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AWS AWS Big Data Blog Implement slowly changing dimensions in a data lake using AWS Glue and Delta https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/implement-slowly-changing-dimensions-in-a-data-lake-using-aws-glue-and-delta/ Implement slowly changing dimensions in a data lake using AWS Glue and DeltaIn a data warehouse a dimension is a structure that categorizes facts and measures in order to enable users to answer business questions To illustrate an example in a typical sales domain customer time or product are dimensions and sales transactions is a fact Attributes within the dimension can change over timeーa customer can change … 2023-03-28 19:05:57
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Cast From Chrome to Your Smart TV https://www.makeuseof.com/how-to-cast-from-chrome-tv/ compatible 2023-03-28 19:31:21
海外TECH MakeUseOf 6 Potential Downsides to Signing Up for New Social Media Sites https://www.makeuseof.com/potential-downsides-signing-up-new-social-media-sites/ drawbacks 2023-03-28 19:15:20
海外TECH MakeUseOf 4 AI Story Generators Worth Trying https://www.makeuseof.com/best-ai-story-generators/ generate 2023-03-28 19:01:18
海外TECH DEV Community Getting Started With Sentiment Analysis https://dev.to/archybrendah/getting-started-with-sentiment-analysis-152h Getting Started With Sentiment AnalysisSentiment analysis opinion mining is a natural language processing NLP technique that focuses on analyzing and finding the intent emotion behind a given text or speech There is always a sentiment behind any written or spoken speech It could be negative positive or neutral Sentimental analysis helps automate the processing of large amount of data in real time It can be used to analyze customer feedback survey responses social media monitoring reputation management customer experience and product reviews Business decisions can be made after analyzing and understanding people s reaction towards a given comodity Sentimental analysis is fast becoming an essential tool in understanding the sentiment behind all types of data Being able to understand the responses from over customers from a given survey automatically is a great gain for a business Importance of sentimental analysis Sorting large amount of data Manually sorting through thousands of tweets or customer survey responses is very tidious Sentimental analysis helps analyse large amounts of unstructured data within a short period of time Real time analysis Through Sentimental analysis models urgent or critical issues can be detected in real time For example an angry customer who needs immediate attention can be identified immediately and the situation delt with Consistent criteria Using a centralize sentimental analysis model can help with the consistency and maintenance of the standard when interpreting data Manually done interpretations can be bias as sometimes people get influenced with their experience beliefs and thoughts How Does Sentiment Analysis Work With the use of machine learning and natural language processing sentimental analysis can determine whether a text is neutral positive or negative Main approaches of sentimental analysis are Rule based sentiment analysis A set of manually created rules is used for the analysis NLP techniques like Lexicons lists of words Stemming Tokenization Parsing are used Lexicons A list of both negative and positive words are created and later used to describe the sentiment Tokenization Breaking a text or a sentence into smaller pieces called tokens Basic example of how a rule based system works Defines two lists of polarized words that is negative words such as bad ugly and positive words such as best beautiful The text is then prepared processed and formated to make analyzation by the machine possible and easy Tokenizationm and Lemmatization occurs here The computer then counts the number of words classified as negative and the positive words in the text The overall sentiment score of the text is then calculated based on a given scale like to If the number of positive words are higher than the negative word the system returns positive sentiment and vice versa Should the score be even the system returns neutral sentiment Disadvantages of Rule based sentiment analysis It is limited because it doesnt consider the whole sentences but parts of it Human language is complicated and sometimes the real emotion can be missed Automated or Machine Learning Sentiment AnalysisMachine learning techniques are used A model is trained with a given data set to classify the sentiment based on the words and their order in a given text The quality of this approach depends on the quality of the training dataset used Step Feature ExtractionData text preparation is done here Techniques such as tokenization lemmatization vectorization and stopword removal are used to make the text ready for classification by the model Deep learning is used to achieve vectorization of the text Step Training amp PredictionA sentiment labelled training dataset is used to train the algorithm The dataset is created manually or generated from reviews Step PredictionsNew text is fed into the model The model then predicts labels for this new data using the model trained using the training dataset The text is then classified as positive negative or neutral in sentiment This eliminate the need for a pre defined lexicon used in rule based sentiment analysis N B A hybrid of both rule based and automated can be used sometimes Although they are very complex they provide the best result Building Sentiment Analysis ModelPre trained models are publicly available on the Hub hence they are the best place to get started The available models use deep learning designs like transformers For better results it is advisable to fine tune the chosen model with your own data to better fit the case at hand and for accurate results 2023-03-28 19:38:55
海外TECH DEV Community Always-Listening Voice Commands for Vaadin web applications https://dev.to/samiekblad/always-listening-voice-commands-for-vaadin-web-applications-3bhp Always Listening Voice Commands for Vaadin web applicationsThis small tutorial takes minutes from the start to a working demo We use Picovoice Porcupine Wake Word Engine to enable a Vaadin based Java web application If you don t have that much time clone the repo create a accesskey and run it Wake Word Detection is also known as Keyword Spotting Hotword Detection Always Listening Voice Commands Trigger Word Detection and Voice Activation Setup the ProjectThe first step is to create a new Vaadin Java application project Download a new project from start vaadin com with an empty view Create new Java API for always on keyword detection and import Picovoice libraries package com example application import com vaadin flow component UI import com vaadin flow component dependency JsModule import com vaadin flow component dependency NpmPackage NpmPackage value picovoice porcupine web version NpmPackage value picovoice web voice processor version JsModule porcupine integration js public class Porcupine boolean started false public Porcupine String picovoiceAccesskey UI getCurrent getPage executeJs window vaadinPorcupine key picovoiceAccesskey public void start this started true UI getCurrent getPage executeJs window vaadinPorcupine start public void stop this started false UI getCurrent getPage executeJs window vaadinPorcupine stop public boolean isStarted return this started This is the server API available for the rest of the Vaadin Java application Create porcupine integration js in project s frontend folder import WebVoiceProcessor from picovoice web voice processor import PorcupineWorker BuiltInKeyword from picovoice porcupine web import modelParams from porcupine params js a global vaadinPorcupine integration instance is enoughwindow vaadinPorcupine window vaadinPorcupine key null async start console log Starting wake word detection window vaadinPorcupine worker window vaadinPorcupine worker await PorcupineWorker create window vaadinPorcupine key BuiltInKeyword Computer window vaadinPorcupine keywordDetectionCallback base modelParams await WebVoiceProcessor subscribe window vaadinPorcupine worker async stop console log Stopping wake word detection await WebVoiceProcessor unsubscribe window vaadinPorcupine worker keywordDetectionCallback detection console log Detected keyword detection label const e new CustomEvent voice wakeword detail detection label document body dispatchEvent e This is the client side part of the API integrating the in browser wake word detection library Download the Porcupine model i e Deep Neural Network From the project frontend folder run the following to turn the binary pv model into a base string model echo const model params cat porcupine params pv base nexport default model params n n gt porcupine params js Get your Picovoice AccessKeyGo to Picovoice Console s dashboard Copy your AccessKey Add a test button to the EmptyView java to turn the wake word detection on and off final Porcupine porcupine new Porcupine System getenv PICOVOICE ACCESSKEY add new Button Start Stop wake word detection e gt if porcupine isStarted porcupine start else porcupine stop Run the application using your own accessKey PICOVOICE ACCESSKEY your accesskey here mvnw Source Code and more examples The source code for a fully working Vaadin demo with Porcupine is available in my GitHub repository I ve added a custom event and handler example there and later I ll show how to train and add your own custom wake word using Picovoice Porcupine…What should I do next 2023-03-28 19:31:49
海外TECH DEV Community 3 Creative VS Code Extensions You Need To Try Out https://dev.to/stackbit/3-creative-vs-code-extensions-you-need-to-try-out-284b Creative VS Code Extensions You Need To Try Out PolacodePolacode is an incredible Visual Studio Code extension that makes it easy for developers to create stunning screenshots of their code With Polacode users can quickly and accurately select the code they want to capture and generate a high quality image And it doesn t stop there they can also take advantage of the several customization options available such as changing the font size and background color or adding a caption to their image One of the most notable aspects of Polacode is its ability to capture code with syntax highlighting retained making it ideal for tutorials presentations or any other scenario where code readability is important Furthermore Polacode is open source and actively maintained by its development team so users can rest assured knowing new updates and bug fixes are regularly released In short Polacode is an excellent resource for developers who need to create visually appealing code screenshots for documentation tutorials or social media platforms Better CommentsThe Better Comments extension for VS Code is an incredibly useful tool that can make it much easier to understand and organize code comments It does this by introducing a set of special annotations that can be used to provide more context and structure to code comments making them more readable and providing greater clarity as to their purpose For example the software allows users to assign different colors to comments based on the keyword they begin with This allows developers to quickly differentiate between comments intended for tasks that need to be completed in the future such as those beginning with TODO and those containing important information or advice beginning with NOTE In addition visual separators such as asterisks or equal signs can be added between different categories of comments helping to further organize each section of code Beyond this Better Comments includes a number of other annotation keywords which can be used to add additional meaning and context to code comments For instance the “HIGHLIGHT keyword can be used to draw attention to an important piece of code while “QUESTION may be used when asking a direct question within the comment Ultimately this allows developers to communicate more effectively with their peers by creating more detailed informative commentary on their work PeacockThe VS Code extension Peacock is a great tool for streamlining workflow and visually organizing the workspace With this powerful extension developers can easily distinguish between different projects instances of VS Code or other related work Peacock has the ability to generate unique colors for each project or allow users to set their own custom colors This feature simplifies the process of telling apart multiple projects running at once and saves time from having to manually switch between them Additionally Peacock integrates with popular VS Code themes so that users can quickly create a unified color scheme across the entire IDE Moreover Peacock offers a high degree of customization allowing developers to adjust individual components like the status bar title bar and activity bar according to their needs This makes it possible to develop a personalized workspace tailored specifically to one s workflow and preferences All in all this convenient extension provides an easy way for developers to gain more control over their environment and improve productivity Want to see some more cool VS Code extensions Check out the video we created diving into these and more 2023-03-28 19:26:48
海外TECH DEV Community Current problems in the alerting space https://dev.to/shaharglazner/current-problems-in-the-alerting-space-1gi0 Current problems in the alerting space Current problems in the alerting space In the past month we have engaged in conversations with over engineers engineering managers and SREs to gather feedback on the products we are developing at Keep Here is a summary of what we have learned TL DR Creating and maintaining effective alerts avoiding alert fatigue and promoting a strong alerting culture can be difficult tasks Keep addresses these challenges by treating alerts as code integrating with observability tools and using LLMs Want to learn more talk with me at shahar keephq dev join Keep Slack ー or just start play with Keep Why alerting Now let s discuss why alerting is crucial With the increasing reliance on digital systems monitoring and alerting have become more critical than ever Downtime or slow website performance can lead to significant financial losses and drive customers away to other competitors To meet the growing demand for observability there has been a significant proliferation of observability tools with companies like Datadog Grafana New Relic Elasticsearch and Splunk dominating the market In addition many other tools like Sentry Coralogix Sumo Logic and BugSnag have also gained widespread adoption According to Grafana Labs Observability Survey of companies use or more observability tools highlighting the significance of the problem So what s the problem if any There are several current problems around alerting that hinder companies from getting the most out of their monitoring systems Let s review them Alerts fatigueOne of the significant problems with alerting is alert fatigue When you receive too many alerts it can be challenging to determine which ones are critical and which ones can be ignored This can lead to a lack of attention to alerts which can ultimately result in missing critical issues Monitoring your monitoringIt s essential to ensure that your monitoring tools are working correctly and providing accurate and timely alerts However it can be challenging to keep track of all the monitoring tools that you re using and it can be even more challenging to keep them all in sync Alerts maintenanceAs systems change alerts may need to be updated to reflect these changes However it can be challenging to keep track of all the alerts that need to be updated leading to outdated alerts being triggered or not triggered at all Lack of developer experienceMany companies rely on developers to set up and maintain their alerting systems However not all developers have the necessary experience to create effective alerting systems Too many toolsFinally many companies have too many alerting tools making it challenging to keep track of alerts leading to confusion and missed alerts In conclusion monitoring and alerting are critical for companies to ensure their systems run efficiently and effectively However several current problems with alerting can hinder companies from getting the most out of their monitoring systems By understanding these problems companies can work to overcome them and ensure that their monitoring systems provide accurate and timely alerts How does keep solving that Keep takes a holistic approach to solving all these problems with alerting By treating alerts as code and integrating them with existing observability tools along with leveraging AI Keep can achieve the following objectives Measure engagement reduce noise add context and fine tune the alerts Single pane of glass ーby integrating with all of your observability tools Keep decoupling and deduplicating alerts so if your database is down you ll know that the alerts from the frontend are because of that Using Keep s CI CD integration you can maintain your alerts as easily as adding a new step in your GitHub Action Decouple what you want to alert from the actual tool ーusing Keep s semantic layer a developer can just write “Using Datadog alert me when service X is down for than Y minutes SummaryIn today s digital age monitoring and alerting are critical for ensuring the smooth functioning of a company s systems However several problems with alerting are hindering companies from getting the most out of their monitoring systems These problems include alert fatigue difficulty in monitoring your monitoring alert maintenance lack of developer experience and too many alerting tools Keep a platform that treats alerts as code and integrates them with existing observability tools provides a holistic approach to solving these issues By leveraging AI and using a semantic layer Keep can measure engagement reduce noise add context and fine tune alerts providing a single pane of glass for all observability tools and allowing for easy maintenance of alerts 2023-03-28 19:25:16
海外TECH DEV Community Trending Rust repos of the week 📈 https://dev.to/quine/trending-rust-repos-of-the-week-59bc Trending Rust repos of the week Hey there Welcome to TrendingTuesdayThis week we ll look into the fastest growing repos written in RUST Our weekly trending lists take into account the historical performance of similar repos and the repo s current growth stage For this reason you ll find some gems here that you won t see anywhere else We ll drop a cool update soon so follow us on Twitter quine to stay up to date  do not compile this code is a proof of concept that demonstrates how Rust macros can be exploited to execute arbitrary code during compilation Specifically the code in this repository defines a Rust macro which reads the content of a file in ssh and deletes it When the code containing the macro is opened in Visual Studio Code with the rust analyzer plugin or when cargo build is run the macro is expanded and the file is read and deleted The authors aim to highlight the fact that during compilation Rust macros allow for arbitrary code execution It s worth noting that the rust lang rust analyzer team has since responded to the repo and clarified that this behaviour is by design Thanks to eleijonmarck for putting this together️⃣ nix init is a repo that lets you generate Nix packages from URLs Its purpose is to make it easier to create Nix packages from sources hosted online such as GitHub repositories tarballs or zip files The generated packages can be used with the Nix package manager The repo includes a bunch of features like hash prefetching dependency inference and license detection It has issues and contributors ️⃣libgsqlite contains a SQLite extension that allows users to load a Google Sheet as a virtual table and run SQL commands on it It is important to note that the project is still under development and the interface is still read only so INSERT  UPDATE and DELETE statements are not yet implemented ️⃣lencx nofwl is a repo that aims to fix the problems that the unofficial ChatGPT s Desktop application lencx ChatGPT has encountered since it exploded in popularity a few weeks ago see ️⃣ below for context The project hasn t officially launched yet but it has acquired a lot of community support over the last few weeks Kudos to lencx for creating this new project which undoubtedly will be very successful ️⃣ maciejhirsz kobold is a Rust based web framework that provides a declarative way to build web interfaces Kobold leverages Rust s powerful type system to ensure safety and performance while using macros to provide a familiar JSX like syntax for building web interfaces One of its key features is its zero cost static HTML generation The project has issues and contributors ️⃣ tui rs revival ratatui is a fork of the original TUI Terminal User Interface project which provides a Rust library for building rich terminal user interfaces and dashboards The original maintainer explain in tui rs that he couldn t continue development which led to the community creating this fork to continue maintenance and development of the project There are updated contributing guidelines for anyone interested in contributing to this fork and the community organises through a Discord server It has issues and contributors ️⃣ sigoden aichat is a repo bringing ChatGPT to the terminal plain and simple It supports chat and command modes dark light themes saved messages syntax highlighting and much more It counts issues and contributors ️⃣ zurawiki gptcommit featured in the th place of our list over a month ago so it s great to see it moving up the ranks to number three gptcommit is a git prepare commit msg hook for authoring commit messages with GPT The tool allows you to easily generate clear comprehensive and descriptive commit messages at the time you commit and to edit them if you didn t like the output Congrats to zurawiki for this fantastic project ️⃣ Place number two is for bloop a code search engine that uses GPT to answer questions about your code It allows users to search both local and remote repositories with natural language blazing fast regex and filtered queries At the time of writing this post bloop supports syncs with both local and GitHub repositories but support for more code hosts is coming very soon Great project from the team at bloopdotai ️⃣ The top trending RUST repo of the week is lencx ChatGPT is an open source ChatGPT desktop application We featured this repo in our first RUST trending list a month ago so it is great to see it in the top place Since its creation the project has received a lot of attention but unfortunately a few negative events have happened Some people have repackaged the project to sell it for profit A hacker has planted a Trojan horse after in one of the project s fork which has probably infected computers that didn t use the official download link The contributors are taking steps to mitigate these issues but they are also creating a fresh new project lencx nofwl to account for all of them This project took place ️⃣this week Congrats again to lencx for all the work he and his community are doing We ll write about trending repos on different topics and languages EVERY WEEK Follow us here and on Twitter quine to stay in the loop Do you want to build an impressive open source portfolio but don t know where to start We re here to help Check out Quine and fast forward your journey as an open source creator 2023-03-28 19:24:33
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Xcode 14.1 required for App Store submissions from April 25 https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/03/28/xcode-141-required-for-app-store-submissions-from-april-25?utm_medium=rss Xcode required for App Store submissions from April Apple has warned developers submitting apps to the App Store that they will soon need to use Xcode or later for them to be accepted Xcode Apple A notice posted to Apple s Developer News and Updates advises of a change to the App Store submission requirements that starts from April From that date developers need to build their apps using Xcode or later for it to be looked at Read more 2023-03-28 19:42:31
海外TECH Engadget E-book library app OverDrive is shutting down on May 1st https://www.engadget.com/e-book-library-app-overdrive-is-shutting-down-on-may-1st-194807737.html?src=rss E book library app OverDrive is shutting down on May stOverDrive the service you can use to borrow ebooks audiobooks and other digital media from your local library school or university is shutting down In a blog post spotted by TechCrunch OverDrive announced last week it would shutter the app on May st The company first shared it was planning to sunset OverDrive in revealing at the time that it would delist the service from app stores in February The shutdown represents an effort by OverDrive to move the majority of its users over to its newer Libby app The two services have existed alongside one another since Overdrive introduced Libby in though there s little reason to use the older app Libby offers a handful of features that aren t available on OverDrive including most notably support for multiple library cards a unified bookshelf for all your loans and holds and Apple CarPlay support If you use OverDrive to enjoy books on your e reader you re probably wondering how the shutdown will affect your Kindle or Kobo Amazon did not immediately respond to Engadget s request for information on how it plans to handle the transition However most signs point to the shutdown being a minor inconvenience for users who haven t already moved to Libby In the US you can send most books you find on Libby to your Kindle device Moreover if you re still using OverDrive you can sync your wish lists to Libby As for Kobo devices a Rakuten spokesperson said the company would have more information to share on the transition in the future In either case Engadget will update this article once there s more to know This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2023-03-28 19:48:07
海外TECH Engadget Dolphin is releasing its Gamecube and Wii emulator on Steam https://www.engadget.com/dolphin-is-releasing-its-gamecube-and-wii-emulator-on-steam-193356400.html?src=rss Dolphin is releasing its Gamecube and Wii emulator on SteamNintendo might be making it harder to play its older games on official hardware but there are other options if you know where to look One of them is about to be a lot easier to find Dolphin a popular emulator that runs most GameCube and Wii titles will be launching on Steam later this year Dolphin is already available for free but launching on Steam could make using the emulator more straightforward on devices like the Steam Deck where dropping to desktop mode and manually installing programs can be a little cumbersome nbsp That doesn t mean downloading Dolphin from the Steam store will give you instant access to classic Nintendo games however Dolphin s store page is quick to point out that the quot app does not come with games You must own an original copy of any game you want to use with Dolphin quot If you ve dabbled in retro game emulation at all that should sound pretty familiar ーemulating console games is a bit of a legal gray area nbsp That s probably why the Dolphin Steam page is reluctant to even identify what exactly it does ーinstead choosing to say it plays quot classics from the Big N s cube shaped and motion controlled consoles quot The emulator s website is a bit more explicit specifically stating that quot downloading commercial games is illegal quot and encouraging users use homebrew tools to make backups of game discs they legally own nbsp Dolphin is expected to launch on Steam Early Access by the end of Q with a full launch planned by the end of the year nbsp This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2023-03-28 19:33:56
海外TECH Engadget Google searches now provide more context and viewpoints for news stories https://www.engadget.com/google-searches-now-provide-more-context-and-viewpoints-for-news-stories-191545815.html?src=rss Google searches now provide more context and viewpoints for news storiesGoogle already provides some context around search results to help you understand the news and now it s adding more tools to make sure you see the broader picture To start there s a new Perspectives carousel that provides viewpoints from experts journalists and quot other relevant voices quot for a given news topic You may see actors and critics takes after the Oscars for instance Perspectives will be available soon in the US for English users You can also learn more about the writers behind news stories An quot About this author quot feature tucked inside quot About this result quot will show creators backgrounds and encourage the use of trustworthy sources Google is rolling out the author info worldwide in English and you ll also find it in the Perspectives carousel The company is simultaneously upgrading some of its existing features quot About this result quot will be available for all search languages in the days ahead Advisories for rapidly developing stories are coming to French German Italian Spanish and Japanese users too And if you put an organization s web address into a search you ll now get quot About this page quot info toward the top You ll have a better sense of whether or not that organization s site is worth visiting The extra features help flesh out Google s larger bid to fight misinformation and promote news literacy through education fact checking and supplemental info Ideally searchers will both look for more reliable info and escape media bubbles that reinforce biases It s not clear how well the additions will help in practice it requires a desire to double check content after all and this won t fend off bias accusations against Google itself However they may be especially useful to students wanting to verify the quality of their sources for essays and research papers This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2023-03-28 19:15:45
海外科学 NYT > Science DNA From Beethoven’s Hair Unlocks Medical and Family Secrets https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/22/health/beethoven-death-dna-hair.html DNA From Beethoven s Hair Unlocks Medical and Family SecretsBy analyzing seven samples of hair said to have come from Ludwig van Beethoven researchers debunked myths about the revered composer while raising new questions about his life and death 2023-03-28 19:33:15
海外科学 BBC News - Science & Environment New cars sold in EU must be zero-emission from 2035 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-65105129?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA germany 2023-03-28 19:41:52
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 急性期病院での病床高回転化のポイント-データで読み解く病院経営(172) https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20230328153446 代表取締役 2023-03-29 05:00:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Prince Harry accuses Associated Newspapers of 'criminality' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-65105315?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA elton 2023-03-28 19:22:38
ニュース BBC News - Home New cars sold in EU must be zero-emission from 2035 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-65105129?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA germany 2023-03-28 19:41:52
ニュース BBC News - Home Teachers' strikes: Keegan says pay deal is final offer https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-65098959?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA potential 2023-03-28 19:04:14
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 英語教材【本・スクール・動画・アプリ】の800人アンケート満足度ベスト5!動画の一押しは「Pixar」 - 一度覚えたら忘れない英語勉強法 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/319617 pixar 2023-03-29 05:00:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 農業で「使える&期待外れツール」ランキング2023!期待外れ4位はメルカリ、1位は? - 儲かる農業 下剋上 ピンチをチャンスに https://diamond.jp/articles/-/320010 農業で「使える期待外れツール」ランキング期待外れ位はメルカリ、位は儲かる農業下剋上ピンチをチャンスに毎年恒例の、農業で「使えるamp期待外れツール」ランキングを発表する。 2023-03-29 04:55:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 メルカリが2桁増収・黒字継続も米国事業は大苦戦、赤字拡大にKPI「目標撤回」 - ダイヤモンド 決算報 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/320323 2023-03-29 04:50:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 異次元緩和の次は財政拡大か?「MMT」の“真逆の主張”に3つの疑問 - 政策・マーケットラボ https://diamond.jp/articles/-/320262 中央銀行 2023-03-29 04:45:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 欧米の「金融不安再燃」、事態悪化を防ぐ重要ポイントは3つ - 経済分析の哲人が斬る!市場トピックの深層 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/320260 金融引き締め 2023-03-29 04:40:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【新宿区ベスト10】小学校区「教育環境力」ランキング!【偏差値チャート最新版】 - 東京・小学校区「教育環境力」ランキング2022 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/320308 【新宿区ベスト】小学校区「教育環境力」ランキング【偏差値チャート最新版】東京・小学校区「教育環境力」ランキング子どもにとってよりよい教育環境を目指し、入学前に引っ越して小学校区を選ぶ時代になった。 2023-03-29 04:35:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 WBC優勝が突き付ける「競争を奪う」ことの罪深さ - 山崎元のマルチスコープ https://diamond.jp/articles/-/320272 切磋琢磨 2023-03-29 04:30:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 豊田章男氏が自工会会長を辞意撤回で一転続投、「トヨタ色」強まる自動車団体 - モビリティ羅針盤~クルマ業界を俯瞰せよ 佃義夫 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/320271 豊田章男 2023-03-29 04:25:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 韓国「教育と司法」で左派支配が続く“反日体制”温存の実態、元駐韓大使が解説 - 元駐韓大使・武藤正敏の「韓国ウォッチ」 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/320270 韓国「教育と司法」で左派支配が続く“反日体制温存の実態、元駐韓大使が解説元駐韓大使・武藤正敏の「韓国ウォッチ」革新系の教育監日本の教育長に相当は革新学校と呼ばれる新設校を作り、そこに全国教職員労働組合全教組の教師を優先的に配置している。 2023-03-29 04:20:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 子どもの防犯対策「いかのおすし」もブザーも的外れ、要人警護のプロが苦言 - 絶対生存マニュアル https://diamond.jp/articles/-/319755 子どもの防犯対策「いかのおすし」もブザーも的外れ、要人警護のプロが苦言絶対生存マニュアル幼い子どもが殺人・誘拐・わいせつ行為などの被害に遭う事件が後を絶たない。 2023-03-29 04:15:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 韓国で「行列ができる店」ブーム?せっかちな韓国人が長時間待つようになったワケ - News&Analysis https://diamond.jp/articles/-/319639 韓国で「行列ができる店」ブームせっかちな韓国人が長時間待つようになったワケNewsampampAnalysis韓国人の国民性といえば、よく挙がるのが「パリパリ早く早く」というせっかちさ。 2023-03-29 04:10:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 いろんな薄毛の「意外な原因」、育毛剤が無意味な場合も…円形脱毛症の“最新特効薬”も徹底調査【後編】 - News&Analysis https://diamond.jp/articles/-/320197 いろんな薄毛の「意外な原因」、育毛剤が無意味な場合も…円形脱毛症の“最新特効薬も徹底調査【後編】NewsampampAnalysis子どもから高齢者まで誰でも発症する可能性がある円形脱毛症。 2023-03-29 04:05:00
ビジネス 東洋経済オンライン 「1円スマホ」にメス?変わらぬ携帯販売の異常体質 「安売り依存」のキャリアは当局に規制を要求 | 通信 | 東洋経済オンライン https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/662544?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=http&utm_campaign=link_back 有識者会議 2023-03-29 05:00:00
ビジネス 東洋経済オンライン 鉄道旅行の友「海外の小ホテル」今はこう泊まる 宿へ直接行って「今晩泊まれますか」は過去の話 | 旅・趣味 | 東洋経済オンライン https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/661855?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=http&utm_campaign=link_back 東洋経済オンライン 2023-03-29 04:30:00



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