Google |
Official Google Blog |
Ring in the new year with Google Photos’ collage editor |
collage |
2022-12-15 18:00:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
discord botにminecraftの座標を登録してtpコマンドを作ってもらう |
wslubuntudiscordpypython |
2022-12-16 01:44:32 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
イベント |
ltsectiongt |
2022-12-16 01:05:59 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Amazon Redshift auto-copy from Amazon S3を試してみた |
amazon |
2022-12-16 01:07:58 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
カナダで本物のクリスマスツリーを買ってみた |
classmethodcanada |
2022-12-15 16:31:22 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
7 Ways to Fix iCloud Photos Not Syncing on Your iPhone |
iphone |
2022-12-15 16:46:15 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
The 11 Best Places to Find Virtual Assistant Jobs |
demand |
2022-12-15 16:30:15 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
Win a Pair of Audeze' Incredible LCD-5 Planar Magnetic Headphones |
extravaganza |
2022-12-15 16:15:15 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Self-hosted code streaming |
Self hosted code streamingThis article will present how to self host a code streaming server that is independant from the code editor that you use You won t get a two way pair programming solution only streaming The solution relies on Pair ls Editor agnostic remote pair programming It will involve elements a Pair ls relay server a Nginx reverse proxy to make the relay server accessible from the Weba Pair ls LSP server started automatically by your editor that will stream code to the relay servera code editor of you choice Configure the server Pair ls serviceDownload and install pair ls binary wget O usr local bin pair ls chmod x usr local bin pair lsTo have it started by the system create a Systemd unit file named etc systemd system pair ls service Unit Description Pair ls Code Streaming Service User nobodyEnvironment XDG CONFIG HOME tmp Environment XDG CACHE HOME tmp ExecStart pair ls config dev null logfile tmp pair ls log loglevel relay port Install WantedBy multi user targetReload Systemd config and start the service systemctl daemon reloadsystemctl enable pair ls servicesystemctl start pair ls service Nginx reverse proxyCreate a Nginx config file named etc nginx sites available pair ls Paste this contents and adjust the server FQDN server listen ssl Your serveur FQDN server name your domain tld There will be no static files to serve so we don t need a root folder root dev null server tokens off The SSL related stuff ssl certificate path to cert pem ssl certificate key path to private key The logs access log var log nginx access log error log var log nginx error log Pass all traffic to the pair ls daemon listening on port location proxy pass http localhost proxy set header Host host proxy set header X Forwarded For proxy add x forwarded for proxy set header Upgrade http upgrade proxy set header Connection connection upgrade Enable the Nginx host and reload the config ln s etc nginx sites available pair ls etc nginx sites enabled pair ls systemctl reload nginx serviceYour code streaming relay is ready Go to to watch the stream Configure the editorInstall the editor plugin for VSCodefor NeoVimConfigure the plugin to start the pair ls with the following arguments lsp forward wss your domain tldYou can now start your code streaming session through the plugin command Pair and stop through PairStop If you don t use VSCode or NeoVim you can configure your editor to run Pair ls as a LSP server and connect to it You ll probably find how to do so in your editor documentation Final thoughtsThe solution presented here has no access control at all That means that anyone knowing the relay server URL will be able to watch your code streaming session There are ways to secure this Pair ls relay server can be configured to prompt for a password on its Web frontendPair ls LSP server can be configured to be accessed through a token secured WebRTC connection |
2022-12-15 16:09:30 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Will Instagram kill photography? |
Will Instagram kill photography The answer to that question in a decade and a half of hindsight is yes and no depending on your perspective Smart phones Instagram as a form factor filters likes and now AI ーphotography is still a thing Depending on your take it may be more alive than ever ーor you might say that it is long dead if digital innovation has ruined the purity of the art Just a few weeks ago ChatGPT opened a lot of eyes GPT is not magic and under the hood it s still pretty damn dumb but if you ve been following along it s hard to deny that it isn t a window into the next decade of major changes We re living through an artificial intelligence renaissance that will change content on the Internet in ways which are going to be tough to predict ーhowever our relationship with the craft is going to evolve and there will be no moment where we are totally left behind Smart phones did shrink photojournalism even if photography exploded in absolute metrics There will be crafts and professions which shrink while others grow Writing and software development will still be valuable crafts but some of the skills required for excellence will change If you are an experienced practitioner consider yourself one of the valuable few who will understand why the AI might be suggesting something the way it is If you are new to the craft consider your edge the opportunity to embrace AI right from the get go There will be bad actors there will be greedy CEOs there will be some really bad decisions made along the way But there will be opportunity for growth new perspective and some brand new ways to have fun within the craft Happy coding ️ |
2022-12-15 16:09:15 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Documentação técnica para iniciantes, parte 1: criando um bom README para o seu projeto |
Documentação técnica para iniciantes parte criando um bom README para o seu projetoTer uma boa documentação para o seu projeto principalmente em se tratando de projetos de código aberto éum diferenciador importante que pode influenciar positivamente na popularização da sua aplicação ou biblioteca Infelizmente a documentação de um projeto geralmente cresce em um ritmo bem mais lento do que o código em si jáque algumas implementações por mais simples que sejam acabam criando uma série de possibilidades de customização e casos de uso muito variados Nunca épossível cobrir todos os casos de uso possíveis e por isso mesmo o primeiro trabalho de um technical writer édefinir escopo e prioridades ao trabalhar com qualquer tipo de documentação Neste artigo que éa parte de uma série sobre Documentação Técnica para Iniciantes vou compartilhar dicas e sugestões para criar um bom README para o seu projeto Sobre o READMEO arquivo README é muitas vezes o primeiro contato que usuários terão com o seu projeto de software jáque esse conteúdo éo que verão primeiro ao serem direcionados para o repositório que guarda seu código fonte Por essa razão éimportante priorizar o README como ponto de partida para a sua documentação Um resumo do que veremos no artigo de hoje Tamanho do README menos émais Dividindo para conquistar Informações que não podem faltar Usando badges para enriquecer o READMENaturalmente projetos diferentes terão necessidades diferentes no que diz respeito ao README e o conteúdo que deve estar presente mas as dicas que vou mostrar aqui são um bom ponto de partida para a maioria dos projetos de software Menos éMaisPode ser tentador colocar tudo no README por exemplo como instalar como usar como fazer deploy do projeto como debugar Mas o arquivo README deve ser visto mais como um ponto de entrada onde vocêcompartilha as informações mais importantes e adiciona links para documentos mais completos que descrevam com mais detalhes os tópicos relevantes Quando o projeto estácomeçando énatural que tenhamos apenas um README Mas a verdade éque um README muito longo não éatrativo para os usuários fica mais difícil encontrar as informações jáque não háum menu para navegação ou tabela de conteúdo TOC Um README mais curto com links para outros documentos deixa o seu projeto mais organizado e também evita dar a impressão de que é muito complicado jáque toda aquela informação como primeiro ponto de contato pode sobrecarregar os usuários Na próxima seção veremos como quebrar um README longo em arquivos separados sem precisar criar um site dedicado de documentação para o projeto Expandindo a documentação no próprio repositórioNão énecessário criar um site dedicado de documentação para quebrar o seu README em documentos separados Uma boa alternativa écriar uma pasta chamada docs na raiz do seu projeto e ter um docs README md que funciona como index da sua documentação Nessa pasta vocêpode manter mais arquivos de markdown para dividir a sua documentação em tópicos Assim usuários podem navegar na documentação diretamente pela interface do GitHub por exemplo Vale lembrar que esses arquivos também estarão presentes no código fonte do projeto e estarão presentes quando o projeto for instalado pelo usuário em sua máquina ou servidor Idéias para docs que vocêpode ter nessa pasta installation md Nesse documento vocêdeve explicar em detalhes como instalar o projeto Inclua dependências prérequisitos e outras informações relevantes para quem estáentrando em contato com o projeto pela primeira vez usage md Uma visão mais detalhada sobre os comandos e ou forma de usar o projeto advanced md Um documento para reunir casos de uso mais avançado e outras dicas que são mais específicas e vão além da utilização básica do projeto Essas são apenas algumas idéias que podem funcionar como ponto de partida Caso vocêache necessário organizar os seus docs usando uma estrutura de diretórios mais complexa com vários níveis e subpastas talvez essa não seja a melhor solução para a sua documentação Nesse caso eu recomendo a criação de um site dedicado para a sua documentação o que vocêpode fazer gratuitamente em serviços como readthedocs org ou com GitHub Pages Vamos cobrir esse tópico em um próximo artigo dessa série Informações que não podem faltar no seu READMECada projeto tem suas necessidades mas algumas informações precisam estar presentes no seu README Tentei reunir o que considero essencial aqui uma visão geral sobre o projeto incluindo a linguagem em que foi escrito o que faz e por que como ele pode ser útil ao usuário os requerimentos para instalar executar o projeto link para um documento que mostra como instalar o projeto visão geral ou exemplo de utilização para dar aos usuários uma noção de como eles vão rodar o projeto dicas rápidas de debug ou resolução de problemas também pode ser um link para um doc separado links para docs artigos blogs demos e outros recursos que podem ajudar o usuário a fazer o melhor uso do projeto O ideal éque esses ítens sejam instruções curtas com links para documentos mais detalhados sempre que necessário Dependendo do tamanho do seu projeto e suas metas também éinteressante ter os seguintes arquivos de markdown na raiz do seu projeto e incluir links para esses arquivos no seu README CONTRIBUTING md esse arquivo deve descrever o processo para contribuir com o seu projeto incluindo orientações a desenvolvedores que queiram submeter um pull request CODE OF CONDUCT md LICENSE Apesar de não serem especificamente relacionados àutilização do projeto esses arquivos também fazem parte do corpo de documentação e são relevantes no contexto de open source código aberto Se o seu projeto estiver no GitHub links para esses arquivos serão exibidos no sidebar da direita abaixo da seção about do projeto como na imagem abaixo Exemplo de EstruturaNesse exemplo vocês podem ver uma estrutura básica em markdown que pode ser usada como base para construir o seu README Nome do ProjetoUm parágrafo contendo uma visão geral do projeto principais features e como esse projeto pode servir o usuário RequirementsAqui vocêdeve dar uma idéia geral sobre o que o usuário vai precisar instalar ou configurar para poder usar o seu projeto Pre requisito Outro pre requisitoAqui vocêinclui um link https url para a documentação sobre como instalar o projeto UsageAqui vocêdeve incluir alguns exemplos de comandos e o que eles fazem depois linkar para um outro doc com mais detalhes For more details check our getting started guide https url ResourcesInclua aqui outros links relevantes Link https url Link https url Link https url Usando BadgesPara enriquecer o seu README com informações de rápido acesso e que são geradas automaticamente como por exemplo status da última execução dos testes ou a versão estável mais recente vocêpode usar badges Existem serviços diferentes que oferecem badges para projetos de código aberto Badges de GitHub ActionsVocêpode obter badges diretamente de suas GitHub Actions para isso acesse a página do workflow no seu repositório clique no botão com três pontos que aparece no topo àdireita e clique em Create status badge no menu que vai aparecer Isso vai mostrar uma janela com markdown que vocêpode copiar diretamente para o seu arquivo README Shields ioOutra excelente opção éo site Shields io que oferece um grande número de badges que vocêpode usar gratuitamente com o seu projeto de código aberto Por exemplo a imagem gerada por essa URL mostra a release mais recente do meu projeto yamldocs style for the badgeAqui um exemplo de README usando vários badges ConclusãoDocumentação éuma parte essencial de qualquer projeto de software e deve ser levada a sério desde o início A melhor forma de iniciar écriando um bom arquivo README que mostra informações essenciais sem sobrecarregar os usuários com conteúdo que eles não precisam para começar a usar o projeto Na próxima parte dessa série vamos falar sobre outros tipos de documentação e como vocêpode hostear os seus docs quando decidir que échegado o momento em que o seu projeto precisa de um site dedicado para documentação |
2022-12-15 16:07:49 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Daily Deals Dec. 15: $150 off Mac mini, 52% off Samsung Galaxy Smartwatch 4, 42% off AirTag Keychain Holders & more |
Daily Deals Dec off Mac mini off Samsung Galaxy Smartwatch off AirTag Keychain Holders amp moreThursday s top deals include an HP h Full HD Monitor for Sony inch K Ultra HD TV for off Microsoft Surface Docking Station for off and more Every day the AppleInsider team looks at online retailers to discover discounts and deals on the best tech products including deals on Apple devices smart TVs accessories and other gadgets We deliver the top finds in our Daily Deals list to help you save money Out of stock items can still be ordered at the discounted price for later delivery so take the time to evaluate each deal Due to the limited nature of discounts we encourage you to buy deals sooner rather than later if you want the best price Read more |
2022-12-15 16:22:43 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Future MacBook keyboard could have customizable aluminum keys |
Future MacBook keyboard could have customizable aluminum keysApple is working on how to make a perforated aluminum keyboard chassis with keycaps that incorporate an array of LEDs that can change what is displayed on each key New Apple Keyboard could be made from aluminumApple files all sorts of patents in order to cover its intellectual property and research from potential copycats ーeven if the technology is never used Some patents tend to be incredibly vague or difficult to determine until the product is introduced in reality Read more |
2022-12-15 16:49:57 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple Maps redesign expands to Belgium and four other countries |
Apple Maps redesign expands to Belgium and four other countriesApple has expanded its redesign of Apple Maps to five more countries including Belgium Liechtenstein Luxembourg the Netherlands and Switzerland Apple MapsUsers can expect to see faster and more accurate navigation and seeing buildings parks airports and shopping malls with more detail It also displays popular locations such as the Grand Ducal Palace the NEMO Science Museum and the castles of Bellinzona in D Read more |
2022-12-15 16:06:01 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
New 15.5-inch MacBook Air rumored to arrive in early 2023 |
New inch MacBook Air rumored to arrive in early Rumors continue to suggest that a new MacBook Air with a inch display exists and it is coming in the spring of A larger MacBook Air could be on the wayThe inch MacBook Air has been rumored since early but little has been shared about the potential machine beyond its display size Now that the M MacBook Air has been released rumors are beginning to solidify around the new larger product Read more |
2022-12-15 16:13:30 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Instagram's latest feature helps hacked users regain account access |
Instagram x s latest feature helps hacked users regain account accessInstagram is introducing more safety and security tools These include a hub where people can go to report and resolve account access issues they re having This could be hugely beneficial for hacked users who are struggling to regain access to their accounts If you can t log in you can visit the hub on the Instagram website Instagram will ask whether the issue concerns a hacked account forgotten password impersonation loss of two factor authentication method or disabled account Once you select the issue you can follow a string of steps to help you access your account again One method you can use to verify an account is actually yours is to ask others to confirm your identity If you get locked out of an account you can get two Instagram friends to verify your identity Instagram started testing this feature earlier this year and now it s available to everyone Your friends will have hours to respond to the request If they do Instagram will let you reset your password nbsp InstagramMeanwhile Instagram says it s employing more measures to prevent account hacking in the first place The service is removing accounts that its systems deem malicious such as those that are impersonating others A new test involves sending you a warning quot if an account that we suspect may be impersonating someone requests to follow you quot In the coming months Instagram will start sending warnings to those who get a DM from an account that may be impersonating a business On top of all that you ll start seeing the blue badge for verified accounts in more places Along with profiles you ll now see the badge on Stories and DMs The badge will show up in the feed soon as well Instagram says this will help users know if an account they re interacting with is the real deal |
2022-12-15 16:49:13 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
E.R. Doctors Misdiagnose Patients With Unusual Symptoms |
study |
2022-12-15 16:35:48 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Storm Will Bring Rain, Ice and Snow to the Northeast |
Storm Will Bring Rain Ice and Snow to the NortheastA system that brought blizzard like conditions to the Central United States and tornadoes to the South is expected to slowly move east creating the conditions for a nor easter on the East Coast |
2022-12-15 16:02:04 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
「インパクト投資等に関する検討会」(第2回)議事録を公表しました。 |
検討会 |
2022-12-15 17:15:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
「財務報告に係る内部統制の評価及び監査の基準並びに財務報告に係る内部統制の評価及び監査に関する実施基準の改訂について(公開草案)」について公表しました。 |
内部統制 |
2022-12-15 17:00:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
バーゼル銀行監督委員会による「バーゼルIII改革の影響と効果に関する評価」について掲載しました。 |
評価 |
2022-12-15 17:00:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
「ESG評価・データ提供機関に係る行動規範」について公表しました。 |
評価 |
2022-12-15 17:00:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
「ESG評価・データ提供機関等に係る専門分科会」(第8回)議事録を公表しました。 |
評価 |
2022-12-15 17:00:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Two brothers among boys who died after falling in icy lake |
stewart |
2022-12-15 16:49:09 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Murder inquiry after woman and two children die in Kettering |
hospital |
2022-12-15 16:42:19 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
UK interest rates raised to highest level for 14 years |
borrowing |
2022-12-15 16:01:56 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Twelve children among 39 rescued from migrant boat |
boata |
2022-12-15 16:26:02 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Boris Becker: Former Wimbledon champion released after serving eight months of prison sentence |
Boris Becker Former Wimbledon champion released after serving eight months of prison sentenceBoris Becker is released from prison after serving eight months of his sentence for hiding £m worth of assets and loans to avoid paying debts |
2022-12-15 16:48:25 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Inhaled metal Tube dust can enter bloodstream, study finds |
samples |
2022-12-15 16:07:34 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
What is the UK inflation rate and why is the cost of living rising? |
inflation |
2022-12-15 16:29:01 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
World Cup 2022: How Julian Alvarez is proving key for Argentina |
World Cup How Julian Alvarez is proving key for ArgentinaArgentina captain Lionel Messi describes team mate Julian Alvarez a spectacular and extraordinary after his World Cup semi final double |
2022-12-15 16:21:42 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
共通テスト英語「戦略的に捨てるべき」問題3選 - 逆転合格90日プログラム |
逆転 |
2022-12-16 02:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
瀬戸が200mバタフライで銀 競泳の世界短水路選手権第3日 |
世界短水路選手権 |
2022-12-16 01:40:17 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
増毛の老人ホームでも虐待 入居者に消毒液かけ暴言 |
有料老人ホーム |
2022-12-16 01:32:43 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
谷賢一さん、新作公演中止 福島第1原発事故題材の劇 |
公演中止 |
2022-12-16 01:13:48 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ソニー、熊本に半導体新工場 投資額数千億円 |
熊本県 |
2022-12-16 01:13:00 |
Azure |
Azure の更新情報 |
General availability: Azure Arc-enabled servers in Azure China |
azure |
2022-12-15 17:00:05 |
Cloud Blog |
Year in review: What Chrome browser brought to enterprises in 2022 |
Year in review What Chrome browser brought to enterprises in It s hard to believe that is almost over As the year wraps up we wanted to do a quick recap of all of the improvements we made to Chrome for our enterprise customers this year As more work is being done on the web it s crucial for enterprises to have a browser that fits the needs of their IT teams security teams and end users That s why we have focused on Optimizing how you manage Chrome in your environmentSafeguarding your workforce with secure enterprise browsing and support for your expanded security ecosystemImproving Chrome for work Let s look at a few memorable things we released this year across these areas Optimizing browser managementManaging Chrome brings organizations a lot of additional benefits when it comes ensuring Chrome meets the needs of your organizations Our recommended approach to managing Chrome is through Chrome Browser Cloud Management Not only does it allow organizations to manage Chrome across multiple operating systems it also provides visibility into critical browser information and provides many other capabilities that make your IT team s life easier Here are some improvements that came to Chrome s management this year To support the business users who need easy access to business apps and data no matter where they are we extended Chrome s cloud management to Android and iOS mobile devices earlier this year This means you can now use Chrome Browser Cloud Management to configure and set policies for a more secure and consistent cross device user experience get aggregated browser reports and use APIs to export information for custom dashboards and workflows Chrome is now even better for Mac and iOS devices Chrome offers zero touch enrollment with Jamf Pro so you can easily deploy and customize browser policies to your MacOS iOS and iPadOS devices directly from the Jamf Pro console and Google Admin Console Some recent improvements were made to Chrome Browser Cloud Management to enable IT teams to view apps and extensions details export more data and gain more security insights The new Chrome Guide modules built right in the Google Admin console can help new admins get started quickly with Chrome Browser Cloud Management If you re not using Chrome Browser Cloud Management yet you can get started here There is no fee for managing Chrome from the cloud Safeguarding your workforce with secure enterprise browsingWhen it comes to cybersecurity Chrome is trusted by millions of business users as a secure enterprise browser This year we continued to invest heavily in this area expanding our work with the broader ecosystem to offer organizations more flexibility in their browser security strategy Here are some new security protections we made available Chrome has built in security capabilities to protect your users and a full set of controls that IT and security teams can apply within the browser For organizations that are looking for a more advanced approach to browser security for all or some of their users they can combine Chrome with BeyondCorp Enterprise Google s zero trust solution to protect corporate data enforce zero trust security models and gain advanced security and risk insights The best part about Google s secure enterprise browsing solution is that it s built within Chrome so you don t need to install additional software or agents to deploy it Organizations can also seamlessly integrate their other security tools and platforms with Chrome s for further security insights Whether you re using Google Cloud Pub Sub Google Chronicle or third party solutions such as Splunk or CrowdStrike you can set up the integration in just a few simple steps to start sending critical browser security events to your chosen solution for security forensics With more visibility into the potential threats in your browser environment such as unsafe site visits password breaches password reuse and more IT and security teams can make better data driven security decisions We re working on bringing even more partner integrations to Chrome in Improving Chrome for workOne fundamental piece of making Chrome better for work is through performance Our goal is to make Chrome one of the most performant browsers in the market and we re continuously making under the hood improvements to improve Chrome s performance further Productivity is another huge focus for Chrome not just for end users but for IT as well People are spending more of their work day on the web and we want to give users the tools they need to be as productive as possible Some notable improvements in this area include Users can now pick up their searches where they left off with Chrome journeys When you type a related word into your search bar and click on Resume your research or visit the Chrome History Journeys page a list of relevant sites you visited will show up You can quickly pick up where you left off This is an excellent way for end users to continue their workflows It s now easier than ever to perform simple tasks and access Chrome settings with Chrome Actions This year we released actions to Manage settings Customize Chrome View your Chrome history Manage accessibility settings and Share this tab If you type any of those commands directly into the omnibox you ll be taken right to where you need to be Chrome recently released new capabilities to save battery and make browsing smoother Memory Saver mode frees up memory from tabs you aren t currently using so the active websites your workforce is browsing have the smoothest possible experience For battery savings when device battery levels reach Chrome will limit background activity and visual effects for websites with animations and video There are a few enterprise policies you can use to control these features TabDiscardingExceptions BatterySaverModeAvailability andHighEfficiencyModeEnabled This year Chrome became the highest scoring browser on Speedometer We re proud to announce that Chrome scores over on Apple s Speedometer benchmark suite on the M MacBook the highest score ever seen And we hit our th release earlier this year A lot of work has gone into Chrome to make it the best browser for work Thank you for helping us achieve so much in and we can t wait to bring even more exciting improvements to you all in To get a more in depth look at what s new from Chrome for enterprise watch our recent Chrome Insider event on demand Finally on behalf of Chrome Browser s enterprise team we wish you all a safe and happy new year |
2022-12-15 17:00:00 |