AWS Architecture Blog |
Let’s Architect! Architecting for sustainability |
Let s Architect Architecting for sustainabilitySustainability is an important topic in the tech industry as well as society as a whole and defined as the ability to continue to perform a process or function over an extended period of time without depletion of natural resources or the environment One of the key elements to designing a sustainable workload is software … |
2023-02-08 14:17:01 |
AWS Database Blog |
New for Amazon ElastiCache for Redis 7: Get up to 72% better throughput with enhanced I/O multiplexing |
New for Amazon ElastiCache for Redis Get up to better throughput with enhanced I O multiplexingAmazon ElastiCache for Redis is an in memory data store delivering real time cost optimized performance for modern applications It is a fully managed service that scales to millions of operations per second with microsecond response time Redis is one of the most loved NoSQL key value stores and is known for its great performance Our customers choose to … |
2023-02-08 14:36:31 |
AWS Government, Education, and Nonprofits Blog |
Bulgarian EdTech Shkolo uses AWS to reduce bureaucracy for administrators |
Bulgarian EdTech Shkolo uses AWS to reduce bureaucracy for administratorsShkolo is an education technology company EdTech based in Bulgaria that was founded to reduce school bureaucracy and provide an efficient communication channel between teachers and parents To power their digital services and help schools transform in the cloud during an integral time for online education Shkolo turned to AWS |
2023-02-08 14:55:01 |
AWS Startups Blog |
How Eyegage scaled their life-saving app via Impact Accelerator partnership |
How Eyegage scaled their life saving app via Impact Accelerator partnershipVia her participation in the Black Founders cohort for the AWS Impact Accelerator Program Dr LaVonda Brown gained access to personalized coaching capital funding and technical solutions Through this connection she was able to deliver on a key requirement for their app to go to market |
2023-02-08 14:39:05 |
Google |
Official Google Blog |
9 ways AI can interact with culture |
colorful |
2023-02-08 14:10:00 |
Google |
Official Google Blog |
New ways Maps is getting more immersive and sustainable |
google |
2023-02-08 14:10:00 |
Google |
Official Google Blog |
From images to videos, how AI is helping you search visually |
visual |
2023-02-08 14:10:00 |
Google |
Official Google Blog |
New features make Translate more accessible for its 1 billion users |
google |
2023-02-08 14:10:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Pythonでディレクトリとファイルを作成する方法 |
oschmodftestotest |
2023-02-08 23:22:41 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
備忘録 reduceを使って値を加工する |
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2023-02-08 23:31:07 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
kubernetesを使用するにあたってぶち当たる壁 |
kubernetes |
2023-02-08 23:54:10 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
CloudFrontについて |
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2023-02-08 23:20:41 |
gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Cloud ComposerのDAGからデータをバケットに書き出すには |
cloudcomposer |
2023-02-08 23:54:45 |
gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
kubernetesを使用するにあたってぶち当たる壁 |
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2023-02-08 23:54:10 |
gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Google Cloudアップデート (2/2-2/8/2022) |
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2023-02-08 23:06:15 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails】UUIDをプライマリーキーにする |
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2023-02-08 23:22:38 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[AWS SDK for JavaScript v3] @aws-sdk/util-dynamodbのmarshallOptions/unmarshallOptionsを試してみた |
awssdkutil |
2023-02-08 14:42:59 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Maximizing Terraform Efficiency: Best Practices for Infrastructure Management |
Maximizing Terraform Efficiency Best Practices for Infrastructure ManagementTerraform is a popular open source tool for managing infrastructure as code IAC It enables the management and provisioning of infrastructure resources like virtual machines databases and networks to be automated by development and operations teams While Terraform has many advantages for managing infrastructure it can also be difficult to use effectively due to its complexity This article will cover best practices for making Terraform as effective as possible simplifying and optimizing your infrastructure management workflows Manage Terraform State Files CarefullyThe workflow for managing Terraform s infrastructure relies heavily on its state files These files contain details about your infrastructure s current state including the resources that Terraform has added changed or removed State files must be managed carefully if Terraform is to operate effectively State file storage in a central location such as a shared network drive or a version control system like Git is one best practice As a result it will be easier to track and audit changes to the infrastructure and ensure that multiple users have access to the same state information State files should also be regularly backed up in order to prevent data loss Validate Terraform configurations through testingIt s crucial to test and validate Terraform configurations before deploying them to production to make sure they are accurate and will function as intended One way to achieve this is to utilize Terraform s built in validation commands such as terraform validate which verifies the syntax and organization of Terraform configurations To see a preview of the changes Terraform will make to your infrastructure before you apply them use the terraform plan command Automate Terraform WorkflowsAnother crucial best practice for increasing efficiency is automating Terraform procedures This can involve connecting Terraform with other tools and services such as continuous integration continuous deployment CI CD pipelines and version control systems as well as automating Terraform operations like terraform plan and terraform apply For instance you might use a CI CD pipeline to have Terraform configurations applied automatically anytime changes are made to a Git repository With no need for manual involvement this can ensure that Terraform configurations are deployed rapidly and consistently Use Terraform ModulesTerraform modules are reusable components that can be used to automate common infrastructure management tasks By using Terraform modules you can streamline your Terraform workflows and reduce the amount of code you need to write and maintain For example you could use a Terraform module to automate setting up a virtual machine in the cloud or configure a database Collaborate with Team MembersFinally when utilizing Terraform working together as a team is critical This can entail cooperating to create and maintain Terraform modules and procedures as well as exchanging Terraform configurations state files and best practices Together you can make sure that Terraform is used consistently and effectively throughout your company In conclusion Terraform is an effective tool for managing infrastructure but to maximize its potential it must be used effectively You may streamline and improve your infrastructure management procedures with Terraform by following to best practices like carefully managing state files validating configurations through testing automating workflows using Terraform modules and working with team members Keep in mind that learning new things and experimenting with different methods will help you become more proficient at managing your infrastructure with Terraform |
2023-02-08 14:41:37 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Fui demitida, e agora? |
Fui demitida e agora É eu jáme fiz essa pergunta E antes de qualquer coisa preciso te confessar também não sabia muito bem o que fazer Escrevo esse texto um dia após diversas empresas que atuam diretamente com tecnologia terem feito demissões E hoje eu posso falar de um lugar um pouco mais confortável mas há meses atrás eu estava nessa situação E fiquei totalmente desnorteada enquanto chorava desesperadamente e sentia o chão sumir Venho contar isso porque eu literalmente entendo esse sentimento de impotência revolta Impotência porque vocênão teve a oportunidade de tentar se esforçar mais ou de fazer algo diferente mas observe a culpa não ésua Demissões por performance são bem diferentes e com uma energia menos caótica do que demissões em massa E digo isso pois falando como gestora entendo que hámuito para fazer quando alguém não estáconseguindo rampar evoluir como passar feedbacks e desenvolver planos de ação Quando a demissão éem massa como a minha foi a coisa muda de figura Revolta porque vestir a camisa da empresa éum bordão muito utilizado mas que na maioria das vezes sóvale para funcionários não para o negócio E bom quantas vezes nós não deixamos nossa saúde lazer e outros afazeres de lado para entregarmos além do que se épedido e gerar mais valor para a companhia Porém devemos entender que nenhum CNPJ vale um AVC ou a sua saúde mental Éclaro que ser demitido nunca éalgo legal Acontece que na atual conjuntura da situação econômica do mundo e psicológica da sociedade fazer isso de forma desumanizada expoencia muito o efeito negativo e o impacto dessa atitude Para falarmos das demissões atuais precisamos analisar o passado e atenção mesmo que vocênão trabalhe com tecnologia isso estámuito interligado a área Em fomos surpreendidos por uma pandemia desencadeando um cenário onde as pessoas precisaram mudar radicalmente suas rotinas e hábitos e isso incluía trabalhar de casa Some essa questão ao fato do Brasil estar passando por uma péssima gestão presidencial que repercutiu em diversos cortes de gastos demissões crescimento da fome violência e das pessoas desabrigadas Agora olhe para fora vimos moedas fortes se tornarem ainda mais atrativas e o mercado tecnológico um negócio futuro presente Pois pronto essa era a receita perfeita para que as pessoas procurassem trabalhos com salários mais lucrativos e uma crise entre aspas BEM GRANDES no mercado tecnológico começasse Deixando claro que odeio o discurso de não tem sêniores no Brasil Se vocêbusca pessoas qualificadas e não encontra deveria começar a formar pessoas iniciantes para o mercado de trabalho ao invés de reclamar ou criar manifestos para isso Outro ponto muito importante nessa história é a área de tecnologia apesar de permear praticamente todos os mercados existentes hoje em dia não possui regulamentação Isso significa que não existe sindicato legislação nem nada do tipo que se aplique em caso de situações como trabalhadores de tecnologia foram demitidos por dia em Big techs demitem mais de mil pessoas em meses Demissões no setor tech se aproximam de níveis da pandemia de covid Títulos extraídos dos jornais Yahoo G e Exame respectivamente E tenho certeza que tem uma pessoa com pensamentos liberais ou que defende regime PJ de contratação estáachando um absurdo o que acabou de ler mas vou contar um segredo para você se não existe regulamentação não existe seguridade Não h cenário em que vocêesteja assegurado independente de quão bom fosse a vaga salário que vocêtivesse Se a empresa resolver fazer um corte e tu estiver nele vocêroda Ah mas ésóse planejar e fazer uma reserva de emergência Claro alecrim dourado ÉÓBVIO que todas as pessoas do mundo possuem uma reserva de dinheiro para um ano caso elas queiram tirar um ano sabático ou serem demitidas Como ninguém pensou nisso né contém ironiaAprofundando na pauta Layoffs e considerando o cenário de desespero do mercado em busca de profissionais qualificados começou se uma corrida bem parecida com a espacial da Guerra Fria onde o prêmio era Para a empresa fechar a contratação com pessoa tecnologista desejada Para os tecnologistas encontrar a vaga com o maior equilíbrio entre salário e benefícios mudança de país sponsorship stock options VR Gympass auxílio desenvolvimento convênio médico e etc Acontece que por motivos óbvios essa conta deixou de fechar hátempos Não érentável financeiramente pagar k para uma pessoa que normalmente receberia k Imagine o seguinte cenário a empresa XYZ precisa contratar uma pessoa tech lead Ela costumava pagar mil para alguém nesse cargo mas com a alta do mercado passou a oferecer mil pela vaga mil Com mil a empresa XYZ poderia contratar júnior sandy estagiáriosE adicionando mais ou k na conta trazer alguém com mais senioridade para o time Seráque évantajoso financeiramente falando oferecer salários altos para tecnologistas Dica importante cobrem planos de cargo e salário nas empresas de vocês Falar de salário éimportante e entender a linha de pensamento seguida para fechar um range salarial émais ainda Posso explicar como se estrutura um em outro momento Ou seja éclaro que iria rolar um movimento para os salários baixarem e éexatamente isso que estáacontecendo Háempresas que passaram sim por mágestão financeira mas boa parte das demissões atuais são simplesmente para remover salários altos e repor vagas com valores mais baixos alinhados com a visão de mercado que vem sendo partilhada E se engana quem acredita que isso acontece apenas com a grama do vizinho Em dias mil pessoas foram demitidas no ano de E pasmem ainda écomeço de fevereiro O assunto pode ser vendido como crise mas se háuma crise iminente por que tantas empresas estão recebendo aportes de investimento Não écomo se essas plataformas fossem morrer ou ter uma mágestão como a do passarinho do dia para a noite Diversos documentos divulgados mostram que apesar de todo o cenário de guerra na Ucrânia afetar o mercado houve um forte posicionamento de grandes nomes da área de investimento para que os cortes acontecessem E isso não ésurpresa para quem estáno mercado a mais tempo e tem consciência de classe porque éisso o que acontece quando o pobre premium passa a ter a falsa impressão de fazer parte da burguesia Alguns dados interessantes para refletir O tempo médio de experiência das pessoas demitidas éde anos das pessoas demitidas são mulheres das demissões aconteceram no RH Apenas de quem foi demitido publicou sua realocação no LinkedIn Fonte ForbesE bem acho que eu nem preciso comentar sobre as pessoas que acreditam no milagre dos bootcamps né Isso vem gerando um mercado gigante que faz uma grande parcela da população acreditar que éfácil entrar em tecnologia e gastar rios de dinheiro ignorando todo o cenário retratado aqui Por fim se vocêfoi uma dessas pessoas impactadas receba meu abraço e apoio Em breve irei soltar um artigo com dicas para te ajudar a se recolocar no mercado de trabalho Vou voltar com as mentorias para ajudar esse público em específico também lt Cuidem se mantenham se fortes e não esqueçam a saída ésempre a união de forças Mas épara se unir a favor dos seus e não o contrário |
2023-02-08 14:24:09 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
HomeKit architecture upgrade expected to return in iOS 16.4 |
HomeKit architecture upgrade expected to return in iOS The new HomeKit architecture saga rolls on as code discovered in public smart home standards suggests that the new Homekit architecture will return in iOS at some point HomeKit architecture upgrade returning in iOS Users that attempted to upgrade their HomeKit architecture as soon as iOS dropped ran into some issues Devices disappeared or stopped functioning and users could not undo this upgrade action Read more |
2023-02-08 14:24:17 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Engineer makes USB-C AirPods Pro before inevitable Apple release |
Engineer makes USB C AirPods Pro before inevitable Apple releaseYouTuber and engineer Ken Pillonel has continued replacing Lightning with USB C charging on Apple devices this time converting AirPods Pro ーand making the plans open source First Pillonel created the world s first iPhone with USB C in his modification of an iPhone X in October Next he transformed the regular AirPods charging case in May for which he published detailed instructions in July Now he s reworked the charging case for AirPods Pro Read more |
2023-02-08 14:10:52 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
UK regulator shoots down Microsoft's $68.7B Activison deal |
UK regulator shoots down Microsoft x s B Activison dealThe UK s Competition and Markets Authority has issued a provisional report declaring that Microsoft buying Activision Blizzard will result in reduced competition in the gaming market Microsoft agreed to acquire Activision Blizzard in a billion deal but it was subject to regulatory review Now following an investigation the CMA has issued a provisional report A CMA investigation has provisionally concluded that Microsoft s proposed acquisition of Activision could result in higher prices fewer choices or less innovation for UK gamers says the regulator in a press release This follows a wide ranging investigation conducted over the last five months to understand the market and potential impact of the deal Read more |
2023-02-08 14:09:35 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Amazon is offering a $100 gift card if you pre-order the OnePlus 11 |
Amazon is offering a gift card if you pre order the OnePlus Are you considering the OnePlus but want something to sweeten the deal You re getting what you wish for Amazon is offering a free gift card if you pre order the phone in any color or configuration by February th That could be helpful for buying the Buds Pro a case or other accessories you may need The OnePlus is in some ways a return to form for the brand For just under you re getting a fast long lasting phone with a vivid display and speedy W charging The cameras are improved over its predecessor too Combine this with four years of major OS updates and you re getting a phone that can easily compete against some more expensive phones You re still getting what you pay for While the OnePlus is faster than the Pixel its cameras aren t on par There s no wireless charging and you can t get more than GB of storage If you mainly care about performance and battery life though OnePlus device is difficult to beat at this price point ーparticularly if you aren t keen on importing phones like the Xiaomi Pro Follow EngadgetDeals on Twitter and subscribe to the Engadget Deals newsletter for the latest tech deals and buying advice |
2023-02-08 14:30:55 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The best wireless workout headphones for 2023 |
The best wireless workout headphones for As some of you might know I m a runner On occasion I review sports watches and outside of work I m a certified marathon coach So when Engadget wanted to round up the best wireless workout headphones I raised my hand In addition to fit and battery life I considered factors such as style ease of use the charging case the strength of the Bluetooth connection support for assistants such as Siri and Alexa water resistance ratings and audio features such as noise cancelation and ambient sound modes You ll notice I don t have much if anything to say about audio quality Engadget s resident expert Billy Steele has written about this plenty in his standalone reviews which I ve linked throughout but for my purposes the differences were too subtle to make or break a purchasing decision In the end I never quite mastered some of the over complicated controls but at no point did an earbud fall out while I was exercising I also never came close to running out of juice So participation trophies for everyone Ha The companies wish I do indeed have some favorites while some fell short in key areas How we testedWater resistanceEven if earbuds aren t marketed specifically as workout headphones a durable water resistant design will by default make them suitable for exercise To avoid repeating myself throughout this guide I ll drop a quick primer here on durability or ingression protection IP ratings The first digit you ll see after the “IP refers to protection from dust and other potential intrusions That spec is measured on a scale of to The second refers to water resistance or even waterproofing in the best cases Higher numbers mean more protection while the letter “X means the device is not rated for protection in that regard The ratings for water resistance are ranked on a scale of to All but one of the models we tested for this guide is rated IPX That means there s no dust protection and the buds can withstand splashes from any direction but probably shouldn t be submerged The most durable set of earbuds we tested Jabra s Elite Active is rated IP which means a high level of both dust and water protection Whereas the IPX models can handle splashes the Elite Active can be immersed for up to minutes in up to a meter or about feet of water For a detailed breakdown of all the possible permutations I recommend checking out this guide published by a supplier called The Enclosure Company Earbuds we testedDurability ratingBeats Powerbeats ProIPXBeats Fit ProIPXJabra Elite Active IPSony WF CIPXAnker Soundcore Liberty ProIPXActive noise cancelationFor the update to this guide I decided to add a note up top about active noise cancelation ANC simply because most of the available models now offer it And since the user experience is actually pretty similar across different brands I thought it would be easier to share what they have in common rather than repeat myself First of all no noise cancellation is perfect If you re looking for earbuds that you can continue wearing even after you re done working out you might still hear some background noise whether it be your robot vacuum or cars honking The difference in quality with ANC enabled is undeniable just don t take these companies marketing claims too literally Besides I don t recommend active noise cancellation while exercising outdoors it s not safe And even if you are working out indoors I still think a noise cancellation horse race is probably beside the point for the purpose of this guide The best all purpose option Jabra Elite ActivePros Reasonably priced for the feature set sleek compact design one of the lightest charging cases we tested and some of the longest battery life more durable than most active noise cancelation a transparency mode and customizable equalizer works with Spotify Tap on Android Cons Onboard controls aren t intuitive but Jabra offers helpful instructions in its app less comfortable after prolonged use than other brands Much like the Elite Active t we tested a few years back the newer Elite Active earbuds make a strong first impression with a compact stylish design and a lightweight charging case to match Available in three colors the earbuds aren t just small and light but they look especially sleek given that they don t have any wingtips Though they felt comfortable when I first put them in my ears did feel a little sore by the end of a run Meanwhile the gram case is also among the lightest we tested but still offers some of the longest battery life promising a total of hours Each individual earbud on its own is rated for seven hours Jabra says you can return to an hour s worth of juice after a minute charge In my testing the earbuds were easy to insert and pair Less easy is learning how to use the things As you might expect you press the right earbud once to stop and resume playback You can also double press the right bud to skip a track and triple press it to play it again But some of the other onboard controls are less obvious To increase the volume hold down the right earbud for a second to lower it long press the left earbud Meanwhile single pressing the left earbud allows you to toggle between active noise cancelation HearThrough mode or neither Lastly double press the left bud to use a voice assistant The good news is you don t have to commit all those finger gestures to memory Jabra s Sound App for iOS and Android contains a helpful illustrated tutorial which I recommend keeping open on your phone as you get settled in with your new earbuds I mastered the controls quickly enough but the physical buttons on the earbuds require a little more pressure and coordination to get an accurate press in I found myself waiting until I had slowed to a walk before I started fiddling with the tracks Even then I needed to be very deliberate to make sure I got it right And usually I did That said given there s no physical volume rocker I did wish there were an aural cue confirming I had moved the volume up or down a notch the progression from louder to softer or vice versa is very subtle After a roughly minute run the battery was still at percent a similar showing to what I saw on the Beats Fit Pro also featured in this guide Like the Elite Active t I tested previously the Elite Active uses Jabra s HearThrough technology With that enabled I could hear cars along my running route though on an especially windy day the gusts drowned out softer noises like footsteps behind me That s despite the earbuds having four built in mics with what Jabra calls a “mesh covering for added wind noise reduction Although I tested the Elite Active on an iPhone the earbuds have some additional features on Android including support for Spotify Tap which resumes where you last left off listening to your Spotify account on any device Android users also get support for Alexa and Google s Fast Pair tech While I recommend the Elite Active for most people it s also worth quickly mentioning the Elite Active which adds Jabra s ShakeGrip technology for what the company claims is a more secure fit You also get slightly better battery life eight hours per bud or hours with the case and even faster charging an hour of playback after a five minute charge Lastly choosing the Elite Active over the Elite Active gives you the option of either Google Assistant or Alexa as well as voice guidance However you d be giving up call controls which you do get on the Elite Active The most comfortable option Beats Powerbeats ProPros Comfortable stable fit pairs seamlessly with iOS devices intuitive controls with mirrored access on the left and right sides tied with Sony for the longest earbud battery life Cons Ear hook design isn t the most discreet and doesn t fit so well with sunglasses relatively heavy charging case no active noise cancelation transparency mode or customizable EQ speaking to an assistant is slightly less convenient if it s not Siri For the purposes of this guide I tested two pairs of Beats headphones the Beats Fit Pro earbuds and the Powerbeats Pro earbuds with an over the ear hook design I ll start with the Powerbeats Pro which I like better for exercising Other than being slightly conspicuous the Powerbeats Pro comes in four colors and fits comfortably though it doesn t play as nicely with glasses and face masks as more compact in ear designs Compared to the other earbuds I tested though I felt especially confident the Powerbeats Pro would stay put during workouts Like Apple s newest AirPods the Powerbeats Pro use Apple s H chip which allows for particularly deep integration when you pair the earbuds with an Apple made device In addition to a fast seamless pairing process you can activate Siri by saying “Hey Siri without having to press a button You can also share audio with other AirPods or Beats headphones and can enjoy automatic switching between Apple devices For better and worse the integration is so complete in fact that there s no companion app instead you check the earbuds and cases battery via other methods such as a homescreen widget or by asking Siri The earbuds themselves are rated for nine hours of use which is among the highest we ve seen The case is rated for a total of hours of use which isn t bad but given that it s not best in class you have to wonder why the case is as heavy as it is Heavy enough that my purse feels a little lighter without it iOS users won t mind that the case charges via a Lightning cable and not USB C but others might be slightly put out If you ve ever used AirPods or Apple s old school wired headphones these should be pretty easy to master Double press the physical button on the earbud to skip tracks and triple press it to go backward I quickly came to love the physical key it s less finicky than a touch surface I was also grateful for the mirroring of controls between the left and right earbuds ーboth left and right handed people should be happy Having tested other wireless earbuds that either lack onboard volume controls or make it tedious I have come to particularly appreciate the Powerbeats Pro s onboard volume rockers one for each earbud I don t know of any other workout earbuds that make it easier to adjust the volume not even the Beats Fit Pro While it s nice to have easier volume access the audio experience is otherwise basic There is no active noise cancellation or transparency mode Not a dealbreaker for workouts but something to consider if your goal is to get one pair of earbuds you can wear for everything Other features include support for voice assistants yes Google and Amazon too but only Siri can be summoned by a voice command You can also wear just one bud if you like the right one if all you need to do is talk on the phone or if you want to keep an ear open to what s going on around you nbsp Honorable mention Beats Fit ProPros Comfortable stable fit pairs easily with iOS devices compact lightweight charging case adds ANC and transparency modes which the Powerbeats Pro lacks Cons A smaller design than the Powerbeats Pro means shorter battery life and the loss of a physical volume rocker no customizable EQ One of my main complaints about the Powerbeats Pro is that they don t fit as well if you re wearing sunglasses or in pandemic times a mask This is where the Beats Fit Pro have the advantage Their discreet design that promises to stay out of the way and safe even during sweaty workouts Available in four colors the buds are easy to insert and comfortable to wear just twist the bud to fold the wingtip into your upper ear And because the earbuds are smaller than the Powerbeats Pro the case is markedly lighter and more compact g versus g on the Pro Between the lightweight case and the less dorky design the Beats Fit Pro make a strong case for themselves as earbuds you can wear not just during workouts but everywhere Because the Beats Fit Pro were released more recently than the Powerbeats Pro they have active noise cancellation a feature older Powerbeats and AirPods products are lacking At the same time Apple built in a transparency mode ideal for runners like me who would feel safer if they could still hear ambient cues like footsteps and car horns Lastly it supports Apple s Spatial Audio format for a more immersive sound and will automatically kick in if you re playing a compatible track For working out the audio is fine But if you can only afford one pair of earbuds my colleague Billy Steele indicated in his review that the sound quality is mediocre He found calls could be patchy and as he notes Beats is one of the few brands that doesn t offer users a customizable EQ Out of the box the earbuds are set to active noise cancellation There are two ways to adjust this You can hold down the physical button on either earbud to cycle through audio profiles Or you can find the earbuds in your Bluetooth settings menu and click further to see a more detailed menu of options Not only can you adjust the mode there but you can also change what those physical buttons do By default they re for toggling audio profiles but you can also set them up so that one earbud controls volume up and the other volume down Personally I preferred having the option of adjusting the volume from my earbuds mid workout it s easy to just pick an audio mode before your run and stick with it Other than the slightly limited volume controls the Beats Fit Pro works much like other Beats and Apple branded headphones Press the physical button once to play or pause tracks double press to skip forward and triple press to replay a track For anyone upgrading from an older pair of Beats or Apple earbuds the transition should be easy My only word of caution is that I found the physical button on the Beats Fit Pro harder to find by feel as it s smaller and less indented than the button on the Powerbeats Pro Apple rates the Beats Fit Pro for six hours of listening time per earbud plus an additional hours from the USB C charging case You can also wear just one bud if you like to squeeze out even more runtime In my testing the battery on the buds dropped down to percent after a minute run Extrapolate that and the math comes close to Apple s six hours per bud claim If you ve managed to completely exhaust both the earbud and case Apple says its “Fast Fuel feature will get you back to one hour of use after five minutes of charging the same claim Jabra makes for the comparably priced Elite Active Note Apple s one hour estimate assumes you won t be using ANC Under the hood the earbuds have the same Apple made H chip as the Powerbeats Pro and Apple s newer AirPods allowing for hands free “Hey Siri audio sharing with other AirPods or Beats headphones and automatic switching between devices The headphones also work with the Find My app even on Android The best budget workout earbuds Sony WF CWhat you get Reasonably priced earbuds that prioritize a light design and good audio quality Pros Lightweight reasonably priced support for Sony s Reality Audio format the earbuds themselves claim relatively long battery life customizable EQ supports Google Fast Pair Cons No ANC or transparency mode slightly trickier to pair on iOS than other earbuds we tested the charging case has lower capacity than competing models they have a larger more bulbous design than others we tested but are no less comfortable With the WF C earbuds Sony is really emphasizing the small design The earbuds themselves weigh grams while the charging case is g That would be the lightest case we tested and nearly the lightest pair of earbuds barring the much pricier Elite Active It s worth noting that a lighter charging case means shorter case battery life a relatively low hours Even then the earbuds themselves offer some of the longest battery life of the bunch hours per bud If you do run low on charge you can get back up to an hour s worth of capacity in minutes Sony says The earbuds available in four colors were larger than I was expecting given their light weight but they re easy to insert and fit comfortably They are slightly trickier to pair on iOS than other buds I tested for this guide though Android users will benefit from support for Google Fast Pair By default a robotic voice will tell you the earbuds battery charge as you re putting them in I found this useful though it meant that there was a delay in getting to hear whatever I had been listening to You can always disable voice guidance in Sony s Headphones app if that bothers you The truth is I rarely had range anxiety with these headphones anyway Unlike other earbuds which took a roughly percent hit after my usual minute run these were still at percent It s unlikely I ll ever wear out both the buds and charging case before getting to a wall charger The controls were also easy to master without having to consult Sony s companion app On the right earbud press once to play or pause audio playback or to answer or end a call Double press to skip tracks and triple press to go to the previous song Long pressing the right earbud launches or cancels a voice assistant You can also long press to decline a call On the left earbud some of the controls are mirrored you can press once to receive end a call and long press to reject it The left bud is also where the volume controls live press once to raise it and hold the button down to lower it As one of the cheaper options in this guide the WF C are the only ones without active noise cancellation Which to me isn t a dealbreaker The eartips already do a good enough job passively blocking noise to the point where I was startled when a group of runners ran up from behind in the park and passed me If anything I wished the earbuds had a transparency mode that would allow more ambient noise through Fortunately I could still hear louder noises like nearby traffic The lack of ANC aside the audio quality is quite good which makes sense given Sony s heritage in audio and home theater gear Like other models listed here barring Beats anyway you can adjust the EQ in the companion app And as you might expect the earbuds support Sony s Reality Audio format which is similar to Apple s spatial tech which in turn is built on the Dolby Atmos format The most customizable Anker Soundcore Liberty ProPros The only buds we tested with wireless charging long battery life especially on the charging case active noise cancelation a transparency mode and customizable equalizer lots of options for setting up the controls to your liking Cons Larger and a little harder to insert than competing models touch sensitive controls can be finicky worse sound quality than the competition in app battery indicator doesn t give you a percentage The Soundcore Liberty Pro earbuds are available in four colors and carry a big emphasis on ergonomic fit That includes air filled wings silicone ear tips similar to other brands and a promise of air pressure relief per Anker The earbuds don t come with the eartips or wingtips attached which adds some friction to the setup process but on the plus side you get a choice of four ear tip sizes compared with three from most other headphone makers Inside the Soundcore app you ll find a fit test but I actually ended up with a more comfortable fit by just following my gut But it s certainly worth playing around with The Liberty Pro is right up there with the Sony CF in terms of being some of the larger earbuds I tested for this guide That said they fit comfortably and stay put I will say however that these were consistently harder to insert than some other brands I tested even after I d had a bit of practice When I originally published this guide in September I ruled out Anker s Soundcore Spirit Dot earbuds on account of their fussy touch controls and the fact that you couldn t adjust the volume from the buds themselves I m happy to report that the situation has improved mostly First the bad news The controls are still finicky and especially difficult to get right while moving But they do offer volume control Thank goodness The controls are also programmable inside the Soundcore app So you can at least customize the long press and single double and triple taps in a way that feels intuitive In addition to music and volume playback you can also use the controls to toggle audio modes or to activate a voice assistant Google or Alexa Just as you can modify the earbud controls you have options as far as sound quality too There are ANC and transparency modes along with a “normal setting in between Also like Sony and Jabra Anker allows you to customize the EQ from within the app Interestingly wind reduction is a feature you have to actively opt into Anker says this is because the wind reducing mode dings ANC performance and since it s unlikely people will often find themselves in strong winds it may as well not be turned on by default Later this year Anker will push out a software update that will add “enhanced vocal mode which promises to increase vocal pickup in the area around you according to an Anker spokesperson Additionally Anker touts three mics per earbud along with AI noise reduction I can t prove that there s a connection here but I did notice they sounded a little tinnier compared with other headphones Sometimes some random buzz even crept in It s hard to know if that slight distortion is a result of the AI doing its work but I wonder As for battery life the Soundcore Liberty Pro has the distinction of being the only earbuds we tested for this guide with a case that can charge wirelessly The buds themselves are rated for eight hours apiece or hours with the case making this the longest lasting charging case we tested for this story Anker also says that you can return to three hours of capacity after minutes of charging After a minute run the battery indicator in the app showed a mostly full charge though unfortunately Anker doesn t give you a percentage |
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