IT |
気になる、記になる… |
iTunes Storeの「今週の映画」、今週は「グリンゴ/最強の悪運男」(レンタル102円) |
apple |
2023-01-12 00:39:24 |
ロボスタ |
手のひらサイズのシニア向け開運アドバイザーの ペットロボット「ハッピーふくろう」発売 見た目も触り心地も本物そっくり デジレクト |
2023-01-12 00:56:53 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ボンカレー、ギネス世界記録に認定 なぜ? |
itmedia |
2023-01-12 09:51:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 愛猫と一緒にテレワークできる家具が登場、ネコタワー付きデスクなど |
dinoscorporation |
2023-01-12 09:51:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia エグゼクティブ] スピード感をもって成果に 日本ハム新社長の井川氏 |
itmedia |
2023-01-12 09:11:00 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
グレープシティ、業務画面のJavaScriptライブラリ新版「Wijmo 2022J v2」、勤務シフト表などのサンプルを追加 | IT Leaders |
グレープシティ、業務画面のJavaScriptライブラリ新版「WijmoJv」、勤務シフト表などのサンプルを追加ITLeadersグレープシティ本社宮城県仙台市は年月日、JavaScriptUIライブラリの新版「WijmoウィジモJv」をリリースした。 |
2023-01-12 10:00:00 |
AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog |
Building a Visual Quality Control Solution with Amazon Lookout for Vision and Advanced Video Preprocessing |
Building a Visual Quality Control Solution with Amazon Lookout for Vision and Advanced Video PreprocessingConveyor belts are an essential material handling tool for various industrial processes but high throughput rates make it difficult for operators to detect defective products and remove them from the production line Learn how Grid Dynamics built an advanced video preprocessor and integrated it with Amazon Lookout for Vision using a food processing use case as an example Amazon Lookout for Vision is an AutoML service for detecting anomalies in images |
2023-01-12 00:06:26 |
デザイン |
コリス |
超高速! デザインやイラストに最適な色を組み合わたカラーパレット🎨を生成する無料ツール -Colour Palette Generator |
続きを読む |
2023-01-12 00:36:56 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
GridDBを用いた小惑星の地球への距離の解析 |
griddb |
2023-01-12 09:17:36 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rubyでの終了判定処理 |
paiza |
2023-01-12 09:02:37 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
入門 AWS CloudFormation #2(EC2編) |
awscloudformationec |
2023-01-12 09:49:41 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Alteryxで大文字小文字を含む文字列を扱う際の注意点 |
alteryx |
2023-01-12 00:16:47 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Neutron imaging revealed the secrets of this gold-plated medieval pendant |
likely |
2023-01-12 00:12:18 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
React JSX for Beginners: How to Build Dynamic Components |
React JSX for Beginners How to Build Dynamic Components IntroductionOne of the main components of React a popular JavaScript library for creating user interfaces is JSX a syntactic extension that enables you to express HTML like elements in your JavaScript code This article will assist you in starting to construct dynamic responsive components if you are new to React and JSX Let s look into JSX s operation first A transpiler like Babel transforms converts JSX into JavaScript when it is used in a React component Here is an illustration of a straightforward React component created with JSX import React from react function Greet props return lt h gt Good afternoon props name lt h gt export default Greet The Greet function in this example is a fundamental React component that accepts a single props short for properties object as an input The return statement s JSX is translated to JavaScript which appears as follows import React from react function Greet props return React createElement h null Good afternoon props name export default Greet As you can see JSX is transpiled into a React call React elements are created using the createElement function The type of element to construct in this case h is the first argument to the createElement function The second argument is an object containing any props that should be supplied to the element The definition and rendering of components is one of the key uses of JSX in React A component is a piece of reusable UI that can accept props and be rendered more than once with various props import React from react function Article props return lt div gt lt h gt props title lt h gt lt p gt props body lt p gt lt div gt const article title React JSX for Beginners body How to build dynamic components with React and JSX ReactDOM render lt Article article gt document getElementById root Title and Body are two props that the Article component in this example accepts in order to render the title and body of an article The Article component is defined using JSX The information from a given article is then sent as props to the component which is then rendered in the HTML root element The ability to conditionally render items depending on specific criteria is another way to utilize JSX in React For Example import React from react function Greeting props const isLoggedIn props isLoggedIn if isLoggedIn return lt h gt Welcome back lt h gt return lt h gt Please sign up lt h gt Another thing to remember is that JSX elements must have a single parent element in order to function properly otherwise an error will occur When there are several elements they must be contained within a single element a div is a frequent example ConclusionJSX helps to build user interfaces and is used to define the structure and content of a React component It looks similar to HTML but it s actually a syntax extension for JavaScript It can return a value or receive a value as props which the conventional HTML code wouldn t let you do |
2023-01-12 00:28:05 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
CNET has used an AI to write financial explainers nearly 75 times since November |
CNET has used an AI to write financial explainers nearly times since NovemberWith the rapid evolution of AI chatbot systems like Chat GPT VALL E and BlenderBot and their growing abilities to generate text on par with human writers robots coming to take your writing job is becoming a viable threat Over at CNET it s apparently already happening nbsp On Wednesday The Byte reported that the popular tech site appears to have employed automation technology to produce a series of financial explainer posts beginning in November under the byline of CNET Money Staff It is only after clicking the byline that the site reveals that This article was generated using automation technology and thoroughly edited and fact checked by an editor on our editorial staff Looks like CNET DR tech site just did their coming out about using AI content for SEO articles pic twitter com CRIkgUUnqーGael Breton GaelBreton January Online marketer Gael Breton first flagged the content Wednesday on Twitter In all the tech site produced such posts since last November on subjects such as Should You Break an Early CD for a Better Rate or What is Zelle and How Does It Work Since news of its activities broke at the start of the day CNET has subsequently taken down the CNET Money Staff bio page as well as removed the Staff from numerous posts it had written Using text generators isn t currently a widespread practice throughout the journalistic sphere but outlets like the Associated Press and Washington Post have used them for various low level copywriting tasks ーthe latter employing them to write about high school football and the equally unimportant Rio Olympics But normally when an outlet makes a fundamental shift to the operations of its newsroom such as this they typically send out a press release or make an announcement on social anything It does not appear that CNET has made any sort public note that this program exists beyond the dropdown explainer window nbsp The quality difference between CNET s system and the AP s is a stark one The AP system is a glorified mail merge shoving specific pieces of data into preformatted story blanks for daily blotter posts and other highly repetitive journalistic tasks CNET s system on the other hand appears to be far more capable able to compose feature length explainer posts on complex financial concepts ーa far cry from the journalistic Mad Libs the AP engages in We ve reached out to CNET for comment and will update the post when the company responds |
2023-01-12 00:10:26 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
営業毎旬報告(1月10日現在) |
月日 |
2023-01-12 10:00:00 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
ハイパーインフレの教訓 ドイツの悲劇から100年 |
教訓 |
2023-01-12 00:56:43 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
ロシア、軍事侵攻トップに参謀総長 大規模攻撃の布石か |
参謀総長 |
2023-01-12 00:46:39 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
住宅ローン、変動型なら貯蓄を 金利上昇に備え |
金利上昇 |
2023-01-12 00:28:40 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
日経平均、小幅続伸で始まる 米株高引き継ぐ |
小幅続伸 |
2023-01-12 00:16:45 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
経常収支、11月1.8兆円の黒字 前年同月比16%増 |
経常収支 |
2023-01-12 00:14:39 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
「反撃能力」日米共同で 2プラス2、宇宙で対日防衛義務 |
防衛 |
2023-01-12 00:11:21 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
デジタル田園都市国家構想とは 1500自治体のDX推進 |
田園都市 |
2023-01-12 00:01:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Organ transplants: Black people wait up to six months longer, NHS figures show |
donors |
2023-01-12 00:07:14 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Second batch of classified Biden documents found |
house |
2023-01-12 00:20:39 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Call to ban 'forced' switch to prepayment meters |
advice |
2023-01-12 00:01:52 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Why reporting on Iran comes at a heavy price |
basis |
2023-01-12 00:16:25 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Is too much talent a problem for Indian cricket? |
india |
2023-01-12 00:25:52 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Nigeria's cash crunch: Hunting out savings from under mattresses |
africa |
2023-01-12 00:29:16 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Team Trans: The 'life-saving' ice hockey team backed by the NHL |
Team Trans The x life saving x ice hockey team backed by the NHLBBC Sport speaks to members of Team Trans the only all transgender ice hockey team in the US about finding acceptance and the aftermath of Club Q |
2023-01-12 00:01:17 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
米サブウェイ、会社売却を検討 企業価値は100億ドル超か - WSJ発 |
企業価値 |
2023-01-12 09:19:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
顧客に響くメッセージ開発に貢献した「パーセプションフロー・モデル」の力 |
顧客に響くメッセージ開発に貢献した「パーセプションフロー・モデル」の力オールインワン決済端末「steraterminalステラターミナル」を初期費用無料で導入できるキャッシュレス決済サービス「sterapackステラパック」が店舗で広がっている。 |
2023-01-12 01:00:06 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
身長が伸びた寺田心がホクレンのミルク大臣に「たのむぞ、牛乳。のむぞ、牛乳。」 |
開始 |
2023-01-12 00:45:50 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
Bringing American bacon into Japan? TSA |
Bringing American bacon into Japan TSAReturning home after winter break Is this allowed or will I be busted by TSA submitted by u Flowerverdigris to r japanlife link comments |
2023-01-12 00:08:43 |