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AWS AWS News Blog New – Bring ML Models Built Anywhere into Amazon SageMaker Canvas and Generate Predictions https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-bring-ml-models-built-anywhere-into-amazon-sagemaker-canvas-and-generate-predictions/ New Bring ML Models Built Anywhere into Amazon SageMaker Canvas and Generate PredictionsAmazon SageMaker Canvas provides business analysts with a visual interface to solve business problems using machine learning ML without writing a single line of code Since we introduced SageMaker Canvas in many users have asked us for an enhanced seamless collaboration experience that enables data scientists to share trained models with their business analysts … 2022-12-14 16:45:52
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 軽量ETLライブラリpetlを使ってみた https://qiita.com/hira30000/items/2908d9ba8fbc1819a779 edinet 2022-12-15 01:05:59
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海外TECH DEV Community Creating a scheduling app: I wish somebody showed me this technique when I first started coding 🤔 https://dev.to/novu/creating-a-scheduling-app-i-wish-somebody-showed-me-this-technique-when-i-first-started-coding-2icd Creating a scheduling app I wish somebody showed me this technique when I first started coding What is this article about In this article you ll learn how to build a scheduling application that allows you to set your availability and share your profile links to enable others to book an appointment with you You will also be notified via email when someone schedules an appointment Novu the first open source notification infrastructureJust a quick background about us Novu is the first open source notification infrastructure We basically help to manage all the product notifications It can be In App the bell icon like you have in Facebook Websockets Emails SMSs and so on I would be super happy if you could give us a star And let me also know in the comments ️ Project SetupHere I ll guide you through creating the project environment for the scheduling application Create the project folder for the scheduling application by running the code below mkdir scheduling appcd scheduling appmkdir client server Setting up the Node js serverNavigate into the server folder and create a package json file cd server amp npm init yInstall Express Nodemon and the CORS library npm install express cors nodemonExpressJS is a fast minimalist framework that provides several features for building web applications in Node js  CORS is a Node js package that allows communication between different domains and Nodemon is a Node js tool that automatically restarts the server after detecting file changes Create an index js file the entry point to the web server touch index jsSet up a Node js server using Express js The code snippet below returns a JSON object when you visit the http localhost api in your browser index jsconst express require express const app express const PORT app use express urlencoded extended true app use express json app get api req res gt res json message Hello world app listen PORT gt console log Server listening on PORT We ll create the various API routes later in this tutorial For now let s design the user interface for the application Setting up the React applicationHere I ll guide you through creating the application s user interface with React js Navigate into the client folder via your terminal and create a new React js project cd clientnpx create react app Install React Router React Toastify and the React Timezone Select npm install react toastify react router dom react timezone selectReact Router is a JavaScript library that enables us to navigate between pages in a React application and  React Toastify is used to display colourful notifications to the users  React Timezone Select is a simple library that provides various available timezones per location Delete the redundant files such as the logo and the test files from the React app and update the App js file to display Hello World as below function App return lt div gt lt p gt Hello World lt p gt lt div gt export default App Copy the CSS file required for styling the project here into the src index css file Building the user interfaceIn this section I ll walk you through creating the various components required to build the application Update the App js file to render the following components below import React from react import BrowserRouter Routes Route from react router dom componentimport Dashboard from components Dashboard import Login from components Login import Signup from components Signup import Profile from components Profile import BookUser from components BookUser React Toastify configurationimport ToastContainer from react toastify import react toastify dist ReactToastify css const App gt return lt div gt lt BrowserRouter gt lt Routes gt lt Route path element lt Login gt gt lt Route path register element lt Signup gt gt lt Route path dashboard element lt Dashboard gt gt lt Route path profile id element lt Profile gt gt lt Route path book user element lt BookUser gt gt lt Routes gt lt BrowserRouter gt lt ToastContainer gt lt div gt export default App From the code snippet above I imported the Login Signup Dashboard Profile and BookUser components Create a components folder containing the files as done below cd clientmkdir componentscd componentstouch Login js Signup js Dashboard js Profile js BookUser jsThe Login and Signup components are the authentication routes The Dashboard component is the homepage displayed to authenticated users where they can set their availability The Profile component displays the availability to the user and the BookUser component allows others to schedule an appointment with them The Authentication components Login and SignupCopy the code below into the Login js file to accept the user s username and password import React useState from react import useNavigate Link from react router dom const Login gt const username setUsername useState const password setPassword useState const navigate useNavigate const handleSubmit e gt if username trim amp amp password trim e preventDefault console log username password setPassword setUsername return lt main className login gt lt form className login form onSubmit handleSubmit gt lt h className login title gt Log into your account lt h gt lt label htmlFor username gt Username lt label gt lt input id username name username type text value username onChange e gt setUsername e target value className username gt lt label htmlFor password gt Password lt label gt lt input id password type password name password value password onChange e gt setPassword e target value className password gt lt button className loginButton gt LOG IN lt button gt lt p style textAlign center marginTop px gt Don t have an account lt Link className link to register gt Create one lt Link gt lt p gt lt form gt lt main gt export default Login Update the Signup js component to allow users to create an account using their username email and password import React useState from react import useNavigate Link from react router dom import handleRegister from utils resource const Signup gt const username setUsername useState const password setPassword useState const email setEmail useState const navigate useNavigate const handleSubmit e gt e preventDefault if username trim amp amp password trim amp amp email trim console log email username password setPassword setUsername setEmail return lt main className signup gt lt form className signup form onSubmit handleSubmit gt lt h className signup title gt Create an account lt h gt lt label htmlFor email gt Email Address lt label gt lt input id email name email type email required value email onChange e gt setEmail e target value gt lt label htmlFor username gt Username lt label gt lt input id username name username required type text value username onChange e gt setUsername e target value gt lt label htmlFor password gt Password lt label gt lt input id password type password name password required value password onChange e gt setPassword e target value gt lt button className signupButton gt REGISTER lt button gt lt p style textAlign center marginTop px gt Already have an account lt Link className link to gt Sign in lt Link gt lt p gt lt form gt lt main gt export default Signup The Dashboard componentHere we ll create a user interface that allows users to set their availability according to their location or preferred timezone  React Timezone Select enables us to select from a list of time zones per location Update the Dashboard js component as done below import React useState useEffect from react import TimezoneSelect from react timezone select import useNavigate from react router dom const Dashboard gt const selectedTimezone setSelectedTimezone useState const navigate useNavigate Runs when a user sign out const handleLogout gt localStorage removeItem id localStorage removeItem myEmail navigate return lt div gt lt nav className dashboard nav gt lt h gt BookMe lt h gt lt button onClick handleLogout className logout btn gt Log out lt button gt lt nav gt lt main className dashboard main gt lt h className dashboard heading gt Select your availability lt h gt lt div className timezone wrapper gt lt p gt Pick your timezone lt p gt lt TimezoneSelect value selectedTimezone onChange setSelectedTimezone gt lt div gt lt main gt lt div gt The code snippet above displays the component as shown in the image below The handleLogout function logs a user out of the application by removing the email and id from the local storage Below the time zone selection field we need to create a group of input fields that allow users to set their availability or working hours for each day To do this create a state within the Dashboard component that holds the schedule for each day const schedule setSchedule useState day Sun startTime endTime day Mon startTime endTime day Tue startTime endTime day Wed startTime endTime day Thu startTime endTime day Fri startTime endTime day Sat startTime endTime Create a utils folder containing a resource js file The file will contain the asynchronous functions needed to make API requests to the server cd srcmkdir utilscd utilstouch resource jsCreate a list of possible working hours from which users can select export const time id null t Select id t am id t am id t am id t am id t am id t pm id t pm id t pm id t pm id t pm id t pm id t pm id t pm Update the Dashboard js file to display the list of working hours for each day import time from utils resource import toast from react toastify const Dashboard gt const selectedTimezone setSelectedTimezone useState This updates the schedule array with the start and end time const handleTimeChange e id gt const name value e target if value Select return const list schedule list id name value setSchedule list Logs the user s schedule to the console after setting the availability const handleSaveSchedules gt if JSON stringify selectedTimezone console log schedule else toast error Select your timezone return lt div gt lt nav className dashboard nav gt lt h gt BookMe lt h gt lt button onClick handleLogout className logout btn gt Log out lt button gt lt nav gt lt main className dashboard main gt lt h className dashboard heading gt Select your availability lt h gt lt div className timezone wrapper gt lt p gt Pick your timezone lt p gt lt TimezoneSelect value selectedTimezone onChange setSelectedTimezone gt schedule map sch id gt lt div className form key id gt lt p gt sch day lt p gt lt div className select wrapper gt lt label htmlFor startTime gt Start Time lt label gt lt select name startTime id startTime onChange e gt handleTimeChange e id gt time map t gt lt option key t id value t t id t id gt t t lt option gt lt select gt lt div gt lt div className select wrapper gt lt label htmlFor endTime gt End Time lt label gt lt select name endTime id endTime onChange e gt handleTimeChange e id gt time map t gt lt option key t id value t t id t id gt t t lt option gt lt select gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div className saveBtn container gt lt button onClick handleSaveSchedules gt SAVE SCHEDULES lt button gt lt div gt lt main gt lt div gt The Profile componentThe Profile component is a simple component that displays the user s schedule as shown below Copy the code below into the Profile js file Later in the tutorial we ll fetch its data from the server import React from react import useParams from react router dom const Profile gt The ID is the URL parameter for fetching the user s details const id useParams return lt main className profile gt lt div style width gt lt h gt Hey nevodavid lt h gt lt p gt Here is your schedule WAT lt p gt lt table gt lt tbody gt lt tr gt lt td gt MON lt td gt lt td gt am lt td gt lt td gt pm lt td gt lt tr gt lt tbody gt lt table gt lt div gt lt main gt export default Profile The BookUser componentThis page shows a user s availability according to the username from the URL and allows people to book a session with the user Copy the code below into the BookUser js component import React useState from react import useParams from react router dom const BookUser gt const fullName setFullName useState const email setEmail useState const message setMessage useState const user useParams logs the user s details to the console const handleSubmit e gt e preventDefault console log email fullName message setFullName setMessage return lt div className bookContainer gt lt h className bookTitle gt Book a session with user lt h gt lt form onSubmit handleSubmit className booking form gt lt label htmlFor fullName gt Full Name lt label gt lt input id fullName name fullName type text required value fullName onChange e gt setFullName e target value gt lt label htmlFor email gt Email Address lt label gt lt input id email name email required type email value email onChange e gt setEmail e target value gt lt label htmlFor message gt Any important note optional lt label gt lt textarea rows name message id message value message onChange e gt setMessage e target value gt lt label htmlFor session gt Select your preferred session GMT Jerusalem lt label gt lt button className bookingBtn gt SEND lt button gt lt form gt lt div gt export default BookUser The code snippet above displays a booking form that accepts the client s full name email and message Later in this tutorial we ll improve the component to book a session with a user and send a confirmation email to the user The ErrorPage componentThis component is displayed to users when an error occurs import React from react import Link from react router dom const ErrorPage error gt return lt div className errorContainer gt lt h style marginBottom px gt error lt h gt lt Link to gt Go Home lt Link gt lt div gt export default ErrorPage User authentication with React and Node jsHere I ll guide you through authenticating users and how to allow only authorized users to access protected pages within the web application Creating new usersAdd a register POST route on the server that accepts the user s username email and password from the React application app post register req res gt const username email password req body console log req body Create an asynchronous function within the utils resource js file that accepts the user s credentials export async function handleRegister email username password navigate data Import the handleRegister function into the Signup component and pass in the required parameters import handleRegister from utils resource import useNavigate from react router dom const navigate useNavigate const handleSubmit e gt e preventDefault if username trim amp amp password trim amp amp email trim handleRegister email username password navigate setPassword setUsername setEmail Update the handleRegister function to make a POST request to the server export async function handleRegister email username password navigate try const request await fetch http localhost register method POST body JSON stringify email username password headers Accept application json Content Type application json const data await request json if data error message toast error data error message else toast success data message navigate catch err console error err toast error Account creation failed Accept the user s credentials and create an account on the server array representing the dataconst database generates a random string as IDconst generateID gt Math random toString substring app post register req res gt const username email password req body checks if the user does not exist let result database filter user gt user email email user username username creates the user s data structure on the server if result length database push id generateID username password email timezone schedule return res json message Account created successfully returns an error res json error message User already exists Logging users into the applicationAdd a login POST route on the server that accepts the username and password from the React application app post login req res gt const username password req body console log req body Create an asynchronous function that accepts the username and password from the user within the utils resource js file export async function handleLogin username password navigate data Import the handleLogin function into the Login component as follows import handleLogin from utils resource import useNavigate from react router dom const navigate useNavigate The Login button functionconst handleSubmit e gt if username trim amp amp password trim e preventDefault accepts the user s password and email handleLogin username password navigate setPassword setUsername Update the handleLogin function to make a POST request to the server export async function handleLogin username password navigate try const request await fetch http localhost login method POST body JSON stringify username password headers Accept application json Content Type application json const data await request json if data error message toast error data error message else If login successful toast success data message saves the email and id for identification localStorage setItem id data data id localStorage setItem myEmail data data email navigate dashboard catch err console error err Accept and verify the user s credentials on the server app post login req res gt const username password req body let result database filter user gt user username username amp amp user password password user doesn t exist if result length return res json error message Incorrect credentials user exists res json message Login successfully data id result id email result email Since we ll be making requests that require authentication on the server add the code snippet below to the Dashboard and Profile components useEffect gt if localStorage getItem id navigate navigate Creating schedulesIn this section I ll walk you through creating the process of schedules and displaying them to the user Add a POST route on the server that allows users to create a new schedule app post schedule create req res gt const userId timezone schedule req body console log req body Create a handleCreateSchedule function within the utils resource js file that accepts the user s timezone and schedule export async function handleCreateSchedule selectedTimezone schedule navigate other data Import the handleCreateSchedule function within the Dashboard component import handleCreateSchedule from utils resource const handleSaveSchedules gt ensures the user s timezone has been selected if JSON stringify selectedTimezone handleCreateSchedule selectedTimezone schedule navigate else toast error Select your timezone Update the handleCreateSchedule function to make a POST request containing the schedules and the timezone export async function handleCreateSchedule selectedTimezone schedule navigate try await fetch http localhost schedule create method POST body JSON stringify userId localStorage getItem id timezone selectedTimezone schedule headers Accept application json Content Type application json navigates to the profile page navigate profile localStorage getItem id catch err console error err Update the POST route on the server to accept the data from the React app and create a new schedule for the user app post schedule create req res gt const userId timezone schedule req body filters the database via the id let result database filter db gt db id userId updates the user s schedule and timezone result timezone timezone result schedule schedule res json message OK Congratulations We ve been able to update the user s schedule and timezone Displaying the schedulesHere I will walk you through fetching the user s schedules from the server Add a GET route on the server that retrieves the user s data from the database array app get schedules id req res gt const id req params filters the array via the ID let result database filter db gt db id id returns the schedule time and username if result length return res json message Schedules successfully retrieved schedules result schedule username result username timezone result timezone if user not found return res json error message Sign in again an error occured Create a function within the Profile js file that sends a request to the GET route when the page is loaded const schedules setSchedules useState const loading setLoading useState true const username setUsername useState const timezone setTimezone useState useEffect gt function getUserDetails if id fetch http localhost schedules id then res gt res json then data gt setUsername data username setSchedules data schedules setTimezone data timezone label setLoading false catch err gt console error err getUserDetails id And display the data as shown below return lt main className profile gt loading lt p gt Loading lt p gt lt div gt lt h gt Hey username lt h gt lt p gt Here is your schedule timezone lt p gt lt table gt lt tbody gt schedules map sch gt lt tr key sch day gt lt td style fontWeight bold gt sch day toUpperCase lt td gt lt td gt sch startTime Unavailable lt td gt lt td gt sch endTime Unavailable lt td gt lt tr gt lt tbody gt lt table gt lt div gt lt main gt Booking appointments with EmailJSIn this section you ll learn how to send email notifications via EmailJS when clients book an appointment with a user EmailJS is a JavaScript library that enables us to send emails via client side technologies only without a server With EmailJS you can send texts and email templates and add attachments to the emails Create a POST route on the server that fetches the user s data app post schedules username req res gt const username req body filter the databse via the username let result database filter db gt db username username if result length const scheduleArray result schedule return only the selected schedules const filteredArray scheduleArray filter sch gt sch startTime return the schedules and other information return res json message Schedules successfully retrieved schedules filteredArray timezone result timezone receiverEmail result email return res json error message User doesn t exist Add a fetchBookingDetails function within the resource js file export function fetchBookingDetails user setError setTimezone setSchedules setReceiverEmail data Import the function into the BookUser js component and call it with its necessary parameters on page load const schedules setSchedules useState const timezone setTimezone useState const error setError useState false const receiverEmail setReceiverEmail useState useEffect gt fetchBookingDetails user setError setTimezone setSchedules setReceiverEmail user if error return lt ErrorPage error User doesn t exist gt Update the fetchBookingDetails function to retrieve the information from the server and update the state parameters export function fetchBookingDetails user setError setTimezone setSchedules setReceiverEmail fetch http localhost schedules user method POST body JSON stringify username user headers Accept application json Content Type application json then res gt res json then data gt if data error message toast error data error message setError true else setTimezone data timezone label setSchedules data schedules setReceiverEmail data receiverEmail catch err gt console error err Render the schedule within the form to enable users to select their preferred appointment time lt select name duration onChange e gt setDuration e target value gt schedules map schedule gt lt option value schedule day schedule startTime schedule endTime key schedule day gt schedule day schedule startTime schedule endTime lt option gt lt select gt Sending email notifications with EmailJSHere I ll guide you through adding EmailJS to the React js application and how to send emails to users whenever someone books an appointment with them Install EmailJS to the React application by running the code below npm install emailjs browserCreate an EmailJS account here and add an email service provider to your account Add an email template as done in the image below The words in curly brackets represent variables that can hold dynamic data Import EmailJS into the utils resource js file and create a function that sends an email notification to the user import emailjs from emailjs browser export const sendEmail receiverEmail email fullName message duration gt emailjs send YOUR SERVICE ID YOUR TEMPLATE ID to email receiverEmail from email email fullName message duration YOUR PUBLIC KEY then result gt console log result text toast success Session booked successfully error gt console log error text toast error error text You can get your EmailJS Public key from the Account section of your EmailJS dashboard Add the sendEmail function into the BookUser component to send an email to the user containing the booking information whenever the form is submitted const handleSubmit e gt e preventDefault sendEmail receiverEmail email fullName message duration setFullName setMessage Congratulations You ve completed the project for this tutorial ConclusionSo far you ve learnt how to create a scheduling application that enables users to set their availability and get notified via EmailJS when they have an appointment This tutorial walks you through a mini project you can build using React and Node js You can improve the application by adding an authentication library and storing the data in a database The source code for this tutorial is available here Thank you for reading Help me out If you feel like this article helped you understand WebSockets better I would be super happy if you could give us a star And let me also know in the comments ️ 2022-12-14 16:22:22
海外TECH DEV Community JavaScript Callback Functions explained in their simplest form. https://dev.to/dustin4d/javascript-callback-functions-explained-in-their-simplest-form-45p6 JavaScript Callback Functions explained in their simplest form JavaScript Callback functions are one of the main features of the language that allow you to implement some asynchronous programming patterns and is very common in the language as it is an event driven language A lot of guides tutorials and how to videos out there attempt to explain how this stuff works The issue I take with them is that they do not explain callbacks in their simplest possible form That s why I m writing this guide I m going to break down each step explaining the process of the callback function in it s most basic form so that you gain a fundamental understanding of how to use them This guide may be kind of lengthy but that s because I m not holding any punches or skipping any details Yes this topic is confusing No you re not bad at programming or whatever if it doesn t make sense There is no shortage of ignorant developers out there that have full time high paying salaries that don t know how callback functions actually work Don t feel bad if you re having trouble with this concept With that out of the way lets get into it First off lets take a look at a normal function function greet name console log Hello name Here we define a function with one parameter When this function is called it s going to take that parameter as an argument and print it to the console greet User will return Hello User If you re this far in your programming journey this will hopefully make sense to you In the function definition we give it name just as a placeholder and when you CALL the function the compiler takes the argument you give it and fits it into that name placeholder So when the function runs any instance of name will be filled with the argument you provided In this case we used the string of User Now lets talk about what you clicked onto this article for But before we get into the weeds let s get the most concrete definition of a Callback Function What is a Callback Function In JavaScript a callback function is a function that is passed as an argument to another function and is executed after some operation has been completed Thanks to ChatGPT for the simple and concise explanation Now lets write a callback function solely based on this definition function doSomething callback Perform a set of operations here Pull data from an API Validate data etc callback function handleComplete console log Completed doSomething handleComplete Alright now we have two function definitions here followed by a single function call The first function takes one argument and then calls that argument as a function at the end of the function itself This is the key concept in understanding callbacks Even though we tell doSomething in its definition that we will be passing in an argument that argument can be a function However don t make the mistake of writing it like this function doSomething callback The key difference here is that writing it like this tells the compiler to run a function called callback which does not exist At least not in this snippet of code Instead remember that this parameter is just a placeholder Let s take a step back and look at when we call the doSomething function We know that doSomething is going to take a single argument We pass in handleComplete but without the parentheses Why Because we aren t doing a function call inside of a function call Doing that would look like this doSomething handleComplete What we are doing is telling the compiler that we want doSomething to hold onto an argument called handleComplete Then the doSomething function is going to run Then it s going to get to the callback function where it plugs in your argument s name and THIS is what calls that function doSomething does everything it needs to then pulls that argument and runs that as a function Now if you do not have a function defined in your code called handleComplete you will get an error that handleComplete is not a function It s the same thing as trying to call a variable that holds a string as a function like this let name Dustin name gt TypeError name is not a functionNow we re going to turn it up a notch by introducing a callback function that itself takes arguments So lets write out some code that illustrates this pattern const itemsArray function doThing items callback Doing stuff callback items function justArray items Now the operations are finished console log items function addArray arr Do some arbitrary stuff with an array arr push console log arr doThing itemsArray justArray doThing itemsArray addArray Let s talk about how this works So we obviously have a couple of functions here just to help illustrate the point that you can plug in functions as a callback so long as the argument name is a valid function name The doThing function takes in some data as the first argument and then as the second parameter a function So even though the second parameter is where the magic happens the reason it s a callback function we know it s going to be a function but the parameter ITSELF doesn t necessarily indicate that because it s not written as doThing items callback Notice in the actual code the second parameter has no parentheses It s just a normal parameter However INSIDE the function we see that this parameter is getting called AS A FUNCTION This is where the compiler says Remember that parameter we specified earlier Now call that as a function And at runtime or when the function is called it s going to take that parameter and call it as a function passing in the argument which in this case is just an array of numbers So now look at when the callback function is being called near the bottom you ll notice that we aren t calling that outside function with an argument But when we defined it we told it that it s going to take an argument So what gives Well when we call doThing and provide the two arguments we re using that array as the first argument but the second argument is the NAME of a function that s been defined but we aren t calling it here It s called when the callback function runs and that argument that holds the function justArray or addArray matches the name of the parameter Remember that the compiler calls that parameter name with parentheses and THAT is what calls it Now we re going to back up and look at the main doThing function again Let s say that the function we re passing in is addArray so we d do so by writing doThing itemsArray addArray At this point in time addArray is just an argument name But when the callback function reaches the point in the code where it says to do callback WITH THE PARENTHESES the compiler says Oh that parameter is going to be called as a function and runs it If you try to run this argument without it being an actual function the compiler will error out and tell you that the argument you tried to use is not a function So in essence this is what running the callback function looks like So that s how they work Before I wrap up here let s look at a practical example of how you ll use a callback function in the wild Get the element on which to attach the event listenerconst element document getElementById my element Create the event listener functionfunction eventListener This code will run when the specified event occurs alert The event occurred Attach the event listener to the elementelement addEventListener click eventListener This is one of the most common and perhaps most basic things you ll use callback functions for In fact I used eventListeners for awhile before actually knowing how they worked or that they were even considered callback functions First we grab an element from the DOM that we can add a click to then we define what we want that click to actually do In this case it s going to make your browser open an alert box that says The event occurred The important part I want to highlight is the function call itself where we tell the compiler to add an event listener to the element we grabbed earlier tell it that it s going to call a function called eventListener when that element is clicked There s some JavaScript stuff going on under the hood here but the important take away is that we tell addEventListener that click is the first argument and the second one is eventListener the function After the element is clicked and it does its under the hood stuff the eventListener function is going to be called which again just alerts your browser Another common use of callbacks is using them as anonymous functions element addEventListener click gt console log I just got clicked This is pretty useful specifically for eventListeners just because you can specify one or multiple functions to be run when you click a button and you don t have to define an outside function for it to run The concept is the same however The main function addEventListener does its thing then runs your function as a callback after it s done That is about all I have to explain for understanding callback functions It s a difficult topic to cover but I feel like understanding this fundamental building block as not just a web developer but any kind of programmer will benefit from understanding this pattern Hopefully this article helped you understand callback functions 2022-12-14 16:21:09
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News How to use macOS startup keyboard commands to boot or recover https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/12/14/how-to-use-macos-startup-keyboard-commands-to-boot-or-recover?utm_medium=rss How to use macOS startup keyboard commands to boot or recoverIf your Mac is having problems macOS has multiple keyboard combinations that you can hold to recover your system start in safe mode run diagnostics and more Here s how to use them The inch MacBook Pro keyboardApple s macOS has long provided many key combinations you can hold down when your Mac starts When starting up your Mac you might want to choose a different Startup Disk boot into Recovery mode into a Boot Camp Windows volume or use one of Apple s built in Mac utilities Startup key combinations allow you to choose what runs when your Mac boots Read more 2022-12-14 16:59:52
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple could lose all App Store revenue in EU and only take 1% hit https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/12/14/apple-could-lose-all-app-store-revenue-in-eu-and-only-take-1-hit?utm_medium=rss Apple could lose all App Store revenue in EU and only take hitSide loading and alternative app stores won t affect Apple s bottom line by much and in fact could improve its stock thanks to regulatory backoff ーat least according to Morgan Stanley Apple s App Store move might be just what it needsApple is allegedly planning on allowing third party app stores and side loading to comply with European Union law by The changes could only affect users in the EU but would be a major shift in Apple s policy Read more 2022-12-14 16:56:33
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News How to use Apple Watch to stay healthy while working from home https://appleinsider.com/inside/apple-watch/tips/how-to-use-apple-watch-to-stay-healthy-while-working-from-home?utm_medium=rss How to use Apple Watch to stay healthy while working from homeFor folks who work from home being inside all day at the desk can literally be a pain in the neck Here s how to take care of your health and wellness using your Apple Watch Stay healthy while working from home with your Apple WatchMany people with work from home WFH jobs spend all day indoors hunched over their desks and struggle to stay healthy With an Apple Watch even small adjustments to your WFH routine can make a huge difference Read more 2022-12-14 16:43:36
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple TV+ drama series 'Dear Edward' premieres on February 3 https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/12/14/apple-tv-drama-series-dear-edward-premieres-on-february-3?utm_medium=rss Apple TV drama series x Dear Edward x premieres on February Apple has revealed the premiere date for Dear Edward an Apple TV drama that follows a boy who survives a plane crash Connie Britton Jason KatimsThe ten part series based on a novel by Ann Napolitano of the same name premieres February on Apple TV the company tweeted Wednesday Read more 2022-12-14 16:38:14
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News UBS says iPhone 14 Pro supply has improved, but not enough https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/12/14/ubs-says-iphone-14-pro-supply-has-improved-but-not-enough?utm_medium=rss UBS says iPhone Pro supply has improved but not enoughAnalysts at UBS expect Apple to see financial impacts from iPhone Pro production slowdowns well into ーbut it ultimately will recover before iPhone ship times are improving slowlyAccording to a report from UBS seen by AppleInsider the analysts have reduced iPhone unit estimates by for the December quarter and for the fiscal year While supply has improved and wait times reduced in the US and China Apple still faces significant hurdles into the new year Read more 2022-12-14 16:14:16
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Holiday Gift Guide: best iPhone & iPad accessory gifts from $20 to $100 https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/12/14/holiday-gift-guide-best-iphone-ipad-accessory-gifts-from-20-to-100?utm_medium=rss Holiday Gift Guide best iPhone amp iPad accessory gifts from to Get the iPhone user in your life a fun present for the holidays with these accessory gift ideas for Apple s iPhone and iPad Best of all each one won t cost you more than Best gift ideas for iPhone iPad users The iPhone and iPad have a vast sea of accessories available which can make choosing the right one as a gift for someone else a bit tricky There s so much choice it can be tough to go through all of it to find the ideal gift Read more 2022-12-14 16:07:43
海外TECH Engadget Tidal now lets you DJ for other paid users in real time https://www.engadget.com/tidal-dj-steam-playback-real-time-165544778.html?src=rss Tidal now lets you DJ for other paid users in real timeTidal users in the US can now become DJs on the streaming service The company is testing a feature called DJ which enables those on the per month HiFi Plus tier to share songs or a playlist they re listening to with other paying users in real time Tidal added a proper playlist sharing option just last month nbsp You can choose a name for the DJ session and share a link that others can use to access it Unfortunately Tidal says that those tuning in won t be able to listen to whatever the DJ s playing at high resolution or lossless quality for the time being The songs will play in regular AAC quality Kbps ーhigher resolution streams will be available at a later date Budding DJs will need to be enrolled in Tidal s Early Access Program to access the beta They ll only be able to start a session on iOS for now but Android support is coming soon All paying Tidal users can listen to a DJ session on either iOS or Android The feature is different from Tidal for DJs which enables producers and DJs to plug songs from the streaming service into professional audio software as The Verge notes So this new feature is geared toward amateur tastemakers However the fact that listeners also need to be paid Tidal users might prevent folks from sharing their live DJ sessions with friends who typically use Spotify or Apple Music At least Turntable fm is still around while Amazon s Amp enables people to host their own radio shows with chat and licensed music 2022-12-14 16:55:44
海外TECH Engadget The best smart speakers for 2023 https://www.engadget.com/2020-01-22-smart-speakers-guide-google-amazon-echo-sonos.html?src=rss The best smart speakers for When Amazon first introduced Alexa and the Echo speaker years ago the idea of talking to a digital assistant wasn t totally novel Both the iPhone and Android phones had semi intelligent voice controls ーbut with the Echo Amazon took its first step toward making something like Alexa a constant presence in your home Since then Apple and Google have followed suit and now there s a huge variety of smart speakers available at various price points As the market exploded the downsides of having a smart home device that s always listening for a wake word have become increasingly apparent An unintentional voice command can activate it sending private recordings back to monolithic companies to analyze And even at the best of times giving more personal information to Amazon Apple and Google can be a questionable decision That said all these companies have made it easier to manage how your data is used ーyou can opt out of humans reviewing some of your voice queries and it s also less complicated to manage and erase your history with various digital assistants too The good news is that there s never been a better time to get a smart speaker particularly if you re a music fan For all their benefits the original Amazon Echo and Google Home devices did not sound good Sonos on the other hand made great sounding WiFi connected speakers but they lacked any voice controlled smarts That s all changed now Sonos is including both Alexa and Google Assistant support in its latest speakers Google and Amazon meanwhile made massive improvements in sound quality with recent speakers Even lower end models like the Echo Dot and Nest Mini sound much better than earlier iterations With the growing popularity of these speakers there are now more options than ever Let s walk through our choices for the best smart speakers at different price points and for different uses Picking an assistantThe first thing most people should do is decide what voice assistant they want to use Google Assistant and Amazon s Alexa are both well supported options that are continually evolving with new features added at a steady clip A few years ago Alexa worked with more smart home devices but at this point basically any smart device worth buying works with both It s mostly a matter of personal preference If you already use Google Assistant on your Android phone it makes sense to stick with that But while Alexa isn t quite as good at answering general knowledge questions it syncs just fine with things like calendars from your Google account And it works with perhaps the widest variety of smart home devices as well If you ve never used Alexa or Google Assistant you can download their apps to your smart phone and spend some time testing them out before buying a speaker As for Apple you won t be surprised to learn its HomePod mini is the only Siri compatible speaker on the market now that Apple has discontinued the larger HomePod Siri has a reputation for not being as smart as Alexa or Google Assistant but it s totally capable of handling common voice queries like answering questions controlling smart home devices sending messages making calls and playing music Technically Siri and Apple s HomeKit technology doesn t work with as many smart home devices as the competition but it s not hard to find compatible gear And since the HomePod mini arrived last fall Apple has added some handy features like a new Intercom tool Apple is also starting to support music services besides Apple Music Currently Pandora is the only other option but Apple has confirmed that Amazon Music will eventually work natively on the HomePod mini as well Best smart speaker under Amazon Echo DotMost people s entry point into the smart speaker world will not be an expensive device Amazon s fourth generation Echo Dot and Google s Nest Mini are the most obvious places to start for two important reasons One they re cheap Both the Nest Mini and Echo Dost cost Two they re capable Despite the low price these speakers can do virtually the same things as larger and more expensive devices The Google Nest Mini was released in late but Amazon just refreshed the Echo Dot this year After testing both devices I think the Echo Dot is the best small smart speaker for most people Amazon keeps improving the audio quality across its Echo device line and the Echo Dot is no exception It produces much louder and clearer audio than I d expect from a speaker The Nest Mini doesn t sound bad and it s perfectly fine for listening in the bedroom while getting ready for the day but the Echo Dot is a better all purpose music listening device From a design perspective Amazon broke the mold with the latest Echo Dot Instead of a small puck like the Nest Mini the new Dot is shaped like a little globe It s much bigger than the Nest Mini but that size gives it room for higher end audio components The Dot keeps the handy physical volume buttons and mute switch on top along with a button to activate Alexa s voice control While the Dot doesn t look as sleek as the Nest Mini having physical buttons makes it easier to adjust volume and mute the mic I do wish the Dot had a way to physically pause music on the Nest Mini if you tap the middle of the device the music stops Another benefit the Amazon Echo Dot has over the Google Nest Mini is its mm audio out jack which means you can plug it into other speakers and instantly upgrade the audio quality When you do that you can ask Alexa to stream music and it ll output to whatever speaker you have connected That ll help you get more mileage out of the Dot in the long run The Nest Mini answers with a handy wall mount for people who want to keep their counter or shelf clear The Echo Dot s new bulbous form is definitely not suited to this so if you want a speaker you can really hide the Nest Mini is probably the better choice Overall the Dot is the best choice for most people but I wouldn t hesitate to recommend the Nest Mini either I generally prefer using Google Assistant over Alexa and anyone who feels the same should go ahead and get the Nest Mini The Dot does sound notably better so if you plan to listen to audio on a regular basis that s probably the way to go But if you only plan to use it for a quick song or podcast when you re getting ready in the morning just pick your favorite assistant and go from there Best smart speaker under Amazon EchoAmazon Apple and Google all have smart speakers the fourth generation Echo the HomePod mini and the Nest Audio respectively All three companies claim superior audio quality so for lots of people these speakers will be the sweet spot between small speakers like the Echo Dot and Nest Mini and bigger more expensive models like the Sonos One Once again Amazon punches above its weight Like the Dot the new Echo is totally redesigned and the new internals were made with music in mind It combines a three inch woofer with two inch tweeters ーa more advanced setup than either the Nest Audio or HomePod mini The Google Nest Audio uses a three inch woofer but only a single inch tweeter while the Apple HomePod mini makes do with a single “full range driver and two passive radiators In practice this means the Echo is noticeably louder than either the Nest Audio or HomePod mini and much better suited to filling a large room than the competition It also delivers an impressive bass thump and powerful mid range frequencies In fact my main complaint with the speaker is that highs aren t quite crisp enough Compare the Echo to a Sonos One and the One sounds much more lively while the Echo comes off a bit muddy Then again the Sonos One costs twice as much as the Echo While the Echo may beat the Nest Audio and HomePod mini on volume and bass Google and Apple s speakers are not bad options The HomePod mini is the quietest of the three speakers but it still sounds balanced across the entire audio spectrum The bass isn t too assertive but there s more presence than I would have expected given its tiny size it s by far the smallest of these three speakers And it has a few nice perks if you re using an iPhone or newer Thanks to the U “ultra wideband chip in recent iPhones the HomePod mini can tell when there s a phone near it which makes handing off music from your phone to the speaker or vice versa quite simple Playback controls for the HomePod mini will automatically pop up as well and your phone s lock screen will display music suggestions if the speaker isn t currently playing Setup is also dead simple ーjust bring an iPhone or iPad near the speaker and it ll automatically start the process Google s Nest Audio is also quite pleasant to listen to It s a little louder than the HomePod mini and has stronger bass to boot It doesn t have the same overall power and presence that the Echo does but for it s a well balanced speaker that should serve most people s needs All three of these speakers support stereo pairing as well if you want more volume or crave a more immersive experience For two Echoes will fill a large room with high quality sound and enough bass to power a party A pair of HomePod mini or Nest Audio speakers aren t quite as powerful but it makes for a great upgrade if you re a more avid listener A pair of Nest Audio or HomePod mini speakers sounded great on my desk during the workday I don t need overwhelming volume but can appreciate the stereo separation And two of those speakers together can easily power a larger living space although the Echo is the better choice if volume is a priority Here too I think that picking the assistant that works best in your house and with your other gadgets is probably the most important factor ーbut given Alexa s ubiquity and the new Echo s superior sound quality I think it s the best smart speaker at this price point Best midrange smart speaker Sonos OneIf you have more than a passing interest in music the Echo Dot and Nest Mini aren t really going to cut it Spending more money to upgrade to a speaker designed with audio quality in mind is one of the best decisions I ve made For years I didn t have a proper home music solution but in the end the modest investment has made my life much more pleasant For a long time my default recommendation was the Sonos One It hits a sweet spot of size and convenience and it s a huge upgrade in sound quality over the Nest Mini or Echo Dot not to mention the larger Echo and Nest Audio You can use either Alexa or the Google Assistant with it and Sonos supports a huge variety of music services But most importantly it simply sounds great especially if you tune the speaker to your room using the Sonos iOS app It takes just a few minutes and makes the One sound lively with punchy bass and clear highs But Amazon flipped the script in with the Echo Studio a Alexa powered smart speaker that can stand up against the Sonos One Yes it s larger than nearly every other speaker in this guide but the bang for the buck factor is extremely high with the Echo Studio Naturally it s a full fledged member of the Alexa ecosystem which means you can do multi room playback with other Echo speakers or set up two Studios in a stereo pair All of Alexa s features are on board here and it has a built in Zigbee smart home hub if you happen to need that The Echo Studio has a few other unique features for music lovers If you sign up for Amazon s hi def music service you can play a very limited selection of songs in Sony s Reality Audio format Amazon refers to this as D music It may sound great but the selection is so sparse that we can t recommend it as a reason to buy into the Echo Studio ーbut it will be nice as Amazon expands its catalog over time That said the Echo Studio s five speaker degree design naturally provides a more D effect than a speaker like the Sonos One which has a more traditional forward firing design The Studio also supports Dolby Atmos making it a candidate for a home theater setup ーbut it only works with Amazon s own Fire TV devices And using a single speaker for watching movies is odd it may sound great but it s not the immersive experience you ll get with a dedicated soundbar and surround speakers A stereo pair plus Amazon s Echo Sub should sound notably better but we haven t been able to get that setup yet Given the quality of the Studio the speaker shines when used with a high def streaming service like Amazon Music HD or Tidal s HiFi tier The downside is that you ll pay for those ーbut if you want to stick with standard Spotify or Apple Music the Studio still sounds great While the Studio is comparable to the Sonos One in terms of pure audio quality the Sonos ecosystem does have a few advantages over Amazon Sonos speakers that support voice commands like the One work with either Alexa or Google Assistant So if you prefer Google Sonos is probably the way to go And Sonos speakers work with a much broader set of music services I ve spent a lot of time recently comparing the One to the Echo Studio and I go back and forth on which is superior in terms of music quality They definitely have different profiles and while I have come to prefer Sonos over Amazon I know plenty of people including my colleague Billy Steele who find the opposite to be true If you have a smaller home and aren t concerned with multi room playback the Echo Studio should be your pick But if you re interested in building out a multi room setup over time Sonos currently provides a greater variety of speakers for that mission But either way you ll end up with a setup that puts something like the Echo Dot or Nest Mini to shame Best smart speaker for music lovers Sonos FiveAs nice as the Echo Studio and Sonos One are there s only so much you can get out of them If you crave more bass clarity and stereo separation the Sonos Five is one of our favorite pure music speakers It has all the conveniences of the One except for one which we ll get to and sounds significantly better than any other Sonos speaker It also sounds much better than the Echo Studio and anything Google is currently selling That said the Five stretches our definition of a smart speaker here because it doesn t have a built in voice assistant But it s so good at music playback that it s worth recommending you pick one up along with an Echo Dot or Nest Mini Both of those speakers work with Sonos so you can use voice commands to control the Five just as you would a dedicated Alexa or Google Assistant device It s also easier to recommend than it was a year ago because Sonos refreshed the speaker last spring with a new wireless radio as well as more memory and a faster processor This means it should stay current and work with future Sonos software updates for years to come Since we re talking best here I m going to go ahead and recommend that true music junkies splash out on two Five speakers and pair them in stereo Put simply it s the most enjoyable experience I ve had listening to music in years I found myself picking up new details while listening to albums I ve heard over and over again It s a wonderful experience and worth saving for if you re a music lover Put simply I didn t know what I was missing until I tried the Five Best portable smart speaker Sonos RoamWhile many people will be happy with a few speakers strategically placed throughout their home you might want something that works outside as well as inside Fortunately you can find speakers that pair voice controls and strong music playback performance with portable weatherproof form factors For my money it s hard to beat the Sonos Roam for sheer versatility not to mention audio quality When used inside the home the Roam works like any other Sonos speaker It fits in with an existing multi room Sonos setup or you can get a pair for stereo playback Like most other Sonos speakers it works with either the Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa and it supports essentially every major music service available It sounds very good given its tiny size it s quieter and not quite as clear as the Sonos One but it still packs a surprising bass thump and distinct highs Since it was designed with on the go usage in mind the Roam has a battery and Bluetooth so you can take it anywhere and use it far away from your WiFi network And its diminutive size makes it easy to take it everywhere both around the house and out and about It s also the first Sonos speaker that is fully waterproof as well as dust and drop resistant so you shouldn t worry about taking it to the pool or beach The Roam gets about hours of battery life whether you re on WiFI or Bluetooth There are other portable speakers that last longer so if you re really going to push the battery you might be better served by another option Sonos also has another portable option the Move Like the Roam it s a full fledged Sonos speaker when on WiFi and works with Bluetooth when you re away from home But it s and much larger than the Roam and even bigger than the Sonos One This means it is very loud and has better audio quality than all the other speakers I ve mentioned but it s not something you can toss in a bag and bring with you anywhere When I reviewed it I liked having a speaker I could tote around the house with me and out to my porch but the Roam does that all just as well in a much smaller package The Move is a good option if you want a high quality speaker for a living room with the option to occasionally drag it to the backyard While this guide is all about smart speakers we d be remiss if we didn t mention all of the solid portable speakers out there that either have limited smart features or none at all We have an entire guide to the best portable Bluetooth speakers and some of our favorites that support smart voice commands come from Bose The SoundLink Flex supports Siri and Google Assistant commands plus it has an IP design that s roughly the size of a small clutch bag It pumps out bright dynamic sound and can pair with other speakers for stereo sound too On the higher end of the spectrum the Bose Portable Smart speaker supports Alexa and Google Assistant commands and since it can connect to WiFi you can ask your preferred assistant to play music from Spotify Amazon Music and other services On top of that it produces well rounded sound sports an IPX design with a convenient carry handle and will last up to hours on a single charge 2022-12-14 16:15:17
海外TECH Engadget Apple TV devices now recognize up to six different voices https://www.engadget.com/apple-tv-voice-recognition-tvos-16-2-160638329.html?src=rss Apple TV devices now recognize up to six different voicesApple s recent flurry of software updates also includes a big upgrade for the living room The newly released tvOS adds a Recognize My Voice feature that customizes Siri searches on the Apple TV K and TV HD for up to six family members Once you ve trained the set top to know who s speaking you can ask for video recommendations and music without worrying that you ll mess with someone s play history You can also ask to switch to my profile instead of navigating the on screen switcher You can also change the Siri language to be different than the one your device shows Accordingly the Apple TV also has expanded language support in Denmark Luxembourg and Singapore This is also the update you want if you re eager to host a karaoke party As on other platforms you can now use Apple Music Sing to croon over tens of millions of songs You ll need the new third generation Apple TV K but you won t have to buy a dedicated machine or look for specific karaoke friendly albums Personalized voice recognition certainly isn t a novel concept Rival assistants have had comparable functionality for years and Recognize My Voice has been available on HomePod speakers since Still this is a notable upgrade if you share an Apple TV box and would rather not switch profiles just to use Siri the way you d expect 2022-12-14 16:06:38
海外科学 NYT > Science They Fought the Lawn. And the Lawn Lost. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/14/climate/native-plants-lawns-homeowners.html They Fought the Lawn And the Lawn Lost After their homeowner association ordered them to replace their wildlife friendly plants with turf grass a Maryland couple sued They ended up changing state law 2022-12-14 16:34:12
金融 金融庁ホームページ 金融審議会「事業性に着目した融資実務を支える制度のあり方に関する ワーキング・グループ」(第1回) の議事録を公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/singi/singi_kinyu/jigyoyushi_wg/gijiroku/20221102.html 金融審議会 2022-12-14 17:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 金融審議会「ディスクロージャーワーキング・グループ」(第4回)の議事次第を公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/singi/singi_kinyu/disclose_wg/siryou/20221215.html 金融審議会 2022-12-14 17:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 鈴木財務大臣兼内閣府特命担当大臣閣議後記者会見の概要(令和4年12月13日)を掲載しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/common/conference/minister/2022b/20221213-1.html 内閣府特命担当大臣 2022-12-14 17:00:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Four people dead after migrant boat started sinking https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63968941?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA english 2022-12-14 16:23:23
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ニュース BBC News - Home Grant Wahl: Journalist died from ruptured aortic aneurysm at World Cup https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/63973929?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA qatar 2022-12-14 16:46:40
ニュース BBC News - Home Tymal Mills: England bowler withdraws from Big Bash because of family emergency https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cricket/63977473?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA emergency 2022-12-14 16:09:44
ニュース BBC News - Home Ellen White: Former England and Man City striker is pregnant https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/63973177?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA april 2022-12-14 16:50:22
ニュース BBC News - Home World Cup 2022: 'Finally football smiles back at Arabs' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-63978847?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA world 2022-12-14 16:45:04
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 米共和党有権者、予備選ではデサンティス氏支持=WSJ調査 - WSJ発 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/314657 調査 2022-12-15 01:28:00
北海道 北海道新聞 今年の10人にグテレス氏ら 気候変動、ウクライナ対応 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/775182/ 今年の人 2022-12-15 01:16:00
北海道 北海道新聞 <混迷 ゼロコロナ>上 デモ続発 「1対14億」我慢限界 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/775177/ 中国政府 2022-12-15 01:08:54
北海道 北海道新聞 DX推進の課題探る 20日にオンラインセミナー 北海道新聞社 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/775178/ 北海道新聞社 2022-12-15 01:05:40
Azure Azure の更新情報 Generally Available: Kubernetes 1.25 support in AKS https://azure.microsoft.com/ja-jp/updates/generally-available-kubernetes-125-support-in-aks/ aksyou 2022-12-14 17:00:01



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