投稿時間:2022-10-19 18:36:09 RSSフィード2022-10-19 18:00 分まとめ(41件)

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IT 気になる、記になる… NTTドコモ、新型「iPad Pro」と新型「iPad」を10月26日に発売へ − 10月20日午前8時より予約受付開始 https://taisy0.com/2022/10/19/163859.html apple 2022-10-19 08:29:35
ROBOT ロボスタ 3台の配膳ロボットがぶつからずに店内を自動運転で行き交う仕事ぶりをデモで公開 ソフトバンクロボティクスのロボット制御システム https://robotstart.info/2022/10/19/sbr-multi-autonomous-robots.html 2022-10-19 08:40:22
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 横浜・みなとみらいに「三井ガーデンホテル」プレミア 23年5月オープン 特徴は? https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2210/19/news134.html itmedia 2022-10-19 17:45:00
AWS AWS Japan Blog Amazon SageMaker エンドポイントとAWS Lambdaを使って、YOLOv5の推論をスケールさせる https://aws.amazon.com/jp/blogs/news/scale-yolov5-inference-with-amazon-sagemaker-endpoints-and-aws-lambda/ cewithamazonsagemakerend 2022-10-19 08:41:42
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Python+OpenCVで200色の白を表現してみた https://qiita.com/mukai1011/items/554db9ddcbcc3561f512 opencv 2022-10-19 17:27:41
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Slack無料プランで3か月前までの会話しか見えなくなるのをAPIを使って何とかする https://qiita.com/shalXXXX/items/831d0dc6a6c82d0b3379 slackapi 2022-10-19 17:23:58
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Ruby – カラーコードをRGBに変換する https://qiita.com/YumaInaura/items/3a3613e6a2ca86fb2965 torgbtoamapraterateround 2022-10-19 17:14:14
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Athena】大量のファイル群からのスキャン量をファイルパスをマッピングして削減する https://qiita.com/YujiHamada3/items/19ca97376ac162f70423 csvgzcsvgzcsvgzcsvgz 2022-10-19 17:28:42
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS Lambda 料金形態 https://qiita.com/Daisuke_Masaoka/items/b6ae9513c9e583719d74 awslambda 2022-10-19 17:12:48
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Go言語入門 学習メモ 5 type、for..range https://qiita.com/fsd-osw/items/76a266184a3426886213 forrange 2022-10-19 17:00:41
GCP gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita BigQueryのMaterialized Viewでベーステーブルを全量洗い替え更新するとエラーが発生してしまう。 https://qiita.com/0xu6c2133241/items/27f17422bbbea30d77ce bigquery 2022-10-19 17:19:41
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita sidekiq に特定のファイルを生成する処理とそのファイルを ActiveStorage でアップロードする処理のフローをまとめる https://qiita.com/gremito/items/8706fd8bf1e49d5ee85a activestorage 2022-10-19 17:58:05
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【個人開発】地味に便利!? リモートワーカー向けスケジュール共有サービスを開発しました【LINE×Googleカレンダー】 https://qiita.com/yoiyoicho/items/21cbc56b7d7c1be92524 rubyonrails 2022-10-19 17:39:27
技術ブログ Developers.IO Cloud One Open Source Security by Snykを利用してオープンソースのコードに含まれる脆弱性を確認してみた (導入編) https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/c1oss-setup/ opensourcesecurity 2022-10-19 08:32:51
技術ブログ Developers.IO Redshiftに対して実行している定期的な処理でエラー「Redshift cluster status ‘PATCH_OFFLINE’ is not allowed.」が発生した際の確認内容と対処方法 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/tsnote-redshift-menteerro-01/ cluster 2022-10-19 08:32:11
海外TECH DEV Community Introductory Video ~ 51p7 https://dev.to/patilganesh1010/introductory-video-51p7-2hoi introductory 2022-10-19 08:34:08
海外TECH DEV Community Closer look at Tolgee https://dev.to/patilganesh1010/closer-look-at-tolgee-5b91 Closer look at Tolgee IntroductionLocalization is the process of converting web and app content from one form text content to another a different language making applications more accessible to users by addressing language barriers There are many localization testing tools available today but most are expensive limited to a particular framework or language and or require learning a new interface Tolgee is an open source application that can be used to manage the localization process it is platform agnostic and can handle screenshots comment translations tag keys and automated screenshots generation for the web But Why Tolgee Tolgee supports a variety of libraries and frameworks to perform localization You can find details in Tolgee s official documentation with instructions for using each library or framework The localization process takes more time and effort than it would but using Tolgee can help you streamline the process and perform better localization testing at a lower cost Tolgee is a translation management cloud platform made for translating modern web applications It works great with JS frameworks like React Angular Vue and others These are the reasons you need to pick tolgee Tolgee is OpenSourceTolgee is an open source localization platform developers enjoy to work Tolgee Github Repository for opensource contributors These are some documentations are available to get started with tolgee Ways how to contribute to Open source and to Tolgee How to perform Localization testing in Tolgee How to integrate Tolgee with vanilla static HTML JS application How to Localize your Next js Application with Tolgee Why Tolgee supports only PostgreSQL since v Want to Deep Dive into TolgeeOpen Source community is growing more diverse and energetic every day No matter what your interests are or which field you work inーyou will be able to find someone who can help you there A month long celebration where participants are prompted to contribute in ways other than writing code during this four week period We wanted to provide an avenue for people to connect compete and collaborate with fellow open source enthusiasts And on top of that we re providing mentorsーgiving creators a voice while also giving them assistance along the way Speaking to us at this event is Jan Cizmar the founder of Tolgee who s an experienced full stack open source engineer Join us on the th to hear about his journey building TolgeeRSVP here to attend the session See you all at aviyel stage Connect with me Twitter YoutubeLinkedin Github 2022-10-19 08:32:55
海外TECH DEV Community RPM Sistemlerde NFS Sunucusu Oluşturma https://dev.to/aciklab/rpm-sistemlerde-nfs-sunucusu-olusturma-1p53 RPM Sistemlerde NFS Sunucusu OluşturmaNFS açılımıyla Network File System dosyalarımızıağüzerinden paylaşmamıza olanak sağlayan bir sistemdir NFS kullanarak sunucu olan bilgisayarda paylaşılan dizinleri client olan bilgisayarlara mount edebiliriz Mount işlemini gerçekleştirmek için en iki makinaya ihtiyacımız var bunlardan biri NFS server ve diğerleri de sunucuya bağlamak istediğimiz client makinalar olabilir NFS Sunucu Kurulumu Sistemin ve paketlerin Güncelliğinin Kontrol Edilmesi Opsiyonel sudo yum update yYukarıdaki komutu çalıştırarak sisteminizin ve içlerindeki paketleri güncelleyebilirsiniz NFS Paketlerinin YüklenmesiAşağıdaki komutu çalıştırıyoruz sudo yum install nfs utils y Paylaşım Yapmak İstediğimiz Dizini OluşturuyorzEğer paylaşmak istediğiniz dizin zaten sunucunuzda varsa bu adımıatlayabilirsiniz Yoksa mkdir komutunu kullanarak oluşturabilirsiniz mkdir DataDizini oluşturduktan sonra içerisine istediğiniz verileri ekleyebilirsiniz Şimdilik aşağıdaki komutu kullanarak deneme txt adındaki dosyayıoluşturabilirsiniz touch Data deneme txtNano editörünükullanrak deneme txt dosyasının içeriğini düzenleyebilirsiniz nano deneme txt Exports DosyasınıDüzenliyoruzExports dosyasında NFS sunucusuna hangi makinanın hangi yetkilerle erişlebileceği konfigrasyonunu yapıyoruz nano etc exportsdosyanın içeriğini aşağıdaki gibi kendinize göre düzenleyebilirsiniz lt Paylaşılacak Klasör Adı gt lt Paylaşılacak IP veya aralığı gt lt Yetkiler ve özellikler gt Örnek gösterecek olursak Data rw sync Ayrıca aşağıdaki gibi IP aralığına da paylaşabilirsiniz Data rw sync Yukarıda Parantez içerisinde belirttiğimiz rw belirtilen ip veya ip aralığındaki client makinaların dosya üzerinde read ve write işlemlerini yapabileceklerini belirtiyor NFS Server Servisini Yeniden Başlatıyoruzsystemctl restart nfs server NFS Servisini Bilgisyar Açıldığında Açılacak Şekilde Ayarlıyoruzsystemctl enable nfs server Not Selinux ve Firewalld NFS paylaşımınıza dışarıdan erişilmesini engelleyebilir Selinux u Kapatmak için nano etc selinux configkomutunu çalıştırıp sonrasında SELINUX enforcing veya SELINUX permissive yazan alanıSELINUX disabled olarak değiştirdikten sonra makinayıaşağıdaki komutu kullanarak yeniden başlatabilirsiniz sudo reboot nowFirewalld servisini durdurmak için systemctl stop firewalldBu komutu çalıştırdığınızda güvenlik duvarınıkapatmışolusunuz tavsiye etmiyorum bunbun yerine güvenlik duvarından kural ekleyebilirisiniz Firewalld servisini başlangıçta kapalıolacak şekilde ayarlamak için systemctl disable firewalldkomutunu çalıştırabilirsiniz 2022-10-19 08:13:06
海外科学 NYT > Science Britain Scales Back Foreign Aid, Threatening Progress in Global Health https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/19/health/britain-global-health-aid.html Britain Scales Back Foreign Aid Threatening Progress in Global HealthThe nation is often the second largest donor to groups working in poor countries to prevent and treat infectious diseases and to provide reproductive health services to women 2022-10-19 08:41:42
医療系 医療介護 CBnews インフル検査キット「OTC化適切でない」日医会長-規制改革会議は重要課題に https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20221019172613 季節性インフルエンザ 2022-10-19 17:40:00
金融 RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 協会員の異動状況等 https://www.jsda.or.jp/kyoukaiin/kyoukaiin/kanyuu/index.html 異動 2022-10-19 09:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 鈴木財務大臣兼内閣府特命担当大臣、黒田日本銀行総裁共同記者会見の概要(令和4年10月13日)を掲載しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/common/conference/minister/2022b/20221013-1.html 共同記者会見 2022-10-19 10:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 鈴木財務大臣兼内閣府特命担当大臣ぶら下がり記者会見の概要(令和4年10月12日)を掲載しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/common/conference/minister/2022b/20221012-1.html 内閣府特命担当大臣 2022-10-19 09:59:00
金融 日本銀行:RSS 「気候変動関連の市場機能サーベイ」説明会を開催しました http://www.boj.or.jp/announcements/release_2022/rel221019b.htm 気候変動 2022-10-19 17:55:00
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Familiar faces set to highlight Yakult-Orix rematch at Japan Series https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2022/10/19/baseball/japanese-baseball/japan-series-2022-players-to-watch/ Familiar faces set to highlight Yakult Orix rematch at Japan SeriesMost of last year s cast are set to play starring roles again on Japanese baseball s biggest stage offering another treat to fans who enjoyed their 2022-10-19 17:24:10
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles JSA welcomes new crop of sumo recruits ahead of Kyushu Basho https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2022/10/19/sumo/new-recruits-kyushu-basho/ JSA welcomes new crop of sumo recruits ahead of Kyushu BashoTen wrestlers passed their mandatory health checks at Ryogoku Kokugikan on Tuesday with eight Japanese newcomers eligible to take part in next month s Fukuoka meet 2022-10-19 17:24:02
ニュース BBC News - Home Pensions: Minister can't give certainty over triple lock https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-63311533?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA triple 2022-10-19 08:16:09
ニュース BBC News - Home What is the UK inflation rate and why is the cost of living rising? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-12196322?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA inflation 2022-10-19 08:04:48
ニュース BBC News - Home T20 World Cup: England's Reece Topley set to be out of tournament with ankle injury https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cricket/63310961?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA T World Cup England x s Reece Topley set to be out of tournament with ankle injuryEngland bowler Reece Topley is set to be ruled out of the T World Cup with an ankle injury three days before his side s tournament opener on Saturday 2022-10-19 08:37:41
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 正恩氏、ミサイル連発も苦しい国内事情 - WSJ発 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/311581 連発 2022-10-19 17:29:00
ビジネス 不景気.com 日清製粉グループの23年3月期は185億円の最終赤字へ、豪減損 - 不景気com https://www.fukeiki.com/2022/10/nisshin-seifun-2023-loss.html 日清製粉グループ 2022-10-19 08:32:34
ビジネス 不景気.com データセンターの「スペースキット」に特別清算決定、負債47億円 - 不景気com https://www.fukeiki.com/2022/10/space-kit.html 東京都中央区八重洲 2022-10-19 08:16:24
北海道 北海道新聞 音更ブロッコリー麺 12店が自慢の味 22日「ら~麺村」 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/747134/ 音更 2022-10-19 17:31:34
北海道 北海道新聞 SBI、新生銀行の非上場化へ 地銀連合と連携強化 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/747670/ 地方銀行 2022-10-19 17:30:00
北海道 北海道新聞 免疫力アップ?秋の味覚弁当 名寄市立大生がスーパー西條と開発 21日発売 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/747137/ 栄養学科 2022-10-19 17:28:49
北海道 北海道新聞 出産クーポン、現金支給も可能 首相、自治体判断で https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/747659/ 出産準備 2022-10-19 17:06:00
北海道 北海道新聞 「受け子」の連絡役か 男を再逮捕 江別署 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/747668/ 山梨県笛吹市 2022-10-19 17:24:00
北海道 北海道新聞 9月の訪日客、20万人超え 2年7カ月ぶり、推計 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/747667/ 政府観光局 2022-10-19 17:23:00
北海道 北海道新聞 花房葉子さん20日から原画展 長沼・ギャラリーあまりや https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/747113/ 長沼 2022-10-19 17:23:46
北海道 北海道新聞 ボクシング、京口が統一戦へ練習 「引き出し増えた」と自信 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/747660/ 世界ボクシング協会 2022-10-19 17:08:00
海外TECH reddit Will new yen design invalidate old money deposited into bank? https://www.reddit.com/r/japanlife/comments/y7wkl1/will_new_yen_design_invalidate_old_money/ Will new yen design invalidate old money deposited into bank I m leaving Japan and putting all my yen into my Wise account so I can exchange it later for USD My husband is spouting something about how the new yen design will invalidate all old yen possibly including what people have already deposited into banks He says the government will check everyone s bank accounts This all sounds like a lot of nonsense and he tends to watch a lot of conspiracy videos on YouTube so I thought I d ask if anyone here knows what he s talking about and if his claims have any merit or if there s anything related to this that I need to look out for I can t find any information submitted by u cybernetic farts to r japanlife link comments 2022-10-19 08:03:07



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