IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] サンワ、シンプル設計のL字/コの字型PCデスク |
itmediapcuser |
2023-05-08 14:46:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] スタバ、ストロベリーの新作フラペチーノ発売 モバイルオーダーで先行販売を実施 |
期間限定 |
2023-05-08 14:24:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] 60~70代はiPhoneよりAndroidスマホを所有 ドコモ調べ |
android |
2023-05-08 14:06:00 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
コンサル、システム基盤、データ分析をセット化したトータル人事改善サービス「HUMAnalytics」─ISID | IT Leaders |
コンサル、システム基盤、データ分析をセット化したトータル人事改善サービス「HUMAnalytics」ーISIDITLeaders電通国際情報サービスISID、電通デジタル、イグニション・ポイントの社は年月日、人事業務改善サービス「HUMAnalyticsヒューマナリティクス」を発表した。 |
2023-05-08 14:21:00 |
AWS Japan Blog |
AWS Snowball Edge Compute Optimized デバイスでの Amazon S3 互換ストレージの一般提供を開始 |
amazons |
2023-05-08 05:39:36 |
lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Lambdaの関数URLから500 (Internal Server Error) が返ってきたらCloudWatch Logsを確認する |
cloudwatchlogs |
2023-05-08 14:48:45 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Lambdaの関数URLから500 (Internal Server Error) が返ってきたらCloudWatch Logsを確認する |
cloudwatchlogs |
2023-05-08 14:48:45 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Lambdaの関数URLから500 (Internal Server Error) が返ってきたらCloudWatch Logsを確認する |
cloudwatchlogs |
2023-05-08 14:48:45 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
DockerでPostgresql環境を作成し、Windowsから接続 |
dockerrunname |
2023-05-08 14:11:08 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[チュートリアル]Azure で静的 HTML Web アプリを作成する |
azure |
2023-05-08 14:15:50 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Sumo Logic – Cloud SIEM の UEBA とエンティティのタイムラインについて |
continuousintelligenc |
2023-05-08 05:23:22 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
DHCP Sunucusunun Loglarını 2 Farklı Syslog Sunucusuna Aynı Anda Gönderme |
DHCP Sunucusunun Loglarını FarklıSyslog Sunucusuna AynıAnda Gönderme Rsyslog Sunucusu KurulumuÖncelikle tane syslog sunucusu kurulu olmalıdır Bunun için buradan yararlanılabilinir ️ Linkteki madde Log Üreten Makinanın ayarları kısmıbu yazıiçin yapılmayacaktır DHCP den FarklıAdrese Log GöndermeWindows makinede DHCP loglarının NXLog kullanılarak ilgili sensöre gönderilmesine daha önce değinilmişti İlgili makaleden NXLog kurulumu ve kullanımıincelenebilir Kurulumdan sonra nxlog conf dosyasınıC Program Files nxlog conf klasöründe bulun Bir text file kullanarak nxlog conf dosyasınıaçın Windows sürümünüz için verilen metni kopyalayıp yapıştırarak Output syslogout satırının içindeki Host Log gönderilmek istenen Rsyslog sunucularının IP lerini yazın Port Log gönderilmek istenen Rsyslog sunucu port u olacak şekilde değiştirin ve ardından dosyayıkaydedin Windows x bit OS NoFreeOnExit TRUEdefine ROOT C Program Files nxlogdefine CERTDIR ROOT certdefine CONFDIR ROOT conf nxlog ddefine LOGDIR ROOT datainclude CONFDIR confdefine LOGFILE LOGDIR nxlog logLogFile LOGFILE Moduledir ROOT modulesCacheDir ROOT dataPidfile ROOT data nxlog pidSpoolDir ROOT data lt Extension syslog gt Module xm syslog lt Extension gt lt Extension charconv gt Module xm charconv AutodetectCharsets iso utf utf utf lt Extension gt lt Extension exec gt Module xm exec lt Extension gt lt Extension fileop gt Module xm fileop Check the size of our log file hourly rotate if larger than MB lt Schedule gt Every hour Exec if file exists LOGFILE and file size LOGFILE gt M file cycle LOGFILE lt Schedule gt Rotate our log file every week on Sunday at midnight lt Schedule gt When weekly Exec if file exists LOGFILE file cycle LOGFILE lt Schedule gt lt Extension gt Snare compatible example configuration Collecting event log lt Input watchfile gt Module im file File C Windows System dhcp DhcpSrvLog log Exec Message raw event Exec if file name SourceName SavePos TRUE Recursive TRUE lt Input gt lt Processor filewatcher transformer gt Module pm transformer Exec Hostname hostname OutputFormat json lt Processor gt Converting events to Snare format and sending them out over TCP syslog lt Output out gt Module om tcp Host rsyslog server Port Exec to syslog snare lt Output gt lt Output out gt Module om tcp Host rsyslog server Port Exec to syslog snare lt Output gt Connect input in to output out lt Route route gt Path watchfile gt filewatcher transformer gt out lt Route gt lt Route route gt Path watchfile gt filewatcher transformer gt out lt Route gt Config işlemini tamamladığımıza göre artık nxlog servisimizi restart ederek loglarımızıgönderebiliriz Control Panel gt Services e gidin ve nxlog service ini bulun nxlog a sağtıklayın ve Restart a tıklayın DHCP loglarıartık istenen syslog sunucusuna da aynıanda yönlendirilir Syslog sunucularında şu komut çalıştırılır ls l var log remote Daha sonra gönderilen loglar son satırlardaki gibi iki makinede de görüntülenir |
2023-05-08 05:47:06 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Serverless Empowers Accessibility: Convert Text to Speech with Amazon Polly |
Serverless Empowers Accessibility Convert Text to Speech with Amazon PollyWe live in an incredible era of technological advancements and innovations transforming every aspect of our lives From artificial intelligence and machine learning to automation and big data there is no denying that the future is here For example this blog post s title was written with the help of ChatGPT to make it SEO optimized The parrot image was made with the help of DALL E What about the audio player that reads this text for you Well it turns out that that can be automated too And that s what we will discuss today automating text to speech TTS conversion with the help of Amazon Polly I will provide a fully working Serverless solution on GitHub with Python code and AWS CDK You can deploy the code and enjoy the text to speech transformation in minutes Click here to get to the GitHub project This blog post was originally published on my website “Ran The Builder Accessibility is ImportantI started my website RanTheBuilder to share my AWS and Serverless knowledge with the world An accessible website promotes inclusivity and ensures all people can access and engage with content Accessibility has taken the main stage in recent years and more websites take notice of that I recently noticed that Medium had added an audio player for the blog posts that read the posts for you which is a great accessibility feature I had no idea how they did it and it seemed out of reach However I was inspired to take immediate action once I saw the following video on YouTube In the video AWS Community builder Johannes Koch interviews Jimmy Dahlqvist a fellow builder They discuss how Jimmy automated his blog creation with AWS Step Functions which resulted in the speech version of the post text with Amazon Polly I ve never heard of Amazon Polly but felt inspired to try it myself and finally solve a prominent missing accessibility feature of my website I ve designed a straightforward solution that heeds my needs perfectly which are relatively modest Before we head over to the details let s learn about Amazon Polly Amazon Polly Text to Speech Service IntroductionAmazon Polly is a cloud based text to speech TTS service It uses advanced deep learning technologies to convert written text into lifelike speech allowing developers to create speech enabled applications with natural sounding voices Polly supports a wide range of languages at the moment of writing and users can choose from several male and female voices with different accents and tones in total The service also provides advanced features such as automatic speech recognition ASR and speech synthesis markup language SSML enabling developers to fine tune the speech output s pronunciation emphasis and intonation One of Amazon Polly s strongest fortes is that it is a Serverless service It will output audio files directly over to an S bucket making it easy to incorporate into any event driven based architecture It will handle any text size you throw at it automatically you don t need to spin up more machines and you only pay for the number of characters you transform into speech From my short time using it it s straightforward text goes in mp file goes out into an S bucket The free tier is impressive and will accommodate many people s needs mine included Read more about pricing Let s see how to automate text to speech creation with Amazon Polly s API My Text to Speech Python ServiceLet s go over the service s goal design and implementation details The GoalI want to be able to create mp files of my blog posts and upload them to my website when working on new posts The service must be Serverless simple to use and deployed with AWS CDK I want the usage to be as simple as possible Add a new text file to the TST text to speech service text folder Deploy the service to AWS Get an mp file delivered to my email address I can then upload the mp file to my website and publish the new blog post with an audio player built into the post that plays the mp file thus resolving a major accessibility feature my website was missing To summarize add a text file to the text folder deploy to AWS wait a minute and get an mp file delivered to your inbox Simple If you want to try it for yourself head over to the project on GitHub and follow the readme for instructions and usage High Level DesignFrom a design perspective the service is quite simple You ve got your cloud storage entity that is used for input and intermediate processing Then you have two major players producer and consumer The producer uploads text files to the cloud storage which are sent to the consumer The consumer will transform the text file into an mp file and email it to an email address as an attachment Service ArchitectureLet s look into the architecture and see how I implemented each entity Disclaimer This POC level service provides automation for my needs in the simplest possible way Code contributions are welcomed Event FlowThe user adds a new text file to the text folder on the project s root folder The user deploys the service with AWS CDK can use the command make deploy The file is uploaded to S Consumer Lambda function is triggered with an object created in S event and reads the file name and bucket name from the event Consumer Lambda function sends the text contents to Amazon Polly and sleeps polls until the task is completed Once the task is completed the output mp file is downloaded from the S bucket and gets deleted from it Since we email it there s no need to store it on S but you can disable it and email back the object s link instead of the mp file The Lambda function uses Amazon SES to email the mp file as an attachment to a predefined email address Service Entities DetailsWe use an Amazon S bucket for both input and Amazon Polly output storage for the cloud storage entity Polly has native integration with Polly so it makes perfect sense The bucket s CDK code can be found here The producer is a special AWS CDK construct that uploads files to S from a specific folder I usually add one file at a time and deploy the service You could also upload a file manually to the bucket but that defeats the purpose we want automation The producer s CDK code can be found here The consumer is a Lambda function that subscribes to the S bucket on object create events and gets triggered when new objects are written The function will take each event read it and send its contents to Amazon Polly It uses the start speech synthesis task API I used Amazon Polly official sample SDK wrapper which gets text file contents and returns the mp file as output ーpretty simple The consumer CDK code can be found here And the Lambda function s code can be found here The Polly wrapper usage in my code can be found here Performance and Open IssuesFor my use case an characters blog post takes about seconds to turn into an mp file in my email address once the deployment is done That s not bad You might wonder why I delete the mp file from S and send it as an email attachment Well I want the mp file deleted and sent as an email attachment because I want to upload it to my website where storage is already paid for instead of storing and playing it out of my personal AWS dev account You might also wonder well it s a nice implementation but is it optimal Is it the best design option Well no The consumer Lambda function waits and polls Polly until its synthesize task is finished which is a bad practice both performance wise and cost wise However for a POC project that runs once every two weeks when I publish a new post that s acceptable for now at least A better solution is to use Step Functions with a wait state Polly can notify an SNS topic when the task is completed that SNS can send a message to an SQS message and then to a Lambda that will wake up the step function with a wait token to continue sending the file to my email So why did I choose a Lambda function over a step function state machine implementation A couple of reasons The AWS Polly wrapper allowed me to advance quickly and it does everything in the same process it does the sleep amp poll for you so the Lambda function is simple to use over the step function which will not be able to use the SDK You can t develop and debug step functions in the IDE unlike Lambda functions I wanted to provide value as fast as possible for this use case and get to results quickly It s more about providing accessibility and learning something new and less about creating the best possible production ready solution So in this case should you use the Step function state machine over a Lambda function Yes of course I will do it as part of v of the service but code contributions are also welcome Another area of improvement is that I m not using lexicons or synthesis markup language SSML which enables developers to fine tune the speech output s pronunciation emphasis and intonation This can be a game changer but requires more research to understand the feature and how to automate it And lastly error handling retries and tests ーstill need to be created I tested the code in the IDE called the Lambda handler with a generated event and during deployment time as an end to end test Want to learn more about how to test Serverless applications Check out my post here |
2023-05-08 05:14:14 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
【記者会見】植田総裁(ASEAN+3、5月2日分) |
asean |
2023-05-08 15:00:00 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
金融研究所ディスカッション・ペーパー・シリーズ(2023年収録分) |
Detail Nothing |
2023-05-08 15:00:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Scores of local pharmacies closing across England |
chemists |
2023-05-08 05:16:43 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【寄稿】バイデン氏がまねるレーガン再選運動 - WSJ発 |
運動 |
2023-05-08 14:20:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
『トワツガイ』初の公式生放送を5月12日に配信決定! |
配信決定 |
2023-05-08 14:35:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
ピザ&ハットメルツのセットなどがお買い得! ピザハット「母の日感謝ウィーク」 |
限定 |
2023-05-08 14:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
Unihertz、小型モデルの新製品!? 半透明の背面パネルを採用? |
unihertz |
2023-05-08 14:05:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
コクヨ社員が「コクヨのヨコク」を宣言し、社内外にメッセージを発信 |
開始 |
2023-05-08 05:50:42 |