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IT 気になる、記になる… au回線、東日本の一部エリアで音声サービスの障害が発生中 https://taisy0.com/2022/08/24/160495.html uqmobile 2022-08-24 13:45:47
IT 気になる、記になる… Fitbit、新型スマートウォッチ「Sense 2」「Versa 4」と新型フィットネストラッカー「Inspire 3」を発表 https://taisy0.com/2022/08/24/160488.html fitbit 2022-08-24 13:40:46
IT 気になる、記になる… aiwaデジタル、16,800円のエントリースマホなど6製品を発表 https://taisy0.com/2022/08/24/160484.html jenesis 2022-08-24 13:15:06
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia Mobile] auで通信障害、音声通話が利用しにくい状況 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/mobile/articles/2208/24/news202.html itmediamobileau 2022-08-24 22:52:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] KDDIで通信障害 東日本エリアの一部で発生 原因は「設備故障」 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2208/24/news201.html itmedianewskddi 2022-08-24 22:20:00
AWS AWS Architecture Blog Let’s Architect! Architecting for the edge https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/lets-architect-architecting-for-the-edge/ Let s Architect Architecting for the edgeEdge computing comprises elements of geography and networking and brings computing closer to the end users of the application For example using a content delivery network CDN such as AWS CloudFront can help video streaming providers reduce latency for distributing their material by taking advantage of caching at the edge Another example might look like … 2022-08-24 13:33:57
AWS AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog Comparing Oracle Exadata Database Performance with Amazon RDS for Oracle https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/apn/comparing-oracle-exadata-database-performance-with-amazon-rds-for-oracle/ Comparing Oracle Exadata Database Performance with Amazon RDS for OracleAs organizations run mission critical databases on Oracle Exadata businesses are increasingly looking for proof points of like to like performance of these databases on Amazon Web Services AWS This post explores how Tata Consultancy Services TCS supported a UK based utility provider s digitalization journey by comparing performance of their on premises Oracle Exadata database with Amazon RDS for Oracle 2022-08-24 13:37:48
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Jupyter Notebookでmatplotlibのグラフが表示されない https://qiita.com/umikazeken/items/57f82f69ed37a1d65110 jupyternotebook 2022-08-24 22:59:31
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【AtCoder解説】PythonでABC265のA,B,C,D,E問題を制する! https://qiita.com/u2dayo/items/51f4780e7da7aee73877 abcde 2022-08-24 22:53:18
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ガウス過程と機械学習- 第3章(2)- ガウス過程回帰モデル https://qiita.com/yoneXyone/items/affad2bd8d08cff6b571 機械学習 2022-08-24 22:49:03
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【XSS】PHPからJSへ配列を渡しJSON.parseで解析すると脆弱性があるよという話 https://qiita.com/gongon001/items/7d1892c162a2a6a52270 google 2022-08-24 22:54:25
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita IntelliJ 2022 以降では Gemfile に RuboCop が無いと使えない https://qiita.com/mishina2228/items/f2b6a7fcf0c4692a180c gemfile 2022-08-24 22:32:53
Linux Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita RaspberryPiPico の実行イメージをWSL2とVM上のUbuntuでビルドしてみた https://qiita.com/hase-k0x01/items/2093a590c79269e2f4a6 raspberrypipico 2022-08-24 22:29:28
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS-CDKで生成されるテンプレート上の論理ID(LogicalID)を自由に書き換える https://qiita.com/hntk/items/5e941f658b64962a84d1 awscdk 2022-08-24 22:30:23
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWSにおけるDatabricksデプロイメントについてまとめてみた https://qiita.com/taka_yayoi/items/7abe6fa94cd89e12ba6e azure 2022-08-24 22:17:44
Linux CentOSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita RHEL系OSでホスト名を変更する https://qiita.com/Nats72/items/8eaaed802f4d97dfc175 ctlsethostnamenewhostname 2022-08-24 22:15:55
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita コミットに対するSSH署名にGitHubが対応したそうなので設定してみた https://qiita.com/Hiyoko1213/items/fb2444b43ec588e912bb commit 2022-08-24 22:16:52
技術ブログ Developers.IO [アップデート] Amazon S3 で SSE-C の使用を制御できる IAM 条件キーが追加されました https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/amazon-s3-condition-key-control-sse-c/ amazonsaddsanewpolicy 2022-08-24 13:37:59
技術ブログ Developers.IO [書評]『ナゾトキCTF~入社試験からの脱出~ Ver1.2』で謎解き要素の強いCTFを遊ぼう! https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/nazotki-ctf-tanoshi/ becominn 2022-08-24 13:03:57
技術ブログ Developers.IO pyminizip を AWS Lambdaで使いたい https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/want-to-use-pyminizip-in-aws-lambda/ awslambda 2022-08-24 13:03:28
海外TECH Ars Technica Fitbit announces new Sense 2, Versa 4, and Inspire 3 fitness trackers https://arstechnica.com/?p=1875719 fitbit 2022-08-24 13:00:56
海外TECH DEV Community Arquitetura de Sistemas Operacionais #2 https://dev.to/samoht/arquitetura-de-sistemas-operacionais-2-37ec Arquitetura de Sistemas Operacionais Hoje continuemos com o conteúdo do post passado o da história dos sistemas operacionais seguindo o livro Arquitetura de Sistemas Operacionais Sem mais delongas vamos lá Década de O elemento de mais destaque dessa época foi sem dúvida o multiprocessamento pois antes da sua criação o computador quando estava em processo de leitura ou impressão ele não podia executar mais nenhum programa assim ficando ocioso Porém para resolver esse problema surgiu a multiprogramação que permitiu que vários programas compartilhassem a memória assim quando um programa estava na etapa de leitura gravação o processador começava a executar o próximo programa Agora vamos para a nossa linha temporal Em o computador B élançado com o SO “Master Control Program o que oferecia multiprogramação memória virtual com segmentação e multiprocessamento E nesse mesmo ano foi criado o primeiro supercomputador o CDC Em a IBM lança o System que era um conceito de máquinas que podiam ter portes diferentes mas a arquitetura era a mesma Assim o usuário não precisava se preocupar com seus programas ele podia comprar uma máquina mais econômica em uma primeira instância e caso necessário comprar uma mais potente depois e ainda ter seus programas funcionando em ambas O SO dessa máquina era o OS Atéesse momento nós játínhamos evoluído bastante Porém para os programadores programar ainda era muito custoso imagine que se vocêcompilar o código com um erro vocêpode parar ele facilmente os programadores antes não podiam fazer isso Caso eles cometessem um erro eles iriam ter que esperar horas e horas para o computador terminar de compilar aquele programa com erro A solução para isso foi oferecer tempo de resposta menores e uma interface para interagir melhor com o sistema Assim cada processo estaria limitado poderia apenas usar o processador em alguns intervalos de tempo para isso foi dado o nome de tempo compartilhado time sharing Além de adicionarem um terminal de vídeo o precursor do monitor e um teclado Um dos primeiros sistemas a usar o Time Sharing foi o CTSS foi feito pelo MIT em e logo após o seu lançamento o MIT jáestava se preparando para desenvolver o MULTICS O qual implementava várias inovações como a memória Virtual com segmentação e paginação multiprogramação e suportava vários usuários e processadores Porém ele não pode ser finalizado contudo muitas das ideias desenvolvidas nele foram importantes para o desenvolvimento dos SO s que temos atualmente Em graças a “Digital Equipment Corp surgiram os primeiros computadores de pequeno porte e baixo custo eram os minicomputadores Em Ken Thompson que havia trabalhado no MULTICS começou a desenvolver seu próprio SO que seria futuramente conhecido como Unix Década de Finalmente anos Nessa época a LSI e a VLSI foram os fatores que levaram adiante o processo de diminuir o tamanho e preço dos equipamentos eletrônicos Assim a Digital lança a sua nova linha de microcomputadores o PDP em e mais adiante o sistema VAX VMS Virtual Memory System de bits Em a Intel lança sue primeiro microprocessador o “Intel e logo após o “Intel Em Steve Jobs e Steve Wozniak produzem o “Apple II de bits que se tornou uma febre em todos os lugares Assim consolidando a marca E neste mesmo ano a Apple e a Microsoft são fundadas Um problema que ainda tínhamos era a velocidade do processamento assim a estratégia adotada foi a de criar máquinas com vários processadores criando assim o multiprocessamento E também foram criados processadores vetoriais e técnicas de paralelismo Nessa época surgiram as redes distribuídas WAN s e foram fortemente difundidas com isso vários domínios foram criados além de que surgiram também as primeiras LAN s Assim os SO s se tornaram fortemente ligados aos softwares de rede E como uma última informação desta época foi nela onde as linguagens que jádevem ser conhecidas por vocêforam criadas A Pascal e a C 2022-08-24 13:40:24
海外TECH DEV Community Renovate, a Dependabot alternative https://dev.to/nfrankel/renovate-a-dependabot-alternative-2h8d Renovate a Dependabot alternativeI won t introduce Dependabot Lots and lots of developers use it daily on GitHub I do use it as well However it suffers from two drawbacks While it s perfectly integrated with GitHub integrations with other platforms are less seamless It s limited in the list of ecosystems it supports For example I generally use Docker Compose files for my demos When necessary I use Kubernetes Dependabot supports none Worse Dependabot doesn t accept contributions to add new ecosystems Recently I watched Viktor Farcic s Automate Dependency Management With Renovate I found Renovate super neat thought about using it and forgot Then I stumbled upon another mention of it It pushed me to implement it in two locations On my blogFor a demo using Docker Compose Keeping my blog up to dateI ve already written multiple times about my blog s infrastructure In the context of this post the relevant parts are It s based on Jekyll Jekyll is a Ruby based static site generator To manage Ruby gems dependencies I use bundler I generate the site at every push on GitLab I configured the build via the standard gitlab ci yml file Finally to avoid building the whole infrastructure at each build I rely on a Dockerfile It provides the JRuby base image and a couple of required binaries e g graphviz The GitLab build starts from this image Renovate offers instructions to install the product for GitLab As I had to understand how Renovate works and how to install it I had to consult quite a few sites Here s a sum up of my understanding You need to create a dedicated project on GitLab to run RenovateThe GitLab scheduler should trigger it e g weekly or dailyRenovate has two configuration types one that applies to the runner itself and one that applies to the project If you set up parameters on the runner they will apply to each project Renovate runs on The documentation recommends that each project should get its specific configuration Note that Renovate offers a mechanism to factor configuration across different projects In the end I ended up with the following Renovate runner configuration variables RENOVATE GIT AUTHOR Renovate Bot lt bot renovate com gt RENOVATE REQUIRE CONFIG optionalinclude project renovate bot renovate runner file templates renovate dind gitlab ci yml The template provides a solid set of default values e g environment variables the platform is GitLab the log level is info etc By default Renovate sniffs what package managers the project uses On my blog it checked HTML files as well To reduce the scope I configured only the necessary package managers enabledManagers gitlabci dockerfile bundler It allows for managing dependencies of GitLab CI Docker and Bundler only You may want to set the LOG LEVEL environment variable to debug especially at the beginning it helps tremendously For example my first few runs stopped with the cryptic message Repository is disabled skipping With debug level logging I could understand why DEBUG MRs are disabled for the project throwing error to abort renovation The next step is to achieve the desired results In my case Renovator didn t open any merge request GitLab CI The build file mentions my image with latest and the Kaniko image with debug None of them are semantic and Renovate cannot offer any advice While I don t care about the former I do care about the latter Note to my future self I need to fix it Docker The Dockerfile uses jruby jre as the parent image Though it s not a semantic version Renovate can extract the correct semantic version as seen in the log currentVersion Yet there s no newer version and Renovate correctly does nothing Gems I m using Bundler and dependencies are pinned in a Gemfile lock file By default Renovate doesn t propose any upgrade For GitLab and Docker one can expect the results no semantic versioning and no later version For Gems I was a bit puzzled The reason lies in how Renovate handles updates The default strategy is replace Replace the range with a newer one if the new version falls outside it and update nothing otherwiseAnother strategy is update lockfile Update the lock file when in range updates are available otherwise replace for updates out of range Works for bundler composer npm yarn terraform and poetry so far It seems to be much more reasonable I updated Jekyll s configuration file enabledManagers gitlabci dockerfile bundler packageRules matchManagers bundler rangeStrategy update lockfile Update the range strategy to applyOnly for Bundler it doesn t make any sense for GitLab or DockerI reran the Renovate job and I had my Merge Request ready this time Renovate correctly identified the to be updated dependencies upgraded them and created the MR addressable public suffix gt lt asciidoctor asciidoctor diagram asciidoctor diagram asciidoctor gt lt x asciidoctor diagram ditaamini gt asciidoctor diagram plantuml gt rexml asciidoctor diagram ditaamini asciidoctor diagram plantuml asciidoctor diagram ditaamini asciidoctor diagram plantuml colorator concurrent ruby cssminify Here s a log snippet that shows the magic depName asciidoctor diagram managerData lineNumber datasource rubygems depTypes jekyll plugins lockedVersion depIndex updates bucket non major newVersion newMajor newMinor updateType patch isRange true isLockfileUpdate true branchName renovate asciidoctor diagram x lockfile warnings versioning ruby currentVersion isSingleVersion true fixedVersion Keeping a demo up to dateWhile I host my blog on a private repository on GitLab all my demos are public repositories on GitHub As I mentioned the integration of Dependabot on GitHub is excellent However it leaves out a few package managers I m regularly using Docker Compose files and Kubernetes manifests Renovate to the rescue It s a breeze to set up Renovate on your repositories Just browse the GitHub Renovate app and click on the big gree Install button in the top right corner Choose which organization and which repositories you ll install Renovate in Renovate will open a Pull Request in every matching repository The PR contains a single file the renovate json configuration file You can update it according to your needs configuration options are many From that point on Renovate will monitor the configured repositories and send PRs e g in Dockerfiledocker compose ymlEven better Renovate Bot limits the number of PRs to abide by GitHub rate limiting For convenience it sends a dedicated issue titled Dependency Dashboard where you can see all available dependencies updates How to interact with the dashboard is pretty self explanatory Just check the relevant checkbox and it opens a PR regarding the dependency Renovate will also open PRs if below the rate limit ConclusionRenovate is a great tool It works seamlessly on GitHub on GitLab you need a dedicated runner Compared to Dependabot I love Renovate s capability to update Docker Docker Compose and Kubernetes files I ll use it from now on To go further Renovate documentationRenovate managersGitLab Renovate runnerOriginally published at A Java Geek on August st 2022-08-24 13:38:49
海外TECH DEV Community Sidekick Open Source Live Debugger : Get started in 5 mins https://dev.to/boroskoyo/sidekick-open-source-live-debugger-get-started-in-5-mins-347o Sidekick Open Source Live Debugger Get started in mins Sidekick Open Source is finally ready Here is how you can start using it in minutes Sidekick is a live application debugger that lets you troubleshoot your applications while they keep on running Sidekick Open Source is here to allow self hosting and make live debugging more accessible Built for everyone who needs extra information from their running applications Today is the big day for Sidekick Open Source as we are launching on Product Hunt Your upvotes and comments will help us a lot and we are looking forward you hear your feedback Our Product Hunt page Sidekick Open Source Github repo don t forget to star it QuickstartWe have prepared a simple project to show how you can start live debugging using a self hosted Sidekick instance in just minutes Prerequisites DockerMake sure docker daemon is running npmnpm install npm latest g Visual Studio Code Note Sidekick has many other clients Check out our headless options if you don t want to install a new IDE InstallationRunning Sidekick with default settings Clone the Sidekick repogit clone Go to the docker folder under the project Run command docker compose up d and wait for a minuteYour Sidekick instance is readyRunning Quickstart Project Clone the Quicstart application repogit clone Install NPM packagesnpm install Run npm startNow you have your self hosted Sidekick instance and Quickstart application up and running It is time to use a client to put tracepoints and collect data from Quickstart application And live debugging for all Install Sidekick Extension form the VSCode marketplace Open the folder of Quickstart application at VSCode vscode folder in this repo should set the config for you If you have any issues just check the instructions here Now login using Sidekick pluginHead to the Sidekick Trace Events panel to enable itRight click on th line on app routes index js and put your first tracepoint Check docs for extra info Visit http localhost to trigger your tracepoint Observe your collected trace events at VSCode Sidekick Trace Events panel That s it That is all you need to start using Sidekick Open Source Happy debugging y all repo containing this project 2022-08-24 13:22:00
海外TECH DEV Community How do you motivate yourself to work on personal projects? As a profesional developer https://dev.to/nombrekeff/how-do-you-motivate-yourself-to-work-on-personal-projects-as-a-profesional-developer-gdm How do you motivate yourself to work on personal projects As a profesional developerHey there I ve been struggling lately to get motivation to work on personal projects When I finish my work shift or on weekends I can t seem to find motivation to work on my personal projects Which I really want to finish My question to you is how do you handle this How do you trick or convince yourself to work on personal projects Do you have any process Or do you treat them as if they were work projects Any tips would be highly appreciated 2022-08-24 13:12:56
海外TECH DEV Community New to a Daunting Field https://dev.to/astandishperry/new-to-a-daunting-field-292 New to a Daunting FieldEeek As I look at the course load of an intensive month coding boot camp I am feeling overwhelmed and already exhausted How am I going to teach special education fulltime take night classes days with hours of class time up to hours of studying and the most important job of them all Mom to an year old and dog mom to a pug and lab My only option is to succeed I need to be successful in an ever emerging field to earn more money to show my daughter that you can change careers at anytime in order to be happy more successful and more secure and that women can be successful even in a field that is led mostly by men So as a fairly new beginner to this field my first major in college was computer science learning C but that was years ago and only lasted a semester what are your tips suggestions and best advice for an almost year old entering this field of full of youngsters who grew up with coding Help 2022-08-24 13:03:56
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News iPhone shipments in Vietnam more than doubled over the last year https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/08/24/iphone-shipments-from-vietnam-saw-major-growth-in-q2-2022?utm_medium=rss iPhone shipments in Vietnam more than doubled over the last yearVietnam s iPhone shipments for Apple significantly increased in the second quarter of according to the latest research from Counterpoint Apple CEO Tim Cook visiting a Foxconn assembly plantShipments for budget smartphones remained mostly flat declining year over year to million units Premium smartphones however categorized as those above grew year over year Smartphones designed for gaming also saw high growth Read more 2022-08-24 13:58:51
海外TECH Engadget Fitbit unveils Sense 2, Versa 4 and Inspire 3 in smartwatch and fitness tracker refresh https://www.engadget.com/fitbit-2022-sense-2-versa-4-inspire-3-130037942.html?src=rss Fitbit unveils Sense Versa and Inspire in smartwatch and fitness tracker refreshIt s been a hot minute since Fitbit really showed off an updated wearable that wasn t a slender fitness tracker The Sense Inspire and Versa all debuted in with only the Charge and Luxe appearing between then and now Today however the Google owned company is sharing details about a trio of new devices The Inspire Versa and Sense As usual Fitbit s emphasis is on comfort and battery life as well as some much needed additions for life on the go It makes sense to talk about the Sense and Versa as one since both are getting plenty of useful iterative updates Both offer continuous heart rate monitoring paired with activity stress and sleep tracking boasting of more than six days worth of battery life But these new models will also soon hook into Google Maps allowing you to see turn by turn directions on your wrist The pair also get access to Google Wallet and while it s not mentioned in the release you might think that Fitbit Pay will be left on the wayside as a consequence The Sense also grabs a continuous electrodermal activity sensor much like the one found on the Charge Oh and the pusher which had been excised from the Versa has returned for the Naturally with wearable hardware all much of a muchness these days Fitbit is hoping that it has the edge on its rivals on the software and services side Premium subscribers with both devices can take a look at Sleep Profile which uses different metrics to identify how you sleep and offer ways for you to improve your shut eye Similarly a Stress Management Score will help you keep an eye on your tension levels while at work telling you when you take a breather The Sense and Versa are both up for order right now with the former setting you back and the latter ーbuyers can expect a six month trial of Fitbit Premium thrown in for good measure ーwith deliveries expected to begin in the fall FitbitMeanwhile the Inspire tracker is the company s latest entry level device with a slender er design days of battery life and six months of Premium thrown in for good measure As before you shouldn t expect many of the gee whizz features found on Fitbit s other devices and you ll lean pretty heavily on the companion app to log your vital statistics and check your vital signs That ll set you back and will begin shipping at some point in September 2022-08-24 13:00:37
ラズパイ Raspberry Pi A peer instruction approach for engaging girls in the Computing classroom: Study results https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/gender-balance-in-computing-peer-instruction-approach-engaging-girls/ A peer instruction approach for engaging girls in the Computing classroom Study resultsToday we are publishing the third report of our findings from our Gender Balance in Computing research programme This report shares the outcomes from the Peer Instruction project which is the last in our set of three interventions that has explored teaching approaches to engage more girls in computing The premise of the teaching approach The post A peer instruction approach for engaging girls in the Computing classroom Study results appeared first on Raspberry Pi 2022-08-24 13:10:05
海外科学 NYT > Science Texas Drought Exposes Dinosaur Tracks https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/24/science/dinosaur-tracks-texas-drought.html paluxy 2022-08-24 13:43:37
ニュース BBC News - Home Target of Liverpool shooting that killed Olivia Pratt-Korbel, 9, arrested https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-62658221?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA arresteda 2022-08-24 13:39:54
ニュース BBC News - Home More BTec students could face delays to results https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-62659051?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA pearson 2022-08-24 13:22:02
ニュース BBC News - Home Minimum wage should rise to £15 for all workers, says TUC https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-62656500?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA congress 2022-08-24 13:39:36
ビジネス 不景気.com ヒューマン・メタボロームが米子会社の債務を株式化 - 不景気com https://www.fukeiki.com/2022/08/hmt-america-des.html 米子会社 2022-08-24 13:17:04
北海道 北海道新聞 旧統一教会の文化庁聴取記録なし 9回分作成せず https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/721616/ 世界平和 2022-08-24 22:19:00
北海道 北海道新聞 トヨタ広告、英で再掲禁止 「無責任運転助長」と指摘 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/721614/ 運転 2022-08-24 22:12:00
北海道 北海道新聞 NY円、136円後半 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/721612/ 外国為替市場 2022-08-24 22:07:00
北海道 北海道新聞 帯広で日ハム戦、ファン8553人熱気 スカイアース監督始球式 観客も「きつねダンス」 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/721591/ 北海道日本ハムファイターズ 2022-08-24 22:04:35
北海道 北海道新聞 ロ5―2西(24日) ロッテ、連敗3で止める https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/721610/ 連敗 2022-08-24 22:04:00
IT 週刊アスキー KDDI、24日21時頃から東日本の一部エリアで通信しづらい状況 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/102/4102896/ 通信 2022-08-24 22:40:00



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