IT |
気になる、記になる… |
過去にもフライングした実績があるメーカーが「iPhone 14」シリーズ向けケースなどを販売開始 − 「iPhone 14 Plus」の名称も |
airpodspro |
2022-09-04 14:58:49 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
サードパーティメーカーが新型「AirPods Pro」対応のケースを早くも販売開始 |
airpodspro |
2022-09-04 14:41:10 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Qiita表彰プログラムSilver受賞者はどのくらい記事を書いているのか、QiitaAPIを使って調べてみた |
qiita |
2022-09-04 23:33:35 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
機械学習で創造的なことしよ ~Conditional-WGAN-gp × CIFER10編~ |
cifer |
2022-09-04 23:32:16 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Pythonのフレームワーク「Flask」を用いてHelloWolrdしてみた |
flask |
2022-09-04 23:30:46 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
AWS Step Functionsの組み込み関数States.ArrayPartitionを使ってDynamoDBのTransactWriteItems APIでリクエストするオブジェクト数を上限数25件毎に分割してみた |
AWSStepFunctionsの組み込み関数StatesArrayPartitionを使ってDynamoDBのTransactWriteItemsAPIでリクエストするオブジェクト数を上限数件毎に分割してみたこんにちは、CX事業本部IoT事業部の若槻です。 |
2022-09-04 14:55:23 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Add or Remove Items to the Windows 10 Start Menu |
start |
2022-09-04 14:15:13 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to make responsive portfolio website. Easy code with HTML, CSS and JS |
How to make responsive portfolio website Easy code with HTML CSS and JSHello Hope you all are doing great Well in this blog you are going to make an awesome modern looking responsive portfolio website which you can proudly you to showcase your projects to your clients So without wasting time let see what we gonna do today So basically in this portfolio we have a one page layout which has home page about page project section and contact section Some of its features areModern LookingResponsive to all screensTimeLine layout in about sectionInteractive Project section with awesome popupSmooth Scrolling and custom selection in website Video TutorialIf you guys interested in watching video tutorial you can find it below If you can just subscribe my channel and like the video it will motivate me to make more awesome contents like this You can download the source code Lets CodeSo I guess without wasting more let see how to code the website Folder StructureYou can download the images folder from here You can see we have app js index html amp style css files But I also have project js file This file basically contains an array projectData which contains more than JS Objects and those objects are nothing but the project card data itself So basically I have this file here so that we can easily add projects to our site by editing the Array instead of editing the HTML file and figuring out why CSS styles are not working on some cards It will make the life easy Project jslet projectData image img project png name project one detail Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit Donec congue augue quis rutrum auctor erat est mattis velit vel luctus est nisl github live tags javascript fullstack css more objects like this So let s open index html and style css file to start with the site Go ahead and write the basic HTML Template give it some title and link the CSS files to it too Also you can link Roboto google font in your html file Once done with that let s create the navbar So For navbar code this HTML lt nav class navbar gt lt h class logo gt Modern Web lt h gt lt ul class nav links container gt lt li class nav link gt lt a href home section class links active gt home lt a gt lt li gt lt li class nav link gt lt a href project section class links gt projects lt a gt lt li gt lt li class nav link gt lt a href about section class links gt about lt a gt lt li gt lt li class nav link gt lt a href contact section class links gt contact lt a gt lt li gt lt ul gt lt nav gt The above HTML should make the navbar Now we just need to style it margin padding box sizing border box body margin auto width position relative background color fcfcfc font family Roboto sans serif navbar navbar position fixed top left z index width height px padding vw display flex justify content space between align items center background fcfcfc logo font size rem font weight nav links container display flex list style none links text decoration none color margin px padding px text transform capitalize font size rem opacity transition s links active links hover opacity After giving these styling you should see something like this Great so its looking cool now we can work on header section So basically our header section will have some content on left side and the image of a user on right side For that you can code HTML structure like this after navbar lt header gt lt header class header id home section gt lt div class content gt lt h class header heading gt Hey I am lt span class brand name gt modern lt span gt web lt span gt lt span gt lt h gt lt a href class btn gt Hire lt a gt lt div gt lt div class header img container gt lt div class circle gt lt div gt lt img src img header img png class header img alt gt lt div gt lt header gt The site is nothing with CSS so let s add that too header header width height vh padding vw display flex justify content space between align items center gap px header heading font size rem font weight margin bottom px header heading brand name display block text transform capitalize font size rem margin px font weight brand name span color f btn color text decoration none cursor pointer background fff border px solid cecece border radius px padding px px text transform capitalize transition s margin right px header img container display flex justify content center align items center position relative header img position absolute top left transform translate width px height px object fit cover circle width px height px border radius background f margin left px position relative user select none circle before content position absolute top px left px bottom px right px border px solid fff border radius You should see something like this As we are done with header section too Now let s create about section But before that the code is pretty simple to understand but if you don t understand anything you can just go and watch the video tutorial for detail understanding or you can simply ask me in discussions I ll answer your questions Okay to the topic for about section code something like this lt about section gt lt section id about section gt lt h class heading gt about me lt h gt lt about gt lt div class about container gt lt div class image container gt lt div class square gt lt div gt lt img src img about png class about img alt gt lt div class social links gt lt a href gt lt img src img github png class social img alt gt lt a gt lt a href gt lt img src img insta png class social img alt gt lt a gt lt a href gt lt img src img fb png class social img alt gt lt a gt lt a href gt lt img src img twitter png class social img alt gt lt a gt lt a href gt lt img src img linked png class social img alt gt lt a gt lt div gt lt div gt lt info part gt lt div class info gt lt p gt Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit Repudiandae voluptate a magni aut expedita aliquid eveniet recusandae mollitia explicabo consequatur dignissimos quidem atque quas dicta eligendi odio iusto fuga reiciendis Labore maxime dignissimos provident saepe veniam ullam at laboriosam culpa enim Unde laborum enim nulla fugiat officiis atque Ducimus consectetur voluptas praesentium rerum facere recusandae blanditiis necessitatibus repellat ullam vitae reprehenderit harum ex ipsam enim molestias voluptatibus illum repellendus animi doloribus minus tempora atque Excepturi vel consectetur facere consequuntur atque reprehenderit quis tempore fugit voluptates iusto aliquid ad dignissimos alias ut soluta similique praesentium non cum quidem laborum enim debitis lt p gt lt a href class btn gt hire me lt a gt lt a href class btn gt download CV lt a gt lt div gt lt div gt lt section gt Give it styling about section about section position relative padding px vw heading text align center text transform capitalize font size rem font weight margin bottom px about container width margin px px display flex gap px image container width position relative about img width height px display block object fit cover margin px auto border radius px square width px height px border radius px background f position absolute right px top px z index transform rotate deg social links margin top px display flex gap px justify content center social img width px height px opacity transition s social img hover opacity info width info p font size rem line height rem margin px If you notice we have the id of the section inside href of navbar a links That is because so that when we click on the link it will take you to that section but if you click on that now you ll get not smooth scrolling effect So to get smooth scrolling effect add this in CSS file html scroll behavior smooth selection background f The above code will make smooth scrolling and change the background colour of text on selection Now let s create the skills and time line since these are also a part of about section make sure you add the HTML structures inside about section section lt skills part gt lt h class sub heading gt skills lt h gt lt div class skills gt lt p class skill name gt HTML lt p gt lt p class skill name gt CSS lt p gt lt p class skill name gt JavaScript lt p gt lt p class skill name gt React js lt p gt lt p class skill name gt Node js lt p gt lt p class skill name gt PSQL lt p gt lt p class skill name gt MongoDB lt p gt lt p class skill name gt Firebase lt p gt lt p class skill name gt Fullstack Development lt p gt lt p class skill name gt Frontend Development lt p gt lt p class skill name gt APIs lt p gt lt p class skill name gt React Native lt p gt lt p class skill name gt More lt p gt lt div gt lt time line gt lt h class sub heading gt education and experiences lt h gt lt div class timeline container gt lt div class card container gt lt div class card gt lt h class card title gt lt h gt lt p class card body gt Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit Quam rerum obcaecati Fuga officiis at libero dolore Necessitatibus numquam ipsum rem lt p gt lt div gt lt div gt more cards lt div gt skills sub heading font size rem font weight margin px text transform capitalize skills display flex flex wrap wrap gap px margin bottom px skill name padding px px background fff border px solid cecece cursor pointer transition s border radius px skill name hover color fff background color f time line timeline container width position relative card container width padding margin top px card display block width min height px min width px background color fff border px solid fcfcfc border radius px position relative card container nth child card margin top px background color fe card container nth child card background color ffa card container nth child card background color bfa card container nth child card background color cdf card container nth child card background color cbbb card container nth child even card margin left auto card title width height px font weight background rgba padding px card body padding px font size rem line height rem opacity font weight card container nth child odd card after content position absolute height right top border right px dashed f transform translateY card container card before content position absolute width px height px right top transform translateY border radius border px solid f card container nth child even card before left You should see something like this So great we are done with the about section too now let s make project section section id project section gt lt h class heading gt Projects lt h gt lt div class filter gt lt button class btn filter btn active gt all lt button gt lt button class btn filter btn gt css lt button gt lt button class btn filter btn gt javascript lt button gt lt button class btn filter btn gt fullstack lt button gt lt div gt lt project cards gt lt div class project container gt lt div class project card gt lt div class project wrapper gt lt div class project thumbnail gt lt img src img close png class close btn alt gt lt img src img project png class project img alt gt lt span class tags gt javascript css fullstack lt span gt lt div gt lt div class project body gt lt h class project name gt project lt h gt lt p class project detail gt Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit Nulla eum et veniam eos ratione accusantium aut accusamus deserunt quis dolores lt p gt lt a href class btn gt github lt a gt lt a href class btn gt see live lt a gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt lt section gt This section is hard to understand so I suggest you checkout the tutorial project section project section position relative margin px padding vw filter display flex justify content center gap px flex wrap wrap margin bottom px filter btn margin right filter btn active background f color fff project container width display flex flex wrap wrap gap px position relative justify content center project card width px height px overflow hidden display flex background ebebeb transition s border radius px position relative project thumbnail width position relative border radius px overflow hidden close btn position absolute top px left px width px cursor pointer display none project image width height object fit cover project card active border px solid cecece project wrapper transition s project card blur filter blur px project card active project wrapper position fixed top left z index width height vh display flex justify content center align items center gap px background rgba project card active project thumbnail width px height px project card active close btn display block project card active tags position absolute bottom px z index left px color fff opacity project body display none project card active project body display block width px height px background fff border radius px padding px border px solid cecece project name font size rem font weight text transform capitalize project detail font size px line height px margin px project body btn display inline block margin top px margin right px padding px px And you ll get something like this at the endNow its time to write JS to make the project cards from the data we have in project js So just link project js and then app js file in the HTML file and let s start Inside project js fileconst createProjectCards data gt let projectContainer document querySelector project container projectContainer innerHTML lt div class project card data tags data tags gt lt div class project wrapper gt lt div class project thumbnail gt lt img src img close png class close btn alt gt lt img src data image class project img alt gt lt span class tags gt data tags lt span gt lt div gt lt div class project body gt lt h class project name gt data name lt h gt lt p class project detail gt data detail lt p gt lt a href data github class btn gt github lt a gt lt a href data live class btn gt see live lt a gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt projectData forEach data gt createProjectCards data So first comment the project card in HTML file and then code this in project js file This is basically we made a function which will select the project container elements and adding the HTML of our product card using inner html method We have used template literals for adding the HTML structure to the container And at the last line its simple forEach loop which is calling the function for each object present in the array to create the cards It will create the cards so now let s add the popup and close effect along with the filters Code this inside app js file project cards open and close functionslet projects document querySelectorAll project card projects forEach card index gt let closeBtn card querySelector close btn closeBtn addEventListener click gt projects forEach item i gt item classList remove blur card classList remove active card addEventListener click e gt if e path closeBtn projects forEach item i gt if i index item classList add blur card classList add active project filter functionconst tags document querySelectorAll filter btn tags forEach btn gt btn addEventListener click gt projects forEach card gt if btn innerHTML toLowerCase all card style display block else if card getAttribute data tags includes btn innerHTML toLowerCase card style display block else card style display none tags forEach item gt item classList remove active btn classList add active If you find it hard to understand let me know in the comments So since we are writing the JS why don t we write the navbar active class toggle thing too So that when we click on link it will make that link active nav toggle let links document querySelectorAll links links forEach link gt link addEventListener click gt links forEach item gt item classList remove active link classList add active So for now our JS is done and everything will work good So we just need to make the contact form now index html lt section id contact section gt lt h class heading gt contact lt h gt lt div class form gt lt input type text placeholder name gt lt input type email placeholder email gt lt input type text placeholder subject gt lt textarea placeholder message gt lt textarea gt lt button class contact btn gt contact lt button gt lt div gt lt section gt contact section contact section margin px padding vw form width margin top px input textarea width height vh font size rem padding vw background color fff border px solid cecece border radius px margin px outline none placeholder color bbb text transform capitalize textarea height vh font family roboto sans serif resize none contact btn padding px px background f color fff border none outline none font size rem text transform capitalize cursor pointer border radius px margin top px You ll get something like this So we are done we made this awesome modern portfolio website Since the blog is being too lengthy I am not adding the responsive part here You can check that in video I hope you like this post you like the website design and the tutorial If this helped you in someway make sure you follow me on my instagram and youtube You can download the code Thanks for reading |
2022-09-04 14:36:03 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Opensea clone script- features and pros |
Opensea clone script features and prosNowadays every business wants to enter the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry These markets are growing and have a high potential for profit yielding part of every business one of these markets is the NFTs marketplace A digital market where users can buy sell and invest their money in Non fungible tokens NFTs are digital assets like art music in game items and videos whose ownership is registered by specific blockchain tokens These digital markets are platforms that transfer the ownership of assets between users One of the most popular platforms in the NFTs market places is OpenSea OpenSea Mint the NFTs list them for sale and have many options for search in the almost million NFTs With its easy user experience and high ability to sell NFTs this marketplace is liked by many entrepreneurs who want to enter the blockchain industry How can I have a platform like OpenSea Like other cryptocurrency investors who attract to the NFT marketplace you decided to design a platform like OpenSea But it is not easy for you if you don t have high programming skills and a large budget for developing a platform Another way is to get an OpenSea clone script from the clone script provider It is a white label full packed readymade NFT marketplace similar to OpenSea With this platform clone users can implement the NFT marketplace on Ether Solana Binance Smart Chain Cardano and Polygon What are the benefits of the OpenSea clone script Scalability ーOpenSea Clone Script comes with high customization scope and it allows feasible modification of features visuals etc Integrating all your business needs will enable high scalability High efficient monitoring ーThe OpenSea Clone Script enables thorough monitoring and engagement ROI features ーYou can implement numerous High ROI features when you opt for an OpenSea Clone Script Beta module ーYou can run multiple tests on your crypto exchange in the Beta module Low cost consumption ーThe cost of development will be considerably low when compared with other methods Short time span ーIntegrating OpenSea Clone Script will allow you to launch your exchange within a short period of time What main features does OpenSea Clone have OpenSea clone Storefronts display unique NFTs for users on the site Users can find any NFTs in an advanced site search Even if users don t know all models of NFTs they can use advanced filters to narrow results down This search is also available in artists or users profiles and collection holders On the item page users can track the item s price history and see who listed them to sell or make an offer to buy as well as the item s detail OpenSea clone can integrate with a wide range of crypto wallets like Metamask Coinbase Wallet Wallet connect and mobile based wallets like Opera Touch and Trust Activity states can follow the last user s activity on the site and rank users based on Collection volume floor price the lowest item in collection sales etc Buyers and sellers have different panels for themselves so that buyers can make a wishlist for items Sellers and artists can manage the detail of collections and items they list for sale Users can showcase the NFTs they collected in their profile by creating a shelf of featured items or hiding items from their OpenSea profile Setting up a banner and profile picture is another feature Connect social accounts to the site s profile is also available With Instant Ownership Transfer users can send NFTs to other community members or just another wallet For a blockchain like Ethereum network fees also called gas fees becomes a lot expensive to create Ethereum based NFTs That is because blockchains like Ethereum are plagued by network congestion The lazy minting technique allows the creators to Mint NFTs without paying network fees This feature lets users pay the gas fee after selling the NFTs Before making any purchase buyers can check the trade history of the corresponding NFT right from its inception and make decisions accordingly This Clone lets users create lists for NFTs they mint or have NFTs like images videos music metaverse and more digital collectables These collections can trade peer to peer PP Creators can set a collection level fee It means creators can earn every time their NFT is sold Also you can set a site fee as OpenSea has and make money How can I earn money from OpenSea Clone As beneficial ways of earning money from the Clone site can be mentioned •Selling fees Earn a commission per sale•Minting fees Get a fee for each Mint•Transaction fees Earn per cent of the transactions•Other ways like bidding chargesIs NFTs Marketplace worth Investing in As I mentioned you have too many options to make money from the NFTs Marketplace As you know with the young generation s passion for NFTs your investment is always in a safe place What do I need to be an NFTs entrepreneur You need to know fundamental subjects about cryptocurrency and NFTs It would be best if you are up to date about trends What the people care about in investment is ROI Return on investment which works well in this business Like other businesses advertising is the most important thing you must work on NFTs fans and artists must know your site as the best marketplace for their artworks or NFTs ConclusionIn my NFTs journey having an NFT marketplace is a good idea for passive income But even if you are a programmer or NFTs expert it s better to leave the work to marketplace clone experts In the Various models of marketplaces we reached the truth that OpenSea Clone is the best and the most features oriented white label NFT Marketplace you can work on it OpenSea Clone has a wide range of options for admins and users and can customize to any style we want to use By consulting with experts about OpenSea Clone Script you can find which options you need and how much they cost you |
2022-09-04 14:08:42 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
What If Movie Characters Had LinkedIn Profiles |
What If Movie Characters Had LinkedIn ProfilesHave you ever wondered what Sheldon Cooper s LinkedIn profile would look like Oh stupid question Of course you have I will here now present eight well known movie character s professional profiles Sheldon CooperSheldon Cooper s LinkedIn profileWe know him as the childish genius who repeatedly fails to decipher sarcasm As one of the main characters in The Big Bang Theory Sheldon Cooper shouldn t have to live without a LinkedIn profile The question is would he use LinkedIn when it lacks a bazinga reaction MulanMulan s LinkedIn profileLoyal brave and true Mulan has done more for women and the Emperor than most people Without any need for recognition or compensation she voluntarily fought against the Huns to protect her family It is now time for her to step into the spotlights and enter LinkedIn Builder BobBuilder Bob s LinkedIn profileIf one would ask Bob if he wanted a LinkedIn profile he would probably answer with a counter question Can we fix it And the answer is yes we can LinkedIn profiles normally don t have the profile image centered but we can fix that too We can build a LinkedIn where it is possible BatmanBatman s LinkedIn profileDoes Batman have a LinkedIn profile I don t know I m not on the list of people who knows his true identity Batman s professional LinkedIn profile could have looked like above though Just as with Builder Bob it s no issue for Batman to have his profile picture right adjusted he is wealthy enough to buy LinkedIn AquamanAquaman s LinkedIn profileJudging by his LinkedIn banner Aquaman is a bit less picky than Batman Being the richest superhero of his time he could beneficially have spent a bit more money on the banner design Presumably he has even skimped on the translation costs because that website URL doesn t look very accurate Homer SimpsonHomer Simpson s LinkedIn profileIt s no secret Homer Simpson appreciates donuts and he s probably better of marketing himself for that on LinkedIn than to list all the jobs he has had There are likely not a lot of recruiters searching for donut experts on LinkedIn but with all his experience recruiters would constantly stumble onto his profile and eventually he could become LinkedIn s own Rick Roll Phoebe BuffayPhoebe Buffay s LinkedIn profileCan you play guitar with a bear claw Or with a turkey leg No If you want to learn you can go to Phoebe But please remember do not touch a guitar while learning the chords Joey learned that lesson the embarrassing way let s not question Phoebe s methods one more time La LineaLa Linea s LinkedIn profile Where To Find More Like ThisIf you liked this article you are maybe interested to read similar articles You can do that here on DEV or by checking out my website I m also active on Instagram where I post programmer memes and short fun content as this Make sure to follow me if you find it interesting Dennis PerssonFollow I m a former teacher writing articles about software development and everything around it My ambition is to provide people all around the world with free education and humorous reading |
2022-09-04 14:05:33 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple Watch Pro could have a $900 price tag at launch |
Apple Watch Pro could have a price tag at launchApple s upcoming launch of the Apple Watch Pro will make it the most expensive standard grade model in the range with a report doubling down on the initial cost of the new variant starting from and potentially over Apple is expected to be introducing new Apple Watch Series models during Wednesday s special event and among them could be the new Apple Watch Pro While physically bigger the Apple Watch Pro could have a supersized price tag to match In his Power On newsletter for Bloomberg Mark Gurman writes a recap of rumors for the Apple Watch Pro with the main point being its price Gurman expects the watch to come in at least to toping the existing Apple Watch Edition Read more |
2022-09-04 14:36:28 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple reportedly working on at least three AR, VR headsets |
Apple reportedly working on at least three AR VR headsetsApple s long rumored VR headset and AR glasses could actually involve more than just two devices with at least three of the head mounted devices apparently in the works Rumors have circulated for years about Apple s augmented reality and virtual reality work with headsets and the supposed Apple Glass being in development at the company However it seems that Apple may be working on more than just two headset style devices According to Mark Gurman s Power On newsletter for Bloomberg on Sunday Apple s working on at least three headsets of the AR and VR variety They are apparently under the codes N N and N Read more |
2022-09-04 14:19:13 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
New Apple Watch SE rumored to appear at Apple Event |
New Apple Watch SE rumored to appear at Apple EventIn what is looking more and more like a wide ranging event on Wednesday Apple is rumored to be unveiling an updated Apple Watch SE alongside an Apple Watch Pro and the Apple Watch Series The biggest change expected for the new Apple Watch SE is the shift to Apples S processor from the original Apple Watch SE S It s not clear if there are new sensors or any other features that the Apple Watch has adopted since the release of the Apple Watch SE Also not clear is the price point The Apple Watch SE presently retails for as low as for the mm model and for the mm Every Apple Watch SE model has been on sale in recent months for as low as Read more |
2022-09-04 14:18:44 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The Apple Watch Series 7 drops to $299 at Amazon |
The Apple Watch Series drops to at AmazonJust days before Apple s September th event Amazon has discounted the company s Series smartwatch You can get the mm GPS model in “Starlight for down from The price drop represents the best discount on the mm model since it was on sale for during Amazon Prime Day earlier this summer Unfortunately most other sizes and colors are either sold out or otherwise unavailable Buy Apple Watch Series at Amazon Engadget deputy reviews editor Cherlynn Low gave the Apple Watch Series a score of when she reviewed the wearable last fall The Apple Watch was already one of the best fitness trackers you could buy going into The Series merely made it better with a larger screen faster charging and overnight respiratory tracking With Apple widely expected to announce the Series at its event on Wednesday you re probably wondering whether it makes sense to buy a Series at this point For what it s worth most prerelease leaks have suggested the company doesn t have many big upgrades planned for its next smartwatch The Series will reportedly include a new body temperature sensor capable of notifying you when you re running a fever but won t ship with a faster processor or significantly better display The company also reportedly plans to announce a new “Pro variant of the Apple Watch but that device is expected to cost more than the standard Series models Follow EngadgetDeals on Twitter and subscribe to the Engadget Deals newsletter for the latest tech deals and buying advice |
2022-09-04 14:47:10 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Olivia Pratt-Korbel: Arrests over nine-year-old's murder |
murdertwo |
2022-09-04 14:42:23 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
33-day 'Smiling Pope' John Paul I beatified at the Vatican |
catholic |
2022-09-04 14:24:57 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Tallaght, Dublin: Three siblings killed in 'violent incident' |
crumlin |
2022-09-04 14:04:42 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Premier League to review VAR decisions with PGMOL |
pgmol |
2022-09-04 14:02:29 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
あきる野市長に中嶋氏当選 失職前職ら3人破る |
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北照、網南丘全道へ 秋の高校サッカー |
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オバマ氏がエミー賞受賞 ナレーションが評価 |
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日本ハム 新庄監督、来季は「俺も分からない」 |
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日本ハム 加藤、らしさ全開6勝目 緩急生かし8回無失点(4日) |
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2022-09-04 23:05:00 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
2022 Dutch Grand Prix - Post Race Discussion |
Dutch Grand Prix Post Race DiscussionROUND Netherlands FORMULA HEINEKEN DUTCH GRAND PRIX Fri Sep Sun Sep Zandvoort Session UTC Free Practice Fri Free Practice Fri Free Practice Sat Qualifying Sat Race Sun Click here for start times in your area Circuit Zandvoort Length km mi Distance laps km mi Lap record Lewis Hamilton Mercedes pole Max Verstappen Red Bull Racing Honda fastest lap Lewis Hamilton Mercedes winner Max Verstappen Red Bull Racing Honda Useful links F com Race Wiki Race Circuit Zandvoort Streaming amp Downloads This is not the appropriate place to request or share streams and downloads Please do not post information about streams and downloads in this thread Thank you Good causes Want to support Ukraine Here s a list of charities submitted by u F Bot to r formula link comments |
2022-09-04 14:40:15 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
Clown show at Alpha Tauri |
Clown show at Alpha Tauri submitted by u ContentPuff to r formula link comments |
2022-09-04 14:04:55 |
海外TECH |
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Max Verstappen wins the 2022 Dutch Grand Prix |
Max Verstappen wins the Dutch Grand Prix submitted by u overspeeed to r formula link comments |
2022-09-04 14:41:14 |