投稿時間:2022-10-23 08:04:44 RSSフィード2022-10-23 08:00 分まとめ(7件)

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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] Z世代が選ぶ「好きなスマホゲーム」 3位『マインクラフト』、2位『ディズニーツムツム』、1位は? https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2210/22/news062.html itmedia 2022-10-23 07:30:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ABC274回答メモ https://qiita.com/Konini64/items/f56619e80641156d3a1a 悩み 2022-10-23 07:37:45
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Yahoo 日本語形態素解析 API ver2 を叩く https://qiita.com/1592/items/6506ca1923ba7d37c12c apiver 2022-10-23 07:49:06
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Bono takes the blame for the 2014 iTunes U2 album disaster https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/10/22/bono-takes-the-blame-for-the-2014-itunes-u2-album-disaster?utm_medium=rss Bono takes the blame for the iTunes U album disasterU frontman Bono takes the blame for the ill fated iTunes album giveaway of an extract from his memoir reveals but while Apple took heat for the endeavor CEO Tim Cook apparently wasn t fazed by the response at all Apple CEO Tim Cook with U in Apple s gift of a free copy of the U album Songs of Innocence was seen as a massive blunder for the music selling service with complaints from many forcing Apple to come up with instructions to remove the album from user libraries Read more 2022-10-22 22:24:13
ニュース BBC News - Home Ukraine war: Massive Russian strikes target energy grid - Zelensky https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-63357393?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA scale 2022-10-22 22:51:01
ニュース BBC News - Home Newspaper headlines: 'Sunak support surges' and schools face 'cost of chaos' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-the-papers-63361791?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Newspaper headlines x Sunak support surges x and schools face x cost of chaos x The latest in the Tory leadership race and schools being crippled by the cost of bills make the lead stories in the papers 2022-10-22 22:34:29
ニュース BBC News - Home Dietrich Mateschitz: Red Bull co-owner & energy drink giant dies aged 78 https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/formula1/63100448?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA drinks 2022-10-22 22:46:58



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