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[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] やりがいがあって薄給、やりがいがなくて高給 どちらがいいか? |
itmedia |
2023-05-10 08:30:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
AIロボットとの会話内容を顧客自身が確認・編集できるコミュボ「セルフエディットページ」 |
commubo |
2023-05-09 23:00:23 |
AWS Media Blog |
Immersive viewing of the NASA Artemis 1 launch with Futuralis, Felix & Paul Studios, and AWS |
Immersive viewing of the NASA Artemis launch with Futuralis Felix amp Paul Studios and AWSThis blog was co authored by P Andrew Keenan and Donavan Prieur Felix amp Paul Studios Nadeem Shaik nbsp Futuralis and Hamdy Eed AWS Live streaming in multiple formats to multiple device types can be challenging and time consuming when building a global content delivery system In this post we look at how to reduce complexity and … |
2023-05-09 23:03:36 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Improve Nmap Performance with These Brilliant Scripts |
Improve Nmap Performance with These Brilliant ScriptsIn this article I will show you how to fix Nmap performance issues using Python scripts By the end of this article you will have a better understanding of how Nmap works and how you can use Python to extend its capabilities Identifying Performance Bottlenecks in NmapBefore you start fixing Nmap performance issues you need to identify the bottlenecks in the scanning process I know firsthand what bottlenecks are as I once tried to run an Nmap scan on a very slow computer Let s just say I had plenty of time to eat lunch To identify the bottlenecks in Nmap you need to understand how it performs each of these techniques You can use the “ d flag to increase the debug level of Nmap and see what is happening under the hood For example if you want to see what Nmap is doing when it performs a TCP port scan you can use the following command nmap d p lt target gt This will run an Nmap scan with debug output enabled for TCP port scanning Look at the output and see where Nmap is spending most of its time Another useful tool for identifying performance bottlenecks in Nmap is Wireshark By capturing the network traffic generated by Nmap you can see which packets are being sent and received and how long it takes for Nmap to get a response Optimising Nmap Performance with PythonNow that you ve identified the performance bottlenecks in Nmap start optimising its performance using Python There are several ways to do this including One of the most effective ways to speed up Nmap scans is to parallelize them Nmap supports parallel scanning using the “ Pn flag which tells Nmap to skip host discovery and assume that all hosts are up You can use this flag in conjunction with Python s multiprocessing library to run multiple Nmap scans in parallel Here s an example Python script that uses multiprocessing to run Nmap scans in parallel import multiprocessingimport subprocessdef nmap scan ip command nmap Pn ip subprocess call command shell True if name main ips with multiprocessing Pool processes as pool pool map nmap scan ips This script will run Nmap scans for three IP addresses in parallel using three processes You can adjust the number of processes based on the number of cores on your machine Additionally you can further improve the performance of our script by limiting the number of ports scanned By default Nmap scans all ports but in most cases you only need to scan a subset of those ports To limit the number of ports scanned you can use the “ p flag in Nmap and specify a range of ports to scan For example if you only want to scan the top ports you can use the flag “ p Here s an updated version of the script import nmapimport multiprocessingdef nmap scan ip nm nmap PortScanner nm scan ip arguments sS p print nm csv if name main ips processes for ip in ips p multiprocessing Process target nmap scan args ip processes append p p start for p in processes p join By limiting the number of ports scanned you can reduce the amount of time it takes for Nmap to complete the scan resulting in faster overall performance Now that error handling and argument parsing are added the script now looks like this import argparseimport nmapimport multiprocessingdef nmap scan ip try nm nmap PortScanner nm scan ip arguments sS p print nm csv except nmap PortScannerError as e print f Error while scanning ip e if name main parser argparse ArgumentParser parser add argument ips nargs required True help List of IP addresses to scan parser add argument processes type int default multiprocessing cpu count help Number of processes to use args parser parse args processes for ip in args ips p multiprocessing Process target nmap scan args ip processes append p p start for p in processes p join Then pass the IP addresses to scan as command line arguments when running the script like this python nmap scan py ips Finally by implementing the use of asyncio running multiple scans simultaneously without the need for multiple processes is possible which can significantly improve the efficiency of our code import argparseimport nmapimport asyncioasync def nmap scan ip try nm nmap PortScanner nm scan ip arguments sS p print nm csv except nmap PortScannerError as e print f Error while scanning ip e async def run scans ips tasks asyncio create task nmap scan ip for ip in ips await asyncio gather tasks if name main parser argparse ArgumentParser parser add argument ips nargs required True help List of IP addresses to scan args parser parse args asyncio run run scans args ips In this code you define the nmap scan function as an asynchronous function using the async keyword Then you define a new function run scans which creates a list of tasks for each IP address and runs them asynchronously using the asyncio gather method Finally you call the run scans function using asyncio run which runs the function in an event loop and returns the results To conclude you ve explored how to use Python to improve the efficiency of Nmap scans by implementing multiprocessing and error handling techniques With these improvements you can drastically reduce the time it takes to scan multiple IP addresses and ensure that you don t miss any potential vulnerabilities I hope that I showcased how useful Python is as a Cybersecurity Professional |
2023-05-09 23:28:44 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Logitech A30 The Mandalorian Edition review: This is the way |
Logitech A The Mandalorian Edition review This is the wayThe Logitech A Mandalorian themed headset comes in a sleek design that features many details from the show such as the Mandalorian Creed and Grogu Review Logitech A The Mandalorian Edition With the Logitech A Mandalorian themed headset you can wirelessly connect to your Apple devices and experience clear sound quality for gaming and media So whether gaming or watching the show this headset lets you flaunt your love for The Mandalorian Read more |
2023-05-09 23:05:10 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
F.D.A. Advisers Weigh Allowing First U.S. Over-the-Counter Birth Control Pill |
scientists |
2023-05-09 23:41:52 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
インターネット取引に係るシステム障害件数 |
取引 |
2023-05-10 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
FX Daily(5月8日)~米CPI発表を前に、135円を挟んで方向感を欠く展開 |
fxdaily |
2023-05-10 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
警戒していたほど厳格化しなかった米銀の貸出態度 それでも6月は利上げ停止へ:経済の舞台裏 |
第一生命経済研究所 |
2023-05-10 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
一部の銀行破綻は銀行システム全体に影響を及ぼすものではない:債券 |
銀行 |
2023-05-10 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
アジアの銀行とAT1債 |
銀行 |
2023-05-10 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
アジア主要通貨・株価の動き(5月5日まで) |
国際金融情報センター |
2023-05-10 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
レオス・キャピタルワークス(東証グロース)~「ひふみ」ブランドの公募投資信託を運用・販売する資産運用会社。運用力、販売力、発信力を強みとしている:アナリストレポート |
投資信託 |
2023-05-10 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
5月FOMC 3会合連続の0.25%利上げを決定~景気後退懸念が広がるなかでも、インフレ抑制を優先 |
景気後退 |
2023-05-10 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
投資環境ウィークリー 2023年5月9日号【日本、米国、欧州、オーストラリア】~米銀行懸念が残る中、米FOMCは利上げ休止を、ECBは利上げ継続を示唆 |
三菱ufj |
2023-05-10 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
【石黒英之のMarket Navi】業績期待を背景に先高観強まる米ハイテク株 |
marketnavi |
2023-05-10 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
Jリート・四半期レポート~米利上げ停止観測がJリートを下支え |
野村アセットマネジメント |
2023-05-10 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
アジア・マーケット・マンスリー(2023年5月)【株式】まちまち、【通貨】まちまち、【債券】概ね金利低下 |
三井住友 |
2023-05-10 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
2023年4月日銀金融政策決定会合レビュー~円金利と円相場への影響を考える:市川レポート |
三井住友 |
2023-05-10 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
インパクト投資が拡張するベンチャー投資のフロンティア |
野村総合研究所 |
2023-05-10 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
J.D. パワー 2023年米国個人資産運用<フルサービス型>顧客満足度調査SM【概要】~市場パフォーマンスの悪化に伴い、投資家の満足度は低下。包括的なアドバイスを提供しているアドバイザーはごく一部 |
jdpower |
2023-05-10 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
グローバルREITウィークリー 2023年5月第2週号~先週のグローバルREIT市場は、前週末比で+0.2%。 |
日興アセットマネジメント |
2023-05-10 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
投資環境の見通し(2023年5月号)米欧軟着陸と日本経済回復 |
三井住友 |
2023-05-10 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
Monthly Guide 2023.05 ~投資環境:世界経済は緩やかに拡大継続、株式の中長期的な上昇基調続く |
monthlyguide |
2023-05-10 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
くすぶる金融不安の火種~商業用不動産市場に見える危機の兆候...:Special Report |
specialreport |
2023-05-10 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
製造業が提供する金融ビジネスを考える。~Appleが米国で預金サービスを開始...:アナリストオピニオン |
apple |
2023-05-10 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
みずほ経済・金融ウィークリー(2023年5月2・9日合併号)~米国、欧州、中国、アジア、日本、金融市場... |
金融市場 |
2023-05-10 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
【注目検索キーワード】SDGs経営 |経営/?rss
検索キーワード |
2023-05-10 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
【お薦め書籍】1300万件のクチコミでわかった超優良企業 |
転職 |
2023-05-10 00:00:00 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
マネタリーベースと日本銀行の取引(4月) |
日本銀行 |
2023-05-10 08:50:00 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
日本銀行の対政府取引(4月) |
日本銀行 |
2023-05-10 08:50:00 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
オペレーション(4月) |
オペレーション |
2023-05-10 08:50:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Trump liable for sexually abusing writer, faces $5 million damages |
Trump liable for sexually abusing writer faces million damagesThe jurors rejected E Jean Carroll s accusation of rape but upheld her other complaints in the closely watched civil trial following less than three hours |
2023-05-10 08:24:39 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Briton pleads guilty in US to 2020 Twitter hack |
accounts |
2023-05-09 23:51:49 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Champions League: 'Something like a war' - Inter & AC Milan's 2005 quarter-final battle |
Champions League x Something like a war x Inter amp AC Milan x s quarter final battleSuspicion and frustration flared into crowd unrest and in the background an iconic image of a historic rivalry was captured |
2023-05-09 23:01:18 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Eurovision 2023: Fans 'already in love with Liverpool' |
europe |
2023-05-09 23:36:36 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
How Eurovision became an LGBTQ+ safe space |
contest |
2023-05-09 23:51:02 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
インドが株式市場でも中国超え? 人口世界一で - WSJ発 |
株式市場 |
2023-05-10 08:17:00 |