IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Google、折りたたみ式スマホ「Pixel Notepad」の発売を延期か |
google |
2022-05-25 13:33:02 |
AWS Compute Blog |
Introducing the PowerShell custom runtime for AWS Lambda |
Introducing the PowerShell custom runtime for AWS LambdaThe new PowerShell custom runtime for AWS Lambda makes it even easier to run Lambda functions written in PowerShell to process events Using this runtime you can run native PowerShell code in Lambda without having to compile code which simplifies deployment and testing You can also now view PowerShell code in the AWS Management Console … |
2022-05-25 13:33:40 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
CORSハンズオン |
理解 |
2022-05-25 22:07:36 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【機械学習】ADFIのランニングコストを1/4に大幅削減する裏ワザ【外観検査AI】 |
機械学習 |
2022-05-25 22:05:40 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Youtube DATA APIで再生リストへの追加をNode.jsから行うメモ |
usestrictrequi |
2022-05-25 22:28:23 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails】ページネーションGem「kaminari」を実装をした記録②(CSSやデザイン適用) |
hover |
2022-05-25 22:48:41 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails】ページネーションGem「kaminari」を実装をした記録①(導入〜表示) |
kaminari |
2022-05-25 22:47:08 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【3日で合格】AWSソリューションアーキテクト アソシエイト |
koiwaclub |
2022-05-25 22:59:03 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Exam Readiness DOP : 分野 1: SDLC の自動化 |
awsdop |
2022-05-25 22:13:44 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails】ページネーションGem「kaminari」を実装をした記録②(CSSやデザイン適用) |
hover |
2022-05-25 22:48:41 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails】ページネーションGem「kaminari」を実装をした記録①(導入〜表示) |
kaminari |
2022-05-25 22:47:08 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Pfizer warns of “constant waves” of Covid as complacency grows |
nations |
2022-05-25 13:07:14 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
Our New Favorite Smartphone Gimbal: The FeiyuTech Vimble 3 |
Our New Favorite Smartphone Gimbal The FeiyuTech Vimble The Vimble is packed full of features and buttonsーperhaps too manyーbut it s great value for money and can suit any style of smartphone videography |
2022-05-25 13:35:14 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Recover Lost or Deleted Spotify Playlists |
spotify |
2022-05-25 13:15:13 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Javascript array methods! |
Javascript array methods Boshladik concat Bu massiv boshqa massiv lar va yoki qiymat lar bilan birlashtirilgan yangi massivni qaytaradi const mevalar const sabzavotlar concat const food mevalar concat sabzavotlar copyWithin Massiv ichidagi massiv elementlari ketma ketligini ko chiradi nusxalaydi copyWithin const mevalar const fruitsCopy mevalar copyWithin every Agar ushbu massivdagi har bir element funksiyasi shartiga javob bersa true qiymatini qaytaradi every const mevalar const allBananas mevalar every meva gt meva false fill Massivning barcha elementlarini boshlang ich indeksdan yakuniy indeksgacha statik qiymat bilan to ldiradi fill const mevalar const lemons mevalar fill filter Taqdim etilgan filtrlash funksiyasi true qiymatini qaytaradigan chaqiruvchi massivning barcha elementlarini o z ichiga olgan yangi massivni qaytaradi filter const mevalar const onlyBananas filter meva gt meva find Agar massivdagi ba zi element funksiyasi shartiga javob bersa massivdagi topilgan elementni qaytaradi yoki topilmasa undefined qaytaradi find const mevalar const cherry mevalar find meva gt meva findIndex Agar massivdagi element funksiya shartiga javob bersa topilgan indeksni javob bermasa ni qaytaradi findIndex const mevalar const cherryIndex mevalar findIndex meva gt meva forEach Massivdagi har bir element uchun funksiyani chaqiradi forEach const sabzavotlar sabzavotlar forEach sabzavot gt console log sabzavot includes Berilgan qiymat massivda bor yo qligini aniqmaydi va mos ravishda true yoki false qiymat qaytaradi includes const sabzavotlar const includesCorn sabzavotlar includes trueconst includesTomato sabzavotlar includes false join Massivning barcha elementlarini string ga birlashtiradi join const sabzavotlar const vegetablesGroup sabzavotlar join map Ushbu massivdagi har bir element uchun chaqirilgan funksiyaning natijalarini o z ichiga olgan yangi massivni qaytaradi map const sabzavotlar const doubledVegetables sabzavotlar map sabzavot gt sabzavot sabzavot push Massiv oxiriga bir yoki bir nechta element qo shadi va massivning yangi uzunligini qaytaradi push const mevalar mevalar push reverse Massiv elementlarining joydagi tartibini o zgartiradi reverse const mevalar const mevalar const reversedFruits mevalar reverse slice Chaqiriluvchi massivning bir qismini chiqaradi va yangi massivni qaytaradi slice const mevalar mevalar slice some Agar ushbu massivdagi kamida bitta element funksiya shartiga javob bersa true qiymatini qaytaradi some const mevalar const bananaExists mevalar some meva gt meva truesort Massiv elementlarini joyida saralaydi va massivni qaytaradi sort const mevalar mevalar sort splice Massivga elementlarni qo shadi va yoki o chiradi splice const mevalar mevalar splice Agar maqola sizga manzur bo lgan bo lsa ️bosishni unutmang Agar qandaydir savolingiz bo lsa ushbu Telegram ️orqali bog laning |
2022-05-25 13:30:29 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
What skills should I work upon to earn an internship? |
What skills should I work upon to earn an internship During couple of months our university is having their placement season they are offering internships in place of job offers Till now I haven t been provided with any offers in hand What do you guys think I should work upon to grab an internship A short brief about me I am a full stack developer with MERN stack and have till now worked with companies as an intern adding up to year of experience with these stacks |
2022-05-25 13:29:18 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Build a telegram bot using node.js |
Build a telegram bot using node jsThis article cover the basics of create a telegram bot using node js I assume you know the basics of node js and npm Before we begin create two files app js and env After that install telegraf js and dotenv using npmWhy Well there a number of things you can build a number of things For example you can create a pizza ordering app an e commerce app with the new payment feature etc the possiblities are endless How do I get started As mentioned above install telegraf js and dotenv Then create two files app js and env Setting the tokenMessage newbot to bot father and once you fill all the details about the bot click on Api Token and copy the token Now set the token in the env file Here is an example BOT TOKEN lt your bot token gt Adding the codeTo create a simple bot open your app js file and all this coderequire dotenv config const Telegraf require telegraf const bot new Telegraf process env BOT TOKEN bot start ctx gt ctx reply Welcome bot help ctx gt ctx reply Send me a sticker bot on sticker ctx gt ctx reply bot hears hi ctx gt ctx reply Hey there bot launch Enable graceful stopprocess once SIGINT gt bot stop SIGINT process once SIGTERM gt bot stop SIGTERM Running the botOnce you have done the setup and all the other stuff you can run your code using this command node js And voila your bot is successfully running To test it dm a sticker to your bot and you will see it reply to you ConclusionIn this article I showed you the basics of creating and running a telegram bot with node js To learn more visit their website Also here s a nice acticle showing how to create a e commerce bot |
2022-05-25 13:25:09 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Bash history inside Docker Containers |
Bash history inside Docker ContainersVersão em português deste texto aqui I don t know about other people but I love having a docker development environment Being able to just run a docker container with all the dependencies taken care of for all projects handling versions and etc is just too good But what I don t love is when I exit the container and later start it again to realize I have lost all the previous commands so I can t neither crtl R nor up ctrl P to find them Sad times So I decided to try to keep this history and in order to figure out how to do that I first thought how do bash itself knows the previous command It turns out there is an env var named HISTFILE which will contain a PATH to a text file with the bash history Apparently by default it is set to HOME bash history OBS If your container does not run bash but rather some other shell we would have to find out where this other shell puts its history file So a workaround I have found is to change this env var to somewhere else somewhere inside the project s dir that I m working on to avoid losing it after stopping the container Lets say that the docker image builds a app folder with all the contents of the directory of the project I m working on inside it I could set HISTFILE to app bash history and if we map with a volume with the project s dir contents I would have a persistent history of commands between docker sessions The file name itself doesn t even have to be bash history it could be something like app docker bash history for example To start a container with a specific variable we can use the e option docker exec it e HISTFILE app bash history v lt volume gt lt other stuff gt If we are using Docker Compose we could either pass an env file or the direct variables to it in the docker compose yml or other config file you may be using example config fileservices app build volumes app mapping this volume to persist modifications to our new history file command echo Hi env file we can define the variables inside the env file env environment or we can pass them directly here HISTFILE app bash historyA problem with this approach arises though I now have a new file in my project s root a file that git will see unless we put it in our gitignore and I really think we should I don t want to commit my history nor do I want to pull other people s history because this would defeat the purpose of having a history file Other than that I just created a new file in the root which could cause some noise and litter the root folder Maybe you can find a better place other than the app s highest level folder And that s pretty much it I don t know how bad or good of an idea this is but I m enjoying it so far I created a dotfiles folder inside the root that also has other dot files like irb history and irbrc in a ruby project In order to get it working I had to put this in dotfiles irbrc require irb ext save history IRB conf SAVE HISTORY IRB conf HISTORY FILE ENV IRB HISTFILE And then define not only HISTFILE but also IRBRC and IRB HISTFILE environment variables like this HISTFILE app dotfiles bash historyIRBRC app dotfiles irbrcIRB HISTFILE app dotfiles irb historyUma nota importante sobre o IRB se vocêdeixar o arquivo irbrc na raiz toda vez que vocêabrir o IRB ele vai usar o irbrc do projeto visto que ele éencontrado primeiro Isso pode não ser desejado talvez vocêqueira usar o seu próprio IRB normal Nesse caso colocar o arquivo irbrc dentro de outra pasta como dotfiles passa a ser essencial An important note on IRB if you leave the irbrc file in the root folder everytime you fire up IRB it is going to use the project s irbrc since it is the first found config file for IRB This could be undesirable though In this case putting the irbrc inside another directory like dotfiles becomes essential Thanks for reading |
2022-05-25 13:09:55 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Software Dev Update #13: DOM Events |
Software Dev Update DOM EventsIn this update we are going to dig deeper into The DOM and discuss events MDN actually has a great introduction to the topic and I recommend checking it out alongside my post DOM EventsEvents are the key to creating any sort of interactive websites that do anything in response to what users are doing Inline Events Are written directly in the HTML element we can add an attribute called onclick There are others such as onfocus onpause ondrag and more This isn t the recommendedway to add JS to HTML elements but it is an option Also note the functionality only applies to the one HTML element and would need to be coded for every one you want to do that function action lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html lang en gt lt head gt lt meta charset UTF gt lt meta http equiv X UA Compatible content IE edge gt lt meta name viewport content width device width initial scale gt lt title gt Inline Events lt title gt lt head gt lt body gt lt h gt Inline Events lt h gt lt button onclick alert You clicked on me alert Stop clicking me gt Click Me lt button gt lt body gt lt html gt onclick Specifies some script to run when the element is clicked function scream console log AHHHH console log I wasn t expecting that btn onmouseenter scream document querySelector h onclick function alert You clicked the h addEventListener Sets up a function that will be called whenever the specified event is triggered const button document querySelector h button addEventListener click gt alert You clicked me Exercise Events and the keyword ThisKeyboard Events amp Event Objects The Event object is automatically passed in whenever we use a callback and it contains information about the object Key value is used if you want the actual key letter that was pressed Code value is used for the key s physical location and is not language specific WASD for gaming or something similar document querySelector button addEventListener click event gt console log event const input document querySelector input input addEventListener keydown event gt console log Key Down console log event console log Key event key console log Code event code We can also look at the window for key presses and not just an input window addEventListener keydown event gt console log event code Form Events amp Prevent Default The default action of a form can be set in HTML using action The default action of a form is to submit whatever data you input to the location that you set using action and take you to that new page This can be overridden with the method event preventDefaultInput amp Change Events The input event triggers when the value of an input select or textarea element has been changed The change event is triggered for input select and textarea elements when an alteration to the element s value is committed by the user but will not necessarily happen for each alteration to an element s value depending on the kind of element being changed and the way the user interacts with the elementEvent Bubbling When a nested event inside another event is triggered it will trigger parent event s as well Using stopPropagation will stop the event bubbling Event Delegation We can add an event listener to an element that is a parent to the element we want it to apply to This ensures the children elements will always have access to the event listener even if they are created after the page has loaded Week In ReviewThat wraps up the DOM specific sections of the bootcamp and I hope makes some topics clearer especially event bubbling and delegation I provided examples because sometimes seeing it in action is more beneficial that reading the definition Bootcamp lessons completed I hope you enjoyed the read Feel free to follow me on GitHub LinkedIn and DEV for more |
2022-05-25 13:01:31 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Ikea unveils new smart hub with Matter, overhauled home app |
Ikea unveils new smart hub with Matter overhauled home appIkea has announced a new HomeKit compatible smart home hub with Matter support and a redesigned home app that ll make it easier for users to control the company s smart products Credit IKEAThe home goods company unveiled the hub the Dirigera on Monday It ll be able to handle more product categories and onboard more smart home devices than the company s current Tradri hub Read more |
2022-05-25 13:46:13 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Compared: Apple Music vs Spotify |
Compared Apple Music vs SpotifySpotify and Apple Music are the heavyweights of the music streaming industry but which is better isn t clear cut Spotify s App Store icon left Apple Music right Music streaming is big business and after years of services being available it has become a very crowded market Many apps are trying to keep the attention of subscribers willing to pay a monthly fee but two giants are taking the most attention at the top of the pile Spotify and Apple Music Read more |
2022-05-25 13:43:30 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Daily Deals May 25: 76% off Magic Leap AR headset, $24 256GB SD card, 10% off M1 MacBook Air, more |
Daily Deals May off Magic Leap AR headset GB SD card off M MacBook Air moreWednesday s best deals include off Playstation DualSense controller a W Anker charger off Beats Flex earbuds and much more Best deals May AppleInsider checks online stores every day to find offers and discounts on a variety of products including Apple hardware hardware upgrades smart TVs and accessories The best deals we find are put together into a daily list for our readers to check and potentially save money with Read more |
2022-05-25 13:31:26 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple's Beats & Daily Paper collaborate for special edition Studio Buds |
Apple x s Beats amp Daily Paper collaborate for special edition Studio BudsA special Beats Studio Buds edition featuring a hip hop graffiti case design has been launched in collaboration with Amsterdam fashion house Daily Paper It s not like you have to look really closely to make out the subtle designFollowing the recent Beats Studio Buds release with new colors and the previous Beats by Dre collaboration with Union a new fashion and brand edition has been released Its white charging case and white earbuds comes with graffiti style markings that are inspired by the s and s hip hop aesthetic Read more |
2022-05-25 13:33:18 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
IKEA made a Matter-ready hub with a new smart home app to match |
IKEA made a Matter ready hub with a new smart home app to matchIKEA continues its foray into smart home devices with the launch of a Google Matter ready hub called DIRIGERA and a new IKEA Home smart app With the new device and app the Swedish company is promising to handle more smart device segments while making device integration easier It says the app will be quot convenient easy to navigate and user friendly quot for anyone just getting into smart home tech nbsp quot With the new DIRIGERA hub for smart products users will be able to onboard all IKEA smart products to the system and steer them individually in sets or in groups in the new IKEA Home smart app This enables users to create different scenes with pre set functions of the smart products and increases the personalisation options for the smart home quot according to the company IKEA s first smart home hub gateway TRADFRI and app launched way back in so it was long overdue for a refresh The company said that you ll still be able to use that device and current quot products from IKEA can be connected to and work equally well with the DIRIGERA hub quot IKEA s smart home and device family continues to grow at a fairly rapid pace Earlier this year it launched the VAPPEBY LED lamp that doubles as a Spotify enabled Bluetooth speaker It also recently refreshed the SYMFONISK bookshelf speaker built in partnership with Sonos along with smart blinds a smart air purifier and other devices nbsp The DIRIGERA hub and new IKEA smart home app will launch in October the company said It will also unveil remote quot away from home quot functionality in the first half of nbsp |
2022-05-25 13:25:35 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Pixy drone hands-on: A flying robot photographer for Snapchat users |
Pixy drone hands on A flying robot photographer for Snapchat usersDrones are everywhere these days filming dramatic reveals and awe inspiring scenery for social media platforms The problem is they re not exactly approachable for beginners who have only ever used a smartphone Last month Snap debuted the Pixy drone exactly for those people It requires very little skill and acts like a personal robot photographer to help you produce nifty aerial shots You don t need to pilot the Pixy In fact you couldn t if you wanted to Rather it flies by itself performing pre programmed patterns that put the focus on you the user It has great potential for things like parties or tourist activities grabbing awesome aerial shots with almost no user intervention Snap calls itself a camera company but its other photo centric products like Spectacles have met with limited success To me the Pixy drone holds more promise because it could help users get more interesting content than they could with a phone or regular camera I ve had one for the last week in the French countryside so let s see if it s as versatile as I hope Hardware and setupAt just ounces grams the Pixy is small enough to throw in a bag or wear around your neck using the supplied protective case with a strap It s pretty cute I even heard some oohs and aahs from friends and bystanders though it does look a little flimsy However it proved to be surprisingly resistant to falls and accidents emerging from several such incidents without a scratch The four propellers are in a protective cowl so they can t buzz any tree branches or fingers On top is a start button and mode dial with the battery compartment and charge indicator lights underneath You ll also notice a camera on the bottom but it s strictly for detecting your hand and not taking photos or video A USB C port at back lets you charge the drone and transfer files to your phone or PC The main camera takes K video at fps and megapixel images It shoots in landscape mode which is a bit odd considering the Snaps are vertical However a cropping tool in the app lets you convert your captures to portrait mode Steve Dent Engadget The first thing to do is sync it up to your account via Bluetooth by placing it in standby mode then pressing and holding the start button From there Snapchat detects the Pixy and syncs everything up over WiFi In my tests the process was seamless on both an iPhone and Samsung Galaxy S Then you set the dial to one of four flight modes Hover Reveal Follow and Orbit They re pretty self explanatory with Hover keeping the drone in place and letting you do any actions in front of it Reveal starts tight on your face and zooms away to to feet in height revealing the background Follow tracks you around it works best if it can see your face and Orbit does a circle at about head height and at a distance between and feet Each of those can be tweaked in the app with different flight times distances and more If you often use a flight mode like Reveal with a specific setting you can save that to the Favorite dial for easy access using the app In use Steve Dent Engadget Once the flight pattern is selected just hold the Pixy up so its camera can see your face and press the start button It ll take off and perform the selected maneuver saving video and or photos to the GB of fixed internal storage That s enough for around videos and photos depending on the mode and settings All of the flight patterns worked well though as mentioned the Follow mode works best if it can see your face It doesn t detect specific people but it did seem to lock on tenaciously to the same face even if multiple people were in a shot When it s done you just hold your hand underneath and it ll land directly on it which is where the bottom camera comes into play It worked pretty reliably but sometimes I had to move my hand around a bit to catch it or keep it from falling Steve Dent Engadget Afterwards when you jump into the Memories section of the Snapchat app it ll tell you that you have some Pixy clips ready to import You can also copy them over to your PC via USB C but you have to adjust a Snapchat setting in the Pixy section “Import via USB first Once you have some clips you can get started editing them If you want to post on Snap you can use the auto crop function to convert to vertical video while centering your subjects You can then trim the video add music and use special Pixy AR lenses like “Flame Aura “Multiples making three of you and Record an old timey VHS tape effect It also comes with two special speed ramp effects Jump Cut and Hyperspeed Trade offsSo far so good but there are a number of things it can t do To start with there are no obstacle detection sensors at all so if something gets in the way the Pixy will crash right into it Leaves and twigs didn t always stop it but walls branches and human bodies certainly did Luckily as mentioned the Pixy is pretty tough Since it can t go very far or high up to feet at most the lack of obstacle detection shouldn t be an issue for most people To avoid any issues though you should test each maneuver in a wide open area to get a feel for how far away it travels Steve Dent Engadget Another significant limitation is flight time Snap told me that the Pixy can fly for four to five minutes on a charge or between five and flights You can buy extra batteries for each and get a portable dual battery charger for If you think you ll need that extra flight time you will your best bet is the Pixy Flight Pack which adds the charger and two extra batteries for an extra It also lacks a gimbal and relies strictly on electronic stabilization so you might get some shaky footage if you re flying in a lot of wind Speaking of which the Pixy s light weight means you can t really fly it outside at all in gusty conditions Image and video quality isn t amazing but it does the job When I showed it to a professional photographer friend he was pleasantly surprised The exposure levels were good and it adjusted well when going from shade to sunlight It worked fine indoors provided I had a reasonable amount of light When you open videos or photos on a PC screen it s clear that it can t compare to a smartphone or other drones particularly in low light But even when you reduce the resolution by cropping vertically it looks decent on a smartphone so it s absolutely good enough for most Snapchat users My photographer friend took it to a wedding and he found it great for grabbing some extra shots or to show behind the scenes goings on Since it requires almost no setup or piloting all he had to do was just launch the Pixy and it would do the rest ideal for a busy photographer if quality isn t a concern I enjoyed it too as a quick and easy drone and I feel like it would be something I d take with me while traveling to get some nice reveals and aerial shots I was curious to see how it compares with other Snapchat camera products like Spectacles and what ambitions Snap has for it so I asked Engadget senior editor Karissa Bell who covers social media “If you think about what they ve done with Spectacles…there was a lot of interest in the beginning but once you start to use them they re more of a novelty she told me “The Pixy s interesting because it really does seem to have more possibilities “If you re somebody who s really active on Snapchat or making videos for Spotlight which is their take on a TikTok like feature you can get really creative But is not a small amount of money especially for younger people in Snapchat s core demographic So I think it could be more of a success than Spectacles but there are a lot of drone companies out there if you re just looking for a drone In fact it already looks like it ll be a challenge to get one as the wait time has stretched out to four whole months after pre orders started on April th That could be down to demand but Snap CEO Evan Spiegel also toldThe Verge that the company “should have made more Wrap up Steve Dent Engadget Still it does look like Snap is onto something with the Pixy It s not nearly as capable as pricier drones from DJI and others but that s not really the point Rather it s a way for social media users to get some cinematic shots without the need to be a drone expert You can also turn over photo and video chores to the Pixy and focus on creating your Snap content If you re on a night out with friends you can send it off to grab some shots without the need for a selfie stick or other gear It s not perfect as battery life is pretty poor and image quality merely passable And at it s also quite expensive considering that you could buy a decent drone for that kind of money we ve seen DJI s Spark Mini on sale at for instance But Pixy isn t designed for avid drone users who might balk at that price It s made for social media creators who might even consider it to be cheap considering what it could do for them The reactions I saw from passersby and friends were overwhelmingly positive with a number saying they might buy one If that s any kind of sign the Pixy might become a hit |
2022-05-25 13:00:50 |
海外TECH |
CodeProject Latest Articles |
Split Quick Sort a Multi-Threaded Sort |
quick |
2022-05-25 13:28:00 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
E.P.A. to Block Pebble Mine Project in Alaska |
E P A to Block Pebble Mine Project in AlaskaThe E P A said it would ban the disposal of mining waste in the Bristol Bay watershed a decision that very likely means the end of the Pebble Mine project |
2022-05-25 13:28:58 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
会長記者会見−2022年− |
記者会見 |
2022-05-25 13:30:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Partygate: Key official wrote 'We seem to have got away with it' |
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2022-05-25 13:26:59 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
French Open: Emma Raducanu loses but Cameron Norrie wins at Roland Garros |
French Open Emma Raducanu loses but Cameron Norrie wins at Roland GarrosEmma Raducanu is unable to capitalise on a one set lead as her French Open debut ends with a defeat in the second round but Cameron Norrie advances |
2022-05-25 13:24:47 |
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BBC News - Home |
Downing Street parties: What Covid rules were broken? |
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2022-05-25 13:09:15 |
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BBC News - Home |
Chelsea's new owners have 'big ambitions' in transfer market |
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2022-05-25 13:20:31 |
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BBC News - Home |
We Know Our Place: Women's sport campaign launched by BBC Sport |
We Know Our Place Women x s sport campaign launched by BBC SportBBC Sport launches a new women s sport campaign to showcase the phenomenal female talent that will be on show at major events in the summer |
2022-05-25 13:29:16 |
ビジネス |
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イラン、IAEA機密資料入手していた 核査察回避に利用か - WSJ発 |
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2022-05-25 22:07:00 |
北海道 |
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井上尚弥「自分自身に期待」 ドネアとの3団体統一戦へ意欲 |
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2022-05-25 22:04:33 |
北海道 |
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ヤ7―6日(25日) 日本ハム、連日のサヨナラ負け |
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2022-05-25 22:18:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
J1、鹿島がドローで首位に 川崎は湘南に大敗 |
鹿島 |
2022-05-25 22:02:30 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
後志管内67人感染 小樽56人 新型コロナ |
新型コロナウイルス |
2022-05-25 22:14:25 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
余市牡蠣、地元産ワインで 「シングルシード」養殖、6月初出荷 お披露目会で相性評価、食の豊かさ発信へ |
養殖 |
2022-05-25 22:12:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
「ゼレンスキーです」と沖縄知事 会議前のあいさつで、陳謝 |
有識者会議 |
2022-05-25 22:06:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
北朝鮮、核起爆装置をテスト 実験準備「最終段階」と韓国 |
起爆装置 |
2022-05-25 22:04:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
封鎖の上海、邦人2人が死亡 初確認、死因は不明 |
新型コロナウイルス |
2022-05-25 22:10:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
比、マルコス氏の勝利確定 大統領選で議会承認 |
上下両院 |
2022-05-25 22:08:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
コンサ、柏に1―6 今季最多失点で大敗 |
最多 |
2022-05-25 22:08:11 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
韓国、輸入規制継続の意向 福島など8県の水産物 |
韓国 |
2022-05-25 22:06:14 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
タマネギ高騰、食卓直撃 1玉100円前後も、道産不作が影響 「産地リレー」出荷遅れ |
高騰 |
2022-05-25 22:03:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
長崎被爆者の足跡、映画に 故谷口稜曄さん、8月公開 |
谷口稜曄 |
2022-05-25 22:02:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
柔道・全日本選手権の魅力発信へ 29日から動画公開 |
全日本柔道連盟 |
2022-05-25 22:02:47 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
初夏の訪れ、藤棚見頃に 函館で今季最高、4地点で夏日 |
高気圧 |
2022-05-25 22:01:00 |