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IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
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2022-07-01 15:18:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] Gmailの新しいインタフェースが標準設定に 個人アカウント含めて順次展開 |
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2022-07-01 15:15:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] セキュリティエンジニア向け英語教材、IPAが無償公開 「セキュリティ英単語集」など |
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2022-07-01 15:05:00 |
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AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
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2022-07-01 15:30:02 |
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CloudFormation で特定リージョンの Config のみ有効化する方法を考えてみた |
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2022-07-01 06:03:47 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Set up PHP QA tools and control them via make [Tutorial Part 5] |
Set up PHP QA tools and control them via make Tutorial Part This article appeared first on at Set up PHP QA tools and control them via make Tutorial Part In the fifth part of this tutorial series on developing PHP on Docker we will setup some PHP code quality tools and provide a convenient way to control them via GNU make FYI Originally I wanted this tutorial to be a part of Create a CI pipeline for dockerized PHP Appsbecause QA checks are imho vital part of a CI setup but it kinda grew too big and took a way too much space from well actually setting up the CI pipelines All code samples are publicly available in my Docker PHP Tutorial repository on Github You find the branch with the final result of this tutorial at part php qa tools make docker All published parts of the Docker PHP Tutorial are collected under a dedicated page at Docker PHP Tutorial The previous part was Run Laravel on Docker in and the following one is Use git secret to encrypt secrets in the repository If you want to follow along please subscribe to the RSS feed or via email to get automatic notifications when the next part comes out Table of contentsIntroductionThe QA toolsphpcs and phpcbfphpstanphp parallel lintcomposer require checkerAdditional tools out of scope QA make targetsThe qa targetThe execute function Parallel execution and a helper targetSprinkle some color on topFurther updates in the codebaseWrapping up IntroductionCode quality tools ensure a baseline of code quality by automatically checking certain rules e g code style definitions proper usage of types proper declaration of dependencies etc When run regularly they are a great way to enforce better code and are thus aperfect fit for a CI pipeline For this tutorial I m going to setup the following tools Style Checker phpcsStatic Analyzer phpstanCode Linter php parallel lintDependency Checker composer require checkerand provide convenient access through a qa make target The end result will look like this FYI When we started out with using code quality tools in general we have used GrumPHP and I would still recommend it We have only transitioned away from it because make gives us a little more flexibility and control You can find the final makefile at make application qa mk CAUTION The Makefile is build on top of the setup that I introduced in Docker from scratch for PHP Applications in so please refer to that tutorial if anything is not clear Application QA variablesCORES shell nproc sysctl n hw ncpu gt dev null constants filesALL FILES APP FILES app TEST FILES tests bash colorsRED mGREEN mYELLOW mNO COLOR m Tool CLI configPHPUNIT CMD php vendor bin phpunitPHPUNIT ARGS c phpunit xmlPHPUNIT FILES PHPSTAN CMD php vendor bin phpstan analysePHPSTAN ARGS level PHPSTAN FILES APP FILES TEST FILES PHPCS CMD php vendor bin phpcsPHPCS ARGS parallel CORES standard psrPHPCS FILES APP FILES PHPCBF CMD php vendor bin phpcbfPHPCBF ARGS PHPCS ARGS PHPCBF FILES PHPCS FILES PARALLEL LINT CMD php vendor bin parallel lintPARALLEL LINT ARGS j exclude vendor exclude docker exclude gitPARALLEL LINT FILES ALL FILES COMPOSER REQUIRE CHECKER CMD php vendor bin composer require checkerCOMPOSER REQUIRE CHECKER ARGS ignore parse errors call with NO PROGRESS true to hide tool progress makes sense when invoking multiple tools together NO PROGRESS falseifeq NO PROGRESS true PHPSTAN ARGS no progress PARALLEL LINT ARGS no progresselse PHPCS ARGS p PHPCBF ARGS pendif Use NO PROGRESS false when running individual tools On NO PROGRESS true the corresponding tool has no output on success apart from its runtime but it will still print any errors that occured define execute if NO PROGRESS false then eval EXECUTE IN APPLICATION CONTAINER else START date s printf s if OUTPUT eval EXECUTE IN APPLICATION CONTAINER gt amp then printf GREEN s NO COLOR done END date s RUNTIME END START printf took YELLOW RUNTIME s NO COLOR n else printf RED s NO COLOR fail END date s RUNTIME END START printf took YELLOW RUNTIME s NO COLOR n echo OUTPUT printf n exit fi fiendef PHONY testtest Run all tests EXECUTE IN APPLICATION CONTAINER PHPUNIT CMD PHPUNIT ARGS ARGS PHONY phplintphplint Run phplint on all files call execute PARALLEL LINT CMD PARALLEL LINT ARGS PARALLEL LINT FILES ARGS PHONY phpcsphpcs Run style check on all application files call execute PHPCS CMD PHPCS ARGS PHPCS FILES ARGS PHONY phpcbfphpcbf Run style fixer on all application files call execute PHPCBF CMD PHPCBF ARGS PHPCBF FILES ARGS PHONY phpstanphpstan Run static analyzer on all application and test files call execute PHPSTAN CMD PHPSTAN ARGS PHPSTAN FILES ARGS PHONY composer require checkercomposer require checker Run dependency checker call execute COMPOSER REQUIRE CHECKER CMD COMPOSER REQUIRE CHECKER ARGS ARGS PHONY qaqa Run code quality tools on all files MAKE j CORES k no print directory output sync target qa exec NO PROGRESS true PHONY qa execqa exec phpstan phplint composer require checker phpcs The QA tools phpcs and phpcbfphpcs is the CLI tool of the style checker squizlabs PHP CodeSniffer It also comes with phpcbf a tool to automatically fix style errors Installation via composer make composer ARGS require dev squizlabs php codesniffer For now we will simply use the pre configured ruleset for PSR Extended Coding Style When run in the application container for the first time on the app directory viavendor bin phpcs standard PSR parallel p appi e standard PSR gt use the PSR ruleset parallel gt run with parallel processes p gt show the progresswe get the following result root var www app vendor bin phpcs standard PSR parallel p appFILE var www app app Console Kernel php FOUND ERRORS AFFECTING LINE ERROR x Expected at least space before found ERROR x Expected at least space after found PHPCBF CAN FIX THE MARKED SNIFF VIOLATIONS AUTOMATICALLY FILE var www app app Http Controllers HomeController php FOUND ERRORS AFFECTING LINES ERROR x Expected at least space before found ERROR x Expected at least space after found ERROR x Expected at least space before found ERROR x Expected at least space after found PHPCBF CAN FIX THE MARKED SNIFF VIOLATIONS AUTOMATICALLY FILE var www app app Jobs InsertInDbJob php FOUND ERROR AFFECTING LINE ERROR x Each imported trait must have its own use import statement PHPCBF CAN FIX THE MARKED SNIFF VIOLATIONS AUTOMATICALLY FILE var www app app Models User php FOUND ERROR AFFECTING LINE ERROR x Each imported trait must have its own use import statement PHPCBF CAN FIX THE MARKED SNIFF VIOLATIONS AUTOMATICALLY All errors can be fixed automatically with phpcbf root var www app vendor bin phpcbf standard PSR parallel p appPHPCBF RESULT SUMMARY FILE FIXED REMAINING var www app app Console Kernel php var www app app Http Controllers HomeController php var www app app Jobs InsertInDbJob php var www app app Models User php A TOTAL OF ERRORS WERE FIXED IN FILES Time ms Memory MBand a follow up run of phpcs doesn t show any more errors root var www app vendor bin phpcs standard PSR parallel p app Time ms Memory MB phpstanphpstan is the CLI tool of the static code analyzer phpstan phpstan see also the full PHPStan documentation It provides some default levels of increasing strictness to report potential bugs based on the AST of the analyzed PHP code Installation via composer make composer ARGS require dev phpstan phpstan Since this is a fresh codebase with very little code let s go for the highest level as of and run it in the application container on the app and tests directories via vendor bin phpstan analyse app tests level level gt use level root var www app vendor bin phpstan analyse app tests level ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ Line app Commands SetupDbCommand php Method App Commands SetupDbCommand getOptions return type has no value type specified in iterable type array �See Method App Commands SetupDbCommand handle has no return type specified Line app Http Controllers HomeController php Parameter jobId of class App Jobs InsertInDbJob constructor expects string mixed given Part jobId mixed of encapsed string cannot be cast to string Call to an undefined method Illuminate Redis Connections Connection lRange Call to an undefined method Illuminate Contracts View Factory Illuminate Contracts View View with Line app Http Middleware Authenticate php Method App Http Middleware Authenticate redirectTo should return string null but return statement is missing Line app Http Middleware RedirectIfAuthenticated php Method App Http Middleware RedirectIfAuthenticated handle should return Illuminate Http RedirectResponse Illuminate Http Response but returns Illuminate Http RedirectResponse Illuminate Routing Redirector Line app Jobs InsertInDbJob php Method App Jobs InsertInDbJob handle has no return type specified Line app Providers RouteServiceProvider php PHPDoc tag var above a method has no effect PHPDoc tag var does not specify variable name Cannot access property id on mixed Line tests Feature App Http Controllers HomeControllerTest php Method Tests Feature App Http Controllers HomeControllerTest test invoke has parameter params with no value type specified in iterable type array �See Method Tests Feature App Http Controllers HomeControllerTest invoke dataProvider return type has no value type specified in iterable type array �See Line tests TestCase php Cannot access offset database on mixed Parameter config of method Illuminate Database Connectors MySqlConnector connect expects array mixed given ERROR Found errorsAfter fixing or ignoring P all errors we now getroot var www app vendor bin phpstan analyse app tests level ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ OK No errors php parallel lintphp parallel lint is the CLI tool of the PHP code linter php parallel lint PHP Parallel Lint It ensures that all PHP files are syntactically correct Installation via composer make composer ARGS require dev php parallel lint php parallel lint Parallel is already in the name so we run it on the full codebase with parallel processes and exclude the git and vendor directories to speed up the execution viavendor bin parallel lint j exclude git exclude vendor i e j gt use parallel processes exclude git exclude vendor gt ignore the git and vendor directorieswe getroot var www app vendor bin parallel lint j exclude git exclude vendor PHP parallel jobs Checked files in secondsNo syntax error foundNo further TODOs here composer require checkercomposer require checker is the CLI tool of the dependency checker maglnet ComposerRequireChecker The tool ensures that the composer json file contains all dependencies that are used in the codebase Installation via composer make composer ARGS require dev maglnet composer require checker Run it viavendor bin composer require checker checkroot var www app vendor bin composer require checker checkComposerRequireChecker baaaeeedefccafaaThe following unknown symbols were found Unknown Symbol Guessed Dependency Symfony Component Console Input InputOption What s going on here We use Symfony Component Console Input InputOption in our App Commands SetupDbCommand and the code doesn t fail because InputOption is defined in thesymfony console package that is atransitive dependency of laravel framework see the laravel framework composer json file I e the symfony console package does actually exist in our vendor directory but since we also use it as a first party dependency directly in our code we must declare the dependency explicitly Otherwise Laravel might at some point decide to drop symfony console and we would be left with broken code To fix this I runmake composer ARGS require symfony console which will update the composer json file and add the dependency Running composer require checker again will now yield no further errors root var www app vendor bin composer require checker checkComposerRequireChecker baaaeeedefccafaaThere were no unknown symbols found Additional tools out of scope In general I m a huge fan of code quality tools and we use them quite extensively At some point I ll probably dedicate a whole article to go over them in detail but for now I m just gonna leave a list for inspiration brianium paratestRunning PhpUnit tests in parallelmalukenho mcbumpfaceUpdate the versions in the composer json file after an updateqossmic deptrac shimA shim for qossmic deptrac A tool to define dependency layers based on e g namespacesicanhazstring composer unusedShow dependencies in the composer json that are not used in the codebaseroave security advisoriesGives a warning when packages with known vulnerabilities are used Alternative local php security checker QA make targetsYou might have noticed that all tools have their own configuration options Instead of remembering each of them I ll define corresponding make targets in make application qa mk The easiest way to do so would be to hard code the exact commands that I ran previously e g PHONY phpstanphpstan Run static analyzer on all application and test files EXECUTE IN APPLICATION CONTAINER vendor bin phpstan analyse app tests level Please refer to the Run commands in the docker containers section in the previous tutorial for an explanation of the EXECUTE IN APPLICATION CONTAINER variable However this implementation is quite inflexible What if we want to check a single file or try out other options So let s create some variables instead PHPSTAN CMD php vendor bin phpstan analysePHPSTAN ARGS level PHPSTAN FILES APP FILES TEST FILES PHONY phpstanphpstan Run static analyzer on all application and test files EXECUTE IN APPLICATION CONTAINER PHPSTAN CMD PHPSTAN ARGS PHPSTAN FILES This target allows me to override the defaults and e g check only the file app Commands SetupDbCommand php with level make phpstan PHPSTAN FILES app Commands SetupDbCommand php PHPSTAN ARGS level make phpstan PHPSTAN FILES app Commands SetupDbCommand php PHPSTAN ARGS level ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ OK No errorsThe remaining tool variables can be configured in the exact same way constants filesALL FILES APP FILES app TEST FILES tests Tool CLI configPHPUNIT CMD php vendor bin phpunitPHPUNIT ARGS c phpunit xmlPHPUNIT FILES PHPSTAN CMD php vendor bin phpstan analysePHPSTAN ARGS level PHPSTAN FILES APP FILES TEST FILES PHPCS CMD php vendor bin phpcsPHPCS ARGS parallel CORES standard psrPHPCS FILES APP FILES PHPCBF CMD php vendor bin phpcbfPHPCBF ARGS PHPCS ARGS PHPCBF FILES PHPCS FILES PARALLEL LINT CMD php vendor bin parallel lintPARALLEL LINT ARGS j exclude vendor exclude docker exclude gitPARALLEL LINT FILES ALL FILES COMPOSER REQUIRE CHECKER CMD php vendor bin composer require checkerCOMPOSER REQUIRE CHECKER ARGS ignore parse errors The qa targetFrom a workflow perspective I usually want to run all configured qa tools instead of each one individually being able to run individually is still great if a tool fails though A trivial approach would be a new target that uses all individual tool targets as preconditions PHONY qaqa phpstan phplint composer require checker phpcsBut we can do better because this target produces quite a noisy output make qa ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ OK No errorsPHP parallel jobs Checked files in secondsNo syntax error foundComposerRequireChecker baaaeeedefccafaaThere were no unknown symbols found Time ms Memory MBI d rather have something like this make qaphplint done took sphpcs done took sphpstan done took scomposer require checker done took s The execute function We ll make this work by suppressing the tool output and using a user defined execute make function to format all targets nicely Though function isn t quite correct here because it s rather a multiline variable defined via define endef that is then invoked via the call function File application qa mk call with NO PROGRESS true to hide tool progress makes sense when invoking multiple tools together NO PROGRESS falseifeq NO PROGRESS true PHPSTAN ARGS no progressendif Use NO PROGRESS false when running individual tools On NO PROGRESS true the corresponding tool has no output on success apart from its runtime but it will still print any errors that occured define execute if NO PROGRESS false then eval EXECUTE IN APPLICATION CONTAINER else START date s printf s if OUTPUT eval EXECUTE IN APPLICATION CONTAINER gt amp then printf s done END date s RUNTIME END START printf took RUNTIME s n else printf s fail END date s RUNTIME END START printf took RUNTIME s n echo OUTPUT printf n exit fi fiendefthe NO PROGRESS variable is set to false by default and will cause a target to be invokedas before showing all its output immediatelyif the variable is set to true the target is instead invoked via eval and the output iscaptured in the OUTPUT bash variable that will only be printed if the result of theinvocation is faultyThe tool targets are then adjusted to use the new function PHONY phpstanphpstan Run static analyzer on all application and test files call execute PHPSTAN CMD PHPSTAN ARGS PHPSTAN FILES ARGS We can now call the phpstan target with NO PROGRESS true like so make phpstan NO PROGRESS truephpstan done took sAn error would look likes this make phpstan NO PROGRESS truephpstan fail took s Line app Providers RouteServiceProvider php Cannot access property id on mixed Parallel execution and a helper targetTechnically this also already works with the qa target and we can even speed up the process by running the tools in parallel with the j flag for Parallel Execution make j qa NO PROGRESS truephpstan phplint composer require checker phpcs done took sdone took sdone took sdone took sWell not quite what we wanted We also need to use output sync target to controll the Output During Parallel Execution make j output sync target qa NO PROGRESS truephpstan done took sphplint done took scomposer require checker done took sphpcs done took sSince this is quite a mouthful to type we ll use a helper target qa exec for running the tools and put all the inconvenient to type options in the final qa target File application qa mk variablesCORES shell nproc sysctl n hw ncpu gt dev null PHONY qaqa Run code quality tools on all files MAKE j CORES k no print directory output sync target qa exec NO PROGRESS true PHONY qa execqa exec phpstan phplint composer require checker phpcsFor the number of parallel processes I use nproc works on Linux and Windows resp sysctl n hw ncpu works on Mac to determine the number of available cores If you dedicate less resources to docker you might want to hard code this setting to a lower value e g by adding a CORES variable in the make env file Sprinkle some color on topThe final piece for getting to the output mentioned in the Introduction is the bash coloring To make this work we need to understand first how colors work in bash This coloring can be accomplished by adding a e or at the beginning to form an escape sequence The escape sequence for specifying color codes is e COLORm COLOR represents our numeric color code in this case via Adding colors to Bash scripts E g the following script will print a green text printf mThis text is green m So we define the required colors as variables and use them in the corresponding places in the execute function bash colorsRED mGREEN mYELLOW mNO COLOR m Use NO PROGRESS false when running individual tools On NO PROGRESS true the corresponding tool has no output on success apart from its runtime but it will still print any errors that occured define execute if NO PROGRESS false then eval EXECUTE IN APPLICATION CONTAINER else START date s printf s if OUTPUT eval EXECUTE IN APPLICATION CONTAINER gt amp then printf GREEN s NO COLOR done END date s RUNTIME END START printf took YELLOW RUNTIME s NO COLOR n else printf RED s NO COLOR fail END date s RUNTIME END START printf took YELLOW RUNTIME s NO COLOR n echo OUTPUT printf n exit fi fiendefPlease note that i did not include the tests in the qa target I like to run those separately because our tests usually take a lot longer to execute So in my day to day work I would run make qa and make test to ensure that code quality and tests are passing make qaphplint done took sphpcs done took scomposer require checker done took sphpstan done took s make testPHPUnit StandWithUkraine Time Memory MBOK tests assertions Further updates in the codebaseI ve also cleaned up the codebase a little in branch part php qa tools make docker and even though those changes have nothing to todo with QA tools I didn t want to leave them unnoticed removing unnecessary files styleci yml package json webpack mix js removing unused values from the env example filerun a composer update to get the latest Laravel versionadd a show help script to the scripts section of the composer json file that references the Makefile see also this discussion on Twitter scripts show help make scripts descriptions show help Display available make commands we use make instead of composer scripts replace docker compose with docker compose to use compose vFor some reason the last point caused some trouble because Linux and Docker Desktop for Windows require a T flag for the exec command to disable a TTY allocation in some cases Whereas on Docker Desktop for Mac the missing TTY lead to a cluttered output staircase effect Thus I modified the Makefile to populate a DOCKER COMPOSE EXEC OPTIONS variable based on the OS Add the T options to docker compose exec to avoid the panic the handle is invalid error on Windows and Linux see DOCKER COMPOSE EXEC OPTIONS T OS is defined for WIN systems so uname will not be executedOS shell uname ifeq OS Windows NT Windows requires the exe extension otherwise the entry is ignored see SHELL bash exeelse ifeq OS Darwin On Mac the T must be omitted to avoid cluttered output see issuecomment DOCKER COMPOSE EXEC OPTIONS endifAnd use the variable when defining EXECUTE IN CONTAINER in make docker mkifeq EXECUTE IN CONTAINER true EXECUTE IN ANY CONTAINER DOCKER COMPOSE exec DOCKER COMPOSE EXEC OPTIONS user APP USER NAME DOCKER SERVICE NAME EXECUTE IN APPLICATION CONTAINER DOCKER COMPOSE exec DOCKER COMPOSE EXEC OPTIONS user APP USER NAME DOCKER SERVICE NAME APPLICATION EXECUTE IN WORKER CONTAINER DOCKER COMPOSE exec DOCKER COMPOSE EXEC OPTIONS user APP USER NAME DOCKER SERVICE NAME PHP WORKER endif Wrapping upCongratulations you made it If some things are not completely clear by now don t hesitate to leave a comment You should now have a blueprint for adding code quality tools for your dockerized application and way to conveniently control them through a Makefile In the next part of this tutorial we will set up git secret to encrypt secret values and store them directly in the git repository Please subscribe to the RSS feed or via email to get automatic notifications when this next part comes out |
2022-07-01 06:37:57 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to START, RESTART, STOP and DELETE multiple Azure VM's? |
How to START RESTART STOP and DELETE multiple Azure VM x s When we have Virtual Machines in Azure opens new window we have to stop start and restart them We can easily do this for one VM in the overview blade of the VM in the Azure portal But how do we stop or restart multiple VMs at once We can do it in the Azure portal In this article we will use the Azure portal to perform basic VM management tasks on multiple Azure VMs Prerequisites An Azure subscription If you don t have an Azure subscription create a free account opens new window before you begin Two or more existing Azure Virtual Machines opens new window Use the Azure portal to control Azure VMsWe will use the Azure portal to stop restart and delete multiple VMs at the same time in this article Go to the Azure portal opens new window Click on the menu in the top left and select Virtual machines This shows you all your Azure Virtual Machine s In the menu you can see buttons for Start Restart and Stop If you don t see those buttons you can reach them by opening the menu from the button Options menu in the Virtual machines blade Select two Virtual MachinesClick the Restart buttonConfirm the restart operation This will restart the selected VMs which can take a few minutes Restart multiple Virtual Machines Select two VMsOpen the menu and click on Delete This opens the Delete Resources blade Type yes to confirm the deletion and click Delete Delete multiple Virtual Machines Conclusion We can use the Virtual Machine s blade in the Azure portal to Start Stop Restart and Delete multiple Azure Virtual Machine s opens new window at the same time |
2022-07-01 06:32:18 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How Azure Works? |
How Azure Works Azure is Microsoft s public cloud platform Azure offers a large collection of services which includes platform as a service PaaS infrastructure as a service IaaS and managed database service capabilities However what exactly is Azure and how does it work Azure like other cloud platforms relies on a technology known as virtualization Most computer hardware can be emulated in software Computer hardware is simply a set of instructions which are permanently or semi permanently encoded in silicon Emulation layers are used to map software instructions to hardware instructions Emulation layers allow virtualized hardware to execute in software like the actual hardware itself Essentially the cloud is a set of physical servers in one or more datacenters The datacenters execute virtualized hardware for customers So how does the cloud create start stop and delete millions of instances of virtualized hardware for millions of customers simultaneously To understand the servers let s look at the architecture of hardware in the datacenter Inside each datacenter there s a collection of servers sitting in server racks Each server rack contains many server blades and a network switch These provide network connectivity and a power distribution unit PDU which creates power Racks are sometimes grouped together in larger units known as clusters The server racks or clusters are chosen to run virtualized hardware instances for the user However some servers run cloud management software known as a fabric controller The fabric controller is a distributed application with many responsibilities It allocates services monitors the health of the server and the services running on it and heals servers when they fail Each instance of the fabric controller is connected to another set of servers running cloud orchestration software typically known as the front end The front end hosts the web services RESTful APIs and internal Azure databases which are used for all functions in the cloud For example the front end hosts the services that handle customer requests The requests allocate Azure resources and services such as virtual machines and Azure Cosmos DB First the front end validates and verifies if the user is authorized to allocate the requested resources If so the front end checks a database to locate a server rack with sufficient capacity which instructs the fabric controller to allocate the resource Azure is a huge collection of servers and networking hardware which runs a complex set of distributed applications These applications orchestrate the configuration and operation of virtualized hardware and software on those servers The orchestration of these servers is what makes Azure so powerful With Azure users don t have to maintain and upgrade their hardware as Azure does this behind the scenes |
2022-07-01 06:11:07 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How To Add Comments To Your Blog |
How To Add Comments To Your BlogHaving comments on your blog is one of the most engaging features Unfortunately Ghost Blogging Service does not support any comments out of the box Although they are many different services like Disqus or Discourse which are kind of free they have inbuilt Ads in the free version And Ads are EVIL there also exist some really free services like Commento Schnack CoralProject Talk and Isso I tested all of the free services for my blog and come to the conclusion that Isso is the best service to use in a Ghost Blog Within this article I will describe why Isso is the best software how it can be installed in a Docker environment and how Isso comments can be integrated into any Blog not only Ghost Blogging software Why Isso Isso is a commenting server written in Python and JavaScript and aims to be a drop in replacement for Disqus or Discourse It has several features It is a very lightweight commenting systemWorks with Docker ComposeUses SQLite because comments are not Big Data A very minimal commenting system with a simple moderation systemPrivacy first commenting systemSupports MarkdownIt s freeSimilar to native WordPress commentsYou can Import WordPress or DisqusEmbed it everywhere in a single JS file kB kB gzipped All of these features are good reasons to choose Isso as your backend comment system instead of one of the others If you want to install it in a Docker or Docker Swarm environment you can follow my personal guide on my website Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash |
2022-07-01 06:10:15 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Meta cuts hiring plans as it prepares for 'serious times' |
Meta cuts hiring plans as it prepares for x serious times x In a weekly employee Q amp A session Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg reportedly said the company is experiencing quot one of the worst downturns it has seen in recent history quot According to Reuters the executive has revealed that Meta has slashed its target number for new engineers hires this year by about percent Meta previously said that it s slowing its hiring plans due to weak revenue forecasts but now Zuckerberg has announced more details with exact figures Apparently from plans to hire new engineers this year Meta will only hire between and Further the CEO said that Meta is raising expectations on current employees and giving them more aggressive goals so that they can decide on their own if the company isn t for them quot S elf selection is OK with me quot he said In a memo to employees chief product officer Chris Cox has stressed that the company quot is in serious times here and the headwinds are fierce quot He also listed the company s six investment priorities for the second half of the year starting with its metaverse initiatives Avatars and its virtual world Horizon Worlds nbsp According to the memo published in full by The Verge Meta is also aiming to monetize Reels as quickly as possible Time spent on Reels has more than doubled around the world since last year the memo reads with percent of that growth coming from Facebook Cox called Reels its short form video format created as an answer to TikTok a quot bright point quot for the company in the first half of Meta plans to continue improving the experience including making changes to the home screen on Instagram and Facebook to incorporate the videos more natively In addition Meta plans to focus on its AI initiatives as well as on WhatsApp and Messenger in the second half of the year It plans to test WhatApp communities before the feature launches around the world by the end of The company is also going to develop Instagram Creator channels and joinable chats which are slated for rollout in the coming months Cox wrote in the memo quot I have to underscore that we are in serious times here and the headwinds are fierce We need to execute flawlessly in an environment of slower growth where teams should not expect vast influxes of new engineers and budgets We must prioritize more ruthlessly be thoughtful about measuring and understanding what drives impact invest in developer efficiency and velocity inside the company and operate leaner meaner better exciting teams quot |
2022-07-01 06:37:41 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
新規感染者数「全国的に上昇傾向に転じた」-コロナアドバイザリーボード分析・評価 |
上昇傾向 |
2022-07-01 15:15:00 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
病床使用率「大都市で下げ止まりの傾向」-厚労省がコロナアドバイザリーボードの分析公表 |
下げ止まり |
2022-07-01 15:05:00 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[東証]新規上場の承認(グロース市場):(株)ニッソウ |
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2022-07-01 16:00:00 |
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JPX マーケットニュース |
[東証]新規上場の承認(グロース市場):(株)クラシコム |
新規上場 |
2022-07-01 15:30:00 |
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JPX マーケットニュース |
[東証]制限値幅の拡大:1銘柄 |
東証 |
2022-07-01 15:15:00 |
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JPX マーケットニュース |
[TOCOM]最終決済価格(2022年6月限):原油、電力 |
tocom |
2022-07-01 15:15:00 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[OSE]特別清算数値(2022年7月第1週限):日経225 |
特別清算 |
2022-07-01 15:15:00 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
ラグジュアリーホテルとは何か(前編)-海外のホテル格付けと外資系ホテルのブランドについて |
世界各国にホテルを持つ巨大ブランドでこのようなランク付けが可能であるのは、格付け制度を持つ国の評価基準を参考に、「新たに保有するホテルがどのランクであるか」、また、「どのランクを目指すことができるのか」の判断が相対的に容易であることも寄与していると思われる。 |
2022-07-01 15:23:18 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
It’s alive! How belief in AI sentience is becoming a problem |
It s alive How belief in AI sentience is becoming a problemThe issue of machine sentience hit the headlines last month when Google placed a software engineer on leave after he claimed the company s AI chatbot |
2022-07-01 15:54:14 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Japan enters energy-saving period for first time in seven years amid heat wave |
Japan enters energy saving period for first time in seven years amid heat waveUnusually hot weather in June has kept power demand extremely high with supply expected to remain tight throughout the summer |
2022-07-01 15:35:48 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
U.S. and allies boost engagement with Pacific nations amid China push |
alarm |
2022-07-01 15:28:56 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Missing Cryptoqueen: FBI adds Ruja Ignatova to top ten most wanted |
cryptocurrency |
2022-07-01 06:07:20 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
US stocks see worst first half drop in more than 50 years |
indexes |
2022-07-01 06:46:34 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
福島・大熊町で星とホタルの共演 復興拠点の避難解除の夜に |
東京電力 |
2022-07-01 15:51:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
夏の高校野球支部予選・7月1日の試合結果 |
夏の高校野球 |
2022-07-01 15:46:09 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
北海道641人感染、死者ゼロ 札幌は260人 新型コロナ |
新型コロナウイルス |
2022-07-01 15:44:25 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
広島県警「サミット対策課」発足 G7に向けて |
首脳会議 |
2022-07-01 15:32:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
東証続落、終値は457円安 米景気後退への警戒感拡大 |
日経平均株価 |
2022-07-01 15:30:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
IT大手にTikTok削除要請 対中警戒、米通信当局委員 |
tiktok |
2022-07-01 15:25:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
後志管内16人感染 新型コロナ |
新型コロナウイルス |
2022-07-01 15:17:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
釧路管内5人、根室管内4人感染 新型コロナ |
新型コロナウイルス |
2022-07-01 15:12:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
子どもと一緒に学ぶ「出ていくお金の減らし方」 使ったお金の用途と金額を紙に書いてみる | 読書 | 東洋経済オンライン |
東洋経済オンライン |
2022-07-01 16:00:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
これがラク!夫婦で「シフト制育児」した人の実例 漫画「育休夫婦の幸せシフト制育児」(第2話) | 漫画 | 東洋経済オンライン |
東洋経済オンライン |
2022-07-01 15:30:00 |
マーケティング |
MarkeZine |
テレビのリアルタイム配信を4人に1人が利用 「誘い合い視聴」で盛り上がる【メディア環境研究所調査】 |
配信 |
2022-07-01 15:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
今が秋葉原で買い物をする好機!『三國志 覇道』の諸葛亮が「夏の秋葉原電気街まつり2022」のイメージキャラクターに決定 |
pcsteam |
2022-07-01 15:55:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
PS4/Steam/iOS/Android向けにボードゲーム『ハッピーダンガンロンパS 超高校級の南国 サイコロ合宿』が発売決定! |
pcsteamiosandroid |
2022-07-01 15:35:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
対象のPCゲームが最大90%オフ! DMM GAMES PCゲームフロアにて「DMM GAMES スーパーSALE in SUMMER」開催 |
dmmgames |
2022-07-01 15:30:00 |