python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Python+Flask】しりとりAPIを作ろう #1 ~データ作成編 |
pythonflask |
2022-08-14 03:02:17 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to scrape Google Maps Reviews? |
How to scrape Google Maps Reviews In this post we will learn to scrape Google Maps Reviews Requirements Before we begin we have to install everything we may need in this tutorial to move forward Node JSUnirest JSCheerio JSSo before starting we have to ensure that we have set up our Node JS project and installed both the packages Unirest JS and Cheerio JS You can install both packages from the above link We will use Unirest JS for extracting our raw HTML data and Cheerio JS for parsing our extracted HTML data Target Eiffel Tower Google Maps ResultsWe will target to scrape the user reviews on Eiffel Tower Process Now we have set up all the things to be needed for preparing our scraper We will use an npm library Unirest JS to make a get request to our target URL so we can get our raw HTML data Then we will use Cheerio JS for parsing the extracted raw HTML data We will target this type of URL async feature id data ID next page token next page token sort by qualityScore start index associated topic fmt pc Where data ID Data ID is used to uniquely identify a place in Google Maps next page token The next page token is used to get the next page results sort by It is used for sorting and filtering results The various values of sort by are qualityScore the most relevant reviews newestFirst the most recent reviews ratingHigh the highest rating reviews ratingLow the lowest rating reviews Now the question arises how do we get the Data ID of any place Tower z data m m sxeeeed xddcaeeefe m d d m bYou can see in the URL the part after our m m s and before m is our Data ID So our data ID in this case is xeeeed xddcaeeefeOur target URL should look like this async feature id xeeeed xddcaeeefe next page token sort by qualityScore start index associated topic fmt pcCopy this URL in your browser and press enter You will see that a text file will be downloaded by entering this URL in your browser Open this file in your respective code editor Convert it into a html file After opening the HTML file we will search for the HTML tags of the elements we want in our response We will first parse the location information of the place which contains location name address average rating and total reviews From the above image the tag for our location name is PBobd the tag for our address TpBCe tag for our average rating is span Aqfc and tag for our total number of reviews is span zjxId All done for the location information part we will now move towards parsing Data ID and next page token Search for the tag lcorif In the above image you can find the lcorif tag in the second line Under this tag we have our tag for Data ID as loris and of next page token as gws localreviews general reviews block Now we will search for the tags which contain data about the user and his review Search for the tag gws localreviews google review This tag contains all information about the user and his reviews We will parse the extracted HTML for the user s name link thumbnail number of reviews rating review and the images posted by the user This makes our whole code look like this You can copy this code from the following link Result Our result should look like this These are the results of the first ten reviews If you want to get another put the token which we have found in our code in the below URL async feature id xeeeed xddcaeeefe next page token tokenFromResponse sort by qualityScore start index associated topic fmt pcIn this case we have our token as CAESBkVnSUlDZw You can find the reviews for every next page using the token from their previous pages With Google Maps Reviews API Serpdog Google Search API offers you free requests on sign up Scraping can take a lot of time sometimes but the already made structured JSON data can save you a lot of time const axios require axios axios get data id xccd xcadb then response gt console log response data catch error gt console log error Result Conclusion In this tutorial we learned how to scrape Google Maps Reviews Feel free to ask me anything on my email Follow me on Twitter Thanks for reading Additional Resources How to scrape Google Organic Search Results using Node JS Scrape Google News Results Scrape Google Images ResultsScrape Google Autocomplete Suggestions Results Author My name is Darshan and I am the founder of serpdog io |
2022-08-13 18:17:41 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
A guide for technical writers on JavaScript Testing Libraries |
A guide for technical writers on JavaScript Testing LibrariesAlthough I would have liked to choose a different topic but the importance of developing test suites cannot be overstated After all the idea behind writing test cases is to ensure that your application s different features and parts are performing as expected and to confirm that the application satisfies all related standards and customer requirements Quality is not an act it is a habit AristotleHowever when the necessary guide isn t clearly stated or presented testing JavaScript applications can be hard to understand and hit developers in the head on a number of different levels They end up jumping from article to article wasting time that could be used for other tasks When creating a technical guide you must take into account that it will be read by thousands of readers with varying levels of expertise some of whom will be able to tell you when you bootstrap and others who will probably need you to point it out Here are a couple of test libraries you should probably write about JestCypressStorybookPuppeteerMochaJSNightWatchJSKarmaAnd yeah React Testing Library RTL For developers looking to learn any of the aforementioned technologies it is thought appropriate for top notch articles to be provided on them because they are the best at writing tests Your content should cover areas such as What is a JavaScript testing framework Why are test suites necessary After all manual testing of my program shows good performance Developing test casesChoosing which things to test and which to leave outAn overview of the selected testing framework whichever one you are discussing An easy to follow practical setup guideThe framework s benefits and drawbacksReference to the official documentation of the frameworkI d love to see your article Kindly buzz me on Twitter ismailobadimu |
2022-08-13 18:08:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Salman Rushdie stabbing suspect charged with attempted murder |
appearance |
2022-08-13 18:04:46 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Plaid Cymru leader tells MP who assaulted wife to quit |
abuse |
2022-08-13 18:35:08 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Brentford hit four to humiliate Man Utd |
defeat |
2022-08-13 18:39:40 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
ダイエット中だけど 揚げ物を爆食いしたい! そんな時はどうする? - 3か月で自然に痩せていく仕組み |
会食三昧なのに、このメソッドでキロも痩せた精神科医の樺沢紫苑先生が、「ストレスフリー我慢不要アウトプットレコーディングで痩せられる、脳科学的にも正しいメソッドです」と推薦する話題の書、「か月で自然に痩せていく仕組み意志力ゼロで体が変わる勤休ダイエットプログラム」野上浩一郎著から、その「抜け道」を紹介していきます。 |
2022-08-14 04:00:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【ベストセラー精神科医が教える】 頑張らなくても絶対に成功する副業、たった1つのポイント - 真の「安定」を手に入れるシン・サラリーマン |
2022-08-14 03:55:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【出口学長・日本人が最も苦手とする哲学と宗教特別講義】 9割の人が知らない! イスラームの「ユースバルジ問題」を読み解く名著 - 哲学と宗教全史 |
2022-08-14 03:50:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【本日は大安吉日!ダブル強運貯金の奇跡】 2枚一緒に見るだけで、突然、元気ハツラツ!! 頑張らないのに運がいい人に共通する、たった1つのルール - 1日1分見るだけで願いが叶う!ふくふく開運絵馬 |
【本日は大安吉日ダブル強運貯金の奇跡】枚一緒に見るだけで、突然、元気ハツラツ頑張らないのに運がいい人に共通する、たったつのルール日分見るだけで願いが叶うふくふく開運絵馬フジテレビ「FNNLiveNewsイット」で話題沸騰見るだけで「癒された」「ホッとした」「本当にいいことが起こった」と話題沸騰刷Amazon・楽天位。 |
2022-08-14 03:45:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
14歳からわかる「第一次世界大戦」を引き起こした大事件の背後にあった「極めて幼稚な理由」とは? - アメリカの中学生が学んでいる14歳からの世界史 |
歳からわかる「第一次世界大戦」を引き起こした大事件の背後にあった「極めて幼稚な理由」とはアメリカの中学生が学んでいる歳からの世界史発売直後から大きな話題を呼び、中国・ドイツ・韓国・ブラジル・ロシア・ベトナム・ロシアなど世界各国にも広がった「学び直し本」の圧倒的ロングセラーシリーズ「BigFatNotebook」の日本版が刊行。 |
2022-08-14 03:40:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【ベストセラー会計士が大胆未来予測】 「多産多死」から「少産少死」の経営が流行する理由 - 売上最小化、利益最大化の法則 |
youtuber |
2022-08-14 03:35:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【東大医学博士のスーパー女医が教える】 9割の人が知らない! 学歴と健康の非常識な関係 - スタンフォード式生き抜く力 |
2022-08-14 03:30:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
長期投資をするならば、運用管理費用の差が成績に直結する! - 最新版つみたてNISAはこの9本から選びなさい |
2022-08-14 03:25:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【効果絶大】 4時間の読書で得られるもの=「400時間の作業」と「ABテスト100回分」の削減!3520円がタダに思えてくる最強の一冊 - コピーライティング技術大全 |
2022-08-14 03:20:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【夏バテ防止!】うっかりミスをなくす3つの方法 - 1分間瞬読ドリル |
2022-08-14 03:15:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【9割の人が知らないGoogleの使い方】 古いPCをタダで最新OS搭載PCとして復活させる方法 - Google 式10Xリモート仕事術 |
【割の人が知らないGoogleの使い方】古いPCをタダで最新OS搭載PCとして復活させる方法Google式Xリモート仕事術神田昌典氏絶賛刷Google認定トレーナーがあなたの生産性劇的アップを神サポート「リモート弱者」が「リモート強者」変わる神メソッドITビギナーから絶大な信頼を得ている平塚氏は、Googleが授与する資格Google認定トレーナーGoogleCloudPartnerSpecializationEducationをつ保有する国内唯一の女性トレーナー経営者。 |
2022-08-14 03:10:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【備える片づけ】 防災用リュックは 作らなくていい!? - これが最後の片づけ! |
【備える片づけ】防災用リュックは作らなくていいこれが最後の片づけ片づけられない人たちの“最後の欠け込み寺として有名なカリスマ片づけアドバイザー・石阪京子先生の『一回やれば、一生散らからない「日片づけ」プログラムこれが最後の片づけ』は、在宅ワーク化が進み、感染症や災害対策としての備蓄も必要なwithコロナ時代の家の片づけ方を書いたロングセラー。 |
2022-08-14 03:05:00 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
フジオフードグループ本社の22年12月期は4億円の営業赤字へ - 不景気com |
串家物語 |
2022-08-13 18:13:56 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
UtdArena on Twitter: “In their first seasons, Guardiola lost 0-4 away to EVE (7th) and 2-4 away to LEI (12th) whilst Klopp lost 0-3 away to Watford (13th). It is not nice to lose like this and there is a lot of work to do but, as annoying as it sounds, losing badly is often part of the process.“ |
UtdArena on Twitter “In their first seasons Guardiola lost away to EVE th and away to LEI th whilst Klopp lost away to Watford th It is not nice to lose like this and there is a lot of work to do but as annoying as it sounds losing badly is often part of the process “ submitted by u PDubsinTF NEW to r reddevils link comments |
2022-08-13 18:14:58 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] iPadOS 16のステージマネージャと外部ディスプレイ利用が超便利【先行レピュー】 |
ipados |
2022-08-14 04:46:00 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
壁にぶち当たりながらDockerで環境構築をする(Rails6 + PostgreSQL) |
docker |
2022-08-14 04:53:06 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
壁にぶち当たりながらDockerで環境構築をする(Rails6 + PostgreSQL) |
docker |
2022-08-14 04:53:06 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
壁にぶち当たりながらDockerで環境構築をする(Rails6 + PostgreSQL) |
docker |
2022-08-14 04:53:06 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to Add a Newsletter to Your Markdown Blog |
How to Add a Newsletter to Your Markdown BlogLet s say we have a markdown blog that is Using GitHub for its contentHosted on Vercel Netlify GitHub Pages or the likeHow do we add a newsletter on top of this whilst keeping all our writing on GitHub This tutorial shows how Create an account on GitLetterVisit gitletter co and create an account Full disclaimer I m the sole creator of this tool Connect your repoGo to Settings and click Connect to GitHub Once back in GitLetter select the repository and directory where your markdown content is stored this is where your email issues will be deployed Optional Add a sign up form to your blogGo to Subscribers and click Manage gt Add form to your blog Copy paste this sign up form to an apt place on your blog like your home page Enjoy automatic deploys Now every time you send an issue your blog will be automatically updated Live demoI recorded a video version of this tutorial |
2022-08-13 19:42:16 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Figma: Hover Effect by Swapping Overlays |
Figma Hover Effect by Swapping OverlaysLately I ve had to work with Figma a lot at work As I get to know the tool and its functionality better every day I ve found that you can do some really cool stuff now as opposed to a year and a half ago when I used Figma a few times In this tutorial I want to show you how to create a hover effect using swapping overlays The basis will be a logged in page with navigation bar where when you tap on the user icon an overlay opens and you can choose to change your settings or log out I m starting with a desktop frame since the hover effect is triggered when using a mouse I m keeping the style simple I m assuming you already know some basics of Figma SetupI have created a simple layout with a header a navigation bar and a home page In the navigation bar we can see the image of the user profile to which we want to add an action later You can see all the frames and components created on the left side in the sidebar which is called pages in Figma For the hover effectWhen we click on the profile picture a modal appears where we can choose between edit profile and sign out On both tabs we want the hover effect So I created the modal s component and two instances of it one with the gray background for the hover effect on edit profile and one on sign out EndpointsI created another modal that displays a form where the user data can be updated I also created a frame that will be displayed when the user logs out PrototypingIf you click the prototype tab on the right side of Figma you can add actions to the frames and components you create Click on user profile imageWhen we click on the user profile image in the navigation bar a modal should appear where we can select what should happen next If we click on the profile image and add an interaction with the values of the on click action it should show open overlay and the settings component Additional settings for the overlay can be selected I choose to manually position the overlay under the profile image with a darker background under the overlay and that it closes automatically when a user clicks outside the overlay Hover effect on tabs in modalTo add interaction on the two tabs we select the first tab edit profile and use the state while hovering We now want the overlay to be swapped with the overlay that has the hover state Repeat this process with the sign out selection on the original component We also want to have the hover effect on the swapped overlay from the other tab so we need to add the interaction on each instance as well Navigate on overlayIt is also possible to open an overlay when you are already on an overlay We want to open the update profile modal when we click on the edit profile tab For this we add an interaction on click that opens the update profile overlay For an on click interaction on the sign out tab use navigate to and select the logged out endpoint frame as the entire frame is to be changed ConclusionIt s super awesome how interactive Figma is compared to the day I started using it It makes the experience pretty awesome and realistic which makes it easier for developers to translate the design into code Thanks for your reading and time I really appreciate it |
2022-08-13 19:25:00 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Be Separate From Crowd (Freelance Web Dev) |
Be Separate From Crowd Freelance Web Dev Hi Gurpreet kait this side again with some new stuff I have been working as a freelancer for years And I have also seen a lot of developers on freelance sites like Fiverr and Upwork Each amp everyone is fighting on prices and for their services as well Because of the supply and demand rule every person is selling their services at low prices This was the pain and main point that I noticed there But consider one thing ever Assume there are developers who code applications But there are of developers Programmers who code applications in the right way It means in the way they should be People are fighting over prices clients are happy to pay them I worked with clients who said that they wanted to work with the person who will be responsible for their work But maximum coders out there deliver temporary solutions Including me I also did some bad jobs in starting but then I learned I will be responsible for my mistakes why the client or anybody else Things that I have learned and implemented right nowBe a good programmer and be a part of the community Be a programmer who will be appreciated because of his fantastic work Learn how things work I mean be curious about new updates in your field Always provide value don t compromise on value Network with amazing people in your field and learn from them how they started Start contributing to the community and leave an impact Start sharing knowledge and put value in front of other people Who are new to the same career Be active productive Build your impact for good career growth Learn from pro players who are already there where you want to be And Don t make your life shit in front of your computer all day Be a good family person and live with nature If you are a developer who believes in learning each day I usually put the same content on my website Take a look at there also Thanks |
2022-08-13 19:23:00 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Apple blocked the latest Telegram update over a new animated emoji set |
Apple blocked the latest Telegram update over a new animated emoji setEver since Apple launched the App Store developers big and small have gotten caught up in the company s approval process and had their apps delayed or removed altogether The popular messaging app Telegram is just the latest according to the company s CEO Pavel Durov On August th Durov posted a message to his Telegram channel saying the app s latest update had been stuck in Apple s review process for two weeks without any real word from the company about why it was held up nbsp As noted by The Verge the update was finally released yesterday and Durov again took to Telegram to discuss what happened The CEO says that Apple told Telegram that it would have to remove a new feature called Telemoji which Durov described as quot higher quality vector animated versions of the standard emoji quot He included a preview of what they would look like in his post ーthey re similar to the basic emoji set Apple uses but with some pretty delightful animations that certainly could help make messaging a little more expressive nbsp quot This is a puzzling move on Apple s behalf because Telemoji would have brought an entire new dimension to its static low resolution emoji and would have significantly enriched their ecosystem quot Durov wrote in his post It s not entirely clear how this feature would enrich Apple s overall ecosystem but it still seems like quite the puzzling thing for Apple to get caught up over especially since Telegram already has a host of emoji and sticker options that go far beyond the default set found in iOS Indeed Durov noted that there are more than new emoji packs in the latest Telegram update and said the company will take the time to make Telemoji quot even more unique and recognizable quot There are still a lot of emoji related improvements in the latest Telegram update though The company says it is launching an quot open emoji platform quot where anyone can upload their own set of emoji that people who pay for Telegram s premium service can use If you re not a premium user you ll still be able to see the customized emoji and test using them in quot saved messages quot like reminders and notes in the app The custom emoji can be interactive as well ーif you tap on them you ll get a full screen animated reaction nbsp To make it easier to access all this the sticker GIF and emoji panel has been redesigned with tabs for each of those reaction categories This makes the iOS keyboard match up with the Android app as well as the web version of Telegram There are also new privacy settings that let you control who can send you video and voice messages everyone contacts or no one Telegram notes that like its other privacy settings you can set quot exceptions quot so that specific groups or people can quot always quot or quot never quot send you voice or video messages The new update ーsans Telemoji ーis available now |
2022-08-13 19:15:52 |
海外TECH |
Flaw in the VA Medical Records Platform May Put Patients at Risk |
Flaw in the VA Medical Records Platform May Put Patients at RiskThe Veterans Affairs VistA software has a vulnerability that could let an attacker masquerade as a doctor a security researcher warns |
2022-08-13 19:33:31 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Salman Rushdie stabbing suspect charged with attempted murder |
matar |
2022-08-13 19:38:47 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
England drought: Everyone must rethink their water use, experts say |
england |
2022-08-13 19:19:19 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Transformers: Royal Mail issues stamps to mark global franchise |
franchise |
2022-08-13 19:44:34 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Brentford 4-0 Manchester United: Erik ten Hag takes responsibility for poor performance |
Brentford Manchester United Erik ten Hag takes responsibility for poor performanceManchester United manager Erik ten Hag says he and his players have to take responsibility for their poor performance in their loss at Brentford |
2022-08-13 19:31:51 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
大和ハウスら住宅メーカー大増収の裏で「消費者に不都合な真実」が鮮明に【見逃し配信】 - 見逃し配信 |
不都合な真実 |
2022-08-14 04:50:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「呼吸の浅さ」を改善する胸筋ストレッチ5選、効果的な姿勢と回数は? - 男のオフビジネス |
防止 |
2022-08-14 04:45:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
糸井重里が嫌いな「FMしゃべり」とは?勘違いしたラジオDJの末路 - from AERAdot. |
糸井重里が嫌いな「FMしゃべり」とは勘違いしたラジオDJの末路fromAERAdotなぜラジオは時間の生放送でも聞き続けられるのかラジオDJとして年、第一線で活躍し続ける秀島史香さんですが、実は「もともと緊張しがちで人見知りで心配性」といいます。 |
2022-08-14 04:40:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
週末弾丸旅行「10年で70カ国」、現役会社員が語る自分の時間の作り方 - 地球の歩き方ニュース&レポート |
久しぶり |
2022-08-14 04:35:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
日本人男性の「心血管死リスク」は米食で下がる?男女で違いが生じる理由 - ヘルスデーニュース |
nutrients |
2022-08-14 04:30:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「デザイン思考」を実践する、21人のロールモデル──『おもしろい地域には、おもしろいデザイナーがいる 地域×デザインの実践』 - Virtical Analysis |
「デザイン思考」を実践する、人のロールモデルー『おもしろい地域には、おもしろいデザイナーがいる地域×デザインの実践』VirticalAnalysisデザインは、見た目やカタチを整えることー。 |
2022-08-14 04:27:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「何をやっても長続きしない人」が無自覚にやってしまうNG行為とは? - 小さな習慣 |
長続き |
2022-08-14 04:25:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【ひろゆきが教える】読書感想文を「超高速」で書く方法 - 1%の努力 |
読書感想文 |
2022-08-14 04:20:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【外科医が教える】アメリカ軍が開発した衝撃の「手術ロボット」とは? - すばらしい人体 |
【外科医が教える】アメリカ軍が開発した衝撃の「手術ロボット」とはすばらしい人体累計万部突破唾液はどこから出ているのか、目の動きをコントロールする不思議な力、人が死ぬ最大の要因、おならはなにでできているか、「深部感覚」はすごい…。 |
2022-08-14 04:15:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
頭がいい人と悪い人「転職に成功したあとにやること」の差 - 転職が僕らを助けてくれる |
頭がいい人と悪い人「転職に成功したあとにやること」の差転職が僕らを助けてくれる「今の会社で働き続けていいのかな」「でも、転職するのは怖いな……」。 |
2022-08-14 04:10:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【精神科医が教える】 嫌われてもいいから、ちょっと無愛想なくらいがいい… 精神科医がそう断言する納得の理由 - 精神科医Tomyが教える 心の荷物の手放し方 |
【精神科医が教える】嫌われてもいいから、ちょっと無愛想なくらいがいい…精神科医がそう断言する納得の理由精神科医Tomyが教える心の荷物の手放し方不安や悩みが尽きない。 |
2022-08-14 04:05:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
昭和の鉄道少年が熱狂した「ブルトレ」取材秘話 国鉄時代の「さくら」「あさかぜ」車内同乗撮影記 | 旅・趣味 | 東洋経済オンライン |
国鉄時代 |
2022-08-14 04:30:00 |