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海外TECH |
DEV Community |
15 Useful React Custom Hooks That You Can Use In Any Project |
Useful React Custom Hooks That You Can Use In Any ProjectReact custom hooks allow for reusable logic in functional components making it possible to separate components and keep parts small and focused on their intended purpose Custom hooks also make it easier to test and understand the logic of a component as it can be isolated and tested separately from the component itself Custom hooks can also make sharing logic between different components easier reducing code duplication and making it easier to maintain and update the codebase There are infinite possibilities for React hooks but not all are created equal In this article I will be going over Thirty potent custom hooks that you can use in any project that is also super quick to implement NOTE The Youtuber Web Dev Simplified created these hooks You can check out his videos if you want an in depth video explanation However If you re going to just read about them continue useToggleimport useState from react export default function useToggle defaultValue const value setValue useState defaultValue function toggleValue value setValue currentValue gt typeof value boolean value currentValue return value toggleValue useToggle is a custom React hook that allows a component to toggle a value between true and false It uses the useState hook to manage its state First the hook accepts a defaultValue argument to initialize the value state Then it returns an array with two elements the current value and a function called toggleValue that toggles the value between true and false The function accepts one parameter It sets the value to the parameter If the parameter is boolean Otherwise it toggles the current value Here is an example of how you can use this hook import useToggle from useToggle export default function ToggleComponent const value toggleValue useToggle false return lt div gt lt div gt value toString lt div gt lt button onClick toggleValue gt Toggle lt button gt lt button onClick gt toggleValue true gt Make True lt button gt lt button onClick gt toggleValue false gt Make False lt button gt lt div gt useTimeoutimport useCallback useEffect useRef from react export default function useTimeout callback delay const callbackRef useRef callback const timeoutRef useRef useEffect gt callbackRef current callback callback const set useCallback gt timeoutRef current setTimeout gt callbackRef current delay delay const clear useCallback gt timeoutRef current amp amp clearTimeout timeoutRef current useEffect gt set return clear delay set clear const reset useCallback gt clear set clear set return reset clear useTimeout is a custom React hook that allows a component to set and clear a timeout It uses the useCallback useEffect and useRef hooks from the React library The hook takes in two arguments a callback that will be called after the specified delay and a delay is the time in milliseconds that should pass before the callback is invoked The hook returns an object with two properties reset and clear functions that can be used to reset or clear the timeout The hook uses the useRef hook to create two references callbackRef and timeoutRef The callbackRef holds the callback function as a mutable value and timeoutRef contains the timeout id returned by setTimeout function The useEffect hook is used to ensure that the callbackRef current always has the latest callback passed The set function creates a new timeout using setTimeout invoking the callback function after the specified delay The clear function clears the timeout using clearTimeout Then there is an another useEffect hook is used to set the timeout on mount and remove it on unmount The reset function is a combination of clear and set functions Finally the useCallback hook ensures that the functions are only recreated when their dependencies change Here is an example of how you can use this hook import useState from react import useTimeout from useTimeout export default function TimeoutComponent const count setCount useState const clear reset useTimeout gt setCount return lt div gt lt div gt count lt div gt lt button onClick gt setCount c gt c gt Increment lt button gt lt button onClick clear gt Clear Timeout lt button gt lt button onClick reset gt Reset Timeout lt button gt lt div gt This custom useTimeout hook can be helpful in various situations where a component needs to act as an unavoidable delay For example A notification message that disappears after a certain amount of timeA form submission that shows a loading spinner for a certain amount of time before redirectingA slideshow that automatically advances to the next slide after a certain amount of timeA countdown timer that displays the remaining time and triggers an action when it reaches zeroAn auto save feature that saves the form data after a certain amount of timeA session timeout that logs the user out after a certain amount of inactivityA debounce function that delays the callback execution for a certain amount of time It can be used in any situation where you need to wait for a certain amount of time before acting or to repeat an action multiple times with a delay between them useDebounceimport useEffect from react import useTimeout from useTimeout useTimeout export default function useDebounce callback delay dependencies const reset clear useTimeout callback delay useEffect reset dependencies reset useEffect clear useDebounce is a custom React hook that allows a component to delay the execution of a callback function for a specified amount of time It uses the built in useEffect hook from the React library and the useTimeout nd custom hook custom hook The hook takes in three arguments callback is the function that should be debounced delay is the time in milliseconds that should pass before the callback is invoked dependencies is an array of values that the hook should listen to for changes and re run the callback if any of the changes The hook uses the useTimeout hook to create a timeout that will invoke the callback function after the specified delay The useEffect hook is used to set the timeout on mount and clear it on unmount The first useEffect will call the reset function when any dependencies change and the second useEffect call the clear function when the component unmounts Here is an exmaple of how to use this hook import useState from react import useDebounce from useDebounce export default function DebounceComponent const count setCount useState useDebounce gt alert count count return lt div gt lt div gt count lt div gt lt button onClick gt setCount c gt c gt Increment lt button gt lt div gt This hook can be helpful in situations where you want to limit the number of times a callback function is invoked in a short period For example when you have an input field that sends a search request to the server on every keystroke you should wait for a user to stop typing before sending the request to avoid unnecessary network traffic and improve the user experience useUpdateEffectimport useEffect useRef from react export default function useUpdateEffect callback dependencies const firstRenderRef useRef true useEffect gt if firstRenderRef current firstRenderRef current false return return callback dependencies useUpdateEffect is a custom React hook that allows a component to run a callback function only when specific dependencies change It uses the React library s built in useEffect and useRef hooks The hook takes in two arguments callback is the function that should be called when the dependencies changedependencies is an array of values that the hook should listen to for changes The hook uses the useRef hook to create a reference firstRenderRef with the initial value as true This reference will be used to track the first render of the component The useEffect hook is used to listen for changes in the dependencies array and call the callback function Inside the useEffect function it checks whether this is the first render of the component by checking the firstRenderRef value If yes it sets it to false and returns If not it means this is an update so it will call the callback function and return the callback function Here is an exmaple of how to use this hook import useState from react import useUpdateEffect from useUpdateEffect export default function UpdateEffectComponent const count setCount useState useUpdateEffect gt alert count count return lt div gt lt div gt count lt div gt lt button onClick gt setCount c gt c gt Increment lt button gt lt div gt This hook can be helpful in situations where you want to run some logic only when specific values change and not on the initial render For example when you want to fetch data from an API after the user has selected a particular option from a drop down menu or when you want to update the position of an element on the screen after the size of the window changes useArrayimport useState from react export default function useArray defaultValue const array setArray useState defaultValue function push element setArray a gt a element function filter callback setArray a gt a filter callback function update index newElement setArray a gt a slice index newElement a slice index a length function remove index setArray a gt a slice index a slice index a length function clear setArray return array set setArray push filter update remove clear useArray is a custom React hook that allows a component to manage an array state It uses the built in useState hook from the React library The hook takes in an argument defaultValue which is used to initialize the array state The hook returns an object with several properties array is the current array stateset is a function that allows you to set the array state to a new valuepush is a function that will enable you to add an element to the end of the arrayfilter is a function that allows you to filter the array by passing a callback functionupdate is a function that will enable you to update an element at a specific index of the arrayremove is a function that will allow you to remove an element to a particular index of the arrayclear is a function that will enable you to clear the array All the functions that change the array state use the setArray function Still they do it in a way that preserves the immutability of the state by creating a new array adding or removing the elements and then passing it to the setArray function Here is an exmaple of how to use this hook import useArray from useArray export default function ArrayComponent const array set push remove filter update clear useArray return lt div gt lt div gt array join lt div gt lt button onClick gt push gt Add lt button gt lt button onClick gt update gt Change Second Element To lt button gt lt button onClick gt remove gt Remove Second Element lt button gt lt button onClick gt filter n gt n lt gt Keep Numbers Less Than lt button gt lt button onClick gt set gt Set To lt button gt lt button onClick clear gt Clear lt button gt lt div gt This hook can be helpful in situations where you want to manage an array of data in the state of a component and perform everyday array operations such as adding removing updating and filtering elements usePreviousimport useRef from react export default function usePrevious value const currentRef useRef value const previousRef useRef if currentRef current value previousRef current currentRef current currentRef current value return previousRef current usePrevious is a custom React hook that allows a component to keep track of the previous value of a variable It uses the built in useRef hook from the React library The hook takes in an argument value which is the current value of the variable Then it creates two refs one called currentRef which holds the present value of the variable and another called previousRef which has the previous value of the variable The hook compares the current value with the previous value If it s different it updates the previousRef with the current value and the currentRef with the new value Then it returns the previousRef current Here is an exmaple of how to use this hook import useState from react import usePrevious from usePrevious export default function PreviousComponent const count setCount useState const name setName useState Kyle const previousCount usePrevious count return lt div gt lt div gt count previousCount lt div gt lt div gt name lt div gt lt button onClick gt setCount currentCount gt currentCount gt Increment lt button gt lt button onClick gt setName John gt Change Name lt button gt lt div gt This hook can be helpful in situations where you need to have access to the previous value of a variable for example when you want to compare the current value with the value earlier to check if it has changed or when you want to track the changes of a variable over time useStateWithHistoryimport useCallback useRef useState from react export default function useStateWithHistory defaultValue capacity const value setValue useState defaultValue const historyRef useRef value const pointerRef useRef const set useCallback v gt const resolvedValue typeof v function v value v if historyRef current pointerRef current resolvedValue if pointerRef current lt historyRef current length historyRef current splice pointerRef current historyRef current push resolvedValue while historyRef current length gt capacity historyRef current shift pointerRef current historyRef current length setValue resolvedValue capacity value const back useCallback gt if pointerRef current lt return pointerRef current setValue historyRef current pointerRef current const forward useCallback gt if pointerRef current gt historyRef current length return pointerRef current setValue historyRef current pointerRef current const go useCallback index gt if index lt index gt historyRef current length return pointerRef current index setValue historyRef current pointerRef current return value set history historyRef current pointer pointerRef current back forward go useStateWithHistory is a custom React hook that allows a component to keep track of the state s history It uses the built in useState useCallback and useRef hooks from the React library The hook takes in two arguments defaultValue is the initial value of the statecapacity is an optional argument that sets the maximum number of states that should be stored in history The hook creates two refs one called historyRef that holds an array of the state s history and another called pointerRef that has the current pointer of the history It also creates three callback functions set back and forward The set function is used to set the state it works similarly to the built in setState function but it also keeps track of the state s history by adding the new value to the history array and updating the pointerRef The function can take a value or a callback function that receives the current state as an argument The function also ensures that the history array s capacity is not exceeded by removing the oldest element The back function navigates the previous state in history It decrements the pointerRef and updates the state with the earlier value of the history array The forward function navigates the next state in history It increments the pointerRef and updates the state with the next value in the history array The go function navigates a specific state in history It sets the pointerRef to the index passed as an argument and updates the state with the value at that index in the history array The hook returns an array with two elements the current state valuean object that contains the history array the pointer and the functions set back forward and go Here is an exmaple of how to use this hook import useState from react import useStateWithHistory from useStateWithHistory export default function StateWithHistoryComponent const count setCount history pointer back forward go useStateWithHistory const name setName useState Kyle return lt div gt lt div gt count lt div gt lt div gt history join lt div gt lt div gt Pointer pointer lt div gt lt div gt name lt div gt lt button onClick gt setCount currentCount gt currentCount gt Double lt button gt lt button onClick gt setCount currentCount gt currentCount gt Increment lt button gt lt button onClick back gt Back lt button gt lt button onClick forward gt Forward lt button gt lt button onClick gt go gt Go To Index lt button gt lt button onClick gt setName John gt Change Name lt button gt lt div gt This hook can be helpful in situations where you want to keep track of the state s history for example when you want to implement undo or redo functionality or to allow the user to navigate through the history of changes useStorageimport useCallback useState useEffect from react export function useLocalStorage key defaultValue return useStorage key defaultValue window localStorage export function useSessionStorage key defaultValue return useStorage key defaultValue window sessionStorage function useStorage key defaultValue storageObject const value setValue useState gt const jsonValue storageObject getItem key if jsonValue null return JSON parse jsonValue if typeof defaultValue function return defaultValue else return defaultValue useEffect gt if value undefined return storageObject removeItem key storageObject setItem key JSON stringify value key value storageObject const remove useCallback gt setValue undefined return value setValue remove useLocalStorage and useSessionStorage is a custom React hook that allows a component to store a value in the browser s LocalStorage or SessionStorage and keep it in sync with the component s state It uses the built in useState and useEffect hooks from the React library and the useCallback hook The useLocalStorage and useSessionStorage functions are similar but use different storage localStorage and sessionStorage respectively They take in two arguments key and defaultValue key is the key that is used to store the value in the storage object and defaultValue is the value that will be used if the key is not found in the storage object Both functions use the storage function which takes in three arguments key defaultValue and storageObject and return an array with three elements The current valueA function setValue that can be used to update the value in the state and storage A function remove that can be used to remove the value from the state and storage The useEffect hook keeps the value stored in the browser s storage in sync with the component s state The useStorage function uses the JSON stringify and JSON parse methods to convert the value to a JSON string when storing it in the storage object and back to a JavaScript object when retrieving it from the storage object This allows the hook to work with any data not just strings The useEffect hook runs whenever the key value or storageObject changes First it checks if the value is undefined In that case it removes the item from the storage object Otherwise it stores the value in the storage object Here is an exmaple of how to use this hook import useSessionStorage useLocalStorage from useStorage export default function StorageComponent const name setName removeName useSessionStorage name Kyle const age setAge removeAge useLocalStorage age return lt div gt lt div gt name age lt div gt lt button onClick gt setName John gt Set Name lt button gt lt button onClick gt setAge gt Set Age lt button gt lt button onClick removeName gt Remove Name lt button gt lt button onClick removeAge gt Remove Age lt button gt lt div gt This hook can be helpful in situations where you want to persist data across browser sessions or pages and keep the data in sync with the component s state For example you can store a user s settings a form s data or a to do list Using the useLocalStorage and useSessionStorage hooks provides the flexibility of using the browser s local storage or session storage as per the requirement useAsyncimport useCallback useEffect useState from react export default function useAsync callback dependencies const loading setLoading useState true const error setError useState const value setValue useState const callbackMemoized useCallback gt setLoading true setError undefined setValue undefined callback then setValue catch setError finally gt setLoading false dependencies useEffect gt callbackMemoized callbackMemoized return loading error value useAsync is a custom React hook that allows a component to handle asynchronous operations and keep track of the loading error and value states It uses the built in useState and useEffect hooks from the React library and the useCallback hook The hook takes in two arguments callback is a function that returns a promise This function is responsible for performing the async operation dependencies is an array of dependencies the hook should listen for changes The callback function will be executed when any of the dependencies change The hook creates three state variables loading error and value The loading state is used to indicate whether the async operation is currently in progress the error state is used to store the error object in case the promise is rejected and the value state is used to store the resolved value in case the promise is fulfilled The hook also creates a callback function called callbackMemoized using useCallback This function sets the loading error and value states to their initial values and then calls the callback function passed in The useEffect hook calls the callbackMemoized function when the dependencies change Here is an exmaple of how to use this hook import useAsync from useAsync export default function AsyncComponent const loading error value useAsync gt return new Promise resolve reject gt const success false setTimeout gt success resolve Hi reject Error return lt div gt lt div gt Loading loading toString lt div gt lt div gt error lt div gt lt div gt value lt div gt lt div gt This hook can be useful in situations where you want to handle async operations such as fetching data from an API uploading a file or saving data to a database It provides a simple way to manage the loading error and value states in a component and also allows the component to re run the async operation when certain values change useFetchimport useAsync from useAsync useAsync const DEFAULT OPTIONS headers Content Type application json export default function useFetch url options dependencies return useAsync gt return fetch url DEFAULT OPTIONS options then res gt if res ok return res json return res json then json gt Promise reject json dependencies useFetch is a custom React hook that allows a component to handle fetching data from a URL and keep track of the loading error and value states It uses the built in fetch API and custom hook useAsync that allows a component to handle asynchronous operations and keep track of the loading error and value states The hook takes in three arguments URL is the URL of the endpoint to fetch data fromoptions is an object that contains options such as headers method and body for the fetch request dependencies is an array of dependencies the hook should listen for changes The callback function will be executed when any of the dependencies change The hook creates a callback function that uses the fetch API to request the given URL with the options passed in and the default options It then checks if the response is ok If yes it returns the response in json format If not it returns the JSON response and rejects it Here is an exmaple of how to use this hook import useState from react import useFetch from useFetch export default function FetchComponent const id setId useState const loading error value useFetch id id return lt div gt lt div gt id lt div gt lt button onClick gt setId currentId gt currentId gt Increment ID lt button gt lt div gt Loading loading toString lt div gt lt div gt JSON stringify error null lt div gt lt div gt JSON stringify value null lt div gt lt div gt This hook can be helpful in situations where you want to handle fetching data from an API It provides a simple way to manage the loading error and value states in a component and also allows the component useScriptimport useAsync from useAsync useAsync export default function useScript url return useAsync gt const script document createElement script script src url script async true return new Promise resolve reject gt script addEventListener load resolve script addEventListener error reject document body appendChild script url useScript is a custom React hook that allows a component to load a JavaScript file from a given URL and keep track of the loading error and value states In addition it uses the custom useAsync hook that allows a component to handle asynchronous operations and keep track of the loading error and value states The hook takes in one argument URL is the URL of the JavaScript file to be loaded The hook creates a callback function that uses the DOM API to create a new script element and sets its src to the URL passed in It also sets the async property to true It then returns a new promise that resolves or rejects when the script loads or is in error respectively Here is an exmaple of how to use this hook import useScript from useScript export default function ScriptComponent const loading error useScript if loading return lt div gt Loading lt div gt if error return lt div gt Error lt div gt return lt div gt window window width lt div gt This hook can be helpful in situations where you want to load external JavaScript libraries dynamically It provides a simple way to manage a component s loading error and value states and also allows the component to re load the script when the URL changes useDeepCompareEffectimport useEffect useRef from react import isEqual from lodash fp isEqual export default function useDeepCompareEffect callback dependencies const currentDependenciesRef useRef if isEqual currentDependenciesRef current dependencies currentDependenciesRef current dependencies useEffect callback currentDependenciesRef current useDeepCompareEffect is a custom React hook that allows a component to run an effect only when the dependencies have changed using a deep comparison instead of a shallow comparison It uses the built in useEffect hook from the React library and lodash isEqual function for deep comparison The hook takes two arguments callback is a function that represents the effect of being executed dependencies is an array of values that the effect depends on It also creates a ref called currentDependenciesRef to store the current dependencies It then compares the current dependencies with the new dependencies using the isEqual function If they are not equal it updates the current dependencies ref with the new dependencies Then it calls useEffect with the callback function and the currentDependenciesRef current as the dependencies Here is an exmaple of how to use this hook import useEffect useState useRef from react import useDeepCompareEffect from useDeepCompareEffect export default function DeepCompareEffectComponent const age setAge useState const otherCount setOtherCount useState const useEffectCountRef useRef const useDeepCompareEffectCountRef useRef const person age age name Kyle useEffect gt useEffectCountRef current textContent parseInt useEffectCountRef current textContent person useDeepCompareEffect gt useDeepCompareEffectCountRef current textContent parseInt useDeepCompareEffectCountRef current textContent person return lt div gt lt div gt useEffect lt span ref useEffectCountRef gt lt span gt lt div gt lt div gt useDeepCompareEffect lt span ref useDeepCompareEffectCountRef gt lt span gt lt div gt lt div gt Other Count otherCount lt div gt lt div gt JSON stringify person lt div gt lt button onClick gt setAge currentAge gt currentAge gt Increment Age lt button gt lt button onClick gt setOtherCount count gt count gt Increment Other Count lt button gt lt div gt This hook can be helpful in situations where the dependencies are complex objects or arrays and you want to ensure that the effect only runs when the specific values inside the dependencies have changed It can help prevent unnecessary re renders and improve performance useEventListenerimport useEffect useRef from react export default function useEventListener eventType callback element window const callbackRef useRef callback useEffect gt callbackRef current callback callback useEffect gt if element null return const handler e gt callbackRef current e element addEventListener eventType handler return gt element removeEventListener eventType handler eventType element useEventListener is a custom React hook that allows a component to add an event listener to a specific DOM element and execute a callback function when the event occurs It uses the built in useEffect hook from the React library The hook takes three arguments eventType is a string representing the type of event to listen for such as click or keydown callback is a function that represents the action to be taken when the event occurs element is an optional DOM element to add the event listener The default value is window meaning the event listener will be added to the global window object It also creates a ref called callbackRef to store the current callback function The useEffect hook is used to set up the event listener when the component mounts and to remove the event listener when the component unmounts It also updates the callback ref when the callback function changes Here is an exmaple of how to use this hook import useState from react import useEventListener from useEventListener export default function EventListenerComponent const key setKey useState useEventListener keydown e gt setKey e key return lt div gt Last Key key lt div gt This hook can be helpful in situations where you want to handle events such as clicks key presses or form submissions in a declarative way and keep your component logic separate from your event handling logic useOnScreenimport useEffect useState from react export default function useOnScreen ref rootMargin px const isVisible setIsVisible useState false useEffect gt if ref current null return const observer new IntersectionObserver entry gt setIsVisible entry isIntersecting rootMargin observer observe ref current return gt if ref current null return observer unobserve ref current ref current rootMargin return isVisible useOnScreen is a custom React hook that allows a component to detect when a specific DOM element is visible within the viewport and keep track of the visibility status It uses the built in useEffect hook from the React library and the IntersectionObserver API The hook takes two arguments ref is a reference to the DOM element to detect visibility which is typically created using the React useRef hook rootMargin is an optional string that defines an offset around the root element It can be used to enlarge or shrink the root element s bounding box before checking for an intersection The default value is px The useEffect hook is used to set up the IntersectionObserver when the component mounts and to remove the observer when the component unmounts It also updates the observer when the ref or rootMargin changes It returns a boolean value isVisible that indicates whether the DOM element is currently visible or not Here is an exmaple of how to use this hook import useRef from react import useOnScreen from useOnScreen export default function OnScreenComponentComponent const headerTwoRef useRef const visible useOnScreen headerTwoRef px return lt div gt lt h gt Header lt h gt lt div gt Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit Unde incidunt nam id itaque error dicta Numquam earum iusto optio officia molestias debitis illum facilis nemo asperiores eaque voluptates modi Dicta mollitia fugit doloremque vitae dolores sequi fuga quas vel incidunt animi architecto dignissimos amet in quam praesentium corrupti voluptate dolorem impedit numquam aut cupiditate nulla Nisi dolore dicta cumque illum tempora enim dolores eum quis itaque nostrum architecto vel cum officiis aperiam qui exercitationem voluptatibus Veritatis unde doloribus dolorem architecto eum reprehenderit possimus similique eius cum obcaecati totam placeat Delectus nulla quae temporibus omnis assumenda autem ad quibusdam facilis aspernatur inventore nobis Vitae architecto unde consequuntur velit consequatur dicta mollitia fuga iure hic accusamus blanditiis Dignissimos tenetur amet adipisci nostrum perferendis ad rerum accusamus distinctio repellendus eius quisquam repellat nesciunt consequatur culpa neque Inventore vitae laborum aperiam ullam dolorem officiis ipsum aliquid doloribus pariatur commodi iure illum soluta delectus architecto ratione maiores accusamus Provident quia sequi dolorum asperiores necessitatibus consequatur perspiciatis at a inventore deserunt corporis recusandae earum vero voluptas saepe pariatur libero illo Numquam facilis magnam exercitationem ipsam libero quidem minima dolores perferendis eveniet impedit eos nesciunt unde velit facere itaque eum quasi laboriosam veritatis aliquid tenetur Blanditiis exercitationem laborum optio nulla minima libero sed doloremque soluta dignissimos tempora rerum id nostrum iusto eveniet illo corrupti dicta Non fuga exercitationem sit dignissimos voluptatibus cumque nobis iste asperiores illum fugit lt div gt lt h ref headerTwoRef gt Header visible amp amp Visible lt h gt lt div gt Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit Unde incidunt nam id itaque error dicta Numquam earum iusto optio officia molestias debitis illum facilis nemo asperiores eaque voluptates modi Dicta mollitia fugit doloremque vitae dolores sequi fuga quas vel incidunt animi architecto dignissimos amet in quam praesentium corrupti voluptate dolorem impedit numquam aut cupiditate nulla Nisi dolore dicta cumque illum tempora enim dolores eum quis itaque nostrum architecto vel cum officiis aperiam qui exercitationem voluptatibus Veritatis unde doloribus dolorem architecto eum reprehenderit possimus similique eius cum obcaecati totam placeat Delectus nulla quae temporibus omnis assumenda autem ad quibusdam facilis aspernatur inventore nobis Vitae architecto unde consequuntur velit consequatur dicta mollitia fuga iure hic accusamus blanditiis Dignissimos tenetur amet adipisci nostrum perferendis ad rerum accusamus distinctio repellendus eius quisquam repellat nesciunt consequatur culpa neque Inventore vitae laborum aperiam ullam dolorem officiis ipsum aliquid doloribus pariatur commodi iure illum soluta delectus architecto ratione maiores accusamus Provident quia sequi dolorum asperiores necessitatibus consequatur perspiciatis at a inventore deserunt corporis recusandae earum vero voluptas saepe pariatur libero illo Numquam facilis magnam exercitationem ipsam libero quidem minima dolores perferendis eveniet impedit eos nesciunt unde velit facere itaque eum quasi laboriosam veritatis aliquid tenetur Blanditiis exercitationem laborum optio nulla minima libero sed doloremque soluta dignissimos tempora rerum id nostrum iusto eveniet illo corrupti dicta Non fuga exercitationem sit dignissimos voluptatibus cumque nobis iste asperiores illum fugit veritatis fugiat quia voluptates cupiditate vel rerum eligendi facere sint nostrum quam maiores dolorem repellat voluptas Magnam ullam quis quas aut consequuntur quo doloremque earum sint soluta vero iste quasi voluptates labore rerum aspernatur illum esse maxime laudantium Tempore perspiciatis perferendis ea dolorem et quasi eos illo beatae consectetur maxime enim ducimus corrupti accusantium quisquam rem dolorum itaque iste velit Amet similique accusamus doloribus expedita modi a architecto accusantium labore unde non dolore totam quaerat sit laboriosam quae ullam impedit pariatur repudiandae quisquam debitis repellendus nihil Cumque blanditiis ut recusandae illum Maiores eveniet nulla exercitationem natus delectus est minus a architecto pariatur molestias quo nihil maxime quasi facere magnam neque dolorem ad doloribus hic Qui corporis perspiciatis dolores rem minima tenetur Fugit ipsa consectetur ad reiciendis quia iste sapiente rerum exercitationem reprehenderit laborum eligendi cumque Quia porro modi repudiandae nostrum accusamus Corporis eum fugit nihil facilis placeat ab est obcaecati consequuntur qui atque tempore soluta aliquid saepe ducimus at sed modi illo ipsa numquam ratione vero eos reprehenderit Sapiente nesciunt consequatur labore iste quas possimus rem cumque fugit laborum repellendus nisi adipisci officia temporibus quaerat Beatae doloribus veritatis at maiores suscipit debitis reiciendis cum impedit non aut modi iste Placeat illo quisquam assumenda esse cum ipsum quasi perspiciatis voluptatem rerum itaque similique quidem molestias exercitationem ullam eum amet tempore dolor aliquid unde deserunt dolore excepturi Aut dolore rerum sequi nihil soluta eum expedita consequatur aliquid consequuntur saepe esse necessitatibus repudiandae natus officia enim odit rem nobis adipisci voluptates autem dolor blanditiis ipsam animi a Illo accusantium iure qui aperiam commodi quidem dolorem error eum animi id nam Corporis non adipisci lt div gt lt div gt This hook can be helpful when you want to track when a specific DOM element comes into view or goes out of sight for example to lazy load images track scroll position or display elements on demand useWindowSizeimport useState from react import useEventListener from useEventListener useEventListener export default function useWindowSize const windowSize setWindowSize useState width window innerWidth height window innerHeight useEventListener resize gt setWindowSize width window innerWidth height window innerHeight return windowSize useWindowSize is a custom React hook that allows a component to keep track of the current size of the browser window It uses the built in useState hook from the React library and a custom hook called useEventListener that allows a component to add an event listener to a specific DOM element and execute a callback function when the event occurs The hook creates an object called windowSize that contains the width and height of the browser window and sets the initial state using the window innerWidth and window innerHeight properties It uses the useEventListener hook to add a resize event listener to the window object and updates the state with the new width and height of the window when the event occurs It returns the windowSize object which contains the current width and height of the browser window Here is an exmaple of how to use this hook import useWindowSize from useWindowSize export default function WindowSizeComponent const width height useWindowSize return lt div gt width x height lt div gt This hook can be helpful in situations where you want to make a responsive design and adapt the layout or behavior of a component based on the size of the browser window ConclusionThese custom hooks can be essential when making good scalable and bug free projects They work like a charm even on significant projects Therefore feel free to use them whenever you need them So Thanks for reading this article guys I know It was a bit lengthy However I hope that It was worthwhile reading it See you all in my next article |
2023-01-15 13:47:27 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
pict-rs 0.3.2 on OpenBSD 7.2: Install |
pict rs on OpenBSD Install SummaryThis post is a part of Lemmy on OpenBSD about Lemmy PremiseThe server is OpenBSD and Rust rustlang is installed Also there is lemmy user whose home directory is var lemmy EnvironmentOS OpenBSD Object Storage MinIO AWS S compatible Optional Appspict rs based on Rust Actix Actix Web Tutorial pict rs serverLemmy uses pict rs to store image It is a simple image hosting service which is open source and written in Rust too Prepare for the dependenciesYou have to install protobuf Protocol Buffers Google s data interchange format Therefore switch back to your own user if you are acting as lemmy to install it exit doas pkg add protobufThe output was quirks signed on T Zprotobuf ok Build pict rs serverSwitch to lemmy doas su lemmyGet the source of the stable version v didn t work in my case git clone branch v single branchThe output was Cloning into pict rs remote Enumerating objects done remote Counting objects done remote Compressing objects done remote Total delta reused delta pack reused Receiving objects MiB KiB s done Resolving deltas done Note switching to dffdebabffdfd You are in detached HEAD state You can look around make experimentalchanges and commit them and you can discard any commits you make in thisstate without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch Go inside cd pict rsThen run to build cargo build releaseThe output was Updating git repository Compiling rustls v Compiling actix web v Compiling pict rs v var lemmy pict rs Finished release optimized target s in m sNow you can run pict rs server with p option to specify data directory cargo run release p dataThe output was Finished release optimized target s in s Running target release pict rs p data T Z INFO restructure store FileStore path gen generator root dir data pict rs store file store restructure new T Z INFO restructure store FileStore path gen generator root dir data pict rs store file store restructure close time busy µs time idle µs T Z INFO actix server builder Starting workers T Z INFO actix server server Actix runtime found starting in Actix runtimeAdditionally you can specify address to listen cargo run release a p dataAdditionally you can modify its configuration nvim pict rs tomlFor example api key API KEY image format jpeg opentelemetry url http localhost opentelemetry url Integrate pict rs with MinIO Optional pict rs stores image files in their local directory by default Well there is a way to introduce MinIO bucket usage by editting pict rc toml as below type file store type s store region https minio fqdn bucket name access key secret key and of course creating MinIO bucket and service account with bucket policy like Version Statement Effect Allow Action admin Effect Allow Action s Resource arn aws s bucket name arn aws s bucket name ConclusionWell done Go on to the next step Return |
2023-01-15 13:12:13 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple TV+ prepares bid for English Premier League soccer rights |
Apple TV prepares bid for English Premier League soccer rightsApple is keen to add more soccer to its sports lineup on Apple TV by allegedly working on a bid for rights to England s Premier League A Soccer BallApple TV has a rapidly growing sports lineup with soccer fans able to subscribe to the Major League Soccer Season Pass for However in an attempt to increase its offering to users Apple is now trying to secure one of the other major leagues in the world of soccer Read more |
2023-01-15 13:30:35 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple's App Store changed the software world 15 years ago |
Apple x s App Store changed the software world years agoOn this day in the still new iPhone gained an App Store destroyed selling software in boxes made apps cheaper ーand is now mired on controversy Software used to cost hundreds of dollars and if you didn t pick it up at a retail store you had to wait to be posted to you got it posted to you And in either case it came in a sometimes huge box plus you then had to schlep through feeding disks or CDs into your machine That box size would be down to the manuals and we can lament the demise of a really well written manual But otherwise the change the App Store brought is so night and day so clearly the right thing to have happened that anything before it seems quaintly historic Read more |
2023-01-15 13:12:18 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Nepal crash: Dozens killed as plane crashes near Pokhara airport |
media |
2023-01-15 13:27:56 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Euston shooting: Car appeal after six injured at London church |
euston |
2023-01-15 13:12:38 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Starmer: '16 is too young to change legal gender' |
government |
2023-01-15 13:52:43 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
UK set for cold snap after weekend of floods |
warning |
2023-01-15 13:33:27 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Keir Starmer: The NHS must reform to survive |
health |
2023-01-15 13:12:18 |