AWS On Air ft: Amazon Glue & AWS Feature Store | Amazon Web Services |
AWS On Air ft Amazon Glue amp AWS Feature Store Amazon Web ServicesAWS On Air brings you the latest news announcements launches and demos from AWS Subscribe More AWS videos More AWS events videos ABOUT AWSAmazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform offering over fully featured services from data centers globally Millions of customers ーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agencies ーare using AWS to lower costs become more agile and innovate faster AmazonGlue AWSOnAir AWS AmazonWebServices CloudComputing |
2022-07-21 23:02:13 |
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【Python】学習時間を記録するDiscord Botを作成する |
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2022-07-22 08:13:26 |
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【Active Storage】ストレージ内にzipファイルを生成してDLする機能作成までにやったこと |
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2022-07-22 08:47:45 |
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Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Git initコマンドについて |
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2022-07-22 08:37:10 |
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Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
GIT ディレクトリとMkdirについて |
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2022-07-22 08:15:45 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Amazon Athena でクエリ実行計画の可視化と、実行結果の統計情報を取得出来るようになりました |
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2022-07-21 23:36:38 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
UIKitとSwiftUIでタイトルの無いActionSheetを表示する |
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2022-07-21 23:00:32 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
🍔 Single Slider: Payment Objects Overview |
Single Slider Payment Objects OverviewLearn how Stripe s payment objects relate to each other and determine the best objects to use for your project in this short video What is TSE TSE is short for Technical Solutions Engineering a team of engineers at who help developers like you build amazing things with Stripe We help people both inside and outside of Stripe by answering questions investigating bugs working on various projects and teaching others what we know Perhaps you d like to join us What s a Single Slider Single Sliders are similar to one pagers except they take the form of a single slide presentation and have a punny name Single Sliders originally started as short conversation starters at the beginning of our internal TSE Office Hours sessions We eventually started to publish them internally as videos with transcripts so everyone at Stripe could view them without needing to attend Office Hours We realized some Single Sliders would be valuable for everyone if we published them outside of Stripe as well so here we are Transcript Welcome to another TSE Single Slider This time we re going to look at an overview of payment objects at Stripe the roles these objects play and how they relate to each other ChargesLet s start at the bottom with Charges Charges have IDs that start with either a ch or py prefix Charges represent specific attempts to move money into a Stripe account Typically a Charge represents an incoming payment from a customer like a card payment or bank transfer but Charges also represent money moving into a Stripe account from another Stripe account in Connect scenarios The ch prefix is used for card Charges and py is used for all other Charges Payment IntentsNext we have Payment Intents which have IDs that begin with a pi prefix Payment Intents are state machines which facilitate synchronous and asynchronous payment flows An example of a synchronous payment would be a card payment that succeeds immediately and an asynchronous example would be a card payment which requires D Secure authentication before being authorized Payment Intents represent the current state of an overall intent to pay Every time a Payment Intent attempts payment it creates a Charge to represent each specific payment attempt For example a Payment Intent may attempt payment twice with the first attempt creating a Charge that fails followed by a second attempt which creates a Charge that succeeds In this scenario a single Payment Intent would have two Charges associated with it but Payment Intents can generate as many Charges as needed until the Payment Intent succeeds or the attempt is canceled or abandoned Both Payment Intents and Charges are what I like to call low level payment objects at Stripe These objects are used to handle the mechanics of collecting a specified amount from a given Payment Method but they lack many features provided by high level payment objects which we ll look at now Checkout SessionsLet s start with Checkout Sessions which have IDs that start with a cs prefix Checkout Sessions are used to configure and track individual uses of Stripe Checkout our hosted payment page Checkout Sessions have many configuration options but when configured to take a one time payment a Checkout Session will create a Payment Intent to facilitate that payment Payment LinksThe next high level object is Payment Links which have IDs that start with plink Payment Links are sharable and reusable URLs which generate Checkout Sessions as needed Payment Links are great when you want to share the same link with many people such as on social media in a newsletter or on your website OrdersAlongside Payment Links and Checkout Sessions we have Orders which have IDs that start with an order prefix Orders manage complex custom payment scenarios and allow you to use high level Stripe features while still maintaining a high degree of control over your integration and payment flow An Order will create a Payment Intent to facilitate payment just as Checkout Sessions do InvoicesNext we have Invoices which have IDs that start with in Invoices are exactly what they sound like detailed statements of amounts owed by a customer An Invoice will also create a Payment Intent to facilitate the payment process SubscriptionsThe last high level payment object we re going to look at are Subscriptions which have IDs that start with sub Subscriptions are Invoice creation engines which facilitate recurring payments An Invoice is created by the Subscription for each Subscription period and each Invoice includes specific details of the payment due for the given period More about object relationships and featuresLet s go back to Checkout Sessions for a moment Earlier I mentioned Checkout Sessions have a lot of configuration options and one of those options is to use Checkout to start a Subscription Thus Checkout Sessions can create Subscriptions in addition to Payment Intents All of these high level payment objects support cool features you don t get with low level payment objects including support for Products Prices line items shipping tax and more Note that all of these high level objects are built on the foundations provided by the low level objects Take a Checkout Session which creates a Subscription for example The Subscription created by the Checkout Session will create Invoices those Invoices will create Payment Intents and those Payment Intents will create Charges This structure allows you to use high level objects which provide great features and ease of use while still taking advantage of our powerful low level objects Using low level objectsBeyond Stripe s high level objects you can also use Payment Intents directly as a foundation for custom high level abstractions outside of Stripe This allows for fully custom payment scenarios that use Stripe as a payment processor for those who do not want or need the high level features we provide Note that creating Charges directly is also technically possible but this approach is deprecated and not recommended Creating Charges directly is quite limiting you can t use as many methods of payment you can t support asynchronous payment flows and you can t take advantage of many of the newer features Stripe has to offer RecommendationsWhen building a Stripe integration you should use our high level payment objects whenever possible You can pick any high level object shown here as your entry point For example you can create Payment Links and let those Payment Links generate Checkout Sessions for you or you can bypass Payment Links all together and create your own Checkout Sessions as needed The same is true for Subscriptions and Invoices you can create one off Invoices on demand or use Subscriptions to generate them periodically for you So there you have it various high level payment objects designed to meet almost every need built on top of a powerful foundation of low level objects you can also leverage directly if you need to Next stepsYou can build amazing things with these payment objects right now Dive into our docs and get started today CheckoutPayment LinksOrdersInvoicesSubscriptionsPayment IntentsChargesFollow us on TwitterJoin the official Discord serverSubscribe to our Youtube channelSign up for the Dev Digest About the authorJustin Michael helps developers like you build amazing things with Stripe as a Technical Solutions Engineer |
2022-07-21 23:44:48 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
米国の経験に学ぶ日銀イールドカーブ・コントロールの構造的欠点:木内登英のGlobal Economy & Policy Insight |
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当面の金融政策運営について(2022年7月21日) |
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2022-07-22 00:00:00 |
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異例の金融緩和の副作用が表面化:日銀政策決定会合は現状維持:木内登英のGlobal Economy & Policy Insight |
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2022-07-22 00:00:00 |
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日本銀行:RSS |
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2022-07-22 08:50:00 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
欧州中央銀行とは ユーロ圏の金融政策を決定
#日経きょうのことば |
欧州中央銀行 |
2022-07-22 00:00:13 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
ファミリーマートがアルバイトの給与前払い制度をほぼ全店で導入へ。給与の最大7割を任意のタイミングで受け取れるようにすることで、コンビニの人材獲得や定着につなげたい考えです。 |
ファミリーマートがアルバイトの給与前払い制度をほぼ全店で導入へ。 |
2022-07-21 23:45:03 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
▶景気優先、日銀動かず 為替対応「合理的でな… |
2022-07-21 23:40:08 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
6月の消費者物価2.2%上昇 3カ月連続2%超え |
物価上昇 |
2022-07-21 23:36:42 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
金1年ぶり安値 「物価の天井」想定、アジアの需要減も |
需要 |
2022-07-21 23:27:59 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
【ウクライナ侵攻】ロシア軍の死者が1万5000人ほど、負傷者は4万5000人程度に達していると米CIA分析。バーンズ長官はプーチン大統領の健康状態については「彼は全くもって健康だ」との見方を示しました。 |
2022-07-21 23:20:06 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
コンテナ船好調の海運株に注目(先読み株式相場) |
株式相場 |
2022-07-21 23:10:40 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
スシローの「生ビールジョッキ半額」キャンペーン中、一部店舗で開店直後から品切れに。同キャンペーンでは開始前に52店舗でポスターなどを誤って掲示していたと13日に発表したばかりでした。 |
スシローの「生ビールジョッキ半額」キャンペーン中、一部店舗で開店直後から品切れに。 |
2022-07-21 23:10:08 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
NTTデータの採用担当が選んだ就活生必読記事 |
採用 |
2022-07-21 23:05:47 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Commonwealth Games: Countries with homophobic laws unlikely to host |
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2022-07-21 23:23:04 |
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BBC News - Home |
Sri Lanka: Forces raid anti-government protest camp |
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BBC News - Home |
Jade Goody's son Bobby Brazier joining EastEnders |
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2022-07-21 23:40:09 |
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BBC News - Home |
The Papers: BBC 'let Diana down' and Sunak 'goes on attack' |
The Papers BBC x let Diana down x and Sunak x goes on attack x News the BBC will pay damages to a former royal nanny and disagreements over tax in the Tory leadership race lead the papers |
2022-07-21 23:13:00 |
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BBC News - Home |
Comic-Con returns in-person to San Diego after pandemic |
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2022-07-21 23:03:35 |
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BBC News - Home |
Richard Osman to embark on new series of crime novels |
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2022-07-21 23:54:19 |
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BBC News - Home |
Ukraine war: Family given sight back settle into Polish life |
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2022-07-21 23:24:13 |
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BBC News - Home |
What UK aid cut means for one South Sudan hospital |
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2022-07-21 23:39:37 |
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BBC News - Home |
I had grief panic attacks in school - but I was lucky |
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2022-07-21 23:55:16 |
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BBC News - Home |
The woman who built a career from true crime and make-up |
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2022-07-21 23:13:41 |
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BBC News - Home |
Whisky makers are turning their backs on peat |
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2022-07-21 23:05:04 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
「パンあげた」説明翻す 2歳児放置疑い祖母の四男 |
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2022-07-22 08:20:06 |
マーケティング |
MarkeZine |
シルクロード×明石ガクト×ケトル・嶋浩一郎が振り返る、YouTubeアワード2022の受賞作 |
これを記念して、同アワードの審査員を務めたFischersのシルクロード氏、ワンメディアの明石ガクト氏、博報堂の嶋浩一郎氏の人が出演したトークイベントが開催。 |
2022-07-22 08:30:00 |
仮想通貨 |
BITPRESS(ビットプレス) |
[日経] NFT、「投機」から「ビジネスへ」へ脱却なるか |
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2022-07-22 08:02:43 |
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BITPRESS(ビットプレス) |
[日経] デジタル通貨で中国足踏み 開発着手8年、なお実験続く |
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2022-07-22 08:01:01 |