IT |
InfoQ |
Mini book: The Angular Mini-Book 3.0 |
Mini book The Angular Mini Book The Angular Mini Book is a guide to getting started with Angular You ll learn how to develop a bare bones application test it and deploy it Then you ll move on to adding Bootstrap Angular Material continuous integration and authentication By Matt Raible |
2023-06-23 12:20:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] スタバ、「PORTER」コラボの反響に「大変感謝」 メルカリと“転売ヤー”には言及せず |
itmedia |
2023-06-23 21:44:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
三菱電機、大容量宇宙光通信用の光源モジュールを超小型人工衛星に搭載。低コストな実証を実現 |
三菱電機 |
2023-06-23 12:00:06 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS EventBridge AppFlowの実行レポートを取得するJSONパターン |
endflowrunreportdetail |
2023-06-23 21:29:58 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Private email shows PlayStation chief unworried about Xbox-exclusive Call of Duty |
niche |
2023-06-23 12:29:45 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How Dating Apps Can Harm Your Mental Health and Distort Your Needs |
How Dating Apps Can Harm Your Mental Health and Distort Your NeedsHere s what to know about the potential negative effects of using dating apps and some alternatives that can help you change your outlook |
2023-06-23 12:30:18 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
What Is the ChatGPT Token Limit and Can You Exceed It? |
chatgpt |
2023-06-23 12:28:30 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Python in one page |
Python in one page What is Python Python is a popular programming language It was created by Guido van Rossum and released in To focus on the language itself this guide not includes any built in modules like math random datetime json re random etc Getting Started CodingMake a simple hello worldprint Hello World Hello World Helphelp print Prints the values to a stream or to sys stdout by default User Inputname input Enter your name print Your name is name Run a python filepython helloworld py Comments This is a commentprint Hello World Variablesname John age x y z print Name name Name John Data Types Textstring Hello World Numericinteger float complex j Sequencelist apple banana cherry tuple apple banana cherry Unchangeablerange range Mappingdictionary name John age Set No duplicate membersset value apple banana cherry frozenset value frozenset apple banana cherry Booleanboolean True Binarybytes b Hello bytearray bytearray memoryview memoryview bytes print type string lt class str gt print int constructs an integer number Represents a null valuex Noneprint x None Stringshello Hello World print hello Hprint hello print hello lloprint len hello get string lengthprint hello strip Hello World removes whitespacesprint hello lower hello world print hello upper HELLO WORLD print hello replace H A Aello World print hello split Hello World Membership Operatorsprint Hello in hello Trueprint Hello not in hello Falseprint Hello World Hello World print World format Hello Hello World Arithmeticx y print x y Additionprint x y Subtractionprint x y Multiplicationprint x y Divisionprint x y Modulusprint x y Exponentiationprint x y Floor divisionx Same as x x Comparisonx y print x y Equalprint x y Not equalprint x gt y Greater thanprint x lt y Less thanprint x gt y Greater than or equal toprint x lt y Less than or equal toif b gt a print b is greater than a else print b is not greater than a Assert is used when debugging codeassert x AssertionError is raised Logicalx print x and x gt Trueprint x or x gt Trueprint not True Falseprint not False True Identityx Hello z xy World print x is z Trueprint x is y Falseprint x y False Collections Arrays list hello world print list print list print list print list print list print list list print thislist for x in thislist print x if apple in thislist print Yes apple is in the fruits list print len thislist list append orange Adds an elementlist clear Removes all the elementsmylist list copy Returns a copy of the listlist count Number of elementslist extend apple Add the elements of a listlist index Returns the indexlist insert orange Adds an element at the specified positionthislist pop Removes the elementthislist remove banana Removes the first itemlist reverse Reverses the orderlist sort Sorts the listdel thislist mylist thislist copy list a b c list list list listthislist list apple banana cherry Setsthisset apple banana cherry thisset add orange Add an itemthisset update orange mango Add multiple itemsprint len thisset thisset remove banana set set union set set update set Dictionariesthisdict brand Ford model Mustang year x thisdict model print thisdict thisdict year for x in thisdict values print x for x y in thisdict items print x y if model in thisdict print Yes thisdict color red Adding an itemthisdict pop model Removes the itemthisdict popitem If Elsea b if b gt a print b is greater than a elif a b print a and b are equal else print a is greater than b Short Handif a gt b print a is greater than b print A if a gt b else print B Loops Whilewhile i lt print i i break can stop a loop continue continue with the next Forfruits apple banana cherry for x in fruits print x for x in range print x Function continues execution immediately after the last yield rundef number generator yield yield for number in number generator print number Output Functionsdef my function print Hello from a function my function def my function fname print fname Refsnes my function Emil def my function kids print The youngest child is kids my function Emil Tobias Linus my function child Emil child Tobias child Linus Default Parameter Valuedef my function country Norway print I am from country my function Sweden my function def my function x return xprint my function Lambda lambda arguments expressionx lambda a a print x Classes and Objectsclass Person def init self name age self name name self age age def myfunc self print Hello my name is self name p Person John p myfunc p age Modify Object Properties Inheritanceclass Student Person pass a statement that will do nothing Now the Student class has the same properties and methods as the Person classx Student Mike Olsen x printname Iteratorsmytuple apple banana cherry myit iter mytuple print next myit print next myit print next myit mytuple apple banana cherry for x in mytuple print x Create an Iteratorclass MyNumbers def iter self self a return self def next self x self a self a return xmyclass MyNumbers myiter iter myclass print next myiter print next myiter print next myiter print next myiter print next myiter Scope Global variabledef myfunction global x hello myfunction print x can be accessed outside the function Non Local Variabledef myfunc x John def myfunc nonlocal x x hello myfunc return xprint myfunc ModulesSave this code in a file named mymodule pydef greeting name print Hello name import mymodule import mymodule from greeting import specific parts of a module mymodule greeting Jonathan Create an alias for mymodule called mximport mymodule as mxa mx greeting Jonathan Mathx min y max print x print y print abs print pow Try Excepttry print x except print Something went wrong finally print The try except is finished x if x lt raise Exception Sorry no numbers below zero File Handlingfile open hello txt r r Read a Append w Write x Createprint file read print file readline file close Using with statement with open hello txt w as file file write hello world no need to call file close when using with All keywordsimport keywordkeyword kwlist False None True and as assert break class continue def del elif else except finally for from global if import in is lambda nonlocal not or pass raise return try while with yield |
2023-06-23 12:34:24 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Validação de formulários com Blazor [PT-BR] |
Validação de formulários com Blazor PT BR IntroduçãoNeste guia vamos criar um projeto simples com um formulário que possui validação em Blazor Antes de começarmos éimportante verificar a versão do NET instalada Para fazer isso execute o seguinte comando dotnet versionA versão instalada no meu sistema éa seguinte Para simplificar o processo vamos criar um projeto Blazor Server usando o comando a seguir dotnet new blazorserver Criação da telaDentro da pasta Pages adicione o arquivo PessoaForm razor com o seguinte código page pessoa form using Microsoft Extensions Logging inject ILogger lt Pessoa gt Logger lt EditForm EditContext editContext OnSubmit HandleSubmit gt lt h gt Formulário de Pessoa lt h gt lt DataAnnotationsValidator gt lt ValidationSummary gt lt div class mb gt lt label class form label gt Nome lt label gt lt InputText class form control bind Value pessoa Nome gt lt div gt lt div class mb gt lt label class form label gt E mail lt label gt lt InputText class form control bind Value pessoa Email gt lt div gt lt div class mb gt lt label class form label gt Idade lt label gt lt InputNumber class form control bind Value pessoa Idade gt lt div gt lt button type submit class btn btn primary gt Submit lt button gt lt EditForm gt code private Pessoa pessoa new private EditContext editContext protected override void OnInitialized editContext new pessoa private async Task HandleSubmit if editContext null amp amp editContext Validate Logger LogInformation Formulário válido await Task CompletedTask else Logger LogInformation Formulário inválido Pontos a serem observados O componente EditForm no Blazor éessencial para a criação e manipulação de formulários Ele permite a vinculação bidirecional de dados facilita a validação de entrada e fornece uma maneira conveniente de lidar com a submissão de formulários O componente DataAnnotationsValidator éresponsável por validar as regras de validação definidas nas anotações de dados do modelo associado ao formulário Ele verifica automaticamente os campos do formulário e exibe mensagens de erro correspondentes O componente ValidationSummary exibe um resumo de todos os erros de validação do formulário em um local centralizado facilitando a visualização e a correção das informações inválidas A classe EditContext registra e rastreia os campos que estão sendo editados permitindo a detecção de alterações e atualizações adequadas nos dados do formulário Além disso ele gerencia e exibe mensagens de validação fornecendo feedback relevante ao usuário sobre erros ou problemas de validação O método editContext Validate éusado no Blazor para executar a validação de um formulário associado a um objeto EditContext Quando chamado o método Validate percorre todos os campos do formulário e aplica as regras de validação definidas nas anotações de dados do modelo associado O formulário foi desenvolvido utilizando como base o framework Bootstrap Criação do modeloNa pasta Data crie um arquivo Pessoa cs com o seguinte código using System ComponentModel DataAnnotations namespace FormValidation Data public class Pessoa Required ErrorMessage O campo éobrigatório StringLength ErrorMessage O campo émuito longo public string Nome get set Required ErrorMessage O campo éobrigatório public string Email get set Required ErrorMessage O campo éobrigatório Range ErrorMessage A idade tem que ser entre e public int Idade get set Pontos a serem observados Data Annotations éum recurso do NET que permite a aplicação de anotações ou atributos diretamente em classes e propriedades de modelo para definir metadados e comportamentos específicos No caso do nosso modelo essas anotações são usadas para fins de validação de dados onde podemos definir regras como campos obrigatórios Required comprimento máximo Range formato de dados entre outros ConclusãoNeste post exploramos como realizar a validação de formulários no Blazor Através do uso do componente EditForm podemos criar formulários interativos com vinculação bidirecional de dados e recursos de validação Com a ajuda das Data Annotations podemos definir regras de validação diretamente nas propriedades do modelo permitindo que o Blazor realize a validação automática dos campos do formulário Além disso os componentes DataAnnotationsValidator e ValidationSummary nos auxiliam na exibição de mensagens de erro claras e precisas garantindo uma experiência do usuário aprimorada Com essas técnicas e recursos estamos preparados para criar formulários robustos confiáveis e amigáveis ao usuário no Blazor |
2023-06-23 12:22:13 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Contribute to Open Source in the next 10 min - Step by Step [Beginner Edition] 🦾 |
Contribute to Open Source in the next min Step by Step Beginner Edition Hey friend Today marks your start in the Open Source World ️In the next min you will contribute to your first Open Source projects how crazyyy is that Now when contributing we want to fork gt clone gt edit gt push gt pull Now what does that mean in normal language Fork ️Make a copy of a project on your GitHub account Clone ️Download the project from GitHub to your computerEdit ️That s self explanatory here you will add your name to our contributors file Push ️Update and send the changes to your online GitHub repositoryPull ️Send your contribution to the original GitHub repositoryThat may sound a bit intimidating but don t worry I got you ️Also if you are wondering YES this is exactly how all the devs in the world contribute to software projects online So in this project you will have a great understanding of the mechanics behind GitHub so that you are ready for your future contributions Afterward you can visit quine sh which helps you discover open source projects to contribute to It matches projects based on your preferred topics and programming languages You can find the short playlist on how to get started here Now are you reeeeeady We got this ️🫶Requirement If not already done download Git here For the of us that prefer videos instead of text find the below video to assist you in contributing Fork the projectFirst head over here and click on ️star in the right corner to show some love 🫶 ️ and then click on the fork button Fork means you will create a copy of this repository in your own GitHub account Now that you have the copy on your own account let s download the entire project on your local computer Clone the repository️⃣You should now have landed on your forked repo page here you will see a lt gt button marked in green click on it ️⃣Click on the button looking like a double square highlighted in red below to copy the URL ️⃣Open your terminal ️⃣Use your terminal to move to a folder where you want to put the cloned project using more technical language this is called moving to a directory of your choice ️⃣Type git clone and then paste the URL copied earlier You normally should have written git clone ️⃣Press Enter Open the File and Make changesThe entire project is now on your computer ️⃣On your terminal make sure that you are in the project or directory by running cd Your First Contribution ️⃣Open the QuineContributors md file in a text editor or on your favourite IDE aka VS Code Atom PyCharm Sublime etc Here you add your name it can be a nickname if you want to ️⃣Copy the below code and adjust it accordingly lt td align center gt lt a href gt lt sub gt lt b gt YOUR NAME lt b gt lt sub gt lt br gt lt a gt lt td gt Note We limit profiles per row so if the current row already has the maximum amount create a new lt tr gt YOUR CODE SNIPPET HERE lt tr gt ️⃣When done save the file Upload your changes to your online GitHub repoOK we got some changes done now we need to upload them to your GitHub account In summary here we want to add all the changes onto gitadd a commit message which helps tell other devs what you have changed and push the changes to your online GitHub repository ️⃣So in your terminal run the following command git add ️⃣After that run git commit m description of what you changed added ️⃣Finally run git pushAt this point if this is your first time GitHub will ask you to authenticate yourself with your username and password ️⃣Write out your GitHub username first and press Enter ️⃣For your password ever since Aug it is a personal token you need to write and not your actual password Don t worry though let s get your token together by following the below On your GitHub account hover to the top right of the page and click on your profile imageNow click on profile setting Find and Click on developer settingClick on Personal Access Tokens Token Classic Click on Generate new token classic Give a name e g authentification token At this point you should be here ️ ️⃣Select the scopes you want for ease you can select all of them ️⃣Click on Generate token️⃣Your token will be displayed and you will be able to paste it into your terminal after which your push should have been successful Time to contribute Send your changes from your online repo to the original repoWe are so close to the end now All we need to do is now send over our changes to the original repository to make our contribution In GitHub language this is called pulling a request because you essentially pull your changes into the original repository that you forked ️⃣Go now to your GitHub repo page online ️⃣Click on the Contribute button ️⃣Click on Open pull request️⃣You will then title your pull request with your Name Surname and you can leave the comment section blank ️⃣Click Create pull request and that s it you have made your first contribution ️Congraaaaaaaats ️You may be thinking I thought I would be taken to the repository straight away but I m left with the status of the pull request YES this is because we now need to accept your pull request it is also called merging a pull request All in all contributions happen in this way where the maintainer s of the original repository aka the people that are in charge of the repo check your contributions and either end up accepting them or giving you feedback on what changes they need from you So sit back and relax as you have just done everything you needed ️ ️We know it is always super tough the first time and it s really cool you got to this point so proud of you ️If you are ready to start contributing to other projects we have compiled a list of projects with easy issues you can get started on Check out the list of projects on quine sh You can find the short playlist on how to get started with this tool here If you haven t yet you could join our discord server if you need any help or have any questions 🫶 Quine Follow Build rep with every merge Wear your stats in your GitHub README |
2023-06-23 12:10:01 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Exploring visionOS for Apple Vision Pro, iOS 17 Beta 2, and Apple Tech for Travel |
Exploring visionOS for Apple Vision Pro iOS Beta and Apple Tech for TravelExploring iOS s second beta release and the first SDK for visionOS plus finding the right accessories when traveling the globe all on the AppleInsider podcast Apple Vision ProThis week Apple released the software development kit for its Apple Vision Pro headset It s meant to give developers the tools they need ーbut it also gave everyone a glimpse of just what Vision Pro can do Read more |
2023-06-23 12:43:55 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Vision Pro will turn any surface into a display with touch control |
Vision Pro will turn any surface into a display with touch controlDevelopers using Apple Vision Pro have learned they will be able to create controls and displays and have them appear to be on any surface in the user s room Vision Pro can make any surface appear to be a control or an app displayApple has been working on Vision Pro for a long time and along the way it has applied for countless patents that were to do with it ーeven if it wasn t always obvious what the company s plans were Now one intriguing patent application from has been revealed to be a part of Vision Pro that will help developers Read more |
2023-06-23 12:40:08 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Engadget Podcast: Reviewing the Moto Razr+ and Pixel Tablet |
Engadget Podcast Reviewing the Moto Razr and Pixel TabletThis episode Cherlynn is joined by senior reporter Jess Conditt and special guest Michael Fisher to talk about the week of reviews From the Moto Razr to the Pixel Tablet we look at how these devices fit into our lives and make them better or worse Then we go over the highlights from Summer Games Fest and dig into that Titanic situation Listen below or subscribe on your podcast app of choice If you ve got suggestions or topics you d like covered on the show be sure to email us or drop a note in the comments And be sure to check out our other podcasts the Morning After and Engadget News Subscribe iTunesSpotifyPocket CastsStitcherGoogle PodcastsTopicsMoto Razr review a foldable with an external display you ll actually want to use Pixel Tablet review Google made a great smart display and a passable tablet The doomed OceanGate submarine was piloted with a Logitech game controller Amazon is shutting down Halo health services at the end of July Jess Conditt s takeaways from Summer Game Fest Working on Pop culture picks LivestreamCreditsHosts Cherlynn Low and Jessica Conditt Guest Michael FisherProducer Ben EllmanMusic Dale North and Terrence O BrienLivestream producers Julio BarrientosGraphic artists Luke Brooks and Brian OhThis article originally appeared on Engadget at |
2023-06-23 12:30:49 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Solo Stove fire pits and accessories are up to 50 percent off for July 4th |
Solo Stove fire pits and accessories are up to percent off for July thThe July th weekend is a time to stand around outside eating and watching distant fireworks from a backyard A fire pit is a mighty fine accessory for these festivities and industry leader Solo Stove just announced a major sale on its line of products to celebrate Independence Day The sale covers the popular Bonfire the extra large Yukon the portable Ranger and a whole bunch of bundles and standalone accessories This is the best sale to date for Solo Stove fire pits beating a previous percent off discount back in May to celebrate that other big summer holiday The sale extends to sets which typically include a fire pit a stand a cover or shield a handle a lid and various tools for roasting and grilling over an open flame You ll find the steepest discounts on the Bonfire Backyard Bundle and the Bonfire Ultimate Bundle both of which are just about half off Solo Stove products are consistently well reviewed so if you want to stand around an open flame this summer this might be your best bet Follow EngadgetDeals on Twitter and subscribe to the Engadget Deals newsletter for the latest tech deals and buying advice This article originally appeared on Engadget at |
2023-06-23 12:30:18 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
NFC tech could get faster and go fully contactless within the next five years |
NFC tech could get faster and go fully contactless within the next five yearsYou may be able to pay for purchases and get into train stations without having to physically touch your phone to an NFC terminal in the future The NFC Forum which defines the standards for NFC has revealed a roadmap for key research and plans for near field communication through Apparently one of the main priorities for the future of the technology is to increase its range At the moment NFC only works if two enabled devices are within millimeters from each other but the group says it s currently examining ranges that are quot four to six times the current operating distance quot That s millimeters or inches at most but it could enable faster transactions and fewer failed ones overall seeing as a longer range also means there s a lower precision requirement for antenna alignment In addition the forum is looking to improve the current NFC wireless charging specification of watt to watts The capability will bring wireless charging to quot new and smaller form factors quot the forum said but didn t give examples of what those form factors could look like nbsp Another potential future NFC capability will support several actions with a single tap Based on the sample use cases the forum listed ーpoint to point receipt delivery loyalty identification and total journey ticketing ーwe could be looking at the possibility of being able to validate transit tickets or venue tickets for the whole family with just one tap or a single device NFC enabled smartphones could have the power to serve as point of sale devices in the future as well Apple s Tap to Pay feature already lets iPhone owners use their phones as payment terminals But a standardized capability would allow more people especially in developing countries where Android is more prevalent to use their devices to offer payments for their small businesses and shops nbsp These plans are in varying stages of development right now with some further along than others The forum doesn t have a clear timeline for their debut yet but it said that the timeframe for its plans spans two to five years This article originally appeared on Engadget at |
2023-06-23 12:05:19 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
The New War on Bad Air |
The New War on Bad AirA century ago a well ventilated building was considered good medicine But by the time Covid arrived our buildings could barely breathe How did that happen And how do we let the fresh air back in |
2023-06-23 12:52:11 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
インフル患者4週連続減、学級閉鎖なども減少傾向-厚労省が第24週の発生状況を公表 |
減少傾向 |
2023-06-23 21:05:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
France’s Victor Wembanyama could be coming to Japan for World Cup warmup game |
France s Victor Wembanyama could be coming to Japan for World Cup warmup gameTokyo Olympics men s basketball silver medalist France and bronze medalist Australia will play an exhibition game in Tokyo on Aug the Japan Basketball Association |
2023-06-23 21:28:45 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Mortgages: Banks offer more flexibility to struggling borrowers |
mortgage |
2023-06-23 12:02:52 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Paris Mayo guilty of murdering son hours after birth |
family |
2023-06-23 12:12:42 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Sunny weather sees people splash out on new clothes |
figures |
2023-06-23 12:05:57 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Rehan Ahmed: Leg-spinner called up by England for second Ashes Test |
Rehan Ahmed Leg spinner called up by England for second Ashes TestLeicestershire leg spinner Rehan Ahmed has been added to the England men s squad for the second Ashes Test as cover for Moeen Ali who is struggling with a finger injury |
2023-06-23 12:38:42 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Manchester City midfielder Bernardo Silva a target for Al Hilal |
hilal |
2023-06-23 12:14:49 |