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IT 気になる、記になる… Microsoft、「Surface Duo」向けに2022年12月のアップデートを配信開始 https://taisy0.com/2022/12/08/165859.html microsoft 2022-12-08 14:02:09
AWS AWS Government, Education, and Nonprofits Blog How graph databases can enhance learning https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/publicsector/how-graph-databases-enhance-learning-education-institutions/ How graph databases can enhance learningGraph database solutions like Amazon Neptune from AWS help organize learner information to enable more holistic analysis for educational institutions and education technology companies EdTechs By linking learner data from multiple sources and drawing new correlations from data educators can deliver more personalized learning experiences In this blog post learn how educators can use graph databases to enhance the learning experience 2022-12-08 14:13:42
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [python] bogo sort (ランダムな整列)の勉強 https://qiita.com/junzai/items/a0d8448adfdb13dc021f codeimportrando 2022-12-08 23:30:06
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js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ESLintを使ったJavaScriptコードの静的解析(Window編) https://qiita.com/cloud-solution/items/433069b12226a287c8bd eslint 2022-12-08 23:23:29
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技術ブログ Developers.IO 日本語自然言語処理オープンソースライブラリ「GiNZA」で構文解析をやってみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/try-parsing-using-ginza/ ginza 2022-12-08 14:34:46
技術ブログ Developers.IO Different ways to create Autify Trial Account https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/different-ways-to-create-autify-trial-account/ Different ways to create Autify Trial AccountAutify Software testing automation platform run by AI that creates manages executes and reports on tests It 2022-12-08 14:09:38
海外TECH MakeUseOf Kono Discord TKL Mechanical Keyboard Review: Great On the Eyes, Not So Much the Wallet https://www.makeuseof.com/kono-discord-tkl-mechanical-keyboard-review/ walletit 2022-12-08 14:05:24
海外TECH DEV Community 📝GPT-3 Takes on a C# Interview: Can AI Ace the Coding Questions? https://dev.to/bytehide/gpt-3-takes-on-a-c-interview-can-ai-ace-the-coding-questions-1alh GPT Takes on a C Interview Can AI Ace the Coding Questions Can artificial intelligence pass a C coding interview That s the question many are asking as GPT the latest AI technology is put to the test GPT is an advanced AI system that has been trained on millions of data points and can generate human like natural language responses But can it answer complex coding questions To find out in this article both you and I will become recruiters and we will put GPT through a C coding interview to see if it could pass the test From understanding object oriented programming to knowing the basics of the NET framework So recruiter do you thing that AI ーour candidate ーcan pass the C coding interview Let s try GPT exam beginsLet s test this AI with some C interview questions from the GitHub list created by Kansiris that has the top C questions and answers At first we will try with simpler and more generic questions and seeing how well they perform we will increase the level of difficulty First let s see if AI is ready for the test The interview starts with …Go What is an Array Yes it is a simple question but let s remember that we are asking an AI and we will gradually see what it is capable of Human What is an Array in C AI An array in C is a type of data structure that allows you to store multiple values of the same type in one single variable It is normally used for storing and manipulating collections of data I don t dislike it at all but I think it can be more highly responsive let s change some settings and try again Human Detail the answerAI An array is a contiguous memory area used to store a collection of data elements of the same data type in a single variable It allows fast access to the data and manipulation of the elements stored within it Arrays can be one dimensional two dimensional or multi dimensional A one dimensional array holds a single row of elements while a two dimensional array holds a set of rows and columns More complex structures like multi dimensional arrays allow for flexibility in data storage and manipulation In C an array can be declared using the “array keyword followed by the data type of the elements and the number of elements that need to be stored in the array enclosed in square brackets An example of a one dimensional array declaration would be int myArray new int This declares an array that can store integers Well any questions on your part Not on my side so let s continue Which class is at the top of NET class hierarchy Second easy question I have defined the difficulty level based on the fact that it s an artificial intelligence so maybe this C interview is easy for it Human Which class is at the top of NET class hierarchy AI The System Object class is at the top of the NET class hierarchy The System Objectclass defines several methods and properties that can be used by any other class so it is the ancestor of all other classes in NET Okay the response is correct Let s continue What s the C syntax to catch any possible exception Human What s the C syntax to catch any possible exception AI The C syntax to catch any possible exception is as follows try Statements that might throw an exception catch Exception e Statements to handle the exception Wow it s giving curious results so far I knew I had the ability to write code but not to what extent What do you think recruiter Is AI qualified to move on to the next round of questions Let s get to it Can “this be used within a static method Human Can this be used within a static method in C AI No the this keyword cannot be used within a static method in C as it is a non static context The “this keyword can only be used inside an instance method to reference the current instance of the class Correct answer although I think AI got shy I think we need to ask him for a more detailed explanation see what happens Human Detail me the reasonAI The reason why the this keyword cannot be used within a static method in C is because it references the current instance of the class Since static methods are not associated with an instance of a class they cannot use the this keyword Static methods are used only to access static members of a class and do not have access to any instance members So far the results we are getting are very positive As a reminder we must not forget that this is not the latest version and therefore there may be current data that we are not yet taking into account What are partial classes Human What are partial classes in C AI Partial classes are classes that are divided into multiple files in C They are useful when a large class needs to be split into smaller parts to make it easier to understand and maintain Partial classes can also be used to add functionality to an existing class without having to modify the code in the existing file Well let s move on to more difficult questions to see how much our candidate is capable Difference between Equality Operator and Equals Method in C Will AI be able to compare and differentiate Who knows let s try Human Difference between Equality Operator and Equals Method in C AI The Equality Operator is used to compare two objects or primitive type values and determine if they are equal It can be used with any type of data including reference types value types and user defined types On the other hand the Equals Method is used to compare two objects for equality and returns a boolean value This method is usually overridden by the classes so that their specific implementation of the Equals function can be called Additionally the Equals Method is not limited to primitive data types and can also be used to compare reference types Well it s a correct answer but a lot of theory Recruiter shall we ask AI to explain it in a more practical way Let s get to it Human Write a code explaining the difference between Equality Operator and Equals Method in C AI Equality Operator exampleint x int y if x y Console WriteLine x and y are equal else Console WriteLine x and y are not equal Equals Method examplestring str Hello string str World if str Equals str Console WriteLine str and str are equal else Console WriteLine str and str are not equal AI may be the best candidate I have ever interviewed What is IEnumerable lt gt in C Human What is IEnumerable lt gt in C AI IEnumerable lt gt is an interface in C that provides a way to access a collection of objects one item at a time It allows you to iterate over the items in a collection without needing to know the underlying implementation of the collection It provides methods to get or set the elements of a collection as well as methods to check whether a particular element exists in the collection IEnumerable lt gt can be used with any type of collection including lists dictionaries and sets Good let s ask for an example againHuman Write an example using IEnumerable lt gt in C AI Create a list of integersList lt int gt myList new List lt int gt Get the IEnumerable from the listIEnumerable lt int gt myEnumerable myList Iterate over the IEnumerableforeach int item in myEnumerable Console WriteLine item What is Virtual Method in C Human What is Virtual Method in C AI A virtual method in C is a method that can be overridden by derived classes The ability to override a virtual method allows subclasses to customize their behavior while still taking advantage of the base class s implementation Virtual methods are declared with the virtual keyword and overridden with the override keyword What is LINQ in C Human What is LINQ in C AI LINQ Language Integrated Query is a collection of technologies that provide a unified programming model for querying and manipulating data regardless of the type of data source It uses a syntax similar to SQL to enable developers to write queries that can retrieve filter and group data LINQ can be used with a variety of data sources such as collections databases and XML documents Differentiate between Boxing and UnboxingHuman Differentiate between Boxing and Unboxing in C AI Boxing is the process of converting a value type to a reference type while unboxing is the process of converting a reference type back to a value type Boxing is done implicitly when a value type needs to be converted to an object type and unboxing is done explicitly using a cast Boxing is usually slower than unboxing since boxing involves creating a new object on the heap while unboxing involves retrieving an existing value from the heap Good again let s ask for an example to understand the difference better Human Write me an example of bothAI Boxing exampleint x object obj x Implicit boxing of the value type Unboxing exampleobject obj int x int obj Explicit unboxing of the value type ResultsThe GPT model achieved excellent results in passing all the C interview questions demonstrating its capability to understand and answer questions related to the programming language It showed its proficiency in understanding the syntax and semantics of C and adeptly answered questions about various topics such as arrays classes methods and LINQ Overall GPT s performance on the C interview was highly impressive and provides further evidence of its potential to revolutionize the AI industry 2022-12-08 14:51:55
海外TECH DEV Community Maximizing Your Productivity with Aviyel's GitHub Bot: A Comprehensive Guide https://dev.to/aviyel/maximizing-your-productivity-with-aviyels-github-bot-a-comprehensive-guide-3n8 Maximizing Your Productivity with Aviyel x s GitHub Bot A Comprehensive Guide IntroductionGitHub is a popular collaboration and project management tool for projects businesses and teams This platform offers a range of features to help teams stay organized and productive However managing multiple tasks and responsibilities can be challenging and it can take some time to ensure that everyone is on the same page Are you tired of manually managing your GitHub tasks and issues Do you wish there was a way to automate some of the tedious work and free up your time for more important tasks If so then GitHub bots might be the solution you re looking for These automated programs can perform various tasks from managing schedules and tracking progress to providing reminders and alerts In this comprehensive guide we will discuss the benefits of using bots on GitHub and provide an example of how the Aviyel bot can be integrated into the platform to improve productivity and efficiency What are bots and how do they work Bots are software programs that are designed to automate certain tasks They can be programmed to perform a wide variety of functions such as sending notifications conducting code reviews managing project workflowsーand more Bots can be integrated into collaboration platforms such as GitHub GitLab Discourse Slack Twitter Discordーand more where they can be used to automate routine tasks and improve collaboration and communication within teams For example a bot could be used to automatically send notifications to team members when a new issue is created a new PR is opened a new PR is merged or even when someone stars a repo on GitHub This can help teams stay informed and up to date on the latest developments and focus on the most important tasks rather than spending time on tedious and repetitive tasks The Benefits of Using Bots on GitHubGitHub is a popular platform for developers and one of the key features that sets it apart is the ability to use bots to automate tasks and enhance your workflow But what exactly are GitHub bots and what benefits do they offer Bots are automated programs that can perform a wide variety of tasks from simple ones such as sending notifications to more complex ones such as managing project workflows and conducting code reviews By integrating bots into GitHub projects can improve collaboration and streamline their workflows resulting in increased productivity and efficiency So why should you use GitHub bots in your workflow Here are some of the key benefits Automating tedious tasks GitHub bots can automate a wide range of tasks from managing issues and pull requests to running tests and deploying code This can save you a lot of time and effort freeing up your time for more important work Improving efficiency By automating tasks GitHub bots can help you work more efficiently and get more done in less time This can be especially useful if you re working on a large project with a lot of moving parts Enhancing collaboration GitHub bots can help facilitate collaboration by automatically assigning tasks to the appropriate team members and providing notifications and updates This can help keep everyone on the same page and ensure that your project stays on track Integrating with other tools Many GitHub bots can integrate with other tools and services allowing you to seamlessly connect your GitHub workflow with other parts of your development process This can help streamline your entire development process and make it more efficient Enhanced Security and Compliance Using bots on GitHub can also help improve security and compliance within teams By automating specific processes and tasks bots can help ensure that teams follow best practices and adhere to relevant regulations and standards Not only that but it can also be used to monitor and track access to sensitive data and systems helping teams identify and address any potential issues Streamline Your Workflow with Aviyel Bot Integrating with GitHubAviyel Bot App is designed to streamline and improve team communication and collaboration for GitHub With Aviyel bot app installed all data from these platforms can be easily accessed and organized in a single location making it easier for teams to stay on top of their work and stay connected Ready to start using the Aviyel bot app Simply click on the link mentioned below to access and install it on GitHub Once installed you ll be able to start taking advantage of all the features and benefits it offers With Aviyel s GitHub bot you can automate tedious tasks improve your workflow and enjoy greater productivity Click the link and get started today GitHubOne of the key features of Aviyel bot is its ability to automate specific tasks and processes For example the bot can be configured to automatically send reminders or updates whenever someone opens a new issue or pull request on GitHub This helps to ensure that critical information is always shared with the right people and that tasks and actions are noticed and remembered In addition to automating routine tasks Aviyel bot app can also help to integrate different workflows and processes within a team For example the bot can be configured to automatically post comments on GitHub whenever someone opens a PR or someone s PR is merged This can help teams to stay coordinated and on track and to avoid wasting time and effort on manual time consuming tasks Overall the Aviyel Bot App is a powerful tool that can help teams to improve their collaboration and communication and to work more efficiently and effectively By automating routine tasks and integrating different workflows and processes the Aviyel bot can help teams to focus on the critical work that needs to be done and to get more done in less time How to Integrate Aviyel Bot into GitHubIntegrating the Aviyel app into GitHub is straightforward Here are the steps to follow Configuring GitHub into the Aviyel platformTo get the most out of Aviyel s Github bot app it s important to add it to your organization s repository This will allow the app to access public information and help Aviyel better understand how to serve your needs The app will also automatically sync data and update your community and activity dashboards as well as your rewards configuration To install the app simply click on Install the Github app as shown in the screenshot below This will ensure that all of your data is synced tracked and maintained in one place Looking to access the full power of Aviyel Simply head over to GitHub and authorize your entire repository for maximum functionality Alternatively you can select a specific repository to authorizeーthe choice is yours Don t forget to hit the Save button to complete the authorization process Want to make sure you ve installed the Aviyel app Just head to the organization settings page and click on the GitHub apps option You ll see the app there just like in the screenshot below Easy peasy Not seeing the Install the GitHub app button on your community homepage No problem There s an easy alternative way to add it Just follow these simple instructions Head to the settings page by clicking on the settings button in the top left corner of your screen From there you can easily install the GitHub app in your organization It s that easy Once you re on the settings page simply click on the GitHub setting option You ll see a button called Install GitHub Appーjust click it to easily install the app If you don t see the button don t worryーthere are instructions for installing it manually at the bottom of the page Click Install Github App to continue Once you re redirected to the GitHub page it s time to finalize the authorization process You can choose to authorize your entire repository for maximum functionality or select a specific repository Either way make sure to hit the Save button to complete the authorization and unlock the full power of Aviyel Send Comment GitHub When PR is opened To use the full capabilities of Aviyel s GitHub bot the one that you just installed on your repository go to the workflow section and click on the send comment Github workflow This will enable the workflow and give you access to its powerful features This workflow is highly effective This workflow is intended to send a word of appreciation or thanks whenever a new pull request is opened merged an issue is opened resolved or other Github activity occurs To customize the send comment workflow click on it to access the configuration options You can choose when the workflow will be triggered such as when a pull request is opened Select the repository where you want to enable the workflow and choose a messaging template or create your own Give it a memorable name and save your changes This will allow you to leverage the full power of the GitHub bot and make the most of its capabilities Once you have saved your changes the workflow should appear as shown in the screenshot below This will allow you to see the full configuration and ensure that everything is set up correctly To see the bot in action go to your repository and create a pull request Once you have done this you should see the bot responding with a comment as shown in the screenshot below This will allow you to test the functionality of the bot and ensure that it is working correctly To set up the GitHub bot to work with issues click on the workflow option again and create a new workflow In the activity options select issues as the trigger for the workflow Then choose the appropriate messaging template or create your own Give the workflow a memorable name and save your changes After you have saved your changes the new workflow should appear as shown in the screenshot below This will allow you to see the full configuration and ensure that everything is set up correctly To see the bot in action with issues go to your repository and create a new issue Once you have done this you should see the bot responding with a comment allowing you to test the functionality and ensure that everything is working correctly By using this feature you can take advantage of the powerful capabilities of the GitHub bot and make the most of its features giving you more control and flexibility when managing and monitoring issues in your repository Aviyel is the perfect solution for improving productivity and streamlining communication on GitHub With a few simple clicks you can integrate the Aviyel bot app into your platform and start enjoying the benefits of a more organized and efficient workflow By leveraging the power of the Aviyel bot you can minimize chaos and maximize productivity ensuring that your team is always operating at its best Whether you re looking to improve communication within your community streamline processes or stay organized Aviyel has you covered ConclusionUsing bots on GitHub can provide numerous benefits for teams including better collaboration and communication increased productivity and efficiency and enhanced security and compliance Aviyel bot in particular offers a powerful and versatile solution for integrating into these platforms and improving team productivity By following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide teams can easily incorporate the power and capabilities of the Aviyel bot into their workflow and start realizing the benefits of automationーand much more Try it out today and see the difference it can make for your team 2022-12-08 14:26:21
海外TECH DEV Community Svelte vs React https://dev.to/refine/svelte-vs-react-21jl Svelte vs ReactAuthor Chidume Nnamdi IntroductionThe last few years have seen a major surge in the development of JavaScript frameworks This has led to an increase in competition between different frameworks with developers and businesses choosing the one best suited for their needs This has sparked a sort of “framework war as developers and businesses debate which framework is the best and which is the most suitable for their needs The main contenders in this framework war are React Angular and Vue All three are popular open source JavaScript frameworks and each has its advantages and disadvantages React is a library for building user interfaces and is very flexible and easy to use Angular is a full fledged framework offering more features for developers but is more complex Lastly Vue is a progressive framework offering a wide range of features but is easy to learn The framework wars have made it hard to determine which one is the best as each has its advantages and disadvantages and is better suited for different types of applications This has led to a discussion within the development community as to which framework is the best and which should be used for different types of projects Ultimately the decision comes down to the individual developers preferences and needs What is React React is an open source JavaScript library for building user interfaces It was initially released in by Facebook and is currently maintained by the React team of engineers React makes it easy to create interactive UIs with declarative components It also uses a virtual DOM Document Object Model to quickly update components without having to re render the entire page React was designed with performance in mind It is designed to be declarative and component based allowing developers to create reusable components that can be composed into larger UIs It also makes use of the Virtual DOM to optimize rendering performance Additionally React employs the use of state management libraries such as Redux and MobX to manage application state in an efficient and scalable way React has become one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces It is used by some of the world s largest companies such as Facebook Netflix and Airbnb It is also used by many smaller companies such as startups and independent developers React s popularity is due to its powerful features and flexibility which allow developers to create highly interactive and responsive UIs Stop wasting your time copy pasting your CRUD code all over your application Meet the headless React based solution to build sleek CRUD applications With refine you can build complex projects without having advanced frontend skills Try refine to rapidly build your next CRUD project whether it s an admin panel dashboard internal tool or storefront What is Svelte Svelte is a modern JavaScript framework that was created in by Rich Harris It is a component based JavaScript framework that is used to create user interfaces Unlike other frameworks Svelte takes a different approach to building user interfaces Instead of running in the browser Svelte runs at build time generating highly optimized vanilla JavaScript that updates the DOM This approach means that Svelte apps are fast and use less code than traditional frameworks Svelte has gained popularity since its inception due to its simple yet powerful approach to UI development It is easy to learn and use and it has excellent documentation It is also incredibly lightweight with no external dependencies Svelte also supports server side rendering which enables you to build server side applications in JavaScript Additionally Svelte has great support for TypeScript which makes it easier to write type safe maintainable code Overall Svelte is a great framework that offers an easy and efficient way to create user interfaces It is a great choice for any project whether you are just starting out or are an experienced developer ComparisonWe will introduce the points where the two frameworks will be compared against each other Performance Bundle Size Community Support and Maintenance First let s start with a brief overview of Svelte and React Svelte is a relatively new JavaScript framework that compiles code into small efficient JavaScript code It s designed for fast performance and it has a simple syntax that makes it easy to work with React on the other hand is a more established framework that uses a component based approach to web development It s been around since and is used by many large companies PerformanceHere we will compare the optimal performance of React and Svelte Svelte is known for its performance as it compiles the code to efficient JavaScript This can be particularly beneficial for projects that involve a lot of data manipulation or require a large amount of user input While Reactjs is slower in comparison as it relies on the virtual DOM React is more suitable for applications that don t require as much data manipulation and don t need to be updated as often Where do Svelte over performance over Reactjs comes from Svelte cuts lots of corners in its compilation It interprets its application code during build time This means that its complies the application code during the compilation of the code and does use virtual stuff during in runtime In contrast to Svelte Reactjs interpretes its code during the runtime of the code During runtime Reactjs keeps a snapshot representation of the real DOM in what is called the virtual DOM vDOM this vDOM is what Reactjs uses to mirror what will eb appended to the real DOM Virtual DOM is just a tree structure of JavaScript objects just like a temporary for changes that are made to the UI So we see that Reactjs makes a double calls when rebdering the components It creates a snapshot in the vDOM and then updates the real DOM this is what makes it to be actully slower than the Svelte Bundle SizeSvelte produces smaller bundles than Reactjs Svelte s bundle size is KB gzipped version while Reactjs bundled size is KB this is due to its compile time approach Also Reactjs tends to generate more code than Svelte as it needs to maintain the virtual DOM Third Party SupportReact yet being lightweight is merely focused on the view layer only You will need third party if you are going past the view layer only For state management we will have to install redux and react redux For network requests and server communication we will have to install any of the network libraries e g axios got etc or we can just use fetch For reactivity we will have to install rxjs This is different in Svelte because everything is in built in Svelte from state management to reactivity  ComponentsComponents in Reactjs and Svelte differs In Reactjs components are either classes or functions that are exported from js ts jsx and tsx In Svelte components are written in svelte files and Svelte exports it we don t have to do anything import FilterButton from FilterButton svelte Our UI elements are written in the svelte and Svelte does the magic behind the scene In terms of styling Svelte modularized their styling or we can say that Svelte scoped the styling in components This means that the styling will be unique to the component there will not be any conflicts in the styling This just like in Nextjs a SSR version of Reactjs we can either create global styling or unique styling for components  Community SupportWe will look into the community support of both frameworks to see who has stronger support and that may last for a very long time Without a doubt Reactjs has a larger community and more resources for developers There are tons upon tons of React blogs treating various features and advanced topics of Reactjs Nowadays you need only the internet to learn React Also Facebook has a devoted team of smart engineers supporting and maintaining Reactjs Also being open source thousands of developers all over the world work towards supporting Reactjs On the other hand Svelte has fewer resources and is relatively new So it has fewer people in its community yet it is so because it is very new and people are adopting slowly MaintenanceReact js beats Svelte in maintenance because Facebook is at its helm and they also have a dedicated team that works round the clock to maintain the framework React js has seen a lot of new and huge releases making React the ideal framework for everybody to adopt We have seen the releases of functional components React Context Hooks etc Svelte has also a great maintenance team that works to keep Svelte highly performant and in contention with Reactjs When to use React and when to use Svelte When it comes to choosing the right JavaScript library for web development React and Svelte are two of the top contenders React is a popular and widely used library developed by Facebook while Svelte is a relatively new library that has gained a lot of attention in recent years Both have their own advantages and disadvantages so it s important to understand when to use React and when to use Svelte React is a great choice for larger projects that require a lot of features It has a strong community and lots of support and is backed by Facebook so you know it s reliable It s also great for making complex user interfaces because it s easy to create reusable components with React It also has a lot of features and tools built in so it s a good choice for teams that need to build large applications quickly Svelte on the other hand is more suited for smaller projects that don t require a lot of features It s more lightweight than React and uses less code so it s great for projects where performance is key It also has a smaller learning curve so it s a good choice for developers who don t have a lot of experience with JavaScript Additionally Svelte is great for creating dynamic user interfaces since it compiles code into highly optimized JavaScript When it comes to choosing between React and Svelte the best option is to assess the needs of your project If performance and optimized code are important then Svelte may be the better choice On the other hand if you need to create large and complex applications quickly then React may be the better option Additionally if you want to create dynamic user interfaces then Svelte is the better choice Ultimately it depends on the needs of your project and the amount of time you have to develop it React is a great choice for larger projects while Svelte is better for smaller more dynamic projects It really all comes down to the specific needs of your project and the amount of time you have to invest in development ConclusionWe started by going down memory lane on the advent and rise of frameworks and their wars in recent times Next we delved into React to learn about its brief history and also Svelte s Later on we compared both frameworks based on performance bundle size community support and maintenance The decision between Svelte and React comes down to the needs of your project If you re looking for a lightweight fast performing framework that s easy to learn then Svelte may be the best choice On the other hand if you need a powerful framework that can handle complex applications then React may be the better option 2022-12-08 14:01:23
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News FDA approves iPhone connectible Dexcom G7 glucose monitor https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/12/08/fda-approves-iphone-connectible-dexcom-g7-glucose-monitor?utm_medium=rss FDA approves iPhone connectible Dexcom G glucose monitorThe FDA has approved Dexcom s G wearable for glucose monitoring for people with all types of diabetes and the company expects it hit pharmacy shelves in Dexcom G works with Apple devicesThe wearable is now cleared in the US for people with all types of diabetes aged two and older It has a mean absolute relative difference MARD of which makes the Dexcom G the most accurate continuous glucose monitoring CGM system approved by the FDA according to the company Read more 2022-12-08 14:39:00
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple staff have raised over $880 million for charities since 2011 https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/12/08/apple-staff-have-raised-over-880-million-for-charities-since-2011?utm_medium=rss Apple staff have raised over million for charities since Apple has announced that through its Employee Giving program staff have raised in excess of million to help organizations worldwide As it did in and Apple has highlighted the work and donations of the company and its employees to charities and non profit firms This year it has singled out examples of where Apple employees have been volunteering their time worldwide Through the Apple Employee Giving program Apple says that it matches every dollar that an Apple worker donates to an organization Apple also donates money for every hour that an employee works as a volunteer Read more 2022-12-08 14:23:50
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Daily deals Dec. 8: $50 off Apple Watch Ultra, $100 off iPad Air 5, 42% off Roomba J7, more https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/12/08/daily-deals-dec-8-50-off-apple-watch-ultra-100-off-ipad-air-5-42-off-roomba-j7-more?utm_medium=rss Daily deals Dec off Apple Watch Ultra off iPad Air off Roomba J moreThursday s best deals include off Apple s inch MacBook Pro off AirPods Pro off inch Magic Keyboard for iPad and much more Best deals December Every day AppleInsider scours online retailers daily to find discounts and offers on hardware and accessories including Apple devices smart TVs accessories and other gear The best offers we find are put together into our Daily Deals list for our readers to browse and save money Read more 2022-12-08 14:09:40
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Twitter Blue will cost more on an iPhone, than through a browser https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/12/08/twitter-blue-will-cost-more-on-an-iphone-than-through-a-browser?utm_medium=rss Twitter Blue will cost more on an iPhone than through a browserTwitter is reportedly planning to charge per month for its Twitter Blue subscription but the company wants to offset fees and will charge users more per month through the App Store The on again off again Twitter Blue subscription with its controversial verification system is expected to return from Friday According to The Information some Twitter employees have been told the subscription service will be relaunched with new pricing Rather than the previous flat rate it will have two price points Read more 2022-12-08 14:08:33
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Protect a charging iPhone & iPad with a Baseus 40W Power Strip https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/12/07/protect-a-charging-iphone-ipad-with-a-baseus-40w-power-strip?utm_medium=rss Protect a charging iPhone amp iPad with a Baseus W Power StripPowering multiple devices doesn t mean you need to use multiple outlets as the new Baseus PowerCombo Pro W Power Strip provides connections so your iPhone iPad and four more device can charge at the same time Baseus PowerCombo W Surge Protector Hybrid Power StripIf you re recharging a lot of devices at home most setups have a charger here a cable there and it can be hard to find a consistent spot to charge your iPhone Those who care about a tidy workspace may not necessarily want many cables trailing from their desk to multiple power outlets either and probably don t want that many chargers in view to begin with Read more 2022-12-08 14:22:03
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News NovaPlus A8 Duo review: Inexpensive Apple Pencil-like stylus for iPad https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/12/07/novaplus-a8-duo-review-inexpensive-apple-pencil-like-stylus-for-ipad?utm_medium=rss NovaPlus A Duo review Inexpensive Apple Pencil like stylus for iPadThe NovaPlus A Duo is a lightweight Apple Pencil clone and is a nearly flawless option for iPad centric sketchers note takers and more NovaPlus A Duo and Apple Pencil NovaPlus is back with an improved version of its well received Apple Pencil like stylus adding a secondary charging method and a few new features It is an inexpensive clone that gives users a second color option and even manages to occasionally beat Apple at their own game in a few places Read more 2022-12-08 14:07:45
海外TECH Engadget Motorola adds a 90Hz display to its budget-friendly Moto G Play https://www.engadget.com/moto-g-play-2023-release-price-140051276.html?src=rss Motorola adds a Hz display to its budget friendly Moto G PlayMotorola is churning out another budget Android phone today with the Moto G Play The handset runs an eight core MediaTek Helio G chipset the same entry level processor from the latest Moto G Power Unfortunately although the new Moto G Play offers decent enough specs on a budget it also underscores Motorola s habit of churning out endless rehashes of cheap phones The Android handset has GB of RAM and GB of storage expandable to up to GB with a microSD card Its IPS TFT LCD inch display has a mere p resolution but a fast Hz refresh rate something you won t always see in this price range The phone has three cameras on its back a first for the Moto G Play series A MP main lens gets help from MP macro and depth sensors to produce extreme closeups and portraits with blurred backgrounds In addition the rear camera and MP front sensor can each record full HD footage at fps MotorolaMotorola says the phone s mAh battery lasts up to three days and supports W rapid charging via USB C It has IP water protection so it should withstand light splashes and spills Continuing a familiar cost cutting measure the Moto G Play lacks NFC and G The phone s unlocked version launches on January at Best Buy Amazon and Motorola UScellular and Canadian carriers will have it on the same day with various US regional carriers following later 2022-12-08 14:00:51
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles Event Sourcing on Azure Functions https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5205463/Event-Sourcing-on-Azure-Functions functions 2022-12-08 14:51:00
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles CloudBank https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5252130/CloudBank storage 2022-12-08 14:46:00
海外科学 NYT > Science A Plea From Experts to Pregnant Women: Get Vaccinated Against Covid https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/08/health/pregnant-women-covid-flu-vaccine.html fetus 2022-12-08 14:03:56
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 新規がん、コロナ増で減少傾向も21年以降は減らず-国がん、院内登録全国集計の速報公表 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20221208195726 国立がん研究センター 2022-12-09 00:00:00
金融 RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 株券等貸借取引状況(週間) https://www.jsda.or.jp/shiryoshitsu/toukei/kabu-taiw/index.html 貸借 2022-12-08 15:30:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ アクセスFSA第232号を発行しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/access/index.html アクセス 2022-12-08 16:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 審判期日の予定を更新しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/policy/kachoukin/06.html 期日 2022-12-08 16:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ ユアサイド少額短期保険株式会社に対する行政処分について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/news/r4/hoken/20221208.html 少額短期保険 2022-12-08 15:00:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Brittney Griner: Russia frees US basketball star in swap with arms dealer Bout https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-63905112?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA viktor 2022-12-08 14:07:25
ニュース BBC News - Home Royals didn't understand need to protect Meghan, says Harry https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63899515?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA family 2022-12-08 14:41:18
ニュース BBC News - Home Celine Dion postpones tour dates as she reveals incurable health condition https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-63904242?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA autoimmune 2022-12-08 14:46:08
ニュース BBC News - Home UK weather: Freezing conditions trigger cold weather payments https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63894221?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA highlands 2022-12-08 14:21:19
ニュース BBC News - Home Can I get a Cold Weather Payment and how much are they? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-55992592?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA payments 2022-12-08 14:01:12
ニュース BBC News - Home World Cup 2022: Qatar tournament chief criticised for migrant worker death comments https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/63904952?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA World Cup Qatar tournament chief criticised for migrant worker death commentsThe Qatar World Cup chief is criticised for saying death is a natural part of life when asked about a migrant worker s death at the tournament 2022-12-08 14:42:44
仮想通貨 BITPRESS(ビットプレス) [日経XTECH] 日本のWeb3推進にブレーキをかけるFTX破綻、過剰な規制を危惧する https://bitpress.jp/count2/3_9_13486 xtech 2022-12-08 23:02:33



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