ロボスタ |
書籍『人に優しいロボットのデザイン 「なんもしない」の心の科学』発売 人を癒やし勇気づけるロボットを創るには? |
書籍『人に優しいロボットのデザイン「なんもしない」の心の科学』発売人を癒やし勇気づけるロボットを創るにはシェアツイートはてブ「人に優しいロボットのデザイン「なんもしない」の心の科学」が月日に福村出版から発売された。 |
2022-09-26 08:52:54 |
IT |
@IT 全フォーラム 最新記事一覧 |
謎めく「言語ランキング」の世界、Python vs. Javaが無意味な訳 |
cleveroad |
2022-09-26 17:30:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] Amazon、今年2回目のプライムデーを10月11日、12日に15カ国(日本は含まれず)で開催へ |
amazon |
2022-09-26 17:38:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] GeForce Experienceがアップデート。8K 60fps HDRのShadowPlay録画が可能に |
geforce |
2022-09-26 17:36:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 日産、昭和36年以降の報道資料を電子化 “ハコスカ”発表時のリリースなども |
itmedia |
2022-09-26 17:30:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 映画「銀河英雄伝説」30年の時を経て4Kリマスター、劇場公開へ 銀河の歴史がまた1ページ |
itmedia |
2022-09-26 17:27:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 東急ハンズ、社名を「ハンズ」に変更へ 10月1日から |
itmedia |
2022-09-26 17:02:00 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
GoogleスプレッドシートAPIをサービスアカウント認証方式でNode.jsから利用する |
googl |
2022-09-26 17:42:52 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[JavaScript] canvasにマウスでお絵描きする現代的な方法 |
https |
2022-09-26 17:42:28 |
Program |
@IT Coding Edgeフォーラム 最新記事一覧 |
謎めく「言語ランキング」の世界、Python vs. Javaが無意味な訳 |
cleveroad |
2022-09-26 17:30:00 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
駆け出しエンジニアがAWSアーキテクチャを検討した件 |
workshumanintelligence |
2022-09-26 17:01:13 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
アカウントレベルのブロックパブリックアクセスを有効化した場合、バケット毎にブロックパブリックアクセスを無効化することはできるのか教えてください |
設定 |
2022-09-26 08:54:56 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Lambda のセキュリティグループも Config ルール “ec2-security-group-attached-to-eni” の評価対象になるのか教えてください |
config |
2022-09-26 08:43:43 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Datalake Creation In AWS (S3, AWS Glue, Athena) |
Datalake Creation In AWS S AWS Glue Athena In this blog we will create a Datalake using Amazon S and use AWS Glue to crawl the data from S to build a m |
2022-09-26 08:37:56 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[小ネタ]でかいterraform plan結果をコピペしたい |
github |
2022-09-26 08:34:27 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
AWS open source news and updates, #128 |
AWS open source news and updates September rd Instalment WelcomeWelcome to the AWS open source newsletter edition I hope some of you were able to catch Derek and myself sharing a peek at this edition and enjoyed our special guest Gethin Webster as he walked us through the open source Cloudscape project If you want to catch up on that event check out the video here This weeks opens new open source projects include Guardian a command line tool that produces nice reports on your AWS environments cdk scheduler a new construct that helps you schedule your CDK deployments terraform iam policy validator a script that helps you validate your Terraform scripts aws cdk golden ami pipeline an example of how to build an automated pipeline to build Amazon Machine Images AMI s and many more Make sure you check them out and practice your four freedoms on them Content wise this week we feature posts from AWS and the community on Prometheus Kyverno Cosign MariaDB Amazon Corretto AWS SDK for pandas Guardian AWS SAM Terragrunt Open Policy Agent Apache Airflow OpenCost and many more This weeks video features GitOps and to finish off we have some new events for you to review and sign up for FeedbackIf you enjoy reading this newsletter please let me know how we can improve it as well as how AWS can better work with open source projects and technologies by completing this very short survey that will take you probably less than seconds to complete Thank you so much Celebrating open source contributorsThe articles and projects shared in this newsletter are only possible thanks to the many contributors in open source I would like to shout out and thank those folks who really do power open source and enable us all to learn and build on top of what they have created So thank you to the following open source heroes Imtranur Rahman Lotfi Mouhib Ajeeb Peter Shane Corbett Kurt Roekle Pekka Malmirae Aravind V Éloi Alain Borislav Hadzhiev Chouaieb Nemri Leo Murillo Zohaib Khawaja Linh Lam Mike George and Abhi Khanna Latest open source projectsThe great thing about open source projects is that you can review the source code If you like the look of these projects make sure you that take a look at the code and if it is useful to you get in touch with the maintainer to provide feedback suggestions or even submit a contribution ToolsGuardianGuardian is an open source tool that provides a command line tool you can run that produces a detailed report of the improvements you can make to your AWS architecture In the post Guardian available now Your Free Open Source audit tool for AWS architectures Éloi Alain shows you how you can install and configure this and walks you through creating a report and showing you how you can integrate this into your CI pipeline kong aws request signingkong aws request signing This plugin will sign a request with AWS SIGV and temporary credentials from sts amazonaws com requested using an OAuth token It enables the secure use of AWS Lambdas as upstreams in Kong using Lambda URLs cdk schedulercdk scheduler this construct from Guillaume Égée enables you to trigger an event at a given time on a serverless architecture You should use cdk scheduler if you need to trigger an event at a precise time down to the second on your AWS application terraform iam policy validatorterraform iam policy validator this is a super useful tool that provides a command line tool that validates AWS IAM Policies in a Terraform template against AWS IAM best practices zone aware controllers for kszone aware controllers for ks this project provides Kubernetes controllers for AWS availability zone AZ aware rollouts and disruptions The ZoneAwareUpdate ZAU controller enables faster deployments for a StatefulSet whose pods are deployed across multiple availability zones At each control loop it applies zone aware logic to check for pods in an old revision and deletes them so that they can be updated to a new revision Want to know more then check out the docs of this project sqlservertoolssqlservertools this tool the RDS Discovery Tool is a lightweight it provides a capability to scan a fleet of on prem SQl Servers and does automated checks for features validates supportability of the enabled features on RDS and generates a report which provides recommendation to migrate to RDS RDS Custom or EC compatible Demos Samples Solutions and Workshopsaws cdk golden ami pipelineaws cdk golden ami pipeline this repo Golden Amazon Machine Image pipeline enables creation distribution verification launch compliance of the AMI and creates a continuous and repeatable process for the consumers to generate the golden AMI amazon eks argo rolloutsamazon eks argo rollouts this repo contains all the code and sample you need to set up an Amazon EKS cluster and Argo to enable progressive delivery of your code It uses Terraform to provision everything so if you are looking to explore this why not start here ai powered text insightsai powered text insights this repo contains code that enables you to build a prototype to help you gain insights on how your customers interact with your brand in social media By combining zero shot text classification sentiment analysis and keyword extraction we are able to obtain real time insights from posts on Twitter and present them in a dashboard AWS and Community blog postsAWS SDK for pandasIn the post ML on AWS Read from your favorite AWS Data Sources to a Pandas DataFrame using AWS Data Wrangler Chouaieb Nemri provides a nice primer into this open source project that was recently renamed from AWS DataWrangler and shows you how you can install this project and then get started with some simple examples AWS CDKBorislav Hadzhiev has put together a really great post for those wanting to scratch beneath the AWS CDK surface and find out more about Identifiers in AWS CDK Read his post What is an identifier id in AWS CDK Complete Guide and explore what these are how they are assigned and more Great stuff Kyverno and CosignSupply chain security is a very hot topic and so I was delighted to read this post from Imtranur Rahman In this weeks must read post Supply Chain Security on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service Amazon EKS using AWS Key Management Service AWS KMS Kyverno and Cosign Imtranur demonstrate how you can implement supply chain security using open source tools on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service Amazon EKS with AWS Key Management Service AWS KMS and Cosign with Kyverno Open Policy Agent OPA Open Policy Agent OPA pronounced “oh pa is an open source general purpose policy engine that unifies policy enforcement across your stack OPA provides a high level declarative language that lets you specify policy as code and simple APIs to offload policy decision making from your software You can use OPA to enforce policies in micro services Kubernetes CI CD pipelines API gateways and more In the blog post Unified authorization for AWS with Styra Declarative Authorization Service EKS Edition Kurt Roekle a Solutions Architect at Styra shows you how to enforce EKS guardrails using OPA and also outlines how to enable true and consistent authorisation at scale across your AWS deployments hands on KubecostKubecost is based on the open source project OpenCost It is a vendor neutral open source project for measuring and allocating infrastructure and container costs in real time In the post Integrating Kubecost with Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus Linh Lam Mike George and Abhi Khanna that shows you how you can deploy this within your Amazon EKS clusters integrating with Prometheus hands on PrometheusGreat post from Shane Corbett which hooked me with its opening line In Kubernetes when you are setting up a Pod you can optionally specify how much of each resource a container needs The most common resources to specify are CPU and memory RAM and these are defined as limits In Using Prometheus to Avoid Disasters with Kubernetes CPU Limits explores how limits work The post then looks at how you can figure out how to set the right values and know which metrics for troubleshooting throttles and turning these into Prometheus metrics hands on Apache AirflowIt is always interesting to hear from and learn how companies are using and implementing Apache Airflow In the post How ZS created a multi tenant self service data orchestration platform using Amazon MWAA learn how ZS a management consulting and technology firm created a multi tenant self service data orchestration platform using Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow MWAA Amazon EMRIn the post Design considerations for Amazon EMR on EKS in a multi tenant Amazon EKS environment Lotfi Mouhib and Ajeeb Peter show how to configure and run EMR on EKS in a multi tenant EKS cluster that can used by your various teams They tackle multi tenancy through four topics network resource management cost management and security hands on Other posts you might like from the past weekAmazon SageMaker Autopilot is up to eight times faster with new ensemble training mode powered by AutoGluon looks at optimising model training when using AutoGluon Tabular AGT a popular open source AutoML framework that trains highly accurate ML models on tabular datasets hands on Deploy your Amazon EKS Clusters Locally on AWS Outposts dives deeper into the announcement this week of Amazon EKS local clusters hands on AWS Community BuildersThis week we feature some great content form the AWS Community specifically from the AWS Community Builders AWS SAMAWS Community Builder Aravind V has been putting together a series of posts on using AWS CDK make sure you check them out I managed to read a couple of the most recent First up we have AWS CDK SAM local to test and debug lambda function where he shows you setting up local integration testing of the AWS Lambda functions using AWS SAM Following that he put together AWS CDK Dynamodb Local setup and integrating with sam invoke that uses Dynamodb local together with AWS SAM invoke to include testing of Amazon DynamoDB TerragruntTerragrunt is a thin wrapper for Terraform that provides extra tools for working with multiple Terraform modules AWS Community Builder Pekka Malmirae has put together this post Mastering AWS deployments with Terragrunt where he shares more details about what Terragrunt is and how you can use it to up your Terraform game As someone still coming up to speed with Terraform I found this post super valuable Quick updatesAmazon CorrettoAmazon Corretto is now generally available This version supports the latest OpenJDK feature release and is available on Linux Windows and macOS Highlights of OpenJDK include previews of Record Patterns a new Foreign Function amp Memory API and Virtual Threads Developers will get improved data navigation using Record Pattern Matching which offers more sophisticated composable data queries Also in preview in this release is a Foreign Function amp Memory API which will allow you to more easily interoperate with native code outside the JVM and Virtual Threading which will improve the developer experience when writing maintaining and observing high throughput concurrent applications There is a new incubating feature for Structured Concurrency Plus you will get updates to the Pattern Matching for switch statements preview feature and to the incubating Vector API Structured Concurrency will streamline error handling and cancellation improve reliability and enhance observability by treating multiple tasks running in different threads as a single unit of work Read more about this including links to the download page and more detailed highlights at Amazon Corretto is now generally available AWS CDKThe latest update to AWS CDK is now generally available Check out some highlights from the release notes cfnspec cloudformation spec v cognito add SAML user pool identity providerlambda event sources add filters to SQS DynamoDB and Kinesis event sourcesredshift alpha directly add parameters to a parameter group or indirectly through a clusterssm reference existing SSM list parametersAnd these new alpha modulesneptune add engine version neptune introduce cluster grant method for granular actionsKubernetesAnnounced this week was the general availability of local clusters for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service EKS on Outposts which enable you to run highly available Kubernetes clusters in on premises environments Local clusters enable you to run the entire Amazon EKS cluster locally on Outposts so you can mitigate the risk of application downtime that can result from temporary network disconnects to the cloud such as those caused by fibre cuts or weather events Because the entire Kubernetes cluster runs locally on Outposts applications remain available and you can perform cluster operations during network disconnects to the cloud When connected to the cloud Amazon EKS manages the availability of the Kubernetes control plane on Outposts so you can simplify your Kubernetes operations Local clusters run the same Kubernetes as Amazon EKS in the cloud and automatically deploy the latest security patches to make it easier for you to maintain an up to date secure cluster You can use the same tooling you use with Amazon EKS in the cloud for a consistent experience across on premises and cloud environments Amazon EMRAlso announced this week was that Amazon EMR on EKS release and onwards includes the ability to run Apache Spark SQL scripts through the StartJobRun API Spark SQL is a Spark module for structured data processing Unlike the Spark DataFrame API Spark SQL interfaces provide Spark with more information about the structure of both the data and computation being performed Internally Spark SQL uses this extra information to perform additional optimisations With this release you can run Spark SQL queries and Spark SQL based ETL pipelines directly through Amazon EMR on EKS StartJobRun API Amazon EMR on EKS users rely on the StartJobRun API to kick off Spark jobs Previously to run Spark SQL scripts users had to embed their SQL scripts in interfaces such as PySpark which required user modifications to existing Spark SQL scripts As part of this release a new Spark SQL job driver is added to the Amazon EMR on EKS base image that users use to run their Spark jobs Users will now be able to supply SQL entry point files to run Spark SQL queries on Amazon EMR on EKS using the StartJobRun API directly without any modifications to existing Spark SQL scripts MariaDBAmazon Relational Database Service Amazon RDS for MariaDB now supports MariaDB minor versions and We recommend that you upgrade to the latest minor versions to fix known security vulnerabilities in prior versions of MariaDB and to benefit from the numerous bug fixes performance improvements and new functionality added by the MariaDB community Videos of the weekGitOpsLeo Murillo Principal Solutions Architect at Weaveworks and Zohaib Khawaja Solutions Architect at AWS demonstrate why GitOps is a standardised workflow to deploy configure monitor update and manage Kubernetes its components and all the applications that run on it Build on Open SourceIf you missed us live last Friday you can catch up as we take a look at the latest open source news and talk to this weeks special guest AWS Hero Ian Mckay You can find the link to the Build on Open Source live show on and view past episodes here Events for your diaryAWS Java PanelSeptember th pmIf you love Java and AWS then make sure you check out this free online event A stellar line up includes Mark Sailes from AWS Serkan Ozal Thundra AWS Hero Vadym Kazulkin from ip labs AWS Community Builder and Goran Opacic Esteh AWS Hero They are going to cover topics such as Java and developer experiences GraalVM PowerTools for Java and much more Check out the registration page and save your place ApacheCon North America October New OrleansApacheCon is the official open source software convention of the Apache Software Foundation ASF focused on the software projects hosted at the ASF With over sessions covering all your favourite Apache open source projects and more Check out the ApacheCon registration page for more details including the sessions and keynotes Jumpstart your Java applications with AWS Lambda and MicronautOctober thDon t miss the opportunity to attend this event if you are in or around London Combining lectures live coding demonstrations AWS interaction and hands on exercises you will learn How AWS Lambda functions written with the Micronaut framework can be triggered with AWS Events such as an S or DynamoDB event How integrating Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda enables you to write your applications as you would with a Netty runtime i e write your applications as you usually do run them in AWS Lambda How to deploy a Micronaut application as a GraalVM native image to AWS Lambda Java runtime or to a custom runtimeHow leveraging certain characteristics of Micronaut applications including fast startup low memory consumption and GraalVM integration can help you work around cold startups in AWS Lambda Check out and register while there are places available at the link here Build on AWS Open SourceOctober th am BSTJoin us for the third episode of the Build on AWS series featuring a live round up of the latest projects and news as well as a special guest speaker This week we are delighted to have AWS Data Hero Alvaro Hernandez who will be talking about all things database on containers Do not miss this The Present and The Future of Infrastructure as CodeParis FranceOct PMThis promises to be a great meet up and essential attendance if you are into infrastructure as code AWS Hero Anton Babenko hosts this event sponsored by Qovery Read more and register for this event by heading over to their meet up page OpenSearchEvery other Tuesday pm GMTThis regular meet up is for anyone interested in OpenSearch amp Open Distro All skill levels are welcome and they cover and welcome talks on topics including search logging log analytics and data visualisation Sign up to the next session OpenSearch Community Meeting Stay in touch with open source at AWSI hope this summary has been useful Remember to check out the Open Source homepage to keep up to date with all our activity in open source by following us on AWSOpen |
2022-09-26 08:53:08 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to Blue-Green with DNS |
How to Blue Green with DNSThe Domain Name System or DNS is the main way traffic is routed on the internet It can be used to route traffic to one or many servers and can be chained so that the same url can lead to different locations at different points in time This is what enables blue green deployment of software and releasing new versions of software without downtime So how can we use DNS to blue green our software In this article we will go through the process step by step What is Blue Green Deployment First we need to understand what blue green means Blue green deployment is the process of provisioning more than one production environment so that you can set up a new version before cutting over to it By having both environments running you can quickly switch over to the new version which minimizes downtime and allows you to switch back to the previous version if needed This is in contrast to an in place update that relies on stopping the production environment updating it and starting it again More information about blue green deployment can be found here in Martin Fowlers blog post from Deploy A Version of Our Software with an A RecordIn order to make use of blue green deployment via DNS we first need to deploy a running version of our software We can deploy a single host or multiple and create a DNS Record pointing their IP addresses This will let us consistently access our service without needing to know the hosts IP addresses For this DNS record we should use an A record which is a type of DNS record that maps hostnames to IP addresses There are multiple types of DNS records with different purposes and A records are the most basic We need one A record for each deployment The best way to do this is using a version number in the A record and deploying a new set of infrastructure for each version to achieve immutable infrastructure and rolling deployments It is also possible to just have two static environments that could be labelled blue and green Create a CNAME DNS Record for our ApplicationThe next DNS record we need to create is a CNAME A CNAME is an alias from one hostname to another this means it can be used for redirects or to provide multiple names for a single service We should provision a CNAME that our customers use for accessing our service so we have control of the routing This record should not be versioned as there is only one per environment and we use it as a lookup for where traffic should be routed Here are some examples of what the initial CNAME and A record might look like CNAME Record gt A Recordlogging company com gt logging company comlogging company com gt logging company comlogging company com gt logging blue company comlogging company com gt blue logging company com Deploy a New Version of our Software with an A RecordAfter our system is running and customers are using the CNAME for accessing our service we can deploy a new version of the software It can be deployed right next to our current version and once deployed we should be able to access it via its own A record Next we should run automated integration and regression tests so that we are confident the environment is working as expected and we can move onto the cut over It is important to make sure these tests don t impact the other deployments as they may share databases and other resources Update our Applications CNAME DNS RecordTo cut over our application to the new version we just update our CNAME record to point at the new A record This should be quick but depending on the time to live TTL of the DNS record may take some time to propagate since DNS is cached in multiple places based on the TTL provided I usually recommend seconds as a good standard for DNS TTL If any errors occur or we aren t happy with the new environment we can revert by redirecting the CNAME back at the old A record This should be quick and easy to do due to the simplicity of the process CleanupAfter the cut over we may need to clean up the previous environment by deleting it or uninstalling any software that is left running This can happen immediately or after some time but should be done as needed based on your specific environment SummaryBlue green deployments are critical to minimizing risk and downtime of software releases and DNS is the main way to do so There are many variations of this process but it is important to keep the process simple Let me know if this is how you release new versions of your software and if there are any other parts of DNS releases you would like me to cover For more content like this follow or contact me Twitter BenTorvo Email ben torvo com au Website torvo com au |
2022-09-26 08:52:09 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
EPA opens new office dedicated to environmental justice and civil rights |
EPA opens new office dedicated to environmental justice and civil rightsThe US Environmental Protection Agency EPA has formed a new office designed to help marginalized communities deal with the extra burdens of pollution and climate change Reuters has reported The Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights will be staffed by EPA employees located in the agency s Washington head office and regional bureaus nbsp quot The establishment of a new office dedicated to advancing environmental justice and civil rights at EPA will ensure the lived experiences of underserved communities are central to our decision making while supporting community driven solutions quot said US Vice President Kamala Harris One of the primary jobs of the new office will be to oversea the distribution of billion in environmental justice grants created by the passage the of Inflation Reduction Act as part of a billion investment in environmental justice It ll also check that other EPA programs hew to President Biden s Justice initiative designed to ensure that percent of certain government investments flow to disadvantaged communities Finally it ll help communities access grants enforce civil rights laws and resolve environmental conflicts The new office was launched at an event in Warren County North Carolina the site of protests over toxic waste dumping in the region The resulting civil disobedience actions and arrests failed to stop the acre dump but gave birth to the modern environmental justice movement The th anniversary of the protests was commemorated by participants last week nbsp |
2022-09-26 08:24:19 |
海外科学 |
BBC News - Science & Environment |
German government sued over toxic air pollution |
healthy |
2022-09-26 08:41:42 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
上場有価証券の発行会社が発行した店頭取扱有価証券の売買状況 |
店頭取扱有価証券 |
2022-09-26 10:00:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
債券貸借取引残高等状況 (旧債券貸借取引状況) |
貸借 |
2022-09-26 09:30:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
証券業報 2022年9月 |
証券 |
2022-09-26 09:00:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
第50回金融審議会総会・第38回金融分科会合同会合の開催について公表しました。 |
金融審議会 |
2022-09-26 10:00:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
With drills and fighter jets, German defense minister seeks stronger Indo-Pacific ties |
With drills and fighter jets German defense minister seeks stronger Indo Pacific tiesBuilding on the monthslong dispatch of a frigate to the Indo Pacific last year Germany is set to deploy three fighter jets to Japan for joint |
2022-09-26 17:12:02 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Swallows overcame various challenges to repeat as Central League champions |
consecutive |
2022-09-26 17:31:04 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Deadly gun attack at Russian school |
izhevsk |
2022-09-26 08:45:22 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
'Easy to think you've been forgotten' - Mahmood's rehab journey |
x Easy to think you x ve been forgotten x Mahmood x s rehab journeyIn the second of a series Saqib Mahmood tells BBC Sport about the highs and lows of the rehabilitation stage of his comeback from injury |
2022-09-26 08:39:34 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
円相場一時144円台前半 米利上げ意識、円安基調に |
円安基調 |
2022-09-26 17:24:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
大阪・常翔学園ラグビー部員盗撮 自主退学、監督は辞任 |
大阪市旭区 |
2022-09-26 17:20:04 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
法隆寺で柿をプレゼント 奈良県警、交通安全呼びかけ |
世界遺産 |
2022-09-26 17:15:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
双葉町初の災害公営住宅が完成 全町避難解消、10月入居へ |
福島県双葉町 |
2022-09-26 17:15:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
中朝、貨物列車運行を再開 5カ月ぶり、貿易拡大へ |
聯合ニュース |
2022-09-26 17:04:18 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
<横田教授の「コロナ」チェック>感染の減少幅は鈍化傾向 横ばいの地域も |
新型コロナウイルス |
2022-09-26 17:02:29 |
ニュース |
Newsweek |
紆余曲折の末に行われた岸田首相と韓国・尹大統領の対話 |
2022-09-26 17:30:40 |
マーケティング |
MarkeZine |
メタバースが「過度な期待」ピーク期に Gartner、2022年版テクノロジのハイプ・サイクル発表 |
gartner |
2022-09-26 17:15:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
新橋と横浜(現:桜木町)を結ぶ鉄道開業150年記念! JR桜木町駅前広場にAR「蒸気機関車」フォトスポットが登場 |
桜木町駅 |
2022-09-26 17:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
TWCSG、LANやWi-Fi、インターネット対応のストリーマーiFi audio「NEO Stream」発売 |
ifiaudio |
2022-09-26 17:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
待ってました! ケンタッキーの「いいとこ」だけが詰まった夢のパックが割引価格で登場 |
販売開始 |
2022-09-26 17:20:00 |