AWS Startups Blog |
Founder Spotlight: Xata Co-founder Monica Sarbu Celebrates the Power of Diversity |
Founder Spotlight Xata Co founder Monica Sarbu Celebrates the Power of DiversitySerial entrepreneur Monica Sarbu explains why celebrating diversity and empowering people is the key to success Learn how her commitment to building with diversity from Day One has guided startup Xata to a million funding round |
2022-07-15 13:54:07 |
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2022-07-15 22:12:18 |
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dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita | Overview [syserr.errcondition.overview] C++N4910:2022 (398) p568d.c |
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2022-07-15 22:05:21 |
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2022-07-15 22:14:24 |
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Developers.IO |
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2022-07-15 13:51:41 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
RemixのuseLoaderDataとuseActionDataに型推論が追加されました |
delivery |
2022-07-15 13:21:30 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
¿Cómo usar Lottie animations & React JS? 🖌️ |
¿Cómo usar Lottie animations amp React JS ️Seguramente has visto algunos elementos parecidos a las GIFs en las paginas web que llaman mucho su atención por su movimiento y su diseño y te preguntaras ¿Quéson esos elementos y ¿Como puedo utilizarlos en mi pagina web Bueno esto es precisamente lo que aprenderás pero usando React JS Cualquier tipo de Feedback es bienvenido gracias y espero disfrutes el articulo Tabla de contenido Tecnologías a utilizar ¿Quéson los Lottie animations Diferencia entre GIF y Lottie Sitios web donde puedes descargar archivos Lottie Creando el proyecto Instalando dependencia para usar Lottie con React JS Primeros pasos Usando Lottie Otras configuraciones para el Lottie Speed Background Direction Style onEvent Obteniendo la referencia Ejecutando métodos del Player Agregando controles Conclusión Demostración en vivo Código fuente ️Tecnologías a utilizar ️React JS version ️Vite JS ️TypeScript ️LottieFiles ️CSS vanilla ️¿Quéson los Lottie animations Lottie es una biblioteca creada por Airbnb para facilitar la creación de animaciones para diferentes plataformas Un archivo Lottie estácompuesto por un archivo JSON Esto significa que si tienes conocimientos en este tipo de archivos puedes modificar tanto su aspecto como sus variables aunque también existen aplicaciones que te permite modificarlos de una manera más fácil Los Lottie funcionan en cualquier dispositivo y se pueden escalar sin pérdida de calidad al igual que un archivo SVG ️Diferencia entre GIF y Lottie La gran diferencia entre los GIF animados y los archivos Lottie es que los GIFs están formados por imágenes y los Lottie se generan a través de código en un archivo de tipo JSON lo que permite personalizarlos completamente Los Lottie a nivel de tiempos de carga son mucho más rápidos que la multitud de los archivos GIFs y tienen un peso menor que los GIFs ️Sitios web donde puedes descargar archivos Lottie LottieFiles IconScout Motion Elements LottieFlow Lordicon ️Creando el proyecto Al proyecto le colocaremos el nombre de lottie app opcional tu le puedes poner el nombre que gustes npm init vite latestCreamos el proyecto con Vite JS y seleccionamos React con TypeScript Luego ejecutamos el siguiente comando para navegar al directorio que se acaba de crear cd lottie appLuego instalamos las dependencias npm installDespués abrimos el proyecto en un editor de código en mi caso VS code code ️Instalando dependencia para usar Lottie con React JS Para usar archivos Lottie en react existen algunas librerías para dicha tarea en este caso usaremos lottiefiles react lottie playerEntonces en la terminal debemos estar en el proyecto lottie app ejecutamos el siguiente comando para instalar la dependencia para usar los archivos Lottie npm install lottiefiles react lottie player ️Primeros pasos Dentro de la carpeta src App tsx borramos todo el contenido del archivo y colocamos un componente funcional que muestre un titulo export const App gt return lt div className container gt lt h gt Using Lottie with React JS ️ lt h gt lt div gt export default AppDebería de verse algo así ️Usando Lottie Ahora necesitamos un componente especial para mostrar nuestro Lottie El componente se llama Player y lo obtenemos del siguiente paquete import Player from lottiefiles react lottie player Hora de usarlo import Player from lottiefiles react lottie player const App gt return lt div className container gt lt h gt Using Lottie with React JS ️ lt h gt lt Player gt lt div gt export default AppEl componente Player necesita un propiedad que es obligatoria la cual es el src El cual recibe un string Y de donde obtenemos ese src Dicha propiedad la podemos localizar en alguna pagina donde puedas descargar archivos Lottie en este caso usaremos la pagina de LottieFiles Primero iniciamos sesión o creamos una cuenta en LottieFiles Buscamos algún Lottie y lo seleccionamos Lo mas probable es que debajo del Lottie te aparezcan unas opciones y una de ellas sera el Lottie Animation URL y esa URL sera la que colocaremos en la propiedad src del componente Player Nota Debes ponerle un ancho y alto a este componente Player Puedes usar la propiedad style que el componente ofrece yo en este caso lo hago atreves de un className y estilos cSSimport Player from lottiefiles react lottie player const App gt return lt div className container gt lt h gt Using Lottie with React JS ️ lt h gt lt Player src className player gt lt div gt export default App Debería de verse así Notaras que el lottie no realiza ningún movimiento como animación eso es debido a que faltan algunas propiedades que debemos configurar autoplay permite que el lottie inicie de manera automática una vez este listo recibe valores booleanos loop permite que la animación se vuelva a repetir de manera automática recibe valores booleanos lt Player src className player loop autoplay gt Ahora debería de verse así Generalmente esto es lo único que necesitarías para usar lottie en tu aplicación pero veamos que otras propiedades nos ofrece este componente ️Otras configuraciones para el Lottie Ademas de las propiedades que vimos con anterioridad el componente Player tiene otras propiedades interesantes como Speed Propiedad que recibe un valor numérico el cual maneja la velocidad de la animación y por defecto tiene el valor de lt Player src className player loop autoplay speed gt Background Propiedad que recibe un valor string y el cual maneja el color del fondo del Lottie lt Player src className player loop autoplay background red gt Direction Propiedad que recibe un valor numérico o y el cual maneja el en que dirección se debe realizar la animación comenzando desde el inicio al final o comenzando desde el final al inicio Por defecto su valor es lt Player src className player loop autoplay direction gt Style Propiedad que recibe un objeto igual que un estilo en linea en JSX y el cual maneja el estilo del contenedor del Lottie lt Player src className player loop autoplay style height px width px gt onEvent Esta propiedad recibe una función que permite recibe como parámetro un PlayerEvent Básicamente esta función esta escuchando diversos eventos load Cuando los datos de la animación se cargan error Cuando una fuente de animación no puede ser analizada no se carga o tiene errores de formato ready Cuando los datos de la animación están cargados y el reproductor estálisto play Cuando la animación comienza a reproducirse pause Cuando la animación estáen pausa stop Cuando la animación se detiene freeze Cuando la animación se detiene porque el reproductor es invisible loop Cuando se completa un bucle de animación complete Cuando la animación se ha completadoframe Cuando se introduce un nuevo fotograma const handleEventPlayer e PlayerEvent gt if event load alert Lottie Load lt Player src className player loop autoplay onEvent handleEventPlayer gt ️Obteniendo la referencia Obtener la referencia al componente Player es similar a como lo haríamos con un componente JSX Solo necesitamos usar la propiedad ref y en conjunto con el hook useRef ya tendríamos lo necesario const playerRef useRef lt Player gt null lt Player src className player loop autoplay ref playerRef gt ¿Y para que necesitaríamos obtener la referencia al componente Player Bueno obtener la referencia sera necesario para ejecutar diversos métodos que nos ofrece el componente Los cuales veremos a continuación Ejecutando métodos del Player Dentro de la propiedad current de la referencia playerRef tendremos acceso a unos cuantos métodos como play Comienza a reproducir la animación pause Pausa la animación stop Detiene la animación Ninguno de los métodos antes mencionados requieren algún parámetro y no retornan nada playerRef current play playerRef current pause playerRef current stop También tenemos unas funciones setters para estableces ciertos valores al PlayersetPlayerSpeed Establece la velocidad de la animación recibe solo valores numéricos setLoop Establece si la animación debe ejecutarse mas de una vez de manera automática recibe solo valores booleanos setSeeker Establece un fotograma determinado recibe solo valores numéricos o cadenas de porcentaje playerRef current setPlayerSpeed playerRef current setLoop true playerRef current setSeeker ️Agregando controles Aparte del componente Player también existe otro componente llamado Controls y para usarlo debe estar anidado dentro del componente Player de la siguiente manera lt Player src className player gt lt Controls gt lt Player gt Dicho componente recibe diversos parámetros pero solo mencionaremos algunos como visible Propiedad que permite hacer visible o no la caja de controles Solo acepta valores booleanos darkTheme Propiedad que permite cambiar el aspecto de la caja de controles a un tema oscuro Solo acepta valores booleanos buttons Propiedad que permite desplegar los botones que puede tener la caja de controles Solo acepta un arreglo de strings con algunos de los siguientes valores playrepeatstopframesnapshotbackground lt Player src className player gt lt Controls visible true darkTheme true buttons play repeat frame stop gt lt Player gt Hice este ejemplo también para que puedas observar dichos controles Échale un vistazo Ve a la sección de Demostración en vivo ️Conclusión Los archivos Lottie son una mejor opción para adornar tu web y darle vida con estas animaciones Cada vez es un elemento más utilizado en el diseño web Pero no obstante debes tener control sobre la cantidad de animaciones que colocas no quieres sobrecargar tu web y hacerla más lenta Y también debes tener cuidado de donde descargas estos archivos por que recuerda que son basados en código Asi que debes buscar fuentes viables ️Demostración en vivo ️Código fuente Franklin lottie app Application to show how Lottie files work using React JS ️ How to use Lottie animations in React ️This project will help you understand how to use Lottie animations together with the React JS library Technologies React JSTypeScriptVite JSLottieFiles Installation Clone the repository you need to have Git installed git clone Install dependencies of the project npm installRun the project npm run dev Links ️Demo of the application Here s the link to the tutorial in case you d like to take a look at it eyes View on GitHub |
2022-07-15 13:52:40 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to use Lottie animations & React JS? 🖌️ |
How to use Lottie animations amp React JS ️Surely you ve seen some GIF like elements on web pages that attract a lot of attention because of their movement and design and you re wondering What are these elements and How can I use them in my web page Well this is precisely what you will learn but using React JS Any kind of feedback is welcome thanks and I hope you enjoy the article Table of contents Technologies to be used What are Lottie animations Difference between GIF and Lottie Websites where you can download Lottie files Creating the project Installing dependency to use Lottie with React JS First steps Using Lottie Other configurations for Lottie Speed Background Direction Style onEvent Getting the reference Executing Player s methods Adding controls Conclusion Live demo Source code ️Technologies to be used ️React JS v ️Vite JS ️TypeScript ️LottieFiles ️CSS vanilla ️What are Lottie animations Lottie is a library created by Airbnb to facilitate the creation of animations for different platforms A Lottie file is composed of a JSON file This means that if you have knowledge of this type of file you can modify both its appearance and its variables although there are also applications that allow you to modify them in an easier way Lottie files work on any device and can be scaled without loss of quality just like an SVG file ️Difference between GIF and Lottie The big difference between animated GIFs and Lottie files is that GIFs are made up of images and Lottie files are generated through code in a JSON file which allows them to be completely customized In terms of loading times Lottie files are much faster than most GIF files and have a lower weight than GIFs ️Websites where you can download Lottie files LottieFiles IconScout Motion Elements LottieFlow Lordicon ️Creating the project We will name the project lottie app optional you can name it whatever you like npm init vite latestWe create the project with Vite JS and select React with TypeScript Then we run the following command to navigate to the directory just created cd lottie appThen we install the dependencies npm installThen we open the project in a code editor in my case VS code code ️Installing dependency to use Lottie with React JS To use Lottie files in react there are some libraries for that task in this case we will use lottiefiles react lottie playerThen in the terminal we must be in the lottie app project we execute the following command to install the dependency to use the Lottie files npm install lottiefiles react lottie player ️First steps Inside the folder src App tsx we delete all the contents of the file and place a functional component that displays a title export const App gt return lt div className container gt lt h gt Using Lottie with React JS ️ lt h gt lt div gt export default AppIt should look something like this ️Using Lottie Now we need a special component to display our Lottie The component is called Player and we get it from the following package import Player from lottiefiles react lottie player Time to use it import Player from lottiefiles react lottie player const App gt return lt div className container gt lt h gt Using Lottie with React JS ️ lt h gt lt Player gt lt div gt export default AppThe Player component needs a property that is mandatory which is the src Which receives a string And where do we get that src This property can be located in some page where you can download Lottie files in this case we will use the page of LottieFiles First we log in or create an account at LottieFiles We search for a Lottie and select it The most probable thing is that under the Lottie you will see some options and one of them will be the Lottie Animation URL and that URL will be the one that we will place in the property src of the component Player Note You must put a width and height to this Player component You can use the style property that the component offers in this case I do it through a className and CSS styles import Player from lottiefiles react lottie player const App gt return lt div className container gt lt h gt Using Lottie with React JS ️ lt h gt lt Player src className player gt lt div gt export default App It should look like this You will notice that the lottie does not perform any movement as animation that is because some properties that we must configure are missing autoplay allows the lottie to start automatically once it is ready receives boolean values loop allows the animation to repeat automatically receives boolean values lt Player src className player loop autoplay gt It should now look like this Generally this is all you would need to use lottie in your application but let s see what other properties this component offers ️OOther configurations for Lottie In addition to the properties we saw previously the Player component has other interesting properties such as Speed Property that receives a numeric value which manages the speed of the animation and by default has the value of lt Player src className player loop autoplay speed gt Background Property that receives a string value and which handles the background color of the Lottie lt Player src className player loop autoplay background red gt Direction Property that receives a numeric value or and which manages in which direction the animation should be performed starting from the beginning to the end or starting from the end to the beginning By default its value is lt Player src className player loop autoplay direction gt Style Property that receives an object just like an inline style in JSX and which handles the style of the Lottie container lt Player src className player loop autoplay style height px width px gt onEvent This property receives a function that allows to receive as parameter a PlayerEvent Basically this function is listening for several events load When the animation data is loaded error When an animation source cannot be parsed is not loaded or has formatting errors ready When the animation data is loaded and the player is ready play When the animation starts playing pause When the animation is paused stop When the animation is stopped freeze When the animation stops because the player is invisible loop When an animation loop is completed complete When the animation is completed frame When a new frame is inserted const handleEventPlayer e PlayerEvent gt if event load alert Lottie Load lt Player src className player loop autoplay onEvent handleEventPlayer gt ️Getting the reference To obtain the reference to the Player component is similar to how we would do it with a JSX component We only need to use the property ref and in conjunction with the hook useRef we would already have what we need const playerRef useRef lt Player gt null lt Player src className player loop autoplay ref playerRef gt And why would we need to obtain the reference to the Player component Well to obtain the reference will be necessary to execute several methods that the component offers us Which we will see next Executing Player s methods Inside the current property of the playerRef reference we will have access to a few methods like play Starts playing the animation pause Pause the animation stop Stops the animation None of the above methods require any parameters and return nothing playerRef current play playerRef current pause playerRef current stop We also have some setters functions to set certain values to the Player setPlayerSpeed Sets the speed of the animation receives only numeric values s etLoop Sets whether the animation should run more than once automatically receives only boolean values setSeeker Sets a specific frame receives only numeric values or percentage strings playerRef current setPlayerSpeed playerRef current setLoop true playerRef current setSeeker ️Adding controls Apart from the Player component there is also another component called Controls and to use it it must be nested inside the Player component as follows lt Player src className player gt lt Controls gt lt Player gt This component receives several parameters but we will only mention some of them such as visible Property that allows to make visible or not the control box It only accepts boolean values darkTheme Property that allows to change the appearance of the control box to a dark theme Only accepts boolean values buttons Property that allows to display the buttons that can have the control box It only accepts an array of strings with some of the following values playrepeatstopframesnapshotbackground lt Player src className player gt lt Controls visible true darkTheme true buttons play repeat frame stop gt lt Player gt I made this example also so that you can observe these controls Take a look at it Go to the section of the Live demo ️Conclusion Lottie files are a better option to decorate your website and bring it to life with these animations It is an increasingly used element in web design But nevertheless you must have control over the amount of animations you place you don t want to overload your website and slow it down And also you should be careful where you download these files from because remember they are code based So you should look for viable sources Live demo Source code Franklin lottie app Application to show how Lottie files work using React JS ️ How to use Lottie animations in React ️This project will help you understand how to use Lottie animations together with the React JS library Technologies React JSTypeScriptVite JSLottieFiles Installation Clone the repository you need to have Git installed git clone Install dependencies of the project npm installRun the project npm run dev Links ️Demo of the application Here s the link to the tutorial in case you d like to take a look at it eyes View on GitHub |
2022-07-15 13:50:56 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Follow Friday: Git Edition (15 July 2022) |
Follow Friday Git Edition July Happy Friday friends Follow Friday is your weekly opportunity to shout out fellow DEV Community members doing awesome work Check out the comments and follow someone new This week we launched a new Twitter account TheGitDev to share our favorite Git content straight to your Twitter feed That s because we have so many excellent DEV writers sharing their tips and tricks for wrangling your favorite version control system So devs who are your favorite DEV community members writing about Git Formatting tip to populate a card with a follow button use the liquid tag syntax embed https and insert the URL of your favorite author s profile Join in on the FollowFriday fun by mentioning your favorite author to follow for Git goodies and letting us know why you love their posts ️ |
2022-07-15 13:50:06 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Are cover letters worth the time? |
Are cover letters worth the time This is an anonymous post sent in by a member who does not want their name disclosed Please be thoughtful with your responses as these are usually tough posts to write Email sloan dev to if you d like to leave an anonymous comment or if you want to ask your own anonymous question I ve just re entered the job market after about years at one company Just wondering if putting all my energy into writing different cover letters for each job is actually worth it Thanks |
2022-07-15 13:11:39 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Shopify demos Apple's RoomPlan, strips all furniture from room |
Shopify demos Apple x s RoomPlan strips all furniture from roomCanada based ecommerce site Shopify has demonstrated an unexpected use of Apple s RoomPlan API to clear a room before filling it with furniture via Apple AR Apple announced RoomPlan at WWDC but by itself this AR technology will not be any Apple app Instead RoomPlan is an API that developers can tap into in order to provide its features as part of their own apps It s been anticipated that retailers could use the RoomPlan API in order to show customers what particular items of say furniture would look like in their home Ikea has already been doing this since shortly after Apple announced ARKit in but RoomPlan leverages the newer LiDAR technology Read more |
2022-07-15 13:54:29 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Daily deals July 15: $300 off 75-inch 4K Hisense TV, 24% discount on 16-inch MacBook Pro, Crucial 1TB SSD for $80, more |
Daily deals July off inch K Hisense TV discount on inch MacBook Pro Crucial TB SSD for moreFriday s best deals include off an EVGA Z RGB keyboard off iPad Air Refurbished inch iPad Pro sale starting at and much more Best deals July On a daily basis AppleInsider checks online stores to uncover discounts on products including Apple hardware mobile devices hardware upgrades smart TVs and accessories The best offers are compiled into our daily deals post for you to enjoy Read more |
2022-07-15 13:35:52 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple launches Apple Music Sessions with exclusive live performances |
Apple launches Apple Music Sessions with exclusive live performancesApple Music has introduce its new live Apple Music Sessions beginning with performances from Carrie Underwood and Tenille Townes Apple Music Sessions see artists performing a short selection of tracks typically from their own hits plus covers of personal favorites Each one is recorded in Spatial Audio and is also presented in video The intention is that the Spatial Audio and companion live performance music videos will be recorded in Apple Music s studios around the world The initial two artists Carrie Underwood and Tenille Townes were both recorded in Apple Music s new studios in Nashville Tennessee Read more |
2022-07-15 13:16:25 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
iOS 16 Public Beta, M2 MacBook Air Reviews, Best Wi-Fi Routers for iPhone on the AppleInsider Podcast |
iOS Public Beta M MacBook Air Reviews Best Wi Fi Routers for iPhone on the AppleInsider PodcastWe round up the initial reviews for M MacBook Air discuss the first public betas highlight features like Continuity Camera and discuss the rumored Apple Watch Pro all on the AppleInsider podcast iOS public beta and M MacBook Air reviews on the AppleInsider PodcastReviews are piling in about the M MacBook Air and it is exactly the computer we hoped it would be The new Midnight color may be prone to fingerprints and dings but we d still buy the finish in a heartbeat if it arrived on a pro model Read more |
2022-07-15 13:01:04 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Casio's new G-Shock watch is inspired by NASA's eye-catching orange spacesuits |
Casio x s new G Shock watch is inspired by NASA x s eye catching orange spacesuitsCasio has launched a new G Shock model with a bold color that would look instantly familiar to space fans It takes its eye catching hue from the iconic orange suits astronauts wear for the ascent and entry portions of their flight so that they could be easily spotted by rescue teams in case their spacecraft has to bail out into the ocean On the watch s official product page G Shock wrote that the black dial of the watch represents the black visor on the helmets astronauts wear with the suit while the thin blue line on the dial mimics the suits blue accents nbsp In addition the watch s band loop is adorned by an American flag and the back of its casing features the engraving of an astronaut Even its packaging is on theme The watch comes in a tin can and a box that also feature elements of NASA s quot pumpkin suits quot As collectSPACE notes NASA introduced the vivid spacesuits following the Challenger tragedy in the s and they had gone through several iterations since then The latest version is the Orion Crew Survival System which had been optimized for comfort comes in more than one size and was designed to be easier to connect to the communications system nbsp That Casio would release a new G Shock watch based on a NASA spacesuit doesn t come as a surprise It has a long history with the agency with G Shock being one of the few timepieces NASA has approved for use on the space shuttle and aboard the ISS In fact this is the third NASA branded G Shock model it has released following an all white and a black and white watch adorned with the red NASA logo known as quot the worm quot This orange watch however is more expensive than its predecessors and will set buyers back It s only available for a limited time and can be purchased from Casio s website |
2022-07-15 13:45:15 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The best student discounts we found for 2022 |
The best student discounts we found for Your college years can be some of the best of your life but we know it can be tough to enjoy them when you re scrounging every dollar for textbooks food and if you re lucky the occasional outing with friends Money is tight when you re a student and that financial stress can be compounded by the reality of having to stay on top of your studies If there s a silver lining it s student discounts Many companies offer their products and apps for less to those struggling through lectures writing term papers and studying for finals We ve compiled a list of the best deals you can get on useful services along with some things you ll enjoy in your down time Just keep in mind that most of these offers require you to prove your status as a student either by signing up with your edu email address or providing some form of student identification ShoppingEngadgetAmazon Prime StudentIf you re not piggybacking off of your parents Amazon Prime account you can have the subscription for less while you re in school College students can get Prime Student for free for six months then it costs only per month after that That comes out to about per year and the membership includes the same perks as regular Prime does including free two day shipping free same day delivery in select areas and access to the entire Prime Video library Buy Prime Student at Amazon a yearBest BuyWhile it doesn t offer a specific student discount Best Buy has Student Deals that you can sign up to receive Aside from proving your student status the only requirement is for you to be a My Best Buy member that program is free to enroll in We actually recommend that most people sign up for My Best Buy because some items especially during site wide sales will be even cheaper for members All student deals will appear in the Member Offers page in your account Sign up for Student Deals at Best BuyAppleApple offers some deals to students and educators in the form of knocking down the prices of its most popular laptops and tablets There isn t a flat percentage rate across all products the discounts vary by device For example right now students can get a MacBook Air M starting at which is less than the normal starting price and the iPad Pros start at which represents a discount These are decent savings if you must have a brand new Apple product but those with tighter budgets should also consider Apple s refurb program Also for students can get up to a gift card and percent off AppleCare when they purchase a qualifying Mac or iPad Shop Apple s back to school promosSamsungMuch like Apple Samsung doesn t offer a blanket discount across all of its products for students But you can save depending on what you re looking to buy For example you can save hundreds on the latest Galaxy S smartphones and the discount will be deeper if you have a handset to trade in On the laptop and tablet side of things you can get a Galaxy Chromebook for as low as or a Galaxy Tab S for as low as Shop Samsung s back to school promosMicrosoftMicrosoft also provides students and educators with up to percent off its gadgets including the already affordable Surface Go and the Surface Headphones And Microsoft s online store doesn t only sell Surface devices You can also find Windows PCs from Lenovo HP Acer and others there at discounted prices Shop Microsoft s back to school promosStreamingEngadgetSpotifySpotify Premium s student plan gives you a lot for only per month Besides access to millions of songs it also includes Hulu s ad supported tier and Showtime s ad free service You d spend roughly a month if you paid for all three separately at their full prices making this student offer one of the best you can get Buy Spotify Premium Student a monthPandoraPandora also offers students its Premium membership for per month Pandora s offering doesn t include any additional services but you do get an ad free experience personalized music unlimited skips and unlimited offline play Plus you ll get days of free use before your payments kick in Buy Pandora Premium Student a monthApple MusicApple also slashes percent off its Apple Music subscription for students bringing it down to per month The offer is available for up to months so you can enjoy the rate for the entirety of your college experience What s more the company bundles Apple TV in this student offer so you can watch Apple originals like Ted Lasso and Severance Buy Apple Music Student membership a monthParamount Paramount s student discount knocks percent off the Essentials monthly plan so you ll end up paying around per month for access to the service s content with limited commercials With this subscription you can watch shows like Star Trek Strange New Worlds South Park RuPaul s Drag Race and more but just keep in mind that this particular plan doesn t include access to your local CBS station Buy Paramount Student monthDiscovery Discovery knocks percent off monthly plans for students so you can get access for only per month You ll pay for the Ad Lite plan so there will still be commercials to sit through but you can get that discounted rate for as long as you are an enrolled student Buy Discovery Student monthTidalTidal provides student discounts on both of its streaming services Premium and Hi Fi Premium drops to per month down from while Hi Fi costs per month down from Tidal is still often overshadowed by Spotify and Apple Music but these discounts are a good way to give it a try without spending too much money Buy Tidal Student starting at a monthHuluCollege students can sign up for Hulu s ad supported plan for only per month That s less than the normal price and a great deal considering all of the content that Hulu has to offer think The Handmaid s Tale Grey s Anatomy Rick amp Morty and more Yes you have to deal with commercials but it s a small price to pay to binge watch shows like Brooklyn Nine Nine which can provide a much needed laugh when you re drowning in coursework Buy Hulu ad supported a monthYouTubeIf you re already spending a lot of time watching YouTube you may have a better experience with YouTube Premium The Student plan cuts nearly percent off the price so you ll pay per month for ad free video viewing background play video downloads and access to YouTube Premium Music The latter is YouTube s attempt at a Spotify Apple Music competitor but it has a long way to go before it can really hold a candle to those services However if you listen to most of your music via YouTube already Premium could be your one stop shop for music and video streaming Buy YouTube Premium Student a monthHeadspaceBeing a student is stressful even in the best of times but now it s even more difficult to concentrate and find peace Headspace is just one of many meditation and mindfulness apps available that can help with that but it stands apart with an excellent student discount for the entire year or less than a normal annual membership In addition to a large library of meditation lessons and routines to follow Headspace recently added SleepCasts a collection of soothing voices reading bedtime stories to help you fall asleep as well as “mindful workout routines Buy Headspace Student plan a yearToolsEngadgetAdobe Creative CloudYou re probably using Adobe products if you re studying anything related to digital art or design Adobe Creative Cloud is the industry standard in this space but the entire suite of programs is quite expensive at per month Thankfully Adobe has education pricing for students that drops the entire creative suite to per month for the first year That includes the big programs like Photoshop CC and Illustrator CC along with Lightroom CC Premiere Pro CC Adobe XD and more After your first year the monthly cost increases to per month While not ideal it s still more affordable for students than it is for industry professionals If you re not tied to Adobe programs you might also consider Affinity Photo Designer and Publisher apps from Serif each for the Mac or Windows versions which compete with Photoshop Illustrator and InDesign respectively Buy Adobe CC a monthAbleton LiveRegardless of whether you re studying music production students can get percent off Ableton Live Standard or Suite for as long as they are enrolled full time That brings Live Standard down to and Suite down to ーgreat discounts on some of the best music software available right now Buy Ableton Live starting at Microsoft Many students have to use Microsoft tools on the regular If your college or university doesn t provide you with an account you can still get Microsoft for free by taking advantage of the company s student and educator discount This gives you access to Word Excel PowerPoint OneNote and even Microsoft Teams free of charge which is a solid deal considering an annual subscription costs Get Microsoft UlyssesSpending all day and night writing papers is even more frustrating when you don t have all your writing organized in one place Ulysses is a popular writing app for mac iOS that can be used for note taking as well as thesis writing with features like auto save and auto backup word count writing goals markup plain text support and DropBox integration Normally Ulysses costs per year but students can get it for only every six months or per year There isn t a direct alternative for Windows users but you do have options including Scrivener a one time student price of IA Writer a one time price and FocusWriter free and open source Buy Ulysses a yearEvernoteEvernote can be an indispensable tool if you like to keep all of your thoughts in one place ーeverything from class notes to web clippings to to do lists Students can get half off one year of Evernote Premium which brings the price down to per month or for the year Premium is the way to go if you re investing in Evernote because it syncs your notes across unlimited devices gives you offline access lets you annotate PDFs and search saved documents Buy Evernote Premium year a monthNotion Personal Pro planNotion provides students and educators its Personal Pro plan for free just by signing up with a valid edu email address While the free version of the service has a ton of features the Pro plan adds unlimited pages and blocks file uploads and version history That means you won t be restricted if you want to collect your entire academic life in Notion along with your personal to do lists agendas notes and more Get Notion Personal Pro planGithub Student Developer PackAspiring developers can sign up for Github s Student Developer Pack which includes discounts and resources that developers can use to learn create projects and more Github partnered with a bunch of companies including Educative Canva Namecheap Bootstrap Studio and others to offer students access to many of the services they ll need as the expand their skills Get Github Student Developer PackSquarespace Student planWhether you re itching to get a jump start on your portfolio or just want an online space to show off your work Squarespace is a good option as it gives students a percent discount on any of its annual plans The most affordable option will cost for the year which is half the normal yearly price of Squarespace is one of many website builders out there but it s particularly popular with creative professionals Its customizable templates make it easy to build a website and make it look exactly how you want it Plus you can upgrade down the line to add things like website analytics custom JavaScript and CSS and e commerce Buy Squarespace starting at a yearNewsEngadgetYou shouldn t rely on Twitter to be your sole source of news With foreign wars new viruses Supreme Court decisions and upcoming elections making headlines daily it s important to get your news from reliable sources Yes it s daunting to get into the news on a regular basis but it s crucial to know what s going on in the country and the world as a whole Here are some reputable news organizations that offer student discounts on their monthly or annual subscription plans The Atlantic Starts at per year for digital only access The New York Times every four weeks for a base subscription The Washington Post every four weeks for digital only access The Wall Street Journal Starting at per month for the Student Digital Pack |
2022-07-15 13:05:16 |
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Is newer better? What you probably don’t know about OM5 multi-mode fiber (Part 1) |
Is newer better What you probably don t know about OM multi mode fiber Part Learn about the optical fiber used for short reach connectivity in data center and campus networks In part one of this two part blog post we review the key characteristics of standardized multi mode fibers |
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Biggest Cryptominers in the U.S. Can Use as Much Power as Houston, Findings Show |
Biggest Cryptominers in the U S Can Use as Much Power as Houston Findings ShowThe findings by a congressional investigation highlight how the surge in activity has caused consumers electrical bills to rise and makes it harder to fight global warming |
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How Joe Manchin Doomed the Democrats’ Climate Plan |
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Heatwave: National emergency declared after UK's first red extreme heat warning |
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Ukraine war: British man Paul Urey held by separatists dies |
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Guisborough mum jailed for life for toddler's murder |
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Postman rescues neighbour and his dog from Swindon house fires |
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'A dream come true' - Raphinha joins Barcelona |
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Sarina Wiegman: England manager tests positive for Covid |
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