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IT 気になる、記になる… Apple、USB−Cポートを搭載した「iPhone」をテスト中 − USB-CポートでLightningコネクタ用アクセサリを利用する為のアダプタも開発中か https://taisy0.com/2022/05/14/156958.html apple 2022-05-13 16:31:44
AWS AWS Architecture Blog Author Spotlight: Seth Eliot, Principal Reliability Solutions Architect at AWS https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/author-spotlight-seth-eliot-principal-reliability-solutions-architect-at-aws/ Author Spotlight Seth Eliot Principal Reliability Solutions Architect at AWSThe Author Spotlight series pulls back the curtain on some of AWS s most prolific authors Read on to find out more about our very own Seth Eliot s journey in his own words At Amazon Web Services AWS and Amazon we talk about “super powers a lot Everyone has them I ve discovered that mine is to … 2022-05-13 16:53:00
AWS AWS Simplify your billing process with AWS | Amazon Web Services https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeRIcyUp5wE Simplify your billing process with AWS Amazon Web ServicesYour monthly AWS billing invoicing and cost allocation workflows give you a clear view of your AWS costs based on your actual financial hierarchical relationship and business logic It also provides the transparency that your end customers need to be aware of their usage and make informed IT investment decisions Watch this video to learn how AWS Billing Conductor lets you customize your AWS account structure costs sharing billing and reporting to simplify your billing with AWS and meet your unique business needs Get started with AWS Billing Conductor Get answers to common questions about AWS Billing Conductor Subscribe More AWS videos More AWS events videos ABOUT AWSAmazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform offering over fully featured services from data centers globally Millions of customers ーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agencies ーare using AWS to lower costs become more agile and innovate faster CloudFinancialManagement AWS AmazonWebServices CloudComputing 2022-05-13 16:29:22
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海外TECH DEV Community Cache a response in Vercel using SSR and serverless functions in SvelteKit https://dev.to/aspnxdd/cache-a-response-in-vercel-using-ssr-and-serverless-functions-in-svelte-kit-g92 Cache a response in Vercel using SSR and serverless functions in SvelteKit TLDRI will show how we can cache the response of an API using Vercel caching and a serverless function function that is executed during Server Side Rendering in this case and not on client In this case of the BTCUSD price obtained from a call to the Binance API IntroductionHello and welcome to my second post Today I will show you how we can cache the response of a function that runs on the server Vercel in this case to optimize the number of calls this functiom does to an external API This means that the API call will be done on the server and not on client reducing the payload of the user accessing the website ApplicationLet s suppose we have a website that everytime is rendered it fetches the price of Bitcoin from the Binance API This means that everytime a user accesses our site it fetches data from the Binance API If we have visits in minute from visit th on the user will get a HTTP ERROR too many requests Is it needed to call the API multiple times to obtain BTCUSD price which will barely change during those seconds Probably not So let s see how we can solve this by caching the BTCUSD price on Vercel Let s suppose we have clients that access our website the first one will be the one that calls the serverless function and caches the response for that function for seconds CodeIn this case we only want to cache the response if we actually get a price number from the Binance API We can use bodyShouldBeCacheable or any other valid method src routes api btcusd tsimport type RequestHandler from sveltejs kit const BTCUSDT export const get RequestHandler async gt const getBtcUsdtPrice async Promise lt number undefined gt gt try const data await fetch BTCUSDT const price await data json return price catch err return undefined const body await getBtcUsdtPrice const bodyShouldBeCacheable isNaN body return status body headers Cache Control bodyShouldBeCacheable max age public no cache src routes index svelteconst btcPrice Writable lt number gt writable const fetchAndUpdateExchanges async gt const response await fetch api exchanges const btcPriceData await response json btcPrice set btcPriceData ConclusionUsing SSR is always good choice to reduce the amount of data the end user is downloading to render your site specially if running on mobile phone with limited data to use or slow connections On the other hand Vercel will not let you render data on server for free completely forever so caching a response will also aid your pocket 2022-05-13 16:16:27
海外TECH DEV Community Mood boards, Grayscale & Style Tiles https://dev.to/miyaocodes/mood-boards-grayscale-style-tiles-18mh Mood boards Grayscale amp Style TilesLast week was very design centric We got to play in Affinity Designer again which I always enjoy Now that we have the tools and experience to build a responsive webpage we switched gears to learn the more emotional side How to create a feel for the page using colors spacing fonts image placements and so on Mood BoardsThroughout the coarse everyday we ve been sharing examples of inspiring visuals That could be a graphic photo layout font or anything we deem visually appealing and inspiring It s been a fun way for us to see each other s styles and also broaden our horizons as we all have our own tastes Now that we ve had a couple month s worth of visual inspo it was time for us to slap them onto a canvas digital of course and create a Mood board It was essentially our first step in organizing our content I separated mine into real world content and colors as shown below I didn t put much thought into the placement of my images other than placing similar colors near each other That s just what appealed to me In our second iteration with the mood boards we played around with size and spacing This allowed us to see how different images can work together Some images might harmonize and others may clash but we have to move them around to find out When one image is really small next to another that s really big what kind of feel does that create and vice versa In the example above I placed the cover of Watch the Throne the gold metallic square in the center above four other images to see how that might play with the different colors I kind of like the dark blue but that s about it This was good practice for us to get a feel for creating different moods with our visual inspos GrayscaleWe spent a day creating graphics and layouts in grayscale The idea was to learn how we can visually create feel in the absence of color I did not realize how much you can do without color and now I m convinced we don t need color We can all have the vision of canines and be happy Again spacing using black versus white all impact the mood I had a lot of fun creating the images below As you can see I didn t use any white which I m only realizing now Fonts and SpacingWe learned all about fonts and spacing Well as much as you can learn in a day when there s entire academic and professional disciplines in this field You may not realize it but fonts and spacing play a huge role in the design and feel of a website For example this blog uses sans serif for the headers and a serif font for the body text It would probably feel different if the headers used a serif font and the body sans serif Through great design you can intentionally guide the users s eyes along your designed path There s a principle using “small medium and large That could be for both text and spacing In one of our assignments we researched a layout that utilizes intentional spacing and size and recreated the layout with HTML CSS Here s the layout I found I thought it made great use of the “small medium large principle where your eyes go straight to the “Barca Clock large then below it you read the sub header medium and to the left you read the details of the project small I also liked the way the text lines up with each other The top of the project details on the left lines up with the top of “Barca It kind of centers the content horizontally on the page Then the middle block of content is packaged together on its own aligning on the same left line It appears that the middle block of content has about the same amount of padding all around it This helps emphasize the content and makes it the “feature of the page What stood out to me the most was the “R in “Barca and the “L in “Clock both being left aligned together It appears that s that middle of the page vertically It adds to the focal point I also think having “Clock indented and breaking from the left alignment gives the body of text some character If you d like to see my recreation you ll have to click here Vocabulary word of the week Rag The shape that a body of text makes Style TilesEvery time I type “style tiles I want to type “style tyles instead Is that just me In any case we were introduced to style tiles which is a way for a designer to give you an idea of the general look and feel of a product in our case a website It s like a one pager for the potential final product It may include a color palette different button options examples of a header sub header and body text basically any of the major components you expect to see or use on a site It s all packaged together in one organized page It took me a while to figure out what exactly goes on a style tile and it s something I m still learning Here s examples of my attempt at some style tiles for my personal project site You d likely have more than one style tile to allow for different styles or feels Below I was going for clean and modern That s it for now Have a great weekend 2022-05-13 16:06:15
海外TECH DEV Community How to Style Anvil Apps with CSS https://dev.to/anvil/how-to-style-anvil-apps-with-css-3mn8 How to Style Anvil Apps with CSS About AnvilAnvil is a platform for building full stack web apps with nothing but Python No need to wrestle with JS HTML CSS Python SQL and all their frameworks just build it all in Python Get started with one of our tutorials or check out an example app For more help we have detailed developer documentation and a friendly Community Forum Using CSS in AnvilAnvil lets you build web apps entirely in Python You can build your UI by dragging and dropping Python components and styling them with Python code But if you want to have even more control over the appearance of your Anvil apps you can use CSS CSS is a language used to style web pages This guide will provide an introduction to CSS and how we can use it to change the appearance of web pages We ll see how we can target components on a web page with CSS and write rules to modify how those components look You ll be able to test your skills with some challenges as we go along We ll then experiment with CSS on the live Anvil homepage using the developer tools built into your browser Then we ll work through an example of using CSS to customize the appearance of an Anvil app with the Material Design theme In this guide to using CSS in Anvil we will Take a look at HTML and its relationship to CSSExamine CSS syntax in more detail including Using selectors and classesCombining selectorsUse the browser s developer tools on the Anvil homepage to Select an HTML elementInspect the HTML codeInspect the CSS codeLearn more about using CSS to style Anvil apps including Applying CSS via PythonWriting CSS in theme cssUsing Anvil rolesThe best external resource for learning more about CSS and HTML is the Mozilla Developer Network Web Docs The MDN Web Docs are an open source project that provide reference guides and tutorials for web languages and technologies They have detailed and clear resources for beginners and advanced users I will frequently be linking to the MDN Web Docs in this guide HTML and CSSWhen we talk about front end web development we are talking about all the code that is responsible for displaying the visual part of a website or web app When you load a web page all the code associated with displaying the page is loaded into your browser which is where the code runs You can actually inspect this code and make local changes to it which we will do with the Anvil homepage later in this guide In the traditional non Anvil way of doing front end development HTML is used to define the elements that make up a web page CSS targets those elements and defines rules that dictate how they will appear on the page When you drag and drop Anvil components onto a form these components generate their own HTML When you edit the component s properties this generates CSS rules that target the HTML to style the component HTML defines the elements on a page using tags The most basic HTML element is a lt div gt which is just a generic container with no pre defined styling Very often HTML elements are nested inside each other just as in Anvil where we often nest components within containers like ColumnPanels and FlowPanels For example the following code defines a lt div gt and adds a button that says Submit to the page lt div gt lt button gt Submit lt button gt lt div gt With CSS we can target the button and change the way it looks The following code targets all buttons on the page gives them a pink border and a gray background color button border px solid pink background color gray Next we ll take a closer look at CSS and its syntax CSS SyntaxWith CSS we can write rules that tell the browser what each component on our webpage should look like CSS stands for Cascading Stylesheet Stylesheet refers to the document where the CSS styling rules are written and Cascading refers to the order in which CSS applies those styling rules A CSS rule has three parts Selector This selects which HTML element or elements to apply the rule to Property This is the feature of the element that will be targeted Value Describes how the property will be rendered by the browser Selectors and classesIn the previous example we used CSS to target lt button gt elements We did this by just writing the name of the tag and then defining the rule This is called a type selector More often we will target elements by giving them a class Classes can be applied to as many HTML elements as we want They are a way of applying the same style to multiple elements without repeating code To add a class in HTML we use the class attribute and to use the class selector we use followed by the class name Let s extend our previous example and give the button a class Then we can apply styling rules to that class This way we won t change every single button on the page just the ones we want to target Let s give the button a class called submit and apply the same styling rules just to that class lt div gt lt button class submit gt Submit lt button gt lt div gt submit border px solid pink background color gray There are a number of different CSS selectors which you can read about here but the most important for this guide are type and class selectors Try it yourselfNow it s your turn Open the following code in CodePen and Give the second lt button gt a class called cancelIn the CSS target that class and give it a different background color The background color property can take some text based values as well as hex and rgb values Read more about background color here Combining selectorsSelectors can also be combined in different ways Let s look at how we can use more complex selectors to target the elements that we want Multiple selectorsSelectors can be grouped using a in order to apply the same rules to multiple selectors In the example below elements with the submit or the cancel class will have a font size of px submit cancel font size px Combining type and class selectorsA class selector can come directly after a type selector without a space in between to select elements of that type with that class For example we can use the following code to select lt button gt elements with the submit class in case there are other types of elements that have the same class name button submit border px solid pink background color gray Selecting descendentsSometimes we want to select elements that are nested inside other elements For example we might want to select buttons that are within a card container but no other buttons A space between two selectors will select the elements that are descendants of the first element while a gt will select the elements that are a child a direct descendant of the first element For example the following HTML code defines a lt div gt element with the class card which has another lt div gt with the class buttons div nested inside Inside that lt div gt are two lt button gt elements lt div class card gt lt div class buttons div gt lt button class submit gt Submit lt button gt lt button class cancel gt Cancel lt button gt lt div gt lt div gt Because the lt button gt elements are within the lt div gt with the card class we can select them with the following CSS card button border px solid pink background color gray However the lt button gt s are not children of the card element because they are not directly nested within the lt div gt but they are children of the buttons div element The first rule below will not select the lt button gt s whereas the second rule will This won t select the buttons because they aren t children of the card lt div gt card gt button border px solid pink background color gray This will select the buttons because they are children of the buttons div lt div gt buttons div gt button border px solid pink background color gray For more on combining CSS selectors see the MDN web docs Try it yourselfNow it s your turn to combine CSS selectors to target elements For the following challenges open the code in CodePen and don t add any new classes Select the second lt p gt and give it a color of pink But keep the first lt p gt the way it is Give both the submit and clear buttons a background color of lightblue but leave the cancel button the way it is Give the lt div gt within the card a border property of px solid pinkStuck Check out a solution CSS propertiesThere are many different CSS properties that affect the layout and appearance of HTML elements but it s beyond the scope of this guide to go over them in detail For a list of all CSS properties and their corresponding values see the MDN web docs In general the MDN docs are the best place to learn more about CSS properties because they are detailed give visual examples and are easy to follow Using the developer toolsYour browser has built in developer tools to help you with front end web development These developer tools let you see all the code and files that are loaded into the browser when you open a web page We can use the dev tools to inspect live code and make local edits so they are an incredibly handy tool for debugging and experimenting with styling Let s now use the dev tools to inspect the Anvil homepage and see how HTML and CSS works out in the wild Selecting an elementWhen you load a web page all the code used to display that page is loaded into the browser This means that we can see the source code for any web page we can load in our browser and we can make local changes to that code Let s go to Anvil s homepage and inspect the source code On the website you can right click and choose Inspect to bring up the browser s developer tools I use Google Chrome but other browsers will have very similar dev tools In the dev tools click on Elements to bring up the HTML and CSS for the page Then click on the icon that looks like a square with a mouse cursor This will allow us to select an element on the page and inspect its HTML and CSS Let s select the link that says Start with a quick tutorial on the Anvil website This will highlight the relevant HTML in the dev tools and show us the CSS associated with that element Inspecting the HTMLThis is the HTML responsible for displaying that link Here we have an lt a gt or anchor element Anchor elements are links and the href attribute specifies the link s target usually the URL to open when you click it The element also has a class attribute This particular element has two classes nowrap and tutorial There is also an lt svg gt element nested inside the lt a gt element The SVG is displaying the arrow in the link Because the lt svg gt is nested directly inside the lt a gt we can say that it is a child of the lt a gt Inspecting the CSSIn the dev tools we can see the CSS being applied to the element The first rule looks like this The first line is the selector This particular selector means select the element with the tutorial class that is a descendent of an element with the sub hero links class which is a descendent of an element with both the col hero and home classes The next line of the CSS rule is the property we want to target and how it should be displayed This particular rule is making the color of the element a light grey We can actually modify the code directly in the dev tools If I change the color of the link to be lightgreen for example we can see the change live in the browser This is incredibly handy for styling apps You can change and add CSS properties directly in the dev tools and immediately see the results After playing with the CSS styling in the browser you can then go and actually change the source code of your app The dev tools are also incredibly useful for debugging If an element is not displaying how you think it should be you can inspect it to see what CSS code is being applied to the element Refreshing your browser will reload the page and your local changes will be gone This makes it easy to experiment without worrying about breaking the source code Using CSS in Anvil appsWith Anvil you can build the front end of your web app entirely in Python However even when you are styling your apps in Python your apps still use HTML and CSS Anvil components generate HTML and changing the properties of those components modifies the CSS for those components In Anvil we can change the appearance of components using Python via the Properties Panel or client code Every Anvil app also has a stylesheet so we can also write CSS for our app in the traditional way This gives us more control over the appearance of an app To see how CSS is used in Anvil apps let s create a new Anvil app and choose the Material Design theme Applying CSS via PythonAnvil components have properties that can be modified via the Editor or through Python code When we modify a component s properties CSS is applied to the component s HTML in a style attribute To see this in action let s drag and drop a Button component onto our Anvil app and change its background color to gray in the Properties Panel We can also change properties from code Let s switch to code view and change the foreground color of our button in the init of our Form code class Form FormTemplate def init self properties Set Form properties and Data Bindings self init components properties self button foreground white We can now run our app and inspect the page just like we did with the Anvil homepage If we select the button we can see some HTML that looks like this lt button class btn btn default to disable ontouchstart style max width text overflow ellipsis overflow hidden background color gray color white gt lt button gt Within the style attribute we can see both the background color property that we added in the Properties Panel and the color property foreground in Anvil that we added in the Form code Writing CSS in the stylesheetWe can also target Anvil components and write CSS rules in the app s stylesheet Every Anvil app has a stylesheet named theme css associated with it which can be found in the App browser under Assets Because we created an Anvil app with the Material Design theme our app s stylesheet is already populated with CSS rules Let s open theme css and modify some of the code Let s find the CSS code related to styling Buttons Ctrl F and search for button This should land us around line Here we can see some CSS that is applied to components with the btn class If we run our app and inspect the button again we can see that it has a class called btn In this rule let s adjust the background color to be something different btn btn default file loader gt label border radius px font size px background color lightblue This line is changed Now if we run the app we can see that nothing has changed Let s inspect the button to see what is going on We can see the background color we added in theme css is crossed out and instead the background color that we added in the Properties Panel is taking precedence When CSS properties conflict with each other CSS has rules to determine which property is applied Styling rules written in the stylesheet will be applied first then rules written in the HTML will be applied This is why our Button is gray and not lightblue The background color gray property written in the HTML will be applied last and therefore overrides the background color lightblue property in theme css If CSS styling rules written in the stylesheet conflict then the last rule will override preceding rules This is why stylesheets are cascading For example if we had the following code in a stylesheet and no conflicting styling rules added to the HTML then buttons would end up having a pink background button background color gray button background color pink However if rules have different selectors but could still conflict then the most specific rule applies Class selectors are more specific than type selectors So in the following code buttons with the submit class would have a gray background color despite the rule coming first submit background color gray button background color pink The cascade and specificity rules can be overridden by using important important is applied to a property within a rule in order to make its value more important than any other conflicting value but this is almost always a bad idea We ll discuss why important should be avoided but let s first see how it works by making the background color property we set in theme css important btn btn default file loader gt label border radius px font size px background color lightblue important If we run the app again the button now has a light blue background Inspecting the button shows that the background color set in the style attribute is crossed out this time In practice we should not use important here Instead we should either set the background color we want from the Properties Panel or remove the background color set there and set it in theme css without making it important In general using important should be avoided Occasionally you may need to use it to override default styling rules that you don t have access to The example above is not one of these scenarios But overriding the cascade makes debugging difficult and will often cause other developers and your future self pain and confusion Instead try reordering rules and using more specific selectors You can read more about specificity and important here Anvil RolesWe can add CSS classes to Anvil components using Anvil Roles After you create a Role you can write CSS rules in the app s stylesheet to define how the Role will affect components You can apply the Role to a component through the Properties Panel or in code Let s create a new Role in our app to apply to our Button In the sidebar click on Theme then choose Roles Click on Add a new role then choose a name for the role I ve named my role submit and have restricted it so that it can only be applied to Button components Let s now switch back to Form and give the Button the submit Role Let s also remove any properties we set in the Editor or in the Form code We should also change the code we altered in theme css Right now all buttons in our app will be light blue but let s use the role we just defined to only make Buttons with the submit Role light blue So the code we changed in theme css should look like this again btn btn default file loader gt label border radius px font size px background color transparent this line is changed back The Button now has the submit Role which means Anvil will give the component a CSS class The class name will be the Role name with the prefix anvil role We can now go into theme css and write some styling rules for the anvil role submit class At the very bottom of theme css let s select the anvil role submit class and change the background color the font color and the font size anvil role submit background color lightblue color white font size px Run the app to see how the code worked Our button doesn t quite look right so we should inspect the app to see what is going on If we select the element with the light blue background we can see that it is a lt div gt that has the anvil role submit class Inside of this lt div gt is the Button we actually want to target Let s go back to theme css and modify the selector so we select the lt button gt nested inside the lt div gt There are a few ways we can do this but let s be as specific as possible and select lt button gt elements that have the btn class that are children of the anvil role submit class anvil role submit gt button btn background color lightblue color white font size px Now let s rerun our app to see if we ve selected the correct element Great it worked SummaryIn this guide we have gone over the basics of using CSS in Anvil apps We briefly covered HTML and how it relates to CSS We also looked at how to write CSS rules using selectors and properties We ve also seen how we can use the browser s developer tools to inspect code and make local changes When using CSS in Anvil we can edit the properties of Anvil components with Python or by writing CSS rules in the app s stylesheet We can also define Anvil roles to add CSS classes to Anvil components CSS is a very powerful tool but we ve only scratched the surface on what it can do I highly recommend playing around with your browser s developer tools to inspect web pages and make local changes to the code This is a great way to learn more about how CSS works If you d like to learn more about how to use CSS check out my suggested resources below Further readingFor a short tutorial to help you get started with CSS check out MDN s CSS basics For an introduction to HTML MDN have a good easy to follow tutorial designed for beginners For a more in depth introduction to CSS MDN also have a good CSS tutorial that assumes no prior CSS knowledge but assumes you have completed their HTML tutorial For a full list of CSS properties and examples of their use check out the MDN web docs If you prefer more interactive tutorials I highly recommend Scrimba Their HTML and CSS crash course is designed for beginners For articles on CSS topics and cool tricks see CSS Tricks 2022-05-13 16:05:54
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Deals: 2022 Razer Blade 14 gaming laptops are discounted, delivering cheapest prices available https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/05/13/deals-2022-razer-blade-14-gaming-laptops-are-discounted-delivering-cheapest-prices-available?utm_medium=rss Deals Razer Blade gaming laptops are discounted delivering cheapest prices availableA great option for gamers on the go the Razer Blade is now off with your choice of an Nvidia GeForce RTX Ti GPU or the RTX Ti GPU These exclusive deals offer the cheapest prices available on the notebooks but the offers won t last long Razer Blade gaming laptop deals are going on now including the Ti modelIf you re in the market for a new Razer Blade laptop you can save on two high end models with promo code APINSIDER At press time both the Razer Blade Ti and Ti models are in stock and eligible for the triple digit discount that s available for AppleInsider readers exclusively Currently this is the lowest price you ll find anywhere on the Razer Blade models so take advantage of this deal while it lasts Read more 2022-05-13 16:54:52
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple testing USB-C iPhones & new dongles ahead of EU mandate https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/05/13/apple-testing-usb-c-iphones-new-dongles-ahead-of-eu-mandate?utm_medium=rss Apple testing USB C iPhones amp new dongles ahead of EU mandateA new report claims that Apple is currently testing both USB C adapters and a USB C iPhone though neither is expected before The anticipated date backs up recent claims from analyst Ming Chi Kuo that it will be that year s iPhone that will switch from Lightning to USB C Kuo claimed to have information from the supply chain Bloomberg now cites only unspecified people with knowledge of the situation It s possible then that these are the same sources but Bloomberg s have added the possibility of adapters Read more 2022-05-13 16:51:15
海外TECH Engadget Peloton teases its first connected rowing machine https://www.engadget.com/peloton-rowing-machine-teaser-162055897.html?src=rss Peloton teases its first connected rowing machinePeloton is still busy expanding its connected fitness lineup despite its ongoing financial woes The company has teased plans to introduce its first rowing machine promising a mix of cardio and strength training The company didn t go into detail during its Homecoming event but a sneak peek video below shows that it s largely what you d expect ーa minimalist rower with a large screen to show classes and stats ICYMI pic twitter com VBKuxwzーPeloton onepeloton May There was no mention of a release date or price for the rowing machine Peloton previewed features for existing products though You can soon schedule workouts with friends through the app Bike or Tread Blind and low vision users will get to navigate the Tread s interface through the Google TalkBack screen reader And you ll finally have the option to track cycling running and other workouts through the Peloton app You won t have to participate in a class just to have exercise count toward member challenges and streaks The expansion comes just days after Peloton revealed a massive million loss in its latest quarter not to mention dropping revenue The company has been struggling to adapt to the pandemic recovery as people return to gyms and the office and the combination of price cuts and the Guide camera hasn t done much to turn things around The rowing machine is a gamble in that regard as Peloton is clearly hoping more aggressive investments now will pay off in the long term With that said it may be a shrewd move The smart rowing machine market is relatively small with brands like Echelon and Hydrow leading the pack Peloton might carve out a signification position in that market through name recognition and its well known classes 2022-05-13 16:20:55
海外TECH Engadget Scientists grow plants in soil from the Moon for the first time https://www.engadget.com/scientists-plants-moon-soil-university-of-florida-160712950.html?src=rss Scientists grow plants in soil from the Moon for the first timeScientists from the University of Florida have completed a world and lunar first by growing plants in soil from the Moon The researchers used samples obtained by the Apollo and missions but they didn t have much to work with While a total of pounds kilograms of soil and rocks has been brought back to Earth from the Moon the researchers received just grams of so called quot lunar regolith quot from NASA Still that was more than the four grams they requested Scientists Rob Ferl and Anna Lisa Paul had to be patient to get their hands on the soil as well ーthey applied three times over years for the samples The team used thimble sized wells in plastic plates which are typically used to culture cells as pots The scientists placed a gram of soil into each of these added a nutrient solution and then placed a few thale cress Arabidopsis thaliana seeds They planted the seeds in other types of soil as part of a control group including simulated Martian soil soils from extreme environments and a substance that mimics lunar soil Nearly all of the seeds planted in the lunar regolith sprouted but the plants eventually showed some differences from the ones grown in the control group Some of the Moon dirt plants grew slower or were smaller There was more variation in sizes than with the control group cress as well The scientists who published their research in the journal Communications Biology found that differences in the makeup of the lunar soil samples appear to have impacted the growth of the plants They determined the cress that struggled the most was grown in what s known as mature lunar soil which is exposed to more cosmic wind In particular as The Guardian nbsp notes samples from Apollo were deemed the least effective for growing plants Those were obtained from the older surface of the Sea of Tranquility which had a couple of billion years more exposure to the environment The researchers wrote that quot further characterization and optimization would be required before regolith can be considered a routine in situ resource particularly in locations where the regolith is highly mature quot Still the success of the experiment paves the way for the possibility of growing plants on the Moon for food and oxygen ahead of NASA s Artemis Program taking humans back to the lunar surface for the first time since “Artemis will require a better understanding of how to grow plants in space Ferl one of the paper s authors and a distinguished professor of horticultural sciences in the UF Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences said 2022-05-13 16:07:47
Cisco Cisco Blog Initiative Stresses Periodic Software Upgrades for Better Reliability, Security, Performance, & Enhanced Features https://blogs.cisco.com/networking/initiative-stresses-periodic-software-upgrades-for-better-reliability-security-performance-enhanced-features Initiative Stresses Periodic Software Upgrades for Better Reliability Security Performance amp Enhanced FeaturesA software conformance initiative at Cisco is driving greater awareness of software upgrade feature opportunities and providing tools to make it easier for customers to continuously upgrade to the latest Cisco recommended networking software releases 2022-05-13 16:55:09
金融 金融庁ホームページ 「証券情報等の提供又は公表に関する内閣府令第二条第一項第三号等の規定に基づき情報及び方法を指定する件(案)」について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/news/r3/shouken/20220513/20220513.html 内閣府令 2022-05-13 18:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 「スチュワードシップ・コード及びコーポレートガバナンス・コードのフォローアップ会議」(第27回)議事次第について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/singi/follow-up/siryou/20220516.html 次第 2022-05-13 17:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 金融審議会「市場制度ワーキング・グループ」(第18回)を開催します。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/news/r3/singi/20220513.html 金融審議会 2022-05-13 17:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 「会社法の一部を改正する法律及び会社法の一部を改正する法律の施行に伴う関係法律の整備等に関する法律の一部の施行に伴う金融庁関係政令の整備に関する政令(案)」等に対する意見募集について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/news/r3/sonota/20220513/20220513.html 意見募集 2022-05-13 17:00:00
ニュース BBC News - Home NI Election 2022: Prime minister to visit NI as DUP blocks assembly https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-61427418?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA protocol 2022-05-13 16:44:20
ニュース BBC News - Home Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe tells PM: Your mistake had a lasting impact https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-61441631?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA boris 2022-05-13 16:24:31
ニュース BBC News - Home Shireen Abu Aqla: Violence at Al Jazeera reporter's funeral in Jerusalem https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-61437601?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA funeral 2022-05-13 16:49:22
ニュース BBC News - Home Ed Sheeran serenades six-year-old Belfast birthday boy https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-61441856?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA belfast 2022-05-13 16:18:02
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【就活する前に知っておきたかったこと】 「会社は、社員個人の幸せのために存在していない」 という事実 - 絶対内定 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/303205 館長 2022-05-14 01:55:00
北海道 北海道新聞 「赤ちゃんポスト」当別で開設の動き 道は安全性懸念 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/680611/ 石狩管内 2022-05-14 01:20:26
北海道 北海道新聞 イカ墨インキ使いサウナハット開発 「一点物」限定50個 「花の湯」と文字堂コラボ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/680446/ 函館市桔梗 2022-05-14 01:20:08
IT 週刊アスキー CORSAIR有線ゲーミングヘッドセット4機種、聴こえ方の特性をテストして好みのプロファイルを作成できるモデルも https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/091/4091523/ corsair 2022-05-14 01:30:00



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