IT |
InfoQ |
Mini book: The InfoQ eMag - The Cloud Operating Model |
Mini book The InfoQ eMag The Cloud Operating ModelIn this eMag you will be introduced to the Cloud Operating Model and learn how to avoid critical pitfalls We ve hand picked four full length articles to showcase that By InfoQ |
2022-08-08 17:15:00 |
AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog |
10 Years of Success: AWS and beSharp |
Years of Success AWS and beSharpNext in our “ Years of Success series is beSharp an AWS Premier Tier Services Partner that helps customers design implement and manage complex cloud infrastructures With AWS Competencies in SaaS Data and Analytics DevOps and Migration beSharp s team of cloud experts have contributed to thousands of cloud projects We spoke with beSharp s CEO and Co Founder Simone Merlini about beSharp s work and accomplishments as well as how its business has grown as an AWS Partner since joining the APN in |
2022-08-08 17:23:39 |
AWS Compute Blog |
How to prepare your application to scale reliably with Amazon EC2 |
How to prepare your application to scale reliably with Amazon ECThis blog post is written by Gabriele Postorino Senior Technical Account Manager and Giorgio Bonfiglio Principal Technical Account Manager In this post we ll discuss how you can prepare for planned and unplanned scaling events with Most of the challenges related to horizontal scaling can be mitigated by optimizing the architectural implementation and applying improvements in … |
2022-08-08 17:29:17 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Docker環境でPHPでGDライブラリを有効にする方法 |
composerrequire |
2022-08-09 02:44:48 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Javascript to know for Reactjs |
Javascript to know for ReactjsLearning React js should not be that difficult if you re already comfortable with some concepts in Javascript One of the interesting things about using reactjs is it sharpens your javascript skills but hey before you decide to give react js a try do make sure to understand these javascripts concepts One of the mistake people make when learning a framework library is what it s bringing to the table Before we get started here re topics we will be covering While some of this topics are not directly related to reactjs you ll likely see them often in a react codebase Note most of the topics mentioned here are es and es next javascripts features Let and ConstTernariesTemplate LiteralsShorthand PropertiesRest SpreadDestructuringDefault ParametersES ModulesShort circuit EvaluationHigher Order Functions Array Methods Nulish Coalescing OperationOptional ChainingArrow Functions IntroductionReact js is an open javascript library that enables us to be build fast declarative and component driven web development With react js you can build web apps cross platform mobiles apps react native desktop apps electron node gui progressive web apps pwas So learning react js is worthwhile because you can port your knowledge in building lot of stuffs For example if you re to do the operation below in vanilla javascript let s say you want to fetch the list of users and display appropriate loading or errors you would do something like this lt button onclick displayData gt see users lt button gt lt div id users gt lt div gt lt div id loading gt lt div gt lt div id error gt lt div gt const usersUI document getElementById users const loadingUI document getElementById loading const errorUI document getElementById error const apiUrl fetch data from an apiconst fetchData async gt const res await fetch apiUrl return await res json display your data to the uiconst displayData async gt errorUI innerHTML loadingUI innerHTML Loading fetchData then users gt usersUI innerHTML users map item gt lt p gt item name lt p gt then gt loadingUI innerHTML catch gt loadingUI innerHTML errorUI innerHTML Error fetching data import React useState from react const User gt const loading setLoading useState false const haserror setHasError useState const users setUser useState const loadData async gt setLoading true setHasError fetch apiUrl then res gt res json then data gt setUsers data catch error gt setHasError error finally gt setLoading false return lt div gt lt button onClick loadData gt load users lt button gt loading Loading users amp amp users map user gt lt p gt user name lt p gt error amp amp Error Fetching Data lt div gt Look how we start from targeting the elements from the html making the api and setting the appropriate UI from the function what if we have up to UI to update on the screen that ll quickly turn it int a spagetti code Compared to our react version we set the status of our application in a html like syntax called jsx Let and ConstLet and const are similar way of declaring a variable in javascript the keyword let indicates the variable can still be re assigned to another value whille with const we re saying that s the final valuelet favNumber const LargestSea The Philippine Sea favNumber can still be re assigned without any issue but if you try to re assign LargestSea you will get a parser error Assignment to constant variable TernariesTernaries are shorter way of declaring if else statement in programming For example declaring a function to check if an number is even function isEven input const even n if even return true else return false this can re written to input true false the expression input checks for which indicates the output if the statement is truthy and tells what to put in the else output A practcal example is conditionally add className or style when performing an operation lt div className success success item item gt Items List lt div gt Although you can have multiple nested ternaries it s not considered the best pratice because it reduces code readability Template LiteralsTemplate literals are cleaner way of concatenating items in a javascript expression it starts by declaring backticks and followed by the sign and curly brackets with the intended variable to be concatenated in between the curly brackets it s structure looks like this variable other texts Take for instance let age you ll probably concatenate likr const ageOutPut You are age years old we can do better by writing something like this in template literals const ageOutPut You are age years old Look at how clean that is A practical exmple in react we will extend our ternary operator example a bit say you also have different classes in the div below having item section first section beside the curly brackets indicates this as a string it works perfectly without us needing to concatenate lt div className success success item item item section first section gt Items List lt div gt Shorthand PropertiesTake for example we have a sample object const name Roy let user name name we can write re write this to be let user name note name is now singular inside the object Rest SpreadRest Spread is an es feature of copying joining arrays in javascript It starts with three dots followed by what you want to join or copy for example if we have a sample data Objectsconst user name Tony age const otherPropertie hobby hiking bestColor red if we re to join this together before es we can use the Object assign method The Object assign method allows you to copy all enumerable own properties from one or more source objects to a target object and return the target object Object assign target user Obj Obj let finalMerge Object assign user otherProperties console log finalMerge name Tony age hobby hiking bestColor red using the spread operator we can simple just put it this way let finalMerge user otherProperties ArraysTake for example you have two sample arrays const permissions view user view reports download reports const otherPermissions initiate transactions delete user Before es we could do use the array concat method const finalArray permissions concat otherPermissions would give us something like this view user view reports download reports initiate transactions delete user We can do better by using the spread operator const finalMerge permissions otherPermissions DestructuringDestructuring is a way of accessing the values inside an object or array in a more cleaner and readable way Object Destructuringconst person favNumber green name Mike cars mercedes toyota before es if we want to get the individual properties in the person object we ll first need to assign each of the properties to a varaiable const favNumber person favNumber const name person nameconst cars person carswith object destructuring we could do something like below const favNumber name cars personconsole log favNumber name cars green Mike mercedes toyota Look at how we are able to get the values without needing to re assign it We can stil do somethings with object destructuring what if we want to rename the name property on the person object immediatelty after destructuring we can have something like this const name realName favNumber cars person console log realName Mike What if we destructure an object and we want to give it a default value even while we re not sure this is available yet on the object const name favNumber cars favFood jollof rice personconsole log favFood jollof rice We can even go ahead and destructure nested objects egconst customer name Tom mobile email tomfield email com address country UK city East Davoch zipCode AB street Guildford Rd if we want to get the customer country we could destructure it const address country customerconsole log country UKin our previous topic we talked about rest spread Let s talk more about the rest operator most of the time we use both interchangeably specifically we use rest to copy part or rest of an array or object const cars favNumber otherObj personconsole log otherObj name Mike It copies the rest of the object for us to use Practical react exampleconst HeaderComponent title restProps gt return lt div restProps gt title lt div gt we can use our HeaderComponent like this lt HeaderComponent className my item gt thereby applying our my item class as if we added it manually to the component itself function Argument DestructuringIf we are to pass an object as argument to a function we can destructure it out during usage For examplelet car name Tesla color red function getCar name color return Your car is name with the color color In the getCar function argument we can destructure it out since we know what we re expecting Array DestructuringArray destructuring works similarly like object destructuring for example let s look at the sample data below const users John Mike Cole Bekky const a b others usersconsole log a b others John Mike Cole Bekky Practical example in react is the useState functionimport useState from react const loading setLoading useState false Default ParametersDefault parameters allows us to set a default value for a function parameter if its missing while being called For example function greetUser username user return Welcome username hope you bought some pizzas const greetingsOne greetUser Greg console log greetingsOne Welcome Greg hope you bought some pizzas const greetingsTwo greetUser console log greetingsTwo Welcome user hope you bought some pizzas Note the difference between the two greetings in the second greeting username returned as user because that s what we passed as the default value ES ModulesES Modules is the standard way Javascript handles javascript files that exposes values needed externally from other files places using the export keyword It s worth noting we also do have commonjs standard for many years but the implementation of ECMAScript a JavaScript standard meant to ensure the interoperability of web pages across different web browsers ES module paves the way browsers parses and loads javascript files ES Moduleperson jsexport const person name Simon color yellow user jsimport person from person js console log person name Simon color yellow We can export values in our js file in two ways named export and default export our first example in person js is a named export the name you use to declare it its file must be the same name you are using to importing it in our case person but what if we already have a variable in our file having the same name well we can rename it with alias import person as currentPerson from person js we have successfully rename person to currentPerson import person as currentPerson from person js console log currentPersion name Simon color yellow console log person person is not defined Default ExportDefault exports allows us to only expose a single value to the outside world in a js file It is indicated by using the keyword export default value usually at the bottom of the file or immediately after it s declaration You can only use a default export once in a file else it throws a parser error colors jsconst colors red blue green orange export default views jsimport colorList from colors js console log colorList red blue green orange When a file is exported by default you can import it with any name you want we could have called colorList colorsArray and it will still work fine Short circuitsShort circuits is evaluating expression from left to right until it is confirmed the already evaluated conditions is not going to affect the remaining conditions thereby skipping unneccessary works leading to efficient processing Short cicuits supports two operators amp amp AND and OR AND amp amp true amp amp Hello gt This outputs Hello true amp amp true amp amp false gt This outputs false false amp amp true gt This outputs false true amp amp false amp amp false gt This outputs false OR true false gt This outputs truefalse hello false gt This outputs hello Pratcical react usageimport useState useEffect from react const Items gt const loading setLoading useState false const data setData useState async function ladData const response await await fetch http dataBaseUrl json setData response setLoading false useEffect gt setLoading true loadData return lt div gt loading amp amp Loading while loading is true shows Loading data lengtht amp amp data map item gt lt p key item id gt item sampleName lt p gt if data length is truthy ie it s length is greater than then go ahead to ahead to show list in the UI lt div gt Be careful when using short circuit for conditional rendering scenarios like zero and undefined can cause weird behaviours on the UI for example const Todos gt const list return lt div gt list length amp amp list map todo gt lt p key todo id gt todo title lt p gt lt div gt Guess what will be displayed as the list of todos Yeah basically javascript interpretes zero or undefined value to falsy value One way we can solve this is typecasting the list length to boolean list length or Boolean list length would have prevented this kind of error Higher Order Functions Array Methods Higher Order Functions HOF are function which takes another function as an argument parameters or returns a function The chances you ve used at least once or more unknownly Commons one s you may be using are FindFilterMapIncludesReduceother notable mentions here some every const users id name Leanne Graham username Bret email Sincere april biz phone x website hildegard org lifeTimePurcahse id name Ervin Howell username Antonette email Shanna melissa tv phone x website anastasia net lifeTimePurcahse id name Clementine Bauch username Samantha email Nathan yesenia net phone website ramiro info lifeTimePurcahse id name Patricia Lebsack username Karianne email Julianne OConner kory org phone x website kale biz lifeTimePurcahse Findfind method takes in a function as the argument and returns the find element that satisfies the testing function function Checker item return item id users find checker or users find item gt item id both functions returns the same output id name Leanne Graham username Bret email Sincere april biz phone x website hildegard org lifeTimePurcahse FilterThe filter method returns a new array filled with the elements that passed the test set by the callback function It doesn t change or mutate the original array const userPurchases users filter user gt user lifeTimePurchase gt only user with id has lifetimePurchase greater than console log userPurchases id name Ervin Howell username Antonette email Shanna melissa tv phone x website anastasia net lifeTimePurcahse Filter will always an array with the filtered results Map methodThe map method returns a new array filled with items that satisfies the condition of the callback function It also ends up changing the original array const userIds users map user index gt user id console log userIds IncludesThe include method is used to check whether a given item is present in an array it returns a boolean value either true or false const userIsPresent users map i gt i id includes console log userIsPresent true Reduce MethodThe reduce method takes in a reducer function to return a singular value Anatomy of the reduce method looks like below array reduce function total currentValue currentIndex arr initialValue function reducerFunc total currVal currIndex arr currIndex gt Current Index during iteration arr gt The whole total gt current total on each iteration currVal gt Current value on each iterationreturn total currVal lifeTimePurchase we are setting zero as the initial value of totalconst totalLifeTimePurchases users reduce reducerFunc console log totalLifeTimePurchases Let s see a react example of Higher Order Functions const Users gt const currenttUserId const vipUserPurchase const raffleUserWinners mapconst users users map user gt lt p key user id gt user username lt p gt function reducerFunc total currVal return total currVal lifeTimePurchase reduceconst totalLifeTimePurchases users reduce reducerFunc findconst currentUser users find user gt user id currentUserId filterconst vipList users filter user gt user lifeTimePurchase gt vipUserPurchase includesconst isRaffleWinner users map user gt user id includes currenttUserId return lt div gt users lt p gt Total Purchase totalLifeTimePurchase lt p gt lt p gt current user currentUser username lt p gt lt h gt vip list lt h gt vipList map user gt lt p key user id gt user username lt p gt raffle status isRaffleWinner Congrats you re a raffle winner Oops Try again later lt div gt Nulish Coalescing OperationNullish coalescing operations allows us to return the right hand operand when the left side operand is null or undefined const a const b a b gt let c let d c d gt Optional ChainingOptional chaining allows us to access the key of an object safely or call functions when we re not sure if it ll be available or not let user name Joe details age const userTown user address town console log userTown undefinedconst user fullInfo undefined Arrow FunctionsArrow function also called fat arrow are alternatively way of declaring functions in javascripts They do behave differently in how they handle this they do bind to the this execution context of their parent class object but since the current convention in react is hooks rather than es classes we do not need to bother much about this a user has to explicitly bind the this of function to the parent elements They also provide a short and implicit way to return values from a function const sum a b gt a bconst sqaure a gt a can even be shortened to square a gt a when we have a singular argument this is the same asfunction sum a b return a b sum function square a return a React Examplefunction List List return lt ul gt list map item gt lt li key item id gt item name lt li gt lt ul gt ConclusionLearning reactjs shouldn t be a struggle after being comfortable with the basics of javascript You just need to know the most commonly used concepts that are being used in a react application Learning theses topics will definitely makes you more comfortable to take a launch into learning reactjs Other notable things you can learn are ES classes and async await Thanks for reading see you in the next article |
2022-08-08 17:17:00 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Adobe & Apple TV+ team up to highlight women behind 'Luck' |
Adobe amp Apple TV team up to highlight women behind x Luck x Adobe is partnering with Skydance Animation and Apple TV to highlight some of the women that were crucial to producing animated film Luck ーand inspire future generations of creativity AdobeAs part of the partnership Adobe and Apple are releasing a series of new remixable Adobe Express and Photoshop templates inspired by the Apple TV film and some of the creatives who worked on it Read more |
2022-08-08 17:34:17 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple issues fifth watchOS 9 developer beta to testers |
Apple issues fifth watchOS developer beta to testersApple has arrived at the fifth round of developer beta testing of watchOS with testers able to try out a fresh build to try on the Apple Watch Apple makes the latest builds downloadable from the Apple Developer Center for those enrolled in the test program or via an over the air update on devices running the beta software Public beta versions of the developer builds are usually issued shortly after the developer versions but typically not after the initial few builds of the initial milestone betas When they do they can be acquired from the Apple Beta Software Program website Read more |
2022-08-08 17:37:43 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple seeds fifth developer beta of tvOS 16 |
Apple seeds fifth developer beta of tvOS Apple has handed over a new fifth developer beta of tvOS to testers with the latest build now available to trial on the Apple TV by program participants The newly issued builds can be picked up from the Apple Developer Center for those enrolled in the Developer Beta program or as an over the air update for hardware already using beta software Public beta versions of the developer builds are usually issued shortly after the developer versions but typically not after the initial few builds of the initial milestone betas When they do they can be acquired from the Apple Beta Software Program website Read more |
2022-08-08 17:16:38 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple issues fifth developer beta of iOS 16 and iPadOS 16 |
Apple issues fifth developer beta of iOS and iPadOS Apple is now on the fifth round of milestone operating system testing providing developer beta testers more builds of iOS and iPadOS The newest builds can be downloaded via the Apple Developer Center for those taking part in the test program or as an over the air update on devices running the beta software Public beta versions of the developer builds generally arrive shortly after the developer counterparts They can be acquired from the Apple Beta Software Program website Read more |
2022-08-08 17:18:52 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple introduces fifth developer beta for macOS Ventura |
Apple introduces fifth developer beta for macOS VenturaApple has provded developers with the latest build of the macOS Ventura version beta with the fifth build now downloadable to devices macOS Ventura developer beta now availableThe newest betas can be picked up via the Apple Developer Center for those enrolled in the test program or through an over the air update on hardware running the beta software Public betas generally appear within a few days of the developer versions via the Apple Beta Software Program website Read more |
2022-08-08 17:14:23 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Ex-Apple inventor describes how his VR patent works to solve car motion sickness |
Ex Apple inventor describes how his VR patent works to solve car motion sicknessYouTube personality Mark Rober has talked about his time at Apple including the reasoning behind his work on an augmented virtual display patent for the long rumored Apple Car Mark Rober is best known as a YouTube star teaching science with fantastical experiments and explaining the principles at play He is less known as a former employee at Apple who came up with an idea that could end up being used in the Apple Car In a clip from the Waveform podcast Rober tells MKBHD about how he worked at Apple at the same time as he was gaining fame on Google s video platform Read more |
2022-08-08 17:39:36 |
海外TECH |
A Phone Carrier That Doesn’t Track Your Browsing or Location |
device |
2022-08-08 17:17:40 |
海外科学 |
BBC News - Science & Environment |
US Senate passes sweeping climate, tax and healthcare package |
carbon |
2022-08-08 17:17:08 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
アクセスFSA第228号について公表しました。 |
アクセス |
2022-08-08 17:18:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
UK heatwave: UK set for new heatwave as temperatures head to 35C |
heatwave |
2022-08-08 17:24:19 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ryan Giggs: Ex-Man Utd and Wales star headbutted ex-girlfriend - court |
behaviour |
2022-08-08 17:12:30 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Russia using Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant as army base - Ukraine |
nuclear |
2022-08-08 17:11:21 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【夏休みはレンチンで何とかする!】 料理未経験の男子でもカンタン! 焼きそばもレンチンで!! イカとキャベツと長ねぎの「イカ焼きそば」 - 銀座料亭の若女将が教える 料亭レベルのレンチンレシピ |
【夏休みはレンチンで何とかする】料理未経験の男子でもカンタン焼きそばもレンチンでイカとキャベツと長ねぎの「イカ焼きそば」銀座料亭の若女将が教える料亭レベルのレンチンレシピ『銀座料亭の若女将が教える料亭レベルのレンチンレシピ』から、【つの具材】と【つのステップ】で、すぐ美味しいレシピを紹介「①つの食材を切る、②市販の耐熱袋に詰める、③レンチン」だけで、おかずや麺、丼ものができてしまう、極上だけどカンタンな全レシピ。 |
2022-08-09 02:55:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
株価チャートで判断できる絶好の売買タイミング!読み方さえわかれば、株式投資の強い味方になる - めちゃくちゃ売れてる株の雑誌ザイが作った「株」入門 |
株式投資 |
2022-08-09 02:50:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【就職したことがないのに株式投資で4.5億円】 「どの株を買ったらいいのか?」 そのわかりやすい答えとは? - 賢明なる個人投資家への道 |
【就職したことがないのに株式投資で億円】「どの株を買ったらいいのか」そのわかりやすい答えとは賢明なる個人投資家への道株式投資歴年以上の専業投資家『賢明なる個人投資家への道』の著者・かぶは、中学年生のころから体育のジャージ姿で地元の証券会社に通い詰め、中高年の投資家にかわいがられ、バブル紳士にはお金儲けのイロハを教えてもらった。 |
2022-08-09 02:45:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【NHK『100分de名著』で話題】20億年前、ほとんどの生物が絶滅…「酸素の大惨事」の真相【書籍オンライン編集部セレクション】 - WHAT IS LIFE?(ホワット・イズ・ライフ?)生命とは何か |
発売たちまち万部を突破したノーベル賞生物学者ポール・ナースの初の著書『WHATISLIFEホワット・イズ・ライフ生命とは何か』の発刊を記念して、本書の内容の一部を紹介する。 |
2022-08-09 02:40:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【「売れない」が「売れる」に変わる逆転の発想!】自分で営業するのをやめてみる! - 「A4」1枚チラシで今すぐ売上をあげるすごい方法 |
2022-08-09 02:35:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「話し方が流暢でも伝わらない」「たどたどしくても伝わる」…プロが考える「2人にある決定的な違い」 - 伝わるチカラ |
2022-08-09 02:30:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「二度寝」は絶対にしたほうがいい【書籍オンライン編集部セレクション】 - 朝5時起きが習慣になる「5時間快眠法」 |
習慣 |
2022-08-09 02:25:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【精神科医が教える】「空回り状態」から抜け出すたった1つの方法 - こころの葛藤はすべて私の味方だ。 |
精神科医 |
2022-08-09 02:20:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
記事タイトルは「27文字以内」がオススメ、その理由は? - ブログで5億円稼いだ方法 |
記事 |
2022-08-09 02:15:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
道、BA・5対策強化宣言へ お盆期間で感染拡大警戒、水準到達前に前倒し |
感染拡大 |
2022-08-09 02:29:27 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
道内各地で大雨 函館市1万世帯に避難指示 道南は9日も警戒 |
避難指示 |
2022-08-09 02:17:32 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
脱炭素交付金400億円 本年度比倍増、環境省要求 |
要求 |
2022-08-09 02:08:28 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
APEX LEGENDS HUNTED PATCH NOTES Official Link Twitter Link with cool pics APEX LEGENDS HUNTED PATCH NOTES format png amp auto webp amp s dddcccabbec NEW LEGEND Vantage Survivalist Sniper Xiomara quot Mara quot Contreras is a survivalist who can see a threat coming from down her sniper scope from thousands of meters away Born to a wrongfully convicted criminal who gave birth to her alone on the barren ice planet Págos Vantage has grown into the ultimate survivalist Forced to live off a hostile land she became unfathomably good with a scoped weapon xb format png amp auto webp amp s eedacafdbdafcaa PASSIVE Spotter s Lens Aim down sights to scout with your eyepiece unarmed or with mid to long range scopes and use a bullet drop indicator to see where your shots will land TACTICAL Echo Location Position your winged companion Echo and then Launch towards him Must have line of sight to Echo for Launch ULTIMATE Sniper s Mark Use your custom sniper rifle to mark enemy targets which applies a damage bonus for you and your team Watch all of Vantage s kit in action here xb format png amp auto webp amp s bbcacbaeefdcafddada REFORGED KINGS CANYON UPDATE In Season Skull Town and Thunderdome were sunk by a massive explosion caused by Loba Now that the Salvage operation is complete the Syndicate has rebuilt the area for the Apex Games Dredging machines have refilled the space with sand from the ocean floor and a new battleground has been rebuilt with the iconic skull as its centerpiece Read the full breakdown of the map update for Kings Canyon here LEVEL CAP INCREASE Players can now level past account level through additional tiers of levels bringing the effective level maximum to Level Tier This increase adds additional Apex Packs earnable via account leveling and ensures that everyone can earn an heirloom just by playing the game The total number of Apex Packs earnable via account leveling is now BATTLE PASS Certain Battle Pass challenges can now be completed in either Battle Royale or non Battle Royale modes giving you the flexibility to complete the Battle Pass your way Battle Pass overview here PATCH NOTES SEASON RANKED RESULTS For Split of Season we have the following max tier distribution among players who played more than hours of Ranked versus Season s Split Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Diamond Master amp Apex Predator As of August nd we have the following max tier distribution among players in Split who played more than hours of Ranked versus Season s Split Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Diamond Master amp Apex Predator Ranked Changes Entry Cost to all Kill RP Removed diminishing returns on eliminations Rank Reset No change Resuming ranked reset of divisions BALANCE UPDATES Laser Sights New attachment to replace barrels for SMGs and Pistols Reduced hipfire spread Crate Rotation G Scout returns to the floor Volt SMG returns to the floor Bocek Compound Bow enters the crate Rampage LMG enters the crate Crafting Rotation Wingman returns to the floor CAR SMG returns to the floor Devotion LMG enters the crafter RE Hammerpoint combo enters the crafter Gold Weapon Rotation Longbow DMR G Scout Mozambique R Hemlok SMGs Base hipfire spread increased Assault Rifles Base hipfire spread increased EVA Recoil improvements Now takes stocks Removed pellet from blast pattern Fire rate increased to from Pellet damage increased to from Bolt rate of fire bonuses increased Blue to Purple to Bocek Compound Bow Damage at full draw increased to from Tempo draw speed increased to from Shattercaps pellet damage increased to from Fired arrows can no longer be collected Arrows spawns have been removed from the floor Rampage LMG Damage increased to from Rampage comes with a Thermite Grenade Volt SMG Damage reduced to from CAR SMG No longer takes barrel attachments G Scout Damage reduced to from Headshot multiplier reduced to from Double Tap hop up burst fire delay increased to from LSTAR Increased projectile speed Increased number of shots before overheat at base to from Removed bright red flash when hitting non armored targets RE Increased ironsight FOV to to be consistent with other pistols Increased strafe speed by to be consistent with other pistols Wingman Wingman now uses sniper ammo and magazines Sniper Ammo Sniper ammo inventory stack increased to from Sniper ammo boxes now contain rounds instead of Spitfire Recoil adjustments to increase vertical barrel climb Spitfire now uses light ammo and magazines Repeater Dual Loader has been worked into the base Repeater Now takes Skullpiercer Rifling Mastiff Projectile growth reduced Base fire rate reduced to from Dual Loader removed Sentinel Deadeye s Tempo has been worked into the base Sentinel Hop Ups Double Tap Adds burst fire mode to EVA and G Scout Skullpiercer headshot damage increase on Longbow Wingman and Repeater Removed Deadeye s Tempo amp Shatter Caps from floor loot Boosted Loader has been reduced to Epic quality from Legendary Backpack Gold Perk New Perk Deep Pockets Deep Pockets Large medical supplies stacks higher in your inventory Batteries and Medkits now stack to in inventory Phoenix Kits now stack to in inventory Knockdown Shield Gold Perk New Perk Guardian Angel Previous Backpack Perk Self Revive removed from the game Arc Star Reduced stick damage on armor to from Remove aim slow on stick remains on detonation Detonation damage increased to from Explosive Holds Added Blue attachments to possible spawns Added Laser Sights to the pool Reduced spawn rate of gold magazines LEGENDS Valk VTOL Jets Acceleration on activation decreased by about Fuel consumption on activation increased by Aerial boosting amp strafing take a debuff when hit by slowing effects Added a third orange state to the fuel meter UI between green gt and red lt Missile Swarm Aim turn slow removed Move slow duration decreased from s gt s Reducing the explosion radius from gt Skyward Dive Height reduction of Launch time reduced from s gt s Coupled with the height reduction players in Valk ult now travel upward at a slightly slower speed Horizon Black Hole Adjustments to N E W T s hitbox to make destroying it more reliable Black Hole N E W T takes more damage from explosives Wattson Improvements to Perimeter Security placement system Newcastle Retrieve the Wounded Increased move speed during revive by Reduced turn slow while reviving by Increased White Knockdown shield health from gt Increase Blue Knockdown shield health from gt Mobile Shield Increased hp from gt Doubled max movement speed Castle Wall Added turn slow to electrical barrier effects and increased the severity of the slow effect to movement Mad Maggie Riot Drill Projectile Launch Speed doubled Wrecking Ball Will travel twice as far while dropping the same amount of magnets Duration increased from sec → sec Magnet Spawn delay increased from sec → sec Wrecking Ball will deal damage to enemy placeable objects Black Market Castle Walls Exhibit Death Totem Mobile Shield Black Hole Amped Cover and Gas Barrels It will also destroy Gibraltar s Dome of Protection Fixed Wrecking Ball not blinding and slowing enemies Rampart Now ignores friendly collision on Amped Cover placement i e placing walls around teammates will feel more smooth Caustic Fixed gas ramping bug where transitioning from friendly to enemy gas would initially damage for more than intended Mirage Mirage Decoys will now be scanned by Valk when skydiving Mirage Decoys will now be picked up by Seer s Heart Seeker Fixed a bug where Mirage Decoys were picked up by Seer s Exhibit as AI and not players Revenant Death Totem will now show a placement preview when activated instead of placing immediately CRAFTING UPDATE Team Use Harvesters When any player interacts with a Materials Harvester all players in their team will be given the Materials Removed Shatter Rounds from crafting Removed Hammerpoints from base crafting and added to RE Weapon Craft Heavy Energy and Sniper mags price increased from to from Laser Sight added to crafting materials Stock and Barrel price reduced to from Added Skullpiercer Rifling Hop Up to crafting Added Double Tap Trigger Hop Up to crafting Added Kinetic Feeder Hop Up to crafting Increased Shotgun Bolt price from to from Reduced x ACOG optic price to from MAPS The maps rotating for public matches during Hunted are Kings Canyon World s Edge and Storm Point ALL BATTLE ROYALE MAPS Replicators and Crafting Materials have been rebalanced across the maps Ring Adjustments Ring Damage increase from to hp tick equivalent to Ring Ring Preshrink Time decreased from s to s Ring Closing Time Kings Canyon gt World s Edge gt Storm Point gt Olympus gt WORLD S EDGE Removed some frustrating final rings at Staging that were causing heal offs Fragment East Loot buffed from Low Tier to Medium Added OOB to west rocks at Lava Siphon QUALITY OF LIFE New Mode Map name UI element on load screen and start flow “Winning and “Champion tags added to the scoreboard Added ability to use “tap interact prompts when they conflict with “hold e g reloading near downed teammates is now a lot more reliable on controller Added flourish to the crafting materials in the top right of the HUD when they increase Added a flourish to items if they become craftable while in the crafting station UI Added accessibility switch for turning on and off TTS Text to speech defaulting to what your console or system has it set to where available When dropping from the dropship the location of the POI player lands in is now displayed BUG FIXES Hipfire reticles now change size based on the FoV Fixed bug where canceling a Lifeline revive would cancel it for other teammates also being revived by Lifeline Fixed bug where players could not deal melee damage to Caustic Gas Barrels or Octanes Jump Pads Fix for issue where the buy menu would close each time a teammate completes a purchase and or closes the buy menu Crypto s Ultimate now destroys Wattson s Pylon Fix for issue where Crypto s heirloom animation audio would play globally when using a survey beacon Fix for issue where players could sometimes get stuck while crouched between a Replicator and Black Market after crafting Fixed bug where players could not unlock the “Fully Kitted badge Fix for issue for Legends losing functionality like meleeing using an ability etc while mantling Fix for bug where players could not switch ammo types for the C A R SMG Newcastle fix for issue where Newcastle could get stuck in their Ultimate animation while riding a zipline Newcastle fixed bug where throwables placed on a Mobile Shield would start floating after the Mobile Shield disappears Newcastle fix for cases where players wouldn t take damage from ordnance or activate Caustic s barrels when positioned between a Tactical Shield and its drone Newcastle fix for bug where throwable abilities placed on a Mobile Shield could float away after the Mobile Shield disappears Wraith fix for bug where Wraith would still take damage in the Ring while phasing Fix for a reload bug with the Mastiff and Repeater where players could not ADS until reloading animation was finished Fixed bug where Crypto s melee animations wouldn t show his heirloom while in third person Vending Machines in Big Maude now have buyer protection Fixed an issue that could cause some stuttering and framerate spikes on consoles especially PlayStation and Xbox Series X S Fix for bug where the Dropship would sometimes spawn players outside the ship Fixed a bug where Heat Shields would disappear when placed under a respawn beacon or mobile respawn beacon and then the beacon was used Fixed a bug where Pathfinder s zipline would be destroyed if placed on top of a respawn beacon and then the beacon was used Fix for cases when a Heat Shield could disappear when set under a Respawn Beacon that is activated Fix for a bug where Mirage decoys would not show up on scan for a few Legends submitted by u Emmerlynn to r apexlegends link comments |
2022-08-08 17:03:41 |