python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ポリヤの問題解決技法 |
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データフレームについて--06: 統計量の計算 |
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Pytorch + EfficientNetで友人2人の顔を判別する画像分類モデルを作ってみた |
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docker 共有フォルダをどこに置くか (macOS編) |
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2022-06-20 23:35:44 |
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【初心者】Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK) を使ってみる #2 (Clickstream Labの実施) |
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2022-06-20 23:27:41 |
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【初心者】Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK) / MSK Serverless を使ってみる |
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[React/Rails] WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:3000/ws' failed が発生してレスポンスが受け取れない |
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[React/Rails] WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:3000/ws' failed が発生してレスポンスが受け取れない |
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How to Adjust Sensitivity of Google Home's "Hey Google” |
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2022-06-20 14:30:14 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
10 Hidden Windows 10 Photo App Tricks You Must Know |
Hidden Windows Photo App Tricks You Must KnowWindows s default Photos app can handle most photo editing tasks with ease We ll show you where to find and how to use Photo s lesser known features |
2022-06-20 14:15:14 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Understanding Hash Tables and Why They are Important |
Understanding Hash Tables and Why They are ImportantOne of the most important data structures that is used professionally is without a doubt the Hash Table A lot of data structures that are considered important are never actually used directly by most developers The same can t be said about Hash Tables Being able to understand when and how to use a Hash table is a necessary condition for building effective software In this article we ll go over how Hash tables work and why they matter for the average developer How Do Hash Tables Work Hash Tables are a way of storing collections of data through key value pairs This effectively works as a dictionary For example if we were using a hash table for a list of contacts it might look like this So what does this actually look like at a low level Well first consider that our list of values needs to be stored as an array in the computer A hashtable works by allowing us to find the correct index for a particular value from a key which is much more descriptive than a numerical index Hash tables achieve this through the use of what s known as a hash function A Hash function is a function that takes in an input that could have any number of possibilities Such as a name in our contact book example and returns a number from a finite set of numbers Our array index Hash functions are used in a variety of instances but in the context of hash tables it transforms our key into a given numerical value and then maps that numerical value onto an array index which can then be mapped onto our corresponding value The important attribute of a hash function is that it works by performing a computation on the input key This means the speed at which it can convert the key into a hash is not dependent on how many different items we are storing For example a lookup for our hashtable might look this “Jane gt gt gt Phone Company Big Oil Why Use a Hash Table over a Simple ArrayIt may not be immediately clear why this is so helpful Let s say we re building a blog platform and we have a user who just selected the article they need to read and we now have to retrieve the blog article for them from a list of articles Now when we are trying to find the article from a list it is unlikely that we already have its index for the array The likely scenario is that we have some kind of identifying value for the article such as the title of the article Let s say we just had all the articles in an unsorted array How could we find the article We d have to go through the array item by item until we find the article that matches our title This is going to take an incredibly long time especially if we have a large number of articles to check Now what if we instead had it in a hash table Well now we could just plug our title into our hash function and get back the correct index From there we know exactly where in the array to look for our article information Due to the hash function this process is going to take the same amount of time no matter how many articles we have This makes Hash Tables one of the most important parts of building any piece of software This dictionary format of storing and accessing data is most conducive to how applications actually work Collisions and Separate ChainingOkay now I actually lied a bit when I said that the time it takes to search a hash table doesn t change based on the size of the table A key issue that needs to be considered when working with hash tables are what are known as collisions Now remember that a hash function is responsible for mapping an infinite amount of possibilities to a finite amount of indices As a result when we are working with enough data points it might be that our hash function maps two or more keys to the same array index This is known as a collision So does this make Hash tables useless Of course not it is just something that needs to be accounted for There are a number of methods to resolve collisions but one of the most common is called separate chaining Separate Chaining is a process of storing LinkedLists Lists of elements that point to each other instead of being indexed of the values instead of individual values at each index Additionally each entry in our hashtable now also needs to store the key Thus after passing our key to the hash function and looking up the correct index we sift through the hopefully short linked list to find the entry that corresponds to our key While this can make the lookup time of a hash table increase slightly as the amount of key value pairs grows it is almost always going to be more efficient than a simple array Whats Next So how can you get comfortable working with hash tables One of the best ways is to try and implement a hash table yourself in your favorite language without the help of any data structure libraries Note that Hash Tables aren t always the best way to organize collections of data If our data has some natural ordering that makes lookup easy or if it can be represented well in a tree hash tables might be unnecessary or even non optimal Being able to think rigorously about how to best represent your data is an important part of software engineering Being well versed in data structures and algorithms can help you navigate these kinds of questions What questions do you have about Hash Tables let us know down below and we ll try our best to answer them As important as hash tables are your code isn t the only thing you should be optimizing At Codesphere we re building an all in one development platform to make developer workflows seamless Try our platform out and let us know what you think |
2022-06-20 14:49:00 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Code Review: mais do que uma etapa do processo |
Code Review mais do que uma etapa do processoHápouco mais de um ano eu deixava meu estágio em uma empresa onde trabalhava principalmente em uma plataforma low code para abraçar a oportunidade como desenvolvedor júnior em um outro lugar Nessa nova empreitada pela primeira vez me deparei com uma base de código grande e complexa nada parecida com os projetos da faculdade ou dos cursos que jáhavia feito atéentão Durante os primeiros meses eu me cobrava frequentemente para ter uma compreensão maior dos projetos do código e das regras de negócio Foi nessa época que li o artigo How to Review Code as a Junior Developer e me mantive ainda mais firme em um hábito que começava a cultivar fazer code review todos os dias Após todo esse tempo e um pouco mais de bagagem na mochila resolvi compartilhar um pouco da minha visão sobre tudo isso e trazer algumas das dicas do artigo traduzidas para o português Vamos lá Code Review épara todos Vira e mexe a bolha dev do Twitter recebe uma mesma pergunta júnior também faz review Quem conhece a nossa bolha sabe que a mais pacífica das perguntas pode gerar a mais sangrenta das batalhas com muitas opiniões polêmicas e cagações de regras relatos pessoais Para mim no entanto a resposta para essa pergunta deveria ser uma unanimidade todo mundo deveria fazer code review A primeira reação frente a essa ideia équestionar a viabilidade de ter alguém tão iniciante revisando código de pessoas com maior senioridade Aqui para mim entra um ponto muito importante revisar código não éapenas sobre corrigir ou necessariamente melhorar o que estásendo proposto Ora se não ésobre literalmente revisar o código e torná lo melhor sobre o que seria No artigo Revisão de código émais do que revisar código de Maurício Aniche apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa feita internamente na Caelum em que eram observadas as diferenças entre código antes e depois de revisão de código além da própria percepção dos impactos dessa prática por parte das pessoas desenvolvedoras O resultado éum tanto surpreendente o code review se mostrou muito mais eficiente na disseminação de conhecimento do que melhoria de código embora a equipe de desenvolvedores também identifique resultados nesse sentido Portanto muitas outras coisas podem ser estimuladas com a revisão de código como a oportunidade para levantar discussões aprender tópicos técnicos e de negócio e de quebra fortalecer o time e cultura HácontrovérsiasEu disse hápouco que para mim todos deveriam fazer revisão de código mas preciso ser um pouco mais específico Esse posicionamento faz sentido caso o time tenha escolhido utilizar pull requests em seu fluxo de trabalho Para esse caso toda a discussão deste texto pode ser aplicada No entanto épreciso dizer que hádiversos pontos negativos e potenciais desvantagens em trabalhar com pull requests e code reviews Hásempre outras abordagens e outras visões Como quase tudo em computação lidamos aqui com um trade off e devemos seguir pelo caminho que faça mais sentido para o contexto em questão A abordagem de trunk based development por exemplo advoga a favor de feature branches de curta duração dois dias no máximo ou mesmo de integração direta na branch principal desde que o time tenha uma abordagem minimamente segura para isso Martin Fowler jáescreveu sobre a impossibilidade de se ter pull requests e continuous integration em um mesmo fluxo visto que integração contínua pressupõe uma interação diária de cada integrante do time com a branch principal Dado o contraponto sigamos com a nossa discussão Aprendizado e autonomiaSe vocêéuma pessoa experiente com grande bagagem técnica mas que acabou de chegar em um time éesperado que vocênão tenha conhecimento da base de código e do negócio com o qual vai trabalhar Ler pull requests então se mostra como uma oportunidade perfeita para aprender as modelagens e abstrações expandir o conhecimento do código para além do domínio de suas tarefas e tirar tantas dúvidas quantas quiser Para isso uma atitude éfundamental faça perguntas Não tenha medo de julgamentos ou de parecer incompetente por isso Da mesma forma responda perguntas sempre que puder Contribua para as discussões e para que esse ambiente de troca de conhecimento se mantenha fértil Em contato frequente com as interações que ocorrem nos pull requests vocêtambém poderáentender quais pontos são caros para aquele time identificar como as pessoas se relacionam e criar um sentimento de pertencimento ao time Agora se vocêéalguém que não possui conhecimento da base de código nem tem experiência revisar código éa oportunidade não sóde alcançar tudo jámencionado atéaqui mas também um ótimo ambiente para aprender tópicos técnicos Ao ler código de tarefas mais complexas provavelmente vocêvai ver soluções tecnologias e possibilidades com as quais vocêdificilmente esbarraria em outros contextos Como uma pessoa desenvolvedora iniciante muitas vezes vocêvai imitar as estratégias de outras pessoas da sua equipe Nesse sentido ter contato com outras tarefas faz com que vocêtenha muito mais cartas na manga para usar nas jogadas Portanto éevidente que fazer code review potencializa o processo de aprendizado dentro de um novo projeto Consequentemente isso leva a um crescente de autonomia na forma como se encara as tarefas Émuito mais provável que alguém sinta segurança para mudar as coisas durante os primeiros meses quando se tem uma noção maior de como tudo funciona Um espelho do timeA forma como code review éfeito reflete o seu contexto portanto a forma como o time estáorganizado e como costuma interagir influencia diretamente nisso Nesse sentido éessencial que o time possua uma cultura de abertura a discussões e proporcione um ambiente seguro o mais livre possível de opressão ou julgamentos Somente assim serápossível colocar em prática code reviews não sócomo uma formalização de aceite mas sim como um lugar propício para fazer perguntas tirar dúvidas discutir melhorias e perspectivas Para times que trabalham de forma remota os pull requests se mostram também como mais uma maneira de tornar informações públicas contribuindo para o trabalho assíncrono e fortalecendo autonomia do time no sentido de descentralização de conhecimento Por isso dêpreferência por manter as discussões no pull request para que outras pessoas possam ver e aprender junto Caso as conversas tenham se dados em outro meio vale a pena também manter um registro escrito no pull request Por fim quando defendo a ideia de que todos deveriam fazer revisão de código de todos me refiro também ao conceito de feedback circle ou círculo de feedback isto é quando pessoas se propõem a estar vulneráveis entre si e ter seu trabalho àdisposição para ser revisado temos um ambiente em que se torna mais fácil tecer comentários e construir feedbacks No mais isso evidencia a horizontalidade do time sem amarras rígidas de hierarquia O desafio de promover Code ReviewComo podemos ver o simples ato de revisar código pode levar a diversas vantagens Mas nada étão simples nem tão fácil quanto parece afinal estamos diante de duas tarefas bastante difíceis promover uma cultura propícia para que o time aproveite ativamente essas oportunidades e que principalmente faça mais code reviews Esses pontos são difíceis de implementar por estarem intimamente ligados àcultura E cultura éalgo que não podemos controlar diretamente visto que cresce e muda de forma orgânica Colocar essas mudanças em prática pode envolver muitos outros processos Frequentemente a equipe de desenvolvimento recebe uma quantidade alta de demandas e coloca seu esforço principalmente em entregar tarefas para dar vazão a esse fluxo Nesse caso não édifícil que os integrantes estejam constantemente em um pull request paradox De toda forma épossível adotar algumas práticas e estimular alguns hábitos como Incentivar as pessoas a fazer pull requests menores e bem documentados Isso faz com que não sótenhamos mais chance de receber reviews como também diminui o risco quando as mudanças forem para produção Possuir um guia de estilo e um guia de revisão para que as pessoas saibam o que éválido ou não comentar em relação a estilo formatação nomenclatura etc Assim evitamos comentários repetitivos e temos um acordo jádefinido que deve ser seguido Tornar claro por meio dos valores do time que revisar código éparte fundamental do trabalho e tem tanto valor quanto entregar tarefas Mais do que uma etapaTal qual um escalador que enquanto guia a escalada confia e se apoia na segurança e perspectiva que recebe de seu segurador o autor ou autora de um pull request tem muito a ganhar quando pode contar com outras visões e com o apoio de revisores Por todos os pontos mencionados aqui acredito que code review seja mais do que uma simples etapa do ciclo de vida das tarefas E por esse motivo éalgo que merece atenção para ter todo seu potencial aproveitado Foto de capa Via ferrata Irg de Maja Kochanowska |
2022-06-20 14:22:02 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to use serverless functions on Netlify (JS/TS) |
How to use serverless functions on Netlify JS TS Repository created in this blog netlify functions tutorialWhen trying to use Serverless Functions on Netlify I really struggled to understand how it works and how to use it even with videos blogs So taking in mind my mistakes and doubts I decided to create this article for you developer that may be interested but doesn t know how or even why using it So first of all there s always a question Why should I use Netlify Functions Netlify is a website hosting service but it only hosts our front end while our back end must be hosted anywhere else And that usually is what you do but if I m just planning to build a small project that would be like filling a cup of water with an ocean there is no need for that Netlify Functions comes to solve this problem you can keep your back and front end together by using Functions that can be called just like a back end api And it makes the code easier to edit since it s all in one folder Ok ok Nick I understood but how do I use that thing Good question I ll divide the answer in two separate topics How to implement it using Javascript and how to implement it using Typescript Serverless with Javascript Install netlify cliIm presuming you already created a folder to your project so before continuing we must install a package into it To install execute this command in your terminal npm install netlify cli dev Create a folder for your functionsSo to begin we need to create a folder for our functions its name can be anything you want but for the purpose of this blog I ll name mine as functions If you already installed the netlify cli package your folder must be like this gt functions gt node modulespackage jsonpackage lock json Create netlify tomlNow we ll specify to Netlify where our functions are and to do that we need to create a file called netlify toml Inside it you should write this code build functions functions The functions is the path to your functions folder so remember to replace that if you put another name or in a different place than the root directory Set the redirectsThe base url for acessing your functions is localhost netlify functions functionname but that s a really long and unnecessary url so I like to set up a redirect in my projects To do that you must create a file called redirects without extension and put this code inside it api netlify functions splat The api will be our new url to acess the functions meaning that now we can acess localhost api functionname The netlify functions splat is the url it will be redirected to replacing the splat with the function you inserted And is just the status code that will be returned to the redirect Creating functionsThis is the last step we need The function I will create is just an example but feel free to expand it however you want Let s create a file called helloworld js inside our functions folder The first code we will insert is basically an export this way Netlify can retrieve the function and execute it when you or someone acesses the api url module exports handler async event context gt If you want and know how to it you can change how you export it but keep in mind you can t change the handler name else the function will not be readable In our function my plan is to return a string with a message If the user sends a name to our api it will send Hello name if not then it sends Hello world Pretty simple concept let s do it We will pick the name from the query string parameters They are specified after a in the url with a key value I created a destructuring that picks elements from the event parameters and then a variable message with a string that can be either Hello name or Hello world module exports handler async event context gt const name event queryStringParameters const message Hello name world Ok now we need to send back the answer to our requisition and to do that we only need to return an object containing a body The data we want to send back and a status code module exports handler async event context gt const name event queryStringParameters const message Hello name world return statusCode body message Amazing It s done To test your API just run the command netlify dev in your terminal It will say the functions that were loaded and also the server being used in my case localhost If you go in your browser and enter the url localhost api helloworld you should receive a string containing hello world just like this If you insert your name as a parameter in the url like this localhost api helloworld name Nick it will return a different response To gather that data from the front end you simply need to do a local request an example would be fetch api helloworld since both front and back run on the same host Bonus Sending JSON sFor most cases you don t want to return just a string instead you want to return a JSON basically an object that can be readed by the browser And the implementation is really straighforward you just need to send your response body as a JSON stringify Look at this example module exports handler async event context gt const name event queryStringParameters const message Hello name world return statusCode body JSON stringify data message Instead of returning a string this time we will return a JSON of an object containing a property called data that contains our message If we enter the url again Awesome it worked With Netlify Functions you can create anything you want from token authorizations database modifications Serverless with TypescriptThe process is almost the same as Javascript with the only exceptions being the function creation and some packages you need to install Along with the netlify cli you installed before you need to install netlify functions to get the function types To do it just run this in your terminal npm i netlify functions devNow we ll adapt the previous Javascript function we created into a Typescript function I imported the Handler type to use in the functionimport Handler from netlify functions Created a variable called handler with the type Handler and being an asynchronous functionconst handler Handler async event context gt This code is almost the same I only added a nullish verification in the query parameters const name event queryStringParameters const message Hello name world return statusCode body JSON stringify data message Instead of using module exports we will use export handler and just as javascript handler is a reserved word other names will not be readedexport handler And that s it every file you create will be a new endpoint I don t explained Typescript detailed as Javascript simply because the process is almost the same and it would be kind of redundant to do so EndingThis took me some hours to write I hope I helped you but if there s still any questions feel free to DM me on Twitter and I will try to help in your specific case Also I don t write too many articles but anyways see ya |
2022-06-20 14:20:18 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
CSS Grid: custom grid item placement — beyond basics |
CSS Grid custom grid item placement ーbeyond basicsHello In my previous article I talked about basic methods of custom grid item placement inside the grid Today I want to extend this subject by explaining all cases of using grid item custom placement CSS properties with a string argument This article is part of my CSS Grid introduction series If you want to check out my previous posts here you can find the whole table of contents So far I covered some basic argument combinations used with grid item custom placement CSS properties grid row column start end and their shorthands Today I want to focus on every possible combination containing string argument Every example presented today will be simplified to a single grid item and single dimension as the same rules are applicable for multiple items and the second dimension String as a single argument If you remember the string argument refers to the grid line name if such exist If we use string as a single argument these line names should contain additional prefix start in case of grid row column start and end in case of grid row column end container grid template rows row fr row fr row fr row fr row grid template columns line fr line line start fr line fr line line end fr line item grid column start line grid column end line Notice how lines without prefixes are ignored during determining the size of the expected grid area occupied by grid item In case when no line with the required prefix exists the first line with a name identical to the string will be used counting from left or top grid edge However this applies only to start prefix and grid row column start properties container grid template rows row fr row fr row fr row fr row grid template columns col fr col fr col line fr col fr col line item grid column start line grid column end line Notice how the grid column end property falls to default col as no end prefixed line name was founded String argument with a number Another combination we can use is a string argument with a number This combination refers to the n th line with a name identical to the string counting from the left or top grid edge where n is equal to the number argument Notice that argument order is irrelevant container grid template rows row fr row fr row fr row fr row grid template columns col line fr col line fr col line fr col line fr col line item grid column start line grid column end line Negative number arguments are allowed In such case lines with the given name will be searched from right to left or bottom to top edge of the grid container grid template rows row fr row fr row fr row fr row grid template columns col line fr col line fr col line fr col line fr col line item grid column start line grid column end line If the number argument is larger than the number of lines in a given dimension then it is assumed that all implicit lines if exist contain such a name container grid template rows row fr row fr row fr row fr row grid template columns col line fr col line fr col line fr col line fr col line grid auto columns px item grid column start line grid column end line Notice that narrow columns on the right side of the grid are implicit String argument with span keyword We can use a string argument with a span keyword as well This combination refers to the first line with a name identical to the string starting from the left or top edge of the grid However to effectively use any combination of string argument with the span both start and end properties should be defined and only one of which should contain the span keyword container grid template rows row fr row fr row fr row fr row grid template columns col fr col fr col fr col fr col item grid column start col grid column end span col Moreover in any case of using the span keyword with string the line number that end property refers to should not be larger than the line number that start property refers to container grid template rows row fr row fr row fr row fr row grid template columns col fr col fr col fr col fr col item invalid start property refers to line end property refers to line grid column start col grid column end span col A combination of arguments can be even more complex We can use the previous span string combination with a number This is similar to using a string argument with a number except the number cannot be negative container grid template rows row fr row fr row fr row fr row grid template columns col fr col fr line col fr line col fr line col item grid column start col grid column end span line Analogously if the number argument is larger than the number of lines in a given dimension then it is assumed that all implicit lines if exist will contain that name container grid template rows row fr row fr row fr row fr row grid template columns col fr col fr line col fr line col fr line col grid auto columns px item grid column start col grid column end span line Thank you for reading this short article If you want to read more content like this you can follow my dev to or twitter account Also feel free to give me any form of feedback I d love to read any comments from you See you soon in my next article PS If you would like to support my work I will be grateful for a cup of coffee Thank you ️ |
2022-06-20 14:16:46 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
The Luos Blog is the perfect place to get information and keep an eye on many topics |
The Luos Blog is the perfect place to get information and keep an eye on many topicsThe Luos Blog is the perfect place to get information and keep an eye on many topics embedded and edge systems microservices in hardware devices robotics Luos about PID control in motors etc But not only that We will also talk about motors used for robotics and electronics broadly Many projects are waiting for you on the Luos blog with texts webinars and videos so bookmark the blog and join our Discord community for even more exchanges on your projects |
2022-06-20 14:16:09 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple TV+ signs Peter Capaldi for 'Criminal Record' thriller |
Apple TV signs Peter Capaldi for x Criminal Record x thrillerApple TV has ordered a new thriller with Peter Capaldi and Cush Jumbo starring in Criminal Record set in contemporary London Former Doctor Who star Peter Capaldi is to join with former Doctor Who spin off Torchwood star Cush Jumbo in the new drama by writer producer Paul Rutman An anonymous phone call draws two brilliant detectives into a confrontation over an old murder case says Apple one a young woman in the early stages of her career the other a well connected man determined to protect his legacy Read more |
2022-06-20 14:50:19 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
The best mouse for the MacBook Pro |
The best mouse for the MacBook ProWhile the trackpad on the MacBook Pro is excellent users may appreciate the tactility of a mouse Here are some of the best options for a mouse for MacBook Pro owners From the most popular as voted on by customers to the most functional and renowned for its capability here are a few top options for a mouse for MacBook Pro Apple Magic Mouse Read more |
2022-06-20 14:39:46 |
海外TECH |
CodeProject Latest Articles |
GitOps with Terraform and GitHub |
GitOps with Terraform and GitHubHow to write Terraform code to deploy simple Azure infrastructure and explore Git workflow used by software developers to gate infrastructure changes to our main branch |
2022-06-20 14:36:00 |
海外TECH |
CodeProject Latest Articles |
Optimal Control of a Quadcopter |
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保険監督者国際機構(IAIS)による市中協議文書「合算手法(AM)の国際資本基準(ICS)との比較可能性評価 に係る基準案」について掲載しました。 |
保険監督者国際機構 |
2022-06-20 15:00:00 |
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Family of Archie Battersbee given right to appeal life support decision |
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2022-06-20 14:44:29 |
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Pub bombs inquest: IRA 'attacked the military before Guildford' |
bombs |
2022-06-20 14:49:09 |
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'Rail strikes have lost us £500,000 of bookings' |
strikes |
2022-06-20 14:09:41 |
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Rail strikes: The passengers set to miss life events |
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2022-06-20 14:26:45 |
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Why Belgium is returning an African hero's gold tooth |
brussels |
2022-06-20 14:06:14 |
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England v South Africa: Emma Lamb one of five uncapped players chosen |
England v South Africa Emma Lamb one of five uncapped players chosenOpener Emma Lamb is one of five uncapped players named in the England squad for the women s Test against South Africa at Taunton next week |
2022-06-20 14:27:09 |
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Rail strike: When is it and which trains are running? |
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2022-06-20 14:39:23 |
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How the strike will affect passengers in Wales |
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2022-06-20 14:33:34 |