネイティブJavaの実情 |
アーティクルネイティブJavaの実情KubernetesのマイクロサービスはネイティブJavaスイートスポットです。 |
2022-05-11 01:09:00 |
IT |
@IT 全フォーラム 最新記事一覧 |
Microsoft、WebGPUをフルサポートする3Dレンダリングエンジン「Babylon.js 5.0」を公開 |
babylon |
2022-05-11 10:45:00 |
IT |
@IT 全フォーラム 最新記事一覧 |
Gartner、2025年までに3つの環境サステナビリティ技術が主流として普及し始めると予測 |
gartner |
2022-05-11 10:40:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 任天堂決算、半導体不足の影響受け減収減益 ソフトウェア販売本数は過去最高 |
減収減益 |
2022-05-11 10:36:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 社員のSNSの炎上が心配……会社がしておくべき準備とは? |
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2022-05-11 10:30:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] そろそろ無視できない「人的資本経営」に、タレントマネジメントを活用する |
itmedia |
2022-05-11 10:15:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] かければ目の前に広がる巨大画面 スマートグラス「Nreal Air」を使ってみて分かったこと |
itmediamobile |
2022-05-11 10:15:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 「Docker Desktop for Linux」登場 WindowsやMac版と同じ機能や操作を提供、Raspberry Pi OSにも対応 |
ITmediaNews「DockerDesktopforLinux」登場WindowsやMac版と同じ機能や操作を提供、RaspberryPiOSにも対応米Docker社がLinux版のDockerDesktop「DockerDesktopforLinux」を発表。 |
2022-05-11 10:01:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] イーロン・マスク氏、EUのデジタルサービス法(DSA)に賛意 |
itmedia |
2022-05-11 10:01:00 |
AWS Japan Blog |
AWS Week in Review – 2022 年 5 月 9 日 |
AWSWeekinReview年月日AWSWeekinReviewはシリーズとして、毎週AWSからの興味深いニュースやお知らせをダイジェストでお伝えします新たな週間が始まりましたね。 |
2022-05-11 01:37:09 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
有限要素法の2次元アイソパラメトリック要素の形状関数による内挿を可視化した。 |
有限要素法 |
2022-05-11 10:42:38 |
html |
@IT HTML5 + UXフォーラム 最新記事一覧 |
Microsoft、WebGPUをフルサポートする3Dレンダリングエンジン「Babylon.js 5.0」を公開 |
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2022-05-11 10:45:00 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
GoogleMapAPIを使って、Webページに地図を表示する |
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2022-05-11 10:18:43 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWSにおけるDatabricksを用いたレイクハウス構築を高速に:新たなPay-as-You-Goオファリングの発表 |
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2022-05-11 10:17:04 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
1時間半で合格! Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals (AI-900) |
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2022-05-11 10:11:21 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
GitHubからアクセストークンの有効期限切れメールが届いた際の対策方法 |
github |
2022-05-11 10:01:31 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Zendeskチケットの添付ファイルを取得して、S3に保存してみた |
zendesk |
2022-05-11 01:18:59 |
技術ブログ |
Yahoo! JAPAN Tech Blog |
ユーザの地域考慮+機械学習モデルによるCTR改善 〜 ヤフー検索の入力補助機能での事例 |
yahoo |
2022-05-11 10:45:00 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
14 great tips to make amazing CLI applications |
great tips to make amazing CLI applicationsI find command line tools an incredibly way to multiply the impact of the code they produce Did you write a nice library to wrap an API and connect it to your DB model Then provide a CLI tool that allows anybody to query the API interact with the DB model run the operations that you provided discover all the available functionality and read the API documentation You can now easily write scripts that exercise different functionality of your code while developing create pre commit scripts create CICD scripts Here are a collection of tips I gathered over the years writing CLI tools Use a command line parsing frameworkWhile it is fun to parse argv by hand I go straight for full featured command line parsing frameworks like cobra in go clap in rust click in python php cli in PHP Not only are these well established they often allow you to use subcommands generate autocompletion script for multiple shells handle pretty printing of CLI options and link up to configuration frameworks see below Distribute the tool as a single file with no dependenciesTo ensure widespread adoption of your CLI tool it must be easily installable No one wants to install node modules or god forbid setup a python virtualenv just to use your tool Golang and Rust are perfect languages for this as they allow you to easily compile static binaries for multiple platforms You can also experiment with dumping world images in Common Lisp Another option is to create a docker image that can be run with a single docker call although this often makes networking and file IO more complicated A compromise is to make it an easily installable package through your languages package manager pip npm what have you Make documentation part of the tool itselfInstead of distributing the documentation as a separate wiki make it part of your tool Don t spit out cryptic auto generated argument lists but leverage your CLI framework and TUI library to provide beautiful documentation It should be possible to use the CLI tool to lookup all the information about verbs and arguments see the next point about examples get information about the tool itself and its principles of operationdiscover the functionality provided by the tool see the section about a building a grammar While I have never done so some tools even provide full tutorials as part of their feature set As complex the git command line can be it provides great documentation entries for each verb Consider using a pretty library to render markdown straight on the command line for example glamour golang or rich python Add examples to your documentationThe easiest way to help people get started with your tool is to provide numerous examples This often gives a more intuitive description of arguments and how they interact Use it as an opportunity to show certain patterns and give some background information about why a certain verb exists Use it as an opportunity to also show complex and advanced ways of using your CLI especially if you provide filtering and templating functionality see below git aws kubectl all provide examples that I have found extremely useful Make it prettyWho doesn t like a pretty colorful CLI tool There are a lot of terminal TUI and style management libraries out there Don t forget to make your tool compatible to colorless terminals and IO pipes however I had a great time with all the charmbracelet libraries like bubbletea for building TUIs and lipbgloss for styling rich is a similar awesome python library Make it interactiveFor some applications not all I found implementing an interactive version of the CLI tool useful Often I have done so when controlling hardware where keeping context is important and much easier in a long running application This can be as easy as wrapping a simple stdin stdout loop with rlwrap all the way to using full featured TUI libraries like bubbletea golang textual python or imtui c Use asciinema to record short tutorialsA great feature of command line applications is that recording a terminal session is very lightweight and can easily be transformed into a gif or rendered into a webpage Tools like asciinema are great to show real life workflows Carefully craft a CLI grammarThis is what I consistently find the most difficult when building a CLI tool designing a nice grammar In the best of worlds verbs and subcommands are intuitive if a user wants to do something it should be easy for them to guess which command to use This means having a set command if you have a get command or a proper subcommand for each resource that can be manipulated for example files hosts drives A confusing grammar would be using get update to set a variable or having a verb ls files for listing files and a hosts list subcommand and verb for listing hosts I find that I often have to rewrite the CLI verb structure a couple of times before I understand what works well for the problem I want to solve Don t try to get it right the first time in fact avoiding being too frameworky or clever the first time around Liberally add the verbs and flags you find useful as you are building out your tool and then do a second pass where you don t mind restarting the verbs and flags from scratch Chances are that you build internal helper functions that can be reused Add structured input and outputCLIs are not just for humans they are also extremely useful for machines To make it easier to pipe and convert the data your tools generate think about outputting structured data alongside human readable data I have generic wrappers that generate tabulated human readable output that is nicely formatted and colored different pre configured human readable output options for example wide pretty oneline CSV and TSV formats for easy unix tool spreadsheet consumptionstructured JSON output this is usually the easiest as the objects manipulated by the CLI are often serializable out of the box when applicable dumping data out as a SQLite database is extremely usefulSimilarly make it easy to read structured input not just from the CLI but also from files This makes it much easier to rerun similar commands or share big batches of data amongst team members For good example of these concepts look at kubectl used to managed kubernetes resources Add filtering and aggregation optionsIn conjunction with the previous concept of adding structured IO consider adding filtering options For example you could give a user the option to only output attributes as tabular data or to aggregate counts by a certain other attribute As an alternative to implementing your own filtering and aggregating which is not always easy consider adding examples where you filter and process data by using tools like jq yq or xsv in your CLI documentation Kubectl jq asciinema asciinema org Don t forget to give copious examples the more useful and applicable to the real world the better as these are often time consuming to come up as a user especially when you just need the tool to get something done Think of each useful example you give as a little nugget of pleasure that someone will experience in the future Add templating optionsIf you want to go even a step further beyond structured output consider giving the user the option to provide output templates Tools like kubectl or aws allow you to pass your own go template inspired templates making it possible to create exactly the output needed kubectl get no o go template range items if spec unschedulable metadata name spec externalID n end end I always found writing templates for CLIs quite time consuming but extremely useful once I figured it out So don t skimp on examples Make it easy to extend your CLIMake it easy to add new verbs extend the CLI tool A common pattern to do so is to lookup if a binary called yourtool XXX exists when an unknown verb XXX is used and pass control to that binary This is how gh GitHub client and git operate Even simple shell script verbs provide great extension capability for users For even bigger impact provide a simple wrapper framework like gh does that allows extensions written in go to easily call the main tool itself Make it easy to configure your CLIChances are that you will want to provide a lot of default values and configuration options in your CLI credentials URL endpoints output settings Make it easy to configure these by providing environment variables This has the added benefit of making your tool easy to integrate in CICD and provide security by avoiding listing credentials in your command line It also allows for easy customization per directory or project using a tool like direnv configuration files A few command line option libraries provide the option to use a configuration file alongside the command line parser for example viper in golang Otherwise nothing is easier to use a JSON YAML or TOML parser to read in defaults and overrides provide verbs to query and update your config file A lot of modern CLI tools provide verbs to interact with their own configuration Good examples are git config which provides a rich verb to query remove update set the git configuration Dumping and querying the current information alongside version platform loaded environments and config files makes it easy to debug issues provide global and local configuration files Besides providing a global configuration file allow users to provide local configuration files Make it easy to chain configuration files so that you can have a global config followed by a project wide config checked into git followed by a user specific override config not checked into git Provide autocompletion integration Nothing is nicer for the user than just pressing tab and getting a nice autocompletion Shells these days provide really nice UIs for autocompletion and a rich framework to leverage these Besides using the builtin autocompletion generation by CLI argument parsing frameworks see above think about providing dynamic autocompletion options I have used this in the past to dynamically query connected devices when providing a hardware control tool Autocompletion would show a list of connected widgets by ID ConclusionCLIs and TUIs are incredibly effective tool for the developer They are usually easy to write extremely useful for the author themselves as ways to exercise their code while developing and a great way to self document and extend the functionality of the application our library With a bit of thought and styling CLIs can be turned into game changers What about you Do you write CLI tools If so what tricks have you been using Are you into TUIs and interactivity |
2022-05-11 01:18:04 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Event-Driven Programming with TriggerMesh |
goasguen |
2022-05-11 01:08:40 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
精神科救急緊急時対応など保健・医療体制を充実-沖縄県が障害者基本計画を公表 |
基本計画 |
2022-05-11 11:00:00 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
大学のコロナワクチン接種、自治体会場で柔軟対応-厚労省が都道府県などに事務連絡 |
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2022-05-11 10:50:00 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
障害福祉サービス職員らの収入引き上げへ-厚労省が関係告示改正案を公表 |
厚生労働省 |
2022-05-11 10:45:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukraine war: Boris Johnson visits Sweden and Finland |
boris |
2022-05-11 01:21:22 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Sundiata Acoli: US Black Panther wins parole after half a century |
acoli |
2022-05-11 01:25:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
中国人民元、危機の再燃あるか - WSJ発 |
危機 |
2022-05-11 10:11:00 |
Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ |
クラウドでのネットワーク接続のユースケースについて |
VPCピアリングは、ハイブリッド接続やNetworkConnectivityCenterを通じて、ワークロードを含む複数のVPCに接続されたお客様のネットワークに、高性能で低レイテンシのプライベート接続を提供します。 |
2022-05-11 02:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
<デジタル発>日ハムもう自力V消滅 ファンに聞いてみた 「新庄流、どう見てます?」 |
北海道日本ハム |
2022-05-11 10:34:04 |
北海道 |
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【道スポ】日本ハム野村 4番の意地弾 左翼へ3号2ラン |
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2022-05-11 10:30:00 |
北海道 |
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「水平社宣言」100年 |
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2022-05-11 10:28:00 |
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上島竜兵さんが死去、61歳 お笑いトリオ「ダチョウ倶楽部」 |
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2022-05-11 10:24:09 |
北海道 |
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国内最大級のプラモ見本市開幕 静岡、3年ぶり一般公開も |
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2022-05-11 10:19:00 |
北海道 |
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政府のコロナ対応検証で初会合 有識者会議、6月に提言 |
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2022-05-11 10:18:00 |
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急病人発生で快速エアポート2本運休 札幌・白石駅 |
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2022-05-11 10:13:00 |
北海道 |
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知床こんぶ醤油、池田産ブドウ…。北見・永田製飴がコラボ 道内の美味、アメに練り込み「地域PRにつなげたい」 |
北見市内 |
2022-05-11 10:09:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
中国は台湾侵攻に「自信持てず」 米国家情報長官が分析 |
国家情報長官 |
2022-05-11 10:04:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
grasysが叶えるエンジニアファーストな働き方とは? |
cloud |
2022-05-11 10:30:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
三菱商事、産業DX部門長CDOほか(22年7月1日付) |
三菱商事 |
2022-05-11 01:21:01 |
Cloud Blog JA |
クラウドでのネットワーク接続のユースケースについて |
VPCピアリングは、ハイブリッド接続やNetworkConnectivityCenterを通じて、ワークロードを含む複数のVPCに接続されたお客様のネットワークに、高性能で低レイテンシのプライベート接続を提供します。 |
2022-05-11 02:00:00 |