投稿時間:2023-03-31 00:19:02 RSSフィード2023-03-31 00:00 分まとめ(24件)

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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] レオパレス、2万円のベア実施 初任給も引き上げ https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2303/30/news242.html itmedia 2023-03-30 23:09:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita SwitchBotの指を定期的(指定した時間)に実行するプログラムを作った https://qiita.com/phxa/items/78a76412309cdd12af68 alexa 2023-03-30 23:58:33
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita GASで簡単なGmail分析アプリを作ってみた https://qiita.com/appledays/items/ef408c14520c41b4ab90 gmail 2023-03-30 23:44:41
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita stringの中身をsplit()とjoin()置き換える。 https://qiita.com/saburo555/items/9977f8ad1e2c82020900 constold 2023-03-30 23:07:39
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita javascript基礎/非同期処理/await/async https://qiita.com/jojo232/items/fe2e56d0a37e3a63b476 awaitasync 2023-03-30 23:00:27
Linux Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Apache2.4】再起動後に"Job for apache2.service failed because the control process exited with error code"と表示された場合の原因と対応方法 https://qiita.com/Ryo-0131/items/0046d9816f430d2c2a0a 【Apache】再起動後にquotJobforapacheservicefailedbecausethecontrolprocessexitedwitherrorcodequotと表示された場合の原因と対応方法概要AWSECインスタンスのUbuntuでsudosystemctlrestartapacheを実行したら下記のエラーメッセージが返されてしまった。 2023-03-30 23:33:30
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Apache2.4】再起動後に"Job for apache2.service failed because the control process exited with error code"と表示された場合の原因と対応方法 https://qiita.com/Ryo-0131/items/0046d9816f430d2c2a0a 【Apache】再起動後にquotJobforapacheservicefailedbecausethecontrolprocessexitedwitherrorcodequotと表示された場合の原因と対応方法概要AWSECインスタンスのUbuntuでsudosystemctlrestartapacheを実行したら下記のエラーメッセージが返されてしまった。 2023-03-30 23:33:30
海外TECH Ars Technica How a major toy company kept 4chan online https://arstechnica.com/?p=1927847 investor 2023-03-30 14:52:32
海外TECH Ars Technica Manchin vows to sue Biden administration over EV tax credits https://arstechnica.com/?p=1927845 counts 2023-03-30 14:07:28
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Show or Hide Folders in "This PC" on Windows 11 https://www.makeuseof.com/how-to-show-or-hide-folders-in-this-pc-on-windows-11/ folders 2023-03-30 14:15:16
海外TECH MakeUseOf 6 Problems With Electric Semi Trucks https://www.makeuseof.com/problems-with-electric-semi-trucks/ trucks 2023-03-30 14:15:16
海外TECH DEV Community Build your first AI-powered Q&A using Next.js and OpenAI Text Completion https://dev.to/codegino/how-to-build-a-simple-qa-using-openai-and-nextjs-34d7 Build your first AI powered Q amp A using Next js and OpenAI Text Completion TL DRCheck these API implementation and frontend implementation on Github IntroductionOpenAI is a powerful artificial intelligence platform that allows developers to create intelligent applications Next js is a popular React framework that provides server side rendering and other advanced features In this blog I will create a simple Q amp A app using OpenAI and Next js OpenAI s text completion API uses AI to generate human like text based on a given prompt making it a powerful tool for tasks like generating creative writing building chatbots and creating language models Its advanced language processing and vast data resources enable it to produce text that closely resembles human writing making it a valuable resource for businesses and developers PrerequisitesBefore you begin you should have a basic understanding of React and Next js You should also have an OpenAI API key If you don t have an OpenAI API key you can sign up for a free account on their website I will only be using TypeScript and TailwindCSS for this project but you can use JavaScript and any CSS framework you prefer Project Setup Initialize a NextJS projectYou can create a project as suggested in the NextJS official documentation npx create next app latest oryarn create next appBut if you are like me that prefer to have TypeScript and Tailwind you can clone this boilerplate instead npx degit codegino nextjs tailwind slim boilerplate Create the Backend API Create a reusable OpenAI client src libs openai tsimport Configuration OpenAIApi from openai const configuration new Configuration apiKey process env OPENAI API KEY export const openai new OpenAIApi configuration Never commit your API key to your repository You can env out of the box to store your API key Create a NextJS API handlerWe only need the API to handle POST requests so we can return an error if the request method is not POST We can use the OpenAI client to create a completion using the createCompletion method We can set the prompt to the question and the model to text davinci The temperature and max tokens can be adjusted to get different results We can set the n to to only get one result also to save some money src pages api completion tsimport NextApiRequest NextApiResponse from next import openai from libs openai export default async function handler req NextApiRequest res NextApiResponse const prompt req body if req method POST return res status json error Invalid request const response await openai createCompletion prompt model text davinci temperature max tokens n return res status json data response data Run the application using yarn dev Test the newly created endpoint using curl Postman Hoppscotch or whatever you prefer We should see the response data from OpenAI Update the API responseSince we don t need the entire response from OpenAI we can simplify the response to only return the data we need Because we set the number of results to only one using n we can simplify the response to only extract the first choice Also we can remove the new lines from the beginning of the response using the replace method src pages api completion tsimport NextApiRequest NextApiResponse from next import openai from libs openai export default async function handler req NextApiRequest res NextApiResponse const prompt req body if req method POST return res status json error Invalid request const response await openai createCompletion prompt model text davinci temperature max tokens n return res status json data response data const firstResponse response data choices return res status json data firstResponse text firstResponse text replace n The response should be simpler for the Frontend to process Create the Question Form Create variables to store the question and the answer src pages index tsxconst prompt setPrompt useState const response setResponse useState Create a function handler when the user clicks the button src pages index tsxconst handleSubmit async e gt e preventDefault const res await fetch api completion method POST headers Content Type application json body JSON stringify prompt prompt trim then res gt res json setResponse res data text Create the form with an input and a submit button src pages index tsxreturn lt div className max w md mx auto pt gt lt h className text xl font bold text center mb bg white gt Ask Me Anything lt h gt lt form onSubmit handleSubmit className bg white shadow md rounded p gt lt div className mb gt lt label htmlFor prompt className block text gray text sm font bold mb gt What do you want to know lt label gt lt input id prompt type text name prompt value prompt autoComplete off onChange e gt setPrompt e target value placeholder How to ask a question className shadow border rounded w full py px text gray gt lt div gt lt div className flex gap gt lt button type submit className bg blue text white font bold py px rounded gt Ask lt button gt lt div gt lt form gt lt div gt Render the response if it exists src pages index tsxreturn lt div className max w md mx auto pt gt lt h className text xl font bold text center mb bg white gt Ask Me Anything lt h gt lt form onSubmit handleSubmit className bg white shadow md rounded p gt lt div className mb gt lt label htmlFor prompt className block text gray text sm font bold mb gt What do you want to know lt label gt lt input id prompt type text name prompt value prompt autoComplete off onChange e gt setPrompt e target value placeholder How to ask a question className shadow border rounded w full py px text gray gt lt div gt response amp amp lt div className mb gt lt h className font bold gt Response lt h gt lt p className pl text gray whitespace pre line gt response lt p gt lt div gt lt div className flex gap gt lt button type submit className bg blue text white font bold py px rounded gt Ask lt button gt lt div gt lt form gt lt div gt OPTIONAL Add global style to the page src styles tailwindbody background image radial gradient blue px transparent px background size px px The whole component should look like this src pages index tsximport useState from react const IndexPage gt const prompt setPrompt useState const response setResponse useState const handleSubmit async e gt e preventDefault const res await fetch api completion method POST headers Content Type application json body JSON stringify prompt prompt trim then res gt res json setResponse res data text return lt div className max w md mx auto pt gt lt h className text xl font bold text center mb bg white gt Ask Me Anything lt h gt lt form onSubmit handleSubmit className bg white shadow md rounded p gt lt div className mb gt lt label htmlFor prompt className block text gray text sm font bold mb gt What do you want to know lt label gt lt input id prompt type text name prompt value prompt autoComplete off onChange e gt setPrompt e target value placeholder How to ask a question className shadow border rounded w full py px text gray gt lt div gt response amp amp lt div className mb gt lt h className font bold gt Response lt h gt lt p className pl text gray whitespace pre line gt response lt p gt lt div gt lt div className flex gap gt lt button type submit className bg blue text white font bold py px rounded gt Ask lt button gt lt div gt lt form gt lt div gt export default IndexPage Here is how the markup looks like And here is the output when the user submits the form Tip You can use the tailwind whitespace pre line OR vanilla CSS white space pre line style to preserve the new lines in the response Improve the UX a little bitWe can add a loading state to the button and disable the input field while the request is being processed Also instead of spamming the Ask button we can add a Try Again button to reset the form That way we can save some of our precious OpenAI credits src pages index tsximport useState from react const IndexPage gt const response setResponse useState const prompt setPrompt useState const loading setLoading useState false const handleSubmit async e gt e preventDefault setLoading true setResponse const res await fetch api completion method POST headers Content Type application json body JSON stringify prompt prompt trim then res gt res json setResponse res data text setLoading false const handleTryAgain gt setResponse setPrompt return lt div className max w md mx auto pt gt lt h className text xl font bold text center mb bg white gt Ask Me Anything lt h gt lt form onSubmit handleSubmit className bg white shadow md rounded p gt lt div className mb gt lt label className block text gray text sm font bold mb htmlFor prompt gt What do you want to know lt label gt lt input id prompt type text name prompt value prompt onChange e gt setPrompt e target value placeholder How to ask a question autoComplete off disabled response loading className shadow border rounded w full py px text gray gt lt div gt response amp amp lt div className mb gt lt h className font bold gt Response lt h gt lt p className pl text gray whitespace pre line gt response lt p gt lt div gt lt div className flex gap gt response lt button onClick handleTryAgain className bg blue text white font bold py px rounded gt Try again lt button gt lt button type submit disabled loading prompt length lt className bg blue text white font bold py px rounded disabled opacity gt loading Thinking Ask lt button gt lt div gt lt form gt lt div gt export default IndexPage And here is a slightly better experience Source CodeThe source code for this project is available on GitHub ConclusionIn this blog post I demonstrated how simple it is to use OpenAI text completion with Next js We have seen how to create an API route in Next js how to make an API request to the OpenAI API using the openai library and create a client side form to accept prompts and display the response from the API And those three steps are all we need to create a more awesome app What s NextImage generation with OpenAISave the responses to a database 2023-03-30 14:50:20
海外TECH DEV Community Moving DevEx from DevRel to Engineering https://dev.to/missamarakay/moving-devex-from-devrel-to-engineering-5251 Moving DevEx from DevRel to EngineeringI wasn t sure if I wanted to share this but I ve had a few folks ask about our reorg out of DevRel and into Engineering Please enjoy this stream of conscious listicle This is what I have energy to write right now Things I expectedDifferent managerDifferent peer group first time ever having peer managers Different position on an org chartReporting to VP now vs director previously Still second level as CTO still within ProductsOur scope increased to own SDKs a new function entirelyOur scope decreased removed Community Slack Community Hub and Community Forum Things I didn t expectWe immediately received headcount Prior to the reorg I wasn t anticipating hiring this year Hiring is hard but it s been very hard recently Engineering recently streamlined hiring which was vastly different from the process and way we hired in DevRel Outcome we had to rework our hiring process immediately Engineering had completely shifted away from quarterly planning and OKRs DevRel did both quarterly planning and OKRs Outcome we had to shift to smaller incremental improvements and more of a continuous delivery style New manager career path streamlined with other Engineering Managers But I don t feel like an Engineering Manager Updated DevEx Engineer career path to be closer to streamlined Eng career path but ultimately needed to stay separate This is still a change and changes to people s inflight career paths are hard Community feedback was ok but specific customers feedback was best Puts us in direct conflict with building for everyone paying customer or not Note this was a company shift so no matter where we sat I think this would have been a change We were labeled as a product development team Docs amp SDKs but often function as a support team too particularly for Docs This means we have a LOT of interrupt driven work Some seasonality too weeks before the x yearly minor releases we see a huge uptick in PR reviews Nearly constant re introductions and internal team marketing to describe scope changes These have slowed but I m still finding some people think we are part of DevRel not Eng 2023-03-30 14:23:50
海外TECH DEV Community Bounie Launching On Product Hunt Tomorrow https://dev.to/dougben/bounie-launching-on-product-hunt-tomorrow-4gje Bounie Launching On Product Hunt TomorrowTodays a very exciting day for me as my new website Bounie will be launching on Product Hunt So first of all what is Bounie Bounie is a news website where anyone can contribute It all starts with a good headline Users can then contribute related information images links and opinions to build out a full story This results in articles that are dynamic feeds of engaging content instead of traditional walls of text I give a full demo of Bounie in the video below check it out if you want to learn more Please sign up for Bounie and let me know what you think of it And keep an eye out for it on Product Hunt tomorrow I greatly appreciate it Since this is dev to you re probably curious about the technology I used for Bounie Here is a breakdown of the technology I used to Build it Codebase Next js I really enjoy working with this framework and the ease of deploying both the frontend and backend on VercelNextAuth A great user authentication library currently I only support signing in with GoogleMUI This is a new favourite of mine I used to be all about writing pure custom scss for my websites but recently I discovered MUI and have fallen in love with it No more class names I strongly suggest you check it out if you are looking for a great way to style your components Prisma This is my goto library for querying my DB It reminds me of working with Laravel query builder back in the day Infrastructure PostgreSQL The DB I decided to go with I love working with SQL queries Render The platform I use to host my DB I really like Render its super easy to get up and running with Vercel Since this is a Next js site it made sense to go with Vercel for hosting I love their UI and they have pretty generous pricing for new websites with a moderate amount of traffic Backblaze B A much cheaper S compatible file hosting service Its been a breeze to work with and they even offer free downloads if you use Cloudflare DNS for serving the files Cloudflare The DNS choice I decided to go with to setup a Proxy for Backblaze Cloudflare is full of rich features although many of them I can t take advantage of since they require setting up a Proxy which Vercel recommends not doing with there service since it can cause some big issues especially with your cache That sums up the technology I used at a high level please let me know if you have any questions Thanks for reading this post and once again please sign up for Bounie and let me know what you think Together we can reinvent the news bounie com 2023-03-30 14:11:01
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News iPad is a beacon of light in India's contracting PC market https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/03/30/ipad-is-a-beacon-of-light-in-indias-contracting-pc-market?utm_medium=rss iPad is a beacon of light in India x s contracting PC marketRapidly declining laptop sales are a grave portent for India s overall PC market but Apple s dominance of the tablet portion of that market with the iPad remains a bright spot iPad shipments dominated in Q The PC market in India which comprises desktops notebooks and tablets fell year over year to million units in quarter three of Notebook shipments drove the overall decline decreasing by Read more 2023-03-30 14:55:19
海外TECH Engadget The best VR headsets for 2023 https://www.engadget.com/best-vr-headsets-140012529.html?src=rss The best VR headsets for If you ve been holding out for VR hardware to mature you chose wisely Headsets have come a long way since the launch of the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive six years ago The Meta Quest has already been around for two years and it s proven to be a very capable portable VR experience And if you re looking for a more immersive experience high end PC headsets are getting cheaper and there s the new PS VR to look forward to While the overall VR market hasn t really changed much since last year aside from the somewhat disappointing Meta Quest Pro at least there are plenty of VR experiences to dive into So what makes a good VR headset I tend to judge virtual reality headsets on a few basic criteria Ergonomics immersion and controls It s not that hard to shove a mobile display into a plastic headset and strap some cheap elastic headbands onto it But it takes skill to craft something that s well balanced and doesn t feel uncomfortable after minutes Immersion meanwhile comes from having high resolution screens with fast refresh rates so the visuals are sharp and smooth Field of view is also a major element as it describes how well VR screens can cover what you see Having a low field of view makes it feel like you re looking through a pair of binoculars which limits your sense of “presence The best VR headsets have a wide field of view that can make it seem like you re actually flying over the globe in Google Earth And when it comes to controllers the best options fit naturally in your hands and offer accurate tracking The industry has basically adopted the design of Meta s excellent touch controllers but we re also seeing intriguing leaps forward like Valve s finger tracking gamepads Best VR headset for most people Meta Quest Over two years since its release the Meta Quest remains the best VR headset for the vast majority of consumers It s completely cordless and it s comfortable to wear for long sessions Unfortunately due to supply chain pressures and a worsening economic climate Meta ended up increasing the Quest s price by this year making it a headset It s still a great device but it s also in the strange position of being a worse deal than it was last year Here s what s still good though there s a huge library of virtual reality titles that you can experience anywhere and it s bundled with Meta s great motion controllers You can also connect the Quest to a gaming PC to stream more complex VR experiences The Quest features fast switching LCDs with a resolution x per eye the highest we ve seen from Meta It also has a smooth Hz refresh rate which is impressive for something running entirely on mobile hardware The Quest s field of view isn t the best ーit s been measured at just around degrees ーbut it s still enough to enjoy most VR experiences You can also use different face pads to increase its field of view a bit And if you want an even more comfortable fit you can snag the Elite headstrap for or with a built in battery and case Meta has recalled the foam inserts from the original model and is offering silicone covers to make the headset more comfortable We didn t experience any issues during our review or during the past year of usage but there have been enough complaints for Facebook to take action The base Quest also comes with GB of storage double the space of the original model giving you even more room to cram in VR games and apps The Quest may not offer the best overall VR experience but it s certainly the most accessible headset on the market At least until we see a potential follow up next year Best console VR PlayStation VRIn many ways the PS VR is the best headset we ve tested yet It offers dual K OLED HDR screens effectively giving you K quality and an immersive VR experience It s one of the most comfortable headsets around And it has some genuinely refreshing new features like eye tracking and headset haptics Yes it can literally rock your noggin And best of all the PS VR delivers high quality virtual reality without the need for a gaming PC all you need is a PlayStation Now our recommendation comes with a few caveats At the PS VR is more expensive than the PS itself And it s unclear how quickly its game library will fill up the initial run has only a few exclusives like Horizon VR and Gran Turismo But it s the easiest way to experience high end VR and it s a major upgrade over the original PS VR Best PC VR headset under HP Reverb GIf you don t care about wireless VR and you want to invest a bit more in a high quality PC virtual reality headset HP s Reverb G is meant for you It was developed in cooperation with Valve and has some of the best features from the pricier Index headset like near field speakers The Reverb G also has sharp screens offering by pixels per eye a Hz refresh rate and a relatively wide degree field of view It s also the first Windows Mixed Reality headset to include four sensors which helps to ensure more accurate VR tracking especially during fast paced games I also give HP credit for making a tethered VR headset that s extremely comfortable thanks to its luxurious cushioning around the eye piece and rear strap The Reverb G s motion controllers aren t my favorite but they re still a big step up from HP s previous model You could also upgrade it to use Valve s finger tracking controllers but that involves snagging SteamVR sensors and a lot more setup Still it s nice to have the upgrade path available Best PC VR headset for gamers Valve IndexValve s Index kit remains one of the best high end VR solutions on the market for PC gaming For you get the Index headset Valve s finger tracking controllers and two SteamVR base stations While we ve seen higher resolution headsets arrive in the last two years it s still a very solid option with a by pixel resolution an eye watering Hz refresh rate and a massive degree field of view I d gladly lose a few pixels to get a smoother and more expansive screen which are still far beyond any other consumer headset As a SteamVR product the Index requires installing two sensors at opposite corners of your room And of course it s wired to your PC But that clunkiness is worth it for the higher refresh rate and more accurate tracking Sure it s not as easy to use as the Quest but at this price range we assume you ll suffer a bit of inconvenience to get a truly high quality VR gaming experience Valve s finger tracking controllers are fantastic as well with a convenient strap that locks them onto your hands They make playing Half Life Alyx feel like a dream It s unfortunate that other VR games haven t fully taken advantage of the finger tracking though Best VR quality no matter the cost HTC Vive Pro HTC s Vive Pro is the best looking PC VR I ve seen It has an astoundingly sharp K screen and a solid Hz refresh rate Just be prepared the full kit which includes the headset two SteamVR sensors and wand controllers costs You can also buy the headset separately for as an upgrade to the original Vive Pro or the Valve Index For the price you get a well balanced and supremely comfortable VR headset The Pro is a clear sign that Valve has practically perfected the art of making high end hardware I m less impressed with the large wand controllers which are exactly the same as the ones that came with the original HTC Vive in They re functional but they re nowhere near as ergonomic as Oculus s Touch Controllers I m mainly recommending the Pro here based on the astounding quality of the headset True VR fans may want to just grab that separately along with SteamVR base stations and Valve s finger tracking controllers That way you can ensure you have the best experience while playing Pistol Whip This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2023-03-30 14:30:13
海外TECH Engadget ‘Star Trek: Picard’ embraces its nihilism https://www.engadget.com/star-trek-picard-307-dominion-review-140506376.html?src=rss Star Trek Picard embraces its nihilismThe following discusses Star Trek Picard Season Three Episode “The Dominion I reckon there s a couple of generations who were raised in whole or part by their televisions With surrogate parents who showed us a better way of living was possible and that the easy solution isn t always best Jean Luc Picard was a leader of principle with backbone and a belief that humanism should always prevail When given the chance to eradicate the Borg who had tortured dehumanized and used him as a meat puppet to murder thousands of his colleagues he demurred In his own version of the Trolley Problem he was initially in favor of wiping them out until his colleagues including an aghast Dr Crusher convinced him otherwise Their objections helped reawaken his humanity and reminded him that there was a better way Star Trek Picard doesn t just feel its lead made the wrong decision back then it abdicates any sort of debate to justify why the alternative is better Holding an unarmed Vadic prisoner on the Titan Picard and Crusher agree the only course of action is to execute her This comes after Crusher has already conceived building a new anti changeling virus only giving a second s thought to the notion that it would be genocidal Crusher so often Star Trek The Next Generation s most moral compass even says that Picard s trap has invited death upon the Titan When Jack is threatened there s no contemplation of alternatives or smarter solutions beyond those found at the business end of a phaser Are we watching Star Trek or But to be even handed it s also possible to offer a weaker but present argument that Picard is wrestling with America s position in a post Iraq world Since the Dominion War has been retrofitted pretty perfectly as a War on Terror analog then the changeling virus must now be seen as equivalent to the invasion itself Shaw has given voice to the idea more than once that the changeling virus has radicalized a generation of zealots looking for revenge But if that s the case why is there not a greater examination of what any of that would mean in the real world Maybe because it s so hard to imagine what a peace would look like that there s no point even trying I d love nothing more than to see Star Trek convincingly argue for the opposite just to see what that would look like And it s clearly something that Trek of old engaged with in “Descent Picard wrestles with the decision made in “I Borg telling Riker “the moral thing to do was not the right thing to do A better venue for this however was in Deep Space Nine a show much better suited to painting its canvas in shades of gray than The Next Generation s beige carpeted explorers “In The Pale Moonlight arguably the best hour of Trek ever made makes the case that killing two people will save billions more and makes it well But Avery Brooks and Andrew Robinson s performances both show that while they can make that case intellectually neither has anything close to a clean conscience As for the rest of the episode Picard hatches a plan to trap the Shrike and lure Vadic on board by playing possum which leads to some phaser fu fights when Jack realizes that he s telepathic enough to pass his punch fight knowledge onto LaForge Meanwhile we learn that Vadic is or was a sinister Section scientist who merged with one of her changeling captors and a changeling that she was torturing and experimenting on has vowed revenge on the Federation At this point my sympathies are almost lurching toward the changelings This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2023-03-30 14:05:06
海外科学 NYT > Science AstraZeneca’s Covid Vaccine May Have Posed a Higher Heart Risk for Young Women, Study Shows https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/29/health/covid-vaccine-astra-zeneca-women-heart-risk.html AstraZeneca s Covid Vaccine May Have Posed a Higher Heart Risk for Young Women Study ShowsA new analysis examined deaths in Britain where the company s product was restricted in because of safety concerns 2023-03-30 14:02:32
海外科学 BBC News - Science & Environment New UK plan to reach net zero goal faces criticism https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-65107072?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA climate 2023-03-30 14:34:33
金融 金融庁ホームページ つみたてNISA対象商品届出一覧を更新しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/policy/nisa2/about/tsumitate/target/index.html 対象商品 2023-03-30 15:00:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Thomas Cashman guilty of Olivia Pratt-Korbel shooting murder https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-65088182?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA korbel 2023-03-30 14:53:14
ニュース BBC News - Home New UK plan to reach net zero goal faces criticism https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-65107072?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA climate 2023-03-30 14:34:33
ニュース BBC News - Home Spanish anger over TV star Ana Obregón's surrogate baby in US https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-65122973?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA anger 2023-03-30 14:05:09
ニュース BBC News - Home Thomas Cashman: 'Brave' ex-partner helped convict Olivia's killer https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-65097495?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA korbel 2023-03-30 14:19:31



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