Ruby |
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[Go]Collection操作が楽楽書けるsamber/loライブラリの紹介 |
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2022-12-29 19:42:09 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Glueのジョブのモニタリングとデバッグ(OOM例外とジョブの異常のデバッグ-Driver)を試してみた |
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golang |
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Azure |
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Azure Functions on Linux で Puppeteer を動かす |
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Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
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Developers.IO |
AWS IoT TwinMakerにめそ子をインポートしてみた(BlenderによるFBXからGBL形式へのデータ変換) |
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[レポート] Building AI-enriched applications with .NET on AWS #reinvent #XNT303 |
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[]盛り上がりたい時に便利なAPI3選 |
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2022-12-29 10:22:58 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Cool Github repositories for Everyone |
Cool Github repositories for Everyone Useful repositories for every developer This is a hand picked and carefully curated collection of cool github repositories These repositories offer many courses tutorials materials for learning a variety of stuff So what are we waiting for Let s get started Dont forget to star the Original github repo Table of contentsData structuresMachine learningMathFlutter and App devIOTUniversityInterview prepCPIOSBlockchainCloud computingWeb devSecurityLanguage resources questions and cheatsheetsData basecheatsheetsAwesome github repositoriesgitOthers Data structures Machine learning Math Flutter and App dev IOT University Interview prep CP IOS Blockchain Cloud computing Web dev Security Languageresources questions and cheatsheets Data base cheatsheets Awesome github repositories git Others Help grow the communityKnow a cool repo Let us know by opening a pull request |
2022-12-29 10:43:24 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
React Hooks vs. Redux |
React Hooks vs ReduxIn developing and application Data management is an important concept used by developers to minimize potential errors by establishing processes and policies for usage and building a single source of truth for the data being used to make decision across the app In in this article I will be discussing with you React Hooks and Redux and how they differ It is important to note that Redux and React Hooks should not be seen as the opposite of each other They are different things with distinct goals React State ManagementAs your application grows it is imperative to be conscious of how your app state is organized and how the data flows between your components Redundant or duplicate state does not help give a single source of truth to your decision making data which is a common source of bugs To handle data between separate components in React developers use a practice known as prop drilling This is the act of passing data from a top level component till it get s to the child component you want to access it from Not only does this method requires writing extra tones of code It also affects the architectural design of the app and also makes it difficult to debug when you encounter errors To curb this menace Redux is used An open source JavaScript library for managing application state React Hooks vs ReduxRedux has been the go to solution to developers when it comes to state management To some extent it works well for state management in React apps However because of its verbosity it is a bit challenging to master and the additional code required to make it function can add a lot of needless complexity On the other hand installing other libraries or adding several files and folders is not recommended in app development Thanks to React Hooks and the useContext API As a result handling global state management in React apps is made considerably simpler and clearer ReduxRedux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps It helps you write applications that behave consistently run in different environments client server and native and are easy to test On top of that it provides a great developer experience such as live code editing combined with a time traveling debugger Terminologies in Redux implementationActionsActions are objects that are used to send data to the Redux store They normally have two properties a payload property that holds the data that needs to be modified in the app state and a type property that describes what the action does const reduxAction payload gt return type ADD TO CART payload export default reduxAction ReducersReducers are simple functions that carry out the behavior of the action They begin with the application s current state take action and then return a new state StoreThe store is where the application s state is kept In any Redux application there is just one store import createStore from redux const store createStore componentName React Context APIContext provides a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level It allows you to share data that can be considered global for a tree of React components like the current authenticated user theme or preferred language Creating a context APIimport React createContext from react const myContext createContext username qbentil The above code snippet create a context API using the createContext from reactjs The createContext from react return and object with two important properties Provider and Consumer const Provider Consumer myContext The Provider component makes the state available to all child components no matter how deeply nested they are within the component hierarchy whiles the Consumer consumes the data from the Provider without any need for prop drilling React HooksWithout relying on component classes React Hooks is the new method for handling state and life cycle in React components It was added to the library in version and its goal is to make the components less complex by transferring logic between them React Hooks provides an easy way of handling the component behavior and share the component logic The goal of the React Hooks feature is not to replace prior understanding of React terms like lifecycle state props context and refs ConclusionRedux and React Hooks should be viewed as both complementary and distinct concepts Redux can be used to assist you manage the application data in projects of greater complexity even though the new React Hooks additions useContext and useReducer allow you to control the global state Both can be utilized if you re planning to construct an application React Hooks features handle the local component state while Redux manages the global state and actions that can be dispatched Happy Hacking Bentil hereWhich of the state management tools mentioned is your favorite Share your experience in using it below It might be helpful to someone else too I will be glad to hear from you in the comment section If you find this content helpful Please Like comment and share |
2022-12-29 10:29:15 |
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Russia fires dozens of missiles at Ukrainian cities |
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