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ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ドミノピザ、午前5時まで営業延長 W杯スペイン戦の12月1日 |
itmedia |
2022-11-28 18:50:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] スマホでも「レイトレ」を実現! MediaTekのハイエンドスマホ向け「Dimensity 9200」はどんなプロセッサ? |
dimensity |
2022-11-28 18:30:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ポケモン公式Twitter、“藤田二コル”さん誤表記で謝罪 「難解すぎる」などの声 |
itmedia |
2022-11-28 18:18:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] USBメモリ紛失の尼崎市、無断で再委託のBIPROGYに損害賠償請求 「市のイメージダウンにつながった」 |
biprogy |
2022-11-28 18:03:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
スマホから簡単操作で美味しい温度に!半日保温できるスマートマグが予約販売中 |
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2022-11-28 09:38:12 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
東京ビッグサイトで自動で変形するスマート枕を体験! 「健康・未病産業展2022」が気になる |
東京ビッグサイト |
2022-11-28 09:18:42 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
中堅・中小企業が導入済みのノーコード/ローコード開発ツール上位は「intra-mart」や「GeneXus」─ノークリサーチ | IT Leaders |
中堅・中小企業が導入済みのノーコードローコード開発ツール上位は「intramart」や「GeneXus」ーノークリサーチITLeadersノークリサーチは年月日、国内の中堅・中小企業におけるノーコードローコード開発ツールの導入済み導入予定の社数シェア、および用途に関する調査結果を発表した。 |
2022-11-28 18:23:00 |
Program |
CodeZine |
Microsoft、「Visual Studio for Mac 17.4」で.NET MAUIに対応 |
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2022-11-28 18:20:00 |
Program |
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Meta、戦略ゲーム「ディプロマシー」で人間より優れた成績を残すAIを開発 |
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2022-11-28 18:20:00 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
zipを使った中間テーブルへのレコード追加 |
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2022-11-28 18:29:08 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
インターン中、不採用になった書き方集 |
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2022-11-28 18:18:39 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
railsでjson出力するときの小技 |
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2022-11-28 18:05:48 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
CloudFormationでパブリック、プライベートどちらにも対応したEC2を構築する方法 |
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2022-11-28 18:33:56 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Goroutine はじめました |
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2022-11-28 18:10:41 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
zipを使った中間テーブルへのレコード追加 |
paramsdatesanswerdatessc |
2022-11-28 18:29:08 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
インターン中、不採用になった書き方集 |
spossibledatesschedule |
2022-11-28 18:18:39 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
railsでjson出力するときの小技 |
controll |
2022-11-28 18:05:48 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
サービス成長のための社内ツール開発事例の紹介 |
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2022-11-28 11:00:34 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[アップデート] AWS MGNがより便利になる機能が複数追加されました |
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2022-11-28 09:43:04 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[アップデート]AWS IoT Core が新しい Device Location 機能を発表しました |
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2022-11-28 09:37:07 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
AWSだけじゃないイベント AWS re:Invent 2022 #reinvent |
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2022-11-28 09:35:47 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Zendesk初心者の目線でスケジュール設定についてまとめてみた |
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2022-11-28 09:32:44 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
WorkSpacesでSFTP、SCPコマンドは利用可能かどうか教えてください。 |
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2022-11-28 09:04:25 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
【re:Invent 2022】英語に自信がないならこれ!「Otter」の基本的な使い方 |
delivery |
2022-11-28 09:04:24 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Solid Start auth – the secure way (with BCrypt & PSQL) |
Solid Start auth the secure way with BCrypt amp PSQL What is this about This article is about the new meta framework Solid Start and authentication primarily making it a secure application I already wrote an article about how to store data in a PostgreSQL database with Solid Start This tutorial builds on top of that knowledge so if you haven t read that one yet I advise you to do so Getting startedNote If the templates have changed in any way which they probably will I either advise you to read trough a newer tutorial or start with this code If the templates stayed the same continue with the setup First we need to create a folder in which the setup will happen We can do that with mkdir secure auth with solid start and then directly go into that folder with cd secure auth with solid start To initialize our project we type npm init solid which brings us into the setup wizard To have a foundation we pick the with auth template Which template do you want to use ›with authServer Side Rendering …yesUse TypeScript …yesNext we have to install our packages by typing yarn You can also use npm install but I got used to yarn Writing the applicationIn this part we will actually make our application and secure it properly I already have an article about how passwords are secured properly how not to store passwords Let s hash Next chapter uses BCrypt Important This chapter does it by hand so the reader gets a better understanding of what is happening If you are here for the BCrypt part please skip this chapter You can obviously also read trough both To start with our hashing we need to find the functions responsible for logging in and registering We can find that in the file that also exports our database src db index ts First we will go over the create function async create data let user data id users length users push user return user To check what data we exactly have when a user registers we can console log user Note that you need to restart the server to see these changes What else do we need Well we also need a salt This is one possible way to do it async create data let salt Math random toString slice Next we need to digest Unlike in ruby javascript does not have a native Sha function which is why we will make use of crypto js I added it with yarn add crypto js Taking a quick look into the documentation of crypto js shows how easy it actually is to do import sha from crypto js sha const hashDigest sha nonce message We will implement exactly this code into our db index ts file import sha from crypto js sha export const db user async create data const digestedPassword sha data password salt toString console log our digested password encryptedPassword And this should yield us a very long and random looking string when we register a new user Finally we need modify the user we will save and print it below let user username data username id users length salt salt digested password digestedPassword console log user Now on the next line users push user we should get a typescript error That is because our initial user has different attributes so don t get scared We will fix that later One last thing that we are still lacking is a pepper so we will create that one I just made a export const above the let users initialization of the array export const pepper string make sure the pepper is long and secure so that it is hard to guess let users id username kody password twixrox We export it because we will need this pepper in another file and we don t want to hard code Finally also add to the sha algorithm const digestedPassword sha data password salt pepper toString Next we will change the login function to match the system we have with the register The login is located in src db session ts which is why we exported the pepper Now if we go into session ts we see on line three import db from Which we change to also import the pepper and don t forget to import the Sha algorithm on the next line import db pepper from import sha from crypto js sha Finally we can rewrite our login function What it does is digest the user input and then match that up with the password in our database so that we never have to get the plain text password back on line of session ts export async function login username password LoginForm const user await db user findUnique where username if user return null const digestedInput sha password user salt pepper toString const isCorrectPassword digestedInput user digested password if isCorrectPassword return null return user Here you will see another TypeScript error but we will clear those later Now we can create a new user with the password and check the logs for his attributes make sure to restart the server We can copy those attributes to create a new base user which works with our digestion For that we change the users array in src db index ts let users id username aneshodza salt qmpdeg digested password accbbdfcdefbfacdaaceffd Now if we restart the server and try to log into our base user we should quickly see It works Next we want to do this with BCrypt but if you want to have the source code to this you can get it here Now with BCryptWe want to bring our website to industry standards which is why we will use BCrypt the probably most used library for encryption and digestion Step one is to go trough the setting up chapter again because we will do this in a separate application Now we want to get to using BCrypt If you didn t read the first part The register function is in src db index ts and the login is in src db session ts Let us start off by installing the package I use yarn so I install it with yarn add bcrypt We will work in parallel with the documentation so I advise you to keep this open on another tab We start off in the src db index ts file where the register is located Step one is to require the BCrypt object and set a const for the salt rounds import bcrypt from bcrypt const saltRounds Salt rounds are the cost factor of the digestion That tells us how often the string gets digested so the bigger this number the harder it is to brute force but also the even create the hashes Having rounds should definitely be sufficient Next we want to create the user with a digested password BCrypt already offers us a method for that which we will use at the top of our create function create data const user id users length username data username digested password bcrypt hashSync data password saltRounds console log user user users push user return user You should see a typescript error To fix that just delete the first user that the application gave us Now we are still missing a pepper With BCrypt it is not really necessary but to keep good practice we will still use it For that we just create a const and append it to our initial string export const pepper string this is some really secure pepper export const db async create data const user digested password bcrypt hashSync data password pepper saltRounds We export the pepper because we will need it in another file later Now if you log the created user you will see a digested password Having secured it with an additional pepper we can finally do the login For that we go into our login function in src db session ts First we import bcrypt at the top just like we did in the other file so we can just use a preset BCrypt function to do it for us export async function login username password LoginForm const user await db user findUnique where username if user return null let result bcrypt compareSync password pepper user digested password if result return null return user Now you should still see an error because we didn t import pepper yet Where you imported db you just add pepper next to it and it should work Where is our salt BCrypt has its own system for salting where they have the salt including the salt rounds encoded in one string Next to that they also encode a lot of other information in it so that the complex library works off of a single string y nOUIskJnaTuTFkByveuKkSxUFXfuaOKdOKfxYTKKIGSJwFa hash value KkSxUFXfuaOKdOKfxYTKKIGSJwFa salt nOUIskJnaTuTFkByveu cost factor iterations hash algorithm y BCrypt Fixing vite issuesIf you check your console you should see a lot of red We can fix that by going into our vite config js and telling it to not optimize this library import solid from solid start vite import defineConfig from vite export default defineConfig plugins solid optimizeDeps exclude bcrypt Now your console should be error free and the code should run Creating the database connectionThis is the part in which you should have read my first article There I explain how this works in depth Setting upWe will use the PostgreSQL npm package Because I use yarn I will install it with yarn add postgres If you use any other package manager use the command that is needed there Creating the schemaNow we need to create our database and the table We will first connect to the postgres cli with psql U lt username gt d postgres which will throw us into the postgres database There we create a database and a application user table with the before used attributes postgres CREATE DATABASE solid start auth made secure CREATE DATABASEpostgres c solid start auth made secureYou are now connected to database solid start auth made secure solid start auth made secure CREATE TABLE application users id serial primary key username varchar digested password varchar CREATE TABLENow if we print everything on the table we should see following solid start auth made secure SELECT FROM application users id username digested password rows Connecting a client to our databaseNext we have to connect our database to the backend We will use the same library we did in Solid Start with PostgreSQL so we have to install it again with yarn add postgresThen we go into src db index ts where we create an object which contains our database connection at the top of the file import postgres from postgres const sql postgres host localhost port database solid start auth made secure username lt USERNAME gt Now you should see some Big integer literals error in your terminal That error is caused by vite We fix it by telling the vite config ts file to not optimize this import solid from solid start vite import defineConfig from vite export default defineConfig plugins solid optimizeDeps exclude bcrypt postgres Restart the server and voilà The error is gone Querying the databaseFirst we store the users in our database For that we go into src db index ts where we use the npm library to change it to the user being stored in the database async create data return await sql INSERT INTO application users username digested password VALUES data username bcrypt hashSync data password pepper saltRounds toString RETURNING Now if we register a user and query our database solid start auth made secure SELECT FROM application users id username digested password aneshodza b IyUhMdcD uWuQrUubuQLkGQWwOtC rXGniSLhvO row Now we also need to rewrite our findUnique function inside of the same file so it searches the db for users async findUnique where username undefined id undefined if id undefined amp amp id toString NaN return users find user gt user id id const result await sql SELECT FROM application users WHERE id id return result at else if username undefined return users find user gt user username username const result await sql SELECT FROM application users WHERE username username LIMIT return result at return null This will return a user Now if we try to log into the application It works If you want the source code to this approach here you go ConclusionI will say the same as I did in my first tutorial While solid start had a solid start it is still in very early development and there even the team of solid start agrees Don t use it in production software yet I think with more native support of e g databases we could do a lot more than now Happy hacking |
2022-11-28 09:12:11 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
30 Free and Premium Web Tools For Designers and Developers |
Free and Premium Web Tools For Designers and DevelopersHere are web tools both free and paid and web services reviewed on short WordPress themes and pluginsno code softwarefont identifiercustom web designSEOGraphicsand much more Take a look I bet you will find useful apps for your projects Custom Web DesignWeb Design Auckland is popular for delivering stunning custom web design work for their local and international companies They do it since with huge success being the right team to call whenever you have a difficult project or when you want creativity at its maximum level Reach out to them Cyberlands io offensive amp defensive security operations companyCyberlands io is an API Penetration Testing company supporting clients in their cloud native journey with mobile API Kubernetes and OpenShift security assessments Cyberlands is committed to deliver robust offensive amp defensive cybersecurity expertise from its US based delivery center as well as directly from the edge of the ongoing cyberwar from its delivery center based in Ukraine Font identifierYou saw a font that you liked Great take a picture and upload it to WhatFontIs website Follow the easy steps and in under seconds you will find out the font name price maybe it is free download link and free and paid font alternatives And have in mind that WhatFontIs is free to use and no registration is needed Creative Tim ClubCreative Tim Club is available for lifetime membership In this price you will get immediate access to premium frontend and backend products but you also get access to all their future premium products And of course that you get priority support Tulsa website designJordan Smith is an expert web designer and SEO strategist that build unique and custom websites for people from all over the world All the websites created by Jordan Smith get serious amounts of organic traffic and convert with ease making website owners happy CollectiveRayCollectiveRay is one of the most popular blogs that writes about tech All the content writers have great experience in all the blog niches and the original founder of the site David Attard is editing content by hand Whatever reviews and tests you are looking for you will find them here Slides With Friends Live Quizzing for Classrooms and TeamsTired of working hard on a lesson or presentation just to get tuned out With these interactive slides you can build events in minutes that will guarantee huge engagement Collect live responses from your students during class run a live quiz that will energize every audience or host a team building event that will have everybody talking Finally you can get real interaction and real engagement with a fraction of the effort Embossed Gold And Silver Foil Logo MockupWhen it comes to luxury embossed gold foil logo is no less than greatness What s the highlight of the mockup is the realistic embossed foil effect and the reflection that makes the logo more apparent and elegant The sweet part is the mockup is fully 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business website with the least possible effort FC United Football Soccer amp Sports WordPress Theme RTLFC United stands out from the other sports WordPress themes for reasons For one it has a highly functional design Next it means to work for any sports topic or niche that exists today Thus building a football club site sports blog or even a healthy lifestyle online shop is easy The latter is possible thanks to the WooCommerce integration You will find several pre built homepage styles which you can mix and match up to your taste FC United includes many useful sporty features you might want to have on your site That is because it supports the SportsPress plugin Therefore you get match reports league standings and team profiles you name it There is much for you inside Besides it is GDPR compliant ensuring your users data are secure JoomSports Instagram Feed and Revolution Slider are other plugins that work with the theme FC United is translation ready making it easier for your business to go worldwide Moreover it is easy to add a bit of extra vibe to your pages by switching to dark mode Your fully responsive pages will look amazing on each smart device platform or browser If you want to have something specific on your site check FC United it is there for sure Anesta Intranet Extranet Community and BuddyPress WordPress ThemeNeed a specific business theme Try Anesta This responsive option is second to none for intranet extranet sites If your business is all about numbers Anesta is your best ally With Anesta you won t need to worry about your site design Focus on your corporate business and let Anesta do all the difficult things for you Speaking of key features of Anesta expect to get plenty Integration with the LearnDash LMS is one of the key advantages of Anesta It means that you can create an educational resource on your site and monetize it Craft pages with Elementor a leading drag n drop page builder The theme includes a featured homepage slider and many pre designed layouts sections and modules you can mix and match up to your taste All without touching a single line of code Contact Form Newsletter Pop up and MailChimp come on board too Anesta is optimized for performance security and SEO Therefore you are sure you will get the best option ConclusionsIf you are looking to create apps don t forget to try TeamDesk s no code solution And for creating websites you should check these top website builders |
2022-11-28 09:02:08 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Twitter data leak exposes over 5.4 million accounts |
Twitter data leak exposes over million accountsEarlier this year Twitter confirmed that the private user data for million users was stolen due to an API vulnerability but the company said it had no evidence that it was exploited Now all of those accounts have been exposed on a hacker form BleepingComputer has reported On top of that an additional million Twitter profiles for suspended users was reportedly shared privately and an even larger data dump with the data of tens of millions of other users may have come from the same vulnerability The owner of hacking forum called Breached told BleepingComputer that it was responsible for exploiting the weakness originally obtained from another hacker called Devil and dumping the user records It said that it also obtained million Twitter profiles for suspended accounts obtained via another API but only shared those privately among a few individuals On top of all that security expert Chad Loder has revealed that tens of millions more Twitter records may have been collected using the same API Once again data collected may include private phone numbers along with public information Loder posted a redacted sample on Mastodon as he was banned on Twitter several days ago for unknown reasons It could contain over million records BleepingComputer was told The breaches leaked users private phone numbers and email addresses which could be used for phishing and other scams That information could also be exploited to uncover identities from private Twitter accounts As usual be very wary of any suspicious emails or texts claiming to come from Twitter ーand if you re thinking about using two factor authentication now would be a good time nbsp nbsp |
2022-11-28 09:50:40 |
海外TECH |
22 Best Cyber Monday Microsoft Deals (2022): Xbox Series S, Surface Laptops |
store |
2022-11-28 09:55:00 |
海外TECH |
WIRED’s Complete Guide to the Best Cyber Monday Deals (2022): Ranked by Category |
wired |
2022-11-28 09:42:29 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Japan panel seeks clarification of primary care system after COVID issues |
Japan panel seeks clarification of primary care system after COVID issuesA health ministry panel has proposed clarifying the function of such physicians in law after the pandemic highlighted ambiguities in the role they play in |
2022-11-28 18:22:46 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
People in Japan snap up winter clothing to reduce impact of high energy costs |
People in Japan snap up winter clothing to reduce impact of high energy costsA rise in sales of cold weather goods is being driven by the government s “Warm Biz initiative and the economic impact of the war in Ukraine |
2022-11-28 18:13:59 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Released Japanese filmmaker calls for greater scrutiny of Myanmar junta |
Released Japanese filmmaker calls for greater scrutiny of Myanmar juntaToru Kubota was arrested and detained in Myanmar for filming a small demonstration against the junta but recently returned to Japan |
2022-11-28 18:10:27 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Chinese police: Delete photos or face arrest at Shanghai Covid protest site |
covid |
2022-11-28 09:03:41 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Insulation: £1bn funding for least efficient homes |
bands |
2022-11-28 09:01:49 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Boy, 16, arrested after two teens fatally stabbed in London |
london |
2022-11-28 09:06:13 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
World Cup permutations: What do England and Wales need to do to qualify for last 16? |
qatar |
2022-11-28 09:47:07 |
Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ |
Tensorflow でセルフサービスのテクニカル サポートを自動化 |
モデルのトレーニングデータとして活用しているのは、エージェントがサポート記事を含む回答を手動で返信したチケットです。 |
2022-11-28 10:00:00 |
ニュース |
Newsweek |
プーチンは無責任で厄介なナルシシスト──ロシア治安当局の内部告発 |
「プーチンのイメージを批判することは、自分の利益に背くことになるーほとんどの人にとって、このルールは当然で、疑問の余地のないことと見なされている」このエージェントによれば、FSBの人間はプーチンと個人的に接触しているわけではないが、もしプーチンをFSBに採用する予定の人材として評価し、「状況プロファイル」を作成するとしたら、つの重要な見解を示すだろう。 |
2022-11-28 18:28:53 |
ニュース |
Newsweek |
「知性を持っていた?」もし恐竜が絶滅していなかったらどうなっていたのか |
ロングリッチ博士は「地球と小惑星の衝突がなかったら、長い首を持つ巨大な草食恐竜やティラノサウルスのような大型肉食恐竜がまだ生息していただろう」とする一方、「これらの恐竜の脳はわずかに大きく進化していたかもしれないが、知能が進化したことを示す証拠はほとんどない」と主張している。 |
2022-11-28 18:16:11 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
富士通、イスラエルに新研究拠点設立へ。データ&セキュリティー領域を強化 |
研究開発 |
2022-11-28 18:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
【ほっともっと】冬の洋食フェア開催! 新登場の「ファミリー洋食プレート」は複数人で楽しめる |
開催 |
2022-11-28 18:25:00 |
Cloud Blog JA |
Tensorflow でセルフサービスのテクニカル サポートを自動化 |
モデルのトレーニングデータとして活用しているのは、エージェントがサポート記事を含む回答を手動で返信したチケットです。 |
2022-11-28 10:00:00 |