IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Apple公式サイトがメンテナンスモードに − 新型「iPad Pro」などを発表か |
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2022-10-18 12:09:02 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
新型「iPad」用の保護ガラスの写真が登場 − FaceTimeカメラは以前の情報通りディスプレイ右側に移動?! |
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2022-10-18 12:03:05 |
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DockerをAppServiceにデプロイする |
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2022-10-18 21:59:57 |
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一覧ページの読み込みが重たい問題について |
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2022-10-18 21:59:27 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
I made an admin dashboard for NextJS using Typescript! Use it for free! |
I made an admin dashboard for NextJS using Typescript Use it for free Hey guys I made an admin dashboard for NextJS using Typescript Use it for free Presentation Live demo Download on Github |
2022-10-18 12:36:34 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Chaos Engineering - Un monde de destruction ?! |
Chaos Engineering Un monde de destruction Quand on parle de Chaos Engineering et qu on n est pas très connaisseur du domaine ça peut être quelque chose qui peut faire peur On a entendu que chez Netflix ils tuaient des noeuds aléatoirement dans leurs clusters de prod La phrase précédente est généralement ce que les gens retiennent d une petite discussion autour du Chaos Engineering Et c est sûr plus particulièrement chez des personnes moins techniques que c est quelque chose qui va faire peur Aujourd hui nous allons commencer une discussion autour du Chaos Engineering ce que c est comment l implémenter sans tuer des clusters en prod et quels outils peuvent vous aider àcela C est une introduction brève au Chaos Engineering si vous voulez avoir plus d informations sur un sujet traitéici n hésitez pas àme le faire savoir dans les commentaires D autres articles traitant de ces sujets pourront être alors publiés par la suite OriginesComme on l a évoquéau début Netflix en est àl origine pour tester leur infrastructure et sa résilience en tuant des instances Voici le lien vers leur projet et leur documentation Repo GithubDocumentation en ligneDe làest néle Chaos Engineering Chaos EngineeringTel que définit dans les Principes du Chaos Engineering L Ingénierie du Chaos est une discipline de l expérimentation sur un système distribuéafin de renforcer la confiance dans la capacitédu système àrésister àdes conditions turbulentes en production Avec cette idée on garde l état d esprit de Netflix de vouloir perturber les instances pour voir ce qu il se passe et si c est résilient mais sans tuer des instances en prod L objectif est alors d ajouter des perturbations àdes moments aléatoires afin de s assurer que tout continue de fonctionner On peut alors Ajouter de la latenceAjouter un peu de latence va permettre de s assurer que tout continuer de fonctionner normalement Sinon on peut ajouter suffisemment de latence pour dépasser la valeur du timeout défini et voir si le mécanisme de retry fonctionne bien si il y en a un Retourner des erreurs http C est une autre option pour tester le système de retry et s assurer d éviter des faux positifs Tuer des podsL idée ici est de s assurer que quand un service àau moins pods si un disparaît est ce que la charge est répartie correctement On peut alors se poser les questions suivantes Est ce que le trafic est bien balancéparmis les instances restantes Est ce que la nouvelle instance remplaçant celle tuée démarre suffisemment vite Est ce qu il ne devrait pas y avoir plus d instances de ce service Comme vous pouvez le voir ce sont des options simples beaucoup d autres existent mais c est un bon premier pas pour ajouter des perturbations dans le système et s assurer que c est résilient En prod ou en non prod C est sûr que si vous voulez voir ce qu il se passe avec des cas réels et que vous voulez être sûr d avoir quelque chose qui correspond aux besoins de vos consommateurs le faire en prod est la meilleure solution Mais tous les systèmes équipes et compagnies ne sont pas prêtes àfaire ça en production Alors ne vous inquiétez pas vous pouvez le faire en non production mais vous DEVEZ avoir ce qu il faut pour simuler un réel trafic Vous devez avoir vos scénarios de cas réels de prêts avec vos outils de tests de charges Faire juste des GET pour récupérer en boucle tout le temps la même information peut ne pas être suffisant Des cas réels peuvent mettre votre système dans des situations auxquelles vous n avez jamais pensé De facto ça vous amènera aussi plus de confiance dans les systèmes qui ont ététestés avec ces scénarios Comment le testerDans cette dernière partie on va voir quels outils vont vous permettre de l implémenter et de l automatiser Le premier est peut être un outil que vous utilisez déjà Istio De manière générale allez vérifier la documentation du service mesh que vous utilisez Ils peuvent avoir déjàdes outils qui vous permettront d implémenter le Chaos Engineering IstioDans ses fonctionnalités Istio en possède une s appelantl Injection de fautes Avec cela vous serez capable d ajouter du délai sur une partie ou tous les appels àune api fault delay fixedDelay s percentage value ou de leur retourner directement un code http particulier fault abort httpStatus percentage value Donc si vous utilisez déjàcet outil il ne s agit que de petites modifications dans les définitions de vos VirtualService Chaos MeshChaos Mesh est un outil dédiéau Chaos Engineering qui fait parti de l ensemble d outils du CNCF Orientépour Kubernetes et des noeuds physiques il va vous aider àtester un ensemble de scénarios comme Soucis de podsSoucis de réseauScénarios de stressSoucis de DNSSoucis avec la JVM dans des podsSoucis de communication avec des fournisseurs d outils dans le Cloud Avec cela vous avez de quoi vous assurer que votre cluster Kubernetes est suffisemment résilient Mais vous pouvez avoir d autres outils gravitant autour de votre cluster Des bases de données des services de messages Litmus ChaosEt c est làoùLitmus Chaos arrives C est aussi un projet du CNCF mais ce projet me semble plus appropriédans des scénarios oùvotre infrastructure ne comporte pas qu un cluster Kubernetes Tout comme Litmus il a de nombreuses fonctionnalités permettant de tester un cluster Kubernetes Mais il a surtout de quoi tester d autres outils En effet il possède des scénarios pour tester Kafka Cassandra ou Core DNS Mais aussi des Cloud providers AWS Azure amp GCP Présentées comme dans un site d achat le Hub LitmusChaos va vous montrer tout ce qui est possible d être fait avec Une chose importante sachez que ces outils sont open source Donc si vous voyez des choses qui n y sont pas vous voulez ajouter de nouveaux scénarios ou même poser des questions àla communauté n hésitez pas Comme dit plus tôt je ne suis pas allédans le détail des outils comment ils fonctionnent Mais si il y a des éléments pour lesquels vous souhaitez plus d informations n hésitez pas àlaisser un commentaire pour me le faire savoir J espère que ça vous aidera |
2022-10-18 12:21:08 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Top 14 ELK alternatives[Open Source included] in 2022 |
Top ELK alternatives Open Source included in ELK is the acronym Elasticsearch Logstash and Kibana and combined together it is one of the most popular log analytics tools Elastic changed the license of Elasticsearch and Kibana from the fully open Apache license to a proprietary dual license The ELK stack is also hard to manage at scale In this article we will discuss ELK alternatives that you can consider using The ELK stack started with Elasticsearch which is a search and analytics engine Logstash is the data processing engine and Kibana lets users visualize data in Elasticsearch with charts and graphs The ELK stack can either be self hosted or users can opt for a cloud version provided by Elastic The Elk stack is a very popular solution for log analytics But scaling an ELK stack can be costly and there are many alternatives available that you should explore What is log management Log management is the method of collecting parsing storing analyzing and utilizing log files and log messages from your applications servers and other infrastructure components to provide insights for troubleshooting debugging performance issues and identifying security threats Top ELK stack alternativesBelow are the top ELK stack alternatives SigNozLogz ioGraylogLogtailSumologicGrafana LokiSplunkLogglySematextDataDogNew RelicDynatraceMezmoPapertrail SigNoz Open Source SigNoz is a full stack open source APM that provides log collection and analytics SigNoz uses a columnar database ClickHouse to store logs which is very efficient at ingesting and storing logs data Columnar databases like ClickHouse are very effective in storing log data and making it available for analysis Big companies like Uber have shifted from the Elastic stack to ClickHouse for their log analytics platform Cloudflare too was using Elasticsearch for many years but shifted to ClickHouse because of limitations in handling large log volumes with Elasticsearch SigNoz uses OpenTelemetry for instrumenting applications OpenTelemetry backed by CNCF is quietly becoming the world standard for instrumenting cloud native applications The logs tab in SigNoz has advanced features like a log query builder search across multiple fields structured table view JSON view etc Log management in SigNozYou can also view logs in real time with live tail logging Live Tail Logging in SigNozWith advanced Log Query Builder you can filter out logs quickly with a mix and match of fields Advanced Log Query Builder in SigNoz Logz ioLogz io provides cloud hosted services based on the ELK stack It is based on OpenSearch and OpenSearch dashboards which are the open source version of Elasticsearch and Kibana respectively You can monitor your logs with visualizations and dashboards while setting alerts to notify your team Logz io provides different tiers for storing logs efficiently Critical data is kept in the real time tier smart tier for active data and historical tier with archiving Logz io management dashboard Graylog Open Source Graylog is a centralized log management platform that provides two solutions log management and Security Information Event Management SIEM Graylog also provides an open source version called the Graylog Open Graylog Open offers the core centralized log management functionality that you need to collect store and analyze logs data The open source version is free to download and use while you need to contact sales for other solutions You can find more details here Graylog Log Management dashboard LogtailLogTail provides SQL compatible structured log management based on ClickHouse an OLAP database In Logtail you can analyze your logs by writing custom SQL queries You can also connect Logtail to any BI tool directly For visualization it provides hosted Grafana dashboards which you can use to create custom charts and dashboards You can also archive your audit logs into an S glacier or other popular data stores The pricing of Logtail starts at per GB LogTail Log Management Dashboard Sumo LogicSumo Logic is a SaaS analytics platform that provides Log management as one of its features Sumo Logic provides a set of pre built dashboards for a number of technologies like NGINX Kubernetes Docker etc For example once you install the Sumo Logic collector container on your Docker host you can see the data sources in your Sumo Logic dashboard Once the data sources are set up you can directly access Docker dashboards You can find the pricing details here Docker dashboards from Docker Logs in Sumo Logic Grafana Loki Open Source Loki is a log analytics tool that can be used as an ELK alternative It is designed to store and query logs from your application and infrastructure Grafana Loki is inspired by Prometheus and is a horizontally scalable multi tenant log aggregation system It was started by Grafana Labs and Grafana also offers Loki under its cloud offering Loki indexes the metadata instead of the entire log line This helps Loki users to store logs efficiently You can build metrics from your logs and set alerts You can also tail your logs in real time Loki uses Grafana for dashboarding and visualizations Loki Logs dashboards in Grafana SplunkSplunk is one of the leading cloud based analytics products for log analytics Splunk Log Observer can be used to collect logs data from popular sources like Kubernetes Fluentd AWS services etc It provides a no code search experience for logs that can be used to reduce MTTR Log data can also be converted to metrics to power real time dashboards and alerts Log data can be correlated with trace attributes for quicker troubleshooting Splunk Log Observer Source Splunk website LogglyLoggly is a cloud based log monitoring and analytics service Under the hood Loggly uses Elasticsearch as the primary storage and search engine for all the log data it processes Loggly supports a large number of log sources to help you get started quickly Loggly helps you correlate logs with metrics and set alerts to get notified of critical issues The pricing starts at per month You can find more details here Loggly Log Management Dashboards Source Loggly website SematextSematext provides log management as a service that you can use as an ELK alternative It provides a hosted ELK stack that you don t need to maintain or scale Its centralized logging management solution allows you to create your own queries using the Elasticsearch API It also provides a simpler query syntax It supports sending alerts via e mail slack Pagerduty and various other rd party integrations You can send your log data using Logstash Filebeat or Logagent You can also use any tool that works with Elasticsearch s REST API Sematext Log Management Dashboards DataDogDataDog is a SaaS based data analytics platform that provides log analytics as one of its features It can be used as a replacement for elastic stack DataDog decouples log ingestion from log indexing thus allowing you to ingest all logs It provides a Log Explorer that you can use to explore and analyze logs Using the Log explorer you can search and filter logs group queried logs into higher level entities You can also create log visualizations for quicker troubleshooting DataDog is a full stack observability solution and you can either use the entire suite of products or just opt in for its log management product The pricing starts at per GB of uncompressed data ingested You can find more details here Log Explorer in DataDog New RelicNew Relic provides log management with the ability to quickly search through your logs You can create custom charts and dashboards and set alerts to get notified of critical issues New Relic also provides many other products like infrastructure monitoring network monitoring browser monitoring etc Using the other platforms you can view your logs with context It lets you connect your log data with the rest of your application and infrastructure data If you are using New Relic s APM agent you can directly forward the log data to New Relic without using any third party tools New Relic s pricing is based on the amount of data ingested and user seats You can also use this cost estimator to estimate your costs Log Management dashboard in New Relic DynatraceDynatrace offers Log monitoring as part of the Dynatrace platform You can use Dynatrace as an ELK alternative and collect logs from your applications infrastructure and cloud platforms You can set up automatic log collection and processing from various data sources You can also define patterns events and custom log metrics and set alerts on them For log data analysis it provides a log viewer that enables you to browse logs in any specified timeframe You can use advanced filtering capabilities to narrow down the logs you require Log management in Dynatrace Mezmo Previously LogDNA Mezmo provides an easy to use and scalable solution that can be used as an ELK stack alternative You can search and filter logs using the log viewer The search is conducted across the entire log line but you can also search on a particular field if specified Once you have searched your logs you can save them as a view and set alerts on them when certain conditions are met Mezmo also provides a feature called Kubernetes enrichment that centralizes Kubernetes events resource metrics and logs under a single dashboard The pricing for Mezmo starts at per GB with day retention You can find more details here Mezmo dashboard with insights from logs PapertrailPapertrail is a cloud hosted log management solution You can search live log streams from multiple sources in a single search bar Papertrail makes it easier to investigate the events that you want You can also view events in context by digging deeper into attributes captured with the log data Any search can be saved to create a troubleshooting workflow It also helps you to visualize logs data with charts and dashboards You can view the live tail of logs You can also connect Papertrail with SolarWinds APM Appoptics which can help you correlate different telemetry signals like logs metrics and traces Papertrail log management dashboard Source Papertrail website Choosing the right log analytics toolOne of the most challenging parts of analyzing log data is the sheer volume of data generated An effective log analytics tool should efficiently collect and store huge volumes of data Once the data is collected and stored log analysis is where tools can make a difference Enabling users to search through logs quickly and run queries and aggregates to identify the root cause of issues in their application or infrastructure are critical aspects of a good log analytics tool While choosing a log analytics tool a few factors should be kept in mind How efficiently can the tool store logs How easy is using the UI to analyze log data from multiple sources Does the tool provide features to correlate log data with other telemetry signals like metrics and traces for deeper insights SigNoz supports efficient log storage provides an intuitive UI and lets you correlate your logs with traces and metrics for quicker analysis SigNoz is also open source and can be self hosted within your infrastructure Getting started with SigNozSigNoz can be installed on macOS or Linux computers in just three steps by using a simple install script The install script automatically installs Docker Engine on Linux However on macOS you must manually install Docker Engine before running the install script git clone b main cd signoz deploy install shYou can visit our documentation for instructions on how to install SigNoz using Docker Swarm and Helm Charts You can also check out the documentation for logs here Related PostsSigNoz an open source alternative to DataDog |
2022-10-18 12:08:42 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Virtual Nurse App Development: Guide, Features & Trends |
Virtual Nurse App Development Guide Features amp TrendsAdvancement in technology has traditionally triggered change in the business An interactive tool offered by state of the art computer software means it has a positive impact in the healthcare domain especially in the nursing profession Virtual nurses simplify the provisioning of outpatient services increasing the accuracy of monitoring patient compliance after the patient leaves a hospital The virtual nurse technology assigned the duties will assist in self care check ins for the patients collecting patient data and providing clinical advance as it makes their lifestyle changes Let s see how to create your virtual nurse app and want to know about the development process described in this article Which are the Virtual nurse app development trends The rapid development of the digital healthcare market is rising as per the expectation of the patients Many companies seek the best options for developing mobile medical applications on well known platforms Hence it would help if you analyzed recent trends in the IT healthcare market You will understand what the issues are now and what products must be made to meet the customer s needs The creators have shown how artificial intelligence creates a virtual nurse who remotely takes care of patients Let s see trends in the virtual nurse app development TelemedicineTelemedicine solution which aids a patient in getting advice and prescriptions from doctors without visiting a clinic physically Patients can get required medical information with the convenient at their home There is no requirement to contact other healthy and sick people A doctor can diagnose and save time by working on severe medical cases Healthcare experts and patients can use the latest technologies like desktop video calls and messaging which come in one mobile app IoMT wearables gadgets IntegrationThe Internet of Medical Things is essential for physician patients care Mobile applications are connected via the internet with various smart devices It tracks a person s physical activity such as blood pressure heart rate and weight and transmits it to their health program The application can pass the information to a doctor or nurse as they can respond speedily and contact the patient on time for immediate consultation or hospitalization Artificial IntelligenceAI powered solutions help to save time for healthcare professionals by giving the correct information to patients via an app Let s see some of the well known options that make use of AI ChatbotYou can implement chatbot integration in your application The patient wishes to know about his illness and the location of its nearby pharmacy or clinic All questions need to be answered by the chatbots so that the patient can get relevant information Voice assistantIt is used if the patient does not want to write his requirements It can be either dialogue or a reminder which takes time to its medication Virtual avatarIt looks like a living person which is a significant effect There should be numerous avatars for multiple categories of people to make them trust It is vital to develop the virtual nurse app so that people can feel as if they are making a conversation with a doctor or nurse It is the correct imitation of people s thoughts and emotions Cloud based solutionWhile designing the virtual nurse app you are required to think about where patient information is stored An integrated cloud based system with Electronic Medical Records EMR is a good option for virtual app development Besides the patient cards medical bills and insurance scheme is arranged in structure Cloud based solutions help healthcare professionals to manage their paperless work and quickly find necessary information about a patient It is necessary to keep the confidentiality and security of patient s medical data BlockchainBlockchain is quickly spreading into the IT healthcare sector It will manage and write the information into its connected blocks Blockchain is perfect for a cloud based solution as all the information of the patient is protected and it should not be leaked Blockchain trends also help to ensure input and GDPR and HIPAA regulatory compliance in healthcare How will it work Developing the virtual nurse app is a much more complex process as you must include many professionals in multiple areas For example Sensely uses artificial intelligence that helps nursing patients with chronic diseases and reduces re hospitalization risk A doctor can communicate with the patient management in the hospital and prescribe the medication The app helps them to take medicine on time Every morning the virtual nurse communicates with a patient and checks their health A user can feel comfortable and caring because it acts like a living person The data is stored in a secured database accessible to nurses and the doctors in the clinic If a program notices a change in communication it will notify medical staff A patient can find the information he requires via a chatbot similar to communicating with an ordinary person in the application A patient can find the nearest medical centre read the prescriptions and see useful medical information The doctor can also view all daily records in the app which is part of the medical card Hence round the clock patient care helps them to respond quickly if there is a slight variation in their health Doctors can communicate with the patients in the application In your virtual nurse app you can make a similar functionality to the application adding some extraordinary functionalities What are the primary features of the custom virtual nurse application While developing an application you must know what features you wish to add there Features for patientsYou must build a virtual nurse application that a patient can easily understand by himself ChatbotIt is an essential function for a round the clock reception of quality and valuable information in the form of dialogue A usual question of the patient is solved in the chatbot Virtual nurse avatarPatients can get information from the virtual nurse who checks their health daily Visually an avatar looks like a living person Check the symptomsThis app will analyze the data received from a patient daily and promptly passes it to healthcare professionals It can contact the person quickly if an abnormality is found Content ModuleIt consists of medical information in videos and messages about various diseases ConsultationPatients can talk to their doctor in the clinic via a video call or chat ReminderThis app uses intelligent machine learning algorithms to calculate when the patient needs to take a prescribed medication A reminder pops up at an incorrect time Login SignupA patient can enter an application by specifying information like a name email and password You can also pull up the registration via social networks Features for doctors and nurses Patient managementA nurse can see all the patients in the app with all and necessary information Push notification of the patients is helpful for a nurse Symptoms analysisPatients can send health data daily Nurses review and analyze this information to determine a potential disease Patient reports are received as per the mail ConsultationHealthcare experts can talk with a patient in the app on their own It is private and confidential Sign up LoginA doctor or nurse can register in the application via social media or email Which challenges are faced during a Virtual nurse app development You have an extraordinary idea of creating the virtual nurse app but you require a careful approach to this issue It would help if you analyzed everything in detail Development time is extendedIf you are a startup owner you should consider that you have to wait while developing the application It is a large scale method with an implementation of blockchain and artificial intelligence in healthcare Applications must work It would help if you were required for your application to work correctly without any glitches every second A tiny mistake can also disappoint your consumers Hence you need to test a product many times before launching it Market readiness for the Product You have to enter the developed market where many virtual nurse apps already exist and get a share of the customers there Constant updates after a launchIf one of the app development companies creates the medical application for you then the healthcare app developers work with your app after the launch Make sure that it is updated on time and correct any mistakes Developing the virtual nurse app will help you to take your business to the next level ConclusionCreating an application with the virtual nurse is a complicated task requiring in depth knowledge experience and relevant knowledge Opting for the best healthcare app solution that has created similar innovative solutions like telemedicine is necessary We have a dedicated team comprising a Project Manager a Business Analyst UI UX designers and Quality assurance engineers Frequently asked questions FAQs What will virtual nurses do Virtual RNs support a team at the bedside to reduce the workload and give patients and nursing staff satisfaction We are all aware of the healthcare industry s current and future staffing challenges How do virtual nurses work Telehealth nursing uses technology to provide care from nurses at the remote location of patients Virtual nursing is practical and has a long distance care relationship Can automation replace nurses Technology is not an enemy but it has made a job more manageable It has a set of tools and solutions The robots can perform menial and repetitive tasks such as monitoring patients blood pressure and heart rate |
2022-10-18 12:07:13 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
How to use Safari Extensions in macOS Ventura |
How to use Safari Extensions in macOS VenturaMake Safari more useful on macOS Ventura and more part of your workflow by adding in extensions that give you extra features straight from your favorite apps An extension adds new features to Safari and puts them in the browser s toolbar so that they are a single click away regardless of what you re doing They re still not very well known with Safari only users but they have been a huge part of Google Chrome for years We might still be waiting for a gold rush on Safari extensions and there will probably never be as many as there are for Chrome But Apple has been taking steps to make it easier for developers to add extensions ーand for users to find ones that are useful Read more |
2022-10-18 12:32:18 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Tim Cook teases new iPad lineup with 'Take Note' tweet |
Tim Cook teases new iPad lineup with x Take Note x tweetApple s expected launch of new iPad models has all but been confirmed by CEO Tim Cook with a tweet asking customers to Take Note Twitter tim cook Apple is expected to be introducing new models of iPad and iPad Pro on Tuesday following weeks of rumors While the public eagerly awaits the launches Tim Cook has fanned the flames a bit Read more |
2022-10-18 12:16:40 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple Store goes down ahead of expected iPad launch |
Apple Store goes down ahead of expected iPad launchApple has taken down its online store in advance of a refresh that is expected to include a new M iPad Pro As it always does ahead of a major launch Apple has replaced its whole online store with a Be right back notice It went down at approximately a m Eastern and rumors suggest that there will be a press release announcement and the resumption of the store at a m Eastern Apple has of course not revealed what it is going to release but persistent rumors say that it will be a revamped iPad Pro featuring the new M processor Read more |
2022-10-18 12:17:50 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
DuckDuckGo's private browser for Mac enters public beta |
DuckDuckGo x s private browser for Mac enters public betaDuckDuckGo announced that its private browsing app for the Mac is entering into public beta and it comes with plenty of privacy protections DuckDuckGo for MacThe browser has built in privacy protections that the company says go much further than a standard incognito mode They include a private YouTube player adblocking and a password manager Read more |
2022-10-18 12:15:11 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Nothing raises the price of its Ear 1 buds to $149 citing increased costs |
Nothing raises the price of its Ear buds to citing increased costsYou only have a bit over a week left to get Nothing s Ear wireless earbuds for Carl Pei the company s founder and CEO has announced on Twitter that Nothing is raising the Ear s price to on October th due to increased costs In follow up tweets Pei talked about how Nothing has expanded since it started developing the device He revealed that the company had three engineers during the initial stages of the earbuds development and had a year later Pei also said that Nothing has sold almost Ear units so far and that it had paved the way for the company s first smartphone the Phone The executive didn t say whether the company has any plan to raise the Phone s prices When we started developing it we only had engineers A year later we have During this time the Ear has received firmware and tuning updates and is a completely different product to when we launched it ーCarl Pei getpeid October Nothing is but one of the tech companies raising the prices of its products due to inflation and the rising costs of components Meta added on top the Quest VR headset s original price and is now selling the standalone device for We praised it for being a steal at in our review but Meta explained in a blog post that the quot costs to make and ship its products have been on the rise quot Apple raised App Store prices across Europe and Asia as well and one possible reason is that the Euro is weak against the dollar The tech giant is also selling its devices like the iPhone Pro at much higher price points in Europe most likely due to the same reason nbsp |
2022-10-18 12:00:43 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Evolving Threat Landscapes: Learning from the SolarWinds Breach |
Evolving Threat Landscapes Learning from the SolarWinds BreachThe SolarWinds breach was a harsh reminder of the vitality of a complete supply chain security solution Discover how the attack happened and how you can protect your financial institution from a similar loss here |
2022-10-18 12:00:57 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Cisco Nexus: Connect cloud-scale performance and sustainability |
Cisco Nexus Connect cloud scale performance and sustainabilityAnnouncing the addition of the first G Nexus product to the rich Nexus portfolio The Nexus E is a RU Nexus switch with ports of G |
2022-10-18 12:00:48 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
This is not the time to change Conservative leader, minister argues |
budget |
2022-10-18 12:15:43 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Warning of 'scary' spending cuts after tax U-turns |
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2022-10-18 12:07:32 |
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BBC News - Home |
Ukraine war: Russian strikes prompt power cuts across country |
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2022-10-18 12:15:44 |
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BBC News - Home |
Workers face twenty years of low pay, TUC warns |
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2022-10-18 12:26:47 |
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BBC News - Home |
Singer songwriter Dua Lipa reveals how her love of reading has helped her career |
Singer songwriter Dua Lipa reveals how her love of reading has helped her careerGrammy award winning musician Dua Lipa gave a speech at the Booker Award ceremony in London She revealed how her love of reading has helped her throughout her life |
2022-10-18 12:22:24 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp says Portugal's Diogo Jota ruled out of World Cup |
Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp says Portugal x s Diogo Jota ruled out of World CupPortugal forward Diogo Jota has been ruled out of the World Cup with a calf injury says Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp |
2022-10-18 12:40:42 |
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2022-10-18 21:16:57 |
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道南129人感染 函館は37人 新型コロナ |
医療機関 |
2022-10-18 21:14:10 |