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Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita RustのAPIコンテナをビルドしてみた https://qiita.com/Domao/items/0f3bb512ca04e1fb7164 armamd 2023-05-01 02:02:22
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Gitを理解せずにGitを使うための記事 https://qiita.com/huma_/items/72d3b5e90aab129c334b 記事 2023-05-01 02:36:15
技術ブログ Developers.IO Amazon Redshift + dbt ユーザー必読の書「Best Practices for Leveraging Amazon Redshift and dbt」を読んでみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/20230430-amazon-redshidt-dbt-best-practice/ bestpra 2023-04-30 17:11:56
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Fix the Media Player App When It Stops Working on Windows 11 https://www.makeuseof.com/media-player-app-stops-working-windows-11/ media 2023-04-30 17:16:16
海外TECH MakeUseOf The Best Seedling Heat Mats https://www.makeuseof.com/best-seedling-heat-mats/ germination 2023-04-30 17:01:17
海外TECH DEV Community Recursive GPT and multiple AI-Powered Prompters - Check out these creative projects! 🤖🔥 https://dev.to/synthetixartifacts/recursive-gpt-and-multiple-ai-powered-prompters-check-out-these-creative-projects-2npm Recursive GPT and multiple AI Powered Prompters Check out these creative projects What s up I ve created apps using the GPT API and want to share them with y all Recursive G It s like an autoGPT but web based where you set a main goal and watch AI characters work towards achieving it They intelligently interact remember past events and adapt their actions to achieve the goal and more It s in alpha but I ve open sourced it on Github and I m looking to enhance it quickly The neat thing is that you can customize the prompts that make things work directly from the browser You can check it out here recursiveGG Prompter A website with preset prompters for specific tasks Like getting sweet prompts for Midjourney having two AIs discussing redactor prompter and much more This one was the first thing I did to try to learn working with chatGPT and GPT API all together It s a fun project and I m looking to add more prompter along the way that will be useful for all Here is the link G PrompterBoth project are creative projects that I do by night once my daily job is done and kids are sleeping but it s crazy addictive and I love it so much I m new to social media and self promotion game so be gentle haha I d appreciate any feedback suggestions or comments Please give me feedback suggestion comment or whatever I m eager to hear and learn from you all Thank you so much for your time and feedback y all Signed a nerd 2023-04-30 17:40:35
海外TECH DEV Community FLaNK Stack Weekly for 30 April 2023 https://dev.to/tspannhw/flank-stack-weekly-for-30-april-2023-754 FLaNK Stack Weekly for April April FLiPN FLaNK Stack WeeklyTim Spann PaaSDevIt was great seeing everyone at the Real Time Analytics Summit and the meetup in San Francisco Now let s get current on NiFi and build some new Data Flows May Join me and the NiFi creators internal campaign FY Q Webinar Cloudera AMER NiFi Meet the Committers amp cid HZNXBQA amp internal link pCool NiFi Stuff gt ab channel DatainMotion CODE COMMUNITYPlease join my meetup group NJ NYC Philly Virtual This is Issue Apache NiFi NiFi Python DemoNiFi build for SNAPSHOT allowing Python Processors And some sample processors ab channel NiFiNotes MiNiFi UpdatesCEM MiNiFi C Agent Added support for the following processors Fetch PutOPCProcessor to get and push data over OPC UA Start shipping prometheus extension for metrics export EL toDate can now parse RFC dates Data Trends Videos ab channel DatainMotion ab channel DatainMotion Articles Recent Talks EventsMay Meet the Committers VirtualMay Special Once in a Lifetime Event Virtual May Garden State Java User Group In Person New Jersey Modern Data Streaming Pipelines with Java NiFi Flink Kafka May Open Source Summit North America VirtualMay IBM Event Raleigh NC May Pulsar Summit Europe VirtualMay Big Data Fest Virtual June PM EDTCloudera Now Virtual internal campaign FY Q AMER CNOW Q WEB EP P amp cid HZLmyQAG amp internal link pJune NLIT Summit Milwaukee June NiFi Meetup Milwaukee and Hybrid July Hours to Data Innovation Data FlowOctober Hours to Data Innovation Data FlowCloudera EventsMore Events Code Tools ab channel DatainMotion Tim Spann 2023-04-30 17:40:14
海外TECH DEV Community K8s and AKS Interviewer Questions : ChatGPT Answers https://dev.to/manmohan/k8s-and-aks-interviewer-questions-chatgpt-answers-2pg6 Ks and AKS Interviewer Questions ChatGPT Answers Original Post mmmsonu ks and aks interviewer questions chatgpt answers fadaee Ks and AKS Interviewer Questions ChatGPT Answers by Man Mohan Mundhra Bangalore India Mar Medium Man Mohan Mundhra Bangalore India・Mar ・ Medium 2023-04-30 17:21:11
海外TECH DEV Community Além das unidades CSS - intrinsic sizing e responsividade https://dev.to/lixeletto/alem-das-unidades-css-intrinsic-sizing-e-responsividade-gl Além das unidades CSS intrinsic sizing e responsividadeVocês sabem o que são tamanhos intrínsecos no CSS Esse artigo pretende explicar como funcionam os valores intrínsecos de max content min content fit content e auto Entender essas propriedades me fez tomar decisões de layout mais informadas tendo um controle refinado sobre meu conteúdo e criando layouts mais robustos Sobre valor intrínseco Intrinisic sizing se refere ao valor de width ou height do componente sendo calculado àpartir dos valores do conteúdo e não de fatores externos como unidades estáticas como px ou relativas como do pai imediato ou unidades de viewport Mas e quando queremos que o tamanho do container não seja relativo àunidades externas como viewport ou o container pai e também não seja fixa como px ou pt Vamos pensar no caso de um botão por exemplo Esse botão receberátexto ou texto ícone ele teráapenas uma linha nunca podendo quebrar o conteúdo pra linha de baixo Quando esse botão tem espaço o suficiente em um container nem precisamos declarar width pois o valor padrão de width éauto o que significa que a largura do elemento vai ser igual a soma de sua margin inline padding inline border inline e conteúdo¹  O problema équando diminuímos o tamanho do container pai o container tenta espremer ou quebrar o conteúdo de linha pra que esse conteúdo não vaze overflow  Como esse não éo comportamento esperado podemos testar algumas soluções como overflow hidden que esconde o conteúdo vazado somado ao text overflow ellipsis que faz com que o texto oculto pelo overflow ganhe reticências Porém por mais que essas soluções assegurem a estabilidade do layout perdemos legibilidade  Percebe que pra esse layout funcionar precisamos ter controle sobre como o container nesse caso o botão se comporta em relação ao seu conteúdo não em relação ao seu pai min contentO min content define o menor tamanho que um elemento pode ter sem ter overflow Ele identifica a largura do maior filho desse container e quebra de linha todos os elementos que não cabem juntos nessa largura No caso acima o maior filho era o TextNode com a palavra corridor Tudo o que não cabia na largura de corridor foi quebrado pra linha de baixo  Um caso de uso incrível édemonstrado nesse tweet do Stefan Judis Stefan Judis stefanjudis Little morning devsheet min content max content and fit content in CSS css css tricks com almanac proper…Spec drafts csswg org css sizing … devsheetsVideo alt in next tweet AM Nov max contentO valor de max content por exemplo faz com que o elemento sempre seja do tamanho do conteúdo independente se ele tem espaço pra isso ou não No caso abaixo o texto em roxo estácom max content mesmo o container tendo uma width fixa o tamanho do texto érespeitado causando overflow  Isso resolveria o problema do botão por exemplo pois nesse caso de uso a legibilidade do conteúdo sem quebra de linha era mais importante do as restrições de layout que isso causaria pro container pai desse elemento Para evitar problemas com overflow nesse caso énecessário que o pai de um elemento max content tenha alguma lógica de quebra automática de conteúdo como a propriedade flex wrap wrap por exemplo fit contentJáo fit content éum valor mais razoável ele segue a seguinte lógica SE espaço disponível lt max contentUsa o espaço disponívelSE espaço disponível lt min contentUsa o min content Em outras palavras usa espaço disponível nunca menor que o min content nunca maior que o max content Outra forma de expressar o fit content éna sintaxe de função Atual container sintaxe ainda não aprovada pra width width fit content px mas já funciona com CSS grid grid template columns fit content fr O cálculo do fit content nesse caso funcionaria da seguinte forma se representado de forma hipotética pelo Javascript Os valores de tamanho máximo e mínimo são calculados pelo próprio box model portanto podemos fingir que eles estão disponíveis na closure da função pra esse exemplo function fitContent arg return Math min maxSize Math max minSize arg A sintaxe de função sótádisponível pra uso dentro do contexto do CSS grid mas játádisponível pra outras propriedades no rascunho do Box Model Module junto com a propriedade stretch Então basta eu usar fit content pra tudo né Na verdade não Ésempre bom entender como essas propriedades funcionam e definir seus tamanhos de acordo com suas necessidades Nos exemplos abaixo fit content e auto parecem que dão no mesmo resultado Com o valor autoCom o valor fit content Agora se eu diminuo o tamanho do texto o fit content àesquerda faz com que o container do texto seja exatamente igual ao conteúdo do texto jáo auto àdireita faz com que o conteúdo ocupe a largura disponível como se fosse um stretchCom o valor autoCom o valor fit content SuporteAs unidades de tamanho intrínseco com atual suporte são max content min content e fit content mas háum rascunho da WC pra aprovação do valor stretch Esses valores chegaram no CSS Box Sizing Module e tem suporte amplo em todos navegadores modernos porém com algumas restrições A porcentagem de uso sem prefixing ainda émuito boa Em Caso a regra não tenha suporte de navegador ele mesmo vai usar o valor default no caso de height e width éauto Caso vocêqueira outro comportamento que não auto na ausência de suporte pra propriedades intrínsecas pode usar uma support rule supports not width fit content width auto ¹ A palavra inline éuma logical property se refere ao eixo x ou seja left e right Declarar dessa forma faz com que os lados esquerdo e direito permaneçam os mesmos inclusive quando o eixo de escrita for rotacionado ou invertido como éo caso de algumas línguas asiáticas ou árabes Mais informações nesse artigo do Tárcio Zemel sobre logical properties 2023-04-30 17:20:17
海外TECH DEV Community AI tools to try https://dev.to/misobelica/ai-tools-to-try-a4o AI tools to try how to write good prompts to get best results from AI chatbots AI powered search engine AI powered search engine in the research papers animated avatars from text to image without any technical knowledge edit images by text generate random face photo of person upload PDF and ask any questions about its content generate or search previously generated images try and compare the prompt by different models 2023-04-30 17:19:55
海外TECH DEV Community Proper use of git for beginners and beyond https://dev.to/dmrompav/proper-use-of-git-for-beginners-and-beyond-4fem Proper use of git for beginners and beyond IntroductionIt is important to note that I am not a git guru and do not know all the commands and features However I have noticed that many programmers neglect the rules outlined below or don t know about them Nevertheless following these rules can standardize the work of both large and small teams using git avoid problems and errors in dev branches and on production We always push to master The first rule that needs to be followed is to separate branches for production and development I usually use the main and develop branches The main branch is usually automatically deployed with each change while the develop branch is used for development but there are no errors and all the functionality is completed As shown in the diagram any changes to the main branch come only from the develop branch which may be linked to some test environment but no one works directly with the develop branch Every task should start with inheriting from develop and creating a new branch Any fixes should be made in a separate branch and then merged into develop In cases where a task affects a large functionality especially if it requires the involvement of multiple developers it is necessary to inherit from develop into a separate EPIC branch They can have sequential numbers EPIC EPIC or reflect the essence EPIC notifications Each developer working on this EPIC should inherit from it and merge their completed task directly into it With this hierarchy it becomes possible to delegate tasks to developers of different levels For example you can allow push to develop only to team leads and senior programmers And for some tasks you can give full control of EPICs to middle developers so that they can control the merging of tasks of juniors and be responsible for the code quality in the EPIC This will minimize errors and distribute responsibility for the project to all developers according to their abilities And your branch will always be yours sudden desynchronization of the local and remote server due to unsynchronized pushes of different programmers will not happen Something is wrong we need to roll backSometimes one of the developers working on a project may accidentally introduce incorrect changes due to inexperience carelessness or simply because his changes did not negatively affect local development And sometimes it can be very difficult to find and fix the cause of newly appearing bugs and errors Recently I witnessed a situation where an obscure error occurred after commits on top of the last correct version of the application and over changed files In such cases rolling back is necessary Suppose we need to roll back the last commits which we believe contain the error This can be done in ways git revert HEAD HEADThat creates new commits that undo the changes of the previous commits This means that the commit history remains unchanged new commits with changes are added git reset hard HEADThat undoes the changes made in one or more commits completely removing them from the commit history I strongly advise against using the second option Firstly it permanently deletes commits in which in addition to the error there may be useful code written by other developers which may be needed to create new commits after the rollback Secondly this will undoubtedly cause synchronization problems with other developers since the commit history in the remote repository will be changed To summarize use git revert or git reset hard but you must understand what you are doing Proper committing and mergingSuch situations should happen extremely rarely and should be minimized as much as possible To do this you should always understand what you are pushing to the remote repository and forget about the command git add forever Instead use the UI of your IDE to add files to the commit In VSCode and WebStorm you can view all modified files and click on those you are sure that the changes were not accidental keystrokes but your meaningful changes The code in your branch should be committed for each small but complete change And the commit message should contain enough information the task number or name and a brief description of what you have done For example Notifications creating a class for connecting to websockets But in EPIC branches and other shared branches where your commit will be merged there should be only one commit with a reference to your branch To do this merging into this branch should be done with the flags no commit and squash In a some EPIC branch git merge your branch no commit squashThis command will not immediately merge your branch but will only apply all the changes from your branch to the shared branch You can view them in the UI of your IDE and double check if you are sure about each modified file in the shared branch After that you can commit with a description that contains the branch name and the name of the merged branch For example Site sidebar Notifications merged After merging into the shared branch especially into the develop branch you should test the functionality of your feature and the areas that you think could have been affected by your code changes If everything works correctly you can push the shared branch with the merge commit to the remote repository Merging into develop should be done in the same way as described above EPIC branches verified before can contain many commits for each completed task Now each EPIC needs to be merged into develop with one commit Site sidebar merged After some time when the tasks prove their worth in action task branches can be deleted from the repository this can be done after a certain period for example months depending on the pace of your team s work Don t forget to use merged word in a description to differentiate regular commits from merging Some TipsWriting Git commands with all flags and parameters can be tiresome for programmers who are not used to typing blindly with fingers especially if they have to enter them constantly Personally I use OhMyZsh to simplify some commands If you re not a Windows user I highly recommend it For example gcmsg first commit This is the same as git commit m first commit gco develop git checkout developgcb new branch git checkout b new branchIf you use VSCode like I do take a look at the Git Graph extension Typing in the console is always faster than using the mouse to navigate but sometimes it s hard to orient yourself in the project without a good GUI Even with this work structure problems and errors arise And here it is extremely important to understand how it is easier for you to communicate Write comments on completed tasks in your task managers with a description of the current branch state possibly with a description of new errors and necessary scripts to run the application Mark yourself in messengers about your statusDivide your general meetups into smaller ones for those working on a specific epic 2023-04-30 17:11:17
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Gear up for May the Fourth with Star Wars accessories for iPhone, Apple Watch, iPad & Mac https://appleinsider.com/inside/iphone/best/best-stars-wars-accessories?utm_medium=rss Gear up for May the Fourth with Star Wars accessories for iPhone Apple Watch iPad amp MacThe Force is strong with these Star Wars accessories for your Apple devices just in time for May the Fourth Roundup Tech accessories for Star Wars fansWhether you want to rock out to your favorite music with a Stormtrooper Bluetooth speaker or show off your Star Wars fandom with a Jedi watchband here is a roundup of Star Wars themed accessories that are fun and functional May the th be with you Read more 2023-04-30 17:32:53
ニュース BBC News - Home Liz Truss contests £12,000 bill over use of Chevening country house https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-65441189?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA business 2023-04-30 17:20:19
ニュース BBC News - Home UK arranges extra evacuation flight from Port Sudan on Monday https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-65441191?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA khartoum 2023-04-30 17:10:12
ニュース BBC News - Home Sudden mechanical failure likely cause of Orkney ferry grounding https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland-65441218?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA failure 2023-04-30 17:35:24
ニュース BBC News - Home Liverpool 4-3 Tottenham Hotspur: Reds edge Spurs in seven-goal thriller https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/65363996?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Liverpool Tottenham Hotspur Reds edge Spurs in seven goal thrillerDiogo Jota scores an injury time winner as Liverpool edge Tottenham in a seven goal thriller after Spurs had come from down to level 2023-04-30 17:39:52
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【運気↑GW】「圧倒的に強運な人」に共通する開運スイッチONの習慣 - 1日1分見るだけで願いが叶う!ふくふく開運絵馬 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/320717 【運気↑GW】「圧倒的に強運な人」に共通する開運スイッチONの習慣日分見るだけで願いが叶うふくふく開運絵馬たちまち刷続々TV出演NHK「朝ごはんLab」“絵馬師のおすすめ開運・福福朝ごはんフジテレビ「FNNLiveNewsイット」で話題沸騰見るだけで「癒された」「ホッとした」「本当にいいことが起こった」と大反響Amazon・楽天位史上初神社界から「神道文化賞」を授与された絵馬師が、神様仏様に好かれる開運法を初公開。 2023-05-01 02:56:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【GWスペシャル】「ながら勉強」ができない人の成績が上がらない理由 - 1位思考 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/321037 twitter 2023-05-01 02:54:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【制限時間10秒】「2本の電柱の間に、12mおきに17本の木を植えるとき、電柱間の距離が何mか」を暗算できる? - 小学生がたった1日で19×19までかんぺきに暗算できる本 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/322013 電柱 2023-05-01 02:52:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 肥満解消のために、真っ先に知らなければいけないたった1つのこと【書籍オンライン編集部セレクション】 - 医者が教えるダイエット 最強の教科書 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/321673 思い込み 2023-05-01 02:50:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【精神科医が教える】 最近、調子が悪いな…と思ったら考えてほしいこと・ベスト1 - 精神科医Tomyが教える 40代を後悔せず生きる言葉 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/320339 そんなときの助けになるのが、『精神科医Tomyが教える代を後悔せず生きる言葉』ダイヤモンド社だ。 2023-05-01 02:48:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 長期で投資をするときの目標設定に役立つ「126の法則」 <竹川美奈子さん×柴山和久さん 対談第1回> - エディターズ・チョイス https://diamond.jp/articles/-/320855 代表取締役 2023-05-01 02:46:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 東京理科大? 芝浦工大? 関東の名門理系大学の雰囲気はどう違う?【各大学紹介付き】 - 大学図鑑!2024 有名大学82校のすべてがわかる! https://diamond.jp/articles/-/322171 2023-05-01 02:44:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 頭の回転が速い人がたった1つ磨いているものとは? - 1秒で答えをつくる力 お笑い芸人が学ぶ「切り返し」のプロになる48の技術 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/322257 2023-05-01 02:42:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「堅苦しい」を英語でどう言う? - 5分間英単語 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/322214 飛躍 2023-05-01 02:40:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 書評家が厳選! ゴールデンウィークにじっくり読むSF本「これから起こる災害」を知る5冊 - だから、この本。 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/322281 『「これから何が起こるのか」を知るための教養SF超入門』著者の冬木糸一さんは、この状況を「現実はSF化した」と表現し、すべての人にSFが必要だと述べている。 2023-05-01 02:38:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 70代の整体プロが驚く、いつまでも若々しい「体づかいの名人たち」から学んだ3つの知恵とは? - すごい自力整体 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/322279 代の整体プロが驚く、いつまでも若々しい「体づかいの名人たち」から学んだつの知恵とはすごい自力整体年を重ねると、若い時と違って食べられなくなった、お酒に弱くなったと感じる方は多いのではないでしょうか。 2023-05-01 02:36:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【公衆衛生学者が教える】すぐにでもやめたい死亡リスクをあげる、たった一つの考え方 - 健康になる技術 大全 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/322286 【公衆衛生学者が教える】すぐにでもやめたい死亡リスクをあげる、たった一つの考え方健康になる技術大全病気を防ぐために食事や運動に気をつけることは重要ですが、それ以外にも、ある日々の思考が死亡率に影響を与えることがわかっていますと『健康になる技術大全』の著者、林英恵さんは言います。 2023-05-01 02:34:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「死者が増える日本」だから考えたい「理想の遺書」について - 死の名言 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/322150 遺書 2023-05-01 02:32:00



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