AWS Government, Education, and Nonprofits Blog |
How to optimize costs for grant-based research projects with AWS |
How to optimize costs for grant based research projects with AWSAs the number of research workloads in the cloud grows researchers face challenges in managing strict budgets with unpredictable workloads and fluctuating needs nbsp Researchers must be frugal with time and money to further their goals in performing cutting edge and important research AWS provides many methods for effective cost management that can support organizations in their efforts to optimize the use of grant based funds |
2023-01-09 14:14:36 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
PythonでExcel作った |
excel |
2023-01-09 23:46:07 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ヒューリスティックでSdoricaのモンスター探索を攻略! |
sdorica |
2023-01-09 23:44:54 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Pythonにおける2次元配列へのアクセス |
numpy |
2023-01-09 23:36:14 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Python】Poetry で設定してFastAPIを使う環境構築 |
fastapi |
2023-01-09 23:13:04 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
YouTubeの動画サムネイルをダウンロードするコンテキストメニューを作る |
youtube |
2023-01-09 23:54:30 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Dockerを使ってGCPをローカルでエミュレートする(GCS版) |
docker |
2023-01-09 23:14:26 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Windows10でDockerを商用利用でも無料で使いたい。 |
docker |
2023-01-09 23:10:27 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
間違ってpushをしてしまった場合の対象法 |
開始 |
2023-01-10 00:00:16 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Git】Gitで使用するエディタ設定の優先順 |
coreeditor |
2023-01-09 23:45:00 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[AWS IoT TwinMaker] デジタルツインの挙動を表現できるMotion indicator |
motionindic |
2023-01-09 14:50:44 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Virgin Orbit says it is ready to make history in the United Kingdom tonight |
exclusive |
2023-01-09 14:33:10 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
The Best Headphones Unveiled at CES 2023 |
headphones |
2023-01-09 14:50:05 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
Can You Dislike Tweets on Twitter? |
twitter |
2023-01-09 14:30:15 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
8 Things You Should Do as Soon as You Get a New Camera |
camera |
2023-01-09 14:30:15 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
Evercade EXP Is the Ultimate Portable Retro Gaming Experience |
blaze |
2023-01-09 14:06:15 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Creating Animations and Transitions with CSS |
Creating Animations and Transitions with CSSAnimating with CSS can be a fun way to add interest and interactivity to your web pages CSS animations and transitions can be used to create simple animations such as a fading in or out effect or more complex ones such as an image carousel CSS animations are made up of two parts a style rule that defines the animation and a keyframes rule that defines the animated states The style rule is applied to an element and the keyframes rule is used to specify the animation To create a simple animation you can use the transition property in CSS This property allows you to define how an element should change over time from one state to another For example let s say you want to animate a button from blue to green when it s hovered over You could do this with the following CSS button backgroundcolor blue transition backgroundcolor s button hover backgroundcolor green In this code we ve defined a button with a blue background color When the button is hovered over the background color will change to green over the course of second milliseconds If we wanted the animation to happen faster or slower we could adjust the duration accordingly We can also add other properties to our animation such as changing the width or height of an element keyframes is a newer way to create animations in CSS It allows for more control over the intermediate steps in an animation sequence than transition does For example let s say we want to create an animation that makes an element grow from width to width over the course of seconds We could do this with the following keyframes rule keyframes grow width width Then we could apply this animation to an element like so div animationname grow Corresponds to keyframes rule animationduration s Length of animation Transitioning with CSSWhen you hover over an element on a web page you might see it change color grow in size or move to a new location These are all examples of CSS transitions Transitions let you change the value of a CSS property over time giving your elements a smooth animated change between two states CSS transitions are a powerful tool but they re also easy to use First you specify the CSS property that you want to animate Next you specify the duration of the animation Finally you specify the transition timing function which controls how the animation will progress over time The transition timing function can be linear meaning that the animation will change at a constant rate Or the transition timing function can be set to ease meaning that the animation will start slowly and end quickly There are also other transition timing functions available e g easein easeout and easeinout Once you ve created a CSS transition you can bind it to an event like hover using CSS selectors When the event occurs the transition will start automatically CSS transitions are a great way to create simple animations on your web pages With just a few lines of code you can add animations that will engage your users and add visual interest to your site In conclusion CSS is a powerful tool that can be used to create animations and transitions With a little creativity and some CSS knowledge you can create some amazing effects Star our Github repo and join the discussion in our Discord channel to help us make the BLST website even better Test your API for free now at BLST |
2023-01-09 14:39:10 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Porque GitHub Codespaces é a melhor ferramenta para seu Workshop de programação |
Porque GitHub Codespaces éa melhor ferramenta para seu Workshop de programaçãoEnsinar uma turma écomplicado Cada pessoa tem um computador diferente com configurações diferentes estudantes precisam instalar ferramentas para acompanhar suas aulas e nem sempre a instalação dácerto de primeira e isso consome tempo e energia Se a aula for online émais difícil ainda de dar o melhor suporte para cada estudante Mas o Codespace pode te ajudar com boa parte desses problemas O que éo GitHub CodeSpaces O GitHub Codespaces éum ambiente de desenvolvimento instantâneo baseado em nuvem que usa um container para fornecer linguagens e ferramentas comuns para desenvolvimento Ele éconfigurável o que permite que vocêcrie um ambiente de desenvolvimento personalizado para seu workshop ou projeto E como isso me ajuda em Workshops Com o Codespaces todas as pessoas estudantes do seu curso têm a mesma base para começar o projeto em seus navegadores sem a necessidade de instalar ferramenta alguma Tudo o que vocêprecisa fazer éter um tutorial de como começar a usar o Codespaces Depois disso ésócompartilhar o seu ambiente de desenvolvimento e sua turma vai começar do mesmo ponto de partida Como criar um CodespacePrimeiramente precisamos de um repositório no Github Vocêpode compartilhar com as pessoas participando do seu workshop um template base ou pedir para que elas criem um repositório novo Na página inicial do repositório procuramos o botão verde “Code e no dropdown escolhemos a aba Codespaces Logo depois clicamos no botão verde “Create codespace on main e seu ambiente de desenvolvimento online seráaberto Personalizando para seu workshopAgora que todas as pessoas fazendo seu workshop estão no mesmo ambiente inicial vocêpode compartilhar extensões e ferramentas necessárias para o projeto e em pouco tempo todas as pessoas estudantes estarão prontas para botar a mão na código Por exemplo para um projeto de front end vocêpode usar ferramentas comoESLint para ajudar estudantes a encontrar mais fácilmente erros no código Prettier ajudar na formatação e organização do códigoDeploy to GitHub Uma extensão criada pela minha companheira de trabalho Rizel que te ajudar a subir seu projeto para o GitHub Pages diretamente do seu IDEEssas são apenas algumas sugestões mas como o Codespaces praticamente te oferece um Visual Studio Code no seu navegador vocêpode usar quase todas as extensões encontradas na versão desktop inclusive os temas bonitinhos hihi Quer ainda mais praticidade Use auto load para as extensõesPara ficar ainda mais fácil que todas as pessoas fazendo seu workhop tenha as mesmas ferramentas vocêpode preparar um arquivo json com todas as extensões necessárias e compartilhar com elas No root do projeto crie uma pasta chamada devcontainer e dentro dela crie um arquivo com o nome de devcontainer json Dentro desse arquivo vocêpode colocar os valores de ID das extenções do VS Code como no exemplo abaixo devcontainer json extensions dbaeumer vscode eslint esbenp prettier vscode blackgirlbytes deploy to github pages Compartilhando esse arquivo json pré criado por vocêpessoa instrutora com as extensões necessárias em poucos segundos todas as pessoas acompanhando a aula terão todas as ferramentas necessárias Vocêpode atualizar seu devcontainer json manualmente ou indo na extensão e clicando em Add to devcontainer json como mostrado na imagem abaixo note que para fazer isso vocêtem que ter o arquivo jácriado Sem “brigar com version controlToda pessoa desenvolvedora que eu conheço independente da experiência apanha de version control em um momento ou outro quem nunca né então facilitaria muito o seu workshop se pudéssemos fazer commits e push sem brigar com o got né Então outra vantagem de se usar Codespaces para suas aulas éque participantes não precisam escrever comandos git para commitar seu projeto porque no Codespaces temos acesso a UI de source control do VS Code para ajudar suas pessoas estudantes a fazer o stage commit e push das suas atualizações mais facilmente apenas com cliques Não confundir Não confunda o codespaces com o github dev O github dev éum editor de código em navegador leve que pode ser acessado facilmente de qualquer repositório no GitHub abra um repositório no seu Github agora e da página inicial aperte o no seu teclado e espere a mágica acontecer Enquanto o github dev éuma ótima ferramenta ele não éCodespaces Basicamente o codespaces égithub dev bombado haha ConsideraçõesEspero que esse post tenha te ensinado algo e que se vocêfor uma pessoa instrutora que tenha use essas dicas na sua próxima aula me avise se deu certo Esse post foi inspirado por um post que a Rizel escreveu ano passado sobre como ela usar o Codespaces como instrutora de front end Vocêpode ler esse artigo aqui em inglês Para ficar por dentro das novidades do GitHub em português siga o GitHub Brasil no Twitter e no Linkedin Aproveite e me siga também haha lt Feliz ano novo |
2023-01-09 14:31:18 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Five tools and resources for Web that survived information overload |
Five tools and resources for Web that survived information overloadHow often do you see titles of articles that read something like this productivity tools to help you as a developer best chrome extensions hidden resources to help you do this or that Well like all of you I have a soft spot for these titles and keep them in my favorites with a promise to come back Though I am old enough to know not to make that promise Nonetheless despite the information overload I ve been using some tools and websites for the past ten years or so Here are five of them WhatFontA Chrome extension that lets you inspect fonts on any page without the need to open the inspector No bells and whistles Save to InstapaperA simple bookmarklet that gathers the current URL and adds it to your Instapaper account I must admit that this is my way of tucking long articles under the rug It s much more effective than bookmarks because when you finally have the time it lists all the articles and their contents in a readable format Learn RxJSIf you are an Angular developer you most probably use RxJS heavily This GitBook is a lifesaver Very clean and quick to the point It is more of a reference than a book Entity conversion calculatorThis should surprise you It was created in and last updated in as shown in the source code The code is so simple I feel guilty I have not done that locally All it does is give you the HTML code of any character you type and vice versa What I like most about this tool is how empty the page is I hope the author Estelle Weyl never updates it Paste to MarkdownThe simplest tool ever to turn pasted HTML into Markdown This one is a lifesaver because I write with a Wysiwyg editor Notion and then have to create a dev to version which only accepts markdown All I have to do is open the site and paste nothing else Copy Paste CharactersA very simple tool that displays all special characters and the HTML code for them I started using this a long time ago and it has survived all of my chrome updates It never fails It used to even use a Flash embed to allow copying when clipboard access in the browser was let s just say not a thing I know there are many web tools for all kinds of activities whether it is creating CSS animation SVG video conversion icons and favicon creation or proofreading and spell checking I almost always google for the tool when I need one even though I have them in my favorites list Context is a B And of course we should not leave out Google define just type define something in chrome address bar Dare I say YouTube Disclaimer my counter is zero based |
2023-01-09 14:19:46 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Cap I: Desarrollo, pruebas, refactoring, (todo va en el mismo paquete), El libro negro del programador. 💻 |
Cap I Desarrollo pruebas refactoring todo va en el mismo paquete El libro negro del programador Desarrollo pruebas refactoring todo va en el mismo paquete «Creamos software de producción lo probamos con tests que podemos automatizar y nos paramos un segundo a preguntarnos ¿puedo mejorar esto o aquello Estos son los hábitos que debemos incorporar a nuestro arte de programar la deuda de no incluirlos a nuestro ADN de programadores profesionales es demasiado alta »Recuerdo que los primeros años de universidad siempre hacen la analogía de que programar es muy similar a una receta de cocina donde tenemos un conjunto de ingredientes que representan nuestros datos y también tenemos una receta que representa nuestro algoritmo o nuestros pasos a seguir para que el plato de comida salga bien Podemos decir que es una analogía válida pero no es la más precisa puesto que una vez terminado el plato y si es que hacemos todo bien el comensal o cliente estarásatisfecho y ya no hay que decir o explicar nada más es un proceso cerrado donde no hay más que hacer Programar es como seguir una receta de cocina Ahora bien una analogía mas precisa es la del jardín Programar es como la jardinería puesto que a diferencia de un plato de cocina la jardinería es una actividad de control constante no podemos simplemente podar nuestras plantas abonarlas y regarlas una vez y ya tenemos que realizar esto de manera periódica cuidado que no salgan hierbas malas que infestan el jardín teniendo cuidado de posibles plagas o insectos que matan las plantas entres otros Si no se hace lo que se debe en un jardín a largo plazo serámuy complicado poderlo mantener y muy costoso también Del mismo modo si tenemos una deuda técnica con nuestro software a la larga serácaro y difícil poder realizar cambios que solicite el cliente o corregir bugs etc Más que «cocineros»somos «jarnineros» Programar es como la jardinería Deuda técnicaSegún Rafael Gómez Blanes los desarrolladores de software no conocemos o no nos han enseñado buenos hábitos de programación para el día a día nos gusta empezar a escribir código y tener un prototipo funcionando cuando antes sin asegurarnos lo suficientemente bien que lo que vamos construyendo tiene que ser probado de la manera adecuada Este es uno de nuestros mayores vicios creamos software de producción sin software que lo pruebe o respalde y nos muestre a nosotros mismos que funciona ーRafael Gómez BlanesEn este apartado del libro el autor hace una referencia a la deuda técnica que existe en un proyecto por deuda técnica se entiende todas las tareas adicionales que se deben realizar para que el proyecto sea sostenible a largo plazoAlgunos ejemplos de deuda técnica serán Escribir código sin una arquitectura de software sustentable Usar tecnologías obsoletas Falta de documentación Ausencia de actualización de dependencias del proyecto Y quiza la deuda técnica por excelencia No escribir test TestingEl autor identifica razones por las cuales no escribimos test No estamos acostumbrados a escribir código enfocado a pruebas puede que el software estéescrito bien y que funcione pero quizáno sea posible testearlo de manera automática No percibimos el «coste oculto» que tiene no implementar pruebas Volviendo al jardín dejamos que crezcan hierbas malas que lo dañan y que mientras más tardemos en arreglar más difícil y costoso será Nadie nos obliga a hacer pruebas Si no convives con un grupo de trabajo mentalizado en que se debe hacer software de producción soportado por pruebas túno vas a convertirte en el «rarito»que avance de esa manera Muñecos de prueba en choques de autos Dime si usarias un auto que no fue testeado por ejemplo contra choques fuertes ¿lo usarías O por otro lado si te proponen ponerte una vacuna sin probarla antes ¿te animarias Muchas devs argumentan «De acuerdo me convenciste que hacer pruebas es una buena práctica pero en casi todos los proyectos los tiempos de desarrollo son muy problemáticos y escasos si ni siquiera tenemos tiempo de acabar con las actividades del proyecto ¿como sacar tiempo para escribir pruebas »Lo óptimo y adecuado y lo que no pasa en la vida real es tener un equipo de testers en el proyecto que se encarguen de realizar estas pruebas pero esto no ocurre ¿En cuántos proyectos has trabajado donde haya un grupo de testers que solo se dediquen a hacer pruebas ¿Quéhacer para subsanar esto Aprender a escribir código con patrones de diseño robustos como por ejemplo S O L I D KISS o DRY Hay mucha información sobre estos temas en internet Las herramientas de testing no son complicadas de usar o aprender al menos saber lo básico es muy importante No poner como excusa el no escribir pruebas como profesionales y desarrolladores como mínimo estamos obligados a escribir pruebas unitarias a la ruta crítica del proyecto Más detalles sobre esto en el podcast de Fernando Herrera RefactoringProgramo ergo refactorizo «Refactoring»y no es más que buscar cómo mejorar o simplificar lo que ya tenemos desarrollado Lo bueno de los test es que nos ayudan a darnos cuenta cómo podemos mejorar nuestro código contemplar casos de uso que inicialmente no los apreciamos etc en pocas palabras mejorar y poder escribir programas de mejor calidad a largo plazo Como desarrolladores debemos tener siempre presentes que nuestro código puede mejorar una vez acaba una feature debemos preguntarnos ¿cómo puedo mejorar este código ¿puedo escribirlo de una manera más legible u óptima Los test sirven mucho para esto Para nosotros los devs la famosa ley de Pareto del aplica así para escribir código para leer código y depurarlo ConclusionesIntentar que nuestro código estárespaldado por pruebas El coste de tener deuda técnica a la larga provocaráque el software se resista a cambios y sea más costoso Siempre debemos preguntarnos si nuestro código puede ser mejorado o simplificado Las pruebas deben ser de calidad |
2023-01-09 14:06:50 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Data Collections in Ruby |
Data Collections in RubyArrayArrays are ordered integer indexed collections of any object Array indexing starts at as in C or Java A negative index is assumed to be relative to the end of the arrayーthat is an index of indicates the last element of the array is the next to last element in the array and so on Creating ArraysA new array can be created by using the literal constructor Arrays can contain different types of objects For example the array below contains an Integer a String and a Float fruits Apple Orange Mango puts fruits gt Apple Orange MangoAn array can also be created by explicitly calling Array new with zero one the initial size of the Array or two arguments the initial size and a default object arr Array new gt Array new gt nil nil nil Array new true gt true true true Note that the second argument populates the array with references to the same object Therefore it is only recommended in cases when you need to instantiate arrays with natively immutable objects such as Symbols numbers true or false To create an array with separate objects a block can be passed instead This method is safe to use with mutable objects such as hashes strings or other arrays Array new Hash new gt Array new i i to s gt HashA Hash is a dictionary like collection of unique keys and their values Also called associative arrays they are similar to Arrays but where an Array uses integers as its index a Hash allows you to use any object type Hashes enumerate their values in the order that the corresponding keys were inserted A Hash can be easily created by using its implicit form band Abraão gt Guitar Pedro gt Bass Juliana gt Vocal Guto gt Drums puts band gt Abraão gt Guitar Pedro gt Bass Juliana gt Vocal Guto gt Drums Hashes allow an alternate syntax for keys that are symbols Instead of options font size gt font family gt Arial puts options gt font size gt font family gt Arial Common UsesHashes are an easy way to represent data structures such asbooks books Tolkien The Lord of the Rings books golden The Lord of the Rings is an epic high fantasy Hashes are also commonly used as a way to have named parameters in functions Note that no brackets are used below If a hash is the last argument on a method call no braces are needed thus creating a really clean interface Person create name Abraão Carvalho age def self create params name params name age params age endHash KeysTwo objects refer to the same hash key when their hash value is identical and the two objects are eql to each other A user defined class may be used as a hash key if the hash and eql methods are overridden to provide meaningful behavior By default separate instances refer to separate hash keys A typical implementation of hash is based on the object s data while eql is usually aliased to the overridden method class Book attr reader author title def initialize author title author author title title end def other self class other and other author author and other title title end alias eql def hash author hash title hash XOR endendbook Book new tolkien The Lord of the Rings is an epic high fantasy book Book new tolkien The Lord of the Rings is an epic high fantasy reviews reviews book Great reference reviews book Nice and compact reviews length gt |
2023-01-09 14:02:17 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Structured 3.0.1 review: No frills, attractive daily planner |
Structured review No frills attractive daily plannerWith over reviews and proudly bearing the Editor s Choice badge in the iOS App Store Structured is an attractive choice for essential day planning with an uncluttered design making it intuitive and easy to use Structured app makes daily planning easyThe Structured day planner app does not have gobs of integrations and features Its strength lies in its ability to plan out a day or week with simplicity and makes it fun with its pleasing design Read more |
2023-01-09 14:54:51 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Live from Las Vegas, all the new smart home news from CES 2023 |
Live from Las Vegas all the new smart home news from CES On this week s episode of the Homekit Insider podcast Andrew joined us live from CES in Las Vegas to talk about all of the new home automation tech Matter and more HomeKit InsiderThis past week was CES hosted out of Las Vegas The annual consumer facing show was ripe with new tech including plenty of smart home gadgets While more announcements are still being made we cover all of the announcements thus far Read more |
2023-01-09 14:18:52 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
John Deere will let US farmers repair their own equipment |
John Deere will let US farmers repair their own equipmentJohn Deere has been one of the stauncher opponents of right to repair regulation but it s now willing to make some concessions Deere amp Company has signed a memorandum of understanding with the American Farm Bureau Federation AFBF that lets US farmers and independent repair shops fix equipment rather than requiring the use of authorized parts and service centers Users will have access to official diagnostics manuals tools and training Deere will let owners disable electronic locks and won t bar people from legally obtaining repair resources even if the company no longer offers them The agreement includes some protections for the equipment maker John Deere won t be required to divulge trade secrets or to allow repairs that might disable emissions controls remove safety features or modify power levels Unsurprisingly fixes also can t violate the law The memorandum is effective as of January th although John Deere didn t detail exactly how or when it would alter its practices We ve asked the company for comment In a statement senior VP Dave Gilmore said the company was looking forward to working with customers and the ABFB in the months and years ahead to provide repair facilities The pact is characterized as a voluntary private arrangement However it comes alongside mounting political pressure that effectively gave John Deere little choice but to improve repairability President Biden ordered the Federal Trade Commission to draft right to repair regulation in while states like New York have passed their own sometimes weakened legislation If Deere doesn t act it risks legal battles that could limit where and how it does business in the country As it stands the farm equipment maker isn t alone in responding to government action Apple Google Samsung and other tech brands now have do it yourself repair programs in place Microsoft will offer Surface parts to users later this year |
2023-01-09 14:30:35 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The best laptops for 2023 |
The best laptops for You may want to upgrade your tech as we begin a new year but buying a new laptop computer can be confusing There have never been more brands features and configurations to consider and given that we re still dealing with inflation you may also be concerned about rising prices The good news is companies are still making a ton of new laptops and there are plenty of models for you to choose from the budget HP Pavilion Aero to the convertible Microsoft Surface Pro to our best overall pick of the Apple MacBook Air M We ve made it less complicated for you to pick out the best laptop for your needs What to expectYou probably have an idea of your budget here but just so you know most laptops with top of the line specs can cost you around to these days That doesn t mean you won t find a good system for under ーa grand is the base price for a lot of premium ultraportables in the inch category with chips like Intel s Core i or i series And if that s too expensive you ll still have respectable options in the to range but they might come with older slower processors and dimmer screens I ve included our favorite budget friendly model in this best laptop roundup but we have a list of more affordable laptops that you can check out as well After working out how much money you want to spend the laptop s operating system is usually the first thing you have to narrow down As always the decision is slightly easier for people who prefer MacBooks Now that Apple has brought its M series chips to its whole lineup ーyour only real considerations are budget screen size and how much power you need Over on Team Windows however the shift to ARM based chips hasn t been as smooth Though Apple has been able to bring huge increases in battery life while maintaining and in some cases improving performance with its own silicon PC makers have been limited by Windows shortcomings Microsoft released Windows last year and it s supposed to run better on ARM powered machines Since the first of these laptops like Lenovo s ThinkPad Xs or w tablet haven t been available for review yet we can t tell how well the system runs Of course you can upgrade to Windows on existing ARM based PCs but for now it s still safer to stick with an Intel or AMD processor Devindra Hardawar Engadget Let s not forget there s a third and fairly popular laptop operating system Chrome If you do most of your work in a browser lots of online research emails and Google Drive then a Chromebook might be a suitable and often more affordable option As for other things to look out for it s worth pointing out that a couple of laptops coming out this year are doing away with headphone jacks Though this doesn t seem to be a prevalent trend yet it s a good reminder to check that a machine has all the connectors you need Most laptops in offer WiFi or E and Bluetooth or later which should mean faster and more stable connections if you have compatible routers and devices While G coverage is more widespread this year whether you need support for that depends on how much you travel Where you plan on taking your laptop also helps in deciding what size to get Many companies launched new inch machines in the last year straddling the line between ultraportable and bulkier inch offerings For most people a inch screen is a great middle ground But if you re worried about weight a or inch model will be better Those that want more powerful processors and larger displays will prefer or inch versions Best overall MacBook Air MAs a Windows user I find myself reluctant to name an Apple MacBook the best overall laptop But I can t deny that Apple s transition to its own Silicon has made its machines better The latest MacBook Air M is a worthy sequel to the M that came out in bringing a fresh design and a performance boost that all users will appreciate That s not to say the M was a sluggish machine ーquite the contrary We found it to be impressively fast and the M only builds on top of that stellar performance It s probably overkill for a MacBook Air but that means it will serve most people well for both work and play Plus its impressive hour battery life should be enough for anyone to get a day s worth of work and then some As for its design we like that Apple took a more uniformly thin approach here and retired the wedge shape of the previous model The M Air also has a lovely inch Liquid Retina display interrupted only by the top notch which holds its p webcam Its quad speaker setup is an improvement as well and all of these small hardware changes add up to a machine that looks and feels more different than you may expect from its predecessor However both the Apple M and M MacBook Air laptops remain solid machines Considering the M starts at those with tight budgets may be willing to forgo the new design improvements in order to save some cash and get a still speedy laptop Best Windows Dell XPS PlusThe best PC has long been Dell s well rounded XPS series and I still recommend it to anyone that doesn t want a Mac Yes the new XPS Plus lacks a headphone jack and we haven t got one in to test yet But the XPS is a well rounded Windows laptop and still one of the best looking PCs out there Like its predecessors the Dell XPS Plus offers a lovely OLED screen with impressively thin bezels and packs a roomy comfortable keyboard It also features a new minimalist design that looks more modern I m not sure about the row of capacitive keys at the top in lieu of traditional function keys but I m confident that the laptop s th gen Intel Core processors will provide a healthy performance boost from the last model If you re not sure about the changes Dell has made to the XPS or if you definitely need a headphone jack the older generations are still solid options There s also the Samsung Galaxy Book Pro series which feature beautiful OLED screens and sharper webcams in thin and light frames I also like Microsoft s Surface Laptops and the most recent edition offers great performance and battery life albeit in an outdated design Best for gaming Razer Blade AdvancedGamers should look for machines with responsive screens and ample ports for their favorite accessories that can best help them defeat their virtual enemies My colleague Devindra Hardawar goes into more detail about what to consider in his guide to buying a gaming laptop which you should read to learn about different CPUs and GPUs minimum specs and more Our pick for the best gaming laptop is the Razer Blade Advanced which has an Intel Core i processor and an NVIDIA RTX graphics for It s the most expensive item on this list but you also get a inch quad HD screen that refreshes at Hz Different configurations are available depending on your preference including a Full HD Hz and a K Hz version The Blade series is also one of the most polished gaming laptops around Those looking for something cheaper and more portable should consider the ASUS ROG Zephyrus G which was our favorite model last year The main reason it got bumped down a notch is because the refresh is almost more expensive It s still a solid gaming laptop though with an excellent display roomy trackpad and plenty of ports in spite of its thin profile Best Chromebook Lenovo IdeaPad Flex i ChromebookOur favorite Chromebook is Lenovo s Flex Chromebook which Engadget s resident Chrome OS aficionado Nathan Ingraham described as “a tremendous value This laptop nails the basics with a inch Full HD touchscreen a fantastic keyboard and a th generation Intel Core i processor The GB of RAM and GB of storage may sound meager but in our testing the Flex held up in spite of this constraint It s also nice to see one USB A and two USB C ports eight hour battery life and a degree hinge that makes it easy to use the Flex as a tablet That s a bonus especially now that Chrome OS supports Android apps Though the Flex is almost two years old by now it s a solid deal at around In fact you can sometimes find it on sale for as little as making it a great option for someone looking for a basic browser based machine on a tight budget Best budget HP Pavilion Aero If you re looking for a cheap laptop priced around your best bet is the HP Pavilion Aero For around or often less when on sale you ll get a Full HD screen with a aspect ratio and surprisingly thin bezels as well as a comfortable keyboard and spacious trackpad Importantly the Aero provides relatively powerful components compared to others in this price range with an AMD Ryzen series processor and Radeon graphics Plus it has a generous array of ports and enough battery life to last you the entire work day and then some Best convertible Microsoft Surface Pro For those who need their laptops to occasionally double as tablets the Surface Pro series is a good option Compared to notebooks with rotating hinges tablets with kickstands are often much slimmer and lighter The Surface Pro is Microsoft s latest model and if you ve had your eye on a Surface for a while just know to get the Intel version of this machine rather than the ARM model In our testing we found that the G ARM version of the Pro was much slower than a flagship convertible should be and that s mostly due to the fact that lots of the Windows apps readily available on Intel s x hardware have to be emulated to work on Microsoft s custom ARM SoC Considering you ll pay at least for any Surface Pro model you might as well get a configuration that has as few limitations as possible While we have our gripes about the Pro s overall ergonomics it s undoubtedly one of the thinnest and lightest laptop alternatives you can get It s attractive and has a gorgeous inch display and we still consider Microsoft s Type Cover to be one of the best you can get period They will cost you extra though so be prepared to shell out another to for one Microsoft s Slim Pen is another highlight and it will be a must buy accessory for anyone that loves to draw or prefers to take handwritten notes Overall if you want a machine that can switch seamlessly from being a laptop to being a tablet the Intel Surface Pro is one of your best bets Of course if you re married to the Apple ecosystem you should consider an iPad Pro |
2023-01-09 14:15:38 |
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