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IT 気になる、記になる… 「iPhone 14 Pro」はQualcommの5Gモデム「Snapdragon X65」を搭載 − A16 BionicチップはLPDDR5 RAMを採用 https://taisy0.com/2022/09/16/162211.html qualc 2022-09-16 14:49:43
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 画像のグレースケール化とマスク処理 https://qiita.com/hiratake_0108/items/789282e90e5877cef453 機械学習 2022-09-16 23:31:31
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 感情分析のやり方が7割わかるようになる記事(初心者向け)(ソースコードあり)(GiNZA) https://qiita.com/Mizuiro__sakura/items/94efccb5ba12046d17b0 ginza 2022-09-16 23:02:24
GCP gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Google Cloudアップデート (9/8-9/14/2022) https://qiita.com/kenzkenz/items/6c41334974f347625d98 anthosclustersonvmwaresep 2022-09-16 23:32:55
技術ブログ Mercari Engineering Blog メルカリShopsのデータを用いて価格推定モデルを検証してみた | Souzoh Intern https://engineering.mercari.com/blog/entry/20220916-a0a50d6fc5/ hellip 2022-09-16 14:19:09
技術ブログ Developers.IO [AWS Step Functions] Express WorkflowからStandard Workflowの同期的な呼び出しができるのか試してみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/aws-step-functions-can-not-call-standard-workflow-synchronously-from-express-workflow-aws-cdk/ amazonapigatewayrestapi 2022-09-16 14:56:55
海外TECH DEV Community Responsive Design for users with low vision https://dev.to/yuridevat/responsive-design-for-users-with-low-vision-18ib Responsive Design for users with low visionResponsive design was originally invented for small screens and mobile devices The design adjusts itself to fit into a single column text reflows and horizontal scrolling is avoided These adjustments not only make it easier for all users to see content on smaller screens but are also a huge benefit for users with limited vision who rely on zooming in to see the content This is because zooming in creates almost the same conditions as on small screens and mobile devices In this article I want to show you how to effectively create content and make it look good even when people zoom in to view your content Screen MagnifiersPeople with low vision need to use screen magnifiers to see content properly They use either the browser s built in zoom zoom tools built into electronic devices or third party tools assistive technology like such as ZoomText and Magic Therefore make sure that users can zoom and do not disable zoom and make sure that the design provides full functionality and readability even when zooming Now and then I see websites that set user scalable no and maximum scale to prevent users from zooming in I guess the main reason is that companies are afraid that zooming in will break their design They don t think about the people who depend on the ability to zoom in to perceive their content properly or at all This applies not only to websites but also to mobile browsers It s a good thing that Safari for example completely ignores this meta viewport property lt meta name viewport content user scalable yes gt or lt meta name viewport content width device width initial scale maximum scale user scalable gt are the best way to use this property The code allows users to use pinch to zoom to magnify the screen to a maximum level of by setting maximum scale to  is the minimum acceptable zoom level Zoom only textThe page should be functional when only the text is magnified to of its initial size Check out WCAG success criterion on resizing text It explicitly is saying text because in most browsers you can choose between full page zoom and text only zoom I will show an example below of Firefox on Mac OS since I am most familiar with this browser Choose View gt Zoom gt Zoom Text Only from the main menu With full page zoom everything magnifies proportionally With text only zoom only the text magnifies without expanding the layout elements tables images videos or any other part of the design Full page zoom usually has no impact on the design or layout if it is responsive Text only zoom can have dramatic effects on the design and layout Default stateZoom in Text only zoom in You can avoid these negative effects by using relative units such as em instead of px avoiding overflow hidden and not setting a fixed height so that the content always adjusts to the height or set div height relative to font height with em Be careful and test your site thoroughly so that components do not overlap Remember that some people use custom CSS stylesheets for better readability such as people with dyslexia Make sure that no content or functionality is lost when the text is adjusted to the following values and note that not all of these requirements apply to all languages e g Chinese Line height line spacing to at least times the font sizespacing after paragraphs to at least times the font sizeletter spacing tracking to at least times the font sizeWord spacing to at least times the font size Reflow prevent scrollingPages need to adapt to the current width when zoomed in up to so that the content is still displayed in only one column and scrolling behavior is avoided This is best achieved using CSS media queries for responsive design For more details check out WCAG s success criterion on reflow Of course this rule does not apply to e g large graphics images or data tables where it is not possible to turn the page without losing the content Mobile Specific Best Practicesfill the entire width with the main content just a little bit of padding or margin on the sides is enough one column layout linear layout for better user experience and readability automatically logical reading order do not use float on images or other similar objects prevent horizontal scrolling by adjusting the width of the content to fit the device s viewportdon t use fixed or maximum width which prevents text from reflow use or no width allow orientation Best Practices For ImagesUse SVG instead of PNG or JPG to avoid losing sharpness and clarity when zooming in up to ConclusionA good responsive design with functional breakpoints on all devices is of great advantage and very helpful for people with visual impairments So make sure you use the right breakpoints and test your design in zoomed in state for text and images Thanks for your reading and time I really appreciate it 2022-09-16 14:34:41
海外TECH DEV Community Google’s new experimental programming language: Carbon https://dev.to/codesphere/googles-new-experimental-programming-language-carbon-2874 Google s new experimental programming language CarbonCarbon also known as Carbon lang was launched in July as an experimental open source successor to C The project was started by Google and is currently open for contributions on GitHub The core goal behind the language is to cover some of the shortcomings of C which is used by about million developers worldwide Naturally whenever a product has a problem the easiest and fastest way to go about would be to incrementally improve the already existing product but why did Google choose to start a completely new language instead The reason behind this is that it is quite challenging and hard to bring new features or changes to a product like C even for a company like Google This is due to the attention to backward compatibility the strict governance behind the language as well as a lengthy approval process that can take up to years You can read more on the challenges faced in carbon documentation here This is similar to how TypeScript was created to cover the shortcomings of Javascript or Kotlin for Java Carbon is being designed to create performance critical software while supporting software and language evolution Another core goal is to make code that easy to read understand and write This enables fast and scalable development for Modern OS platforms hardware architectures and environments Last but not least carbon also supports interoperability with and migration from existing C code Apart from that Carbon has a few key features which we will look at in detail Fast Performance Like its predecessor C carbon is meant to have performance advantages using LLVM or Low level virtual machine having access to bits and addresses Bi directional Interoperability Meaning that you can call C language code from Carbon and vice versa Migration Provides Support to migrate code from C to carbon Fast and Scalable Builds As mentioned before this enables developers tomake fast and scalable builds that can work with existing c builds too Built with Open Source The whole language is publicly accessible through GitHub where users can contribute to the program according to the set goals and priorities Another question you might have at this point is whether C has any other languages which are set to replace it somewhere down the line the answer is yes One example is Rust which is thoroughly evaluated as a replacement for C At the moment Rust is a more viable language and even the creators of Carbon itself acknowledge this However with constant development and improvements being brought to Carbon there is a high chance that this will change at some point in the future Carbon is relatively very new and is definitely at an experimental stage This means that there is no working compiler at the moment However there are methods through which you can take Carbon for a spin which we will be looking at now As prerequisites to install Carbon you will need the following tools and frameworks to be installed on your device homebrew A package installation tool bazel Open source build and test tool LLVM Low Level virtual machine that carbon language will run on Carbon Explorer The implementation tool we will be using for carbon Step Install Bazel To do this go to the command prompt of your device and type in the following command brew install bazelisk Step Install LLVM This is the virtual machine on which carbon will run To install this once again proceed to the terminal of your device and run the following command brew install llvm export PATH brew prefix llvm bin PATH Step Setup Carbon Language This will download the carbon language code along with a set of pre curate examples git clone cd carbon lang Time to try it for yourself As always there is no better code to run than a Hello world program to start with To do ths proceed to the carbon lang directory and run the below command bazel run explorer explorer testdata print format only carbonThis will generate a format only carbon file in the explorer testdata print directory which carries the instruction to execute the code Once this file is run you should be able to see your output similiar to whats show below tipseason bazel run explorer explorer testdata print format only carbonINFO Invocation ID aaa cb bed ecWARNING INFO Build completed successfully total actions Hello world result And we have succesfully created a program with carbon For more information on examples detailed documentation and to contribute to carbon proceed to GitHub repository here That s all for today Got any questions Let us know down below As always happy coding from your friends at Codesphere the swiss army knife that every development team needs 2022-09-16 14:19:17
海外TECH DEV Community Ruby on Rails tutorial: Getting started with Contentful https://dev.to/contentful/ruby-on-rails-tutorial-getting-started-with-contentful-1lge Ruby on Rails tutorial Getting started with ContentfulNOTE This article originally appeared on the Contentful BlogRuby on Rails often shortened to Rails is a Ruby based Model View Controller MVC framework for building production ready web applications and services Rails provides several out of the box features such as database migrations and ActiveRecord ORM to assist developers as they build applications in minimal time Rails shares several similarities with Django a Python web development framework However unlike Django Rails allows developers to build the controller specific logic of their application They also share the convention over configuration philosophy and provide standard practices for developers to follow Developers building applications with Rails will benefit from leveraging the existing functionalities of gems created by members of the Rails community For an improved developer experience Contentful provides several gems that make interacting with its API easier To demonstrate how Contentful integrates with Rails this article will guide you through the process of building a demo job listing application that relies on Contentful for its data All the sample code is stored on GitHub for reference PrerequisitesTo follow this tutorial it s recommended that you have A Contentful account and access to Contentful UI If you do not have one create a free account with a free day trial subscription The Ruby compiler and Ruby on Rails framework installed on your computer A basic familiarity with the Ruby programming language Preparing Contentful resourcesThe purpose of our job listing application is to display open job roles to job seekers Each job listing contains several details including the job title description location and salary To structure the data we need to define these details on Contentful within a content model Using the Contentful UI create a content model that models the fields within a job post Each job post will be created as a data entry using this content model For this tutorial you will use the default Space created for every Contentful account Creating a Contentful content modelOnce you re logged into Contentful click the Content Model item within the top navigation bar to navigate to the Content Editor page In the Create new content type model box use “jobs as the content model name then provide your preferred description After saving the content model use the Add fields button to add the following fields A short text field type named title to store the job role within the job ad A rich text field type named description to describe the job being posted A short text field type named salary to store a salary range for the job role A short text field type named location to store the office address A boolean field type named remote to indicate whether the job is remote andA media field type named image to store a thumbnail of the job role Click the Save button to save the fields you have added to the content model With the content model saved the next step is to add your first entry Adding data into the content modelData entries for your defined content models are managed through the Content page on Contentful For the jobs content model we want to add some data entries to populate the Rails application Navigate to the Content page and create two entries in the jobs content model Feel free to copy job details from the Contentful career page or use your preferred details Retrieving Contentful API credentialsContentful provides the Content Delivery API CDA for developers to retrieve data stored within a Contentful space To access the API provide the access token associated with your Contentful space for authentication Tokens for a Contentful space are managed on the Settings page within the Contentful UI Click the Settings item within the navigation bar to reveal a dropdown then click A PI Keys to view all API keys for your Contentful space On the next page click the Add API Key button on the right hand side to create the first access token for the space Leave all fields within the API Key at their default values and record the Space ID and Content Delivery API access token values in a secure text editor In the following section you ll use these values while building the frontend of the Ruby project At this point you have created a content model and obtained your Space ID alongside the associated access token Let s now build the Rails application to retrieve and display the two entries within the jobs content model Building the Ruby on Rails applicationWithin this tutorial you will use Contentful as a View Helper to retrieve entries from your Contentful Space To begin execute the two commands below to ensure you have Ruby and Rails installed on your computer ruby versionrails version If you do not have Rails installed you could either install it following the gem command below or walk through the GoRails installation guide to install Rails for your OS gem install railsNext generate a new application using the Rails CLI with the command below The css flag will instruct the Rails installer to use TailwindCSS for styling the application layouts rails new contentful job ads css tailwindThis command will create several files and folders that make up the Rails application You will do the most work within this app directory The File folder section of the Rails documentation explains the purpose of each file and directory Move into the generated Rails project directory and use bundle to install the two gems below You ll use these while building the application The Contentful gem for wrapping the Content Delivery and Preview APIs from Contentful You ll use the gem to access your content entries within Contentful from the Rails app The Rich text renderer gem for displaying the description Rich Text within the jobs content model cd contentful job adsbundle add contentful rich text rendererUsing your preferred code editor open the contentful job ads project to create and modify existing files in the next section Defining the application routeThe Rails application is intended to display a list of all available jobs on the default page immediately after the opening application To achieve this design change the default route within the application from the Rails welcome page to a custom page Open the routes rb file within the config directory and add the path below which matches the jobs function within the root controller Rails application routes draw do get to root jobs endNext use the Rails CLI to generate a controller named root for the path you defined above rails generate controller root Creating a service objectService objects are Plain Old Ruby Objects PORO created for specific functions These are where developers keep specific business logic to avoid clogging up a controller with unrelated code By default services aren t included when you generate a Rails application Create your first service manually with the following steps Create a services directory within the contentful job ads app folder Create a job service rb file and add the code below to build the JobService class The JobService class below contains a constructor method that instantiates the Contentful client and stores the instance in a variable You ll use the contentful jobs method to retrieve all entries within the jobs content model then use the rich renderer method to render the rich text for the job description Replace the CONTENT SPACE ACCESS TOKEN and CONTENTFUL SPACE ID placeholders with the access token and space ID credentials you previously obtained from the Contentful UI Optionally you can access these credentials using environment variables to ensure they re not leaked when the application code enters a public code repository like GitHub class JobService def initialize client Contentful Client new access token CONTENTFUL SPACE ACCESS TOKEN space CONTENTFUL SPACE ID dynamic entries auto raise errors true enddef rich renderer renderer RichTextRenderer Renderer newenddef contentful jobs client entries content type jobs include end end Next open the contentful job ads config application rb file and add the code below into the Application class to load the custom services directory config eager load paths lt lt Rails root join app services Creating application viewCreate a jobs method within the root controller to instantiate the additional JobsService class The root controller resides in the app controllers root controller rb file def jobs job instance JobService newendThen create a jobs html erb file within the app views root folder for the Rails application to render as its default page Add the code below to the jobs html erb file lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html gt lt head gt lt title gt All Jobs lt title gt lt meta name viewport content width device width initial scale gt lt csrf meta tags gt lt csp meta tag gt lt stylesheet link tag tailwind inter font data turbo track reload gt lt stylesheet link tag application data turbo track reload gt lt javascript importmap tags gt lt jobs job instance contentful jobs gt lt head gt lt body gt lt div style width rem gt lt nav class flex flex col items center align center gt lt div gt lt p class text center text xl font semibold gt Work With Us At Contentful lt p gt lt br gt lt p class text center text lg gt Together let s lt strong gt deliver lt strong gt the best CMS experience lt br gt that lt strong gt developers lt strong gt and digital lt strong gt products lt strong gt can get lt p gt lt div gt lt nav gt lt br gt lt br gt lt section gt lt div class flex flex row justify between gt lt div gt lt h class pb text xl font semibold gt All Open Roles lt h gt lt div gt lt div gt lt hr gt lt section gt lt br gt lt section gt lt ul gt lt jobs each do product gt lt li class mb pb shadow xl rounded lg gt lt div gt lt div class m flex flex row justify between gt lt div class flex gt lt div class flex items center border border gray mr h w rounded xl gt lt img alt lt product title gt src https lt product image url gt gt lt div gt lt div class mt gt lt p class font semibold text lg mb gt lt product title gt lt p gt lt div class pt pb gt lt span class inline block bg gray rounded full px py text sm font semibold text gray mr mb gt Engineering lt span gt lt span class inline block bg gray rounded full px py text sm font semibold text gray mr mb gt lt product salary gt lt span gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div class flex items center gt lt div class text right gt lt p gt lt product location gt lt p gt lt p gt Posted On lt product created at strftime B d Y gt lt p gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt lt hr gt lt div class m gt lt job instance rich renderer render product description html safe gt lt div gt lt div gt lt li gt lt end gt lt ul gt lt section gt lt div gt lt body gt lt html gt To confirm that the application is working you will start the Rails server to view the application you have built so far Launch a separate terminal window and execute the watch command below to generate the TailwindCSS classes used in the jobs html erb file rails tailwindcss watchNext in your existing terminal window run the command below to start the rails server rails server Note Alternatively you can install Foreman on your computer and execute the bin dev command to simultaneously generate the TailwindCSS classes and also run the Rails server in a single terminal Using your web browser navigate to the index page of the running Rails application at local host You will see the following Further functionalityRails provides other features to extend the basic functionality of the job listing application that we ve built One notable Rails feature is Active Record which allows developers to design the model layer of an application Contentful s contentful model gem allows you to associate your Rails models with content models ConclusionCongratulations on building a job listing application that retrieves and displays job entries from a Contentful Space To build the application you successfully followed the Contentful as a View Helper approach by creating the Contentful client within a Service Object Are you interested in building a related project using Contentful Create a free Contentful account and begin designing your content model 2022-09-16 14:14:13
海外TECH DEV Community Follow Friday: Tooling Edition (16 September 2022) https://dev.to/devteam/follow-friday-tooling-edition-16-september-2022-5c49 Follow Friday Tooling Edition September Happy Friday friends Follow Friday is your weekly opportunity to shout out fellow DEV Community members doing awesome work Check out the comments and follow someone new Not sure if you ve noticed but a tool beloved by many in our community has been a hot topic of conversation this week on Twitter And it s got me thinking about tooling At their simplest tools are a means to getting our work done But some tools ascend this humble role and become objects of adoration key unifiers of a community or even a little bit culty Where do we draw the line Thankfully there are plenty of folks here on DEV sharing their thoughts on various tools and whether or not they re worth the hype So devs who are your favorite DEV community members sharing opinionated takes on developer tooling Formatting tip to populate a card with a follow button use the liquid tag syntax embed https and insert the URL of your favorite author s profile Join in on the FollowFriday fun by mentioning your favorite author to follow on the topic of tooling and letting us know why you love their posts ️ 2022-09-16 14:04:30
海外TECH Engadget A 'Genshin Impact' anime is on the way https://www.engadget.com/genshin-impact-anime-ufotable-version-3-1-card-game-mihoyo-144353504.html?src=rss A x Genshin Impact x anime is on the wayGenshin Impact nbsp is one of the biggest gaming success stories of the last few years Fans will have another way to enjoy the world of Teyvat at some point as developer miHoYo has teamed up with animation studio Ufotable to create an anime based on the free to play action RPG Ufotable has worked on several other game related projects God Eater and Tales of Zestiria the X are both based on Bandai Namco properties for instance A concept trailer which was spotted by IGN offers a peek at the art style Ufotable will employ this time around As you might expect the studio doesn t seem to veer too far away from the look of the game If anything it s a little surprising that it took this long for an official Genshin Impact anime announcement The developers took inspiration from anime in the first place and the game has long seemed primed for an adaptation Several other notable games have been turned into animated series in recent years Cyberpunk nbsp spinoff Cyberpunk Edgerunners hit Netflix just this week while Arcane which is based on League of Legends became the first animated streaming series to win an Emmy earlier this month It s not clear when or where fans will be able to watch the Genshin Impact anime However given that the trailer is only showing off the concept and it refers to the Ufotable collaboration as a long term project it might be quite a while before the first season debuts The Genshin Impact anime reveal came as miHoYo offered a look at version of the game which will arrive on September th The update will expand the new region of Sumeru and help to continue the game s core story It will introduce King Deshret s Mausoleum dungeons new Archon Quests more weapons three playable characters two fresh bosses and more Meanwhile miHoYo will add a permanent card game mode in version 2022-09-16 14:43:53
海外TECH Engadget The best fitness gear to upgrade your workout routine https://www.engadget.com/best-fitness-gear-upgrades-140049760.html?src=rss The best fitness gear to upgrade your workout routineMaybe you like to run or perhaps you re many years into a regular gym habit You ve dabbled with fitness wearables and thought about treating yourself to a massage gun but never got around to buying one Perhaps your foam roller is starting to crumble and that free tee you got with protein powder has seen better days You might be fitter but your fitness equipment and tech are due for an upgrade The Engadget team has picked some of their favorite exercise tech purchases that have made our fitness journeys less of a struggle From the best wearable tech to our favorite smart scale some selections command premium prices while a few are surprisingly affordable Oura RingMat Smith EngadgetAs we said in our review the Oura ring is a wearable for people who hate wearables It also offers more robust sleep tracking than many watch like devices Despite the size and weight remaining unchanged from the second gen Oura ring it s incredible how much technology is crammed into this thing The third generation has sensors that can track your heart rate continuously temperature monitoring blood oxygenation and period prediction The Oura ring is very serious about tracking everything it can Given the lack of a display you ll need your smartphone to check on your recovery scores and how well you slept These scores are synthesized from biometrics including your heart rate variability body temperature resting heart rate and breathing rate With a subscription yes something you may have to pay beyond the asking price you ll get weekly summaries to show how your activity levels and sleeping hours are trending I like Oura s ability to tell when you ve been training a little too hard and that the app suggests taking a day off to recover The ring isn t perfect The company has let some features drag for months especially frustrating when some users pay a monthly sub For example blood oxygenation SpO level tracking was promised when the third gen Oura Ring was first announced and has only just arrived on most rings almost half a year late A warning If you re planning to track weight lifting workouts with the Oura ring the black edition is likely to show some conspicuous scratches if you re gripping metallic bars and plates I also struggled with pull ups as I m not quite used to wearing a ring while gripping for my life Mat Smith UK Bureau ChiefBuy Oura Ring Apple Watch Series Cherlynn Low EngadgetThe most popular smartwatch series continues to lead on the feature front if you ignore sleep tracking The Series has the biggest screen yet of any Apple Watch It s over percent bigger than the Series and percent larger than the Series that came before it With more screen space and bigger buttons it s easier to stop and start workouts and check your heart rate and time elapsed during exercise In addition since watchOS Apple s wearables have been able to auto detect specific workouts which is great for when you forget to start logging a run or a spin session The Series can track your VO Max levels measuring your cardiorespiratory fitness level What s cool here is how the wearable notifies you when your levels tangibly change So if you start a new intensive workout regime you ll see these figures creep up Your iPhone will notify you when you make tangible improvements say moving from below to above average cardio fitness levels possibly even to its high fitness level I ve been hovering around VO Max but I ll get to eventually The Apple Watch also has its own connected workout platform in the form of Fitness offering HIIT dance pilates yoga classes and more streaming classes to your iPhone iPad Mac or Apple TV Your heart rate will show on screen during many classes indicating how you re faring compared to other Fitness members and hopefully inspiring you to push a little harder nbsp Of course Apple Watch Series as well as a new pro Ultra model are both launching very soon The Watch Ultra in particular packs longer battery life and a brighter screen ーperfect for outdoor sports M S Buy Apple Watch Series at Amazon Theragun PrimeMat Smith EngadgetTheragun s unique triangle design helps its devices stand out from a legion of other massage therapy guns Multiple ways to grip the Theragun make it easier to target trickier body parts As one of the more premium massage devices it offers mm amplitude typically only bested by devices several hundred dollars more and speeds of up to percussions per minute Some health claims like improved performance are backed up by limited studies but others including sped up muscle recovery are not I love using mine to target specifically tight areas it even feels good ahead of a workout The Theragun Prime is better than most of the massage gun competition It s more flexible too Compared to Therabody s own more basic options the Prime comes with three extra attachments in addition to the standard ball a cone a dampener with a flattened head and a thumb attachment which can help dig deeper The battery is thankfully long lasting too M S Buy Theragun Prime at Amazon Eufy Smart Scale PEufyIt s time to throw away that chunky analog scale with the wobbly dial Instead for a more aesthetically pleasing design and deeper insight into your body weight and composition it s time to go digital Several smart scale options are available but I ve used the sensibly priced Eufy Smart Scale P This smart scale connects with your smartphone to sync your data and you just need to remember to open the app Otherwise it won t track your progress It can monitor your weight in imperial or metric measurements and even make a rough guess at your body fat and water percentages However it s worth noting that domestic smart scales are often not hugely accurate at gauging these measurements There are even more advanced smart scales too Still they are usually over double the price of the Smart Scale P often adding unnecessary features like multiple user profiles Alexa voice activation athletic modes for pro athletes and more At some point it s diminishing returns but the ability to digitally track as well as set up weigh in reminders helped me form better habits to monitor my weight M S Buy Smart Scale P at Amazon Beats Fit Pro earbudsMat Smith EngadgetMany true wireless earbuds let alone conventional headphones weren t made for working out Some have non removable parts that can get gunked up while others lack water and dust resistance or have wires liable to tangle up or tug at you during workouts For many of these reasons I swear by true wireless earbuds and the Beats Fit Pro deliver on everything I want from workout buds That includes active noise cancellation less weight slamming and awful gym music an understated profile and a comfortable fit with a convenient fin design to lock it into your ear without making your ears ache Thankfully they don t stick out your ears like many earbud options The company recently launched a series of even more subtle skin colored buds in collaboration with Kim Kardashian With Apple s H chip the Beats Fit Pro can offer hands free Siri functionality and enhanced Find My item tracking M S Buy Beats Fit Pro at Amazon On demand fitness subscriptionPeletonOne of the best things I ve done for my fitness routine as of late is introducing some variety Since I work out in the morning right after waking up it s pretty easy for me to fall into a routine of doing the same thing over and over again However I ve found it much easier to switch things up by relying on an on demand fitness subscription I ve tried a handful of the many services out there now but the ones I ve stuck with are Peloton and Alo Moves I don t own a single piece of Peloton hardware I instead spend each month for app access only and that s where I take most of my strength training classes I like that they re constantly putting out new offerings every day but the backlog of on demand classes is bursting at the seams too The sessions are challenging and engaging and there are plenty of options if you don t have any equipment at all Alo Moves is more focused on yoga pilates and barre and it s a bit more expensive at per month I m more interested in toning than bulking up so I try to incorporate some of these classes into my strength training routine I particularly like that Alo Moves has a series of sessions that fall under the same umbrella that you can take over the course of many days When I really don t want to think about what I m doing on a given morning for a workout it s easy just to turn to the next class in the barre series I was already working on Valentina Palladino Senior Commerce EditorSubscribe to Peloton app montthSubscribe to Alo Moves monthBowflex Selectech adjustable dumbbellsBowflexFor a lot of us space is at a premium We might have enough space to roll out a yoga mat but not much more beyond that Consolidating and shrinking your home workout gear is a nice way to keep your exercise habits going without tripping over weights or resistance band Bowflex is a well established fitness company that s made adjustable dumbbells for several years now The weight range will depend on the model but the Bowflex SelectTech i can be dialed literally down to kg pounds and up to kg pounds each making them suitable for all kinds of full body and dedicated muscle group moves A dial on each side of the weight adjusts how many plates the bar latches onto with the remaining weight staying behind in the included storage tray There are several adjustable dumbbells out there but I prefer this classic dumbbell look compared to some of the more squarish looking rivals One minor issue is that you ll have to tinker with both sides to adjust the weight Also if you re looking for an on demand workout service Bowflex includes a free one year subscription to its JRNY streaming service M S Buy Bowflex SelectTech i at Amazon 2022-09-16 14:00:49
海外科学 NYT > Science How to Change Minds? A Study Makes the Case for Talking It Out. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/16/science/group-consensus-persuasion-brain-alignment.html How to Change Minds A Study Makes the Case for Talking It Out Researchers found that meaty conversations among several people can align beliefs and brain patterns ーso long as the group is free of blowhards 2022-09-16 14:18:32
金融 RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 PSJ予測統計値 https://www.jsda.or.jp/shiryoshitsu/toukei/psj/psj_toukei.html 統計 2022-09-16 16:00:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Ukraine war: Hundreds of graves found in liberated Izyum city - officials https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-62922674?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA russia 2022-09-16 14:19:06
ニュース BBC News - Home Queue for Queen's lying-in-state reaches capacity and entry is paused https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-62926279?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA beckham 2022-09-16 14:54:19
ニュース BBC News - Home King Charles III in Cardiff for first Wales visit as monarch https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-62915136?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA death 2022-09-16 14:35:24
ニュース BBC News - Home Queen Elizabeth II: 'This experience is meant to be shared' - David Beckham https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-62927306?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA elizabeth 2022-09-16 14:00:45
ニュース BBC News - Home Train drivers set to resume strikes in October https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-62923999?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA companies 2022-09-16 14:20:25
ニュース BBC News - Home Alex Belfield: Former BBC presenter jailed for stalking https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-62925746?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA jeremy 2022-09-16 14:15:45
ニュース BBC News - Home Liz Truss to meet world leaders ahead of Queen's funeral https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-62930439?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA service 2022-09-16 14:35:14
ニュース BBC News - Home Fury in Iran as young woman dies following morality police arrest https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-62930425?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA coverings 2022-09-16 14:13:39
ニュース BBC News - Home Bill Turnbull: Tributes paid to broadcaster at funeral https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-suffolk-62924487?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA suffolk 2022-09-16 14:48:12
ニュース BBC News - Home Novak Djokovic and Serena Williams pay tribute to the retiring Roger Federer https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/tennis/62924126?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA federer 2022-09-16 14:44:08
ニュース BBC News - Home What time is the Queen's funeral? Who will wear military uniform? And other questions https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-62844663?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA daily 2022-09-16 14:32:03
ニュース BBC News - Home Queen's funeral plans: What will happen on the day https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-60617519?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA state 2022-09-16 14:49:14
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