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Javascript Array Reduce Method |
Javascript Array Reduce MethodThe Javascript reduce method is a recursive way to perform a computation based on every element in array while also taking into consideration the previous element in the array It accepts a function which can also be used to further process elements of the array based on logic of your choosing It is quite useful for summing arrays or merging string based arrays For example we could turn an array into a string like this let myArray hello world welcome let reduceString myArray reduce previousElement currentElement gt return previousElement currentElement console log reduceString hello world welcome In a similar vein we could use it to add up all the numbers in an array and return a single number let myArray let reduceString myArray reduce previousElement currentElement gt previousElement currentElement console log reduceString The reduce method callback functionThe callback function used in reduce actually has arguments You are not required to use any but the first two are the two you will usually want The format of the function looks like this Array reduce previousElement currentElement currentIndex array gt Do something with the array s data initialValue Let s look at what previousElement currentElement currentIndex array and initialValue all mean previousElementThis is self explanatory It represents the previous element from the current one we are iterating through The reduce function will usually start at the index so that a previous element does exist If you have defined an initialValue then this value will be used and the reduce function will begin at index using the initialValue as the previousValue currentElementThis is the current element that is being iterated through by reduce currentIndexSince arrays don t consist of just indexes and often have useful data in them we also have the ability to get the current index being iterated through This will return the indexed number representing the current element s position in the array Expect standard array indexes from this argument arrayThis will return the entire array which can be useful if you plan to manipulate the array using reduce or if you want to compute based on other elements in the array initialValueIf provided this will be the previousElement for index As mentioned this are all optional but they all provide a useful way to manipulate and calculate the return value for your reduce method Mutating the Array in reduceIf you try to mutate the array in reduce it could lead to some interesting behaviour so there are a few edge cases you should consider when thinking about reduce For example if you change an array element somewhere ahead of your current element the reduction will still work as expected For example adding to myArray currentIndex will still produce the expected value let myArray let reduceFunction myArray reduce prevValue currentValue currentIndex gt myArray currentIndex return prevValue currentValue console log reduceFunction However trying to add values to an array while running reduce will not work For example below I use push to add one element to the array for each element in the array This would of course lead to an infinite loop so Javascript arrests the function and only processes the values that were in the array at the point when we ran reduce let myArray let reduceFunction myArray reduce prevValue currentValue currentIndex gt myArray push return prevValue currentValue console log reduceFunction Note on Single Value ArraysIf your array only contains one value and you don t use initialValue the reduce function will return the single value from that array and not call the callback function For example let myArray cat let reduceFunction myArray reduce prevValue currentValue gt return currentValue console log reduceFunction cat does not have exclamation mark even though we tried to add it Summing and Combining Values in an Object ArrayYou might have already expected this behaviour but if you have an array of objects you can reference the child properties of each elements object to make calculations For example to add up all the ages below let myArray age age age age let reduceFunction myArray reduce prevValue currentValue gt return prevValue currentValue age console log reduceFunction You might ve noticed a few weird things here which is why it s useful to work through this example We have to define an initialValue since initially prevValue is age but afterwards prevValue is a number That means we keep types consistent Since every time we run reduce it returns the a value for the current item in the array element we use prevValue rather than prevValue age prevValue age is undefined since reduce returns a number each time ConclusionThe reduce method is a really useful way to combine everything in an array or produce new arrays of your choosing It s powerful and recursive so be careful when using it on large data sets If you liked this I also wrote an article here on the slice method |
2022-10-16 20:26:15 |
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