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AWS AWS The Internet of Things Blog Introducing support for Public Networks with AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/iot/introducing-support-for-public-networks-with-aws-iot-core-for-lorawan/ Introducing support for Public Networks with AWS IoT Core for LoRaWANIntroduction We recently announced a preview of public network support for AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN a fully managed LoRaWAN Network Server LNS For this announcement AWS has partnered with Everynet a public LoRaWAN network provider to simplify LoRaWAN network deployment and provide customers with an alternative to managing their own gateways nbsp Everynet s national LoRaWAN network … 2023-06-16 15:11:48
AWS AWS Machine Learning Blog SambaSafety automates custom R workload, improving driver safety with Amazon SageMaker and AWS Step Functions https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/samba-safety-automates-custom-r-workload-improving-driver-safety-with-amazon-sagemaker-and-aws-step-functions/ SambaSafety automates custom R workload improving driver safety with Amazon SageMaker and AWS Step FunctionsAt SambaSafety their mission is to promote safer communities by reducing risk through data insights Since SambaSafety has been the leading North American provider of cloud based mobility risk management software for organizations with commercial and non commercial drivers SambaSafety serves more than global employers and insurance carriers with driver risk and compliance monitoring online … 2023-06-16 15:08:54
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【AWS CDK (Python)】 CDKスタックでS3にファイルをアップロードする方法 https://qiita.com/takataka987/items/4b15d125b30b15d91cc7 awscdk 2023-06-17 00:33:50
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【AWS CDK (Python)】 クロススタック参照の方法 https://qiita.com/takataka987/items/ff88697aaea493cda7e0 awscdk 2023-06-17 00:33:34
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【AWS CDK (Python)】 デプロイするリージョンを指定する方法 https://qiita.com/takataka987/items/949fa94669889565ca9a awscdk 2023-06-17 00:33:12
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【PyWeb】~無料&登録不要~ たった2クリックでPython開発開始! https://qiita.com/kagami_t/items/6c2dba79906fe85d79e2 helloworld 2023-06-17 00:30:31
Linux Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rook-Cephをデプロイする https://qiita.com/ohtsuka-shota/items/cc45d595f742f3625099 kubeadm 2023-06-17 00:25:22
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【AWS CDK (Python)】 CDKスタックでS3にファイルをアップロードする方法 https://qiita.com/takataka987/items/4b15d125b30b15d91cc7 awscdk 2023-06-17 00:33:50
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【AWS CDK (Python)】 クロススタック参照の方法 https://qiita.com/takataka987/items/ff88697aaea493cda7e0 awscdk 2023-06-17 00:33:34
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【AWS CDK (Python)】 デプロイするリージョンを指定する方法 https://qiita.com/takataka987/items/949fa94669889565ca9a awscdk 2023-06-17 00:33:12
技術ブログ Developers.IO Amazon Security Lake のサブスクライバー機能を使って他のアカウントから Athena で検索する https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/amazon-security-lake-subscriber-query-access/ amazon 2023-06-16 15:09:16
海外TECH MakeUseOf 8 Ways to Fix a Reappearing Deleted File or Folder on Windows https://www.makeuseof.com/fix-reappearing-deleted-file-folder-windows/ windows 2023-06-16 15:16:17
海外TECH MakeUseOf Instagram Stories Not Loading? A Troubleshooting Guide https://www.makeuseof.com/instagram-stories-not-loading-troubleshooting/ guideare 2023-06-16 15:06:19
海外TECH DEV Community FLaNK - LLM with Hyper https://dev.to/tspannhw/flank-llm-with-hyper-5h11 FLaNK LLM with Hyper Hyper Tim SpannSee 2023-06-16 15:31:03
海外TECH DEV Community A Comprehensive Overview and Types of APIs https://dev.to/belgotech/a-comprehensive-overview-and-types-of-apis-416o A Comprehensive Overview and Types of APIs gt In the realm of software development and system integration APIs Application Programming Interfaces play a pivotal role in enabling seamless communication and data exchange between different software applications In this article we will delve into the world of APIs exploring their definition purpose and the various types of APIs available By understanding the fundamentals of APIs developers can harness their power to create efficient interoperable and scalable software solutions What is an API An API acts as an interface that allows different software systems to interact and exchange data with each other It defines a set of rules protocols and tools that govern how software components should communicate and function together APIs provide a standardized way for developers to access and utilize the functionalities and data of other applications or services without needing to understand the underlying complexities The Purpose of APIsAPIs serve several essential purposes in software development including Encapsulation APIs encapsulate complex functionalities and underlying implementation details providing developers with simplified and standardized methods to interact with the desired functionality Modularity APIs enable modular software design by breaking down complex systems into smaller manageable components that can be developed tested and maintained independently Interoperability APIs facilitate interoperability by allowing different software systems platforms or programming languages to communicate and exchange data seamlessly Reusability APIs promote code reuse as developers can leverage pre built APIs instead of reinventing the wheel saving time effort and resources Types of APIsa Web APIs RESTful APIs Representational State Transfer REST APIs are widely used in web development They adhere to a set of architectural principles utilizing HTTP methods GET POST PUT DELETE to perform CRUD Create Read Update Delete operations on resources SOAP APIs Simple Object Access Protocol SOAP APIs use XML based messaging protocols for communication They offer more robust features such as advanced security and reliable messaging making them suitable for enterprise level applications GraphQL APIs GraphQL is a query language and runtime for APIs that allows clients to request specific data structures and minimize over fetching or under fetching of data It provides flexibility and efficiency in fetching data from multiple sources b Operating System APIs Windows API Microsoft Windows provides an API that allows developers to interact with various operating system services such as file management windowing networking and hardware access POSIX API The Portable Operating System Interface POSIX API provides a standard interface for Unix like operating systems including Linux and macOS enabling developers to write portable and compatible code c Library or Framework APIsStandard Libraries Programming languages often come with standard libraries that provide a collection of pre built functions and classes allowing developers to perform common tasks without needing to reinvent the functionality Framework APIs Frameworks such as Django for Python or Express js for Node js provide higher level APIs that simplify the development of specific types of applications such as web or mobile apps d Database APIsSQL APIs Structured Query Language SQL APIs enable developers to interact with relational databases using SQL queries to perform operations like retrieving inserting updating and deleting data NoSQL APIs NoSQL databases like MongoDB or Cassandra provide APIs that allow developers to interact with the database using non SQL methods such as JSON based queries or key value pair access e Third Party APIsSocial Media APIs Platforms like Facebook Twitter and Google provide APIs that enable developers to integrate their applications with social media functionalities such as posting sharing or retrieving user data Payment Gateway APIs Payment service providers such as PayPal or Stripe offer APIs that facilitate secure online transactions allowing developers to incorporate payment processing capabilities into their applications Conclusion APIs form the backbone of modern software development enabling seamless communication and integration between disparate systems and applications Understanding the purpose and different types of APIs empowers developers to leverage these tools effectively in their projects Whether it s web APIs operating system APIs library or framework APIs database APIs or third party APIs each type serves specific needs and fosters the creation of scalable interoperable and powerful software solutions By embracing APIs developers can unlock the potential for innovation collaboration and efficient development processes 2023-06-16 15:21:18
海外TECH DEV Community WordPress under the hood: the request lifecycle https://dev.to/sarahcssiqueira/the-wordpress-request-lifecycle-45ie WordPress under the hood the request lifecycleWhen a developer starts to work with WordPress or any other CMS or web framework by the way one of the most important things to learn is how it works under the hood In the case of WordPress we have to understand the WordPress page lifecycle For those who built web applications in general with other frameworks the concept of a page request lifecycle is already familiar But when it comes to WordPress there are some differences WordPress actions and filters model may end up confusing some people coming from other backgroundsThe purpose of this article is to get your attention to this really important topic as the understanding of this will help to know when to properly include the various WordPress hooks and filters how the different files involved in a typical WordPress request interact with each other and how data is queried and rendered to the browser WordPress Under the HoodBelow there s an image that illustrates easily how the WordPress Core thinks happens Image credits Tom MC Farlin A simplified resume of this WordPress thinking would be the following index php entry point of WordPress front end requests it will run whenever a request is made to anything not under the wp admin directory WP USE THEMES constant is set up wp blog header php is the first additional file required and sets up the WordPress environment by requiring the wp load php file It also calls the wp function save this information wp load php the ABSPATH constant is defined sets some error reporting levels and finds and loads the wp config php file OR attempts to redirect the user to create the wp config php file if it doesn t exist wp config php defines the DB constants debugging constants and other constants that your WordPress installation might need also requires the wp settings php file wp settings php file which sets up the WordPress environment It does a lot of work so there s a special list for this item Sets up version information and requires all files needed for initialization Set up most default constants Check for maintenance mode and checks for debug mode Requires the core WordPress files needed for the core WordPress functionality Sets up the database layer and any global database variables Initializes multisite if multisite is enabled Loads the localization libraries and runs the installer if WordPress is not installed Loads the rest of any WordPress files needed Loads any must use plugins Loads any network activated plugins if they are installed on a multisite Sets up any specific cookie constants or SSL constants and then includes a vars php file which creates any common global variables Calls the functions that create the initial taxonomies and custom post types page and post types Registers the theme directory root Loads all the active plugins Loads pluggable functions Defines any additional constants which may be required Calls a function to add magic quotes to any GET or POST request variables and sets up the request array Creates an instance of the WordPress query object the WordPress rewrite object the main WordPress object the widget factory object and the user roles object Creates any template related constants and any default text localization domains creates a locale object and a locale switch object Loads the functions php file for the active theme Creates an instance of the WP Site Health object Sets up the current user Checks the site status Runs the wp loaded action hook wp function After the wp settings php finishes its work the wp blog header php calls the wp function This function determines what needs to be rendered and fetches the relevant data from the database template loader php After all the query data is set up the template loader is required It finds and loads the correct template based on the visitor s URL I linked the WordPress core files that I mentioned which are all available on the official WordPress Core GitHub repository so you can read directly those files and understand by yourself what I tried to resume On time for more information I would recommend checking the information provided by WordPress Codex and also this amazing article written by Jonathan Bossenger Feel free to comment or include some important information I may have forgotten 2023-06-16 15:16:38
海外TECH DEV Community SOLID Principles- Do You Really Understand Them? https://dev.to/alexhyettdev/solid-principles-do-you-really-understand-them-1317 SOLID Principles Do You Really Understand Them SOLID Principles are one of those things that every developer has heard of but few fully understand If you use an object oriented language being familiar with these principles will help you write better code Principles such as the Single Responsibility principle are fairly self explanatory whereas the Liskov Substitution Principle requires a bit more mental effort to wrap your head around Even those of you that think you know them well could always do with a refresher Hopefully by the end of this article you will have a good understanding of each of the principles even if you have struggled to understand them before Subscribe for more video content Single ResponsibilityThis is one of the simpler principles of SOLID As the name suggests your classes should have a single responsibility Giving a class multiple responsibilities makes you more likely to introduce bugs when something needs to change A class should have only one reason to change So what does this look like in real life Let s say we are writing a teaching application and we have a student class We could put all of this in the student class like this public class Student public int StudentId get set public string FirstName get set public string LastName get set public string Email get set public void Save Save student to database public void Email string subject string body Email implementation public void Enrol Course course Enrol the student in a courseSer This however quite clearly breaks the single responsibility principle The student class is now responsible for Storing the student s detailsSaving them to the databaseSending them emailsAdding them to coursesWe now have multiple reasons that we might need to change this file and therefore multiple ways that we could introduce bugs If we have multiple developers on our team working on different features for a student they would need to update the same file which will cause all sorts of merge conflicts We need to extract all those responsibilities into separate classes to fix this This has the added benefit of allowing us to reuse that functionality in other parts of our application without having to repeat ourselves Even though this seems quite simple it is very easy to take this too far Single responsibility doesn t mean that your class should do only one thing It just means everything that it does should be closely related so you don t end up with bloated classes Open Closed PrincipleThe open closed principle states that your code should be open for extension but closed to modification If you need to add some additional functionality to your application then you shouldn t be touching any of the existing methods or classes to do that After all you would have spent ages writing all the unit tests for those methods and any changes will cause them to break You are writing unit tests right On top of that introducing new functionality to an existing method might cause unexpected consequences where ever that method is being used So how do add functionality without changing the code of your existing methods and classes There are a number of different ways that you can achieve this but depending on what language you are using not all of them will be an option for you For these examples I am using C but you will need to check what options you have available for your preferred language Decorator PatternOne way to achieve this is to use the decorator pattern If you need to add functionality to a method that happens before or after the existing code then we can use this pattern Instead of modifying the method we create a new class that implements the same interface public class NewService IService private readonly IService service public NewService IService service service service public int DoSomething int input Do something new here var value service DoSomething input or here return value We can then have our new method call our old method and then add the additional functionality either before or after this method call Then we can call this new method without affecting the other code in our application The benefit of this approach is that we can use dependency injection to control at runtime when this new class is used However you can only use this approach if the method you want to extend is public and included in the interface Extension MethodsAnother great option is to use extension methods which you can do with languages such as C or Kotlin Extension methods allow you to add a method to an existing class without having to modify the file public static class AddedFunctionality public static void DoSomethingElse this IService service int input Do something new here service DoSomething input or here Provided you have the namespace imported you can use the extension method in your code as if it were part of the original class The only downside of using extension methods is that unlike the decorator pattern you can t switch between different implementations at runtime There are also many other ways to add functionality without changing the original code such as using inheritance or adding attributes Liskov Substitution PrincipleThe Liskov Substitution principle is a little harder to understand it states that a child class should always be able to perform the same actions as its parent So if we had an actual Parent Class that has the actions EatSleepWorkMakeDinnerThen we have a Child Class that is inherited from the Parent Class there are obviously some actions that the child cannot do such as MakeDinner or Work This would therefore break the Liskov Substitution Principle as we can t replace the child with the parent It would therefore make more sense to have a Human class and then have Adult and Child classes inherit from that class instead Interface SegregationInterfaces provide a contract that classes need to implement If you have particularly bulky interfaces the classes are forced to implement methods that might not be needed If you have ever used the Repository Pattern you might have come across this before With this pattern you might have an interface that looks like this public interface IRepository lt T gt void Add T item void Delete T item void Update T item T GetById int Id IEnumerable lt T gt GetAll Every time you use this interface you have to write an implementation for each of the methods even if you aren t going to use them all You could of course throw a NotImplementedException but that would also break the Liskov Substitution Principle To overcome this you can split these methods into separate interfaces You can always have a main interface that inherits from all the others public interface IItemReader lt T gt T GetById int Id IEnumerable lt T gt GetAll public interface IItemWriter lt T gt void Add T item void Update T item public interface IItemRemover lt T gt void Delete T item public interface IRepository lt T gt IItemReader lt T gt IItemWriter lt T gt IItemRemover lt T gt This way you only need to implement the methods that you are actually using and you don t have to worry about calling some code that hasn t been written yet Dependency InversionThe last principle of SOLID is Dependency Inversion which states that high level models shouldn t depend on low level modules Both should depend on an abstraction For example if you had a service class and you wanted to save something to the database you could create a new instance of the repository directly inside the class public class Service private readonly Repository repo new Repository public void Save Item item repo Add item But now your service is dependent on a lower level component To overcome this we create an interface for our repository and then inject it into the constructor when we create our class public class Service private readonly IRepository repo public Service IRepository repo repo repo public void Save Item item repo Add item Now both the high level and low level modules depend on an abstraction which is the interface The service doesn t need to know which repository it is using or how it works It only cares that it meets the specifications of the repository interface Final ThoughtsWith all software principles it is important to understand that they are not rules that you have to obey They are just there to help you write better code For example you can take interface segregation too far and have just one method per interface even when you always use all of them Or the requirements could change and instead of modifying the code you extend it leaving the old code behind that just never gets used Dependency inversion is really good in principle but in most cases you are going to have just one class using an interface Being able to swap out one database with another using the same interface is a nice idea but how often have actually needed to do that The real benefit of using interfaces is that it makes everything a lot easier to test because you just inject a mock when you are testing To be honest the SOLID principles are in some ways too vague to be useful It is very easy to obey SOLID but still end up writing bad code As always the best advice is to keep it simple Another coding principle called CUPID tries to overcome these shortfalls which I will cover in a future article Are you looking to level up your skills in the tech industry My weekly newsletter is written for engineers like you providing you with the tools you need to excel in your career Join here for free → 2023-06-16 15:03:07
海外TECH Engadget Google's designers on why the Pixel Fold isn't just another foldable https://www.engadget.com/googles-designers-on-why-the-pixel-fold-isnt-just-another-foldable-153058971.html?src=rss Google x s designers on why the Pixel Fold isn x t just another foldableEver since the release of the original Galaxy Fold back in Samsung has basically enjoyed a monopoly on big handsets with bendy screens But with the imminent arrival of the Pixel Fold later this month Google is hoping to break that stranglehold That said with Samsung having already released four generations of its flagship foldable Google can t afford to simply iterate on a rival s design In an interview ahead of the Pixel Fold s release two of Google s product managers PM ーGeorge Hwang and Andrea Zvinakis ーsat down to shed some insight on why now what the company is doing differently and how its upcoming flexible phone will impact future devices The first thing I noticed during my hands on was the Pixel Fold s shape Instead of having a long and skinny baton like chassis similar to the Galaxy Z Fold Google opted for a wider frame shaped more like a passport which was an intentional decision by Google Hwang who is a PM on the Pixel Fold team told me that “when we talk about the Pixel Fold we often talk about the outer display first In this design sketch you can see how the Pixel Fold s hinge is positioned on the very edge of the device which greatly impacted the phone s overall designGoogleHwang says the reason for this is that more than percent of interactions people have with their phones are less than two minutes long ーthings like texting a friend changing a song or simply setting an alarm “Our focus on form factor was critical and quite intentional to make sure that we offered a usable exterior display such that you could use the phone like you want to While using the Pixel Fold s outside display like you would a regular phone might sound kind of obvious it was also a bit of a surprise Typically when people discuss foldables much of the attention is reserved for that fancy flexible screen on the inside But more importantly that touches on a few of Google s overarching design goals for the Pixel Fold Being able to use it like a regular handset even when you re only using it closed allowing users to open the Fold to augment their experience and then making sure that even though it s a larger device it s still a feasible daily driver For Engadget s interview about the Pixel Fold we talked to two of Google s product managers George Hwang left from the Pixel Fold team and Andrea Zvinakis right from the Android platforms team GoogleAs for using that big interior display to enhance the device s capabilities it feels like much of the Pixel Fold s potential lies in the marriage between hardware and software As someone who works on Google s Android platform team Zvinakis highlighted the importance of continuity and posture for the Pixel Fold “If we were just designing for tablets you could just create one large screen he said quot whereas for foldables you re often unfolding to continue a session When designing an app or UI for a foldable device Google needs to consider things like buttons or other elements that may fall in the Pixel Fold s crease But it also means being able to open the device without losing your place which often feels like an elusive goal But when it works it provides a sense of instant adaptability that you just can t get from a traditional phone For the Pixel Fold one of Google s main goals was to make the phone s inch exterior display as usable as possible so that people don t feel forced to use the larger main display for certain tasks GoogleContinuity also impacts posture which is the position of the phone s screen from open to closed and every angle in between Due to the Pixel Fold s flexible design not only does Google need to track how the device is oriented it s important to anticipate how components like the phone s cameras and UI adjust and move and behave depending on its posture “We want there to be a user benefit to unfolding the device rather than just seeing an expanded phone layout Zvinakis said “That s why we created things like dual shade for notification that leverages both sides of the display But what s even more exciting is how Zvinakis says posture detection can unlock entirely new use cases like dual screen interpreter mode on the Pixel Fold This allows users to hold the phone in a position so that two people can see a different language get translated in real time ーeach with their own display ーwhich cuts down on the typical back and forth that happens when everyone has to share a single screen And while we ve seen some other novel uses of foldable phones like taking high res selfies with the rear camera while using a phone s exterior display there are a growing number of functions available on foldable you simply can t get when using a traditional glass brick While the Pixel Fold is a large device Google focused on making it extremely thin less than mm so that it would still feel like a feasible daily driver GoogleThere are other elements that are needed for foldables to reach their true potential Take for example the Fold s taskbar which needs to straddle the line between enabling short mobile interactions and more complex multitasking situations “We launched a taskbar with Android L in March of last year and the first version was basically a pinned taskbar that you had to long press to hide and long press to show Zvinakis said “But as we did more testing users said they found that behavior a little clunky So instead we refined it into a more transient taskbar where you can access it with a short swipe drag any app into split screen and then it automatically closes when you re not using it The big challenge is combining competing design elements like the thinness of the device while still supporting sophisticated components such as the phone s x optical zoom So to get over that hump Hwang issued a challenge to the team to make a device that was more than just a collection of components quot If you don t want to use it every day then it s not a device that we want to ship quot For apps like YouTube that have optimized tabletop modes it s very important for the Pixel Fold to be able to accurately detect its posture which includes the orientation and position of its screen GoogleThe quest for thinness is far more important for foldables than other phones “We realized that if this thing was thick and bulky it s not something you d really want to have in your pocket all day long quot Hwang said “I think the thing that was a key enabler was the hinge How the hinge is architected drives everything around the foldable display It s kind of symbiotic This was a somewhat unexpected revelation because as someone who has owned multiple generations of the Galaxy Z Fold line I thought the hinge issues had been solved after all the issues with the original model “What you see in most foldables is that you ll have hinge mechanisms across the full length of the hinge at three to four different spots Hwang said “But the thing is that now that you have hinge components in the middle of the device that drives the thickness of what we call the stack and then you have the display on top While the Pixel Fold s flexible display does have a crease Google has done some innovative things with the screen s fold geometry to minimize its appearance Photo by Sam Rutherford EngadgetSo Hwang thought “if those are the limiting factors then is there a way we can creatively move those components somewhere else So in the end what the Pixel Fold team did was relocate the phone s two hinges to the very edge of the device bringing it out of plane which had a number of important effects She says not only does this decrease thickness “it also helps drive the largest delta between the outer inch display and the interior inch flexible interior screen On top of that Google s architecture helped address what Hwang calls fold geometry which describes how the screen actually bends inside the hinge “The hinge allows us to furl the display inwards which lets the fold extend into that area to further drive down thinness she added And while I ve only used the Pixel Fold briefly so far the result is rather spectacular with Google able to make a phone that folds completely flat while still measuring less than mm thick or just mm when closed Steps forward like Pixel Fold s hinge and thinness don t come without trade offs But while its bezels are somewhat larger than Samsung s to Hwang it s worth it “The bezel gave us the opportunity to have an unadulterated display without the need for an under display camera which we thought was really cool It also gave Google more leeway to improve the Pixel Fold s general durability which includes an IPX rating for water resistance “Plus there s the ergonomics of it with the larger display bezels offering a resting area for your hands she saidWhile it might not sound like a big deal the Pixel Fold s right thinner design and lack of a gap between its screen when closed go a long way towards making it easy to use Photo by Sam Rutherford EngadgetHwang said dealing with the inevitable crease in the Pixel Fold s display was another balancing act one that he still thinks about on a regular basis “It s unappealing but the bigger question is how do we mitigate the crease How do we minimize it Eventually what Google decided on was a hybrid approach that produces a fold that s more of a miniature water drop that runs the length of the screen instead of a full crease which reduces its appearance while also preventing unsightly trenches from forming over time Still as impressive as the Pixel Fold s design is after talking to Google product managers I feel like it has an even more important job serving as an ambassador for future foldables and as a flagbearer for forward thinking software features in Android alongside newly optimized apps That s because in addition to the device itself the Pixel Fold is also ushering a fresh set of resources to help app makers optimize their work Zvinakis said “the key ways we do that are through developer guidelines developer tooling and easy to use libraries These things dictate support for features like adaptive resolutions landscape orientation multitasking behavior and more There are even separate tiers denoting how much a developer has done to support foldable friendly features along with sample configurations available in the Android Studio emulation environment “We re about to launch physical device streaming for these Google devices in Android studio which basically means that developers can see how their apps run on Google hosted Pixel Fold and Pixel Tablet devices but right from your IDE integrated developer environment We just want to make it really easy for developers to test on these new products “Unlike the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold which features a shorter zoom than on the S Ultra the Pixel Fold features the same camera system including a x optical zoom just like you get on the Pixel Pro Photo by Sam Rutherford EngadgetTo make sure these apps are easier for users to find Zvinakis says Google will begin showcasing “really high quality apps more prominently in the Play Store including screenshots that show new foldable specific features And all of this is coming with a slate of more than first party Google apps that have been optimized for foldables something that both Hwang and Zvinakis said was no easy feat In this way the Pixel Fold not only serves as a testbed for future devices but also for Google s evolving software design Unfortunately the team behind the Pixel Fold hasn t been able to overcome every hurdle that might prevent someone from hopping on the flexible phone trend ーparticularly its price But even with the Fold serving as the company s first go at the category it s clear Google is bringing a ton of new ideas to the space both in terms of hardware and software It s slim it s sleek and unlike the Z Fold the Pixel Fold delivers the same great camera experience that you get on the Pixel Pro It remains to be seen how well it will sell but with Samsung s Z Fold basically treading water the past couple years the Pixel Fold s arrival couldn t come at a better time This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2023-06-16 15:30:58
Cisco Cisco Blog A Commitment to Sustainability: Cisco and Logicalis Leading the Charge Together https://feedpress.me/link/23532/16193610/a-commitment-to-sustainability-cisco-and-logicalis-leading-the-charge-together A Commitment to Sustainability Cisco and Logicalis Leading the Charge TogetherWith our two powerhouse technology companies leading the charge it makes perfect sense for us to join forces to further our sustainability goals 2023-06-16 15:00:52
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金融 金融庁ホームページ 「金融商品取引法の審判手続等における参考人及び鑑定人の旅費及び手当に関する政令の一部を改正する政令(案)」及び「公認会計士法の審判手続における参考人及び鑑定人の旅費及び手当に関する政令の一部を改正する政令(案)」に対するパブリックコメントの結果等を公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/news/r4/sonota/20230616/20230616.html 公認会計士法 2023-06-16 17:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 主要生損保の令和5年3月期決算の概要を公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/news/r4/hoken/20230616.html 生損保 2023-06-16 16:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ ロンナル・フォレックス株式会社に対する行政処分について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/news/r4/shouken/20230616/20230616.html 行政処分 2023-06-16 16:00:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Nottingham attacks: Valdo Calocane charged with three counts of murder https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-65912592?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA coates 2023-06-16 15:20:43
ニュース BBC News - Home Boris Johnson breaks ministerial code with new Daily Mail job https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-65930008?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA column 2023-06-16 15:20:26
ニュース BBC News - Home Hans Zimmer proposes to partner during O2 Arena live show https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-65932091?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA arena 2023-06-16 15:34:36
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid inquiry: UK's public services were 'depleted' when Covid hit https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-65929516?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA hears 2023-06-16 15:34:30
ニュース BBC News - Home Kent and Sussex hosepipe ban announced amid water shortage https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-65927032?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA levels 2023-06-16 15:22:46



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