ロボスタ |
完全無料/ブラウザで使える「AIOne」が画像生成AI「Stable Diffusion」無料提供の期間延長 GPT-4、ChatGPT、Bardも利用可 |
2023-07-24 05:19:08 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] PayPayが「オフライン決済」を提供する3つの狙い 実際に試して分かった仕組み |
itmediamobilepaypay |
2023-07-24 14:44:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] Twitterの新ロゴ決定か? イーロン・マスク氏、プロフ画像を「X」に変更 |
itmedianewstwitter |
2023-07-24 14:36:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia エンタープライズ] アクセンチュアの提言から考察する 「どうすれば生成AIをうまく使いこなせるか」 |
itmedia |
2023-07-24 14:30:00 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
兵庫県、生成系AIを試験利用し県行政での活用方法を検討、ガイドラインを作成へ | IT Leaders |
aipoweredbygpt |
2023-07-24 14:38:00 |
AWS Japan Blog |
AWSの「政府情報システムのためのセキュリティ評価制度(ISMAP)」登録が更新されました。 |
AWSの「政府情報システムのためのセキュリティ評価制度ISMAP」登録が更新されました。 |
2023-07-24 05:13:47 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Matplotlibで複数グラフのcolorbarを共有する |
npimportmatplotlibpyplot |
2023-07-24 14:44:49 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Pandas-profilingユーザに朗報 |
pandaspro |
2023-07-24 14:07:04 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
yarn.lock |
javascript |
2023-07-24 14:17:19 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Go言語によるログファイル出力 |
記載 |
2023-07-24 14:41:41 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Go言語のエラーハンドリングについて |
fileerrosopen |
2023-07-24 14:20:26 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Azure Fundamentals系の資格を全て取得した感想 |
azdpai |
2023-07-24 14:44:41 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
I Attended the Session「Why IT engineers should do Muscle Training A Powerful Insight from DevelopersIO 2023 with a Dash of Google Cloud Comparison」 |
I Attended the Session「Why IT engineers should do Muscle Training A Powerful Insight from DevelopersIO with a Dash of Google Cloud Comparison」Hello again Hemanth of alliance department this time i will be writing about the session Why IT engineers sho |
2023-07-24 05:20:03 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How I Learned To Code In 6 Months & Got a Job Offer (self-taught) |
How I Learned To Code In Months amp Got a Job Offer self taught I quit my job in April self taught programming web development amp landed a Remote Full Stack job in November based in Vancouver Canada all without spending a dime Figured someone might find a factual time history of my experience useful Net amount of LeetCode time was hours My Acceptance EmailTable of Contents Learning Progression Tech Timeline ResourcesGreatest Challenges amp How I Overcame ThemMajor Takeaways Key Learnings If I were to start over DisclaimerThe timeline is an un opinionated fact for fact rundown of my experience the remainder is obviously just my opinion based on my experiences Learning Progression Tech Timeline ResourcesFor this section i ll walk through my experience and summarize each step and add my personal timeline for that learning progression I had no prior programming experience so we re starting fresh To begin I had a conversation with three of my friends who were Software Engineers asking for any resources they had to learn programming One friend recommended I learn JavaScript from FreeCodeCamp org completing their JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures course Learn JavaScript ーFreeCodeCamp s JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures course weeks hours per day This course was highly interactive and I stepped through the learning hurdles in JavaScript really smoothly They provide an excellent topic description and then give you a challenge to complete each concept inside of their own Integrated Development Environment IDE The challenges were all at an appropriate difficulty level and if I could not solve a challenge their answers were very explicit and easy to understand This certificate says it takes hours but I found this to be a fairly conservative estimate Step was to complete their Responsive Web Design certificate At this point I had come to note that HTML CSS amp JavaScript was the essential trio to get liftoff so this HTML amp CSS certificate was the natural progression Learn HTML amp CSS ーFreeCodeCamp s Responsive Web Design Certificate weeks hours daily Step Upon completing the Responsive Web Design certificate I started applying for jobs not sure where that audacity came from but I quickly learned that this level of accreditation was insufficient Every job posting wanted me to link my portfolio website which I didn t have and honestly I still didn t know how to develop or deploy a website at this point I had just been using FreeCodeCamp s IDE So I completed Kevin Powell s Web Portfolio YouTube tutorial hrs I also downloaded Visual Studio to code it This tutorial finished off with purchasing a domain and hosting the project so it was live a great experience Finishing this portfolio project launching my first HTML amp CSS static website hrs And now I had a portfolio but I had no projects inside said portfolio so this nicely introduces step Step For step I looked at job postings for the jobs I wanted to see what skills I didn t have This information would guide the direction of my projects which is critical because they are the only real credibility you have to your name Nearly every posting requested React so I learned React Native from Academinds React Native YouTube tutorial hrs Finish Academind s React Native Youtube tutorial hrs Following this tutorial I had all the essential skills to develop my own basic CRUD mobile app a Todo app I stylized it myself so it looked atrocious but I ultimately deployed it to the app store and added it to my portfolio Code my React Native app with basic CRUD functionality read write to device localstorage weeks Step Waste a whole lot of time on random little youtube tutorials that I didn t understand this step is not mandatory to follow but I was directionless Step After a period of aimless meandering I finally found some direction and inspiration for my second project I would occasionally put out job applications get no response so I knew I needed something more I settled on building an E commerce store with Stripe amp React following another youtube tutorial at approximately hrs in length can t find the link for my life After completing the tutorial I rebranded the site added my products and made zero sales nice Still another project to the portfolio all hosted live and everything Code a functional E commerce store in React Stripe Commerce js weeks Step Still no job response ーlame Time to start diversifying my applications away from Frontend alone branching outwards to include Backend and Full Stack This was achieved by learning Node js Express js MongoDB This took me a while and in retrospect I would break down this step into two parts if I did it again Part would be learning a bit about networking and HTTP requests etc and then part would be learning Node js Express js and running a server Learn a bit about Node js Express js amp servers weeks Nothing came out of this stage except I had a bunch of random GitHub repos that didn t do me much good Step Step was my first Full Stack project and also my lucky number project This one took me ages and it used React Firebase Auth Firestore DB tech stack Deployed on Netlify Firebase is a Paas service which basically means that handles all the backend stuff for you and makes it super easy for you to develop full stack applications without the hassle of deploying a Node js MongoDB backend with JWT auth and then having everyone hack it to pieces as soon as it s live It was super convenient and I found it a great compromise for getting a handle on Full Stack Development First Full Stack CRUD project with React Firebase auth db To get started on Full Stack development with Firebase I watched a tutorial demonstrating how to implement Firebase Auth in a React project and covered protected routes From there it was super easy to bring in the Firestore database just by reading their documentation and having all the CRUD functionality hidden behind an authentication wall where each CRUD function was associated with a user ID that is created when you use Firebase Auth Step Applying for jobs per day I had three projects and I felt I had a good array of technology demonstrated across the projects in my portfolio Adding some Full Stack DB Auth stuff helped boost my response numbers I also learned Python because every job seemed to be looking for it This took me half of a hr Data Science YouTube tutorial Super easy to translate from JavaScript to Python in my experience Apply for jobs months learn Python hrs Total experience around months averaging hrs per day days per week Greatest Challenges amp How I Overcame ThemThe two challenges I found that were a real pain were Imposter Syndrome and Tutorial Hell Imposter Syndrome was a real pain because I had no support or network for reassurance And every job I applied for had around applicants what a pain really demotivating and demoralizing For me the solution was to realize two key things The first was that it s not really a continuous spectrum of developers It s a pragmatic world and we re not all ranked more analogous to a discrete system of Can code a Full Stack app and Can t code a Full Stack app You can or can t it doesn t matter if people are way better than you as long as you can both code a Full Stack app The second thing to realize was that I needed to shift my focus less on how good people were at developing and more on how good I was as a learner People can be better developers than me but what matters more for junior SWE roles is that you re a good learner You know how to research you can give it a shot and you are receptive to feedback Helped me not care about how good everyone else was with their snarky SWE qualifications Tutorial Hell was also a mofo but the solution is actually chill I found that I just had to start off making super minor changes to the tutorials I followed Starts off just being a font size text color or background picture and then it just snowballs out of control until you have a new application Adapting some of the logic stuff is good too you really understand how it all works which means it s way easier to reproduce Major Takeaways Key Learnings If I were to start over Fastest Way to Learn Coding in my experience This tip is outside of learning basic HTML CSS amp JavaScript and is more about general programming thereafter ーthe fastest way to learn HTML CSS amp JavaScript is FreeCodeCamp For everything else the system I use is as follows Find a good tutorial or article that describes a new concept Code out said tutorial for myself Critical Leave loads of comments with explanations on functionalities all throughout my code guarantees you understand everything and further solidifies memories Save code to GitHub Adapt the project keep the same code skeleton but repurpose the project into my project this might be a new color scheme layout or functionality An example would be to follow a tutorial for a CRUD app with Auth DB I would keep Auth DB system rework the layout and app function and update the CRUD system accordingly Save new projects to GitHub Whenever I start a new project that I know will use a similar infrastructure first projects like I ll revisit the GitHub repo with all the amazing comments I left myself After that I can generally remember if it s something I do often which is convenient as I naturally end up remembering only the relevant stuff ResumeCover LetterGitHubBest to get one ASAP Employers and hiring people apparently go mental over the activity log The sooner you can start committing code to your GitHub and getting your activity up the better cause it is the way to show the duration and intensity of your experience You get one months late and you miss out on bragging about months of dev time I d recommend committing a minimum of thing per day so the whole thing is green patches even if it s just adding a meaningless comment to a repo and pushing that commit Applying for Jobs NetworkingBasically just need a simple amp clean portfolio with some contact details about you section and projects Each project should have a link to the live page and the GitHub repo GitHub repos should be tidy ideally each project would have a nice Readme md file that details the project The projects should be pinned to the top of your GitHub Your LinkedIn page should also be clean but doesn t need OTT Just shows your previous experience and how it relates to the job you want generally most roles demonstrate problem solving communication and leadership Critical For each job you put out find someone senior in that company s tech department or the hiring manager person themselves Connect with them on LinkedIn and append the following note Hi name I hope this message finds you well I just noticed your job posting for a insert job posting title and as a seasoned insert your relevant role experience I feel I would be a great fit for the role I d love to connect and chat about the opportunity Cheers your name Literally gets you free interviews it also got me an earlier offer ーI didn t go forwards with it Communication Soft SkillsThis ultimately landed me my job I was initially rejected cause the role was full I applied late and a week later the hiring dude came back to me and said he liked my communication skills and said they wanted to make something work What good communication meant for me was for every meeting send a follow up email saying Thanks for your time Very grateful for the opportunity to meet you and your team and hear about what you re doing Take care all these kind of things Even when I was rejected I followed up by saying Thanks a lot I learned heaps and am very appreciative for the experience and your time or something along those lines I actually think it was my response to rejection that was the key one but just generally if you can demonstrate gratitude and the desire to learn and improve you ll be right Thanks for reading If you find this post exciting find more exciting posts on Learnhub Blog we write everything tech from Cloud computing to Frontend Dev Cybersecurity AI and Blockchain This article was written by James McArthur |
2023-07-24 05:41:26 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
かかりつけ医を巡る議論とは何だったのか-決着内容の意義や有効性を問うとともに、論争の経緯や今後の論点を考える |
かかりつけ医を巡る議論とは何だったのかー決着内容の意義や有効性を問うとともに、論争の経緯や今後の論点を考える目次ーはじめにかかりつけ医を巡る議論とは何だったのかーつに整理できる今回の制度改正の概要ー今回の決着の内容かかりつけ医機能の定義の法定化かかりつけ医とは何かコロナ対応で注目されたかかりつけ医の曖昧さオンライン診療でも論点に部会意見で示された方向性ー今回の決着の内容医療機能情報提供制度の刷新医療機能情報提供制度とは何か部会意見で示されている「刷新」の方向性ー今回の決着の内容「かかりつけ医機能報告制度」の創設かかりつけ医機能報告制度のイメージ都道府県と厚生労働省の役割ー今回の決着の内容書面交付の仕組みの創設ー今回の決着の評価外来医療に制度的な担保が入った意味合い曖昧だったかかりつけ医の位置付け遅きに失した制度的な関与ー今回の決着の評価医療機能が可視化される意味合いー今回の決着の課題それでも残るかかりつけ医の曖昧さー今回の決着の課題医療機能情報提供制度は機能するのかー今回の決着の課題かかりつけ医機能報告制度は機能するのか実効性の課題地域医療連携推進法人は都市部で通用するのかー今回の決着の課題書面交付制度は機能するのかかかりつけ薬剤師・薬局制度は先例になる書面の関係は対なのか、それとも複数なのかーかかりつけ医を巡る論議の経緯財政審、諮問会議の動向年末に決まった「新経済・財政再生計画改革工程表」の記述年度診療報酬改定骨太方針に向けた政府・与党の動向骨太方針は「玉虫色」に日医の主張健保連の提案全世代会議、社会保障審議会などの議論決着した内容の総括ー制度化賛成派の主張外来医療費の抑制医療機関の機能分化の下支えに全人的かつ継続的なケアが可能に新興感染症など有事対応も可能にー制度化反対派の主張受療の選択肢が狭くなる危険性診療報酬の変更に対する抵抗感医療の国家統制に対する嫌悪感ー「神学論争」にも似た意見対立ー「神学論争」を超えるための視座患者ー医師の信頼関係をベースに制度を作る必要性自然に信頼関係は生まれるのか選択肢が多いことが満足度に繋がるのか信頼に足る能力を持つ医師を探せるのかー今後の制度改正に向けた選択肢患者ー医師の関係性に関する制度設計医療における「代理人」を明確にする必要性英仏両国との対比中小病院も含む必要性診療報酬改定による誘導DX化、PHRの拡大ー今後の制度改正に向けた選択肢エージェンジー問題を解消するための工夫ー今後の制度改正に向けた選択肢信頼できる医師を増やすのための工夫ーおわりに※本稿は年月日、月日発行「基礎研レポート」を加筆・修正したものである。 |
2023-07-24 14:03:32 |
海外ニュース |
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Safety in focus as summer events see return of crowds and foreign touristsNearly million people visited Japan in the first half of the year about of the pre pandemic level in according to the Japan |
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Single malt Welsh whisky given post-Brexit PGI status |
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2023-07-24 05:14:42 |
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2023-07-24 05:14:41 |
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BBC News - Home |
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2023-07-24 05:36:58 |
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BBC News - Home |
The Open 2023: Best shots featuring Rory McIlroy, Brian Harman & Scottie Scheffler |
The Open Best shots featuring Rory McIlroy Brian Harman amp Scottie SchefflerWatch the best shots from the Open Championship at Hoylake starring Rory McIlroy Scottie Scheffler and champion Brian Harman |
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IT |
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子どもとの外出時に使える豪華賞品を用意! しまうまプリント「キッズカメラマン写真コンテスト」 |
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JPYC、第三者型前払式支払手段の加盟店の事前募集を開始 |
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