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IT 気になる、記になる… ソニーの「WF-C500」の後継モデルとみられる新型ワイヤレスイヤホン「YY2968」がFCCを通過 https://taisy0.com/2022/11/22/165310.html thewalkmanblog 2022-11-22 14:30:13
AWS AWS Architecture Blog Let’s Architect! Architecting with Amazon DynamoDB https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/lets-architect-architecting-with-amazon-dynamodb/ Let s Architect Architecting with Amazon DynamoDBNoSQL databases are an essential part of the technology industry in today s world Why are we talking about NoSQL databases NoSQL databases often allow developers to be in control of the structure of the data and they are a good fit for big data scenarios and offer fast performance In this issue of Let s Architect … 2022-11-22 14:26:48
AWS AWS Database Blog Federated query support between SQL Server and Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/federated-query-support-between-sql-server-and-amazon-aurora-postgresql/ Federated query support between SQL Server and Amazon Aurora PostgreSQLWhen you have a business need to integrate the data between Microsoft SQL Server and Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL Compatible Edition you can use the open source TDS FDW PostgreSQL extension to create federation between these two databases With TDS FDW with Aurora PostgreSQL Compatible you can modernize and extend the functionality of your existing applications to meet changing business needs … 2022-11-22 14:19:07
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 大和証券プログラミングコンテスト2022 Autumn(ABC277) A~E問題 ものすごく丁寧でわかりやすい解説 python 灰色~茶色コーダー向け #AtCoder https://qiita.com/sano192/items/0df19059b60bde4247a9 atcoder 2022-11-22 23:58:35
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 管理者側ジャンル機能の作成の仕方 https://qiita.com/keita1115/items/ec1a98244b4c84c41c33 admin 2022-11-22 23:19:22
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita コマンドラインで動作するwikipediaのログ解析システムを作る https://qiita.com/progundeike/items/da6579eb131bf66b78d2 httpsdokugaku 2022-11-22 23:19:58
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 管理者側ジャンル機能の作成の仕方 https://qiita.com/keita1115/items/ec1a98244b4c84c41c33 admin 2022-11-22 23:19:22
技術ブログ Developers.IO [Flutter] FL Chartで折れ線グラフ(Line Chart)を実装する https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/flutter-implementing-line-chart-line-chart-in-fl-chart/ flchart 2022-11-22 14:30:21
海外TECH DEV Community DEV Bookmarks / Reading List Excerpts from 2021/2022 https://dev.to/ingosteinke/dev-bookmarks-reading-list-excerpts-for-2023-1opf DEV Bookmarks Reading List Excerpts from An annotated collection of some DEV posts including my own and other people s work only partially in order as a sticky post to be updated regularly I created this list looking back on my recent DEV activity bookmarks and discussions so there is a lot of content from and I thought about putting in the title as a clickbait teaser and as a reminder to update this post beyond As some of the topics might not age as good as others and some discussions might be obsolete soon especially when it comes to web development tutorials and discussions about new and upcoming CSS and JavaScript features I don t plan to update this post beyond so I shall follow up with another list at least in I also want to thank grahamthedev for discussion tips and encouragement ben and the devteam for featuring my content on social media and everyone else for their contribution and engagement Table of ContentsDiscussion about DEV Social Media Networking Writing and Content CreationRants and Parody PostsAbout Coding Web Design and various Aspects of Web DevelopmentCSS Cascading Style Sheets and HTML DevelopmentJavaScript and TypeScript DevelopmentOther Web Development ArticlesWordPress and WoCommerce DevelopmentUsing Linux and other Developer ResourcesSome more of my own DEV ContentOther Excerpts from my DEV Reading ListMeetups and Coworking where to connect with fellow devs in GermanyWhere to find your own Reading List on DEV to TODO add anchor links to document sections Discussion about DEV Social Media Networking Writing and Content CreationStop rewarding quantity Is Dev to victim of its own success Why do you write It s impossible to get a voice in hereWhat if DEV became the new Twitter like platform for developers Decentralizing Social MediaExploring Mastodon amp Thinking about the Decentralized WebDrop your Mastodon social links here Best Mastodon servers go 🦣How to Get Into Mastodon Reasons Why I Quit Writing On Medium Of Chickens and Pigs The Dilemma of Creator Self PromotionWhy developers need to stop being tech fanatics ‍ ️‍ ️Let s talk about our social media intake shall we STEM amp Twitter Verified BiasTwitter My Advice is To Give UpUnfriending Facebook Instagram and GoodreadsHelp fight spam in our community DEV Community Satisfaction Survey Results October Destructive arguments used in technology discussions on social media that have to dieToxic Online Behaviors In the Developer Community Rants and Parody PostsWeb just your typical post More Amazing Tips for writing listicles that will blow people away Has Stack Overflow Become An Antipattern I enjoy life long learning but About Coding Web Design and various Aspects of Web DevelopmentThe Complete Guide To Using One Monitor As A Programmer One Too Many MonitorsHow to get answers on StackOverflow CSS Cascading Style Sheets and HTML DevelopmentBuilding or Rebuilding a Website with Accessibility in MindMy Advice to a Developer New to AccessibilityTabbing TactfullyForm input validation without JavaScriptMake Beautifully Resilient Apps With Progressive EnhancementI am not that excited about new CSS featuresBack to Pure CSS Why I never understood CSS in JSWhy We re Breaking Up with CSS in JSHow to CSS Table Swipe InteractionHow To Create A Resizing Header With Plain CSSOne Line Sticky Header using CSSCreating Animated Gradient Texts pure HTML and CSS Fantastic CSS border animationCSS has parent selectors where is CSS Why is z index not working Explaining CSS Stacking ContextGrid vs Flex Where to use which CSS Units rem vs emHow to provide an accessible high contrast alternative to a pastel color scheme CSS Funstuff Animated WaveformsFuture of CSS color mix function JavaScript and TypeScript DevelopmentGetting started with TypeScript as a JavaScript developer Hype amp Garbage An Honest Look at the State of JavaScript Survey s Track RecordUsing JSDoc to write better JavaScript CodeThe Return of Server Side RoutingServer Side Rendering SSR Vs Client Side Rendering CSR Why Efficient Hydration in JavaScript Frameworks is so ChallengingAvoiding boolean flags and impossible states when using declarative data fetching with React and TypescriptHow to Implement CORS and Authentication in NodeJSInstagram like page transitions with SvelteMovement and Visibility Detection with CSS and JS SolidJS React meets Svelte Voby Simplifications Over Solid No Babel No CompilerYou don t need React for building websites Other Web Development ArticlesImportance Of LandmarksSimplify your monorepo with npm workspacesWhat s my local internet address Printable Lazy Loading ️Serverless and its not so Server less NatureAutomating Tests using CodeceptJS and Testomat io First StepsPlanning Your Next Cypress io Tests with Testomat ioGDPR Compliant User Consent Management with KlaroHeadless CMS collection for Developers WordPress and WoCommerce DevelopmentDevelop a local WordPress theme using DockerUseful Tools and Thoughts for Migrating WordPress Content and ConfigurationShould we use WooCommerce Block Theme Syntax in Testing a local WordPress Instance on BrowserStack Using Linux and other Developer ResourcesGoogle alternatives DeGoogleRunning macOS inside Linux with Docker OSXHow to Configure Static IP on UbuntuHow To Take Static And Animated Screenshots On UbuntuHow to create short and concise technical videos Some more of my own DEV ContentProductive Procrastination vs Apparent ProductivityCreating a Fast and Beautiful Portfolio Website using HTML CSS Eleventy and NetlifyCute Pink Light Dark Theme Creating a Theme for PHPStorm IntelliJ IDEAArtificial Intelligence and Controversial Ideas about Future TechnologyLow Waste Tech Reduce Reuse Repair and Donate Takeaways from a Testing and Refactoring Conference apart from the T Shirt Not giving up one s Agency some personal notes about beyond tellerrand conference in Düsseldorf Other Excerpts from my DEV Reading List Key Red Flags To Watch For In Software Job ListingsWhy I Stopped Interviewing with Companies That Require a Coding TestThings Strong Developers Do That Drive Their Team CrazyImposter syndrome is about systemic discriminationFrom Software Developer to Ethical HackerI quit my job to make free web toolsSoftware Engineering and Neo Slavery Project Prism on the road to building an open smartphonePreventing burnout Defensive estimations and time managementWho is Speaking On Your Behalf Speaking at Tech Conferences What to Talk about Meetups and Coworking where to connect with fellow devs in GermanyBest cafés to meet cool people in BerlinVirtual and actual events Where to find your own Reading List on DEV todev to readinglist is a link to my full reading list but beware it will take everyone to their own DEV reading list instead 2022-11-22 14:38:42
海外TECH DEV Community What image format should you use in your next project? https://dev.to/alvaromontoro/what-image-format-should-you-use-in-your-next-project-1fd3 What image format should you use in your next project A few years ago I drew a decision tree to simplify the image format selection to use depending on the project It had a nostalgic humorous touch while keeping the chart simple and somewhat accurate the decision can be arbitrary in the end Years passed new image formats popped up and the support for some of the existing ones was extended making some of the “classic formats less relevant So I decided to update the decision tree both content and visualization The new chart prioritizes SVG for vectorial images introduces APNG as an alternative to GIF more on this later and keeps BMP even when it s not a viable option for the chart At this point it is essential to add some clarifications because some formats probably shouldn t be in the tree at all The New HTML Reality lt picture gt This decision tree may be exciting and nice looking I m biased but it isn t needed that much anymore HTML has also evolved and there are now tags such as lt picture gt that allow developers to provide multiple sources in different formats letting the browser be in charge of picking the first supported format lt picture gt lt source srcset picture avif type image avif gt lt source srcset picture webp type image webp gt lt source srcset picture apng type image apng gt lt img src picture jpg alt alternative text for the image gt lt picture gt This makes the decision tree above a little irrelevant especially the questions about support And still it could be interesting because the browser picks the first supported source and ignores the rest which doesn t mean it is the best for the job It will be critical to put the sources in order from more efficient or functional to less In that sense this decision tree can still be helpful Animations and VideosThe animations branch has a silly question “do you know how to pronounce GIF It is purposely humorous and a trick question because although we all think that we know how to pronounce GIF correctly no one does it doesn t matter if you pronounce it “GIF or “GIF you are wrong In reality GIF is a decaying format APNG is supported everywhere and so is animated WebP is lighter and has a superior color depth compared to GIF And yet even when APNG has so many benefits GIF is still a favorite online but for how long The answer to that question may not be pertinent as the Internet is moving in a different direction HTML facilitates the use of videos considerably to the point that using an animated image instead of a video may almost be considered a bad practice Videos are better in many ways They allow controlling the play status which improves accessibility They can play before they are fully loadedTheir size is smallThey can natively display a static image poster while loadingThey have more color optionsThat s how it is common to see the GIFV format to define an animated image that is really a video in WebM or H format and as it is a video and not a picture it wasn t included in the decision tree If you arrive at that branch know there are better alternatives than GIF or APNG And A JokeA few months ago I started publishing a weekly webcomic about CSS and web development This week I used a version of this decision tree to rewrite a silly joke that I drew a few years back The decision tree above is nice in theory but in the reality of a day to day project the format selection process is slightly different I hope you enjoyed the article and the silly joke Please leave a comment with change suggestions or if there s a format you would include or remove from the decision tree Thanks for reading 2022-11-22 14:36:35
海外TECH DEV Community 4 useful Linux Commands that Fix your Network issue in Minutes https://dev.to/howtouselinux/4-useful-linux-commands-that-fix-your-network-issue-in-minutes-2ieb useful Linux Commands that Fix your Network issue in MinutesThis is first published on here useful Linux Commands that Fix your Network issue in MinutesAs a Linux administrator I often find myself troubleshooting and resolving networking issues One particular experience that sticks out in my mind was when I had to debug an issue with our DB server s access The symptoms of the problem indicated that our new application machine wasn t able to connect to the DB server but everything seemed fine on our DB server side After hours of troubleshooting I eventually identified the root cause of the issue a problem with our firewall configuration The particular rule that was causing the problem was restricting access from only certain services and ports Once I had identified the source of the problem it was relatively easy to solve all I had to do was add the necessary ports and services to the firewall configuration Linux commands I use in this troubleshootingIn this particular troubleshooting experience I utilized a number of Linux commands to identify and resolve the issue To begin with I used ip addr command to check the ip address of the app machine and used the ping command to test our app machine s connectivity with DB server The results of the ping command indicated that our app machine was able to connect with the DB machines suggesting that the issue wasn t a connectivity problem Then I used netstat to see what services and ports were being utilized on the app side From the result I noticed that there were many connections in SYN SENT status The syn sent is the first step of the TCP connection It means that the app machine was attempting a connection to DB machine but it wasn t getting any response So I think it might be related to the firewall Finally I used nc command to check the port status on the remote server to double confirm my guess It turned out that the port was indeed blocked by the firewall By making the necessary changes to the firewall configuration I was able to successfully solve this issue These Linux commands were essential for helping me debug the issue Without them I would not have been able to identify and fix the problem as quickly as I did what I learned in this troubleshooting experienceThis experience taught me the importance of being methodical and thorough when trying to troubleshoot an issue It s easy to get overwhelmed by all of the possible causes but ultimately it was my attention to detail that helped me identify and fix the problem Additionally I learned how important it is to have a good understanding of your system before attempting to troubleshoot any problems Knowing the intricacies of our firewall configuration was key in resolving this issue Lastly I learned the importance of taking notes and keeping detailed records throughout the process it will make it that much easier to look back and review what worked and what didn t I m glad that I was able to identify and correct the issue and it stands out as one of my proudest achievements as a Linux administrator It s experiences like this that make me feel confident in my skills and reaffirm why I chose this profession Working with Linux is always an adventure but it s one that I truly enjoy 2022-11-22 14:36:12
海外TECH DEV Community Web Scraping With C# https://dev.to/oxylabs-io/web-scraping-with-c-48bd Web Scraping With C After reading this post you ll learn how to create a real life C web scraper Keep in mind that even if you re using C you ll be able to adapt this information to all languages supported by the NET platform including VB NET and F Let s get started Building a web scraper with C As mentioned you ll learn how to write a C public web scraping code using HTML Agility Pack In this tutorial we ll be employing the NET SDK with Visual Studio Code This code has been tested with NET Core and NET and it should work with other versions of NET We ll follow the hypothetical scenario scraping a bookstore and collecting book names and prices Let s set up the development environment before writing a C web crawler Setup development environmentFor the C development environment install Visual Studio Code Note that Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code are two completely different applications if you use them for writing C code Once Visual Studio Code is installed install NET  or newer You can also use NET Core After installation is complete open the terminal and run the following command to verify that NET CLI or Command Line Interface is working properly dotnet  versionThis should output the version number of the NET installed Project structure and dependenciesThe code will be a part of a NET project To keep it simple create a console application Then make a folder where you ll want to write the C code Open the terminal and navigate to that folder Now type in this command dotnet new consoleThis command s output should confirm that the console application has been successfully created Now it s time to install the required packages To use C for scraping public web pages HTML Agility Pack will be a good choice You can install it for this project using this command dotnet add package HtmlAgilityPackYou should install one more package so that you can easily export the scraped data to a CSV file dotnet add package CsvHelperIf you re using Visual Studio instead of Visual Studio Code click File select New Solution and press on Console Application To install the dependencies follow these steps Choose Project Click on Manage Project Dependencies This will open the NuGet Packages window Search for HtmlAgilityPack and select it Finally search for CsvHelper choose it and click Add Packages Now that the packages have been installed you can move on to writing code for web scraping the bookstore Download and parse web pagesThe first step of any web scraping program is to download the HTML of a web page This HTML will be a string you ll need to convert into an object that can be processed further The latter part is called parsing Html Agility Pack can read and parse files from local files HTML strings any URL or even a browser In this case you only need to get HTML from a URL Instead of using NET native functions Html Agility Pack provides a convenient class HtmlWeb This class offers a Load function that can take a URL and return an instance of the HtmlDocument class which is also part of the package we use With this information you can write a function that takes a URL and returns an instance of HtmlDocument Open Program cs file and enter this function in the class Program Parses the URL and returns HtmlDocument objectstatic HtmlDocument GetDocument string url   HtmlWeb web  new HtmlWeb   HtmlDocument doc  web Load url   return doc With this the first step of the code is complete The next step is to parse the document Parsing the HTML getting book linksYou ll extract the required information from the web page in this part of the code At this stage a document is now an object of type HtmlDocument This class exposes two functions to select the elements Both functions accept XPath as input and return HtmlNode or HtmlNodeCollection Here is the signature of these two functions public HtmlNodeCollection SelectNodes string xpath public HtmlNode SelectSingleNode string xpath Let s discuss SelectNodes first For this example C web scraper you ll scrape all the book details from this page First it needs to be parsed so that all the links to the books can be extracted To do that open this page in the browser right click any book links and click Inspect This will open the Developer Tools After understanding some time with the markup your XPath to select should be something like this h aThis XPath can now be passed to the SelectNodes function HtmlDocument doc  GetDocument url HtmlNodeCollection linkNodes  doc DocumentNode SelectNodes h a Note that the DocumentNode attribute of the HtmlDocument is calling the SelectNodes function The variable linkNodes is a collection You can write a foreach loop over it and get the href from each link one by one There is one tiny problem that you need to take care of the links on the page are relative Hence they need to be converted into an absolute URL before you can scrape these extracted links For converting the relative URLs you can make use of the Uri class You can use this constructor to get a Uri object with an absolute URL Uri Uri baseUri  string  relativeUri Once you have the Uri object you can simply check the AbsoluteUri property to get the complete URL Write all this in a function to keep the code organized static List lt string gt  GetBookLinks string url        var bookLinks  new List lt string gt     HtmlDocument doc  GetDocument url     HtmlNodeCollection linkNodes  doc DocumentNode SelectNodes h a     var baseUri  new Uri url     foreach  var link in linkNodes            string href  link Attributes href Value       bookLinks Add new Uri baseUri  href AbsoluteUri          return bookLinks    You re starting with an empty List lt string gt  object in this function In the foreach loop you need to add all the links to this object and return it Now it s time to modify the Main  function so that you can test the C code that you ve written so far Modify the function so that it looks like this static void Main string  args   var bookLinks  GetBookLinks   Console WriteLine Found links  bookLinks Count To run this code open the terminal and navigate to the directory which contains this file and type in the following dotnet runThe output should be as follows Found  linksLet s move to the next part where you ll learn to process all the links to get the book data If you have any questions before jumping to the next section write a comment and we ll answer them as soon as possible Parsing the HTML getting book detailsAt this point you should have a list of strings that contain the URLs of the books You can simply write a loop that will get the document using the GetDocument function you ve already written After that you ll use the SelectSingleNode function to extract the book s title and price To keep the data organized let s start with a class This class will represent a book This class will have two properties Title and Price It looks like this public class Book   public string Title  get  set     public string Price  get  set   Now open a book page in the browser and create the XPath for the Title h Creating an XPath for the price is a little trickier because the additional books at the bottom have the same class applied The XPath of the price will be this div contains class product main p class price color Note that XPath contains double quotes You ll have to escape these characters by prefixing them with a backslash Now you can use the SelectSingleNode function to get the Node and then employ the InnerText property to get the text contained in the element You can organize everything in a function as follows static List lt Book gt  GetBookDetails List lt string gt  urls   var books  new List lt Book gt   foreach  var url in urls        HtmlDocument document  GetDocument url     var titleXPath   h     var priceXPath   div contains class amp quot product main amp quot p class amp quot price color amp quot     var book  new Book     book Title  document DocumentNode SelectSingleNode titleXPath InnerText     book Price  document DocumentNode SelectSingleNode priceXPath InnerText     books Add book      return books This function will return a list of Book objects It s time to update the Main function as well static void Main string  args   var bookLinks  GetBookLinks   Console WriteLine Found links  bookLinks Count   var books  GetBookDetails bookLinks The final part of this web scraping project is to export the data in a CSV Exporting dataIf you haven t yet installed the CsvHelper you can do this by running the command dotnet add package CsvHelper from within the terminal The export function is pretty straightforward First you need to create a StreamWriter and send the CSV file name as the parameter Next you should use this object to create a CsvWriter Finally you can use the WriteRecords function to write all the books in just one line of code To ensure that all the resources are closed properly you can use the using block You can also wrap everything in a function as follows static void exportToCSV List lt Book gt  books   using  var writer  new StreamWriter books csv   using  var csv  new CsvWriter writer  CultureInfo InvariantCulture        csv WriteRecords books    Finally you can call this function from the Main  function static void Main string  args   var bookLinks  GetBookLinks   var books  GetBookDetails bookLinks   exportToCSV books That s it To run this code open the terminal and run the following command dotnet runWithin seconds you ll have a books csv file created SummaryYou can use multiple packages to write a web scraper with C  In this post we ve shown how to employ HTML Agility Pack a powerful and easy to use package This was a simple example that can be enhanced further for instance you can try adding the above logic to handle multiple pages to this code If you have any questions about this tutorial or any other web scraping topics don t hesitate to comment on this post we ll answer you right away 2022-11-22 14:20:33
海外TECH DEV Community A Deep Dive into Introduction to Computer Networking https://dev.to/makendrang/a-deep-dive-into-introduction-to-computer-networking-ig7 A Deep Dive into Introduction to Computer NetworkingLearn how computer networks work the architecture used to design networks and how to keep them secure in this introduction to networking Introduction to Computer NetworkImage SourceA computer network consists of two or more computers that are connected by cables or wireless with the purpose of sharing data and resources A computer network is defined by geographic location A local area network LAN connects computers in a defined physical space like an office building whereas a wide area network WAN can connect computers across continents Every business entertainment and research uses computer networks Types of Computer NetworkImage Source Local Area NetworkA local area network is a network that connects computers over a short distance A computer network may connect all the computers in a building Wireless Local Area NetworkA wireless local area network is just like a local area network but connections between devices on the network are made without wires Wide Area NetworkA wide area network is a network that connects computers over a wide area Billions of computers are connected to the internet Metropolitan Area NetworkMetropolitan Area Network are larger than Local Area Network but smaller than Wide Area Network They are typically owned and managed by cities and government entities Personal Area NetworkPersonal Area Network serves one person If you have an Apple device and a Mac it is very likely that you have set up a PAN that shares and syncs content Storage Area NetworkA SAN is a specialized network that provides access to block level storage that to the user looks and works like a storage drive that is physically attached to a computer Campus Area NetworkA CAN is a corporate area network A CAN is smaller than a WAN Colleges universities and business campuses are served by CANs Virtual Private NetworkA virtual private network is a secure point to point connection between two network end points The identity and access credentials of a user are kept safe when using a virtual private network Important Network Terminologies IP AddressEvery device connected to a network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication has a unique number assigned to it The host network and the location of the device on the host network are identified by each IP address When one device sends data to another the data includes the sender s and destination s addresses NodeA connection point is inside a network that can receive send create or store data You have to give a form of identification to receive access Computers printers modems bridges and switches are some of the examples of nodes Any network device that can recognize process and transmit information to any other network device is a node RoutersA routers is a device that sends information between networks The best way to get the information to its final destination is determined by the routers Data packets are forwarded until they reach their destination SwitchA switch is a device that connects other devices and manages communication within a network A switch sends information between networks when it is in a single network Data is transferred between devices in a computer network There are three types of switches Circuit SwitchA circuit switch establishes a dedicated communication path No other traffic can travel along that path because the full bandwidth is available during the transmission Packet SwitchBecause of their small size packets make less demands on the network The packets travel through the network Message SwitchSending a message in its entirety from source to destination is what message switch does PortA port is a connection between network devices The suites or room numbers within a hotel are referred to as ports if you think of an internet address as similar to the address of a hotel Port numbers are used to determine which application service or process should receive certain messages Network Cable TypesThe most common network cable types are twisted pair coaxial and fiber optic The size of the network the arrangement of network elements and the physical distance between devices are some of the factors that affect the choice of cable type Use case of Computer NetworksA computer network is a combination of the wired and wireless connection of two or more computers Almost every digital device is connected to a computer network In an office setting you and your colleagues may have access to a printer or a group messaging system The computing network that allows this is likely a local area network A city government might be able to manage a network of cameras This network would allow city emergency personnel to respond to traffic accidents advise drivers of alternate travel routes and even issue traffic tickets to drivers who run red lights The Weather Company created a peer to peer mesh network that allows mobile devices to communicate directly with other mobile devices Billions of people can receive life saving weather information even without an internet connection thanks to the Mesh Network Alerts project The internet and computer networksImage SourceBillions of digital devices are connected to the internet Communication between these devices is allowed by standard protocols The hypertext transfer protocol is in front of all website addresses Every device that uses the internet requires a unique identifying number Unique location information is provided by your mailing address so that information can be delivered correctly The infrastructure that allows the transmission of packets of data or information over the internet is provided by Internet Service Providers and Network Service Providers Every piece of information sent over the internet goes to different devices The combination of protocols and infrastructure tells where to go How do they work Devices in a network can communicate and share resources Protocols define how communications are sent and received The protocols allow devices to communicate Each device on a network uses an Internet Protocol address a string of numbers that uniquely identifies it and allows other devices to recognize it Virtual or physical devices are used to facilitate communications The best way for data to reach its ultimate destination is determined by the routers Network switches connect devices and manage communication inside the network to ensure that information travels to its final destination ArchitectureThe physical and logical framework of a computer network is defined by computer network architecture It shows how the network organizes computers and what tasks are assigned to them Hardware software transmission media network topology and communications protocols are components of the network architecture Types of network architecturePP and client server are two types of network architecture PP Network ArchitectureIn PP architecture two or more computers are connected as peers meaning they have the same power and privileges on the network A PP network doesn t need a central server for coordination Each computer on the network is a client and a server and they both serve the needs of the client Sharing storage memory bandwidth and processing power is what each peer makes available to the network Client server Network ArchitectureIn a client server network a central server manages resources and delivers services to client devices in the network The clients in the network communicate with each other Unlike the PP model clients in a client server architecture don t share resources A tiered model is an architecture type that is designed with multiple levels Network TopologyImage SourceA network is a device that can send receive and store data A network link can be cabled or wireless Bus ring star and mesh are the most common topologies Types of Network TopologyImage Source Bus Network TopologyA bus network topology is when every network is connected to a main cable Ring Network TopologyEach device has two neighbors in a ring topology Adjacent pairs are connected directly while non adjacent pairs are connected indirectly Star Network TopologyIn a star network all the nodes are connected to a single hub and each is connected through that hub Mesh Network TopologyA mesh is defined by connections There is a way to create a full mesh network You can create a partial mesh topology in which only some of the nodes are connected to each other and the other is connected to the most data It s often reserved for networks that require high redundancy because it s expensive and time consuming to execute It is more cost effective and simpler to execute partial mesh Computer Network SecurityImage SourceComputer network security protects the integrity of information contained in a network The need to control access to information is balanced by the need to provide service to users The network has many entry points The hardware and software that comprise the network as well as the devices used to access it are included in the entry points Several defense methods are required because of the entry points Defenses may include devices that monitor network traffic and prevent access to parts of the network based on security rules Security includes isolating network data so that it is harder to access than less critical information Ensuring hardware and software updates and patches are performed regularly educating network users about their role in security processes and staying aware of external threats executed by hackers are some of the other network security measures Updating security procedures is required for the use of public cloud A secure cloud requires a secure underlying network Mesh networksImage SourceA mesh network is a type of network in which the computer network s nodes connect to as many other computers as possible The data can be efficiently routed to its destination The fault tolerance is increased by the fact that there are many other nodes that can transmit data The mesh networks self organize and search for the most reliable path to send information Types of mesh networksThere are two types of mesh networks Full Mesh TopologyImage SourceThe highest level of fault tolerance can be found in a full mesh network It costs more to execute In a partial mesh topology the most frequently connected are the ones that exchange the most data Wireless Mesh TopologyImage SourceA wireless mesh network may have hundreds to tens of nodes This type of network has access points spread across a large area Load balancers and networksImage SourceLoad balancers efficiently distribute workload and network traffic The load balancer watches all traffic coming into a network and directs it to the best place to manage it Load balancing aims to avoid resource overload improve response times and maximize throughput Content delivery networksImage SourceA content delivery network is a distributed server network that delivers temporarily stored or cached copies of website content to users based on their geographic location The distance between your website visitors and your website server can be reduced with the help of a CDN It s easier to serve content to your end users if you have it closer to them The impact of hacks and attacks can be mitigated by introducing a layer between the end user and your website infrastructure Live streaming media on demand media gaming companies application creators e commerce sites are some of the companies that use content delivery networks to better serve consumers Gratitude for perusing my article till end I hope you realized something unique today If you enjoyed this article then please share to your buddies and if you have suggestions or thoughts to share with me then please write in the comment box Follow me and share your thoughts GitHubLinkedInTwitter 2022-11-22 14:18:31
海外TECH DEV Community Create a bot with RSS and webhooks for Mastodon, a Twitter alternative https://dev.to/contentful/create-a-bot-with-rss-and-webhooks-for-mastodon-a-twitter-alternative-l4o Create a bot with RSS and webhooks for Mastodon a Twitter alternativeLooking for a Twitter alternative Here s two ways to set up a bot to automatically publish content from your Contentful space to your Mastodon server NB This post was first published on the Contentful Blog In recent weeks there s been a huge surge in interest for an alternative to Twitter Whether folks want to stretch their wings by learning about new social media platforms or they re looking for a simple Twitter replacement an open source service called Mastodon is trending as the clear favorite But there are things to take into account when using Mastodon for the first time It has its own rules vocabulary and ways of operation Tweets are now “toots You no longer have a universal timeline like Twitter for example but a thing called a federated timeline And there s even an edit button In this post we ll take a quick tour of Mastodon and by extension a mysterious place called the fediverse oooooooh We ll also show you two simple ways to set up a bot to automatically publish content from your Contentful space to your Mastodon server of choice Ready Let s go What is Mastodon The Mastodon project first went live in October and is the creation of software engineer Eugen Rochko The mascot of the service is an adorable wooly mammoth The concept is a decentralized social network built from free and open source software where individuals have the ability to quickly spin up and self host their own social networking services while still being able to interact and communicate with one another Growth in the past few weeks has been absolutely stellar According to a toot by Eugen on November “Hey so we ve hit monthly active users across the network today new Mastodon servers since Oct and new users That s pretty cool Cool is an understatement What about the Fediverse Mastodon as a service embodies all the characteristics of a fediverse which is shorthand for federated universe a set of distinct but interconnected web publishing servers also known as a node or instance sharing the same protocols for communication You have the option to follow and interact with people within your own server your local timeline but also with the denizens of neighboring servers which might be dedicated to different interests and specialisms a federated timeline For example Person A could start a social media node using the Mastodon protocol dedicated to lovers of apples while Person B could start one dedicated to those who prefer oranges Users of either social network can freely interact with each other talk about the joys of fruit salad and attract followers and comments from both places But they can also choose to confine themselves to their own network about their preferred fruit Either option is entirely valid Is it free to use Mastodon Yes Mastodon is funded entirely by sponsors who cover the cost of operating individual servers or the salaries of volunteers running them It s ad free and there are definitely no algorithms no mathematical alchemy behind the scenes serving up content it thinks you might like just a stream of toots that you ll see posted in real time But there are enough similarities to Twitter to make it recognizable to users of that other service for example the use of hashtags notifications and followers And you can access it from your desktop or use mobile apps available for iOS and Android devices both of the official and unofficial variety Free speech is pivotal to Mastodon but there are guardrails against hate speech and misinformation The Mastodon Server Covenant is a list of server owners who pledge to provide active moderation against racism sexism homophobia and transphobia plus several other user first commitments on privacy and terms of service This offers newcomers reassurance up front that they re venturing into a safe space free from trolls and fake news Let s build a bot for Mastodon Now that you know a little bit about what makes this Twitter alternative so intriguing in its own right let s roll up our sleeves and build something for it We re not ready to create a server of our own on Mastodon just yet but let s kick it off with functionality that s smaller and simpler but no less useful a bot that automagically notifies the community when a new post is published to the Contentful blog This is a relatively straightforward process because Mastodon provides access to its data over a REST API just like Contentful does You have either the option of webhooks or RSS fields or both to tie it all together With some simple alterations you can follow these same steps to sync your content between other social or microblogging services like Twitter Instagram Tumblr etc Wait what s a bot Did you know More than half of all web traffic is generated by bots Why Because internet bots are able to perform tasks that are simple and repetitive much faster than a human ever could Wikipedia has a good definition a bot is a software application that runs automated tasks scripts over the internet such as messaging or publishing content What s a webhook Webhooks are unidirectional mechanisms that applications can use to talk to each other when a particular event occurs Think of a webhook as an automated one way communication from one application to another The first application sends the information to the receiver without waiting for a response Then it relies on the receiver to process this information Read all about it in our ultimate guide to webhooks What s an RSS feed RSS RDF Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication allows people to subscribe to newly published content via an RSS reader so that they don t need to manually check websites or channels An RSS feed takes the form of a standard XML Extensible Markup Language file built of content and tags that define the content and it looks a bit like HTML XML is both human and machine readable Check out the Contentful blog RSS feed here Step Sign up for a Mastodon account and choose a serverLet s start by signing up for an account with Mastodon The first thing you need to do is pick a server There are multiple servers available filterable by topic Animation Astronomy FOSS and region and the ones on this index belong to the Mastodon Server Covenant You can always switch servers later if you change your mind We re going with mastodon online a newer server administered by Mastodon directly This is the account we have created for the bot which being a bot is limited only to republishing content from the blog and is not moderated by a human Step Generate a token in MastodonNow that you have a Mastodon account and have familiarized yourself with the service go to settings gt profile gt development and select “New Application Fill out some fields describing your project then under “Scopes only select write statuses among all the checkboxes that you see img alt Fill out some fields describing your project then under “Scopes only select raw write statuses endraw among all the checkboxes that you see lt br gt height src dev to uploads s amazonaws com uploads articles kyhgewgakaf png width Click “submit then a unique token will be generated Hang on to this information you ll need it in a bit Step Option A Create a webhook in Contentful a Sign up for a Contentful accountOur assumption for this tutorial is that you already have a Contentful account together with a Space that s already populated with a content model If you don t already have one then this is the place to go to sign up for an account And if you want to quickly spin up a blog we have a roundup of some useful templates here Come back when you re ready to syndicate your content b Create a webhook in ContentfulSo let s summarize Our goal is to notify our Mastodon account of changes within specific parameters e g that we have added a new post to the Contentful blog The most straightforward approach is to create a webhook in your Contentful Space that communicates directly with Mastodon through the magic of APIs Go to your webhooks via your “Settings menu You ll see a list of your webhooks create a new one using the “Add Webhook button Now this is where you ll configure your webhook Name Whatever you want We chose “Contentful blog post to Mastodon Webhook URL This is the URL to the Mastodon API Use the following format replacing YOUR INSTANCE and YOUR MASTODON TOKEN with the values from Steps and YOUR INSTANCE api v statuses access token YOUR MASTODON TOKEN Trigger By default “Trigger for all events is selected DO NOT leave it as it is Change it to “Select specific triggering events and make it trigger only when an entry is published You can see what it looks like below Headers You don t need to add additional headers but you need to change the “Content type to application json Heads up ーyou can do all the above steps to set up your webhook programmatically using the Contentful API You can find the code to do this in this repo Finally and this is a crucial step you need to figure out what you will “toot every time the webhook triggers Remember we want to automatically send a toot every time an entry is published You define the text of your toot by using a custom payload on your webhook This depends on your content model In our example this is what our content model looks like img alt This depends on your content model In our example this is what our content model looks like lt br gt height src dev to uploads s amazonaws com uploads articles sylgjcplscfjnluxia png width Based on our content model this would be our payload status New post payload fields title en US n YOUR WEBSITE payload fields slug en US The values between the brackets will be replaced by dynamic data from Contentful Make sure to replace YOUR WEBSITE with the URL of your blog e g contentful com blog Step Option B Use a third party automation serviceIn some scenarios you may prefer to sync up the two services using a third party automation tool This might be because your content model is in the middle of being revised for example or environmental governance rules in your org won t permit you to create webhooks willy nilly We get it it happens For the purposes of this tutorial we ll go ahead and create an account with IFTTT though Zapier would be equally effective We ll need to specify two things for our project to work properly a trigger and the action Then we ll top it off with some details for the web request a This is the triggerWithin IFTTT click on “Create or visit and follow the prompts to create a dedicated applet In the list of services search for “RSS Choose “New feed item as your trigger Paste the URL of your RSS feed ours is here and then create the trigger b And this is the actionNow onto choosing an action this is what IFTTT will do whenever there s a new item added to your RSS feed We ll choose “webhook to send the contents of our RSS entry to the Mastodon API Next choose the “webhook action to “Make a web request it s the only option because as we said earlier we ll be sending a request to the Mastodon API c Make a web requestJust a few more things you need to add and then we re done First the URL that will receive the web request it will be something like https YOUR INSTANCE api v statuses access token YOUR MASTODON TOKEN Then change the “Method to “POST by selecting in the drop down Then for the “Content Type select application json Then in the “Body section put a JSON object with the “status property that will define a template for what your toots will look like In our example status EntryTitle gt EntryUrl our toots will have a simple format of blog post title and then the URL Step Testing testingTo test your new bot you should go ahead and publish a sample blog post Alternatively you can live by the seat of your pants and wait until the next time you publish something for real Either way if everything has been set up correctly you should now have a working bot that fires off a toot every time a new post appears on your site Here s a screenshot of our Contentful bot working its magic on Mastodon and hey it s already got some followers Wrapping up Is Mastodon the best Twitter alternative So there you have it Now you know what Mastodon is what the fediverse is and how to tie it all together with your Contentful space Is Mastodon really the best Twitter alternative available We ll leave that to you to judge but with this simple little project you can really get your teeth into this intriguing platform and evaluate it for yourself Get started Start building with a free Contentful account no credit card required Sign up 2022-11-22 14:07:09
海外TECH DEV Community My first ever JS project https://dev.to/aneeqakhan/my-first-ever-js-project-2kb9 My first ever JS projectA few days ago I was organizing my GitHub and I stumbled upon my first JavaScript project I created this in when I was learning the basics of JavaScript and created this simple stopwatch application I went through the code and it s funny that I don t quite understand why I did it like that I also saw many styling and logic mistakes that I didn t grab then and want to fix now GitHub repo AneeqaKhan stopwatch WebApp to measure the amount of time that elapses between its activation and deactivation using JavaScript HTML CSS Stop WatchWebApp to measure the amount of time that elapses between its activation and deactivation using JavaScript HTML CSS About The ProjectBuild withHTMLCSSJavaScriptContactAneeqa Khan View on GitHub Demo In the endI want to quote these lines from the anonymous sourceYour old code shows your creativity your weaknesses your strengths your evolution and your improvements It helps you stay humble and patient towards others coders Do you remember what was your first ever coding project What was it about and do you still have the code Thank you for reading Feel free to connect on Twitter 2022-11-22 14:02:07
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Daily deals Nov. 22: $200 off Mac Studio, 19% off AirTag 4-Pack, $250 off 65-inch 4K Amazon Fire TV, more https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/11/22/daily-deals-nov-22-200-off-mac-studio-19-off-airtag-4-pack-250-off-65-inch-4k-amazon-fire-tv-more?utm_medium=rss Daily deals Nov off Mac Studio off AirTag Pack off inch K Amazon Fire TV moreTuesday s best deals include off a inch MacBook Pro discounts on Master Dynamic headphones off select Lego sets and much more Best deals for November AppleInsider checks online stores daily to uncover discounts and offers on hardware and other products including Apple devices smart TVs accessories and other items The best offers are compiled into our regular list for our readers to use and save money Read more 2022-11-22 14:50:04
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Tim Cook partied with Diplo at Vegas concert https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/11/22/tim-cook-partied-with-diplo-at-vegas-concert?utm_medium=rss Tim Cook partied with Diplo at Vegas concertApple CEO Tim Cook used his technical acumen at EDM artist Diplo s concert in Las Vegas and controlled some of the effects Tim Cook with DiploThe musician posted the video on his TikTok Monday showing the CEO controlling some special effects onstage with the same apparent enthusiasm as his Formula One appearance Read more 2022-11-22 14:21:28
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News DBPower Portable Power Station review: A balance of utility, portability, and price https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/11/22/dbpower-portable-power-station-review-a-balance-of-utility-portability-and-price?utm_medium=rss DBPower Portable Power Station review A balance of utility portability and priceThe DBPower Portable Power Station isn t a perfect product but it gets the job done with a tiny footprint and a relatively low price DBPower W Portable Power StationIf someone mentions a portable power station people will likely immediately think of those pound boxes with a bunch of outlets But portable batteries can come in all shapes and sizes and the DBPower W station might have found a sweet spot Read more 2022-11-22 14:16:10
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple's iCloud Private Relay being abused in $65M ad fraud https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/11/22/apples-icloud-private-relay-being-abused-in-65m-ad-fraud?utm_medium=rss Apple x s iCloud Private Relay being abused in M ad fraudApple s iCloud Private Relay is said to be causing problems for online advertisers with an actively used exploit potentially costing U S firms over million in iCloud Private RelayApple poses iCloud Private Relay as a way to protect users privacy on the Internet using a complex infrastructure to mask the user from tracking However that same system may be a headache for some online advertisers who may have lost money due to potential fraud Read more 2022-11-22 14:19:27
海外TECH Engadget The best fitness gifts for your friends who work out https://www.engadget.com/best-fitness-gifts-for-your-friends-who-workout-141522914.html?src=rss The best fitness gifts for your friends who work outFitness fanatics can be pretty intense You ll probably identify us from miles away decked out in workout gear obsessing over the food we eat or discussing our gains nonstop A fitness lover has probably invested a lot of time and money into tools that can help improve performance which can make us tough to shop for ーwe probably already have everything we need But we re also very likely to be super excited by any new toy that could boost our workouts Plus the most dedicated of us probably wear out our favorite gear quickly enough that we could always use new stuff What to get a fitness loverIt s natural to assume that gifts for fitness lovers must be used during workouts but recovery is an equally important and frequently overlooked part of anyone s fitness journey And presents for fitness lovers don t have to be tech infused either Gift cards to their favorite athleisure or fashion brands would probably be well received while compression braces or socks can provide them physical support A pair of gloves would also help your weightlifting pal avoid getting more calluses and special insoles can turn decent running shoes into great running shoes A versatile gift for anyone trying to keep active would be a resistance band which suits a variety of strength levels and is very travel friendly And as my sports chiropractor constantly reminds me a foam roller is the best thing for my sore muscles Tech gifts for fitness fansOf course there are plenty of gadgets targeting exercisers and our muscles From traditional machines like treadmills to smart skipping ropes and VR boxing simulators the land of fitness tech gets stranger by the day As someone who s recently become somewhat of a workout fiend I would enthusiastically welcome anything that s related to improving my performance I ve tested all manner of devices ーwhether it s Gatorade s sweat patch and hydration tracking bottle or smart mirrors and form checking cameras From my experience single purpose devices are the most likely to sit around unused Things like the Gatorade bottle and Fiture mirror for example which actually serve a purpose even if they re deactivated are more likely to withstand the test of time Here are our favorite tech products for fitness lovers Garmin Forerunner EngadgetSerious runners swear by Garmin s Forerunner series They re the gold standard for running watches thanks to their accuracy and comprehensive suite of features You can track your cadence stride length ground contact time balance and more but Garmin also helps monitor your recovery time and training load It ll analyze your performance and workouts using your aerobic and anaerobic data to see what effect your exercise is having on your endurance speed and power The Forerunner will also tell you if you re training productively at your peak or if you re overreaching Like most other smartwatches this will also track your sleep control your music playback and alert you to incoming notifications from your phone It may have a more basic looking operating system than the Apple Watch or Galaxy Watch but the Forerunner s best trait is that it will last up to a week on a charge ーCherlynn Low Deputy EditorBuy Forerunner at Garmin Apple Watch Series Will Lipman Photography for EngadgetFor iPhone users there is no better smartwatch than the Apple Watch Whether you opt for the maxed out Ultra or the basic SE you ll be getting your loved one a well rounded and competent wearable The Series sits between those two models and offers a great balance of features and comfort It s not as chunky as the Ultra and has an onboard skin temperature sensor that the SE doesn t Your giftee will receive reminders to stay active have their walks automatically detected and be prompted to take mindfulness breaks throughout the day Apple s workout tracking also does a great job of logging time elapsed calories burned distance traveled and other key metrics Plus with watchOS the workout pages now show what heart rate zone the wearer is in so they can better understand when to push themselves harder or take it easy If the person you re shopping for is more of an endurance athlete or outdoor adventurer the Ultra s enhanced GPS and special features might make it a better gift but at it s wildly expensive and you might want to split the cost with others ーC L Buy Apple Watch Series at Amazon Fitbit Inspire Will Lipman Photography for EngadgetCompared to older Inspire models the third generation comes with a color touchscreen that s easier to navigate While Fitbit OS remains pretty basic it will at least deliver smartphone notifications to your wrist Plus the lowkey software translates to day battery life even in that small lightweight frame If the person you re shopping for prefers to leave their phone at home when they go on a run the Inspire lacks the onboard GPS necessary to route their journey so you ll need to look for something else But for almost everyone else the Inspire is a great low profile way to keep track of your activity ーC L Buy Inspire at Amazon Samsung Galaxy Watch SamsungSamsung s line of smartwatches remains the best on the market for Android users Though the Galaxy Watch runs the relatively basic Wear OS the company has managed to bake in its capable health and fitness tracking system to help the user stay active Its auto detection is among the most accurate in the industry and it tracks an impressively long list of workouts including swims And if your loved one already uses Samsung phones and appliances they ll find some useful integrations like smart home controls from their wrist The Watch is also a capable sleep tracker and though it doesn t offer as many mindfulness related features as Apple and Fitbit Samsung does have some meditation guides in its Health app It s also the only smartwatch on this list with a round face which fans of traditional watches may prefer ーC L Buy Galaxy Watch at Amazon Apple Fitness AppleIf you re shopping for someone that wants to get more active but is intimidated by gyms a Fitness subscription is a great way to help them get started Apple s library of video workouts caters to all levels but it s especially friendly to beginners Fitness contains comprehensive guides as well as collections designed for pregnant people or new parents giving plenty of options for those who may find themselves in different life situations Starting in October Apple opened up Fitness so you no longer have to own an Apple Watch Now your giftee just needs to have an iPhone and they can follow along the routines through their TVs iPads or yes iPhones If they also own an Apple Watch they can pause and resume the classes from their wrist as well as see their heart rate and Move ring progress on the screen Since the videos can be viewed on iPads Fitness is suitable for people who travel a lot They can take the classes in hotel rooms RVs cruises and more It s also a great last minute gift Just know that for anyone that has a specific favorite sport and doesn t want to explore new types of activity Fitness might feel too easy ーC L Subscribe to Apple Fitness Withings Body smart scaleEngadgetThe right weighing scale can deliver more readings than just weight alone Case in point Withings Body smart scale It ll tell you how heavy you are sure but it also uses multi frequency bio electrical impedance analysis BIA to get your muscle mass fat mass bone mass water percentage and visceral fat level And like all good connected scales it ll send all that information to an app on your phone so you can track your progress over time The Body scale also offers Pulse Wave Velocity PWV tracking which measures the speed at which your blood travels to see your vascular and nerve health At it s not the cheapest but it does produce a wide range of data that regular weighing scales don t You can also consider less premium devices from Withings that also offer body composition measurements like the Body Scan or Body which will serve your friend perfectly well ーC L Buy Withings Body scale at Amazon Theragun MiniTherabodyIt s important to take care of your body even after you ve completed a tough workout The Theragun Mini can take your recovery routine to the next level by helping you massage out tension points in your muscles with more force than you could even provide on your own It has three different speeds all of which work better on different muscle groups and its ergonomic design makes it pretty easy and comfortable to hold while using it Sure you can get more speed options smartphone connectivity and more with the high end models but the Mini is great not only for its relatively affordable price but for its compact design as well Weighing only three pounds it could easily live in your gym bag for daily muscle maintenance but you could also throw it on your carry on before a trip so you can work out those cramps and knots you ll inevitably get after sitting in an airplane seat for a few hours ーValentina Palladino Senior Commerce EditorBuy Theragun Mini at Amazon Shokz OpenRun ProShokzThe Shokz OpenRun Pro Bluetooth headphones provide a unique way of blending music with an active lifestyle that s ideal for runners cyclists and more They use bone conduction to deliver sound to your inner ear through your cheekbones leaving your ears open so you can remain aware of your surroundings The OpenRun Pro model is the company s premium offering and provides one of the richest bass experiences available for this style of headphones They re IP water resistant offer a useful minute quick charge for hours of listening and last up to hours on a full charge You should keep in mind that the open ear design is a tradeoff since they re not great for noisy environments This is an interesting gift for fitness enthusiasts because they re probably not the first style of headphones that they d consider But once they ve taken them for a run or a bike ride the benefits of having music while also keeping track of nearby traffic or pedestrians is game changing ーJon Turi Homepage EditorBuy OpenRun Pro at Amazon Withings ScanWatch HorizonWill Lipman Photography for EngadgetThere are smartwatches there are fitness watches and then there is Withings ScanWatch Horizon It s the French company s gussied up version of its class leading hybrid that remains my only pick for people who want something smart but classy on their wrist Horizon comes with activity fitness sleep and heart rate tracking as well as a built in ECG to monitor your heart health But it s been styled like a diver s watch with the OLED subdial the only clue that it s a lot smarter than it looks at first glance Maybe it s the fact that what makes Horizon so good is how well hidden its smarts really are and how good it looks on your wrist And that s before you get to the practical stuff it s so it s cheaper than a Submariner and does plenty more The battery will last for a month at a time reducing the need for you to keep your charger close by at all times And Withings Health Mate app remains one of the best on the market for giving you insights about your body you might not have noticed yourself ーDaniel Cooper Senior ReporterBuy ScanWatch Horizon at Amazon 2022-11-22 14:15:22
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