IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] 「スマホ熱中症」に要注意 スマホが熱くなる原因と“やってはいけないこと” |
itmediamobile |
2023-07-31 08:46:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia エグゼクティブ] 東京きらぼしフィナンシャルグループ 渡辺寿信社長 新興企業支援で地域活性化 |
itmedia |
2023-07-31 08:22:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] JR西の「スキマモリ」 怖いけど気になる |
itmedia |
2023-07-31 08:21:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Stable Diffusionの最新モデル「SDXL 1.0」と過去モデルの生成画像をひたすら比較して進化を実感してみた |
stablediffusion |
2023-07-31 08:56:05 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Forum Import rev MySQL |
Forum Import rev MySQLCertifique se de que vocêtenha configurado um ambiente de desenvolvimento Java com o Maven ou Gradle para gerenciamento de dependências Aqui estáum passo a passo para implementar esse sistema Passo Configuração do ProjetoCrie um novo projeto Spring Boot e adicione as seguintes dependências no arquivo pom xml se estiver usando o Maven lt dependencies gt lt Spring Boot Starter Web gt lt dependency gt lt groupId gt org springframework boot lt groupId gt lt artifactId gt spring boot starter web lt artifactId gt lt dependency gt lt Spring Boot Starter Data JPA gt lt dependency gt lt groupId gt org springframework boot lt groupId gt lt artifactId gt spring boot starter data jpa lt artifactId gt lt dependency gt lt Spring Boot Starter Security gt lt dependency gt lt groupId gt org springframework boot lt groupId gt lt artifactId gt spring boot starter security lt artifactId gt lt dependency gt lt MySQL Connector gt lt dependency gt lt groupId gt mysql lt groupId gt lt artifactId gt mysql connector java lt artifactId gt lt dependency gt lt dependencies gt Passo Configuração do Banco de DadosConfigure as propriedades de conexão com o banco de dados MySQL no arquivo application properties spring datasource url jdbc mysql localhost db namespring datasource username db usernamespring datasource password db passwordSubstitua db name db username e db password pelos valores apropriados do seu ambiente Passo Criar a Entidade do UsuárioCrie uma entidade JPA que representaráo usuário no banco de dados Entitypublic class Usuario Id GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType IDENTITY private Long id private String login private String senha private String token Construtores getters e setters Passo Criar o Repositório do UsuárioCrie um repositório JPA para realizar operações no banco de dados relacionadas ao usuário Repositorypublic interface UsuarioRepository extends JpaRepository lt Usuario Long gt Usuario findByLogin String login Passo Criar o Serviço de AutenticaçãoCrie um serviço que seráresponsável por lidar com a autenticação e geração de tokens Servicepublic class AuthenticationService Autowired private UsuarioRepository usuarioRepository public String generateToken String login Implemente aqui a lógica para gerar o token pode ser aleatório ou baseado no login por exemplo return UUID randomUUID toString public boolean authenticate String login String senha Usuario usuario usuarioRepository findByLogin login if usuario null amp amp usuario getSenha equals senha String token generateToken login usuario setToken token usuarioRepository save usuario return true return false public boolean checkToken String token Usuario usuario usuarioRepository findByToken token return usuario null Passo Configurar o Spring SecurityCrie uma classe de configuração do Spring Security para definir as regras de autenticação e autorização Configuration EnableWebSecuritypublic class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter Autowired private AuthenticationService authenticationService Override protected void configure HttpSecurity http throws Exception http csrf disable authorizeRequests antMatchers login permitAll anyRequest authenticated and formLogin loginPage login Override protected void configure AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth throws Exception auth authenticationProvider new CustomAuthenticationProvider authenticationService Passo Implementar o CustomAuthenticationProviderCrie um provedor de autenticação personalizado para verificar as credenciais do usuário e definir a autenticação public class CustomAuthenticationProvider implements AuthenticationProvider private final AuthenticationService authenticationService public CustomAuthenticationProvider AuthenticationService authenticationService this authenticationService authenticationService Override public Authentication authenticate Authentication authentication throws AuthenticationException String login authentication getName String senha authentication getCredentials toString if authenticationService authenticate login senha return new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken login senha new ArrayList lt gt throw new BadCredentialsException Credenciais inválidas Override public boolean supports Class lt gt authentication return UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken class isAssignableFrom authentication Passo Implementar as Páginas de Login e Acesso RestritoCrie páginas para a autenticação do usuário e páginas de acesso restrito Por exemplo crie um controlador para exibir a página de login e a página após o login com token Controllerpublic class AuthController GetMapping login public String loginPage return login GetMapping home public String homePage return home Lembre se de criar as respectivas páginas HTML para login e home Passo Implementar as Rotas ProtegidasPara proteger as páginas de acesso restrito vocêpode configurar o Spring Security para exigir autenticação para determinadas rotas Vocêpode fazer isso no método configure HttpSecurity http da classe SecurityConfig Por exemplo Overrideprotected void configure HttpSecurity http throws Exception http csrf disable authorizeRequests antMatchers login permitAll antMatchers home authenticated anyRequest authenticated and formLogin loginPage login Dessa forma somente os usuários autenticados com token válido poderão acessar a rota home e outras rotas não configuradas explicitamente Passo Implementar o Controller para o LoginCrie um controlador para processar a requisição de login e realizar a autenticação Controllerpublic class AuthController Autowired private AuthenticationService authenticationService PostMapping login public String login RequestParam String login RequestParam String senha if authenticationService authenticate login senha return redirect home else return login |
2023-07-30 23:16:38 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
6 Proven Strategies For Being A Great Platform Engineer |
Proven Strategies For Being A Great Platform Engineer“The future is still so much bigger than the past Tim Berners Lee Inventor of the World Wide WebFor platform engineers the future is bright Commonly thought of as the next stage beyond devops platform engineers are one of the most in demand and well regarded positions in tech While there is a huge upside to being on the cutting edge of an industry there is one major potential drawback A lack of tried and true wisdom you can apply to the role With the platform engineering playbook still being written every day I wanted to chip in with the best insights on being a successful leader and platform engineer I ve heard from the best minds in our industry The Wisdom Success is when engineers don t notice your workThe expert Kathryn Koehler Director Developer Productivity Engineering NetflixThere s no better measure of success for platform engineers than to have the developers they support free from being blocked stuck or disrupted This is especially true when you re building a fast moving engineering juggernaut at Netflix like Kathryn Koehler According to Kathryn when your work goes unnoticed it signifies a seamless smooth development experience This allows developers to concentrate on building applications and features accelerating the development cycle and delivering high quality software Ultimately the goal of platform engineers is to create a stable and reliable platform that operates silently enabling developers to excel in their work without unnecessary disruptions The Wisdom Eliminate the most common sources of toil like testingThe expert Kaspar von Grünberg Humanitec s founder and CEOEliminating the most common sources of toil such as testing is crucial for platform engineers This wisdom comes from one of the top leaders in platform engineering Humanitec s founder and CEO Kaspar von Grünberg Kasper rightly points out that by automating and streamlining testing processes engineers free up valuable time and resources to focus on more impactful tasks Removing manual repetitive testing work not only increases productivity but also reduces the risk of human error while making developers happier they don t have to wase their time In the end it allows engineers to allocate their expertise and creativity towards innovation problem solving and improving the overall efficiency of the platform The Wisdom Focus on making your team complete with diverse skill setsThe expert Charity Majors CTO of Honeycomb ioCharity Majors charisma is just one reason she s a great leader The other She knows how to build complete diverse and complementary teams Firstly diverse skill sets bring a variety of perspectives experiences and expertise to the table enhancing problem solving and innovation capabilities Different backgrounds and skill sets enable the team to approach challenges from multiple angles leading to more comprehensive solutions Additionally diverse teams foster a culture of learning collaboration and mutual growth as team members can learn from each other s unique skills and knowledge A diverse team also ensures resilience as it can adapt to changing requirements and tackle a wide range of tasks efficiently The Wisdom Keep the whole engineering org regularly updated on what the platform team is thinking aboutThe expert Ambassador Labs Katie WildeKeeping the entire engineering organization regularly updated on the platform team s thoughts is essential it fosters transparency alignment and collaboration across teams ensuring that everyone is on the same page regarding platform developments and strategies It can be as simple as what Katie Wilde suggests Making a blog or short video about what she s thinking about She sends it off to her team and those small updates let the entire org know what a crucial member of their department is thinking about These regular updates promote a shared understanding of the platform s direction goals and challenges encouraging input and feedback from different perspectives It enables other engineering teams to anticipate changes plan their work accordingly and leverage the platform effectively The Wisdom Automate pull requests amp code reviewsThe experts Dan Lines and Ori Keren Co founders of LinearBThere s probably no easier win for platform engineers than helping fix the No undiagnosed problem in software development Massive bottlenecks in pull requests and code reviews In helping engineering orgs get visibility into developer workflows with LinearB Dan Lines and Ori Keren discovered that the majority of cycle time was being spent in pull request and code review They found that The average cycle time for a piece of work was daysHalf of all PRs were idle for of their lifespanCycle time doubled when pull requests went from lines of code to lines of codeThe solution for this came in the form of gitStream a tool that solved a host of issues keeping pull requests from being effectively picked up including auto assigning the best reviewer adding estimated time to review limiting PR size segmenting PRs based on risk and more The Wisdom Have regular meetings with devs on what their problems areThe expert Kelly Vaughn Director of Engineering Spot AIKelly Vaughn s unique background makes her wisdom even more relevant As a trained therapist turned engineer Kelly has a simple but impactful way to become the platform engineer your company needs Find out the problems you should be solving based on unearthing the problems devs are actually having These conversations provide an opportunity for platform engineers to understand the specific pain points faced by developers and gain insights into their needs and challenges By actively listening to developers platform engineers can identify areas where the platform can be improved optimized or customized to better support development workflows This direct feedback loop fosters a collaborative environment where solutions can be brainstormed prioritized and implemented efficiently By addressing developers problems proactively platform engineers can enhance developer productivity streamline processes and create a platform that truly meets the needs of the entire engineering team Proven strategies for being a great platform engineerWhen an industry changes as fast as ours advice can be obsolete by the time it gets written down That s why it s important to tap into the real time wisdom of people whose opinions you respect and careers you admire If you enjoyed these takeaways and would like to hear more interviews with platform engineers founders and tech leaders consider subscribing to the Dev Interrupted podcast New episodes drop each week wherever you listen to podcasts |
2023-07-30 23:16:29 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Control rc car using raspberry pi (Part 2 : The web server) |
Control rc car using raspberry pi Part The web server Building the web serverIn this part we will start building the web server that will run on raspberry pi and will receive commands to control the rc car The framework usedWe will use Bottle a lightweight web framework for python This is the first time I use python to build a web server and it was a very positif experience With Bottle py all you need is Create a file I named it server py Create a route And run the server The minimal code needed to run a server is from bottle import route run route def index return Hello world run host localhost port To let other devices on the same network connect to the server we will change the last line to run host port Thats it the server is running and can be accessed from other devices in the same network Create the routesThe routes could be implemented differently but for simplicity we will use six routes Tree routes to control the front wheels right left and center Tree routes to control the rear wheels forward lt speed gt backward lt speed gt and stop We use in the tow first routes a wildcard lt speed gt to make the routes dynamic and change the speed of the car The speed is an int that can change from to I will explain how to use it in the next parts The code of the server py is from bottle import post route run route def index return RC Car Server route right def right return Car turning right route left def left return Car turning left route center def center return Car turning center route forward lt speed gt def forward speed return Car running froward at speed speed route backward lt speed gt def backward speed return Car running backward at speed speed route stop def stop return Car stopped the speed is run host port Thats it for the server we will improve it in next parts |
2023-07-30 23:11:53 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Setup a Local Database |
Setup a Local DatabaseThere are plenty of ways to setup a database for local development You can use Docker containers install locally using Homebrew or other tools and various other GUI tools My option of choice is DBngin It is a simple tool which lets you add databases quickly for whatever you need including MySQL Postgres and even Redis I am going to create a MySQL database and it is just that simple Now just start the new database and DBngin will take care of the rest DBngin also happens to be made by the company behind my favorite database GUI tool TablePlus If you use TablePlus you can click on the arrow next to the Start Stop button and open the database right in TablePlus From there it is easy to create databases tables and setup users A future post can go into more MySQL or TablePlus usage but if you want to dive in deeper to MySQL I cannot recommend the MySQL for Developers course on Planetscale by Aaron Francis enough It is a fantastic resource and even if you have been using MySQL for awhile I am sure there will still be something to learn I know this was a simple post but hopefully others getting started in there careers can find it helpful |
2023-07-30 23:11:25 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
What analysts expect from Apples Q3 2023 earnings report |
What analysts expect from Apples Q earnings reportApple s third fiscal quarter results will be issued on August accompanied by the usual call with analysts Here s what to expect from the results and what Wall Street thinks of the iPhone maker Apple confirmed its quarterly results will be released on August back on July As is typical for the event it will be followed by a call hosted by CEO Tim Cook and CFO Luca Maestri with the results released at around PM ET and the call itself starting from PM ET Some Apple guidance Read more |
2023-07-30 23:02:53 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
サイト改修が奏功、ユーザーが月40万人超に-【病院広報アワード】今後はSNSを積極活用 |
医療法人社団 |
2023-07-31 09:00:00 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
貸出約定平均金利(6月) |
貸出 |
2023-07-31 08:50:00 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
金融政策決定会合議事録等(2013年1月~6月開催分) |
金融政策決定会合 |
2023-07-31 08:50:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
China using families as 'hostages' to quash dissent abroad |
communities |
2023-07-30 23:05:27 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Etsy accused of 'destroying' sellers by withholding money |
takings |
2023-07-30 23:07:09 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Felix Klieser: The problem-solving French horn player of the BBC Proms |
felix |
2023-07-30 23:00:49 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Schizophrenic killer Adam Merritt's sister reveals she has forgiven him |
merritt |
2023-07-30 23:01:15 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Sudan conflict: Women tell BBC horror stories of rape |
conflict |
2023-07-30 23:01:59 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
The return of cargo-carrying sail ships |
shipsas |
2023-07-30 23:10:43 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Latest rail strike hits - will there be more? |
overtime |
2023-07-30 23:28:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
アップル「Vision Pro」、技術と市場をつなぐ“したたか戦略”をフレームワークで解説 - 事例で身に付く 超・経営思考 |
アップル「VisionPro」、技術と市場をつなぐ“したたか戦略をフレームワークで解説事例で身に付く超・経営思考ドル約万円という価格で注目を集めたApple初のゴーグル型端末「VisionPro」。 |
2023-07-31 09:00:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【どうする家康】史実無視でデタラメな本能寺の変、清洲会議で秀吉・勝家対立の“意外な理由” - ニュース3面鏡 |
史実無視 |
2023-07-31 08:30:00 |