IT |
InfoQ |
Accelerate Your Growth and Build Better-Connected Teams at QCon San Francisco Oct 24-28, 2022 |
Accelerate Your Growth and Build Better Connected Teams at QCon San Francisco Oct Teams attend QCon to get together get answers to technical challenges and get clarity on software decisions workflows and roadmaps QCon San Francisco Oct powered by InfoQ brings together the world s most innovative senior software engineers architects and team leads across multiple domains to share their real world implementation of emerging trends and practices By Artenisa Chatziou |
2022-09-27 11:27:00 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
constで定義したオブジェクトと配列のプロパティは変更が可能 |
const |
2022-09-27 20:58:14 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Spring boot + Ajax 簡易掲示板作成 (編集機能) |
springbootajax |
2022-09-27 20:07:51 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
素の JavaScript で Google Map 風の拡大縮小機能を作る |
googlemap |
2022-09-27 20:01:32 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS Certified Database - Specialty試験の受験記録 |
httpsaws |
2022-09-27 20:40:55 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
目指せ!第14回UEC杯コンピューター囲碁大会<本編> Step [O19o_1o0] 石を打つ |
stepooo |
2022-09-27 20:19:15 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
目指せ!第14回UEC杯コンピューター囲碁大会<本編> Step [O12o__11o0] 盤定義(土台) |
stepo |
2022-09-27 20:12:35 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
目指せ!第14回UEC杯コンピューター囲碁大会<本編> Step [O12o__11o_1o0] 棋譜定義 |
stepo |
2022-09-27 20:02:50 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[アップデート] AWS App RunnerがNode.js v16をサポートしました |
apprunner |
2022-09-27 11:39:57 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Start Mining Ethereum Classic (ETC) |
classic |
2022-09-27 11:15:14 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Collecting Data into Database Automatically |
Collecting Data into Database Automatically Import Necessary Librariesimport pandas as pdimport sqliteimport os Get Data From Excel Filedef GetData filename excel settings try df pd read excel filename return df except print File Not Readed Filename filename pass csv settings try df pd read csv filename delimiter return df except print File Not Readed Filename filename pass else df pd read csv filename delimiter return df finally print CSV File Added filename Write Database Codedef RecordSql dataframe filename filename str filename lower strip replace conn sqlite connect collector database db try dataframe to sql filename conn print Table Added filename except pass conn close return Run Codeif name main currdir os getcwd for filepath in os listdir currdir filename ext os path splitext filepath if ext in xlsx xls csv print filepath data GetData filepath RecordSql data filename |
2022-09-27 11:40:50 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Scrapping Google Playstore |
Scrapping Google Playstore Purpose Of Project To analyze how each fin tech apps is being used and widely accepted by Nigerians as well as understanding the impact fin tech companies has made on Nigerians finances and Nigeri s Tech Sector Project Process Web scraping data from playstorePerforming Exporatory Data Analysis On dataVisualizing data on Power BI and Tableau Project Tools NotebookPower BITableau Importing Necessary Librariesimport timefrom selenium import webdriverfrom webdriver manager chrome import ChromeDriverManager Accessing PlayStore Using Seleniumdriver webdriver Chrome ChromeDriverManager install driver get c apps time sleep Getting All The Apps In The Required PageSCROLL PAUSE TIME Get scroll heightlast height driver execute script return document body scrollHeight time sleep SCROLL PAUSE TIME while True Scroll down to bottom driver execute script window scrollTo document body scrollHeight Wait to load page time sleep SCROLL PAUSE TIME Calculate new scroll height and compare with last scroll height new height driver execute script return document body scrollHeight if new height last height break last height new height Scraping App Linkslinks fintech elems driver find elements by xpath a href for elem in elems if details id in elem get attribute href links fintech append elem get attribute href links fintech list dict fromkeys links fintech Scraping The Necessary Informations From Each Applist all elements for iteration in links fintech try driver get iteration print iteration time sleep header driver find element by tag name h downloads driver find elements by class name htlgb list downloads for x in range len downloads if x list downloads append downloads x text titles driver find elements by class name AHFaub comments driver find element by class name EymYb list elements iteration header text list downloads append downloads x text comments text split for x in range len titles if titles x text Download list elements append list others x if titles x text Developer for y in list others x split n if in y list elements append y break list all elements append list elements except Exception as e print e Creating A CSV File For Scraped DataFrameimport pandas as pddf pd DataFrame list all elements columns URL Name downloads install df df to csv fintech playstore csv header True index False encoding utf df c apps |
2022-09-27 11:34:40 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Web Scraping GitHub Page |
Web Scraping GitHub Page Use Request Library to download webpagesimport requeststopics url response requests get topics url response status codelen response text page contents response textpage contents n n lt DOCTYPE html gt n lt html lang en data color mode auto data light theme light data dark theme dark gt n lt head gt n lt meta charset utf gt n lt link rel dns prefetch href gt n lt link rel dns prefetch href gt n lt link rel dns prefetch Write page as a filewith open webpage html wb as f f write page contents encode utf Parse and extract informationfrom bs import BeautifulSoupdoc BeautifulSoup page contents html parser selection class f lh condensed mb mt Link primary topic title tags doc find all p class selection class len topic title tags topic title tags lt p class f lh condensed mb mt Link primary gt D lt p gt lt p class f lh condensed mb mt Link primary gt Ajax lt p gt lt p class f lh condensed mb mt Link primary gt Algorithm lt p gt lt p class f lh condensed mb mt Link primary gt Amp lt p gt lt p class f lh condensed mb mt Link primary gt Android lt p gt selection class f color fg muted mb mt topic desc tags doc find all p class selection class len topic desc tags topic desc tags lt p class f color fg muted mb mt gt D modeling is the process of virtually developing the surface and structure of a D object lt p gt lt p class f color fg muted mb mt gt Ajax is a technique for creating interactive web applications lt p gt lt p class f color fg muted mb mt gt Algorithms are self contained sequences that carry out a variety of tasks lt p gt topic title tag topic title tags div tag topic title tag parenttopic link tags doc find all a class flex grow len topic link tags topic url topic link tags href print topic url topic titles for tag in topic title tags topic titles append tag text print topic titles D Ajax Algorithm Amp Android Angular Ansible API Arduino ASP NET Atom Awesome Lists Amazon Web Services Azure Babel Bash Bitcoin Bootstrap Bot C Chrome Chrome extension Command line interface Clojure Code quality Code review Compiler Continuous integration COVID C topic descs for tag in topic desc tags topic descs append tag text strip topic descs D modeling is the process of virtually developing the surface and structure of a D object Ajax is a technique for creating interactive web applications Algorithms are self contained sequences that carry out a variety of tasks Amp is a non blocking concurrency library for PHP Android is an operating system built by Google designed for mobile devices topic urls base url for tag in topic link tags topic urls append base url tag href topic urls Create CSV FILEimport pandas as pdtopics dict title topic titles description topic descs url topic urls topics df pd DataFrame topics dict topics dftitle description url D D modeling is the process of virtually develo Ajax Ajax is a technique for creating interactive w Algorithm Algorithms are self contained sequences that c Amp Amp is a non blocking concurrency library for Android Android is an operating system built by Google Angular Angular is an open source web application plat Ansible Ansible is a simple and powerful automation en API An API Application Programming Interface is Arduino Arduino is an open source hardware and softwar topics df to csv topics csv index None Getting information out of a topic pagetopic page url topic urls topic page url response requests get topic page url response status codelen response text topic doc BeautifulSoup response text html parser h selection class f color fg muted text normal lh condensed repo tags topic doc find all h class h selection class len repo tags repo tags lt h class f color fg muted text normal lh condensed gt lt a data ga click Explore go to repository owner location explore feed data hydro click event type explore click payload click context REPOSITORY CARD click target OWNER click visual representation REPOSITORY OWNER HEADING actor id null record id originating url user id null data hydro click hmac bdbcdcaefbfbceabeadb data view component true href mrdoob gt mrdoob lt a gt lt a class text bold wb break word data ga click Explore go to repository location explore feed data hydro click event type explore click payload click context REPOSITORY CARD click target REPOSITORY click visual representation REPOSITORY NAME HEADING actor id null record id originating url user id null data hydro click hmac ddcbdabcbabfeceddde data view component true href mrdoob three js gt three js Write a function that calls out all a tags from repo tagsa tags repo tags find all a a tags lt a data ga click Explore go to repository owner location explore feed data hydro click event type explore click payload click context REPOSITORY CARD click target OWNER click visual representation REPOSITORY OWNER HEADING actor id null record id originating url user id null data hydro click hmac bdbcdcaefbfbceabeadb data view component true href mrdoob gt mrdoob len a tags a tags text strip mrdoob a tags text strip three js base url repo url base url a tags href repo url star tags topic doc find all a class tooltipped tooltipped s btn sm btn BtnGroup item color bg default len star tags star tags lt a aria label You must be signed in to star a repository class tooltipped tooltipped s btn sm btn BtnGroup item color bg default data hydro click event type authentication click payload location in page star button repository id auth type LOG IN originating url user id null data hydro click hmac bdfdeedbebcbcbfaabcbacfcf data view component true href login return to Fmrdoob Fthree js rel nofollow gt lt svg aria hidden true class octicon octicon star v align text bottom d inline block mr data view component true height version viewbox width gt lt path d M a l a l a L l a l L a l L A zm L a l a l a l a l a L v z fill rule evenodd gt lt path gt star tags text n n n Star n k n star tags text strip n n n Star n k def parse star count stars str stars str stars str strip if stars str k return int float stars str return int stars str parse star count star tags text strip n n n Star n get repo info repo tags star tags mrdoob three js len repo tags def get repo info h tag star tag returns all the required information about a respository a tags h tag find all a username a tags text strip repo name a tags text strip repo url base url a tags href stars parse star count star tag text strip n n n Star n return username repo name stars repo urltopic repos dict username repo name stars repo url for i in range len repo tags repo info get repo info repo tags i star tags i topic repos dict username append repo info topic repos dict repo name append repo info topic repos dict stars append repo info topic repos dict repo url append repo info topic repos df pd DataFrame topic repos dict topic repos dfusername repo name stars repo url mrdoob three js libgdx libgdx pmndrs react three fiber BabylonJS Babylon js aframevr aframe ssloy tinyrenderer lettier d game shaders for beginners FreeCAD FreeCAD metafizzy zdog CesiumGS cesium import osdef get topic page topic url Download the page response requests get topic url Check successful response if response status code raise Exception Failed to load page format topic url Parse using beautiful soup topic doc BeautifulSoup response text html parser return topic docdef get repo info h tag star tag Returns all the required information about a respository a tags h tag find all a username a tags text strip repo name a tags text strip repo url base url a tags href stars parse star count star tag text strip n n n Star n return username repo name stars repo urldef get topic repos topic doc Get h tags containing repo title repo url and username h selection class f color fg muted text normal lh condensed repo tags topic doc find all h class h selection class Get star tags star tags topic doc find all a class tooltipped tooltipped s btn sm btn BtnGroup item color bg default Create function name topic repos dict username repo name stars repo url Get repository information for i in range len repo tags repo info get repo info repo tags i star tags i topic repos dict username append repo info topic repos dict repo name append repo info topic repos dict stars append repo info topic repos dict repo url append repo info return pd DataFrame topic repos dict def scrape topic topic url path if os path exists path print The file already exists skipping format path return topic df get topic repos get topic page topic url topic df to csv path index None topic urls get topic repos get topic page topic urls to csv ansible csv index None def get topic titles doc selection class f lh condensed mb mt Link primary topic title tags doc find all p class selection class topic titles for tag in topic title tags topic titles append tag text return topic titlesdef get topic descs doc selection class f color fg muted mb mt topic desc tags doc find all p class selection class topic descs for tag in topic desc tags topic descs append tag text strip return topic descsdef get topic urls doc topic link tags doc find all a class flex grow topic urls base url for tag in topic link tags topic urls append base url tag href return topic urlsdef scrape topics topics url response requests get topics url if response status code raise Exception Failed to load page format topic url topics dict title get topic titles doc description get topic descs doc url get topic urls doc return pd DataFrame topics dict def scrape topics repos print Scraping list of topics topics df scrape topics Create a folder os makedirs data exist ok True for index row in topics df iterrows print Scraping top repositories for format row title scrape topic row url data csv format row title scrape topics repos Scraping list of topicsScraping top repositories for D The file data D csv already exists skipping Scraping top repositories for Ajax The file data Ajax csv already exists skipping Scraping top repositories for Algorithm The file data Algorithm csv already exists skipping Scraping top repositories for Amp The file data Amp csv already exists skipping Scraping top repositories for Android |
2022-09-27 11:27:14 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Twins sentenced over $2.2 million AT&T Apple hardware fraud |
Twins sentenced over million AT amp T Apple hardware fraudTwin brothers from Miami have been sentenced to years in prison after pleading guilty of using identity theft to buy Apple devices and charging them to AT amp T customer accounts The pair Luis Hernandez Socarras and Jorge Hernandez Socarras worked the nationwide scheme from March to January according to Justice gov During that time they fraudulently accessed approximately AT amp T customers mobile accounts and used them to buy millions of dollars worth of iPhones iPads and Apple Watches Court documents say that the two men would travel to multiple electronics stores across States in order to pick up devices that had been fraudulently ordered They would then return to Miami to fence the devices Read more |
2022-09-27 11:26:03 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
How to use Lockdown Mode on iPhone, Mac, and iPad |
How to use Lockdown Mode on iPhone Mac and iPadApple s new Lockdown Mode may sound like a great way to protect your device and data but it isn t for everyday use Here s how to activate it and when Lockdown Mode enhances iPhone security well beyond what regular users needApple wants to improve device security for high profile individuals that may be targeted by sophisticated cyberattacks with a new mode in iOS iPadOS and macOS Ventura However this mode is very restrictive and will limit the device s functionality Read more |
2022-09-27 11:17:30 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The Morning After: Netflix is building its own game studio |
The Morning After Netflix is building its own game studioNetflix is forming its own in house game studio and wants to go beyond relying on third party developers to bolster its game catalog The studio based in Helsinki Finland plans to create quot world class quot original games without ads or in app purchases Netflix s move into gaming has involved buying multiple developers including the creators of Oxenfree Night School Studio In the last months or so the company has offered some well regarded titles including Into the Breach and Poinpy But it hasn t built a developer from scratch Until now However when it comes to original games Netflix says we won t see the first fruits of this internal studio for quot years quot Meanwhile UsTwo s Desta launching later today exclusively on Netflix is the latest addition from the makers of Monument Valley nbsp Mat SmithThe biggest stories you might have missedNASA will roll Artemis back to shelter it from Hurricane IanLego unveils a piece Mandalorian Razor Crest setSamsung s Galaxy Watch falls to a new low of Interpol issues red notice for Terraform Labs founder Do KwonThe newest Roomba both vacuums and mops your floorsE will return to LA on June th NASA successfully hurled its DART spacecraft into an asteroidThe impactor vehicle was traveling at roughly MPH when it struck NASAAfter nearly a year in transit NASA s experimental Double Asteroid Redirection Test DART mission which sought to answer the question quot Could you potentially shove an asteroid off its planet killing trajectory by hitting it with a specially designed satellite quot The answer seems to be …maybe It successfully collided with the Dimorphos asteroid Results and data from the collision are still coming in but NASA ground control confirms that the DART impact vehicle has intercepted the target asteroid The vending machine sized vehicle traveled at roughly MPH when it crossed Dimorphos path nearly million miles from Earth Continue reading Watch the first trailer for HBO s The Last of Us adaptation seconds of post apocalyptic gloom HBOHBO revealed the first trailer for its highly anticipated adaptation of the hit Naughty Dog game The clip features the leaning building from an early level and a bombastic opening outbreak sequence as well as the unmistakable sound of a Clicker Nightmare fuel for Continue reading Big Audacity update makes it a much better audio production toolIt adds non destructive editing real time effects and more Audacity is best known as a free audio app for quick edits and recording audio but the latest update makes it more viable as a full on production tool for your podcast ambitions The most welcome addition is non destructive audio capabilities that allow you to adjust effects without the changes being permanently baked into the audio file It also supports real time playback of effects and crossfades as you adjust them allowing for more accurate edits And it s still free Continue reading Apple Watch Ultra teardown confirms it s rugged but not easily repairedYou ll still have to leave repairs to the pros The Apple Watch Ultra is built to survive adventures outdoors but if you push it beyond its limits you re going to struggle to repair it yourself iFixit reports that the Ultra isn t significantly more repairable than its regular counterparts While there are external screws on the back you might wreck a waterproofing gasket if you pry the rear open And don t even think of getting through the front you might break the screen Continue reading Aphex Twin s free sample mashing app feeds on your music librarySamplebrain has been on Richard James mind for years Aphex Twin is finally ready to offer his mutation driven music software to the world Samplebrain is a free quot sample mashing quot app that turns audio files from your computer into sample blocks you can use for projects You can recreate a sample using tracks in your music library or craft a quot riff quot from unexpected sounds However you may need some technical know how to use the app Continue reading Meta tests easier account switching between Facebook and InstagramIt ll give you a view of all your notifications On Monday Meta began rolling out a new interface on Android iOS and on the web for switching between accounts on Facebook and Instagram Provided you ve added your credentials for both to the same Accounts Center you can use the feature to switch between the two apps Meta will also notify you every time you use an existing account to create a new one or you add an account to the Accounts Center Continue reading |
2022-09-27 11:16:57 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Mortgage lenders pull deals due to interest rate rise fears |
costs |
2022-09-27 11:05:55 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Sabotage not ruled out in Russia gas pipeline leaks |
recent |
2022-09-27 11:51:05 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Prince and Princess of Wales visit nation for first time |
titles |
2022-09-27 11:52:29 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Labour opposes junk food ban as living costs soar |
rules |
2022-09-27 11:45:36 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Cargo plane submerged nose-first in French lake |
montpellier |
2022-09-27 11:24:57 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
King Charles: New royal cypher revealed |
boxes |
2022-09-27 11:22:05 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
廃車寸前からよみがえった! 前輪2軸の希少バス、40年ぶりに旭川市内を自走 |
旭川市内 |
2022-09-27 20:12:38 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
札幌・西区の60代女性 200万円詐欺被害 |
札幌市西区 |
2022-09-27 20:10:12 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
札幌・厚別区60代男性 100万円詐欺被害 |
札幌市厚別区 |
2022-09-27 20:08:58 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
国葬、稚内で半旗掲揚位置や時間のミス相次ぐ |
安倍晋三 |
2022-09-27 20:05:18 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
中標津で14人感染 新型コロナ |
中標津町 |
2022-09-27 20:04:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
「サテンドール」元店主「谷内田さん、特別な存在」 日野皓正さん追悼コメント |
日野皓正 |
2022-09-27 20:01:00 |