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AWS Supports You Diving Deep into Redshift Cost OptimizationWe would love to hear your feedback about our show Please take our survey here AWS Supports You Diving Deep into Redshift Cost Optimization gives viewers on our twitch tv aws channel an overview of Amazon Redshift its architecture and best practices to identify ways to cut your operations costs This episode originally aired on March nd Helpful Links Ask our experts over on Amazon Redshift Redshift pricing calculator addService Redshift GitHub Repository Elastic Resize Redshift Spectrum Best Practices Configuring Limits for Concurrency Scaling AWS Customer Case Studies AWS Trusted Advisor AWS Cost Explorer Subscribe More AWS videos More AWS events videos ABOUT AWSAmazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform offering over fully featured services from data centers globally Millions of customers ーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agencies ーare using AWS to lower costs become more agile and innovate faster AWS AmazonWebServices CloudComputing |
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2023-03-22 15:01:17 |
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DEV Community |
Finding strongly connected components (SCC) in directed graphs: Kosaraju-Sharir vs Tarjan’s algorithm in Go |
Finding strongly connected components SCC in directed graphs Kosaraju Sharir vs Tarjan s algorithm in GoGraphs are non linear data structures in which a problem is represented as a network by connecting nodes and edges examples of this can be networks of communication flows of computation paths in a road connections in social networks etc The next image shows graph connections of Facebook for the year Figure Population centers in bright white from the density of intra city friendships This image shows interesting information such as which countries the app has more or less influence you can also see cultural relations between countries Hawaii to the continental US Australia to New Zealand Colombia to Spain you could also observe country outlines like India isolated in the dark void of China and Russia In short Graph algorithms offer the tools required to understand model and establish connection behaviors of systems at a high level of complexity This article will discuss the theory behind the most popular algorithms to find strongly connected components SCC the time complexity of each and finally compare both algorithms using benchmarks on directed graphs Let s start defining what directed graphs are Directed GraphsA directed graph also known as Digraph is a type of graph in which the edges have a defined direction Figure unlike an undirected graph in which the edges are symmetrical relations and do not point in any direction the edges are bidirectional Figure Figure Representation of a directed graph Figure Representation of an undirected graph A graph is connected if there is a path between every pair of vertices in digraphs there are two classifications depending on the nature of the connections weakly connected and strongly connected A digraph is called weakly connected if it is possible to reach any node starting from any other node by traversing edges in some direction not necessarily in the direction they point Figure Illustration of a weakly connected digraph On the other hand a digraph is called strong connected if for each pair of vertices u and v there is a path from u to v and a path from v to u in other words if there is a path in each direction between each pair of vertices of the graph Figure Connection between U V and V U To find this strong connected components DFS Depth first search can be used the two most famous algorithms that use this traversal technique are Kosaraju Sharir algorithmTarjan s algorithm Kosaraju Sharir algorithmIn the year computer scientist S Rao Kosaraju proposed an implementation of the algorithm but did not publish it Independently computer scientist Micha Sharir discovered it and published it in The main idea of the algorithm is based on the fact that the strongly connected components of a graph A are exactly the same as those of the transposed graph of A reversing all the edges of graph A Algorithm steps Create a graphFor the creation of the graph an adjacency list will be used an adjacency list consists in a collection of unordered lists child nodes grouped by a map where each key represents the parent node The code shown below handles an implementation of the graph with a struct having the following fields nodes this field has the purpose of keeping track of all labels associated to vertices in the graph reversed As said before Kosaraju Sharir algorithm makes use of the transposed graph to save unnecessary iterations like traversing the graph to find the transposed simply when adding a new edge to the base graph also add the same edges in reversed direction See section line edges Adjacency list of the graph package kosarajuSharirimport g SCC analysis graph fmt github com abaron Gothon gothonSlice type graph struct nodes int reversed graph edges map int edge type edge struct from int to int func newEdge from int to int edge return amp edge from from to to func NewGraph g Graph reversedGraph amp graph nodes int edges map int edge return amp graph nodes int edges map int edge reversed reversedGraph Section Graph implementation To add some nodes and edges to the graph define a method like the following func g graph AddEdge from int to int edges g edges from edges append edges newEdge from to g edges from edges g nodes append g nodes from Computing transposed graph at the same time user adds an Edge if g reversed nil g reversed AddEdge to from Section AddEdge method required to populate base and reversed graph Section Graph implementation Topological Sort with DFS traversalTopological sort is a linear ordering of vertices such that for every directed edge u v vertex u comes before v in the ordering Create an empty stack do DFS and after finishing all recursive calls for all adjacent vertices of a node append the visiting node to stack func g graph calculateStackBaseOrder int visited map int struct stack int for node range g nodes if ok visited node ok g dfs node visited amp stack return stack Section Topological sort on base graph Depending on where DFS starts and the order in which nodes are visited the stack will be populated don t forget to visit all the nodes in the graph hence the importance of the slice nodes remember this attribute of the struct has the purpose of keeping track of all added labels in the graph The iteration on g nodes See section line will go one by one comparing against the visited set if there is an unvisited node the code pass it through the DFS implementation func g graph dfs from int visited map int struct stack int visited from struct edges ok g edges from if ok for edge range edges if ok visited edge to ok g dfs edge to visited stack stack append stack from Section DFS implementation to traverse base graph and populate the stack Reverse GraphWhile adding new edges with the method addEdge the reversed graph was also getting populated with the reversed edges that means that at least with this implementation the reversed graph has already been computed Second DFS traversal on reversed graph following topological sort found on step At this step the algorithm already computed the topSort order on the base graph now traverse the reversed graph in that order To do this first define a second DFS traversal function and pop nodes from orderNodes while orderNodes is not empty To pop the slice an handle it like a stack the code is using Gothon s library take the popped node and call the reversed DFS implementation see that a counter and a map called scc are being passed to the method in order to tag the strongly connected components func g graph findSCCComponents orderNodes int map int int visited map int struct scc map int int counter for len orderNodes gt using library to emulate stack popping as Python do node gothonSlice Pop amp orderNodes if ok visited node ok g dfsReversed node visited scc counter counter return scc Section Computing strong connected components popping the order from the stack Similarly as the previous topological sort after calling recursive DFS for all adjacent edges of a node the node label is saved as a key in the map with the respective SCC identifier given by the counter func g graph dfsReversed from int visited map int struct scc map int int counter int visited from struct scc from counter edges ok g reversed edges from if ok for edge range edges if ok visited edge to ok g dfsReversed edge to visited scc counter scc from counter Section DFS implementation to traverse transposed graph and populate the SCC map After computing both traversals on the map scc there can be found keys corresponding to node labels and the values corresponding to the SCC identifier Time complexity Kosaraju s algorithm performs Depth First Search on the directed graph twice Since the implementation is using an adjacency list each vertex is processed with all the neighboring edges as a result of this time complexity is Where V corresponds to the vertices and E the edges within a graph Tarjan s algorithmInvented by Robert Tarjan in the structure of the algorithm is based on the fact that the strongly connected components together form subtrees whose roots are the strongly connected components Algorithm steps Create implementationThe implementation of the graph is similar to the explained previously for Kosaraju s algorithm using and adjacency list the difference lies on the addition of the following fields to the struct stack Keeps track of the nodes visited while forming a subtree of the graph onStack Keeps track of the nodes in the stack avoiding iterating over the slice to check if a node exists or not id Incremental identifier of a node within a formed subtree ids This field use a map whose function is to translate node label to current incremental id within the graph lowLink Tarjan s algorithm maintains a low link number which is initially assigned the same value as the id number when a vertex is visited the first time package tarjanimport g SCC analysis graph fmt github com abaron Gothon gothonSlice type graph struct nodes int onStack map int struct stack int ids map int int id int lowLink map int int edges map int edge type edge struct from int to int func newEdge from int to int edge return amp edge from from to to func NewGraph g Graph return amp graph nodes int ids map int int lowLink map int int edges map int edge onStack map int struct stack int id Section Graph declaration to implement Tarjan s algorithm Depth First Search DFS traversal tagging nodes with an incremental idStart DFS on any node On figure DFS is started at node when visiting assign an id and a low link to the current node both with the same value Append visited nodes to the stack Figure Example of tagging low links and ids for nodes starting DFS on See that on figure the next node to visit from node is but is already in the visited stack if this happens calculate the minimum low link value between the current node and the node in the stack If the value of the node in the visiting stack is smaller a strong connected component has been found Propagate low link value if found SCCAfter calling recursive DFS for all adjacent edges of a node if the current visiting node created a strong connected component pop nodes off stack until reaching the node that started the recursive DFS While doing this update the new low link value of each popped node The advantage of this is the propagation of low link values throw graph cycles func g graph dfs from int graph map int edge visited map int struct visited from struct g id g ids from g id g lowLink from g id g onStack from struct g stack append g stack from edges ok graph from if ok for edge range edges if ok visited edge to ok g dfs edge to graph visited if ok g onStack edge to ok g lowLink from Min g lowLink from g lowLink edge to if g ids from g lowLink from for true node gothonSlice Pop amp g stack delete g onStack node g lowLink node g ids from if node from break Section DFS implementation to find SCCs with Tarjan s algorithm Time complexity Since computing SCC s doing DFS traversal on the graph the time complexity is the same as Kosaraju s obtaining an overall of Where V corresponds to the vertices and E to the edges within a graph Algorithm s evaluationTo test both algorithm s Digraph on figure will be used See that there is a path in each direction between pairs of vertices on each connected component Figure Example of Digraph Directed graph with SCCs To understand the response of each algorithm the method computeAnswer offers a more readable approach by arranging the computed SCC map into a text answer func g graph computeAnswer sccKeys map int int response map int int for node sscComponent range sccKeys response sscComponent append response sscComponent node fmt Println The SCC Strongly connected components calculated with Kosaraju s Algorithm are for value range response fmt Printf v n value Section Method used to get a readable response of computed SCC components Kosaraju s AlgorithmAfter recreating graph shown on figure and evaluating Kosaraju s algorithm the following response can be expected func g graph EvaluateSCC baseOrder g calculateStackBaseOrder sccResult g findSCCComponents baseOrder g computeAnswer sccResult Section Kosaraju s algorithm executed Figure Computed answer of SCC using Kosaraju s algorithm Tarjan s AlgorithmThe same computing as above but with Tarjan s Algorithm give the following response func g graph EvaluateSCC visited map int struct for node range g nodes if ok visited node ok g dfs node g edges visited g computeAnswer g lowLink Section Tarjan s algorithm executed Figure Computed answer of SCC using Tarjan s algorithm Benchmark on both solutionsOn the next code snippet the reader can observe the benchmark used to compare both implementations on graph shown on figure the purpose of this is to check which algorithm is more efficient to find SCC s than the other func BenchmarkSCCs b testing B edges map int int b Run SCC with Tarjan s Algorithm func b testing B tarjanImplementation tarjan NewGraph graph PopulateGraph tarjanImplementation edges for i i lt b N i tarjanImplementation EvaluateSCC b Run SCC with Kosaraju s Algorithm func b testing B kosarajuImplementation kosarajuSharir NewGraph graph PopulateGraph kosarajuImplementation edges for i i lt b N i kosarajuImplementation EvaluateSCC Section Benchmark with both algorithms testing graph on figure Figure Benchmark of both algorithms On figure on the right side of the function name for SCC with Tarjan s Algorithm the SCC calculation was executed times with an average of ns op nanoseconds per operation while SCC with Kosaraju s Algorithm was executed times with an average of ns op On this test Tarjan s algorithm is faster finding SCCs with an advantage of ns op over kosaraju s algorithm This can be explained understanding the basic approach of the two algorithms Kosaraju s algorithm performs DFS twice unlike Tarjan s algorithm where the graph is only traversed through DFS once Both algorithms have linear time complexity but as evidenced by the benchmark Tarjan s algorithm has a more efficient handling of operations per unit of time and a better control of constant factors saving additional DFS navigations Memory allocation statisticsIn terms of allocated space the benchmark test is using MB in total for both approaches but notice on figure that around MB of the memory goes to Kosaraju s algorithm the other MB was allocated by Tarjan s Figure PPROF on both algorithms to check allocated memory It can be affirmed looking at figure that Kosaraju s algorithm uses more memory than Tarjan s algorithm partly due to a greater number of recursive calls when traversing the base graph allocating memory on the stack and also having the pointer in memory of the transposed graph at running time Figure PPROF on both algorithms to check allocated memory To avoid keeping the pointer of the transposed graph in memory a valid option can be reversing the original graph at running time but once the calculations with the transposed graph are finished the graph must be reversed again in order to achieve the original configuration With this approach the graph must be traversed at least twice doubling the constant execution times ConclusionsBoth algorithms perform similarly in general execution time O V however Tarjan s approach is more efficient with constant factors of time and memory at execution In software everything is a tradeoff but due to performance challenges in highly complex distributed systems any gain in time even in units of nano seconds is a significant gain Under this premise Tarjan s algorithm is a much more attractive option Tarjan s algorithm has more development complexity than Kosaraju s however both algorithms serve as tools to better understand graph theory and its applicability to the world of technology Code implementation ReferencesBang Jensen amp Gutin p in the edition p in the nd edition text A weakly connected digraph is indegree of at least |
2023-03-22 15:32:57 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Creating a Notification System with Novu and SendGrid |
Creating a Notification System with Novu and SendGrid TL DRIn this tutorial we ll be creating a tool that can send email notifications To do so we ll use the power of the open source notification infrastructure from Novu alongside SendGrid to manage our email systems IntroductionA notification system is widely recognized as an effective way for app developers and marketers to engage users And with the help of open source notification tools developers can create their own notification pipelines Not only do they allow for a better grip on custom solutions but they also can take away the hassle of fully fleshing out an internal platform And the best option for a notification infrastructure in my opinion is Novu It s a stellar platform that can handle all sorts of notification types and it s easy to get it up and running alongside providers like SendGrid to manage emails SMS and more What is Novu Novu is an open source notification infrastructure meant to make communication and notifications easier for dev teams to put together And with a unified API and integrations with popular tools like SendGrid MailChimp and Twilio it offers endless opportunities A key feature of the Novu platform is the provision of a management dashboard and a centralized location where developers can receive real time notifications and information as part of the development process And because it s an open source project it offers greater levels of security transparency and ease of use All of which makes it more accessible than other similar technologies Creating a Notification System with NovuNaturally we ll need to sign up for a Novu account to get started Thankfully the free tier is all we need for this demo project but there are other tiers if you want to make something that can scale better You also have the option to self host Novu but we won t get into that today Once we have an account we ll create a new notification template in the Notifications tab Then we ll need to enter some basic info like name description group and details The name we pick can be used to trigger this specific notification in our code later Now that we have our template we ll need to create a workflow for it We can do that within the Workflow Editor tab Here you can select what event will happen whenever a notification is triggered So we ll set up one that works for sending emails as we want to use SendGrid to manage emails in our project This in app template is customizable so we ll set it up for our needs and create what goes inside our notification How to Connect SendGrid with NovuNow that we have our notification template we ll swap over to our email service We ll be using SendGrid as an email provider one of many that Novu can integrate withOnce you make an account go to the Sender Authentication section in the panel to your left and then click Verify a Single Sender so we can connect Novu Next select API Keys in Settings and click Create API Key in the top right corner Enter the name of the API key and select Full Access for our permissions Make sure you get a copy and keep it handy as you ll need to plug it into Novu later Now that that s done we ll need to connect it to Novu Head back to the Novu dashboard go to the Integration Store and select SendGrid Enter the API key from SendGrid in the first field and our verified email address in the second field And for the third field we ll need to include our sender s name Press the update button after that and we ll be all set to use SendGrid Integrating Novu into Your ProjectAfter we ve got Novu and SendGrid set up we ll need to actually integrate them into a project For the sake of this tutorial we will assume you already have an existing Node js project You can install Novu with this NPM command npm install novu nodeNow that it s in our project we ll need to include our Novu API key to use it Add this to your existing code import Novu from novu node const novu new Novu process env NOVU API KEY Here we ll add the variables we need for our system These are the same variables for our email notification that Novu will use for our subscribers await novu subscribers identify user id http user id email user email id firstName user first Name Novu also offers a web component that can be dropped into your front end which is what we ll use lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html lang en gt lt head gt lt script src gt lt script gt lt head gt lt body gt lt notification center componentstyle display inline flex application identifier YOUR APP IDENTIFIER subscriber id YOUR SUBSCRIBER ID gt lt notification center component gt lt script gt here you can attach any callbacks interact with the web component APIlet nc document getElementsByTagName notification center component nc onLoad gt console log hello world lt script gt lt body gt lt html gt Then we can send notifications thanks to our notification identifier await novu trigger Welcome Notification to subscriberId payload userName Muthu Now whenever our function is executed our subscriber will receive an email and a notification in your app s notification center Simple right The Wrap UpNotifications are nearly an essential thing for most applications today They offer a way for your users to stay on top of things on and off your platform With Novu backing your application s notification system you ll be empowered with a powerful notification infrastructure limited by your imagination Plus adding SendGrid enables you to have ISP outreach reputation monitoring and real time analytics for your email service If you want to unlock the full potential of Novu s open source notification infrastructure sign up today It s free to get started and it integrates into all of your favorite tools |
2023-03-22 15:18:29 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Monitoring Linux Using Open Source Real-Time Monitoring Tool HertzBeat |
Monitoring Linux Using Open Source Real Time Monitoring Tool HertzBeat Use the open source real time monitoring tool HertzBeat to monitoring and alarm Linux and it will be done in minutes Introduction to HertzBeatHertzBeat is an open source easy to use and friendly real time monitoring tool that does not require Agent and has powerful custom monitoring capabilities Integrate monitoring alarm notification support monitoring of application services databases operating systems middleware cloud native etc threshold alarms alarm notifications email WeChat Dingding Feishu SMS Slack Discord Telegram It configurable protocol specifications such as Http Jmx Ssh Snmp Jdbc etc You only need to configure YML to use these protocols to customize and collect any indicators you want to collect Do you believe that you can immediately adapt to a new monitoring type such as Ks or Docker just by configuring YML HertzBeat s powerful customization multi type support easy expansion and low coupling hope to help developers and small and medium teams quickly build their own monitoring tools Github Get Linux Monitoring Done in HertzBeat in Minutes Prerequisites you already have a Linux environment and a HertzBeat environment HertzBeat Installation and deployment documentation Add monitoring of the Linux operating system to the monitoring page of the open source monitoring tool HertzBeatClick Add Linux MonitoringPath Menu gt Operating System Monitoring gt Linux Operating System gt Add Linux Operating System MonitoringConfigure the parameters required for new monitoring LinuxFill in the Linux peer IP SSH port default account password etc on the monitoring page and finally click OK to add For other parameters such as collection interval timeout period etc please refer to the help document Complete now we have added the monitoring of Linux check the monitoring list to see our added items Click Operation gt Monitoring Details Icon of the monitoring list item to browse the real time monitoring indicator data of Linux Click Monitoring History Details TAB to browse the historical monitoring indicator data chart of Linux DONE Done To sum up it only takes one stepOn the HertzBeat monitoring page configure the IP port account password and add Linux monitoringThrough the above two steps we have completed the monitoring of Linux We can view the monitoring details and indicators in HertzBeat at any time to observe its service status Of course just looking at it is definitely not perfect Monitoring is often accompanied by alarm thresholds When Linux performance indicators exceed our expectations or are abnormal we can promptly notify our corresponding person in charge The person in charge receives the notification and handles the problem It is a complete monitoring and alarm process Next we will demonstrate step by step how to configure threshold alarm notifications in the HertzBeat system so that when Linux indicators are found to be abnormal they will be notified to us in time Add Linux indicator threshold alarm in HertzBeat systemConfigure an alarm threshold for an important indicatorPath Menu gt Threshold Rules gt Add ThresholdSelect the configured indicator object Linux monitors mainly related indicators such as cpu memory disk network performance etc For example we set the threshold for the indicator CPU utilization cpu gt usage When the Linux cpu utilization is greater than When a warning is issued Here we configure to send an alarm when the usage gt of this indicator cpu the alarm level is Warning Alarm which will be triggered after three times as shown in the figure below Add message notification recipientsConfigure the receiver to let the alarm message know who to send and how to send it Path Menu gt Alarm Notification gt Alarm Recipient gt Add New RecipientMessage notification methods support email DingTalk WeChat Work Feishu WebHook SMS etc Here we take the commonly used DingTalk as an example Refer to this Help Documentation to configure the robot on DingTalk and set the security custom keyword HertzBeat get the corresponding access token value Configure the receiver parameters in HertzBeat as follows 【Alarm Notification】 gt 【New Recipient】 gt 【Select DingTalk Robot Notification Method】 gt 【Set DingTalk Robot ACCESS TOKEN】 gt 【OK】Configure the associated alarm notification strategy ️ Add notification strategy gt Associate the recipient just set gt OK Configure the alarm notification policy to bind the alarm message with the receiver so that you can decide which alarms to send to whom Finished now wait for the warning message to come ding ding ding ding HertzBeat warning notification Alarm target object linux cpu usageAffiliated monitoring ID Belonging monitoring name Linux Alarm level warning alarmAlarm trigger time Content details The linux cpu usage is too high now is SummaryThis practical article took us to experience how to use the open source real time monitoring tool HertzBeat to monitor Linux indicator data We can find that HertzBeat which integrates monitoring alarm notification is more convenient in operation and use Linux can be included in the monitoring and alarm notification and there is no need to deploy multiple components and write configuration files Only one docker command is needed to install and experience heartbeat docker run d p name hertzbeat tancloud hertzbeat More powerfulThrough the simple steps above we have realized the monitoring of linux but the built in indicators in it do not meet the needs Can we customize and monitor more indicators of Linux The answer is of course yes through Monitoring Definition gt Linux on the page you can customize and modify the performance indicators you want to monitor by editing the following YML configuration file at any time What is Hertz Beat HertzBeat Hertz Beat is a real time monitoring and alarm system with powerful custom monitoring capabilities and no Agent required Monitoring of application services databases operating systems middleware cloud native etc threshold alarms and alarm notifications email WeChat Dingding Feishu SMS Discord Slack Telegram We make protocol specifications such as Http Jmx Ssh Snmp Jdbc configurable and you only need to configure YML to use these protocols to customize and collect any indicators you want to collect Do you believe that you can immediately adapt to a new monitoring type such as Ks or Docker just by configuring YML The powerful customization of HertzBeat multi type support easy expansion and low coupling hope to help developers and small and medium sized teams quickly build their own monitoring tools Github Gitee SupportedWebsite Monitoring Port Availability Http Api Ping Connectivity Jvm SiteMap Ssl Certificate SpringBoot FTP ServerMysql PostgreSQL MariaDB Redis ElasticSearch SqlServer Oracle MongoDB Dameng OpenGauss ClickHouse IoTDBLinux Ubuntu CentOS WindowsTomcat Nacos Zookeeper RabbitMQ Flink Kafka ShenYu DynamicTp Jetty ActiveMQ Kubernetes Dockerand more for your custom monitoring Notification support Discord Slack Telegram Mail DingTalk WeChat Feishu SMS Webhook |
2023-03-22 15:15:26 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to effectively store and ANALYSE logs in AWS CLOUD |
How to effectively store and ANALYSE logs in AWS CLOUDServices and applications typically create logs that contain significant amounts of information This information is logged and stored on persistent storage allowing it to be reviewed and analyzed at any time By monitoring the data within your logs you can quickly identify potential issues you want to be made aware of as soon as they occur Resolving an incident as quickly as possible is paramount for developing real life solutions Having more data about how your environment is running far outweighs the disadvantage of needing more information especially when it matters to your business in the case of incidents and security breaches Some logs can be monitored in real time allowing automatic responses to be carried out depending on the data contents of the log Logs often contain vast amounts of metadata including date stamps and source information such as IP addresses or usernames This blog aims to help you understand how to store and analyze logs in AWS and some recommended practices Storing and analyzing logs in AWS can be done using various services and tools depending on your requirements and use case Here are some services you can consider A AWS CloudWatchAWS CloudWatch provides valuable insights into the health and performance of your applications and resources which can help you optimize their performance increase availability and improve the overall customer experience Various components of Amazon CloudWatch include Dashboards You can quickly and easily design different dashboards to represent the data by building your views For example you can view all performance metrics and alarms from resources relating to a specific customer Once you have built your Dashboards you can easily share them with other users even those who may not have access to your AWS account Note The resources within your customised dashboard can be from multiple different regions Metrics You can monitor a specific element of an application or resource over time for example the number of DiskReadson in an EC instance Anomaly detection allows CloudWatch to implement machine learning algorithms against your metric data to help detect any activity generally expected outside the normal baseline parameters Note Different services will offer different metrics Amazon CloudWatch Alarms You can implement automatic actions based on specific thresholds that you can configure relating to each metric For example you could set an alarm to activate an auto scaling operation if your CPU utilization of an EC instance peaked at for more than minutes There are three different states for any alarm associated with a metric OK The metric is within the defined configured threshold ALARM The metric has exceeded the thresholds set INSUFFICIENT DATA There is insufficient data for the metric to determine the alarm state Image credits CloudWatch EventBridge You connect applications to various targets allowing you to implement real time monitoring and respond to events in your application The significant benefit of using CloudWatch EventBridge is that it allows you to implement the event driven architecture in a real time decoupled environment Various elements of this feature include Rules A rule acts as a filter for incoming streams of event traffic and then routes these events to the appropriate target defined within the rule The target must be in the same region Targets Targets are where the Rules direct events such as AWS Lambda SQS Kinesis or SNS All events received are in JSON format Event Buses It receives the event from your applications and your rules are associated with a specific event bus CloudWatch Logs You have a centralized location to store your logs from different AWS services that provide logs as an output such as CloudTrail EC VPC Flow logs etc in addition to your own applications An added advantage of CloudWatch logs comes with the installation of the Unified CloudWatch Agent which can collect logs and additional metric data from EC instances as well as from on premise services running either a Linux or Windows operating system This metric data is in addition to the default EC metrics that CloudWatch automatically configures for you Various types of insights within CloudWatch include Log Insights Container Insights and Lambda Insights B AWS Cloud Trail AWS CloudTrail records and tracks all AWS API requests It captures an API request made by a user as an event and logs it to a file it stores on S CloudTrail captures additional identifying information for every event including the requester s identity the initiation timestamp and the source IP address You can use the data captured by CloudTrail to help you enhance your AWS environment in several ways Security analysis tool Help resolve and manage day to day operational issues and problems C AWS COnfig AWS Config records and captures resource changes within your environment allowing you to perform several actions against the data that help optimize resource management in the cloud AWS Config can track changes made to a resource and store the information including metadata in a Configuration Item CI file This file can also serve as a resource inventory It can provide information on who made the change and when through AWS CloudTrail integration AWS CloudTrail is used with AWS Config to help you identify who made the change and when and with which API Note AWS Config is region specific Image credits D AWS Cloud front logs Enabling CloudFront access logs allows you to track each user s request for accessing your website and distribution These logs contain information about the requests made to your CloudFront distributions such as the request s date and time the requester s IP address the URL path and the response s status code Amazon S stores these logs similar to S access logs providing a durable and persistent storage solution Although enabling logging is free S will charge you for the storage used E AWS VPC Flow logsVPC Flow Logs allow you to capture IP traffic information between the network interfaces of resources within your VPC This data aids in resolving network communication incidents and monitoring security by detecting prohibited traffic destinations Note VPC Flow Logs do not store data in S but transmit data to CloudWatch logs Before creating VPC Flow Logs you should know some limitations that may affect their implementation or configuration If you have a VPC peered connection you can only view flow logs of peered VPCs within the same account You cannot modify its configuration once you create a VPC Flow Log Instead you need to delete it and create a new one to make changes You need an IAM role with the appropriate permissions to send your flow log data to a CloudWatch log group You select this role during the setup configuration of VPC Flow Logs Recommended practices for storing and analyzing logs in AWS By following these best practices you can effectively store and analyze logs in AWS and improve the reliability and performance of your applications Define a consistent logging format such as JSON or Apache Log Format Use log rotation to prevent from taking up too much storage space You can use AWS Elastic Beanstalk helps to automate log rotation Set up alerts to notify you of any critical issues in your logs to quickly resolve any issues Amazon CloudWatch helps to set up alerts based on predefined thresholds or custom metrics Use encryption to protect your log data in transit and at rest Amazon S server side encryption or Amazon CloudFront field level encryption helps protect your data You should regularly review and analyze your logs to help identify potential issues AWS services like Amazon Athena Amazon Elasticsearch Service and AWS Glue help you gain insights Use a log aggregation service to centralize your logs across many AWS services AWS CloudTrail or Amazon CloudWatch Logs helps to centralize your logs Implement a data retention policy that specifies how long you need to keep your log data To help avoid unnecessary storage costs and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements By monitoring the data within your logs you can quickly identify potential issues you want to be made aware of as soon as they occur In addition by combining this monitoring of logs with thresholds and alerts you can receive automatic notifications of potential issues threats and incidents before they become production issues By logging what s happening within your applications network and other cloud infrastructure you can build a performance baseline and establish what s routine and what isn t |
2023-03-22 15:12:53 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Microsoft's iPhone App Store plan is limited threat to Apple, for now |
Microsoft x s iPhone App Store plan is limited threat to Apple for nowMorgan Stanley analysts say that a potential Microsoft iPhone app store would initially have only a small impact on Apple if it ever launches ーbut it s a potentially strong competitor in the longer term Microsoft gaming chief Phil Spencer recently announced that Microsoft is planning an App Store that would bring Xbox games to the iPhone The intention is to launch a rival store as soon as the forthcoming EU Digital Markets Act comes in to force in Now in a note to investors seen by AppleInsider Morgan Stanley notes that the announcement contained very little detail The whole Microsoft App Store is also reportedly conditional on Microsoft being able to close its Activision Blizzard acquisition which has been provisionally blocked by UK regulators Read more |
2023-03-22 15:04:37 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The best passive bookshelf speakers for most people |
The best passive bookshelf speakers for most peopleVinyl has been on a resurgence for some time and the pandemic somehow only accelerated that It s got many out there looking to upgrade from a cheap Crosley turntable and build out their first HiFi system Of course there are multiple pieces that go into building a decent stereo but perhaps the most important is the speakers If your speakers don t sound good it basically doesn t matter what you connect them to Active vs Passive SpeakersThis is understandably the part of their setup that people likely spend the most time researching And you have to make a number of choices One of the biggest is active or passive Both have their advantages but for the sake of this guide we re going to focus on passive speakers which require a separate amplifier Active speakers have a built in amplifier Usually the two things are specifically designed to work together which means you re getting a more faithful version of the manufacturer s aural vision And since you don t need an external amplifier active speakers also take up less room While active speakers are more expensive than passive the fact that you need to buy an amp to power passive speakers means the savings aren t as great as they might initially seem The primary benefit of passive is greater flexibility You can t go out and buy a new high end amplifier and connect your active speakers to it you re stuck with what s built in Also since active speakers require power you ll have to make sure they re near an outlet Terrence O Brien EngadgetWe re also putting a cap on our spending for this guide a somewhat arbitrary Anything over that and you re starting to get into budget audiophile territory It also basically limits us to bookshelf speakers between five and six inches While you can certainly get floorstanding speakers for that much the quality of the drivers will likely be better on bookshelf speakers at the same price point A note about testingObviously I could not test every set of five to six inch bookshelf speakers under but I ve tried enough and done enough research to feel confident in my recommendations I m sure there are other good speakers out there but I don t think anyone is going to regret buying the sets here Additionally speaker preference is largely subjective But I did my best to be as objective as possible All of the speakers were connected to a Pyle PSS switcher with the same wire for quick side by side comparisons After I d tested them all myself I enlisted multiple people to listen blindly and then rank them based on their preference to see if their opinions lined up with my own Testing included playing new and vintage vinyl as well as streaming songs from Spotify Also worth noting I am not an audiophile This is not a guide for audiophiles I want my music to sound good but I m not about to drop the price of a used sedan on my stereo My setup includes an Audio Technica Audio Technica AT LP and a Chromecast Audio running through a Technics SA EX This is not fancy stuff but it is certainly an upgrade from a Crosley Suitcase turntable or even a higher end Sonos sound system The best for most people Audioengine HDPHonestly a lot of the speakers I tested sounded eerily similar to each other But not the Audioengines They had a much brighter sound and a lot more clarity than all the others with the exception of a significantly more expensive KEF pair The particular pair I tried also came in a gorgeous “walnut enclosure that helped them stand out in a sea of utilitarian black The HDPs deliver especially strong mids that shine when it comes to vocals and guitars But they sound quite balanced across the entire spectrum Towering compositions like Nine Inch Nails “The Day the Whole World Went Away sprung to life and revealed nuances that frankly I ve never noticed before even on headphones And Promises the recent album from Floating Points Pharoah Sanders and the London Symphony Orchestra was so enveloping it made me want to throw my current floorstanding speakers in the trash While no bookshelf speakers on their own are going to be able to deliver the sort of room shaking thump that floorstanding speakers or a subwoofer can deliver the HDP performed admirably with bass heavy songs They didn t have the most low end of my test units but drums and bass were still punchy and clear For those who want the best sound KEF QIf your number one concern is sound quality regardless of anything else check out the Qs These are the entry level option from noted audiophile brand KEF and the only speakers that beat out the Audioengines in any of my blind taste tests They didn t come out on top every time and some people had trouble deciding between the two but ultimately I think the KEF s have the slight edge in pure sound quality They had a bit more volume at the extreme lower and higher ends of the spectrum It added a certain sparkle to tracks like the Beach Boys “Wouldn t it Be Nice while Run the Jewels “JU T hit a little bit harder than on the HDPs The difference can be subtle depending on what you re listening to but it s undeniable in side by side testing The audio profile of the KEF is similar to that of the Audioengines They re both much brighter and with a lot more treble and midrange than all the other speakers in this roundup If you re into listening to classical or jazz on high quality vinyl these are going to deliver exactly the sort of frequency response you re looking for What stops the Q from topping this list is the list price At they re essentially tied for the most expensive speakers I tested The Polk Rs were but didn t make the final cut While the Qs sounded slightly better than the HDPs to my ears they weren t necessarily better At the time of this writing however the Qs were on sale for making them a compelling option to the Audioengines For the bargain hunter JBL AThe JBLs were pretty consistently in the middle of the pack when it came to listener preference They re not as bright as the KEFs and the Audioengines but not quite as muddy at the lowend as the Polk Ss If you re just looking for a decent set of speakers and don t sweat over spec sheets or if you re primarily listening to streaming music and only putting on vinyl occasionally these are a great option if you can find them on sale For those that need more bass ELAC Debut DBOk so these speakers break our rules a bit but if you opt for the slightly larger inch DBs instead of the DBs you get a lot more thump at the bottom end The Debuts can t quite match the Audioengine or KEFs when it comes to clarity but you ll feel every hit a lot more Backxwash s new album I Lie Here Buried with my Rings and my Dresses raged harder on the ELACs than it did on the Polks JBLs or even the KEFs And they only cost which isn t bad at all If you re primarily listening to electronic music and modern hip hop you might consider the Debut DBs For those who want to ignore my advice If you can t find the JBL As on sale and really want to save as much money as possible you could snag the Polk Ss The Ss don t sound bad but the JBLs are definitely superior They don t have as deep of a soundstage as the other speakers I tested and the lowend can be a little undefined These are probably better suited as part of a home entertainment system than a stereo At a list price of they might seem like a bargain but I d save your pennies for a bit longer and spring for something better The Polk Rs are decent sounding speakers Perhaps slightly better than the JBLs though with a sound profile closer to the Polk s own S The problem is they re tying them for the most expensive I tested At half the price these might be a solid option but the KEFs and Audioengines were ranked higher than the Rs by every tester I have no doubt that these are very good speakers They re currently Wirecutter s top choice But I could not test them and therefore cannot vouch for them This article originally appeared on Engadget at |
2023-03-22 15:45:20 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Nothing’s $149 Ear 2 wireless buds have improved connectivity and more customization |
Nothing s Ear wireless buds have improved connectivity and more customizationNothing s revealed its second generation Ear wireless buds The eye catching design sticks around and the company has tried to address some of the issues that bedeviled the original with some much needed improvements to connectivity and setup Fortunately the price of the Nothing Ear is the same as the Ear which undercut a lot of the established true wireless competition Nothing hasn t redesigned its buds and case they look very similar side by side but it s made a handful of incremental changes Most of them focus on the case which is smaller and slimmer The outer part of the case is still transparent but part of the white structure is now exposed There s no textured surface just a soft touch panel Nothing claims the see through plastic is harder to scratch and damage than the original Ear In my pockets and bag getting shuffled around with keys or other objects has already left a noticeable scratch on the case I also worry that this exposed panel could get muckier easier the curse of all white gadgets Photo by Mat Smith EngadgetTackling one the bigger complaints I had with the Ear Nothing moved the microphones and antenna inside the buds to improve connectivity and stability something it also did with the cheaper Ear Stick The company s first wireless buds were often finickity when pairing The company has also changed the antenna structure for better reliability and the initial pairing process seems to be less fussy and smoother than its predecessor It s also finally added dual connectivity making it easier to switch between your phone and laptop Microphone placements have also been repositioned to reduce wind noise on calls but I didn t notice major improvements over the Ear Nothing said its Clear Voice tech was tuned to just shy of million sounds on the Ear in order to filter them out while that was closer to million on its newest buds However I made several test calls and I was still difficult to hear when it was windy Nothing says it improved sound detail with polyurethane components for clearer low frequencies it s been a while since a company has sold polyurethane as a feature and graphene for brighter highs There s also a dual chamber design for a wider soundstage The Ear will also be compatible with Hi res audio at launch although they weren t at time of writing and are compatible with the LHDC codec which all means they should work with premium audio standards where you can find them But does it sound all that different Swapping between the Ear and Ear the newest version does offer clearer sound in the trebles and the bass has more oomph than before But compared to wireless buds that are often hundred dollars more expensive like the AirPods Pro or Sony s latest flagship buds they don t quite stand up coming off a little flat Nothing s latest buds offer three levels of active noise cancellation ANC low mid and high The Ear also offer a personalized ANC profile calibrated to your own hearing The test is a lengthy five minutes roughly with a test dedicated to each bud Your mileage and ears will different but I didn t note any marked improvements after calibration The ANC isn t perfect At the highest levels of active noise cancellation still seemed to struggle with the reverberations on trains and the subway leading to a jarring noise echo in my left bud while using ANC despite recalibrating the buds several times in a bid to fix it It s fortunately happening much less often following a firmware update over the weekend There s also an adaptive ANC mode that will flit between levels depending on the noise around you hopefully reducing the toll on battery life Nothing says there are battery improvements across both the buds roughly an hour more to over six hours and the case which can juice the buds for up to hours of listening with ANC off two hours longer than the Ear You should get hours of audio from a minute charge too There s still wireless charging too if you want it Setting up and switching between ANC modes is done through the updated Nothing X app but the Ear predictably work best with Nothing s Phone with drop down shortcuts and easier access to the fine grain controls There s also a custom sound profile calibration to hone in on frequencies you might not hear thanks aging The equalizer again inside the companion app offers more options You switch between treble or bass centric modes a balanced mode and one dedicated to voice My custom sound profile also came with the ability to augment my weaker audio frequencies I had trouble hearing with a richer profile alongside the standard recommended mode You can also tweak the intensity with a slider Photo by Mat Smith EngadgetNothing may have added many minor features and improvements but the Ear isn t shaking up the status quo like its predecessor Given the eye catching hardware of the Ear I wasn t expecting a major redesign they don t need it and the company has addressed my biggest problems with the first headphones It s hard to complain about the range of improvements including upgraded water and sweat resistance rating the buds are IP rated while the charging case is IP The Ear will launch in white on March th on Nothing s own retail site as well as on Amazon and Kith Unfortunately if you were looking to match your black Phone there s no plan for a black option This article originally appeared on Engadget at |
2023-03-22 15:30:40 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Spotify has reportedly spent less than 10 percent of its Joe Rogan apology fund |
Spotify has reportedly spent less than percent of its Joe Rogan apology fundSpotify s financial apology for Joe Rogan s comments may not amount to much so far Bloomberg sources claim the streaming service has spent less than percent of its million Creator Equity Fund a pool meant to foster diversity in podcasts and music in its first year of operation The company reportedly planned to spend the whole fund over three years but hasn t had a solid structure for approving spending and has been slow to hire staff Changing priorities have also hurt the project the insiders say Unionized workers at Parcast a Spotify podcast network have previously criticized the company over a lack of spending In February they complained to management that the company had greenlit just out of the earmarked for diversity plans nbsp Spotify didn t address the funding claims in a statement to Engadget It instead pointed to projects the fund has supported so far This includes the LGBTQ music promotion program Glow marketing campaigns for Black artists like Kaytranada and the recent expansion of the NextGen podcast funding initiative to support development at historically Black colleges and universities The Creator Equity Fund has also been used to support Latina Latino creators The firm established the fund after the artist led backlash to Joe Rogan allegedly enabling the spread of COVID vaccine misinformation through his Spotify exclusive podcast While that was the catalyst critics also pointed to Rogan using racist language and making transphobic statements Spotify has repeatedly defended signing Rogan in but has pulled some of the episodes containing racist words Its deal with the podcaster is rumored to be worth at least million and to last years It won t be surprising if Spotify spends more of the diversity fund However the apparent lack of spending doesn t help Spotify s case If the report is accurate the company has had trouble fulfilling its promise to listeners worried the service is amplifying hate and other dangerous falsehoods This article originally appeared on Engadget at |
2023-03-22 15:15:48 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The Tripod Desk Pro is a portable standing desk that upgraded my WFH setup |
The Tripod Desk Pro is a portable standing desk that upgraded my WFH setupAt Engadget we ve covered plenty of standing desks and peripherals that have changed up our work from home setups but everyone s use case and living arrangements differ Until now I ve struggled to find a standing desk that balances versatility and compactness I live in a small one bedroom apartment in London usually working on a dining table instead of a work desk I don t use a second screen I know I should as I prefer to take my work computer to a coffee shop or across London without losing utility I do have a wireless keyboard and trackpad which I usually break out during hectic writing deadlines But beyond an IKEA laptop shelf I ve never found a standing desk to which I d be willing to dedicate a corner of my home I also didn t want to be reminded of work while relaxing on a Saturday morning But Intension s tripod standing desk with a collapsible design and adjustable height might be the solution There are several portable standing desks but Intension s pro model with particularly industrial legs and an optional wheel add on ticked many boxes The desk surface can be fixed between and inches making it a suitable work surface for most people The tripod setup offers more versatility than typical standing desks as you can set it up at knee height and use it for board games or puzzles People still do puzzles okay The desk can also be angled and fixed if you prefer to type or write at an incline too Along one edge there are two laptop stops to keep your laptop on the desk surface even when tilted The wheels an optional add on add even more freedom I can roll the desk into my bedroom if I m taking conference calls and want to be out of earshot of the running washing machine in the background Wouldn t taking your standing desk outside be nice if you have a garden That s possible with a tripod desk As you can see in the pictures the tripod part of the desk is pretty substantial so it ll stay there once it s tightened in place That said because of the way the surface is affixed in a uniform line the desk part can wobble a little img alt This portable standing desk upgraded my WFH setup src style height width Mat Smith EngadgetTalking of the surface some tripod desks offer work space barely larger than an inflight tray table in economy comfort class Fortunately this one has a by inch surface leaving enough space for a light secondary screen your phone and more I attached my Blue podcasting mic to an articulating arm and clamped it to the far edge of the desk Beyond using a standing desk for everyday PC work it s come into its own when I need to film videos for this job with the perfect space for my autocue my laptop and my mic It s a lot more substantial than a typical camera tripod but also so much sturdier Oddly enough the wheelbase is a solid adjustable triangular base that makes it feel even more rigid Each wheel can also be locked in place and there are also rubberized feet on the tripod too Once it s set up the feet are unlikely to move independently whether on hard floors carpet or rugs Its maneuverability is the best part of this tripod desk even when it s not in use While testing I didn t deconstruct it and pack it away often but the ability to do so when I have visitors over or need extra floor space is a boon Most of the time I can wheel it into a corner behind a shelf out of sight Mat Smith EngadgetThe pro model tripod is so incredibly hardy it would probably outlast several items of static furniture It s a shame the surface is a little shaky if they re looking to refresh this model a cross strut to stabilize the surface would be a smart place to begin It s not enough of an angle for cups to slide off but it does feel oddly precarious when the tripod itself is so substantial and when the desk costs I tested out the Intension Tripod Standing Desk Pro as a simple standing desk but its versatility meant I used it for more than just laptop work it even turned into my podcasting surface of choice If you re looking for an even lighter petite tripod desk or just a cheaper option Intension s basic option is currently on sale for under This article originally appeared on Engadget at |
2023-03-22 15:00:37 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Catalyst Wireless Enterprise Agreements now support Cisco DNA Essentials! |
Catalyst Wireless Enterprise Agreements now support Cisco DNA Essentials We re announcing a change that will make our EAs even more flexible you can now qualify for an Enterprise Agreement regardless of the mix of Cisco DNA Essentials and Advantage subscriptions in your wireless network |
2023-03-22 15:00:55 |
海外TECH |
CodeProject Latest Articles |
SharePoint Framework aka SPFx Web part using React & REST API |
react |
2023-03-22 15:44:00 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
DNA From Beethoven’s Hair Unlocks Medical and Family Secrets |
DNA From Beethoven s Hair Unlocks Medical and Family SecretsBy analyzing seven samples of hair said to have come from Ludwig van Beethoven researchers debunked myths about the revered composer while raising new questions about his life and death |
2023-03-22 15:37:24 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Geothermal Power, Cheap and Clean, Could Help Run Japan. So Why Doesn’t It? |
Geothermal Power Cheap and Clean Could Help Run Japan So Why Doesn t It For decades new plants have been blocked by powerful local interests the owners of hot spring resorts that say the sites threaten a centuries old tradition |
2023-03-22 15:43:09 |
金融 |
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監査監督機関国際フォーラム(IFIAR)のページを更新しました。 |
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監査監督機関国際フォーラムによる 「2022年検査指摘事項報告書」の公表について掲載しました。 |
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2023-03-22 16:00:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Boris Johnson and Liz Truss join Tory revolt on Brexit deal |
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Multiple injuries after ship tips over at Edinburgh dockyard |
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Ukraine war: Zelensky visits front line near Bakhmut as Russia targets cities |
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ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
米預金保険制度の拡大、一部議員が模索 - WSJ発 |
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2023-03-23 00:13:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
イギリスのNothing、音質と性能があがったワイヤレスイヤホン「Nothing Ear (2)」発表! |
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2023-03-23 00:30:00 |
Cloud Blog |
Proven Here First: ManTech Leads the Way to Google Workspace |
Proven Here First ManTech Leads the Way to Google WorkspaceManTech a high tech high end engineering and cyber provider to the federal government is making the move to Google Workspace The year old global tech company with the history and expertise in bringing Digital to the Missionwith the best solutions and mission focused technology to the federal community is partnering with Google Public Sector to move its ManTech personnel to Google Workspace This initiative empowers ManTech to bring best in class collaborative cloud based software to their workforce and to every branch of the federal government in supporting critical mission needs To learn more about ManTech s decision and process behind Google Workspace Troy Bertram Managing Director of Google Public Sector partner sales sat down with ManTech s CIO CTO Mike Uster and ManTech s Business Sector General Managers David Hathaway Defense Adam Rudo Intelligence and Stephen Deitz Federal Civilian Bertram Thanks for taking the time to speak with me today Mike David Adam and Stephen Can you tell us a bit more about ManTech what s your company s mission and how does your organization uniquely support the government services marketplace Uster As a trusted partner of the federal government we specialize in sophisticated technology solutions ranging from Cognitive Cyber to Analytics amp AI high end digital engineering Data at the Edge and Enterprise Cloud all very important to safeguarding national security and advancing the government s core mission of achieving IT modernization Deitz Our commitment to great talent and innovative solutions is key to ManTech s strategic objective of solving government s toughest challenges effectively and cost efficiently Bertram What motivated ManTech to bring Google Workspace into its IT portfolio Hathaway Innovation is part of our DNA In fact ManTech will be the first federal systems integrator moving into Google Workspace The timing of our adoption aligns to the Department of the Army and other government customers moving to Google Workspace End Result Addressing our customers mission needs in ways that only ManTech can Deitz We view Google Workspace as an important addition to our initial work with Google Cloud which delivers hyperscale analytics high throughput and air tight security for agencies charged with safeguarding national and homeland security as well as meeting the technology needs of Federal Civilian agencies that serve our citizenry Bertram What were the risks and rewards you considered with this migration Uster Reward can be summarized in three words simplicity flexibility and interoperability There s also a wave of next generation workers who grew up using Google products and services like Gmail Docs and Sheets The tools are simple and intuitive For ManTech users and government alike there s really minimal training required We believe using these Google tools will help us and the federal government attract and retain talent while reaping cost savings Hathaway The U S government spans some agencies and four million employees Over time agencies have evolved from the era of mainframe hardware or “big iron to PCs laptops the Internet email smartphones and other advances but at different paces approaches and time frames Google Workspace provides a rich variety of solutions that uniformly advance IT and communications for each agency and help ensure interoperability between diverse agencies that may be tasked with integral goals and agendas in a secure environment Bertram How did security factor into your decision making for using Google Workspace Uster We knew any solution we adopted needed to be FedRAMP High Now that Google Workspace is FedRAMP High and has earned Department of Defense s Impact Level IL authorization the decision to switch was easy With Google Workspace being cloud native this also ensures that our users and data remain secure no matter where our users are Bertram Can you tell us more about how you made the move to Google Workspace Uster ManTech s philosophy and innovation approach when it comes to introducing new technologies to our customers is “proven here first We offer innovation and capabilities for our customers national and homeland security missions which we have built into our enterprise have tested them and gained significant insight into optimizing performance and security We started small with less than a hundred Google Workspace licenses which we set up in a second ManTech network We ran this pilot for about months to make sure we worked out the kinks and could transition smoothly before implementing more broadly or recommending Google Workspace to our customers Our “tested here first approach gives us firsthand knowledge of the digital solutions we bring to our customers ensuring we bring the best options to their environments Bertram We know building cultures of innovation within the ManTech workforce and government more broadly is an important initiative for you How do you envision Google Workspace will help you achieve this Deitz Innovative culture is a signature characteristic of both companies In ManTech s case it dates all the way back to the day we opened our doors for business and has grown even stronger and broader over the years If you look at missions around the world ManTech is involved we support U S government customers in many countries The same applies to Google and its leadership in technology advancement everywhere We have strengths that others can t match Uster Google Workspace s cloud native flexible and intuitive tools create frictionless environments for users And with no friction people are able to focus more on innovating rather than figuring out software Bertram As you mentioned earlier the U S Army recently deployed Google Workspace procuring licenses for up to personnel How did the U S Army s deployment influence your decision Hathaway As a partner to government and in my case the Department of Defense ManTech s goal is to be where our customers are land sea air space cyber space and everywhere in between As a first mover in the government contracting space like the U S Army was in the government industry we are proud to share that distinction With both of us now being Google Workspace users we are looking at how we can work more collaboratively with the U S Army in a secure environment Bringing our environments together gives us a geometric accelerator to propel collaboration Bertram How will Google Workspace help support your business growth and engagement within the federal community Rudo Our partnership with Google is an important part of ManTech s hybrid environment approach We aim to be adept in many productivity tool environments and to guarantee their reliability and security by first testing it ourselves Hathaway ManTech s work in Zero Trust is one example Our customers trust our work in this area because it s been battle tested here at ManTech The same measure applies to Google Workspace Bertram What advice do you have for anyone leading their own transformation initiatives And specifically what advice do you have for gaining buy in and successful adoption of Google Workspace Uster Be bold and start small Never settle always go for the best whatever it takes ManTech and Google have proved themselves adept at succeeding in areas that others deem “Mission Impossible That s what makes us special to our customers That s what has set ManTech apart from the industry norm since our founding in Google Workspace is a proven tool within the commercial market and the public sector Now that it s FedRAMP High for the federal space it s a viable commodity for the federal government and defense contractors So buy a small set of licenses and try it out yourself Special thanks to ManTech General Managers David Hathaway Defense Sector Adam Rudo Intelligence Sector Stephen Deitz Federal Civilian Sector |
2023-03-22 16:00:00 |