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海外TECH MakeUseOf Adobe Cloud vs. Device Selections in Photoshop: How Do They Compare? https://www.makeuseof.com/photoshop-adobe-cloud-vs-device-select-subject/ Adobe Cloud vs Device Selections in Photoshop How Do They Compare Photoshop s Select Subject feature allows you to choose between Adobe Cloud selections and Device selections Let s pit them against each other 2022-09-03 19:45:13
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Fix the “You Don’t Have Permission to Save in This Location” Error on Windows https://www.makeuseof.com/windows-dont-have-permission-save-error/ error 2022-09-03 19:15:13
海外TECH DEV Community Setting up TypeScript with NodeJS https://dev.to/rashwanlazkani/setting-up-typescript-with-nodejs-3fjo Setting up TypeScript with NodeJS Welcome The other day when I was setting up TypeScript with a Node project I thought that I could write a simple guide that could help you doing this in a hopefully smooth way To start do the following First make sure that you have TypeScript installed by running or installing tsc versionnpm install g typescriptNow we need to add a package json file npm init yTo add TypeScript run the following command yarn add D typescriptNext we need to initialize our project with TypeScript The command below will generate a file called tsconfig json Make sure to read and understand this file since it contains useful information and is well documented npx tsc initNow create a new file in your project and make sure that the file extension is ts I will create a file called app ts inside a src folder Inside the file create a console log src app tsconsole log Hello World Now we need to configure so that the TypeScript files is compiled into JavaScript files Go to the file package json and replace the content in the scripts block with the following which will execute our TypeScript files and build them into JavaScript files scripts build tsc Now we can build our project and when we do this we will get a js file which we can use to run our application yarn build to buildnode app js to runBut this is kind of annoying to do it this way when we can run our TypeScript files directly by adding a library who handles this Run the following command yarn add D ts nodeNow go into your package json file and the the following line in scripts scripts start ts node src app ts build tsc You can delete the previously generated js file and now directly running your TypeScript files yarn start BonusIf you re developing and want the changes to be updated each time you save then you can add the following library which will restart the server each time you make a change yarn add D ts node devNow head into the package json file and update the scripts start scripts start ts node dev respawn src app ts build tsc SummaryThat s it you have now set up TypeScript with Node Any comments questions or discussions are always welcome 2022-09-03 19:45:38
海外TECH DEV Community Path Aliases in TypeScript and why you should use them https://dev.to/naubit/path-aliases-in-typescript-and-why-you-should-use-them-2odf Path Aliases in TypeScript and why you should use themWell a normal way to start this article would be talking about path aliases and their story…and once the reader you is bored I would start talking about how to implement them in our beloved projects But I hate that kind of post I like that when I don t know something or I don t remember it I can just enter the right post in my Google search and find the answer And later once I have finished my task I will just learn more about those concepts which are interesting but not today s topic So…let s honor that and let s make this post something useful for you Path AliasesThe easier way to explain something is with an example Remember some messy project that you have on your hard drive One with several components And even a few components inside one component folder Now remember when you try to import it It looks like this isn t it Did you notice that dots nightmare Imagine if now you could change it to something like this That is a path alias It allows you to reference any file no matter where it is in the project by always using the same path in this case I set a path alias for the components folder containing my components as components How can you use it There are several ways depending on what you are using the plain old Javascript Typescript…and it can be different or with extra steps if you use some framework like Vite So let s explain how to use path aliases in Typescript Imagine you have a project structure like the following one Let s update your tsconfig json file If you don t find it it is in the root directory of your project and it contains the Typescript settings for your project Your file will look something like this don t copy my settings it might break your project Better follow this guide and understand what you are doing To make our path aliases work in Typescript we need to add two keys in the file baseUrl and paths baseUrl is used to let typescript will be the original path the root path from where the alias path will start paths is just an object containing different keys mapping each alias path you want to use So let s say you want to add an alias path to the modules folder so you can just do something like We will modify our tsconfig json to look like this Save it and…you are done It is just that easy But wait before you close the article and go back to code if you want to know more extra settings and tricks for this continue reading it won t be too much and you will discover a whole new world How can I use path aliases in Javascript You can You just need to edit or create if it doesn t exist the jsconfig json file in the root directory of your project you can read about that file here but basically it is really similar to the one we use in Typescript projects Except for the different files you need to modify the jsconfig json instead of the tsconfig json file every other step is the same whether you are in a Javascript project or in a Typescript project What if I need to use those aliases in tests or in a bundler or… You could make it work by yourself but…instead of spending some time figuring out how to do it feel free to do it if you want or have time for that I recommend you to check this amazing package Alias HQ which is free and basically uses your tsconfig json or jsconfig json file to setup everything for you and make really easy to configure all those more advanced needs How to use path aliases in… I am getting a few more posts about how to set up path aliases in other places and I will update this article with links to them once they are published By the way if you want to get the latest threads and posts I publish feel free to follow me on my Twitter thenaubit See you there 2022-09-03 19:18:04
海外TECH DEV Community Introduction to JSON Server (part II) https://dev.to/derick1530/introduction-to-json-server-part-ii-m6k Introduction to JSON Server part II As a frontend developer when prototyping you need to know how to fetch data from your JSON Server in this last part we are going to learn just that Check out the first partPrerequisiteTo follow this article along prior knowledge of React Hook React Suspense API and JSON Server is essential Here is the GitHub repo instructions are in the readme file IntroductionIn this part we are going to put into practice some request types POST GET PUT PATCH and DELETE Before we start in part we were able to fetch data inside our database json by playing with the URL It will be the same but instead of making changes to the URL we will write some codes Side note we are using react Suspense API for data fetching You can read more about it here as it is not under the scope of this article GET requestThe application is running on localhost and the server on port localhost GET ALL ITEMSIn your project repo navigate to fetchFici js under web client src page We are going to create a fetch function to get our data from JSON server in the first line above wrapPromise type enter this code const readAllFici gt return fetch http localhost data then res gt res json catch err gt console log err In createRousource file add readAllFici in wrapPromise like this export const createResource gt return data wrapPromise ReadAllFici In the first snippet we created a function and named it readAllFici we passed the json server url in the first parameter we then got back a response from the server Next snippet we are passing fetch function to createResource which is part of the structure of using react Suspense Next still in the same folder navigate to index jsx we will import createResource and it in our Screen component like this import createResource from fetchFici const resource createResource return lt Suspense fallback lt Spinner gt gt lt Screen resource ressource gt lt Suspense gt In screen jsx add this snippet const Screen resource gt const ficiData resource data read const displayFici ficiData map item index gt return The above snippet we are getting the data sent by the server to see the result in your browser refresh the page We received all the items from the server and passed them inside the component GET A SINGLE ITEMTo get a single element we are going to change the fetch url to the id of our item Let s implement that First create a new function to fetch item based on the id const readOneItem id gt return fetch http localhost data id then res gt res json catch err gt console log err Next bellow createResource we create a new arrow function the same as createResource but with a parameter and that parameter will be received by readOneItem export const createResourceOnePost id gt return data wrapPromise readOneItem id Next in singlePost jsx we have two components one that receives the data and passes it through the component and one that displays it Before that we need to get the id of a single element For our case we used react router dom you can check in App jsx how we set up the routing In the second component we are going to get the id param from the URL for that let s import useParams and get the id import useParams from react router dom const id useParams Let s import createResourceOnePost and call the first component inside Suspense which takes ressource as parameter import createResourceOnePost from fetchFici const resource createResourceOnePost id return lt div className border rounded md bg zinc border white p gt lt p className text center text xl font mono gt Fici Game lt p gt lt Suspense fallback lt Spinner gt gt lt LoadData resource resource gt lt Suspense gt lt div gt Inside the child component let use the data passed in the parent component const LoadData resource gt const ficiData resource data read return lt div className border bg gray flex flex col space y justify center items center border white h m gt lt p className p font mono text lg gt ficiData name lt p gt lt span className text xl shadow xl rounded full gt ficiData symbol lt span gt lt div gt The last thing we need to do is to navigate to the specific item In screen jsx create a onClick inside displayFiciimport useNavigate from react router dom const navigate useNavigate const displayFici ficiData map item index gt return lt tr className border b border gray cursor pointer onClick gt navigate item id key index gt lt td className p gt item id lt td gt lt td className p text center gt item name lt td gt lt td className p gt lt span className text xl gt item symbol lt span gt lt td gt lt tr gt Output POST METHODLet s add a third element to our list of items to do that we need to create a function the same way we did for get request but instead of getting it we will post send data to our JSON server so let s create that in fetchFici jsexport const postItem gt const doc name Tornado symbol ️ return fetch http localhost data method POST body JSON stringify doc headers content Type application json We created a doc object where we passed manually the item we want to add to our list then to add that item inside our database json we need to fetch the first parameter is the URL this time it will receive a second parameter which is an object inside we pass the method which is POST for our case the body and the headers we do the same as we did for get request We import the function in screen jsx component and it will be executed once a button is clicked import postItem from fetchFici lt div gt lt p className text center p gt lt p gt lt div className text center gt lt button className bg sky rounded lg w p onClick gt postItem gt ️ lt button gt lt p className font mono gt Tornado lt p gt lt div gt lt div gt Now if you click to the button and refresh the page you will see an item have been added read more about useEffecf hereif you check in our database json instead of having we now have items So far so good now you know how to get and post data from the JSON server next let s see how to Update and delete data UPDATE AND DELETE DATAUpdate is almost the same thing as other types of requests we are just changing the method to PUT or PATCH instead of POST side note The difference between PUT and PATCH is that when you use PUT you have to specify all the properties inside your object body if you need to update only one property you can make use of PATCH request So go ahead and create a new function and call it updatItem in fetchFici jsexport const updateItem id body gt return fetch http localhost data id method PATCH body JSON stringify body headers content Type application json In the code above we passed two parameters the id for the item we want to update and the new name Now in singlePost jsx let s add some lines of code import updateItem from fetchFici import React useState from react const LoadData resource gt const id useParams const text setText useState return lt span gt lt span gt lt form onSubmit updateHandler className flex flex col gt lt input className text gray text center rounded lg p type text placeholder ficiData name value text onChange e gt setText e target value gt lt button type submit className p bg zinc rounded b lg gt UPDATE lt button gt lt form gt OutputNow if you change the name and click update then refresh the page you should see the changes in my case i updated Air to VortexDELETE ITEMNow let s see how to delete an item You already know how to create a query function go ahead and create a function similar to updateItemthen remove all the object body as it is not needed then change the request method to DELETE don t forget to pass the id parameter you need to know which item you want to delete from the list of itemsimport deleteItem from fetchFici export const deleteItem id gt return fetch http localhost data id method DELETE Next let s add some code in screen jsx lt td gt lt button className p onClick gt deleteItem item id gt lt TbTrash className text red gt lt button gt lt td gt We imported deleteItem inside displayFici we added a new td tag with a button passed the deleteItem in onClick OutputClick to one item then refresh the page you will see the item has been deleted ConclusionWe have reached the end of our tutorial We saw some types of requests that are useful for testing endpoints when prototyping For those types seen in the first part I highly recommend you to go and try to implement them and let me know in the comment if you encounter any challenges implementing them I will be glad to help If you find this article helpful don t forget to share it with your friends full source code GitHub repoLearn more about React Suspense API hereUntil next time take care 2022-09-03 19:16:02
ニュース BBC News - Home US man charged after threat to fly plane into Walmart https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-62781141?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA mississippi 2022-09-03 19:24:27
ニュース BBC News - Home Foo Fighters' Dave Grohl opens Taylor Hawkins tribute show https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-62782108?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA gallagher 2022-09-03 19:43:47
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